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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period 79 đến period 81

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week : 27 Period : 79. Preparing date : Teaching date : Lesson 14 : Look and speak / Ask and answer I. I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to practice speaking and writing about what some people used to do or didn’t use to do in the past . 1.Knowledge : - Language : used to - Vocabulary : cycle , at weekend , fit 2.Skills : -Main-skills : writing , speaking -Sub-skills : reading , listening II.Methods and techniques : Eliciting , explaining , brainstorming , drill-pictures , asking and answering , readingcomprehension , individual , pairwork. III.Teaching aids : textbook , pictures , poster . IV.Procedure : Teacher’s & students’activities. Content. *Check-up : -call two sts to practice the dialogue again and check some new words -ask the others to remark -correct and give marks *Presentation : -ask sts to repeat the structures of “used to”. Look and speak I *Structures : used to .S + used to + Vbare-infinitive…… .S + didn’t use to + Vbare-infinitive…… .Wh-question + did + S + Vbare-infinitive……? .Did + S + use to + Vbare-infinitive……? Yes , S + did / No , S + didn’t .. -have them look at the pictures in the book and guess the situations *Practice : +Activity 1 : -ask sts to practice writing and speaking about what Nam and his friends used to do in the past , use the structure and. 1. Ex : Nam used to play football but his friends used to go to the library .. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> pictures given as a cue -let them compare with their partners -call some sts to speak loudly and the others to write on the board -ask the whole class to remark -give feedback. +Key : b.He used to get up late but Mai used to get up early . c.He used to come to class late but his friends used to come on time . d.He used to get bad marks but Lan used to get good marks .. +Activity 2 : -ask sts to practice writing and speaking about what Ba didn’t use to do as the others , using the pictures above and the example given as the cues . -let them compare with their partners -call some sts to speak loudly and the others to write on the board -ask the others to remark -give feedback. 2. Ex: Ba didn’t use to play football . +Key : b.He didn’t use to go to the library . c. He didn’t use to get up early . d.He didn’t use to come to class late . e.He didn’t use to get bad marks .. +Activity 3 : -ask sts to work in pairs , practice asking and answering about themselves , using the pictures above and the structure given as cues . -call some pairs to practice before the class -ask the others to remark -correct if necessary. Ask and answer I 1. +Structure : Did you use to play football ? Yes , I did . a.go to the library b.get up early / get up late c.come to class late / come on time d.get good marks / get bad marks. +Activity 4 : -introduce the situation of the passage -elicit some new words -drill reading -read the passage once and ask sts to listen -stick the poster on the board and ask sts to practice asking and answering about that passage in pairs -call some pairs to speak loudly -ask the others to remark. 2. +Note : -cycle (v) : đi xe đạp ( picture) -at weekend (pre) : cuối tuần ( eliciting) -fit (a) : khỏe mạnh (explaining) +Answer the questions : a.How did he use to be 10 years ago ? b.What did he use to do at weekends ? c.What did he use to play ? d.Did he eat much meat in those days ?. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> -correct if necessary. e.What did he use to eat ? f. Did he drink or smoke ?. *Production : -give some pictures and ask sts whether they used to do or not -ask the others to remark -correct if necessary. +Pictures : 1.go fishing 2.read books 3.walk to school 4.do the gardening 5.go swimming Ex : Did you use to go fishing ? No , I didn’t ( Did she / he use to go fishing ? -> No , she/ he didn’t .). V.Homework : -learn by heart new words and structures -prepare the next part VI.Comments :. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Week : 27 Period : 80. Preparing date : Teaching date : Lesson 14 : (?) 1, 2 ,3. I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to : -write 5 sentences using “used to” , 4 sentences using “a few , few , a little , little” -complete a dialogue -answer the questions about a passage 1.Knowledge : - Language : used to , a few (few) , a little (little) - Vocabulary : a few (few) , a little (little) , run , head , businesss company , entertainment . 2.Skills : -Main-skills : writing , speaking -Sub-skills : reading , listening II.Methods and techniques : Eliciting , explaining , brainstorming , gap-filling , reading-comprehension , individual , pairwork. III.Teaching aids : textbook . IV.Procedure : Teacher’s & students’activities. Content. *Warm-up : -chat to sts -introduce the new lesson *Presentation : -explain the use of “a few (few) , a little (little)” and give some examples. +Note : -a few / few + count noun : một vài ( a few : mang ý khẳng định / few : mang ý phủ định ) Ex : I have a few days for holiday She has few books -a little / little + uncount noun : một ít ( a liitle : mang ý khẳng định / little : mang ý phủ định) Ex : I spent only a little time for my homework My mother has little flour to make a cake. *Practice :. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> +Activity 1 : -ask sts to write 5 sentences using “used to” and 4 sentences using “a few (few) , a little (little)” -let them compare with their partners -call some sts to write on the board -ask the whole class to remark -correct if necessary. (?)1.. +Activity 2 : -ask sts to work in pairs , complete the dialogue -call some pairs to practice before the class and the others to write the answers on the board -ask the whole class to remark -give feedback. (?)2. +Key : -use to -use to -a little -a few -little -few. +Activity 3 : -introduce the situation of the passage -elicit some new words -drill reading -read the passage once and ask sts to listen -ask sts to read the passage again and then answer the questions given -let them compare with their partners -call some pairs to write on the board -ask the others to remark - give feedback. (?)3 +Note : -run(v) : chạy ( picture) -head (n) : người đứng đầu(cơ quan , tổ chức , trường học) (explaining) -businees company (n) : công ty kinh doanh(explaining) -entertainment(n) : giải trí (explaining) +Key : 1.He used to work hard fifteen years ago 2.He used to play tennis or run at weekends 3.No , he didn’t 4.Only a few days ago , he had to go and see his doctor. V.Homework : -learn by heart new words and structures -prepare the next part VI.Comments :. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Week : 27 Tiết giãn. Preparing date : Teaching date : Lesson 14 : (?) 4+ Words and phrases. I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to : -translate Vietnamese sentences into English -master the new words and structures they’ve learnt before 1.Knowledge : - Language : used to , a few (few) , a little (little) - Vocabulary : 2.Skills : -Main-skills : writing , speaking -Sub-skills : reading , listening II.Methods and techniques : Eliciting , explaining , brainstorming , translating , individual , pairwork. III.Teaching aids : textbook . IV.Procedure : Teacher’s & students’activities. Content. +Activity 1 : -ask sts to translate Vietnamese sentences into English -let them compare with their partners -call some sts to write on the board -ask the whole class to remark -correct if necessary. (?)4. +Key : a.I used to play soccer when I was young. 2.Ba didn’t use to go to school late . 3. Did you use to get up early ? 4.I have got a little time for entertaiment everyday . 5.Ha came to see us a few weeks ago .. +Activity 2 : -read words and phrases once and ask sts to repeat -call some sts to read again -correct pronunciation -let them read by themselves and then ask them to close their books -check vocabulary and structures -call some sts to write on the board -ask the others to remark -correct if necessary. Words and phrases. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> +Activity 3 : -give more exercises and ask sts to do them -let them compare with their partners -call some sts to write on the board -ask the whole class to remark -give feedback .. +More exercises : Translate into English 1.Anh ta thường đi câu cá khi anh ta còn nhỏ có phải không ? Phải 2.Tôi không thường chơi quần vợt 3.Cô ấy thường trông em trai 4.Các bạn thường làm gì khi các bạn còn nhỏ ? Chúng mình thường đi bơi +Key : 1.Did he use to go fishing when he was a boy ? Yes , he did . 2.I didn’t use to play tennis . 3.She used to look after her younger brother . 4.What did you do when you were children ? We used to go swimming .. V.Homework : -learn by heart new words and structures -prepare the next part VI.Comments :. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Week : 27 Period : 81. Preparing date : Teaching date : REVIEW 3 : A I, B 1, (?)1,2. I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to master the structures and use of “be going to” and do exercises with using “be going to”. 1.Knowledge : - Language : be going to - Vocabulary : 2.Skills : -Main-skills : writing , speaking -Sub-skills : reading , listening II.Methods and techniques : Eliciting , explaining , brainstorming , gap-filling , asking and answering, individual , pairwork. III.Teaching aids : textbook . IV.Procedure : Teacher’s & students’activities +Activity 1 : -ask sts to repeat the structures and use of “be going to”. Content AI,B1:. “be going to”. *Use : diễn tả 1 hành động , dự định chắc chắn sẽ xảy ra (không xảy ra) trong tương lai gần . *Structure : .She / He / It + is(not) + going to + Vbare-infinitive .They / We / You + are (not) + going to + Vbare-infinitive ( . .I + am (not) + going to + Vbare-infinitive .A .Are / Is + S + going to + Vbare-infinitive ? -> Yes , S + are / is / am -> No , S + aren’t / isn’t / am not . .Wh-question + are / is / + S + going to + Vbare-infinitive e +…?. +Activity 2 : -ask sts to read the examples in the book and do exercise 1 -let them compare with their partners -call some sts to speak loudly and the others to write on the board. (?)1 1…..she is going to see him next month . 2….. I’m not going to sit up late tonight . 3….. they are going to to see the film next week . 4…..we aren’t going to visit her this year .. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> -ask the others to remark -give feedback +Activity 3 : -ask sts to work in pairs , practice asking and answering about the information given , using the structure given as a cue . -call some pairs to practice before the class -ask the others to remark -give feedback. (?)2 +Ex : a.you /watch television / tonight ? Are you going to watch television tonight ? -> Yes , I am b.Is Ba going to go to school tomorrow ? No, he isn’t. c.Is the train going to come here next week ? Yes , it is d.Are they going to to live in London this year ? -> No , they aren’t. e.Is she going to buy an English book next month ? ->Yes , she is . f.Are you going to write a letter today ? No , I’m not .. V.Homework : -learn by heart the structures -prepare the next part VI.Comments :. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Lop11.com.

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