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English 11 - 45 min test paper

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Mr. An- THPT Chuyen Nguyen Binh Khiem – Quang Nam. Full name: ----------45 min test paper- N0 1 Class 11 CHUYÊN ANH I. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Clothing habits are a matter of (1) _____ preference in the United States. Most people are free to wear (2) _____ they feel comfortable. Business people in large urban areas are (3) _____ to wear suits or dresses, while clothing in rural areas is less formal. Most Americans tend to dress casually when not in formal or business situations. When eating, most Americans (4) _____ a fork in the hand with which they write. Americans eat away from home often, and usually they (5) ____ their own meals when dining with friends. When Americans greet one another they often (6) _____ a firm handshake. They may greet strangers on the street by saying "Hello" or "Good morning". Friends often greet each other (7) _____ "How are you?" and respond "Fine, thanks." Americans do not really (8) _____. any other answer to the question "How. are you?" because it is a way of saying hello. Except in formal situations, people address each other by their given names once they are acquainted. Although Americans are generally informal people, it would be (9) _____ to schedule an appointment before going to visit someone, especially in business (10) _____ an appointment has been made, it is considered to be prompt. 1.. a. person. b. personal. c. persons. d. personably. 2.. a. whatever. b. wherever. c. whenever. d. whichever. 3.. a. unlikely. b. likely. c. like. d. alike. 4.. a. take. b. carry. c. hold. d. bring. 5.. a. buy. b. get. c. order. d. pay. 6.. a. transfer. b. exchange. c. replace. d. change. 7.. a. with. b. of. c. by. d. about. 8.. a. want. b. predict. c. expect. d. need. 9. a. the best b. best c. good d. well 10. a. while b. during c. when d. once II. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest: 1. a. history b. honor c. hold d. home 2. a. brought b. every c. ring d. party 3. a. summer b. use c. computation d. due 4. a. glared b. loved c. scored d. laughed 5. a. kinds b. bombs c. roses d. books III. Rewrite these sentences with the words given. 1. The alarm went off just as they came out of the building. Scarcely ………………………………………………….( Scarcely had they come out of the wedding when the alarm went off.) 2. I told Simon to stop talking, but he didn’t. Simon kept ……………………………………………………… (Simon kept talking although / though I told him to stop.) 3. To be sure of catching the bus, they got to the bus station very early. To avoid ………………………………………………………… (To avoid missing the bus, they got to the bus station very early) 4. You ran the risk of being burgled when you left the door unlocked. Your house could ………………………………(Your house could have been broken into when you left the door unlocked.) 5. Noise is something that is not possible for me to tolerate. (PUT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (I find it impossible to put up with noise. / Noise is something that is impossible for me to put up with.) IV- Choose the most suitable word or phrase: 1. More and more trees in the area are found __________ from the effect of polluted air. A. died B. to be dying C. having died D. to be dead 2. This book provides students ____________ useful tips that help them to pass the coming exam. A.  B. about C. for D. with 3. The children made ___________ a little poem and wrote it in the card. A. up B. over C. for D. off 4. After Mary ___________ her degree, she intends to work in her father’s company. A. will finish B. is finishing C. finishes D. will have finished Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Mr. An- THPT Chuyen Nguyen Binh Khiem – Quang Nam. 5. “Write to me when you get home”. “________________” A. I must B. I should C. I will D. I can 6. You _____________ the look on his face when he won the prize. A. would have seen B. can be seeing C. must see D. should have seen 7. “What do you think of the book?” “Oh, excellent. It’s worth ____________ a second time”. A. to read B. to be read C. reading D. being read 8. I _________ a novel ___________ by O.Henry at seven yesterday evening. A. read, written B. would read, to write C. was reading, written D. was to read, writing 9. I wonder if he ____________. If he ___________, please let me know as soon as possible. A. will come, arrives B. comes, arrives C. comes, will arrive D. will come, will arrive 10. He died ___________ H1N1 flu. A. for B. by C. in D. of 11. She told him __________ up hope. A. not give B. do not give C. not to give D. to give not 12. He came home late, so I asked him where _____________ been. A. he had B. has he C. he has D. had he 13. Since _____________ to a warmer and less humid climate, I’ve had no trouble with my asthma. A. I move B. I moving C. upon moving D. moving 14. If you take a good book on your hand, you will find it hard _______________. A. to pick it up B. to put it down C. to read it D. to enjoy it 15. Some people really enjoy swimming, __________ others are afraid of water. A. while B. or C. despite D. in spite of 16. She didn’t get ___________ well with her boss, so the left the company. A. up B. at C. through D. on 17. Come and sit down. Have a cup of tea, _______________? A. wouldn’t you B. will you C. haven’t you D. do you 18. I believe that everyone has had ..................... experiences in their life. A. embarrassing B. confusing C. unforgettable D. All are correct 19. She does not want .................. anything that might .................. him. A. to do / hurt B. doing / hurting C. to do / hurting D. doing / to hurt 20 As preparations, people are busy buying things, preparing ...................... foods, and cleaning the house. A. traditionally B. traditional C. traditionalist D. tradition 21.A party is a social gathering intended primarily for ..................... and recreation. A. celebrating B. celebrate C. celebrated D. celebration 22. Jack admitted .................. the money. A. stealing B. stolen C. steal D. to steal 23. A ______ tastes alcoholic drinks to differentiate them. a. taster b. dog c. bat d. all are correct. 24. Your presence at the event is highly ______. a. appreciate b. appreciation c. appreciated d. appreciating 25. To ______ means to develop gradually. a. grow b. evolve c. rise d. go up. V. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting 1. After Tom returned to his house, he read a book. A B C D 2. Our form teacher told us not talk when the teachers were A B C explaining the lesson. D 3. My lawyer advised me to not say anything further about the accident. A B C D 4. We attend a great birthday party last week. A B C D 5. She could have burn her cooking again. a b c d _The end_+++++++Nguồn:. ischool.net, ngày download: 26/11/2009 Lop11.com.

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