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Giáo án English 10 - Unit 7: The mass media - Period 40: A-Reading

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Unit 7:. THE MASS MEDIA. Period 40: A- READING AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : Language content: To present and practise new vocabulary relating to THE MASS MEDIA. To be updated with names of some popular TV programmes. + Language function: To talk about the favourite programmes. To develop skills ,especially reading skill. Educational aim: To educate in sts the love of our national TV. 1. Language : Vocabulary: channel, folk songs, comedy, sport comments,… Review the old words. Structures : questions , statements , sentences …… Review the simple present tense . 2. Skills : Integrated skills. Especially reading skill . 3. Educational factor : To help students to be more active,communicative ,creative , self-confident … To make the students be aware of arranging the timetable. II. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION. 1. Method : Communicative approach 2. Techniques / Activities : pairwok, explanation,groupwork … 3. Materials needed : textbooks , references , teaching aids …… 4. Students’ preparation : Lesson preparation Appliances for studying. 5. Previous exercises : No III. TEACHING PROCEDURE. 1. Stabilization : (2’) Good morning class! How are you today ? Who is absent today ,monitor ? 2. Checking up the previous knowledge : 3.New lesson STUDENTS’ CONTENT OF THE TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES LESSON 5ms 1. Warm up: Play a game. Unit 7: THE MASS MEDIA Gives a game: Jumpled words: + possible answer: I. New words: Give 5words whose letters are in + channel (n) the wrong order. + sport comment (n) Asks sts to play a game. + documentary (n) ( Divide the class into 2 teams, + comedy (n) Write the lesson Which team tells more words II. Tasks: first and correctly will be a A.Task 1: winner. Feedback: Corrects, says something more 1 c. cartoon = a film made by and leads to the lesson “ To photographing a series of know more about the mass Work in pairs, think and changing drawings answer the questions. media in the world , let’s come 2 a. drama = a play for the Answer: to the new lesson”. theatre, TV or radio 2.Before you read 7ms Asks sts: Do you like watching 3 d.comedy = a film or a play There are 5 channels. TV? that is intended to be funny. How often? I. + +. Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> TIME. TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. CONTENT OF THE LESSON 4 b. documentary = a film or TV programmes giving facts about something. B. TASK 1: 1. T 2. T 3. F ( The Nature of Language is the documentary programme at 15:15 on VTV3) 4. T 5. F (VTV1 starts at 5:35 and last programme starts at 23:30). How many channels are there in our national TV ? - Presents some new words. -Write down new words and guess the meaning of ( Use pictures, synonym, explanation to explain the new them. words.) -Reads new words and asks sts -Repeat after the teacher. to repeat. -Match the new words - Checks the understanding of with their meaning. new words. - Take note. - Helps sts review the simple - Do silent reading. present tense. 3. While you read:. 15ms -Asks sts to read the passage silently and to get more information about the - Work invidiually. programmes on TV. - Guides sts to do Task 1. C. Task 3: Answer the -The words in A appear in the following questions: reading passage. Match them Feedback: with their definitions in B. 1. There are 5 films on. - Feedback. 2. At 9:00a.m, 12a.m,7p.m, Guides sts to do task 2: 11p.m on VTV1 and at 7p.m Decides whether the following Work in pairs statements are true or false. on VTV3. ( see the statements in the 3. VTV2. textbook) 4. The quiz show. Gives feedback. 5. You should watch VTV1. Guides sts to do Task 3: 6. The foodball Asks sts to ask and answer the *The summary: questions: Suggested answer: Calls some pairs to check. I like Game show The price is 1.Howmany films are there on? right most because it is very 2.What time can you watch the interesting, easy to play. Work in pairs news? Besides the reward for the 3. Which channel do you winner is valuable. Another recommend to someone who reason I like this game show is likes animals? the MC. Mr. Luu Minh Vu is 4.What programme is on on humourous and very VTV3 at 7:30? intelligent. 5. Which channel will you watch if you like folk songs? 6. What is the last programme on Work individually. VTV 3? 4. After you read: 8ms Asks sts to talk about one of the Take note. TV programmes they like watching best and explain why. Calls some sts to talk it. -Corrects mistakes and evaluates. 4. Homework (2 ms): -See again all carefully - Learn by heart all the words , the summary of the text.. Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Unit 7:. THE MASS MEDIA. Period 41: B- SPEAKING I. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : + Language content: - To provide sts with vocabulary relating to the mass media. - To help sts know the different types of mass media and their distinctive features. + Language function: - To talk about the differences and similarities of some popular types of mass media. - To develop skills ,especially speaking skill. + Educational aim: To educate in sts the way of arranging suitable time to see and hear programmes on TV or radio. 1. Language : Vocabulary: orrally, visually, aurally, information,… Review the old words. Structures : questions , statements , sentences …… Review the simple present tense . 2. Skills : Integrated skills. Especially speaking skill . 3. Educational factor : To help students to be more active,communicative ,creative , self-confident … To make the students be aware of arranging the timetable and learn and work according to the timetable. II. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION. 1. Method : Communicative approach 2. Techniques / Activities : pairwok, explanation,groupwork … 3. Materials needed : textbooks , references , teaching aids …… 4. Students’ preparation : Lesson preparation Appliances for studying. 5. Previous exercises : Talk about your national TV. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE. 1. Stabilization : (2’) Good morning class! How are you today ? Who is absent today ,monitor ? 2. Checking up the previous knowledge :( 5’) Asks sts some requirement: 1.Write down 4 verbs in English: cày, bừa, cấy, dắt trâu ra đồng. 2.Talk about Mr Vy’s daily routine. 3.New lesson STUDENTS’ CONTENT OF THE TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES LESSON 5ms 1. Warm up: Play a game. radio paper TV + Make the sentences book drama Internet Gives a game: Noughts and with these words. A news cartoon magazine Crosses. correct sentence with the Asks sts to play a game. given word will give one ( Divide the class into 2 teams, O or X. Unit 7: THE MASS MEDIA The group with 3 O or X 1.New words: vertically, horizontally or even + orally (adv) spoken by diagonally first will be the mouth. winner.. + visually (adv) seen by eyes Corrects, says something more Write the lesson + aurally (adv) heard by ears. and leads to the lesson “ To 2. Task 2: know more about the different The common feature:. Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> TIME. TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. CONTENT OF THE LESSON - provide / deliver information and entertainment for people. The distinctive features: TV: Present information and entertainment orally and visually. Get information aurally and visually. Newspaper: Present information and entertainment visually. Receive information visually. Radio: Provide information and entertainment orally . Receive information orally. 3.Task 3:Answer the questions: 1. TV, films, books, radio, the internet, so on … 2. provide / deliver information and entertainment for people. 3. TV presents information and entertainment orally and visually.. types of mass media, let’s come to the new lesson”. 7ms 2. Before - speak: -Asks sts to work in pair and Answer: decide which items are types of Television mass media. ( see the textbook) Radio - Calls some pair to check. Newspaper - Helps sts review the simple The internet present tense and the way of telling time. 15ms 3. While - speak: -Introduces the situation of task Listen. Work in pairs and carry 2: You hve discussed some popular types of mass media. As out the activity using the you know, each type has its own cues in the book. features. Now you work in pairs Answer. and work out what features the Work in pairs ypes of the mass medi ahave Read questions and incommon and what main features each of them has. answer: 8ms Calls some pairs to check. 1.What are different - Feedback. types of the mass media? 4. Post - speak: 2.What features do they have in common? Guide sts to do Task 3: Asks sts to ask and answer the 3. What are their question about the mass media. distinctive features? Calls sts to answer. -Corrects mistakes and evaluates 4. Homework (2 ms): --See again all carefully - Learn by heart all the words , the summary of the text. - Write a paragraph about one of the mass media. - Prepare the vocabulary in listening period... Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Unit 7:. THE MASS MEDIA. Period 42: C- LISTENING I.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : + Language content: - To provide sts with vocabulary relating to heavy rains. - To help sts listen and fill in the missing words. + Language function: - To listen to news editions through gap-filling exercises. - To develop skills ,especially listening skill. + Educational aim: To educate in sts the love of mankind. 1. Language : Vocabulary: flood, wonderful, cloudy, rise,… Review the old words. Structures : questions , statements , sentences …… Review the simple present tense . 2. Skills : Integrated skills. Especially listening skill . 3. Educational factor : To help students to be more active,communicative ,creative , self-confident … To make the students be aware of protecting our environment. II. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION. 1. Method : Communicative approach 2. Techniques / Activities : pairwok, explanation,groupwork … 3. Materials needed : textbooks , references , teaching aids …… 4. Students’ preparation : Lesson preparation Appliances for studying. 5. Previous exercises : Talk about TV or radio. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE. 1. Stabilization : (2’) Good morning class! How are you today ? Who is absent today ,monitor ? 2. Checking up the previous knowledge :( 5’) Asks sts to talk about their daily routine 3.New lesson STUDENTS’ CONTENT OF THE TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES LESSON 5ms 1. Warm up: Play a game. Unit 7: THE MASS MEDIA Guessing game: + possible answer: Asks sts to play a game. News / News Broadcast. C-Listening Provides 3 clues about the word New words: News / News Broadcast. + flood (n) 1.It is one of the radio + wonderful (adj) + rise (v) programmes. 2. It broadcasts daily and live + cloudy (adj) Write the lesson Task 2: from radio station. 3. It updates you with the lastest * Heavy rain: information, current affairs 1.has caused floods domestically and internationally. 2.have left homes 2. Before you listen: 3.have risen Present some new words: 4.2 metres ( Using pictures, explanation) Work in pairs. 5.has stopped 7ms Asks sts to ask and answer the 6.cloudy 7.strong wind following questions:. Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> TIME. TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES + Possible answer:. CONTENT OF THE LESSON * An American woman: 1. twenty three times 2. 4418 3. Carlifornia 4. wonderful 5. young and healthy. 1.How often do you listen to radio? 2. How many hours per week do 1.Every day. you listen to it? 2.Eight a week. 3. What programme do you like 3. I like cartoon films listening to and why? best because it is interesting. 15ms Calls some pairs to check. - Helps sts read some words : 3. While you listen: Task 3: -Introduces the situation of task Listen and repeat. 1.Heavy rain has caused 1: Listen to the two radio news floods during the night. stories and tick the words you 2. Because rivers have risen. hear in the right column under 3. The old woman has News story1 and News story2. climbled Mount Whitney 23 Gives time for sts to look at the times. Look at the words in the words carefully and read them. 8ms Asks sts to listen and tick. ( 3 text book and read. 4. Because it has kept her Listen and tick. times) young and healthy. Asks sts to share their answers Share their answers with with their partners. partners. Calls some sts to check. - Feedback. Guides sts to do Task 2: Asks sts to listen again and filling the missing words. ( see appendix) Asks sts to share their answers with their partners. Calls some sts to check. - Feedback. Take note. Guides sts to do Task 3: Listen and filling the missing words. Listen again, answer the following questions. 1.What has happened during the Work in pairs. night? 2.Why have people left their homes? 3. How many times has the old woman climbed Mount Whitney? Work in groups. 4. Why does she climb it so often? 4. After you listen: Asks sts to choose one of the news stories and tell you classmates about it. Calls some sts to retell the story again. -Corrects mistakes and evaluates 4. Homework (2 ms): -- See again all carefully - Learn by heart all the words , the summary of the text. - Write a paragraph about one of the news stories. - Prepare the vocabulary in writing period.. Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Unit 7:. THE MASS MEDIA. Period 43: D- WRITING I. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : + Language content: - To provide sts with vocabulary relating to the advantages and disadvantages of TV. - To help sts to review the simple present tense and the way of writing a paragraph about tha mass media. + Language function: - To write about the advantages and disadvantages of TV and other types of mass media. - To develop skills ,especially writing skill. + Educational aim: To extend sts’knowledge of writing a paragraph. 1. Language : Vocabulary: memorable, entertain, be aware of, brain, violent,… Review the old words. Structures : questions , statements , sentences …… Review the simple present tense . 2. Skills : Integrated skills. Especially writing skill . 3. Educational factor : To help students to be more active,communicative ,creative , self-confident … To make the students be aware of how to use the different types of mass media. II. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION. 1. Method : Communicative approach 2. Techniques / Activities : pairwok, explanation,groupwork … 3. Materials needed : textbooks , references , teaching aids …… 4. Students’ preparation : Lesson preparation Appliances for studying. 5. Previous exercises :talk about the heavy rain during the night. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE. 1. Stabilization : (2’) Good morning class! How are you today ? Who is absent today ,monitor ? 2. Checking up the previous knowledge :( 5’) Asks sts to talk about Mr Lam’s daily routine. 3.New lesson STUDENTS’ CONTENT OF THE TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES LESSON 5ms 1. Warm up: Possible answer: Unit 7: THE MASS MEDIA Asks sts to look at the picture He is watching TV. and answer some questions: Yes, because watching D- WRITING TV helps him relax. 1.What is he doing? 2.Is he happy? Why? It is very dirty * Vocabulary: 3.What does his room look like? Watching TV takes him a Memorable (adj) 4.How did you feel about that? Entertain (v) lot of time,so he can’t clean his room. Violent (adj) Corrects, says something Write the lesson Interfere(v) more and leads to the lesson . Brain (n) Before writing  Simple present tense Introduces some vocabulary. To be  am / is / are ( Synonym, explanation, Ordinary verbs  V(n/m) pictures, translation.) hoặc V(s, es) Reviews the simple present Task 2: (see appendix 1) tense. 7ms Task 3: - Helps sts read some words : ( see appendix 2) Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> TIME. 15ms. TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES -Introduces the situation of task 1: Read the following passage about advantages and disadvantages of TV. Helps sts with difficult phrases. Asks sts to translate into Vietnamese. Calls some sts to check. - Feedback.. While writing 8ms. Guides sts to do Task 2: Asks sts to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the mass media and write them down in the column. Encourages sts to find the ideas related to the topics. Asks sts to share the ideas with other pairs. Calls some sts to check. - Feedback.. Post writing. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. CONTENT OF THE LESSON. Work individually.. Listen . Work in pairs.. Look at the passage in the text book and guess. Share their answers with partners.. Work in groups.. Introduces the requirement of Tell the result in front of task3: class. Guides sts to write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of one of the mass media discussed in Task 2 . Asks sts to write the first draft, then share this draft with other groups. Require sts to the second draft, then share ideas. -Corrects mistakes and evaluates. Gives feedback 4. Homework (2 ms): --See again all carefully - Learn by heart all the words , the summary of the text. - Write a paragraph about one of the mass media.. Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Unit 7:. THE MASS MEDIA. Period 44: E- LANGUAGE FOCUS I. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : - To provide sts with vocabulary relating to hobbies. - To help sts to review the present perfect tense and using because of and in spite of - To help sts how to pronounce the sounds / ei / and / ai / and correctly. - To develop skills ,especially writing skill. 1. Language : Vocabulary: quarrel, demolish, appointment,… Review the old words. Structures : questions , statements , sentences …… Review the simple past tense . 2. Skills : Integrated skills. Especially writing skill . 3. Educational factor : To help students to be more active,communicative ,creative , self-confident … To educate sts to do useful things. II. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION. 1. Method : Communicative approach 2. Techniques / Activities : pairwok, explanation,groupwork … 3. Materials needed : textbooks , references , teaching aids …… 4. Students’ preparation : Lesson preparation Appliances for studying. 5. Previous exercises : Tell the advantages and disadvantages of radio. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE. 1. Stabilization : (2’) Good morning class! How are you today ? Who is absent today ,monitor ? 2. Checking up the previous knowledge :( 5’) Asks sts to write verbs in simple past and then make sentences with them. Spend / write / discuss / take off / scream. 3.New lesson STUDENTS’ CONTENT OF THE TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES LESSON 5ms Warm up: Listen to the teacher. Unit 7 THE MASS MEDIA A. PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat: /ei/ /ai/ Write the lesson. Play time Game: Recognizing the sound. Asks sts to close the book and listen. Gives the words and reads out. Cake – Base Listen and repeat. Kind – mind Boy - toy Radio buy Corrects, says something more and leads They type to the lesson “ To know more about the Practise these sentences sound /ei/ and / ai / /oi/ let’s come to 1. I’m afraid you have Read out the new lesson. made a mistake. 7ms individually. Intrduce the words and the sentences in 2.Would you like to go for the text book. a ride with me on Friday?. Asks sts to listen and repeat them. 3.They changed the Calls some sts to read them again timetable at the end of Give more examples.. A. PRONUNCIATION. Today height. Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> TIME. 15ms. 8ms. CONTENT OF THE LESSON ( Focus on intonation) April. Ask sts to give more examples having the 4. The beans and the meat sound /ei/ or / ai /. were quite cheap. B. GRAMMAR He has just read a Task 1: Complete the book. 1. Task 1: letter using the present * Lead in: perfect tense. They have just Gives a picture and asks. 1.have been cleaned the floor. What has Peter just done? Answer based on the 2.has lived Gives another picture and asks. 3. have met examples. What have Mary and Peter just done ? 4.have done Work in pairs. Where is she? 5. have had * Pre – Practice: Share the answers. 7.have taken Asks sts to give the form and the usage of this tense. 7. have watched * Controlled – practice: Task 2: Complete the Guide sts to do Task 1 in the text book. esntences using since , for Asks sts to share their answer and correct. Retell the hoppy of , ago the writer. Gives feedback. Answer the question. 1.since * Free – practice: 2.ago Asks sts to retell the writer’s hobby. 3.for Asks sts a question: What is your hobby? 4.for 2. Task 2: 5.since * Lead in: 6. for Work individually Sticks flash cards on the board.( write 7. ago words since / for / ago on the flash cards) 8. ago Gives out 3 examples using the simple 9. since past and present perfect tense. 10. since Asks sts to put them in right place. Work in pairs. Task 3: Combine the *Pre– practice: Work in groups. sentences using the Asks sts to make some sentences with these adverbs. information in the Asks sts to say the meaning and the column. position of these adverbs. 1. Because of the cold Give examples. * controlled – practice: weather, we kept the fire Guide sts to do task 2. burning all day. * Free – practice: Answer. In spite of the cold Gives more sentences and asks sts to put weather, we all wore each of these adverbs in its approprite place in the sentences below. ( see shorts . Work individually. appendix) 2. Because of his illness. 3. Task 3: He had to cancel the * Lead in: appointment. Gives a picture and asks. In spite of hiss illness, he Why was Tom absent yesterday? managed to come to Gives another picture and asks. school. Answer: How is Tom today? Because of his * Pre – Practice: illness. Asks sts to combine the sentences using He is ill, too. because of or in spite of. * Controlled – practice: Answer. Guide sts to do Task 3in the text book. TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. B. GRAMMAR. Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> TIME. TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. CONTENT OF THE LESSON. Asks sts to share their answer and correct. Gives feedback. * Free – practice: Asks sts to give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. ( see appendix) Remind the form of the simple present Work in groups. and the simple past tense. Reviews the adverbs of frequency again Take note. Take note. 4. Homework (2 ms) Asks sts to do all the exercises in LF again and do Test yourself 5. Self – evaluation: Appendix1: 1.Mary has washed her hair …….. I came here. 2. I listened to music a days ……... 3. My father has gone to work …………….. 20 years. 4. We were at home one hour ………. 5. We went to school 15 minutes ………... 6. My mother has n’t been busy with her house work …………. my father bought a washing machine. Appendix 2: A man from Newcastle was working in LonDon and he …………( hear) that his wife ……….(be) about to have a baby, but in Newcastle, not in London. So the man ……( stop) what he …….(do) , …………..(rush) off to the railway station and ……….(jump) on the train. He ……….(start) chatting to the woman …..( sitting) next to him and …….(tell) her about the baby. Date of preparation: August, 2015 Date of teaching: November 28th 2015. Lop10.com.

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