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Đềthi học kỳ I - Anh 7

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>ĐỀTHI HỌC KỲ I - ANH 7- THỜI GIAN 45’ Full name:……………………………………………class………………………………… 1- Match the words in column A with the words in column B. (1 M) A B Matching ĐIỂM 1. Listen a. television 1…… 2.Watch b. rope 2…… 3. Go c. to music 3…… 4. Play d. a book 4…… 5. Skip e. stamps 5…… 6. Read f. soccer 6…… 7. Do g. to the movies 7…… 8. Collect h. homework 8…… 2- Circle the best answer. (2 M) 0. There .......... five people in my family. A is B have C are 1. What …..... do you like best ? I like Physics best.A sports B music C. subject 2. Ba is good at .......... A draw B to draw C drawing 3. We often .......... catch at recess. A plays B playing C play 4. It’s 7.30 now. Lan .......... her homework. A doing B does C is doing 5. Let’s go to the ........ to read comics. - OK. A cafeteria B library C movie theater 6. Mai and Lan enjoys ………. to music. A listen B to listen C listening 7. Would you like ……. a movie? - Yes, I'd love to. A seeing B to see C see 8. The students in my class are interested …...… sports. A in B on C at 9. In Computer Science classes we learn how ......... a computer. A to play B to use C to do 10. .......... do you go to the library? - Sometimes. A How often B When C Where 11. Would you like to go to the water park? ...…… A Yes, I like B Yes, I'd love to C Yes, I do 12. The Unites States Library of Congress has over 5,000 …… A employees B players C collectors 3- Read the text carefully & do the following exercises. (3 M) Schools in the USA are a little different from schools in Viet Nam. Students do not usually wear a school uniform and there are no lessons on Saturday. Classes start at 8.30 every morning and the school day ends at 3.30 or 4.00 o’clock in the afternoon. Students usually have lunch at school. At recess students often talk, drink and eat in the school cafeteria. They like playing basketball after school.. Answering these Qs:. a. Do students in the USA have lessons on Saturday? → .................................................................................................. b. What time does the school day finish?→ ...................................................................................................................... c. What do students often do at recess? → ....................................................................................................................... True (T) or False (F). a. Students in the USA go to school from Monday to Saturday. ___ b. Sometimes they have lunch in the school cafeteria. ___ c. They enjoy playing basketball after school. ___ 4- Writing the following sentences using intruction. (2.5 M) 1. for / my house / like / lunch / to / would / come / you / to / ? / Would ............................................................................ 2. What about going to the movies? Let’s ........................................................................................................................ 3. The library opens at 7.30 every day.→.......................................................................................................................... 4. What / you / like / do / free time?→ ............................................................................................................................. 5. What do you often do after school? → ......................................................................................................................... 5- Listening & fill in to the table. ( 1.5 M) Time Subject 7.00 Biology. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> ĐỀTHI HỌC KỲ I - ANH 7- THỜI GIAN 45’ Full name:……………………………………………class…………………………………. Lop11.com.

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