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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 21 - Unit 4: Volunteer Work A - Reading

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Period: 21 Week: 07. Unit 4: Volunteer Work A- Reading. I- objectives: 1. Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand about the work of the volunteers so that they can share and know the way to do all the work in their ages themselves , and get more information , words and structures to talk about the volunteer work , - Develop reading skills: Scanning for specific ideas and skimming for general information. - Use the information they have read to discuss the topic. 2. Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to volunteer work like voluntarily, remote, orphan, charity, handicapped, mountainous, orphanages, ...... II. Teaching aids: pictures.. III. Anticipated problems: Students may need help with the discussion task.. VI- Procedures: 1- Organization: Greeting and checking the sts’ attendance 2- New lesson. Teacher’ s acts - Explain the word : Volunteer and asks sts some questions :. -Ask sts to look at the picture on the page 46 and asks them some question:. Students’ acts -Work in groups to discuss the activities of the volunteer work . Then some presents in front of the class.. Content A.Warm up: What did you do in your summer vacation? Did you take part in a volunteer movement to help the family and the mothers of the war invalids and martyrs? What do you know about the volunteer work?. B. Before you read: -Work in pairs and answer teacher's questions. -Gives sts some new words and guides them to -Practise reading new words in chorus then pronounce in pairs And read individually .. 1. What is the old woman doing in the picture? 2. What does this mean by "Little Moments Big Magic"? 3. What dose the picture tell you? Answers 1. the old woman is teaching the boy to read. 2. it means that your little contribution and help may lead to significant results / may greatly changen a person's life. 3. all the people are volunteers. Words - volunteer [,vɑlən'tiə] noun and verb, ( volunteer for something / to do something) người tình nguyện Overcome [,ouvə'kɑm] (v) thắng, chiến thắng - to participate in [pɑ:'tisipeit] (v) ( to participate in something) tham gia (một hoạt động). Lop11.com. Sup.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - remote [ri'mout] (adj) xa xôi; hẻo lánh - the handicapped ['hændikæpt] (n) những người bị tật nguyền - mow : [mou] (v) cắt (cỏ). C. While you read:. -Read the intruction in task1 - Let Ss listen to the passage twice -has sts do the task 1 conducts the correction of the task 1.. Task 1 _ Listen _ Listen and then read the text in silience again and give the answers of the task 1. Answers: 1. voluntary. 2. voluntarily. 3. volunteers. 4. volunteered Task 2 Answers: 1. A (line 1-2, paragraph 2). 2. D. (line 3-4, paragraph 2) 3. B. (line 3-4, paragraph 4) 4. D. (line 3-4, paragraph 4) 5. B. (last paragraph). Ask sts read through the work in groups and present the answers: exercise and do it in group Let and walk around to help them. Call on some present and another comment. Give the correction . T has sts do task 3 -Ask sts to read three questions . - has sts discuss these questions in pairs. - walks around the class to help sts when they need. -Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class. - listens and conducts the corrections.. Task 3 - Read the questions and work in pairs to answer them.. 1. They read books to the people there, play games with them or listen to their problems. 2. They give care and comfort to them and help them to overcome their difficulties. - some pairs to ask 3. They volunteer to work in remote or and answer in front of moutainous areas. the class. - Copy down. D. After you read: -Asks sts to work in pairs to di scuss the question in the book. Walks around to help sts when necessarty. When all pairs have finished, Asks every two pairs to share ideas. Call on some sts to report their ideas to the class. -T guides sts do homework. (reading part in the workbook at 25 28 pages). Discuss the question in the book in pairs. Then share the answers in every two pairs. Some report in front of the class.. E. Homework: Listen to teacher carefully. Take notes.. Lop11.com.

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