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<b>1 | P a g e</b>

<i><b>MÔN TIẾNG ANH 12 – ĐỀ SỐ 1 (Thời gian làm bài 60 phút) </b></i>

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes </b></i>
<i><b>each of the following exchanges. </b></i>

<i><b>Question 1. In Lauren’s house. </b></i>

<b>James: </b>It’s so cold in here.

<b>Lauren: ___________________. </b>I’ll turn on the heating.

<b> A. </b>I’m afraid I can’t agree with you <b>B. </b>I don’t think so

<b> C. </b>You can say that again <b>D. </b>Oh, you must be kidding
<b>Question 2. </b><i>After a party at Jessica’s house.</i>

<b>Susie: </b>Goodbye, Jessica. I’ve had a great time at your party.
<b>Jessica: ______</b>_________. I’m glad you like it.

<b> A. </b>Same to you <b>B. </b>So long <b>C. </b>So so <b>D. </b>Yeah

<i><b>Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate </b></i>
<i><b>the correct answer to each of the following questions. </b></i>

Inside the tree's protective outer bark is the circulatory system, consisting of two cellular pipelines
that transport water, mineral nutrients, and other organic substances to all living tissues of the tree.
One pipeline, called the xylem or sapwood transports water and nutrients up from the roots to the
leaves. The other, the phloem or inner bark carries the downward flow of foodstuffs from the leaves
to the branches, trunk, and roots. Between these two pipelines is the vascular cambium, a

single-cell layer too thin to be seen by the naked eye. This is the tree's major growth organ, responsible
for the outward widening of the trunk, branches, twigs, and roots. During each growing season, the
vascular cambium produces new phloem cells on its outer surface and new xylem cells on its inner

Xylem cells in the roots draw water molecules into the tree, taking in hydrogen and oxygen and also
carrying chemical nutrients from the soil. The xylem pipeline transports this Iife-sustaining mixture
upward as xylem sap, all the way from the roots to the leaves. Xylem sap flows upward at rates of
15 meters per hour or faster. Xylem veins branch throughout each leaf, bringing xylem sap to
thirsty cells. Leaves depend on this delivery system for their water supply because trees lose a
tremendous amount of water through transpiration, evaporation of water from air spaces in the
leaves. Unless the transpired water is replaced by water transported up from the roots, the leaves
will wilt and eventually die.

How a tree manages to lift several liters of water so high into the air against the pull of gravity is an
amazing feat of hydraulics. Water moves through the tree because it is driven by negative
pressure-tension in the leaves due to the physical properties of water. Transpiration, the evaporation of
water from leaves, creates the tension that drives long-distance transport up through the xylem
pipeline. Transpiration provides the pull, and the cohesion of water due to hydrogen bonding
transmits the pull along the entire length of xylem. Within the xylem cell, water molecules adhere
<b>to each other and are pulled upward through the trunk, into the branches and toward the cells and </b>
air spaces of the leaves.

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<b>2 | P a g e</b>

<b> B. </b>Leaves, branches, and trunk

<b> C. </b>Water, minerals, and organic substances.
<b> D. </b>Xylem and phloem

<b>Question 4. The word “This” in paragraph 1 refers to _______________. </b>

<b> A. </b>naked eyes <b>B. </b>phloem <b>C. </b>vascular cambium <b>D. </b>inner bark

<b>Question 5. It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that the sylem is located _______________. </b>
<b> A. </b>between the vascular cambium and the phloem

<b> B. </b>next to the inner bark

<b> C. </b>inside the phloem and the vascular cambium
<b> D. </b>on the surface of the outer bark

<b>Question 6. What can be inferred from paragraph 2 about xylem sap?</b>
<b> A. </b>It causes water loss by transpiration

<b> B. </b>It is mainly fluid.

<b> C. </b>It gives leaves their green colours.
<b> D. </b>It is manufatured in the leaves.

<b>Question 7. The word “wilt” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________________.</b>

<b> A. </b>grow well <b>B. </b>bend towards the ground

<b> C. </b>gradually melt <b>D. </b>swell badly

<b>Question 8. </b>Why is the process of transpiration essential to the tree’s circulatory system?
<b> A. </b>It produces new phloem and xylem in the trunk, branches, and roots.

<b> B. </b>It causes the negative pressure that moves water through the xylem.

<b> C. </b>It supplies the hydrogen and oxygen that trees need to live and grow.

<b> D. </b>It replaces the water vapour that is lost through the leaves’ air spaces.

<b>Question 9. The phrase “adhere to” in paragraph 3 can be replaced by _________________.</b>

<b> A. </b>depend on <b>B. </b>respond to <b>C. </b>stick to <b>D. </b>warm up

<b>Question 10. All of the following are functions of the xylem EXCEPT _________________. </b>
<b> A. </b>forming part of the tree’s structural support

<b> B. </b>moving water upward through the trunk
<b> C. </b>taking in chemical nutrients from the soil
<b> D. </b>transporting food from the leaves to the trunk

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning </b></i>
<i><b>to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. </b></i>

<b>Question 11. </b>We have a low-maintenace garden which looks beautiful although we don’t have time

to take care of.

<b> A. </b>needing a lot of care <b>B. </b>with high trees

<b> C. </b>growing very well <b>D. </b>costing a fortune

<b>Question 12. </b>The closure of the export department means that the company will have to make 50

<b>redundancies. </b>

<b> A. </b>sack 50 employees <b>B. </b>dismiss 50 employees

<b> C. </b>take on 50 employees <b>D. </b>ask for 50 more employees

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the </b></i>
<i><b>following questions. </b></i>

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<b>3 | P a g e</b>

<b> A. </b>having fired <b>B. </b>to be fired <b>C. </b>to fire <b>D. </b>having been fired
<b>Question 14. </b>She congratulated me warmly ________________ on my exam results.

<b> A. </b>at <b>B. </b>to <b>C. </b>for <b>D. </b>on

<b>Question 15. </b>It never ________________ his head that he would pass the entrance exam to that

prestigious university.

<b> A. </b>entered <b>B. </b>occurred in <b>C. </b>appeared in <b>D. </b>came to

<b>Question 16. </b>State health inspectors have demanded that the city ______________ immediately

to clean the water supply.

<b> A. </b>must act <b>B. </b>acts <b>C. </b>will act <b>D. </b>act

<b>Question 17. </b>She stole the money, but she is trying to __________________ the blame on me.

<b> A. </b>push <b>B. </b>exert <b>C. </b>throw <b>D. </b>put

<b>Question 18. </b>The match will be broadcast _______________ to various countries in the world.

<b> A. </b>directly <b>B. </b>alive <b>C. </b>lively <b>D. </b>live

<b>Question 19. </b>The higher the demand, ___________________.

<b> A. </b>the more efforts we have to make <b>B. </b>the most efforts we have to make
<b> C. </b>more efforts do we have to make <b>D. </b>the more we have to make efforts

<b>Question 20. </b>She was sacked in a ________________ attempt to persuade her boss that she had made

such a serious mistake due to her ignorance.

<b> A. </b>vain <b>B. </b>failing <b>C. </b>confusing <b>D. </b>deceiving

<b>Question 21. </b>Melanie _____________ her hand. It’s bleeding heavily.

<b> A. </b>has cut <b>B. </b>is cutting <b>C. </b>will cut <b>D. </b>cut

<b>Question 22. </b>The building work is taking quite a long time, and _________________ costing us money.

<b> A. </b>although <b>B. </b>therefore <b>C. </b>because <b>D. </b>however

<b>Question 23. </b>If he had taken Flight 307, as was arranged for him in the original itinerary, he

________________ on time for luncheon.

<b> A. </b>will arrive <b>B. </b>must have arrived <b>C. </b>would have arrived <b>D. arrived </b>

<b>Question 24. </b>After having examined the patient carefully, the doctor gave her a _________________ for a

kind of specific.

<b> A. </b>recommendation <b>B. </b>preparation <b>C. </b>description <b>D. </b>prescription
<b>Question 25. </b> A recent report stated that ________________ number of Spanish speakers in

________________ United States of America will be higher than the number of English speakers by
________________ year 2090.

<b> A. </b>the/ no article/ the <b>B. </b>The/ the/ the <b>C. the/ an/ the </b> <b>D. </b>a/the/the

<b>Question 26. </b>After depicting his childhood, the book goes on ________________ his experiences in the


<b> A. </b>describe <b>B. </b>describing <b>C. </b>being described <b>D. </b>to describe

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the </b></i>
<i><b>other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. </b></i>

<b>Question 27. A. </b>gangster <b>B. </b>dictate <b>C. </b>eyelid <b>D. </b>poultry
<b>Question 28. A. </b>foreshorten <b>B. </b>agency <b>C. </b>valentine <b>D. </b>civilize

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<b>4 | P a g e</b>

<b>Question 29. </b>His academic record at high school was poor. He failed to apply to that prestigious


<b> A. </b>Failing to apply to that prestigious university, his academic record at high school was poor.

<b> B. </b>His academic record at high school was poor; as a result, he failed to apply to that prestigious


<b> C. </b>His academic record at high school was poor as a result of his failure to apply to that prestigious


<b> D. </b>His academic record at high school was poor because he didn’t apply to that prestigious


<b>Question 30. </b>I am tired from staying up late last night studying. I am also worried about today’s test.
<b> A. </b>I am not only tired of staying up late last night studying but also worried about today’s test.

<b> B. </b>Tired from staying up late last night studying, today’s test also makes me worried.

<b> C. </b>Because I am worried about today’s test, I stayed up late last night studying.

<b> D. </b>Not only am I tired from staying up late last night studying but I am also worried about today’s


<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in </b></i>
<i><b>meaning to each of the following questions. </b></i>

<b>Question 31. </b>I didn’t recognize my uncle until he raised his voice.
<b> A. </b>My uncle raised his voice as soon as I recognized him.

<b> B. </b>No sooner had I recognized my uncle than he raised his voice.

<b> C. </b>Only after my uncle raised his voice did I recognize him.
<b> D. </b>Not until I recognized my uncle did he raise his voice.

<b>Question 32. </b>If we had missed the flight, we wouldn’t be on the beach now.
<b> A. </b>We missed the flight and now we are not on the beach.

<b> B. </b>We missed the flight but we are now on the beach.

<b> C. </b>We were on the beach and now we don’t miss the flight.

<b> D. </b>We didn’t miss the flight and we are on the beach now.

<b>Question 33. </b>“I am in a bit of hurry, but I’ll ring you tomorrow” he said.
<b> A. </b>He said that he was in a bit of hurry and rang me the following day.
<b> B. </b>He said that he would ring me the next day as then he could.

<b> C. </b>He said that he was very hurried, but that he would ring me the next day.
<b> D. </b>He said he was in a bit of hurry, but that he would ring me the next day.

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs </b></i>
<i><b>correction in each of the following questions. </b></i>

<b>Question 34. The Agriculture Minister, Nick Brown, said the number waiting to be culled had </b>

<b>raised to 478,000. </b>

<b> A. </b>waiting <b>B. </b>had raised

<b> C. </b>the number <b>D. </b>The Agriculture Minister

<b>Question 35. </b>It was in 1776 that the United States Claim of Independence was signed.

<b> A. </b>that <b>B. </b>was

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<b>5 | P a g e</b>

<b>Question 36. </b>People believe that in the near future robots will be used to doing such things as

cooking and taking care of the aged.

<b> A. </b>such things as <b>B. </b>in the near future

<b> C. </b>to doing <b>D. </b>will be used

<i><b>Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate </b></i>
<i><b>the correct answer to each of the following questions. </b></i>

Did you know that we forget about 80 percent of the medical information a doctor might give us?
This fascinating piece of information came to light as a result of a study carried out by Utrecht
University. What is even more interesting is that almost half of what we think we remember is
wrong. Why do you think this is? Going to the doctor can make most people nervous and when we
are stressed, we are more inclined to focus on the diagnosis rather than on the treatment.
Therefore, we know what is wrong with us but have no idea what to do about it.

Here are some good tips to have in mind when seeing a doctor. Always bring along a notepad to jot
down important pieces of information such as how to take prescribed medication or how to
prepare for any medical tests you might need. What would be even better is if your doctor agrees,
record your consultation. In this way, you can replay his advice at home, where you are more likely
to be able to absorb it. Should you believe the situation is serious or you are really worried, get a
family member or close friend to accompany you when you listen.

The Partnership for Clear Communication recommends you ask these questions every time you talk

to a health care professional: “What is my main problem?”, “What do I need to do?”, and “Why is it
important for me to do this?”. It is also very important to get any written information that is
available on your condition.

<b>Question 37. According to the passage, the information doctors give us __________________. </b>
<b> A. </b>is mostly incorrect <b>B. </b>is not sufficient

<b> C. </b>is mostly forgotten <b>D. </b>should be studied carefully
<b>Question 38. The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to ___________________. </b>

<b> A. </b>your situation <b>B. </b>your doctor’s advice

<b> C. </b>the record <b>D. </b>your consultation

<b>Question 39. The author says that when people consult a doctor, ____________________. </b>
<b> A. </b>they believe their situation is serious

<b> B. </b>they are only interested in knowing what they should do
<b> C. </b>they only want to know what is wrong with them

<b> D. </b>they usually have a family member or close friend with them
<b>Question 40. Why is it good to have a notepad with you? </b>

<b> A. </b>to keep track of how much money you pay the doctor
<b> B. </b>to write down any important details

<b> C. </b>to let the doctor write down his suggestions

<b> D. </b>to show your note to a health care professional

<b>Question 41. </b> The author suggests recording the consultation in order to_________________.
<b> A. </b>use against the doctor is necessary

<b> B. </b>listen to it when you have calmed down

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<b>6 | P a g e</b>

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part </b></i>
<i><b>differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. </b></i>

<b>Question 42. A. </b>typical <b>B. </b>dynamic <b>C. </b>lyrical <b>D. </b>geography
<b>Question 43. A. </b>graphs <b>B. </b>belongs <b>C. </b>shelves <b>D. </b>breathes

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning </b></i>
<i><b>to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. </b></i>

<b>Question 44. </b>It’s been another <b>black day for car industry, with more job losses announced. </b>

<b> A. </b>promising <b>B. </b>physically and emotionally demanding

<b> C. </b>sad and without hope <b>D. </b>discounting

<b>Question 45. </b>We were all <b>in a good mood because the weather was good and we were going on </b>

holiday the next day.

<b> A. </b>disappointed <b>B. </b>surprised <b>C. </b>energetic <b>D. </b>happy

<i><b>Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the </b></i>
<i><b>word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. </b></i>

One of the most common forms of nonverbal communication is body language. Body language can
include facial expressions, gestures, and ______(46)______ eye contact. The human body is capable of a
nearly limitless variety of expressions, postures, and gestures, all of ______(47)______ can carry
meaning that can be used for the purposes of communication. Facial expressions are perhaps the
most commonly recognized form of body language. Some studies even suggest that facial
expressions showing feelings like anger, fear, surprise, happiness, and sadness could be universal,
meaning that they are understood by people all over the world. For example, in some cases, even
though two people may speak entirely different languages and come from widely ______(48)______
cultures, they can still share basic emotions by using facial expressions.

It is important to recognize, ______(49)______, that not all body language is universal and that the
attitudes and ______(50)______ of a culture play a large role in how some kinds of body language are
interpreted. For instance, putting one’s hands in one's pockets might indicate feelings of relaxation

to members of one culture, but it could signal disrespect to members of another. Thus, the meaning
of body language is often dependent on culture or personality. Despite the difficulty of interpreting
what particular types of body language mean, studies of human behavior indicate that it forms a
significant part of human life.

<b>Question 46. A. </b>quite <b>B. </b>various <b>C. </b>even <b>D. </b>no more
<b>Question 47. A. </b>that <b>B. </b>them <b>C. </b>which <b>D. </b>whom
<b>Question 48. A. </b>similar <b>B. </b>divergent <b>C. </b>unparalleled <b>D. </b>popular
<b>Question 49. A. </b>although <b>B. </b>despite <b>C. </b>however <b>D. </b>therefore
<b>Question 50. A. </b>norms <b>B. </b>courses <b>C. </b>conflicts <b>D. </b>distributions

<i><b>--- </b></i>

<b>The End</b>

<i><b> --- </b></i>
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