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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh khối lớp 11 - Unit 14: Recreation - Lesson 2: Speaking

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period . . . . . . .. UNIT 14 : RECREATION LESSON 2 : Speaking. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Express agreements and disagreements about entertainment activities and state the reasons. II. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, III. Anticipated problems: Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready to provide help IV. Procedure:. Stages / timing. Warm up Lucky number Get Ss to play the game lucky number with the words they had learnt Task 1. - Get Ss to work in pairs to read the expression on page 157 and decide which expressions show agreement and which expressions show dis agreement - T checks with whole class and gives correct. Pre-speaking (10’). While-speaking (20’). Post-speaking (10’). Homework (5’). Teacher’s activities. Task 2+3(13m) - Ask the whole class to read the D on page 157 - Ask Ss to practice D in pairs - Call on some pairs to practice the D in front of the class and give feedback - Then ask Ss work in groups to continue the discussion Task 4(14m) - T calls on some representatives to report their discussion to the whole class. - Ask Ss to present the reasons why their group member agree or disagree about the camping trip and what their decision is - T elicits feedback from the class and gives final comments. -. Consolidation and homework (2m) T summarises the main point of the lesson For homework, Ss learn by heart the expressions and do exercises in workbook. Students’ activities Group work. Pair work and whole class 1. A 5. D. 2. D 6. A. 3. A 7. A. 4.A. Pair work, whole class, group work A: Let’s go camping B: Yes, let’s do that. Then we can enjoy spectacular scenery C: Oh, that’s a good idea, but if we go camping we’ll have to bring a lot of equipment and supplies which are quite heavy. Pair work and whole class. Whole class. Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period . . . . . . . .. UNIT 14 : RECREATION LESSON 3 : Listening. I. Objectives:. Presented by. Khưu Chí Thành. Lop11.com. Thoi Quan High School.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and taking notes while listening II. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, cassette …………. III. Anticipated problems: Ss may not catch some information, so T. should be ready to help them. IV. Procedure:. Stages / timing Warm-up (8’). Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. Warm up -T gets Ss to work in groups of 3 and then gives the following handout - Ss discuss in their group and put the leisure activities in the appropriate column. The group with the correct and quicket answer is the winner. Surfing, scuba diving, playing video games, skiing, sunbathing, surfing the internet, building sand castles, hiking, swimming, hose riding, having a picnic, bungee jumping, rollerblading, cycling, snowboardinf, bird watching, watching TV, playing chess. Indoor. Outdoor summer. Outdoor winter. All season outdoor. Indoor. Outdoor summer. Outdoor winter. All season outdoor. Playing vdeo games, Surfing the internet, watching TV, playing chess. Surfing, scuba diving, sunbathing. Skiing, snowboarding. Building sand castles, hiking, swimming, horse riding, having a picnic, bungee jumping, rolerblading, cycling, bird watching. -. Prelistening (8’). Whilelistening (20’). Presented by. T asks the winner group to go to the board and write their answers. Other Ss observe and comments - T checks and gives feedback Before you listen - T gets Ss to work in pairs to describe the two pictures. + Who are the people in the pictures? + What are they doing? + Where are they? + What is the weather like? Pre-teaching vocabulary Campinground(n) area for camping Depressed(n) sad Solitude(n): state of being alone, remoteness Spectacular(a): impressive, dramatic While you listen Task 1(10m) Before Ss listen to the task, T asks them to read through the statements to understand them well - Play the tape once for Ss to listen and do the task. Group work. Khưu Chí Thành. Pair work and whole class They are students They are going for a camping holiday They in the forest and in the city The weather is fine.  Cô đơn, cô độc, hiu quạnh đẹp, kỳ vĩ Individual work, pair work and whole class. 1,2,4,6 – true 3. F( He used to be there in summer). Lop11.com. Thoi Quan High School.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11. Postlistening (7’). - Get Ss to find a partner to check their answers with - If many Ss can’t answer the questions, T plays the tape one or two more times and pauses at the answers for them to catch Then check with whole class Task 2(10m) - Get Ss to read the questions in task 2 and answer the questions without listening again. If they can’t, T plays the tape for them to listen again - Get Ss to check their answers with a partner. Then check with whole class - Play the tape again and pause at difficult point if many Ss can’t complete the task - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write down their answers - T gives the feedback - Get Ss to read the options in each sentene or question carefully - Play the tape once for Ss to listen and do the task - Get Ss to find a partner to check their answers with - If many Ss can’t answer the questions, T plays the tape one or two more times and pauses at the answers for them to catch Then check with whole class After you listen - T gets Ss to work in groups of 4 to discuss what campers should do to protect the widerness - T goes around to check and offer help - T calls on the groups to present their ideas and other groups to add some more ideas - T gives corrective feedback. Consolidation and homework Homework - Summarise the main point of the (2’). 5. F( She doesn’t like it). Individual work, pair work and whole class 1. Riding their dirt bike in the desert, taking showers in waterfalls and swimming in lakes and rivers. 2. In sleeping bags or tents 3. Because more and more people are coming to these places and leave trash in the forests and take rocks and plants with them 4. He thinks nature is also important in the world 5. In cities 6. Because she can’t put up an umbrella tent in the wind or make a fire in the rain or carry a heavy backpack. Group work and whole class -. They shouldn’t leave the trash in the place They shouldn’t cut trees or take plants home They shouldn’t throw dirty things into the lakes and treams - Be careful with the fire They shouldn’t take rocks or wild amimals home. - listen and remember the tasks.. lesson. - Ask Ss to learn by heart all new words and do exercises in workbook.. Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period . . . . . . .. UNIT 14 : RECREATION LESSON 4 : Writing. I. Objectives:. Presented by. Khưu Chí Thành. Lop11.com. Thoi Quan High School.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Describe a camping holiday II. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, …………. III. Anticipated problems: Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write , so T should be ready to help them IV. Procedure:. Stages / timing. Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. Pre-writing Warm up (15’) Competition game- What should be prepared for a camping trip? Imagine that your class is going for a camping trip in Ao Vua, a place which is around 50 km from Hanoi and has many mountains , streams and waterfall. - Ask Ss to discuss in groups to work out the things you should prepare before the camping trip. After 4 minutes, which group has the most suitable things will be the winner Preparing Ss to write. Group work - Things to bring: Food, drinks, tent, shovel ['∫ʌvl]cái xẻng, flashlight, sleeping bag, blanket, whistle, mattress ['mætris] nệm, đệm, ,compass, first aid kit bộ dụng cụ sơ cứu, swimming suit, spare clothes, strong shoes, stove, cooker, guitar - Things to do: Hire a coach, hire the tent, buy necessary things, prepare some games and songs. Task 1 Ask Ss to work in pairs to look at the pictures and activities given on page 159 and 160 of the book and match the activities with suitable pictures - Check the answers with the whole class - T asks Ss to work in group to brainstorm the ideas for the description. Ss should also work out the structure of the writing - Ss write one or two sentences about the time and place of the camping trip + Body: Ss describe the camping trip in details: the time they set up, what activities they did and the time they came back from the campground + conclusion: Ss write bout their feeling of the trip. Whilewriting (15’). Presented by. Writing(15m) Get Ss to write their description in 15 minutes, based on the suggestions given in task 1 - call two Ss to go to the board to write Khưu Chí Thành. Pair work, group work and whole class 1. g 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. f 6. d 7. h 8. i 9. e. Suggested writing. Last weekend our class went to Ba Vi for a two-day camping holiday. Our bus left the school very early, at 5 a.mon Saturday morning so that we could hame more time to play. When we arrived at the campground, we quickly put up the two big umbrella tents. After that some of us went around to watch wildlife in the forest. Some of our classmates who had been in the place before went swimming in the lake. At around ten a.m, we gatered near the tent and cooked our food over the open fire. After lunch, we had a short rest. At about 3 p.m, we went fishing in the hope that we could catch some fish for our dinner. Luckily, we caught 3 big fishes. We cooked and had dinner together happily. After that, we put up a big fire to prepare for the evening activities. We sang and danced around the camp fire. Ar 11 p.m we went to sleeping in the tents. The. Lop11.com. Thoi Quan High School.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 - goes around and offer help boys slept in the blue tent, and the girls stayed in the red one. We all slept soundly. The next morning we woke up early. After a light breakfast, we organized some games with Feetback on Ss’ writing Post- T asks Ss to exchange their writing funny and surprising prizes. After lunch, some writing of us went around the place while others took with another student for peer (13’) a nap in the tents. We got on the bus to leave correction to campsite at 4 p.m on Sunday afternoon - T goes around and collects The camping trip has had agreat impression mistakes and errors on us. After the trip, our classmates seem to - T writes Ss’ typical errors on the understand more about one another. We hope board - T provides correction only when Ss we can have another chance to go camping again are not able to correct the errors Homework (2’). Consolidation and homework. _ Listen and remember the task.. T summarises the main points For homework, T asks Ss to improve their writing, taking in consideration their friends’ and T’s suggestions and correction. SUPPLEMENTS: ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ ......................................................................................... Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period . . . . . .. UNIT 14 : RECREATION LESSON 4 : Writing. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: o Pronounce the clusters/ts/, /dz/, /t∫t/, /dʌd/ o Pronounce the words and sentences containing these cluters correctly o Use both……..and, not only……..but also, ether……or, neither…nor and cleft sentences in the passive correctly to do the exercises and solve communicative tasks II. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, …………. III. Anticipated problems: Ss may have difficulty pronouncing the clusters. Therefore, T should be ready to assist them IV. Procedure:. Stages / Presented by. Teacher’s activities Khưu Chí Thành. Lop11.com. Students’ activities Thoi Quan High School.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 timing Pronunciation(10m) Pronunciation Distinguish sounds - T models the clusters/ts/, /dz/, /t∫t/, (13’) /dʌd/ for few times and explains how to pronounce them - T gets Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few more times. T listens and corrects if Ss pronounce the words incorrectly Practicing sentences containing the target sounds -Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the sentences - Go around to listen and take notes of the typical errors - Call on some Ss to read the sentences again and provides corrective feedback Grammar. Grammar (30’). Presented by. Exercise 1 1. Presentation(10m) 1.1 Both……and(võa…v÷a)  both+ adj+and + adj She is both pretty and intelligent adj adj  both+ N and +N She plays both table- tennis and badminton N N  both +V and +V They both speak and laugh V V  both + adverbial phrase+ and + adverbial phrase 1.2 not only…..but also It is not only cold but also wet She not only plays badminton but also tennis 1.3 either……..or: hoÆc …hoÆc ( Được dùng để nói về sự lựa chọn giữa 2 khả năng(hoặc đôi khi nhiều hơn 2) Ex: I don’t speak either Chinese or Japanese You can have either soup or fruit juice He didn’t either write or phone Note: khi hai S ®c nèi b»ng either ….or , thì V chia theo S đứng gần V Either he or I am wrong 1.3 Neither….nor: kh«ng……mµ còng kh«ng I neither rich nor poor He neither phoned nor wrote Note: khi hai S ®c nèi b»ng Neither ….nor , thì V chia theo S đứng gần V 2. Practice(8m) - T asks Ss to do exercise 1 individually and then compare their. Khưu Chí Thành. Lop11.com. Individual work, pair work, and whole class. Pay attention and give examples He is both singer and actor Both my sister and brother are students Not only the students but also the teacher is interested Lan works hard both at home and at work Adv adv Note: khi hai S ®c nèi b»ng not only…….but also, thi đt chia theo S đứng gần đt Not only my son but also my daughters are here You can either come with me now or walk home. Neither he nor I am right Individual work, pair work, and whole class 1. Both Jim and Carol are on holiday 2. George neither smokes nor drink 3. Neither Jim nor Carol has a car 4. The film was both long and boring 5. That man’s name is either Richard or Robert 6. I’ve got neither time nor money to go on holiday 7. We can leave either today or tomorrow. Thoi Quan High School.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 answers with another student - Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board - T elicits peer correction and gives correct answers if necessary 8. Helen lost both her passport and her wallet at the airport 9. …they are both clean and easy to part 10. ……I either go to the ciname or stay at home and watch TV. Exercise 2. Homework (2’). 1. Presentation(7m) Cleft sentences in the passive The boy hit the dog in the garden → It was the dog that was hit in the garden They gave Mai a book last week → It was Mai who was given a book last week 2. Practice(8m) - T asks Ss to do exercise 1 individually and then compare their answers with another student - Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board - T elicits peer correction and gives correct answers if necessary Consolidation and homework T summarises the main points For homework, T asks Ss review the lesson, do the exercises in the workbook.. Pay attention and give more examples 1. It was Christina who was given a lot of flower.. 2. It was the policeman wo was asked…. 3. It was his house that was talked… 4. It was a bicycle that was bought… 5. It was his home town that was described.. 6. It was the children who were frightened 7. It was her classes that were broken 8. It was my younger sister who was kissed.. 9. It was this story book that was given to… 10. It is Tet that is celebrated as the ….. Whole class. Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period : . . . . . .. TEST YOURSELF E i.. Aim: -Ss will be able to consolidate skills and knowledge which they have just got from unit 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. II. Lexical items: -Listening: 10 minutes. -Reading: 10 minutes -Grammar: 10 minutes -Writing: 10 minutes III. Teaching aids: transparencies IV. Procedure: 1.Warm – up:3’ 2.Presentation Stages / Presented by. Teacher’s activities Khưu Chí Thành. Students’ activities Lop11.com. Thoi Quan High School.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 timing. Listening 15’. Reading 10’. Grammar 10’. Writing 10’. Homework. -Ask ss to read the information below carefully to make sure that they understand what topic they are going to listen about : TV’s role -Ask them to guess before listening -Let them listening to the tape twice and write their choice on their transparencies -Call some of them to report -Give the answer key -Let them listen again to check. -Read the information below carefully to understand about topic they are going to listen (TV’s role) -Guess before listening -Listen to the tape twice and write their choice on their transparencies -Report their results -Check their results with T’s answer key. -Ask ss to read the requirement of reading passage and the statements below -Ask them to scan and decide whether the statements are T and F on their transparencies -> correct. -Read the requirement of reading passage and the statements below -Scan and decide whether the statements are T and F on their transparencies Answers: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F. -Ask ss to revise relative pronouns and cleft sentences through exercise -Ask them to do exercise on their transparencies -Call some of them to report their results->correct. -Revise relative pronouns and cleft sentences through exercise -Do exercise -Report their results a 1. street 2. squeeze 3. meets 4. managed b 1. who 2. that 3. that 4. who 5.who 6. that. -Explain ss duty in this part -Let them discuss of the main ideas before writing:. -Listen to teacher’s explanation of their duty -Discuss of the main ideas before writing about their hobbies:. + Name of their hobby + Time to start the hobby + When to start it + How to enjoy it + How much time they spend on it + Why to enjoy + How long to keep it -Let them write on transparencies -Call some of them to make -Given them the way to make their writings them selves: + Structures: 0.5 p + Content: 1P + Vocabulary :1p + Sentences: 1 p _ Give task to ss.. + Name/ time…. -Write on transparencies -Exchange their writings and give marks. _ Listen and remember.. (2’) SUPPLEMENTS: ........................................................................................ Presented by. Khưu Chí Thành. Lop11.com. Thoi Quan High School.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> LESSON PLANS OF GRADE 11 ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ ......................................................................................... Presented by. Khưu Chí Thành. Lop11.com. Thoi Quan High School.

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