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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Lesson plan. Class 11. Lesson Plan Pham Hung High School. Unit 13.. Grade: 11. Subject: English. Hobbies. Reading. Period: 79. March 16th, 2011. Supervisor: Ms. Huynh Kim Hoa Student: Nguyen Thi My Phuong Code: 7075864. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to - read and guess meanings of words in the context - talk about their hobbies Materials: textbook, handouts Procedure: Time 10’. Teacher’s activities. Ss’ activities. Notes. I. Warm up: - 10 - minute test (Unit 12) - Introducing new lesson. Unit 13: Hobbies. - Listening. Reading II. Pre- reading 9’. 1. Pre-teaching vocabulary - Eliciting vocabulary. - Listening and answering. - Modeling and checking meaning, stress and pronunciation 1. Accomplished (adj) (synonym) = talented, skilled. tài hoa, cừ khôi.. 2. Accompany (v) (translation). đệm đàn, đệm nhạc. 3. Avid (adj) (synonym) = eager. say mê, khao khát. Unit 13. Hobbies. Lop11.com1. Reading.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Lesson plan. Class 11 4. Discard (v) = throw sth away (mime and synonym) Discarded (adj). ném, bỏ, loại bỏ loại bỏ. 5. Keep s.o occupied (synonym) = keep s.o busy. làm ai bận rộn. 2. Checking VOC Fill in the blank with the words they have learned.. Answer key. 1. He is a/an _________ reader of science fiction.. 1. avid. 2. Tom often _________ on the piano for his sister. 2. accompanies. 3. Tom collects stamps from ________ envelopes.. 3. discarded. 4. He is a/an __________ musician. All his songs are very popular. 4. accomplished. 5. I spend most of my free time looking after my dogs. They really __________. 5. keep me occupied. - Tick poster on the board - Asking ss to work in pairs and fill in the blanks with the words. - Working in pars and filling in the blanks. they have just learned - Asking ss to write their answers on the board. - Writing the answers. - Checking and correcting. - Listening and answering. Unit 13. Hobbies. Lop11.com2. Reading.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Lesson plan. Class 11 - Delivering handouts. Task 1. T. F. 1. The writer is an accomplished guitarist. 2. The writer collects fish from the shop and keeps them in a pool 3. The writer is an eager stamp collector. 4. The writer gets more of local stamps. - Asking ss to read task 1. - Reading task 1. - Running through task 1. - Listening and answering. - Asking ss to work in pairs and guess whether the statements are true or false. - Working in groups and guessing. - Asking ss to write the guessing answers on the board. - Writing the answers. III. 7’. While – reading Answer key. Task 1. Read the passage and decide whether the statements are true (T). 1. F. or false (F). - Asking ss to read the passage and decide whether the statements are true or false. - Reading the passage. 2. F. and deciding whether. 3. T. the statements are true. 4. T. or false - Asking ss to share the answers with their friend. - Sharing the answers. - Asking ss to give the answers. - Giving the answers. - Checking and correcting. - Listening and taking notes. Unit 13. Hobbies. Lop11.com3. Reading.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Lesson plan. Class 11 8’. Task 2. Answer the questions. Answer key. 1. What is the writer’s first hobby?. 1. The writer’s first hobby is playing the guitar, (line 1, p2). 2. Why does the writer admire his uncle? 3. What is the writer’s second hobby?. 2. Because he is an accomplished guitar. 4. Where does he collect the stamps?. and he is good at accompanying. 5. What does the write do with the less common stamps and with the common ones?. people singing with his guitar, (line 1, 5-6, p2).. 3. His second hobby is keeping fish, (line 2,p3). 4. He collects them from discarded envelopes his relatives and friends give him, (line 2-3,p4) 5. He keeps the less common ones inside a small album. The common ones he usually gives away to others or if no one wants them he simply throws them away, (line 5-7, p4) - Asking ss to read task 2. - Reading task 2. - Running through new words. - Listening and answering. - Asking ss to read the passage again and answer the questions. - Reading the passage and answering the questions. - Asking ss to share the answers with theirs friends. Unit 13. Hobbies. - Sharing the answers. Lop11.com4. Reading.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Lesson plan. Class 11. 10’. - Asking ss to read and write the answers on the board. - Reading and writing the answers. - Checking and correcting. - Listening and taking notes. IV.Post _ reading. Work in pairs. Talk about your hobby T: What is your hobby? Ss: My hobby is (reading stories). T: When do you like (reading stories)? Ss: I like (reading story)( when I have free time/ at the mid – night) T: Where do you often (read stories)? Ss: I often (read in the bed). - Asking ss to work in pairs. - Working in pairs. - Tick the poster on the board - Giving example. - Listening and answering. - Asking ss to talk about their hobbies in pairs. - Talking about their hobbies. - Going around to help ss - Dividing class into 2 groups - Asking each group to take turn talking about their hobby (different hobby). - Talking about their hobbies. - Controlling class to perform their task - Giving comment 1’. - Listening and taking notes. V. Homework - Asking ss to read the passage again and review new words. Unit 13. Hobbies. Lop11.com5. - Listening and taking notes. Reading.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Lesson plan. Class 11. THPT Phạm Hùng, ngày duyệt………/……../……... Ngày soạn 10/3/2010. GVHD. Giáo sinh. Huỳnh Kim Hoa. Unit 13. Hobbies. Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Phượng. Lop11.com6. Reading.
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