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Thiết kế bài dạy Tiếng Anh 11 - Tuần 8

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Thanh Loc high school. School year: 2014-2015 Date of preparing: september 25th, 2014 Date of teaching: October 8th, 2014. Week: 8 Period: 22. Name of examination: The first test of English 11 Time alloted: 45 munites Part/ Section/ Q. no.. No. of items: 4 Mark allocated: 2 Reading comprehension Q. 1 Q. 2. √  √ . Language subskills. Question Types. Hi App. No. of items: 12 Mark allocated: 3 Grammar Q. 1 Q. 2 Q. 3 Q. 4. Lo wA. No. of items: 2 Mark allocated: 1 Language Q. 1 Q. 2 Q. 3 Q. 4 Q. 5 Q. 6 Q. 7 Q. 8 Q. 9 Q. 10 Q. 11 Q. 12. pp Co m. Kno. Pronunciation Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4. Text types/ Materials/ Situations. Q. levels. - consonals: h - consonals: ed - consonals:h -vowel sounds : i. -pick out. 4 1 .   .   .  . .  6 1, 5. 2 1. Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. How….affect? Ask+O+toV Stop+Ving When When When Snecky How+…affect? S…….by….. Dscided Idols preposition. - past ferfect - simple past Gerund infinitive. Risr Learn. With the topic “ A birthday part y. - Identifying details - Understanding details. MCQ (4 options). 6 1.5.  . . Question Infinitive Gerund Simple past Past progessive Past ferfect Vocabulary Question Gerun(passive) Infinitive Vocabulary Gerund. .  . Gap filling. 2 1. 1. Lop11.com. Answer the questions English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Thanh Loc high school. . Q. 3 Q. 4 No. of items: 4 Mark allocated: 2 Writing Q. 1. School year: 2014-2015. 2 1.  2 1 -Describ a person . No. of items: 3 Mark allocated: 3 Total items: 25. - Identifying details - Understanding details. 1 2 10. 12. 3. Total marks: 2.5 6.0 1.5 10.0 I. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.(1ms) ( 4 minutes) 1. A. horrible B. helicotr C. hour D. house 2. A. stopped B. robbed C. jumped D. stepped 3. A. scatter B. Spieces C. serious D. result 4. A. honest B. home C. husband D. hand II. Circle the best answer for each sentence.(3ms) ( 12 minutes) 1. How did the exerience affect you when you fail exam? A. it taught me a lesson and make me study har B. I changed my attitude topop stars C. It make me more interesting in learning English D. It made me love my country more 2. Minh asks his son……….. hard. A. learn B. learnt C. to learn D. learning 3. You should stop…………… because not good for your health. A. smoking B. smoke C. to smoke D. smokes 4. When he …….. home, Iwas talking to my mother on the phon. A. came B. come C. was coming D. to come 5. When we arrived at the airport, they……for us. A. arrive B wait C. were waiting D. was waiting 6. When I openned the safe, the mone …………. .A. disappear B. had diasappeared C. disappeared D. was disappearing 7. I don’t like to look of the man. There is something………………. About him. A glancedB. sneaky C. idols D. making a fuss 8. How did the exerience affect you when youtravel to part of the country? A. it taught me a lesson and make me study har B. I changed my attitude topop stars C. It make me more interesting in learning English D. It made me love my country more 9. ……………by cuctoms officers is unpleasant. A. search B. searching C. being searched D. to search 10. I’ve decided……… a new apartment. A. buy B. bought C. buying D. to buy. 11. Teenagers nowaday often their own………. Who they really love and imitate in different. A glancedB. idols C. sneaky D. making a fuss 12. Hellen is excited about ………. Abroad. Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. 2. Lop11.com. English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Thanh Loc high school. School year: 2014-2015. A. sturdy B. to turdy C. was sturdying D. studying IV. Read. Then answer the questions(1,5ms) ( 10 minutes) Mai is my neigbour. She turned 16 recentl and her parentsheld a birthday party for her. I was one of those invited. The party began about three vin the afternoon. There were a bout twenty of uw gathering in Mai’s house. She didn’t like having the party at a restaurant because it is noisy and expensive. We gave presents to Mai and she happyli open them. It must really be exciting to recive all those presents. Afet that Mai’ mother served us soft drinks and biscuit. Then we lisenedcto music and play cards. The winners were given frizes. At about 4.30 Mai’s mother brought out the birthday cake. We all clapped our hands eagerly and sang “ happy birthday” as she blew out the candles and cut the cake. We helped ourselves to slices of the dilicious cake and sang all the song that we knew. Finally, at about six in the everning the party came to an end.we were all tired but happy. The parents of other children came to collect them by motobikes. I helped Mai and her mother clean up the mess we had made. After that I walk home, which was only three doors away. 1. Where wa Mai’s birthday party held? 2. How long did the birthday party last about|? 3. What was the birthday cake like? 4. What did all the guests do when Mai was cutting the cake IV. Give the correct form of the words( 2ms) ( 9 minutes) 1. Ann: “ Was Tom there when you arrived?” Marry: “No. He ( go)……………….. home” 2. Ann: “ Was Tom there when you arrived?” Marry: “ Yes. But he ( go)……………….. home afterwards” 3. Let’s not risk ( catch)……………in a traffic jam. 4. She learns English(find)………………..a good job. V. Writing: Describe your friend’s physical charecteristics ( 2ms) ( 10 minutes) Answer I. mõi câu đúng 0,25 điểm 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D II. Circle the best answer for each sentence.(3ms) 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. D 11. A 12. D III. Mõi câu đúng 0,5 điểm Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. 3. Lop11.com. English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Thanh Loc high school. School year: 2014-2015. 1. at home 2. three hour 3. It wasbeautifil decorated with pink and white icing. 4. They clapped their hands eager and sang “happy birthday” IV. Mõi câu đúng 0,5 điểm 1. had gone 2. ưent 3. catching 4. to find V. 2 điểm She is quite a lively person. She is fairly tall with a good fingure. She ‘s got a heart- shaped face with a small sort of turned- up nose. It is very attractive . She has got long , black wavy hair and blue eyes with very long eyelashes. Her complexion is white. Her lips are very full and she has got dimples in her checks.. Date of preparing: september 26th, 2014 Date of teaching: October 8th, 2014. Week: 8 Period: 23. UNIT 4: VOLUNTEER WORK SECTION : reading I/ OBJECTIVES : 1. Formation of behavior: After the lesson , sts will be able to develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and skimming for general information ,use the information they have read to discuss the topic 2. Skill: Reading 3. Language focus: words related to volunteer work II/ PREPARATION : 1. Teacher : textbook , lesson plan 2. Students : textbook , notebook ,pen III/ TIME : 45 minutes IV / PROCEDURE : ( 1‘) 1. Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance 2. Checking up : 3. New lesson : Teacher’s activities Warm up : 5’ - shows sts the picture and asks sts some questions 1/ what do they doing 2/ Do they paid for their work ?. Students’ activities. content. sts answer : they are playing with children ,cleaning up the road , building house ,teaching children No, they are doing something without having any kinds of payment ,so we can say that they are doing VOLUNTEERWORK ..  today we’ll study about volunteer work Pre-reading 10 - asks sts to work in individually to - look at the pictures on page 46 Lop11.com Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam 4. I/ Before you read : (8-10’) Look at the pictures and answer the questions English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Thanh Loc high school. School year: 2014-2015 1.. what is the old woman doing in the picture ? 2. what does the picture tell you ? The old woman is teaching the boy to read The picture tells me that everybody ,nomatter what they are young or old ,can do volunteer work. look the pictures on page 46 and on the board and then answer the questions on this page - calls on some sts to answer the question ( T can give some suggestions ). and on the boardm, then answer the questions on this page Sts answer. - introduces the new words by many techniques - asks sts to read them after the teacher - calls on some sts to read them aloud -T read the text and asks sts to read them silently. Pre –teaching vocabulary : To volunteer to do sth /volunteer for sth : tình nguyện ,tự nguyện làm gì đó Volunteer (n) người ting nguyện - listen and read the text Voluntary (adj) tình nguyeän Voluntarily (adv) The aged = the old Orphanage (n) : place where children without parents live : traïi treû moà coâi To overcome (v) : vượt qua , khắc phuïc To participate in =to take part in To suffer in /from sth :chịu đựng cái gì đó To take care of : chaêm soùc Young enough to :đủ trả để làm Remote =far away : xa xoâi - read passage and guess the meaning of the words based on the II/ while you read : (14’-16’) context in the sentences + setting the scene : you are - do the task 1individually going to read about volunteer - tell their answers and explain their work while you are reading ,do choices the tasks in the textbook - copy Task 1 : Fill each blank with one part speech of the word “volunteer “ Keys : 1. Voluntary 2. Voluntarily 3. Volunteers 4. Volunteered - skim the five sentences to Task 2 : you are to read the understand them .As sts do this passage and choose the best they underline key work : answer from A,B,C or D for each volunteers , help, sick, old ,homes of the following sentences Answer : 1. A ( line 1- 2 ,paragraph 2) - read the four choices given to 2. D ( line 3 -4 ,paragraph 2) choose the most suitable one. While-reading 20’ - asks sts to read passage again and stop at the lines that contain these words to guess their meaning - asks sts to work individually to do the task 1 - asks sts for their answers and tells them to explain their choices -T corrects. - asks sts how to do this task .If they do not remember ,T may instruct them to read the text again to do the task - asks sts to work individually to do the task ,then discuss their answers with their peer -- calls on a student to give and explain his /her answer - gives corrective feedback Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. - can guess their meaning of words - repeat after the teacher - read them individually - listen. 3. 4. 5.. Lop11.com 6. B ( line 3- 4 ,paragraph 4 ) D ( last paragraph ) B ( A :too general ; C and D : do. English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Thanh Loc high school. School year: 2014-2015 not cover the whole text ). - asks sts how to do this task - asks sts to work in pairs to do the task ,then discuss their answers with their peers - calls on some sts to ask and answer them - corrects. Post-reading: 5’ - introduces how to do this task and asks sts to discuss the question in the book - teaches structures that can be used for giving comparison and contrast - asks sts to work in pairs to do the task -T calls on some pairs to tell and explain their choices - corrects. - skim the three questions to understand them .as sts do this they : underline what ,high school and college students ,hospitals ,orphanages ,homes for the aged Decide what information they need to find in the text. Task 3: you are required to answer the three questions in the book Keys : 1.. They read books to the people there ,play games with them or listen to their problems (line 710 ,paragraph ) 2. They give care and comfort to them and help them to overcome their difficulties. (line 2-3 ,paragraph 3 ) 3. They volunteer to work in remote or mountainous areas .( line 5-6 ,paragraph 3 ). III/ After you read: (6’-8’) - ask and answer them sts can work in pairs and discuss the questions to understand them as sts do this they : underline the key word decide what information they need to find in the text sts take notes All pairs have finished - will report their ideas to the class. you are required to work in pairs to discuss and answer the question in the textbook and Talking about some kinds of volunteer work thet you are going to join next summer and say why. 1. what kind of voluntary work do people usually do 2. how do they usually do it ? 3.why do people do volunteer work ?. 4. Consolidation: (2’) Summarises the main points of the lesson 5. Homework:(1’) - learn by heart new words and reread the passage -prepare speaking of unit 4: Speaking * Experience from the period: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….................... * Supplement: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………….…………………........................ Week: 8 Period: 24. Date of preparing: september 26th, 2014 Date of teaching: October 9th, 2014 UNIT 4: VOLUNTEER WORK SECTION : speaking. I/ OBJECTIVES : 1. Formation of behavior: After the lesson , sts will be able to talk about different kinds of activities related to volunteer work 2. Skill: - Talking about volunteer work 3. Language focus: Words related to volunteer work II/ PREPARATION : 1. Teacher : textbook , lesson plan 2. Students : textbook , notebook ,pen Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. Lop11.com 7. English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Thanh Loc high school. School year: 2014-2015. III/ TIME : 45 minutes IV / PROCEDURE : ( 5’-6 ‘) 1. Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance 2. Checking up : Tasks sts to read the passage,answer the questions and to write some words (To volunteer to do sth /volunteer for sth : tình nguyện ,tự nguyện làm gì đó ,Volunteer (n) người ting nguyeän ,Voluntary (adj) tình nguyeän ,Voluntarily (adv) ,The aged = the old ,Orphanage (n) 1. who does volunteer work ?college students ,retired people ,high school 2. who do they help ? the old people , the disadvantaged children 3. what do they do ? give medical ,repairing houses ,teaching , 4. where do they go to ? mountainous areas ,flooded areas ,remote areas 3. New lesson : Teacher’s activities Warm up : 1’ today we ‘ll study how to talk about different kinds of activities related to volunteer work Pre- speaking - introduces the task 1 and gets sts to decide which of the activities in the book are volunteer works in pairs ,then compare the answers with a peer - calls on a student to read out his /her answers - checks with the class and gives corrective feedback. Students’ activities. - do the task1 in pairs ,then compare the answers with a peer. content. Task 1 : (8’-10’) You are required to decide which of the following activities are volunteer works Keys : - read out his /her answer 1. The activities which are not volunteer work : taking part - take notes in an excursion and participating in an English speaking club 2. reason : you take part in these activities for yourself,not to help other people 3. Some other volunteer activities : taking part in environmental conservation activities ,donating blood ,directing traffic ,guiding foreign sports teams around when they go to Vietman to complete While-speaking II/ TASK 2 : (16’) - introduces the task 2 and asks sts - read the model conversation on You are going to make to read the model conversation on page 50 , read the list of volunteer conversations based on the page 50 , read the list of volunteer activities and exact things related to given suggestions activities and exact things related to them  Explain new words: them War invalid : thöông binh - can explain some words - repeat some words and take notes sts practice them work in pairs Martyr :lieät syõ - asks sts to make conversations Intersection : ngaõ ba ,ngaõ tö and to practice their conversations  Model : - calls on some pairs to perform - perform their conversations in A: what kind of volunteer work their conversations in front of the front of the class are you participating in ? Lop11.com Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam English 11 8.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Thanh Loc high school. School year: 2014-2015. class -T corrects. Post-speaking - introduces the task 3 and asks sts to read through the example in the book and on the board - goes around to check and offer help - calls on some groups to perform their answers in front of the class - corrects. - read through the example in the book and on the board - work in groups to talk about one activity their partner take part in - perform their answers in front of the class. B: we are helping people in the mountainous areas . A: what exactly are you doing ? B : We are teaching the children to read and write ,planting trees ,clearing roads and building schools . A : Do you enjoy the work ? B: Yes , I like helping people III/ TASk 3 : (10’) Now you work in groups to talk about a kind of volunteer work your partner in the previous task do to help other people Model : 1. what kind of volunteer work do you take part in ? 2. what do you usually do in that kind of volunteer work ? 3. what do you think about that kind of volunteer work ? A: I usually take part in helping people in the mountainous areas . We teach the children to read and write ,plant trees ,clear roads and build schools .I enjoy the work because I like helping people. C: My friends and I spend our summer holidays to take part in helping people .We usually visit handicapped children in orphanage .We read books ,play games with them or listen to their prolems .We give care and comfort to them .We feel happy to help them overcome their difficulties. 4. Consolidation: (2’) Summarises the main points of the lesson 5. Homework:(1’) - write ashort paragraph about 50 words “ If you were a volunteer ,you -prepare listening of unit 4: Listening * Experience from the period: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….................... * Supplement: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………….…………………......................... Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. Lop11.com 9. English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Thanh Loc high school. School year: 2014-2015. Date of preparing : 12 /10/07 Date of teaching : 19/ 10/07. week: 7 period : 21 UNIT 4: VOLUNTEER WORK SECTION : listening. I/ OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to recognize the missing information ,answer the questions and talk about volunteer work of High school in Vietnam II/ PREPARATION : 1. Teacher : textbook , lesson plan 2. Students : textbook , notebook ,pen III/ TIME : 45 minutes IV / PROCEDURE : ( 5’-6 ‘) 1. Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance 2. Checking up : T calls one sts tell about volunteer work that you have took part in 3. New lesson : Warm Up : Today we’ll listen to volunteer work of High School in Vietnam Teacher’s activities Students’ activities content T asks sts to read through the Sts read through the questions and I/ Before you listen : (8’-10’) questions and choices on page 51 choices on page 51 and makes sure Keys and makes sure sts understand all sts understand all them 1. From time to time them 2. Through fundraising activities T asks sts to discuss them in pairs Sts discuss them in pairs Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. Lop11.com 10. English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Thanh Loc high school T calls on some sts to report on their partner ‘s answers. School year: 2014-2015 Sts report on their partner ‘s answers. 3. All these kinds of work. listen and repeat : T elicits new words and help sts to Sts pronounce new words correctly  fund-raising activities: các hoạt pronounce them correctly động gây quỹ T may want to play the tape or Sts listen and repeat in chorus and  donation (n) : vaät quyeân goùp model first and then ask sts to individually ,tieàn quyeân goùp repeat after the tape or after the  informal school : trường học teacher in chorus and individually khoâng chình thoáng  organization for educational development : toå chức phát triển Giaùo duïc  co-operate (v) : work together hợp tác  disadvantaged children : treû em thieät thoøi  co-ordinate (v) phối hợp  sponsor (n) nhà tài trợ  T : From the words above can you guess what kind of volunteer work the listening test is about ?  Sts : Helping disadvantaged children to learn performing Arts T instructs sts how to do this kind First , sts read through the  II/ While you listen : (15’-17’) of exercise sentences carefully to understand  TASK1 : You are going to them and underline key words in T plays the tape once for sts to do listen the passage and full in sentences 1 are spring school ,ho the task the missing information in T asks for sts’s answers and writes chi minh city them on the board each sentence Tplays the tape the second time for Sts listen to the tape and pay 1 informal sts to check their answers attention to the key words 2. 30 street children T checks sts’answers by calling on Sts decide the missing information 3. 250 children some sts (if many sts cannot answer to full in each sentence 4. 1998 the questions ,T can play the tape 5. volunteers,June again ) TASK2 : you are going to listen to T gives the correct answers the tape again and answer Before listening to the tape to do comprehension questions Sts try to answer the questions the task Sts complete their notes ,write the  Answer s : answer down in note form 1. It provides clesses to T may ask them to try to answer the Sts gives their answers disadvantaged children in Ho questions Sts cannot answer the questions Chi Minh City Tplays the tape again 2. Dance, theatre ,singing and folk T calls on some sts to give their answers music classes were set up in T provides correct answers if 1999 necessary 3. Because they need money to Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. Lop11.com 11. English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Thanh Loc high school. School year: 2014-2015 continue their English and Performance Arts classes 4. They dance ,sing and play music at one of the largest hotels in Ho Chi Minh City 5. They are needed because the school needs help to organise the dinner held annually in June III/ After you listen : (6’-8’) Summarize the story about Spri ng School ,using the following suggestions -the aim of spring school -The number of children who live and study at the school or attend classes -The activities the children at the school take part in -The kinds of volunteers that spring school requires. T might to let sts listen one more time. Before getting sts to discuss ,T teaches them some useful expressions of asking for and giving opinions Tgives examples and gets sts to do some practice with these structures T calls on some sts to report their peer’s ideas T corrects. Sts discuss. Sts practice Sts report. V/ CONSOLIDATION : 2’ Summarises the main points of the lesson VI/ HOME WORK: 2’ - learnt by heart new words and do these exercises -prepare the writing of unit 4. Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. Lop11.com 8. English 11.

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