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Đề ôn tập trực tuyến môn Tiếng Anh lớp 12 (7 năm) - Trường THPT Duy Tân - Kon Tum

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Name:__________________Deadline: 9.30 a.m 4/04/2020
Class: 12A…

<b>NỘI DUNG ÔN TẬP MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12 (HỆ 7 NĂM) TỪ NGÀY 30/03- 4/04/2020</b>
<b>UNIT 13 : THE 22nd SEAGAMES</b>



- clear /klɪə(r)/ (v): nhảy qua

- composed /kəm'pouz/ (a): gồm có; bao gồm
- countryman /'kʌntrimən/ (n): người đồng hương
- deal /diːl/ (n): sự thoả thuận

- enthusiast /in'ju:ziỉst/ (n): người say mê
- defend /di'fend/ (v): bảo vệ

- milkmaid /'milkmeid/ (n): cơ gái vắt sữa
- outstanding /aʊtˈstỉndɪŋ/ (a): xuất sắc, nổi bật
- overwhelming /ˌəʊvəˈwelmɪŋ/ (a): lớn,vĩ đại
- podium /'poudiəm/ (n): bục danh dự

- pole vaulting /pəʊl/ /ˈvɔːltɪŋ/ (n): nhảy sào
- precision /pri'siʒn/ (n): độ chính xác
- rival /'raivəl/ (n): đối thủ

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- solidarity /ˌsɒlɪˈdỉrəti/ (n): đồn kết
- co-operation /kou,ɔpə'rei∫n/ (n): sự hợp tác
- development /di'veləpmənt/ (n):phát triển
- wrestling /ˈreslɪŋ/ (n): mơn đấu vật
- basketball /'bɑ:skitbɔ:l/ (n): bóng rổ
- volleyball /'vɔlibɔ:l/ (n): bóng chuyền
- badminton /ˈbỉdmɪntən/ (n): cầu lơng
- body-building (n): thể dục thể hình
- athlete /ˈỉθliːt/ (n): lực sĩ,vận động viên
- energetic /,enə'dʒetik/ (a): mạnh mẽ
- propose /prə'pouz/ (v): đề nghị
- rank /rỉŋk/ (v): xếp vị trí

- host /həʊst/ (v): tổ chức, (n): chủ nhà

- pullover /pulouvə/ = jersey /'dʒə:zi/(n):áo len chui đầu
- disease /di'zi:z/ (n): căn bệnh

- acknowledge /ək'nɔlidʒ/ (v): thừa nhận
- improve /im'pru:v/ (v): cải tiến, cải thiện

<b>SO SÁNH KÉP (double comparison) :</b>
a. Cấu trúc :<b> càng ngày càng …</b>

<b> - Tính từ ngắn : adj + er and adj + er </b>
<b>Ex: 1.Mrs Hoa becomes fatter and fatter.</b>

<b>2.Mr brown drives faster and faster.</b>
<b> </b>

<b> - Tính từ dài : more and more + adj </b>

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<b>2.He speaks more and more quickly.</b>
b. Cấu trúc :<b> càng …, càng … : </b>

<b> THE + COMPARATIVE + S + V …, THE + COMPARATIVE + S + V …</b>
<b>Ex. 1.The fatter they get, the weaker they feel.</b>

2.The more difficult the lesson is, the harder we try.
3. The more quickly he ran, the more tired he felt.

 <b> ‘the more’ có thể đi cùng với danh từ : </b>

<b>Ex : 1.The more money he makes, the more useless things he buys.</b>
<b> 2. The more you read, the more knowledge you gain.</b>

 Dạng rút gọn của cấu trúc : càng …, càng …(bỏ bớt chủ từ và động từ)

<b>Ex: 1. The more the merrier</b>
<b> 2. Tthe fatter the richer</b>

3. A: How do you like your coffee? <b> </b>
<b> B: The stronger the better.</b>


<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is</b></i>
<i><b>pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions. </b></i>

<b>Question 1: A. excellent</b> B. energetic <b>C. medal</b> <b>D. event</b>

<b>Question 2: A. arrival</b> B. citadel <b>C. tidal</b> <b>D. vital</b>

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word with the stress pattern different</b></i>
<i><b>from that of other three words in each questions. </b></i>

<b>Question 3: A. president</b> B. manager <b>C. spectator</b> <b>D. counsellor</b>
<b>Question 4: A. excellent</b> B. dependent <b>C. depreciate</b> <b>D. surrounding</b>

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the</b></i>
<i><b>following questions. </b></i>

<b>Question 5: Although fish can hear, they have neither external ears ________ eardrums.</b>

<b>A. or</b> <b>B. nor</b> <b>C. and</b> <b> D. any</b>

<b>Question 6: She __________foreign language since her parents __________ to Singapore.</b>

<b>A. learnt-have moved</b> <b>B. learnt-moved</b>

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<b>Question 7: He has been known as one of the most ________ players in the 23</b>rd<sub> SEA Games.</sub>

A. outstanding <b>B. outstretching</b> <b>C. outlying</b> <b>D. outgoing</b>

<b>Question 8: Many best athletes were ______________ many gold medals.</b>

<b>A. given</b> <b>B. won</b> <b>C. awarded</b> <b>D. provided</b>

<b>Question 9: The results of ________ were satisfactory so everyone was happy.</b>

<b>A. competitions</b> <b>B. competitor</b> <b>C. competitive</b> <b>D. compete.</b>

<b>Question 10: Thailand ________ Vietnam just one goal in the final in The 22</b>nd<sub> SEA Games.</sub>

<b>A. won </b> <b>B. beat</b> <b>C. knocked</b> <b>D. scored</b>

<b>Question 11: The Vietnamese were very satisfied with excellent performances of the young and </b>

<b>A. energetic</b> <b>B. energy</b> <b>C. energetically</b> <b>D. energize</b>

<b>Question 12: The score in the game or competition is shown on________.</b>

<b>A. scoreboard</b> <b>B. score draw</b> <b>C. score line</b> <b>D. scorecard</b>

<b>Question 13: On behalf of the referees and athletes, they swore to an oath of “solidarity, ________</b>
and Fair Play “.

A. Honest <b>B. Honesty</b> <b>C. Honestly</b> <b>D. Dishonest</b>

<b>Question 14: The 22</b>nd<sub> SEA Games took ___________ in Vietnam in December, 2003</sub>

<b>A. occurrence</b> <b>B. place</b> <b>C. role</b> <b>D. part</b>

<b>Question 15: The audience are becoming excited.</b>

<b>A. less and least</b> <b>B. less and most</b> <b>C. more and more</b> <b>D. more and most</b>
<b>Question 16: ____________ Thanh An looks, _________________people want to look at her.</b>

<b>A. the more beautiful-many</b> <b>B. more beautiful than-more</b>
<b>C. the more beautiful – the more</b> <b>D. the more beautifully – the more</b>
<b>Question 17: Water polo is a game ________ is played in the water by two teams, each with seven </b>

<b>A. in which</b> <b>B. who</b> <b>C. which</b> <b>D. why</b>

<b>Question 18: The larger a drop of water, __________freezing temperature.</b>

A. the higher it’s <b>B. the highest</b> <b>C. higher then its</b> <b>D. its higher</b>
<b>Question 19: If humans________ two heads, they couldn’t make decisions easily.</b>

<b>A. have </b> <b>B. have had</b> <b>C. had had</b> <b>D. had</b>

<b>Question 20: Mr. Logan’s instructions were ________ clear that no one had any questions.</b>

<b>A. such</b> <b>B. ever</b> <b>C. so</b> <b>D. too</b>

<b>@Ghi nhớ</b>

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