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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week: 22 Period: 65. Unit 11 :. Sources of energy A- READING. I- objectives:. 1. Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get information about the human's present resources of energy and future energy ,so that they can have more attention to protect and have suitable works to save the nature and resources of energy. - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in the context. - Use the information they have read to discuss the related topic. 2. Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to resources of energy like : fossil fuel, oil, coal, exhaut, alternative, released, nuclear, winmill, sailboat, dam, solar panel, plentiful, potential, …….. 3. Structures: The uses of some phrasal verbs : nuclear power station, we need energy to live and work, to cook meals, to light, to heat or cool the house, to run machines,…. II. Teaching aids: text book, . III. Anticipated problems: Students may have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic need to provided appropriate linguistic resources. VI- Procedures:. 1- Organization: - Greeting and checking the sts’ attendance 2- Checking the old lesson:( No ) 3- New lesson Teacher’ s Students’ acts Content acts - Ask Ss find - Ss find out the I. WARM UP: Word Grid out the vertical vertical word. ENERGY word. Lead in: What sources of energy do you know? Oil coal wind Source of. - Read and write the words on the board. explain - Listen and copy down. - Ask Ss to - Work in pairs work in pairs and fill in each and fill in each blank with a. natural nuclear II. PRE-READING: * Pre-teach vocabulary: - alternative (adj) : thay theá - reserve (n) : sự dự trữ - exhaust (v) : laøm kieät queä - released (adj) : phoùng thích - limited (adj) : giới hạn * Checking vocabulary: Gap-fill (Task 1/125-126) 1.released 2.alternative 3. exhausted 4.limited 4.reserve Lop11.com. Sup.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> blank with a suitable word from the vocabulary. - Ask Ss to read the text silently and answer the questions with a partner.. suitable word from the vocabulary - Read the text silently and answer the questions with a partner.. -give feedback. - copy down. - Ask Ss to scan the passage to find out the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative source.. - Ss scan the passage to find out the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative source.. -A preventative - Ask Ss to of each group work in groups present their and take notes group’s ideas. their group’s ideas. -listen and remark. III. WHILE-READING: * Answer the questions 1. What is our major source of energy? - Our major source of energy is fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas) 2. How many sources of energy are mentioned in the text? - The sources of energy mentioned in the text are: Fossil fuels, nuclear energy, geothermal heat, solar energy, wind power, water power. 3. Whish one of do you think is the most potential energy of all the alternative sources of energy? - I think solar energy is the most potential energy of all the alternative sources of energy. * Table Completion Sources of Advantages Disadvantages energy Nuclear unlimited Very energy dangerous Solar energy not only plentiful & Possible in the infinite but also day time clean & safe Water power clean & unlimited Expensive Wind power clean & unlimited No wind no wind energy Geothermal avail be possible heat IV. POST-READING: Discussion Complete the summary of the reading passage…….. V. HOMEWORK: Revise the reading lesson and prepare the next part.. Lop11.com.
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