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Bài ôn tập Tiếng Anh 11 - Period: 49 + 50 Reported speech

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Nguyển Thị Quỳnh Nga – Trường THPT Sơn Nam Class 11B1 Date of teaching. 11B2. 11B7. 11B10. THE FIRST SEMETER REVISION Period: 49 + 50. Reported speech I. Objective: 1. Educational aim: 2. Knowledge Review reported speech with infinitive, gerund and conditional sentences. Ss will use these grammatical items in order to do exercises fluently. 3. Skills: II. Teaching method: Communicative method III. Teaching aid: Hand out IV. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Ask ss to make a list the grammatical items that they have learn List all grammatical from unit 1 to unit 8 items that they have learn I.Grammar: 1.Revision reported speech with infinitive: Chúng ta sử dụng lời nói tường thuật với nguyên mẫu khi muốn tường thuật lại lời yêu cầu (told, asked, demanded…), một lời Pay attention khuyên (advised), lời hứa (promised), lời đề nghị (offered), lời mêi (invited), lêi nh¾c nhë ( reminded). Eg: a) “You had better not tell lies to others”, his mother said. His mother advised him not to tell lies to others. b) “I’ll wake you up tomorrow” said he to me. He promised to wake me up the following day. 2. Revision reported speech with gerund Ask ss to change the following sentences in to reported speech. Eg: a) Ba said that he broke the mobile phone. Ba admitted……………………………….. b) Lan said that they should go fishing on Sunday. Lan suggested……………………………... Repeat the usage of reported speech with gerund. Chúng ta sử dụng lời nói trực tiếp với danh động từ khi muốn Change the sentences tường thuật lại lời chuc mừng, xin lỗi, cảm ơn…. in to reported speech. - Các cấu thường được dùng với câu trực tiếp này. + thank . . . for . . .:c¶m ¬n ai . . . vÒ…. + congratulate . . . on . . . chóc mõng. . . vÒ. . . -Ba admitted breaking + accuse . . . of . . . : buéc téi. . . vÒ. . . the mobile phone. + Blame . . . for . . . : đổ lỗi cho ai…..về… -Lan suggested going + warn . . . against . . . : c¶nh b¸o. . . tr¸nh khái. . . fishing on Sunday. + prevent . . . from . . . .:ng¨n c¶n ai…khái lµm g×. + stop . . . from . . . . : + apologize for . . . :xin lçi vÒ. Lesson plan of grade 11 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Nguyển Thị Quỳnh Nga – Trường THPT Sơn Nam + insist on . . . : kiªn quyÕt. + dream of . . . . : m¬ vÒ + look forward to . . . : mong ngãng + think of . . . : nghÜ vÒ + admit : thõa nhËn// deny : chèi bá 3. Revision reported speech with conditional sentences: Ask Ss to repeat the change the conditional sentences in to reported speech. B. Exercise: Change the following sentences in to reported speech: 1. 'If I had any money, I'd buy you a drink,' she said to me.  __________________ 2. 'If I catch the plane, I'll be home by five,' he said.  _______________________ 3. 'You should stay in bed if you feel unwell.' my mother said.  _______________ 4. 'What would you do if you were having a problem with grammar, Jane?'  Ann asked. ________________________________________________ 5. 'If I'd had my mobile yesterday, I could have contacted you,' Matthew said to Jane.  _______________________________________________ 6. 'If I were you, I'd stop smoking,' she said to her brother. ___________________________________________________ 7. 'If I don't practice my English, I won't get any better,' she said.  ____________ 8. 'If you press this switch, the computer will come on,' he said to his students.  __________________________________________________ 9. 'I'd have been in bad trouble if you hadn't helped me,' he said to his friends.  _________________________________________________ 10. 'If the door is clocked, what shall I do ?' she said to herself.  She wondered ______________________________________ 11. 'If I were you, I'd read the exam questions very carefully.' said the teacher to us. Lesson plan of grade 11 Lop11.com. Repeat the way to change the conditional sentences in to reported speech a. Conditional type 1: Change in to Conditional type 2. b. Conditional type 2: unchanged or can change in to Conditional type 3 c. Conditional type 3: unchange.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Nguyển Thị Quỳnh Nga – Trường THPT Sơn Nam  The teacher advised ____________________________________ 12. 'It’s better to have the theater built next to the town hall.' they said  They offered ______________________________________ 13. “Okay, I’ ll collect David from school”, said his father.  David’ father promised _______________________ 14. 'Please stay for a few more days.' she said to us.  She invited ______________________________ 15. 'We'll fight the ban on smoking in public places.', said the heavy smokers.  The heavy smokers threatened _____________________ 16. “I imagine I'll see Olivia at the party.' said Tom  Tom hoped _______________________________ 17. 'Can you lend me ten pounds?' said the boy to me  The boy asked ____________________________ 18. 'Let me take the children into town.', he said  He volunteered ____________________________ 19. 'Don't swim out too far, boys.' said the pool guard.  The pool guard warned _____________________________ 20. 'Don't forget to attend the meeting tomorrow 'she said to her friends  She reminded______________________________________ 21. 'It was nice of you to invite me to your birthday party. Thanks very much.' said Mike to Jane.  Mike thanked ____________________. 22. 'I must have made a mistake in the calculations.'  Mr. Forest admitted __________________________. 23. 'I'll pay for the meal.'  Sarah insisted ____________________ 24. 'Perhaps we can go to Paris for the weekend.'  Neil suggested ________________________________________ 25. 'I'm sorry I couldn't come to visit you last summer.' said Kate to me  Kate apologized _______________________________________ 26. 'I hear you won the championship. Congratulations!' said Dane  Dane congratulated _____________________________________ 27. 'I wish I'd asked for his name and address.' said Mary  Mary regretted _______________________________ 28. 'You've dirtied the floor, children.' said Mrs. Brown  Mrs. Brown accused ___________________________. Lesson plan of grade 11 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Nguyển Thị Quỳnh Nga – Trường THPT Sơn Nam 29. 'You mustn't drink too much caffeine.' Marta said to me  Marta warned _________________________________ 30. 'It's not true! I have never been arrested!' Larry said.  Larry denied _________________________________ 31. 'I gave you my textbook last week. I insist,' Tom said to Mai  Tom insisted ____________________________________. C. Consolidation: -Summary the main content of the lesson. D. Homework: - Riview the English tenses. - Do exercise in reported speech.. Lesson plan of grade 11 Lop11.com.

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