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Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ II - Môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HK2 _ ENGLISH 12 A.Lý thuyết: I. Nội dung ôn tập: Unit 6,7,8,9 II. Ngữ pháp: - The future perfect - Double comparatives - The active and passive causatives - Reported speech: reporting orders, requests, offers, advice, instructions,…. - Phrasal verbs - Adverbial clauses of condition, comparison, manner, result - Conditionals; Mixed conditionals of Type 2 and Type 3 B. Bài tập:. Unit 6 – Endangered species. Exercise 1. Fill in the gap with the word from the box. survival (n) conservation (n). vulnerable (adj) habitat (n). extinct (adj) evolution (n). endangered (adj) biodiversity (n). 1.Darwin’s theory of ……………… has helped to explain the disappearance of some species and the …………………… of others. 2.The saola and the rhino are considered ………………….. species in Viet Nam. 3.The giant panda’s natural ………………. is the bamboo forest. Giant pandas like to eat bamboo leaves. 4.Baby sea turtles are most ……………… when they leave their nests and make their way to the sea. They are convenient targets for birds and other animals. 5.Mammoths and dinosaurs used to live on our earth quite a long time ago, but they are now ………... 6…………………. helps to maintain the balance of nature that we rely on for our well-being and benefit. 7.The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an organisation which is working on issues related to ……………………………., research and restoration of the environment. Exercise 2. Fill in the gap with the word from the box. vulnerable evolutionary. endangered evolution. poached. diversity. extinction. 1.Many people think the money spent on protecting ……………. species should be used for improving the lives of the local people. 2.Animals classified as CR on the conservation status scale are in danger of …………………. 3.Old people and children are particularly ……………… to lung diseases in the cold weather. 4.Elephants are usually ………….. for their tusks, while rhinos are killed for their horns. 5.This river used to have the greatest ……………. of freshwater fish in the country, but now very few species are found here. 6.The new ………………. theory has combined Darwin’s theory of natural selection with genetic factors to explain how ………………………. occurs.. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using the present perfect or the future perfect tense 1.By next summer, our rescue team (save and take in)………………………………… hundreds of endangered animals. 2.Look at this cute little bear. It (live) …………….. in the wildlife park for six months, and it’ll be released back into the wild next month. 3.If you come to the conference on wildlife protection after 10 a.m., the most interesting presentation (finish)…………………………... 4.By the end of today, Kim (visit) …………………… all of the animal rescue centres in the city. 5.I’ll start writing my essay on protection of endangered species as soon as I (collect) ……………….. enough information. Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets 1.Increasing trade in ivory products is a threat to the (survive) …………………… of elephants. 2.I don’t think bringing (extinction) ……………..species back to life is a good idea. That’s going against the laws of nature. 3.Plants and trees can be (danger) ……………… like animals. The lady slipper orchid is an example. 4.Dinosaurs and mammoths are classified as EX, meaning extinct, on the (conserve) ………………. status scale. 5.If (poach) ………….. continues at current rates, elephants, rhinos and other African wildlife may be gone within our lifetime. 6.Darwin’s theory of (evolve) ………………… explains that the strongest species can survive because they have the ability to adapt to the new environment better than others. Exercise 5. Rewrite these sentences, using double comparatives 1.As people need more land to build houses, they cut down more forests.  ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.The unemployment rate is getting higher, so the crime rate is becoming higher as well.  ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3.If you get a better education, there will be more opportunities for you to get a good job.  ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4.As it is raining more heavily, the flooding will become worse.  ………………………………………………………………………………………… 5.There are more and more cars in our city, so we will have to suffer more from polluted air.  ………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. As we witness more damage to wildlife, we want to put more effort into protecting wild plants and animals.  ………………………………………………………………………………………… Exercise 6. Find the mistake and correct 1.I’ll wait for you here until you will have finished your work. 2.The faster you drive, it becomes more dangerous. 3.By the time we will have got to the conference about wildlife protection, the opening speech will have started.. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 4.The more severe climate change becomes, the more serious wildlife is affected. 5.More people move to the city, the higher the cost of living there gets. Exercise 7. Fill in the passage with the word from the box. endangered. seeking. abundant. wild. dedicated. declining. The 12th of August is World Elephant Day, which is an international annual event (1) …………….. to the preservation and protection of the world’s elephants. Why is there a day for elephants? The answer can be found in the fact that this species’ population is rapidly (2) …………….., and they need help. In 1930, there were about 10 million African elephants in the wild. In 1989, when they were added to the international list of the most (3) …………….. species, there were about 600,000 remaining. Elephant numbers have dropped by 62% over the last decade, and they could be mostly extinct by the end of the next decade. An estimated one hundred African elephants are killed each day by poachers (4) ………….. ivory, meat, and body parts, leaving only 400,000 alive today. Asian elephants have never been as (5) …………… as African ones, and today they are even more endangered. At the turn of the century, there were an estimated 200,000 Asian elephants. Today there are probably no more than 40,000 in the (6) ……………….. Unit 7 – Artificial intelligence Exercise 1. Match the words with their meanings 1.incredible (adj) 2.activate (v) 3.capable (adj) 4.resurrect (v) 5.emotion (n). a. having the ability or qualities necessary for doing something b. bring something back into use c. impossible or difficult to believe d. strong feeling e. make a device start working. Exercise 2. Match the words with their meanings 1. malfunction (n) 2. implant (v) 3. futurist (n) 4. complicated (adj) 5. exterminate (v) 6. cyber-attack (n). A. a person who studies the future and makes predictions about it based on current trends B. kill or destroy somebody completely C. failure to work normally because of a fault or bad design D. insert or fix something in a person’s body, especially by surgery E. an illegal attempt to harm someone’s computer system, or the information on it, using the Internet. F. difficult to analyse, understand, or explain. Exercise 3. Fill in the gap with the correct form of the word from the box. incredible. activate. capable. resurrect. emotion. 1.Her …………………… was so strong that it brought tears to her eyes. 2.Deep Blue is a chess-playing computer developed by IBM that was ……………of defeating the world champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. 3.After two thousand years, the deceased Monica was ………………. by the future artificial intelligence. 4.This programme is used to …………………….. the new generation robots.. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 5.Many viewers like the Star Treck films which have lots of ……………………… space travels. Exercise 4. Fill in the gap with the correct form of the word from the box. life-threatening. reduce. exterminate. futurist. operating. leading. malfunction. 1. After the power cuts last night, the machine started to ……………….. 2. A lot of ……………… think that A.I. robots will be harmful to humans. 3. This ……………. disease caused a lot of complications during the treatment procedure. 4. Do you really think that humans will be …………. when the machines rise against them in the future? 5. It costs a lot of money to upgrade the ………….. system and the workers’ skills in this car plant. 6. In order to ………….. the cost of production, the manufacturers have used robots for repetitive work. 7. He is one of the ……………… A.I. scientists in the world. Exercise 5. Fill in the gap with the word from the box. Artificial intelligence Robots. machines algorithm. advanced destruction. humans automated. 1……………………… does not exist yet, but scientists are working hard to create computers that can think like human beings. 2………………… are used to replace humans in dangerous or repetitive jobs. 3.Intelligent ……………….. are widely used in many fields such as heavy industries, hospital medicine, business, and the military. 4.It is believed by some people that intelligent robots will rise up against …………… in the near future. 5.Many futurists believe that in the near future ……………. technology will make many currently impossible things a reality. 6.Computers solve problems and complete calculations by following sets of rules called ……………. 7.Do you really think that artificial intelligence can cause …………….. to humans and the world? 8.If you have ever called a company and reached an ……………………. voice system, you have experienced a kind of basic artificial intelligence. Exercise 6. Choose the best answer 1.Instead of buying a new computer, why don’t you have your old one _______________? A.to fix B.fixing C.fixed D.fixes 2.The owners of modern manufacturing plants had workers doing heavy and repetitive tasks _______________ by robots. A.to replace B.replacing C.replaced D.being replaced 3.NASA has had an autonomous spaceship ______________ the universe recently. A.to explore B.explored C.exploring D.explore 4.We had the computer technician ____________________ the new software for us. A.to install B.intalling C.installed D.install 5.My mother always has the dishwashing machine _______________ the washing-up after meals. A.do B.doing C.did D.to do 6.The newspaper editor-in-chief had a newswoman _______________ about the latest domestic robots. A.to write B.writing C.wrote D.write 7.The teacher had his students ___________________ their laptops to surf the Net for resources in his class. A.using B.to use C.use D.used Exercise 7. Fill in the passage with the word from the box. evolution. consequences. efforts DeThi.edu.vn. destruction.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> form. threat. technology. Stephen Hawking warns A.I. could end mankind Professor Stephen Hawking told the BBC that (1) …… to create thinking machines pose a (2) ……….. to humans and the development of full artificial intelligence could end human existence. His warning came in response to a question about the (3) …………… that he uses to communicate. The device which he uses is a basic (4) …………. of A.I. He thinks the primitive forms of artificial intelligence developed so far have already proved very useful. However, he fears the (5) ……………… of creating something that can match or surpass humans could lead to their(6) …………….. because humans would not be able to compete with A.I. due to their slow biological (7) …………………… Exercise 8. Read the text and choose the best answer. There may be more than once correct answer to some questions A.I. or artificial intelligence is the intelligence displayed by machines or software. Many industries today use highly automated vehicles that can drive with almost no human intervention. Smart robots have replaced humans in stressful and dangerous jobs, and in assembly lines doing tasks such as packing and lifting heavy things. In science and medicine, A.I. techniques help medical doctors to discover subtle interactions between medications that put patients at risk because of their serious side effects. Patients at highest risk of complications are also detected based on these techniques. In navigation, devices using the GPS (Global Positioning System) help drivers or pilots to find the best routes to their destination by avoiding obstacles, traffic jams, and accidents. In military, A.I. robots are used to explore dangerous environments containing explosives or contaminated by nuclear weapons. In communication, the voice recognition systems in smartphones or other electronic devices can identify our speech, and are getting better at understanding our intentions. A.I. algorithms can also help to detect faces and other features in photos sent to social networking sites and automatically organise them. Internet search engines such as Google and Bing provide hundreds of millions of people with search results related to weather, traffic predictions, book recommendations, educational institutions, music, films, and games. A.I. applications on the Internet can translate web pages in real time, and even help users to learn new languages. Many A.I. experts believe that A.I. technology will soon make even greater advances in many other areas. Modern robots will be more intelligent and replace humans in many dangerous jobs and environments. This will certainly improve our lives in the near future. 1.What types of A.I. technology can be seen in today’s industries? A.Human-like robots. B.Automated cars. C.Machines controlled by humanoids. D.Packing and lifting machines. 2.Which of these A.I. applications in medicine is mentioned in the text? A.Operating on patients at highest risk of complications. B.Helping to treat unhealthy organs. C.Finding out about the serious side effects of some medications. D.Discovering how medications interact within the human body. 3.How can the GPS help you? A.Recommend your destination. B.Show you the fastest way to your destination.. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> C.Show you how to get out of traffic jams. D.Drive the car automatically. 4.What is the function of voice recognition? A.Identifying human voices. B.Copying human commands. C.Recording human voices. D.Translating human commands. 5.How can Internet users understand foreign language texts? A.They can learn the language on the Internet. B.They can guess the meaning using search engines. C.They can get information about them on the Internet. D.They can use a translating application. 6.What will A.I. robots in the near future be capable of having according to many A.I. experts? A.Human-like emotions. B.Healthy lifestyles. C.Dangerous behaviour. D.Higher levels of intelligence. Exercise 9. Read the text and choose the best answer. There may be more than once correct answer to some questions According to futurist Ray Kurzweil, human civilisation will be unavoidably transformed in the year 2045 by an event that he calls The Singularity. He suggests that exponential technological development will lead to the inevitable rise of artificial intelligence (A.I.). Such advanced technology may make humanity insignificant. Kurzweil says that technologies are double-edged swords and envisions the possibility that an artificial intelligence might decide to put an end to humanity simply because it surpasses human intelligence. Kurzweil does have faith in mankind, however. He suggests that people are wise to accept that technological progress is unavoidable, and that such acceptance will make the process of transition easier. Kurzweil has personal reasons to hope for the coming of The Singularity, because he wants his life to be extended by it. Kurzweil envisions that future medical advances could invent tiny computerised machines, or nanobots, which operate inside the body to enhance the immune system. In addition, he believes that future technology might be able to resurrect his deceased father. Looking at the state of current technological advances in many fields such as medicine, navigation, and communication, Kurzweil’s visions may not be unbelievable. The critical issue, however, is whether genuine artificial intelligence can ever be truly realised. Kurzweil suggests that critics of his theories, who believe that the human brain is too complex to duplicate, are underestimating what the exponential growth in technology can eventually accomplish. 1.What is The Singularity? A.An event giving rise to future human beings. B.An event giving rise to future artificial intelligence. C.An event giving rise to future alien civilisation. 2.Why could The Singularity put an end to humans? A.Because A.I. might imitate human intelligence. B.Because A.I. is similar to human intelligence. C.Because A.I. will exceed human intelligence. 3.What does Kurzweil say about technologies? A.Technologies are avoidable. B.Technologies are safe and friendly. C.Technologies are double-edged swords. 4.Why does Kurzweil hope for the coming of The Singularity? A.Because it would have economic advantages. B.Because life could be extended.. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> C.Because human would have virtual entertainment. 5.How does Kurzweil respond to critics of his theories? A.He thinks that they do not evaluate correctly the rapid growth of technology. B.He thinks that the realisation of genuine artificial intelligence is a challenge. C.He thinks that future events cannot be predicted with our current means. Exercise 10. Make sentences using all the information and verb given. Change the word form and add more words if necessary 1.Last week / go / the vet’s / dog / vaccinate …………………………………………………………………………………………. 2.This afternoon / go / the doctor’s / blood pressure / take …………………………………………………………………………………………. 3.Yesterday / go / the optician’s / eyes / test …………………………………………………………………………………………. 4.Last week / talk / accountant / annual account / do …………………………………………………………………………………………. 5.The day before yesterday / see / the architect / new house / design …………………………………………………………………………………………. 6.Next week / go / the dentist’s / a tooth / take …………………………………………………………………………………………. 7.Next Saturday / go the hairdresser’s / hair / cut …………………………………………………………………………………………. 8. Tomorrow / go / garage / car / service ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Unit 8 – The world of work Exercise 1. Fill in the gap with the correct form of the word from the box. CV job seeker covering letter job interview. job advertisement. A (1) …………….. is a person who is trying to find a job. He or she often looks for (2) …………………... – notices in newspapers or other mass media telling people about an opportunity to get a job. If the job seeker is interested in the job and thinks that he is qualified for it, he will prepare a written record of his education and the jobs he has done, which is known as a (3) ……… or curriculum vitae in its full form. He also needs to send a letter containing extra information which is called a (4) ………….. If his application is impressive enough, he can be called for a (5) ……………., which is a meeting in which interviewers ask the job seeker questions to see whether he would be the right person for that job. Exercise 2. Match the words with their definitions and complete the text with the correct form of the word on the left. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 1. apply (v) 2. recruit (v) 3. qualification (n) 4. relevant (adj) 5. probation (n). a. find new people to join a company or organisation b. a certificate or a degree that you earn after completing a course or passing an exam c. a period of time during which your employer can see if you are suitable for the job d. make a formal application or request e. correct or suitable for a particular purpose. Applying for a job is a process of several stages. First, when a new job is advertised, people (1) ………….. by sending their CVs and covering letters. All these CVs and covering letters are then screened, and only the (2) ……………. applicants with suitable experience and (3) ……………. are shortlisted and invited for a job interview. If the candidates can perform well and impress the interviewers during the interview, they can be (4) ………….. Next, the new recruits often go through a (5) …………… period that may last from several months to a year, depending on the policy of the company or organisation. Exercise 3. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech, using the appropriate verbs from the box in the correct tense ask. offer. tell. advise. 1.Our teacher: ‘You must study hard for the final exams.’ → Our teacher ……………………………………………………………………………. 2.The job applicant: ‘Could you tell me if the company provides computers for all employees?’ → The job applicant ……………………………………………………………………... 3.The career adviser: ‘You should develop your communication and planning skills.’ → The career adviser ……………………………………………………………………. 4.My mother: ‘I’ll find information about short courses on organisational skills for you.’ → My mother ……………………………………………………………………………. Exercise 4. Complete the sentences, reporting what was said 1.‘Would you like to see me play in a football match?’ → The monitor invited ……………………………………………………………………………….… 2.‘Could you tell me what skills I need in order to get this job?’ → The applicant asked the head of the human resources department …………………………………. 3.‘If you like, I’ll find more information about the company that you are applying to.’ → My friend offered …………………………………………………………………………………... 4.‘Go ahead. Apply for the job.’ → His father encouraged ………………………………………………………………………………. 5.‘The working conditions at this factory are terrible!’ → He complained to his friends ……………………………………………………………………….. 6.‘No, I can’t tell you what the director’s salary is because that information is confidential.’ → She refused …………………………………………………………………………………………. Exercise 5. Read the job advertisement. Match the highlighted words with the meaning and decide whether the statements about it are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG) Apprentice Administrator in a Car Dealership A successful car dealership specialising in second-hand cars is looking for an apprentice administrator to DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> provide administrative support for the team. This would be a fantastic opportunity for someone looking for an entry-level position in administration as no experience is required. The ideal candidate should also be able to work on Saturdays. Main responsibilities • Answering telephone calls and responding to emails • Meeting and greeting customers • Filing and entering data • Typing reports and creating spreadsheets • Taking minutes at meetings • Arranging meetings Requirements • 18 years of age or older • Finished school with a National Certificate of Secondary Education • Excellent time-management skills • Good communication skills • Well spoken and articulate • Responsible and self-motivated • Flexible and eager to learn • Friendly and approachable • Well-organised • Able to work to deadlines and prioritise tasks The successful candidate will be offered: • competitive salary • ongoing training • 12 days of annual leave • long-term job prospects in the company after six-month apprenticeship To apply for this position, send your CV and a covering letter to For further information, please phone Ms Kim Thanh at 0123975648. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. * Find the meaning 1. a person whose job is to manage and organise the public or business affairs of a company or an institution 2. becoming an expert in a particular area of work or business 3. put tasks or problems in order of importance so that you can deal with the most important first 4. selected for final consideration 5. friendly and easy to understand and to talk to * True, False or not given 1.Job applicants must have the relevant working experience to apply for this job. 2.The job involves office work such as typing reports and taking minutes at meetings. 3.The job applicant is expected to be good at time management and communication. 4.Being flexible is the most important quality required for the job. 5.After finishing the apprenticeship, the person will be recruited on a long-term contract. Exercise 6. Match the words with their meanings. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 1. unique (adj) 2. tip (n) 3. cluttered (adj) 4. tailor (v) 5. personnel (n). a. full of details in an untidy way b. very special c. the department in a company that deals with employing and training people d. a useful piece of advice about something practical e. adapt something for a particular purpose. Exercise 7. Read the text about the job seeking experiences of Harry and decide whether the statements about it are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG) My name is Harry and I live in Bath, a small beautiful city in the south-west of England. I left school when I was 18, after taking my A levels. My results were not great, but probably high enough for university. However, I am not very academic so I decided not to study for a degree. I thought there would be lots of companies looking for bright school leavers who want to head straight into the world of work through an apprenticeship. Money was also a problem. Although there are tuition loans available and my parents were willing to help me financially, I didn’t want to borrow money and then graduate from university with a huge debt. I started looking for an apprenticeship and it took me several months to get my first interview. My application was not successful; there were more than 4,000 applicants and only 20 were selected. I realised that apprenticeships were very competitive so I started to look for other jobs. I worked as a barista at coffee shops, I interviewed people on the street, I sold tickets for events, and I was even a human statue at different theme parks and festivals. I was not only enjoying myself, but managed to save more than £2,000. Then while I was working at one of the music festivals, I had an idea. Why not start up a mobile catering business? Buying a small trailer didn’t require a large investment and finding someone to cook was easy. Now I have a team of 15 people, travel to fantastic events around the country, sell delicious food, and then watch people enjoy it. Although I didn’t get my ideal apprenticeship in software development or accountancy, I am a successful young entrepreneur. 1.Harry wanted to go to university, but his A level results were too low. 2.Harry believed that it would be easy to find an apprenticeship because many companies want to recruit bright school graduates. 3.Harry was not successful at his first interview because he didn’t prepare well for it. 4.He stopped applying for apprenticeships when he was offered part-time jobs. 5.His parents gave him £200 to buy a trailer to start his mobile catering business. 6.He now employs 15 people who travel with him to different events in the UK. Exercise 8. Read the text and do the tasks In a society where the unemployment rate is relatively high, employers usually have greater choice of applicants. They tend to favour the candidates with more employability skills – the skills necessary for getting, keeping, and being successful in a job. These skills are varied, ranging from basic ones such as searching for job adverts, writing CVs and covering letters, and coming across well in interviews, to the more advanced skills which are required in order to keep a job for a long time. Among the long list of more advanced employability skills, it is very important for all job seekers to equip themselves with interpersonal skills, communication skills, and leadership ability in order to keep and be successful in a job. Interpersonal skills are really crucial when seeking employment. They are the skills that people use to interact with each other. People with good interpersonal skills often co-operate and work well with the others in a team. They are also good at negotiating and satisfying the expectations of the people involved. In their daily work, interpersonal skills allow them to empathise with colleagues as well as clients, thereby building better working relationships. This, as a result, leads to a better working environment with little or no stress. ommunication skills are also important for people who are seeking employment or looking for a promotion in their current career because employers nowadays want to find employees who communicate well both verbally. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> and in writing with a wide variety of people. Good communicators can speak and write clearly and succinctly, getting their messages across with less chance of misunderstanding. They can also demonstrate a varied vocabulary and tailor their language to different audiences. Besides interpersonal and communication skills, having leadership ability is also an advantage in seeking and keeping employment. The people with leadership ability tend to influence others towards the achievement of a goal. Thus, they often make great team players, allowing them to work in a group to achieve the best results for their employer. It is hard to get a job. It is even harder to keep it, succeed in it, and gain a promotion. However, if people know how to interact properly and communicate well with others, and if they possess leadership ability, they can increase their chance of getting and keeping the job they want. a. Choose the best title for the text A.The importance of interpersonal skills B.The importance of communication skills C. Some important employability skills b. Look for the words or phrases in the text which mean the following 1. prefer (v) 2. including (v-ing) 3. provide somebody with the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity (v) 4. understand another person’s feeling and experiences, possibly because you have been in a similar situation (v) 5. people that you work with, especially in a profession or a business (n) 6. a move to a more important job or position in a company or organisation (n) c. Decide whether the statements about it are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG) 1.When a lot of people are unemployed, there are more applicants for employers to choose from. 2.People with good interpersonal skills are often loyal employees. 3.It is difficult for employees with good interpersonal skills to empathise with other colleagues. 4.Good communicators can get their messages across easily. 5.Good communicators use the same language to communicate with different audiences. 6.Leadership ability is the only quality that employers are looking for in a job seeker. 7.Employees with interpersonal skills, communication skills, and leadership ability are more favoured than those who don’t have these skills. Exercise 9. Complete the sentences, reporting what was said 1.‘Spend more time studying, and less time playing games.’ → My mother told ………………………………………………………………….. 2.‘Would you tell us about the importance of species diversity for all forms of life?’ → The students asked the scientist …………………………………………….…… 3.‘You mustn’t harm the environment or disturb the balance of the ecosystem.’ → The environmentalist told the business community …………………………….. 4.‘Can you show me your reports on wildlife, please?’ → The teacher asked the students ………………………………………………….. 5.‘I’ll help you with your research into the latest generation of androids.’ → My brother offered ……………………………………………………………….. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 6.‘I would learn how to use the new smartphone apps, if I were you.’ → The A.I. expert advised the students …………………………………………….. Exercise 10. Turn the following sentences into reported speech, using the reporting verbs: warn, suggest, promise, explain, advise, remind 1.‘Don’t forget to drop into the robot shop on the way home,’ said Minh to Quang. - …………………………………………………………………………………… 2.‘I think you should write a report on the saola,’ said my mother. - …………………………………………………………………………………… 3.‘Don’t pull the cat’s tail or it will scratch you,’ the old lady said to him. - …………………………………………………………………………………… 4.‘I’ll work harder to get good qualifications,’ said Huong. - …………………………………………………………………………………… 5.‘How about activating the next generation robot?’ said the team leader. - …………………………………………………………………………………… 6. ‘Our visit to the animal rescue centre will be postponed to next week,’ said the teacher. - ……………………………………………………………………………………. Unit 9 – Choosing a career. Exercise 1. Match the words with their definitions and complete the sentences using the correct form of the words or phrases 1. option (n) 2. career (n) 3. career advice (n) 4.secure (v) 5. workforce (n) 6. temporary (adj). a. people who work in a particular company, or are available to work in a country b. continuing for only a limited period of time c. a choice you can make in a particular situation d. a job or profession that you have been trained for, and which you do for a long period of your life e. an opinion about what jobs and professional training might be suitable for someone f. to obtain or achieve something, especially after a lot. 1.You can search for ………………….. on some websites. 2.She has just begun a ………………. in teaching. 3.Some students in my class want to join the ……………… after leaving school. 4.University is not the only …………..for school leavers to pursue further study. 5.You may want to consider ……………….. work until you decide what you want to do. 6.He has finished his A levels and ………………….. a place for himself at a law school. Exercise 2. Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings and complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrasal verb 1.go on with 2.keep up with 3.think back on 4.talk back to 5.drop out of 6.drop in on. A. leave/give up B. pay a short visit C. have none left D. tolerate E. reduce F. have a good relationship with DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 7.run out of 8.put up with 9.cut down on 10.get on with. G. continue H. maintain pace with I. recall J. answer impolitely. 1.I hope none of my friends ……………………. school this term. 2.John often ……………… us without warning. 3.The government is trying not to ………………. the money they are spending on vocational training. 4.David doesn’t ………………… his wife. They’re always arguing. 5.Linda was about to take a part-time job, but she decided to ……………….. her studies. 6.Hoa is a brilliant student. It’s difficult to ……………….. her if you don’t try very hard. 7.I usually …………………. my childhood with great pleasure. 8.The trainee …………………… his trainer and was kicked out of the group. Exercise 3. Combine each pair of simple sentences into one complex sentence containing an adverbial clause. 1.Don’t be late for work. You may lose your job. (if) - ……………………………………………………………………………………… 2.Factory workers work hard. Secondary school students also work hard. (as … as) - ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3.Linda was offered a very good job. Linda didn’t hesitate to accept it. (such … that) - ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4.You must tell me everything. Otherwise I will not be able to help you. (if) - ……………………………………………………………………………………… 5.The lab instructor had told us the right way to mix the chemicals. We mixed the chemicals the same way. (exactly as) - ……………………………………………………………………………………… Exercise 4. Match the words with their meanings 1. rewarding (adj) 2. fascinating (adj) 3. battle (n) 4. tedious (adj) 5. downside (n). a. a negative aspect b. tiresome or boring c. making you happy because you think it is useful or important d. a fight or struggle e. extremely interesting and engaging. Exercise 5. Fill in the gap with the correct form of the words from the box. career. apprentice. workforce. career advice. temporary. option. 1.Mark is worried because his company is cutting its ……………. by a quarter. 2.Teaching as a ……………. is very challenging, but also very rewarding. 3.Secondary school students often do …………….. jobs during the summer holidays. 4.Don’t worry, Peter. You can always ask your father for ……………... 5.Lan has been working for three months at the hairdresser’s as a(n) ……………… 6.There are many job ……………… available for young people to choose from nowadays. Exercise 6. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> cut down on get on with. drop out of keep up with. drop in on come up with. go on with run out of. 1.That’s enough for now – let’s ………………. the discussion tomorrow. 2.If you don’t work hard, you won’t be able to ………….…………… your friends. 3. Come on, Linda. Can you ………………… a better idea? 4.I don’t think she would …………… her sister-in-law. 5.They …………….. money and had to abandon the project. 6.We thought we could ………….…….. you while we were passing by. 7.The doctor told him to ………………… chips and chocolate. 8.He felt disappointed and …………………. school after the first term. Exercise 7. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box face up to keep up with drop out of put up with get on with go on with think back to cut down on look forward to run out of 1.He teacher told her to …………….. her socialising, because it was affecting her schoolwork. 2.John suddenly stopped talking. He just …………………… ideas. 3.We can’t …………………. all the changes. 4.We’re surprised that Tom’s just …………………….. school. 5.I’m really …………………… seeing you again. 6.Mary was going to take a year out, but she finally decided to ………………… her studies. 7.Jack quarrels with his classmates all the time. I don’t think he will ever ………………. them. 8.Linda’s not going to ………………….. her husband’s smoking any longer. 9.Kate had to …………………… the fact that she would never see him again. 10.My mother often …………………… her childhood when she lived with my grandparents. Exercise 8. Read the text and choose the best answer for each question Becoming a teacher demands not only knowledge in an academic field but also a personal commitment to lifelong learning, and enthusiasm for sharing knowledge with other people. To become one of those noble educators in the USA, one has to satisfy several basic requirements. First and foremost, it is a prerequisite to have a bachelor’s degree in education. In the event that a candidate already has a bachelor’s degree in another field, a teacher preparation program is needed. But that is not all. Almost every school in the USA understands that real classroom teaching experience is a vital part of a teacher's training. Before taking over a class, a person typically needs to complete a training program, including working as a supervised student teacher. People who want to become university teachers need higher degrees. Getting a master’s degree is a necessity, but if it is gained too early there may be concerns that the candidate lacks the real-world experience to go with it. In fact, very few schools want to hire novices with little classroom experience and even if they are accepted, those newly-trained educators are usually very ill-paid. One wise solution to the issue is for future postgraduates to start working as teachers before going on to gain their master's degree. Besides knowledge and experience, certain personal qualities are also required. A teacher should be positive, prepared, focused, and most importantly, patient. Being a teacher involves being aware of the fact that learning can sometimes be hard work, even for the most motivated students. Also, teaching can at times be tiring and frustrating so a teaching candidate has to practise being patient with themselves.. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> In short, as in other careers, teaching requires a combination of qualifications, experience, and personal qualities. Teaching candidates meeting the mandatory requirements are always in demand in the USA. 1.The word ‘prerequisite’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _________________. A.requirement B.option C.qualification D.arrangement 2.One concern about teaching candidates who get a master’s degree too soon is their _________________. A.being over-educated B.lack of money C.being new D.lack of experience 3.According to the text, along with a master’s degree, another important thing that a candidate for a teaching post in a university needs is _________________. A.a wise solution B.being over-educated C.experience in teaching D.being well-paid 4.The most crucial quality of a teacher is _________________. A.being a role model B.being patient C.being able to work hard D.being prepared 5.The word ‘mandatory’ in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to _________________. A.additional B.voluntary C.contingent D.necessary. Exercise 9. Combine each pair of simple sentences into one complex sentence containing an adverbial clause. 1.Don’t eat too much. You may fall ill. (if) - …………………………………………………………………………. 2.Kate is beautiful. Her mother is beautiful. (as … as) - …………………………………………………………………………. 3.He is not bright. He thinks he is bright. (as … as) - …………………………………………………………………………. 4.It rained hard. The plane couldn’t take off. (so … that) - …………………………………………………………………………. 5.You must run fast. You may be late for school. (unless) - …………………………………………………………………………. 6.It was a very good novel. Mary couldn’t put the novel down. (such... that) - …………………………………………………………………………. 7.I wish I had one million dollars. I would travel around the world. (if) - …………………………………………………………………………. 8.Mr Smith had requested that the apprentice finish the work. The apprentice finished the work. (as) - …………………………………………………………………………. Exercise 10. Combine each pair of simple sentences into one complex sentence containing an adverbial clause. 1.David is clever. His brother is clever. (as … as) - ……………………………………………………………………………. 2.Jack dresses smartly for the interview. He gets the job. (if) - ……………………………………………………………………………. 3.The question was very hard. He couldn’t answer the question. (so … that) - ……………………………………………………………………………. 4.It was a very good film. Mary couldn’t turn off the TV. (such … that) - …………………………………………………………………………….. DeThi.edu.vn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 5.You must work harder. You may fail the exam. (unless) - ……………………………………………………………………………. 6.John runs fast. Tom runs faster. (than) - ……………………………………………………………………………. 7.I wish I knew Spanish. I could understand the visitors from Spain. (if ) - ……………………………………………………………………………. 8.The skilled craftsman requested that the students stop their work. The students stopped their work. (as) - ……………………………………………………………………………. THE END. DeThi.edu.vn.

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