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Bài ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Exercies – Tenses

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Exercies – Tenses I. complete the sentences with appropriate forms of verbs in brackets 1- Computers (cause) ........... a new revolution in high schools and universities today. At this moment, students in a lot schools (do)............. their exercises or term papers on computers. They (caculated)..................statistics. They (write).............. reports. They (design)........................new products- all on personal computerts. Today’s computer revolution(be) ...................... a major force in education. Students often (feel)......................... that they are at a disadvantage if they (not have) ....................access to computers. Many students ( have)................ to pay for time at a computer center. Personal computers (be)................ very common nowadays. Certain colleges and universities in the world now(require)................their students to buy their own. 2- Ninh and I used to be best friends and do crazy things together. One of the days I still(remember) ................................ best was when he was struck by lightning. We (not, have)............................ class on that day because there was no school. All the teachers(have) ........................... to attend an important meeting with local authorities. Ninh and I (go).............. swimming in the river with some village children because the weather(be)........ so hot for several days. The sky was so blue and high. There(be)................. a few clouds far in the east. We (use, have)................... a lot of fun with this small river because after our swimming we (use, climb) ............................... up the trees along the river banks for their fruits. As usual, Ninh and I climbed up the tallest tree because we (can, see) ..................... the whole village from there. While we (be, bite) ......................into some sour guavas the wind suddenly (blow) ....................harder and harder. Suddenly a thunder (come) ............................ along with a great flash of lightning. I was so scared and I (fall) ................ down the tree and became unconcious. When I opened my eyes, I was in my bed, surrounded by my parents and relatives. Later on, I (be, tell) ................................that ninh (be, burn) ..........................badly by the lightning but he was still alive. From that day up to now I (keep) .................. away from the river and the trees along its banks, and Ninh (get) ............... the nickname the “lightning-god-spared boy.” 3- When I (be)............ a little boy I (use) ..................to wander in the woods by the river flowing through my village. In spring, I (love) ................... watching a variety of bushes and plants (grow) ............. in the sunlight and (liten)........... to newly-born birds (chirp) ............... in their nets high on the trees. In summer, I (use) .............. to watch different kindsof kites (fly) ........... high in the blue sky and listen to buffalo boys (play) .................their bamboo flutes when they (ride) .......... their water buffaloes. In winter, I (use) ................ to sit with my dad by the river and (watch) ................ him fish for hours. 4- I (live) ..............in a big city now. I (stop, see) ................... bushes and plants (grow) ............ in the woods, and the kites (fly) ............... high in the sky. Every day I (see) .............. people (pass) ............... by me in a hurry and different kinds of vehicles (travel) ..................... to and from the way to my office and back home. I (stop, listen) ........................to the birds (sing) ...................and the buffalo boys (play) ............their bamboo flutes but the traffic (sound) ............... noisily and people (talk) .............. and (chat) ............. I (watch) ................ people (catch) ............... fish on TV instead of my dad by the river. Sometimes I (feel) ........ lost and nostalgic. II- Choose the best answer: 1. The phone .... for several minutes before I heard it. a. had been ringing b. has been ringing c. was ringing d. have been ringing 2. I hope you’ll remember to call me when you .... in Paris. Lop11.com a. are arriving b. will be arriving c. will arrive d. arrive.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 3. The train ... so hurry and you might catch it. a. have just arrived b. has just arrived c. has been arriving d. was arriving 4. Fifty years ago, people thought we .... able to control the weather by the 21st century, but it’s still not possible. a. will have been b. will be c. would be d. are going to be 5. Russell Crowe has been my favourite actor ... I saw him in Gladiator. a. after b. when c. since d. as soon as 6. David! I think someone ... at the door! a. will knock b. knocked c. knocks d. is knocking 7. By the way, Julie and I .... to get married. a. are deciding b. decided c. will decide d. have decided 8. We ... to meet outside the station at 10 o’clock the following morning. a. have been agreeing b. agrees c. agreeing d. agreed 9. When I ... to the party, Tom and David...., John .... drinks. a. was coming/ had danced/ singing c. came/ were dancing/ was singing b. had come/ danced/ sang d. have come/ are dancing/ is singing 10. If you were not sick, .... camping with us? a. will you go b. would you go c. do you go d. are you going 11. The boy fell while he ...... down the stairs. a. run b. was running c. running d. runs 12. I am looking for an inexpensive apartment. They ... harder to find. a. become b. have become c. are becoming d. became 13. On a typical day, the average person ... about 48,000 words. a. speaks b. was speaking c. spoke d. is speaking 14. If he were the prime minister, he ... more money on building the hospitals. a. will spend b. would spend c. would have spent d. will have spent 15. His father ... 20 short stories so far. a. has written b. writes c. wrote d. write 16. From the time he arrived home, he ... a lot of silly questions. a. ask b. asks c. has aked d. asked 17. We didn’t use to get up late when we ... in the countryside. a. live b. lived c. are living d. were living 18. She has three brothers, all of whom.... in Ho Chi Minh City. a. is working b. are working c. works d. working 19. She ... him until he introduced his name. a. didn’t realize b. hasn’t realized c. doesn’t realize d. hadn’t realized 20. A thyief broke into Harry’s flat and .... his TV. a. stealed b. stolen c. stole d. steal 21. They ... next to each other at the lecture this morning. a. sit b. sat c. set d. sitted 22. Last Sunday, when they ... an exciting football match on TV, the electricity ... out. a. were watching/ was going b. watched/ went c. watched/ was going d. were watching/ went 23. When I was at secondary school, the boy next to me ... in class a. was always talking b. talked always c. was always talking d. always talked 24. Bread and butter ... my family daily food ten tears ago. a. is b. was c. were d. be Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> III. make up sentences using suggested words 1. She/ finish/ work/ very soon. ............................................................................... 2. This weather/ suitable/ camp/ holiday. ............................................................................................ 3. If/ it/ fine / tomorrow, we/ go / fish ............................................................................................ 4. After / I / entered / house /it / to rain. ............................................................................................. 5. When / I / station / train / already /left. ............................................................................................ 6. Mother / used /getting /early /morning. ............................................................................................ 7. How long / you / make / acquaintance / her? .............................................................................................. 8. There /be / a lot / hotels / that city. ............................................................................................... 9. He / play / active part / politics / now. ................................................................................................ 10.I / my homework / two hours ago. ................................................................................................ 11.How long / it take her / get / school / everyday. ............................................................................................... 12.This film / so interesting / I / it / twice. ............................................................................................... 13.It / be / the frst time / I / be / Tokyo. ................................................................................................ 14.My brother / learn / English / 5 years. ................................................................................................ 15.Look! / sun / set / mountains. ................................................................................................ 16.John / not have / his car / wash over six moths. ................................................................................................ 17.What / weather / like /while / you / be / DaLat last moth? ................................................................................................. 18.If / you / not stop / borrow / money / you / be / trouble. ................................................................................................ 19.They / look forward / meet / old / friends / again. ................................................................................................ 20.Last Monday I / went / an excursion / Cambridge. .................................................................................................. Lop11.com.

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