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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh khối lớp 11 - Unit 2: At school - Section A đến section C

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>AT SCHOOL. UNIT 2. Section A : COME IN I . Objective Students will be able to make imperative sentences II . Content 1 . Language material : Vocabulary : come in , sit down , stand up , open , close , book , your . 2 . Language skills : Listening , speaking , reading and writing 3 . Teaching method : Communicative approach 4 . Teaching aids : Cassette player , pictures, gestures 5 . Teaching steps : Section A1 : Listen and repeat. Teacher’s activities Pre – listening - Warm up . - Present the situation of imperative sentences.( Pictures or gestures) While listening - Uses pictures or gestures to illustrate the commands . - Explains new words . New words : - come in - sit down - stand up - open - close - book - your - Close your book - Open your book Post – listening - Asks students to practise the commands . - Game: “Simon say”. A2 : Match and write. - Asks students to look at the pictures in page 21 then match and write the imperative sentences . - Asks students to read their answers and then correct .. Students’ activities - Listen. - Listen and repeat after the tape .. - write the new words in their notebooks .. - Practise in pairs – in groups.. - Do as directed.. - Read their answers .. 4 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - Sing a song “Stand up - Sit down” A4 :Remember 6 .Homework :  Do exercises in work book part A1 , A2 page 11  Learn by heart the new words .. 5 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Section B : WHERE I . Objective Students will be able to. DO YOU LIVE ?. – ask and answer about their names . _ ask and answer about where they live . _ spell the alphabets in English .. II . Content 1 . Language material :  Vocabulary : what , where , how , house , street , city , live , spell , in , on .  Structure : - What’s your name ? My name’s ………… - Where do you live ? I live in / on ……… - How do you spell it ? L – A – N . 2 . Language skills : Listening , speaking , reading and writing 3 . Teaching method : Communicative approach . 4 . Teaching aids : Cassette player , pictures ,songs 5 . Teaching steps : Section B1 : Listen and repeat .. Teacher’s activities Pre – listening - Warm up. - Present the situation by using the picture in page 23 . - Takes notes and explains new words New words : - What - Where - to live ( v ) - street ( n ) - in ( prep. ) - on ( prep. ) Structures : -What’s your name ? My name’s ….. -Where do you live ? I live in the house . I live on Le Loi Street While – listening - Asks students to listen to the tape then repeat - call some pairs of students to read the dialogue . Post – listening - asks students to practise the dialogue in. Students’ activities. - listen - take notes ( new words ) - repeat the new words after the teacher .. - Listen and repeat .. - Practise the dialogue in pairs. 6 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> pairs , in group . - asks them to make the conversation ( go to the board ). - Make the conversation .. . B3 : Listen and repeat . The alphabets :a , b , c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j, k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r ,s,t,u,v,w,x,y, z.. B4: - Listen and repeat . How do you spell ? L–A–N. B5 : - Write the answers . What is your name ? How old are you ? Where do you live ? How do you spell your name ?. - Tells students to look at the chart of Alphabets on the board and listen to the tape. - Asks students to listen to the tape and repeat . - Sing a song” The alphabet song”. - Explains new words and structure: + Spell (v) + How do you spell it / your name? - Asks pupils to listen to the tape and repeat after the dialogue . - Asks students to practise the dialogue in pairs . - Asks some pairs of students to go to the board and make the conversation . - Asks some students to spell their names . - Gives questions and asks students to answer . - Asks them to write the answers in their notebook . - Asks some students to practise questions and answers . - Corrects the mistakes if necessary . - Consolidates the knowledge by asking the structures that students have just learnt . - Sing a song” The spelling song”. -Listen to the tape. - Listen and repeat the alphabets .. - Write new words . - Listen and repeat. - Practise in pairs . - Make the conversation . - Spell their names .. - Answer the questions . - Write in their notebooks . - One asks and one answers .. - Answer the teacher’s questions .. B6 : Remember. 6 . Homework :  Do exercises in work book part B3 , B4 , B5 , B6 page 12 and 13 .  Learn by heart part remember .  Prepare section C .. 7 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Section C : MY SCHOOL I . Objective After finishing this lesson , students will be able to introduce things and ask and answer about objects / persons . II . Content 1 . Language material :  Vocabulary : this , that , student , teacher , class , classroom , waste basket , desk , board , schoolbag , pencil , ruler , clock , eraser , pen , door , window .  Structures : - This is ……… - That is ……… - What’s this / that ? It’s ………… 2 . Language skill : Listening , speaking , reading and writing skills . 3 . Teaching method : Communicative approach . 4 . Teaching aids : Pictures , cassette player , real objects . 5 . Teaching steps : Section C1 : Listen and repeat .. Teacher’s activities Pre – listening - Warm up. - Uses pictures to introduce “ school “ - Introduces the situation of C1. - Explains new words . New words : - this - that - class ( n ) - classroom ( n ) - teacher ( n ) - student ( n ). Students’ activities. - listen. - listen and take notes .. Structures : This / That is …. This / That is not .. Is this / that ….? Yes , this / that is . No, this / that is n’t While – listening - Asks pupils to listen to the tape and. 8 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> C2 : Listen and repeat. C3 : Practice What is this ? ( What’s this ? ) What is that ? ( What’s that ? ) C4 : Remember. repeat .. - Listen and repeat .. Post – listening - Asks some pairs to practise in front of the class .. - Practise in pairs. - Asks them to look at the pictures and listen to the tape . - Explains new words: New words : - a door ( n ) - a window ( n ) - a board ( n ) - a clock ( n ) - a pen ( n ) - a pencil ( n ) - a ruler ( n ) - an eraser ( n ) - a waste basket ( n ) - a schoolbag ( n ) - Tells students to repeat after the tape. - Points out the way of using a / an . - Asks students to practise in pairs and in groups . - Explains the structures . - Shows pictures or real objects and then asks students to answer . - Lets students practise in groups and in pairs . - Plays a chant “What’s this?. It’s a book”. - listen and repeat . - Read and give meanings . - Write down in their notebooks . - Read the new words .. - Listen and repeat. - Recognize it clearly . - Practise. - Listen - Answer teacher’s questions . - Ask and answer each other - Listen and repeat. 6 . Homework :  Do exercises in work books part C1 , C2 , C3 pages 14 , 15 , 16 .  Learn by heart part remember .  Prepare Unit 3 .. 9 Lop11.com.

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