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<b>MEANING </b> <b>SYNONYM (=)</b>

<b>ANTONYM (><)</b>
well – informed (a): Nắm rõ thông tin

notice (v)
notice (n)

take (no) notice (of)

come to your attention/ notice

Chú ý, nhận thấy

Thông báo, sự báo trước
Chú ý tới

Làm cho phải chú ý đến

decade (n) Thập niên

contribute (v) (to sth)
make a contribution to

Đóng góp, góp phần

longevity (n) Trường thọ

jobless (a) Thất nghiệp = unemployed/ idle/ out of

a job/ out of work /

knowledge (n)

have knowledge of sth
acquire/ gain knowledge
broaden/ increase knowledge

Kiến thức, sự hiểu biết
Biết về

Đạt được kiến thức

Mở rộng kiến thứ/ sự hiểu biết

(get) out of control Mất kiểm soát Out of hand >< under


do/ try the best Cố gắng hết sức

refuge (n)

seek/ take refuge from sth

Nơi ẩn nấu, nơi trốn tránh
Trốn tránh, ẩn nấu khỏi cái gì

= hide-out/ hideaway
Considerate (a) towards sb/ of sb to

do sth

ần cần chu đáo, có ý tứ = thoughtful/ attentive
(move) one’s stuff Dọn/ chuyển đồ dùng/ đồ đạc

Immediately (adv) Ngay lập tức = at once/ instantaneously

Blood cell (n.phr) Tế bào máu

Commerce (n)
Commercial (a)

Thương mại, việc buôn bán, mậu dịch
Thuộc bn bán, có lời, có hiệu quả
kinh tế

= trade/ business
Open/ broaden sb’s horizon Mở rộng tầm nhìn, mở mang kiến thức

Supersonic (a) Siêu thanh

Issue (n)

Address/ resolve/ tackle an issue
(not) Make an issue of sth

Take issue with sb about/ on/ over

Vấn đề, sự phát hành, kết quả
Giải quyết vấn đề

(đừng) Bé xé ra to
Không đồng ý
Nutrition (n)

Nutritional (a) (value)
Nutritious (a)

Sự dinh dưỡng
(giá trị) dinh dưỡng
Bổ, có chất bổ
Improvement (n)

Achieve/ carry out/ make an

Sự cải tiến, sự cải thiện = betterment, amelioration,

Reception (n) Tiệc chiêu đãi, sự tiêp nhận

Tuck into/ in sth start eating, ăn ngon lành, tham dự

Stride (n)

Make a stride in sth
Take sth in stride

Bước dài, sự tiến bộ (strides)
Tiên bộ mau lẹ, cải tiến nhanh

Chấp nhận và coi là dễ dàng, vượt qua
dễ dàng

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inflation/ disease) phát, bệnh tật)

Rough-water (n) Vùng nước nguy hiểm

Shallow (a) Nông, cạn

coral reef (n.ph) Rặng san hô

Survive (v)
Survival (n)

Sống sót, sinh tồn
Sự sống sót, sự sinh tồn

= live
Attitude (n) (to/ towards)

Have a (bad/ good/ positive)

Thái độ, quan điểm

Có thái độ (xấu/ tốt/ tích cực)

(Take) exercise Tập luyện

Deal with (phr.v) sb Đối phó với ai

Giải quyết, xử lý cái gì Take action, Be about

Provoke (v) Khiêu khích, trêu chọc Stir sb up

Bring up (phr.v) Nuôi dưỡng = raise/ nurture/ rear

Elegant (a)
Elegance (n)

Thanh lịch, tao nhã

Make an impression on
Be under the impression that
Impressive (a)

ấn tượng

gây ấn tượng đối với ai
cứ tưởng rằng

gây ấn tượng, hùng vĩ

Migration (n) Di trú, di cư

Hide Che, đậy = conceal>< reveal

Policy (n) on sth Chính sách

As a whole
On the whole

Nguyên cả, trọn bộ
Xét mọi mặt
Physical condition (n.phr) Điều kiện thể chất

Honor the check/ cheque Nhận thanh toán 1 tấm séc khi hết hạn

Budget (n) Ngân sách, ngân quỹ

Employ (v)
Employee (n)
Employer (n)

Thuê, dùng

Người làm, người làm công

Chủ, người thuê, người sử dụng lao

Consequence (n)
Of no consequence
As a consequence of
In consequence

Hậu quả

Không quan trọng
Do kết quả của
Kết quả là

Typhoon (n) bão

Precautionary measures (n.phr) Biện pháp phòng ngừa
Measure (n)

Take measure against Biện pháp Đưa ra giải pháp/ cách xử lý.
Admission (n)

by (on) one's own admission

Sự thu nhận, sự kết nạp
Tiền vào cửa

Theo thừa nhận của
Carry out (phr.v)

Carry on (phr.v) with sth
carry sth on

Thưc hiện, tiến hành
Tiếp tục làm gì

Tiếp tục làm gì, tham dự
Gain/ win promotion Thăng chức, đề bạt
Position (n)

Out of position

Vị trí

Sai vị trí, sai chỗ >< in/ into position

Have trouble Gặp rắc rối/ vấn đề

Purify (v) Làm cho sạch = clean>< pollute/ dirty

Pollute (v)
Pollution (n)
Pollutant (n)

Ơ nhiễm
Sự ơ nhiễm
Chất gây ơ nhiễm

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Tired of
Tired (a)
Dead tired (a)


Mệt nhồi

= exhausted

Hand in (phr.v) Nộp, đệ trình = submit / give in

Resignation (n) Sự từ chức, sự cam chịu

Come into force Có hiệu lực

Charity organization (n.phr) Tổ chức từ thiện

Get on well with (phr.v) Hòa hợp, hòa thuận, thân thiện = in harmony with

Hush Sự im lặng = silence/ tranquillity

<b>Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is </b>
<b>CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.</b>

<b>Question 1. The notice should be put in the most conspicuous place so that all students can be well- </b>

A. easily seen B. suspicious C. popular D. beautiful

<b>Question 2. For a decade, Barzilai has studied centenarians looking for genes that contribute to longevity.</b>

A. who are vegetarians B. who want to be fruitarians

C. who are extraordinary D. who live to be 100 or older

<b>Question 3. As children, we were very close, but as we grew up, we just drifted apart.</b>

A. not as friendly as before B. not as serious as before

C. not as sympathetic as before D. not as childlike as before
<b>Question 4. Computers are recent accomplishments in our time.</b>

A. structures B. achievements C. calculations D. documents

<b>Question 5. In many countries, people who are jobless get unemployment benefit.</b>

A. dole B. pension C. fee D. scholarship

<b>Question 6. John has a thorough knowledge of the history of arts.</b>

A. practical B. scientific C. complete D. wonderful

<b>Question 7. When you cross the street, be careful and be on the alert for the bus.</b>

A. look for B. watch out for C. search for D. watch for

<b>Question 8. When the fire got out of control, firemen tried their best to extinguish it.</b>

A. put off B. put down C. put away D. put out

<b>Question 9. The differences between British and American English are comparatively small.</b>

A. relatively B. extremely C. surprisingly D. straightly

<b>Question 10. The design of wildlife refuges is still a matter of considerable controversy.</b>

A. significance B. debate C. urgency D. concern

<b>Question 11. Do we have enough people on hand to help us move our stuff into the house?</b>

A. nearby B. indisposed C. available D. confident

<b>Question 12. She left school and immediately started to make her own way without help from her family.</b>
A. find her living B. try her living C. hold her living D. earn her living
<b>Question 13. The white blood cell count in one's body many fluctuate by 50 per cent during a day.</b>

A. undulate B. multiply C. diminish D. vary

<b>Question 14. The emergence of supersonic travel opened new horizons for the military, tourism, and </b>

A. appearance B. urgency C. profitability D. simplicity

<b>Question 15. Yes, we went away on holiday last week, but it rained day in day out.</b>

A. every single day B. every other day C. every second day D. every two days
<b>Question 16. The government is subsidizing the ship building industry.</b>

A. ending B. creating C. aiding D. improving

<b>Question 17. The new air conditioner was installed yesterday.</b>

A. inspected thoroughly B. put in position

C. well repaired D. delivered to the customer

<b>Question 18. The teacher offered bonus points as an incentive to completing the homework.</b>

A. a goal B. a stimulus to action C. a deterrent D. a valuable

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<b>Question 19. The twentieth century saw a rapid rise in life expectancy due to improvements in public </b>
health, nutrition and medicine.

A. span B. anticipation C. expectation D. prospect

<b>Question 20. Later, a wine reception will be followed by a concert before guests tuck into a banquet.</b>
A. an enormous breakfast B. a formal conference C. an informal party D. a formal party
<b>Question 21. Those companies were closed due to some seriously financial problems.</b>

A. taken off B. put away C. wiped out D. gone over

<b>Question 22. Educators have made great strides in recent years in combating the ignorance of the nation's </b>
young about AIDS.

A. unawareness B. fearlessness C. arrogance D. indoctrination

<b>Question 23. Salt has been used for centuries as a method of preserving foods.</b>

A. displaying B. cooking C. conserving D. seasoning

<b>Question 24. Only aggressive species of small animal life are likely to survive in the roughwaters near </b>
shallow coral reefs.

A. marine B. strong C. a few D. passive

<b>Question 25. I will not stand for your bad attitude any longer.</b>

A. like B. tolerate C. mean D. care

<b>Question 26. Sports and festivals form an integral part of every human society.</b>

A. essential B. informative C. invented D. exciting

<b>Question 27. Aquatic sports have long been acknowledged as excellent ways to take physical exercise.</b>

A. reduced B. encouraged C. recognized D. practiced

<b>Question 28. She is always diplomatic when she deals with angry students.</b>

A. strict B. outspoken C. tactful D. firm

<b>Question 29. Although monkeys occasionally menace their enemies, they are usually not dangerous unless </b>
they are provoked.

A. consume B. threaten C. kill D. pursue

<b>Question 30. She was brought up in a well-off family. She can't understand the problems we are facing.</b>

A. wealthy B. kind C. broken D. poor

<b>Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is </b>
<b>OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.</b>

<b>Question 1. You need to dress neatly and elegantly for the interview. The first impression is very important.</b>

A. formally B. shabbily C. untidy D. comfortably

<b>Question 2. Their migration may be postponed if fog, clouds, or rain hides the stars.</b>

A. cancelled B. spoiled C. continued D. endangered

<b>Question 3. His policies were beneficial to the economy as a whole.</b>

A. harmless B. crude C. detrimental D. innocent

<b>Question 4. There are substantial differences between the two species.</b>

A. amazing B. slight C. onsiderable D. difficult to


<b>Question 5. His physical condition was not an impediment to his career as a violinist.</b>

A. hindrance B. obstruction C. furtherance D. setback

<b>Question 6. Unless the two signatures are identical, the bank won't honor the check</b>

A. similar B. different C. fake D. genuine

<b>Question 7. Henry has found a temporary job in a factory.</b>

A. eternal B. genuine C. permanent D. satisfactory

<b>Question 8. A cut in the budget put 10 percent of the state employees' jobs in jeopardy.</b>

A. danger B. range C. perspective D. safety

<b>Question 9. I said thanks for the opportunity to talk and for the interview that was courteous, in my opinion.</b>

A. meaningless B. clumsy C. rude D. awkward

<b>Question 10. I cannot understand why she did that, it really doesn't add up.</b>

A. doesn't calculate B. is easy to understand

C. doesn't make sense D. makes the wrong addition

<b>Question 11. The consequences of the typhoon were disastrous due to the lack of precautionary measures.</b>

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<b>Question 12. He was refused to admission to ANZ Banking Group because of having a dragon tattoo on his </b>
left hand.

A. granted B. acquiesced C. denied D. appealed

<b>Question 13. My mother is a caring woman and always thoughtful of others.</b>

A. rude B. inconsiderate C. inconsiderable D. critical

<b>Question 14. She was unhappy that she got in touch with a lot of her old friends when she went abroad to </b>

A. put in charge of B. lost contact with C. made room for D. lost control of
<b>Question 15. The shop assistants have to break off the conversation to serve a customer.</b>

A. interrupt B. hurry C. continue D. begin

<b>Question 16. Teacher shortages hinder new English training carried out in Ho Chi Minh City.</b>

A. obstruct B. facilitate C. impede D. prevent

<b>Question 17. Drinking water must be purified so that it doesn't harm our health.</b>

A. filtered B. contaminated C. . impure D. tested

<b>Question 18. There is growing concern about the way man has destroyed the environment.</b>

A. ease B. attraction C. consideration D. speculation

<b>Question 19. His career advancement was slow and he did not gain any promotion until he was 40, when he </b>
won the position of the company's Chief Excutive.

A. progress B. elevation C. rise D. decrease

Question 20. There has been insufficient rainfall over the past two years, and farmers are having trouble.

A. adequate B. unsatisfactory C. abundant D. dominant

<b>Question 21. I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions.</b>

A. attentions B. unawareness C. unconcern D. carelessness

<b>Question 22. Thanks to strenuous efforts to purify the polluted river, it was clean now.</b>

A. exhausting B. forceful C. energetic D. half-hearted

<b>Question 23. He didn't even cast an eye over my report which I had spent a month writing!</b>

A. show disinterest in B. find it eye-catching with

C. keep in ignorance about D. stay uninformed of

<b>Question 24. Tired of being a tiny cog in a vast machine, he handed in his resignation.</b>

A. an important person B. a large piece of equipment

C. a small group of people D. a small group of people

<b>Question 25. The new laws to conserve wildlife in the area will come into force next month.</b>

A. pollute B. protect C. eliminate D. destroy

<b>Question 26. If no specific measures are taken, all species including human race will soon vanish.</b>

A. disappear B. appear C. attacked D. devastate

<b>Question 27. She is a very generous old woman. She has given most of her wealth to a charity organization.</b>

A. mean B. kind C. hospitable D. amicable

<b>Question 28. Nancy and her boss worked so well together. She concurred with him about the new direction </b>
the company was taking.

A. disagreed B. agreed C. surrendered D. confessed

<b>Question 29. My daughter and the boy living in the neighbourhood got on well with each other like a house </b>
on fire.

A. quickly B. slowly C. smoulderingly D. friendly

<b>Question 30. A hush fell over the guests who had gathered for the wedding celebration.</b>

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<b>MEANING</b> <b>SYNONYM (=)</b>

<b>ANTONYM (><</b>
(be) aware of

Raise/ foster/ have sb’s
awareness of

Nhận thức, nhận biết, biết

Nâng cao/ thúc đẩy nhận thức/ sự hiểu biết

Discourteous (a) Khiếm nhã, bất lịch sự = rude/ impolite >< polite/

Poison (n)

(v) Thuốc độcBỏ độc

Vomit (v) Nôn

Soapy water (n.phr) Nước xà phòng

Utilize (v) Dùng, sử dụng

Talisman (n) Bùa = charm/ amulet

Mysterious (a)

Mystery (n) Bí ẩn, huyền bíSự huyền bí

Passion (n) Đam mê, say đắm, say mê, sự giận dữ (số it)

Proceed with/ exercise caution

Sự thận trọng, cẩn trọng

Be careful in taking action, making decision

Complex (a) phức tạp = complicated

Scold sb (v) for sth Rầy la, mắng mỏ

Attach to sth Gắn, dán

Reveal (v) Tiết lộ = expose/ leak out ><

hide/ conceal
Sense (n)

Make sense of sth
Make sense

Khả năng nhận biết, ý thức
Hiểu được

Có nghĩa, có lý, hợp lý
School violence

Family/ domestic violence

Bạo lực học đường
Bạo lực gia đình

Submit (v) Nộp, đệ trình

Source of information (n.phr) Nguồn thông tin
Embarrassment (n) Sự bối rối, lúng túng
Satisfaction (n)

Satisfatory (a)
Satisfied (a)

Sự hài lòng
Vừa ý, thỏa đáng
Thỏa mãn, hài lòng

Withdraw (v) Rút lại, thu hồi

Therapy (n) Trị liệu, điều trị, liệu pháp
Filter (v) – (n) Lọc - cái lọc

Industrial wastes (n.phr) Rác thải công nghiệp
Overwhelm (v)

Overwhelming (a) Tràn ngập, lấn át, áp đảo Không cưỡng nổi, rất lớn, áp đảo
Exhausted (a)

Exhaustive (a) Mệt, kiệt sứcHết mọi khía cạnh, toàn diện

Revolution (n) Cuộc cách mạng

Affair (n) Sự việc

Point of view (n.phr) Quan điểm
Social class (n.phr) Tầng lớp xã hội

Judge (v) Phán xét, xét xử, phê bình, chỉ trích

Funeral (n) Đám tang

Agricultural practice (n.phr)
In(out of) practice

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Put sth in practice Thực hành, đem áp dụng vào thực tiễn
Be responible for Chịu trách nhiệm

Desertification (n) Q trình sa mạc hóa

Break up (phr.v) Chia tay

Women’s liberation

Hoạt động giải phóng phụ nữ

Ivory (n) Ngà voi

Benefit (v) (from)
Benefit (n)

Beneficial (a)

Được lợi từ

Get over (phr.v) Vượt qua

Cheer up (phr.v) Làm cho ai đó vui lên

Colleague (n) Đồng nghiệp

Latest information (n.phr) Thông tin mới nhất
Rare species (n.phr) Loài quý hiếm
Conservationist (n)

Conservation (n)

Conservative (a)

Người ủng hộ công việc bảo vệ môi trường
Sự bảo tồn, sự bảo vệ

Bảo thủ
be (go) on strike; be (come;

go on out) on strike

Tham gia đình cơng
Treatment (n)

Suffer/ put up with (bad/
cruel..) treatment

Điều trị, cách đối xử

Do gardening Làm vườn

be proud of
pride (n)

Tự hào về
Niềm tự hào

Outbreak (n) Sự bộc phát, cơn

epidemics(n) Bệnh dịch

Guilty (a) Có tội = culpable >< innocent

Bribery (n) Sự hối lộ

Reputation (n) Sự nổi danh, danh tiếng
With flying colours Xuất sắc

<b>Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is </b>
<b>CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.</b>

<b>Question 1. Many young children are spending large amounts of time watching the TV without being aware</b>
of its detriment to their school work.

A. harm B. advantage C. support D. benefit

<b>Question 2. It is very discourteous to intrude during someone's conversation.</b>

A. find fault B. disagree C. leave quickly D. interrupt

<b>Question 3. In certain types of poisoning, you should immediately give large quantities of soapy or salty </b>
water in order to induce vomiting.

A. clean B. control C. cause D. stop

<b>Question 4. Biogas can be utilized for electricity production, cooking, space heating, water heating and </b>
process heating.

A. sparing B. increase C. generation D. reformation

<b>Question 5. We spent the entire day looking for a new apartment.</b>

A. all day long B. day after day C. the long day D. all long day
<b>Question 6. In many parts of the world, talismans are used to ward off evil.</b>

A. seek out B. transcend C. keep away D. describe

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A. melancholy B. sadness C. joy D. calmness
<b>Question 8. When one is unfamiliar with the customs, it is easy to make a blunder.</b>

A. commitment B. an injury C. a mistake D. an enemy

<b>Question 9. His passion for medical research gained him numerous prestigious appointments and awards.</b>

A. reputable B. important C. effective D. major

<b>Question 10. In my book, great caution should be exercised in dealing with this matter as it appears to be </b>
more complex.

A. In my subjection B. In my retrospection C. In my opinion D. As for my

<b>Question 11. The boy was embarrassed when his mother scolded him in public.</b>

A. apprehensive B. humiliated C. funny D. confused

<b>Question 12. The newlyweds agreed to be very frugal in their shopping because they wanted to save enough</b>
money to buy a house.

A. wasteful B. economical C. careless D. interested

<b>Question 13. Video cameras attached to sea turtles and sharks reveal an underwater world hidden to </b>

A. exposed B. unrelated C. invisible D. phenomenal

<b>Question 14. After I spent a couple of hours picking his brain, his scheme started to make sense.</b>
A. questioning him B. beating him C. threatening him D. teaching him
<b>Question 15. These were the people who advocated using force to stop school violence.</b>

A. openly criticized B. publicly said C. strongly condemned D. publicly supported
<b>Question 16. Before submitting the document, I had to check whether all the sources of information are </b>

A. available B. legitimate C. understandable D. clear

<b>Question 17. You should keep an eye out for that!</b>

A. look at B. take care of C. maintain awareness of D. control
<b>Question 18. He drives me to the edge because he never stops talking.</b>

A. steers me B. irritates me C. moves me D. frightens me

<b>Question 19. In spite her embarrassment before Rodya's urgent and challenging look, she could not deny </b>
herself that satisfaction.

A. demanding B. hard C. difficult D. curious

<b>Question 20. You can withdraw money from the account at any time without penalty.</b>

A. punishment B. loss C. charge D. offense

<b>Question 21. The educational quality is decidedly improved.</b>

A. repeatedly B. admittedly C. noticeably D. obviously

<b>Question 22. Relaxation therapy teaches one not to fret over small problems.</b>

A. worry about B. look for C. get involved in D. get angry about
<b>Question 23. Scientists and engineers have invented filters and other methods of removing pollutants from </b>
industrial wastes.

A. making over B. making out C. taking away D. taking over

<b>Question 24. I had a row with my boss and had to quit the job.</b>

A. quarreled B. debated C. discussed D. ignored

<b>Question 25. Kate was overwhelmed with tension before she entered the final contest.</b>

A. nervousness B. high degree C. strength D. eagerness

<b>Question 26. The week of exams left Miranda exhausted, and she is still slightly ill.</b>

A. on bad terms B. in worse condition C. under the weather D. on a roll

<b>Question 27. The most striking technological success in the twentieth century is probably the computer </b>

A. productive B. dangerous C. prominent D. recent

<b>Question 28. Everytime he opens his mouth, he immediately regrets what he said. He is always putting his </b>
foot in his mouth.

A. speaking indirectly B. making a mistake

C. doing things in the wrong order D. saying embarrassing things

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

C. forgetful of one's past D. often forgetting things
<b>Question 30. We can use either verbal or non - verbal forms of communication.</b>

A. using gesture B. using speech C. using verbs D. using facial expressions
<b>Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is </b>
<b>OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.</b>

<b>Question 1. After disagreement, he put an end to his relationship with his partner.</b>

A. divided B. enjoyed C. established D. split

<b>Question 2. The old lady loves to poke her nose in other people's affairs.</b>

A. entangle B. ignore C. exaggerate D. meddle

<b>Question 3. The winner will be selected at random.</b>

A. by testing B. by interviewing C. on purpose D. by competition
<b>Question 4. Vietnam's admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO) has promoted its trade relations </b>
with other countries.

A. balanced B. restricted C. expanded D. boosted

<b>Question 5. In some young people's point of view, life in the countryside is very quiet and dull.</b>

A. boring B. interesting C. peaceful D. startling

<b>Question 6. In some societies, language is associated with social class and education. People judge one's </b>
level in society by the kind of language used.

A. connected with B. separated from C. not allowed by D. dissimilar to

<b>Question 7. After the funeral of her husband, when all herfriends and relatives had left, she experienced a </b>
feeling of complete isolation in the large and quiet house.

A. loneliness B. remoteness C. affection D. privacy

<b>Question 8. Since it is to be a surprise, don't let the cat out of the bag.</b>

A. let the bag away from the cat B. reveal the true story

C. keep the cat inside the bag D. hide the secret

<b>Question 9. It is a sad fact that some of the agricultural practices used today are responsible for fostering </b>

A. improving B. speeding up C. producing D. slowing down
<b>Question 10. He stole Jack's girlfriend and they became enemies ever since.</b>

A. colleagues B. neighbors C. friends D. rivals

<b>Question 11. One of the reasons why families break up is that parents are always critical of each other.</b>

A. unaware B. supportive C. intolerant D. tired

<b>Question 12. There have been significant changes in women's lives since the women's liberation movement.</b>

A. unimportant B. controlled C. political D. disagreeable

<b>Question 13. In 1989, a ban was given on all international trade in ivory.</b>

A. a destruction B. an allowance C. an exploitation D. a prohibition
<b>Question 14. The cake was heavenly so I asked for more</b>

A. disgusting B. edible C. in the sky D. cheap

<b>Question 15. You cannot receive housing benefit when you are employed</b>

A. out of work B. out of fashion C. out of order D. out of practice
<b>Question 16. In some countries, the disease burden could be prevented through environmental </b>

A. something to suffer B. something sad

C. something to entertain D. something enjoyable

<b>Question 17. A frightening number of illiterate students are graduating from college</b>

A. inflexible B. able to read and write

C. able to enjoy winter sports D. unable to pass an examination in reading and writing
<b>Question 18. Don't be such a pessimist. I'm sure you'll soon get over it. Cheer up!</b>

A. optimist B. feminist C. hobbyist D. activist

<b>Question 19. He was respected by all of the colleagues who used to work with him for years</b>

A. looked down on B. ignored C. complied with D. looked up to

<b>Question 20. According to the latest information from the World's committee for the Wildlife Protection, </b>
every two minutes one rare species of animal disappears on earth.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<b>Question 21. Due to the efforts of conservationists and environmentalists, few people are unaware of</b> the
problems of endangered species.

A. ignorant of B. well-informed of C. indifferent to D. adjustment to
<b>Question 22. They went on strike to ask for the equal treatment from the boss</b>

A. just B. flat C. unfair D. partial

<b>Question 23. As you can see, my father does a lot of gardening and those rose bushes are the apples of his </b>
eye. He's so proud of them.

A. the things that he likes very much B. the apples that he prefers
C. the things that is very important to him D. the things that he dislikes
<b>Question 24. We have known each other long enough that I will forgive you this discourtesy.</b>

A. politeness B. rudeness C. measurement D. encouragement

<b>Question 25. Experts say that another outbreak of flu epidemic is on the cards.</b>

A. likeiy to happen B. unlikely to occur C. to be prevented D. on the increase
<b>Question 26. He was found guilty of bribery. Now his reputation is under a cloud.</b>

A. a glow of pride B. a shame C. out of reach D. open to doubt

<b>Question 27. In order to pass all exams with flying colours, you should concentrate on your study as well as </b>
take some useful tips to reduce stress and anxiety.

A. be related to B. be interested in C. pay no attention to D. express interest to
<b>Question 28. When U23 Vietnam went to the final versus U23 Indonesia, all the nation was walking on air.</b>
A. extremely happy B. very disappointed C. very perplexed D. extremely light

<b>Question 29. Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs in civilized society.</b>

A. Being in time B. Lateness C. Being on time D. Time-keeping

<b>Question 30. It’s unbelievable how the success of his first novel has completely turned his head.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

<b>READING 2</b>

<i><b>READING 1. Read the following passage and choose the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the</b></i>
<i><b>numbered blanks.</b></i>

<b>Educating Our Mobile Children</b>

One of the greatest concerns parents have when facing an international move is “What schooling
will be available to my child? Will my child be disadvantaged academically as a result of this move?”.
(1) _______this fear is certainly strongest in families moving overseas for the first time, even those who
may be more experienced often have concerns about their children’s education.

Dr. Ernest Mannino, Director of the State Department’s Office of Overseas Schools, and Dr. Keith
Miller, Deputy Director of the office, spoke candidly about some of the common concerns parents have

regarding the education of their children. Dr. Mannino and Dr. Miller (2) _______

parents against making assumptions about their children’s education. To (3)_______ an educated
choice, parents need to think through schooling issues and to research post schools as far in
advance of a move as possible.

Children (4) are internationally mobile have many choices of schools to attend. In
most major cities, there are schools based on the U.S., French, German, and British systems. Some
parents also choose to become their children’s teachers through home education. Which school is
(5)_______ for your child is an individual decision based on many factors.

<b>Question 1. A. When </b> B. Because C. Therefore D Although
<b>Question 2. A. discourage </b> B. caution C. oppose D. approve

<b>Question 3. A. make </b> B. do C. put D. take

<b>Question 4. A. who </b> B. which C. whose D. whom

<b>Question 5. A. appropriate</b> B. appropriateness C. appropriately D. appropriation

<i><b>READING 2. Read the following passage and choose the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the</b></i>
<i><b>numbered blanks.</b></i>


The reality is that everyone uses jargon. It is an essential part of the network of occupations and
pursuits which make up society. All jobs have an element of jargon, which workers learn as
they (1)_______their expertise. All hobbies require mastery of a jargon. Each society grouping has
its jargon. The phenomenon turns out to be universal and valuable. It is the jargon element, which, in a
job, can promote (2) ______ and precision and thus help make life easier for the workers.

When we have learned to command it, jargon is something we readily take (3) _________in
whether the subject is motorcycling, baseball or computers. It can add pace, variety and humor to speech
- as when, with an important event approaching, we might slip into the related jargon. We enjoy the
mutual showing off which stems from a fluent use of terminology, we enjoy the in-jokes which
shared linguistic experience permits. (4)_________, we are jealous of this knowledge. We are quick
to demean anyone (5) ______tries to be part of our group without being prepared to take on its jargon.
And we resent it when some other group, sensing our lack of linguistic awareness, refuses to let us in.
<b>Question 1. A. develop B. raise </b> C. extend D. expand

<b>Question 2. A. economic B. economy</b> C. economical D. economically
<b>Question 3. A. notice</b> B. control C. grant D. pleasure
<b>Question 4. A. Otherwise</b> B. Therefore C. Moreover D. However

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

<i><b>READING 3. Read the following passage and choose the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the</b></i>
<i><b>numbered blanks.</b></i>


Doing voluntary work abroad is a terrific way to broaden the mind. (1)_______, this depends on
how you spend your time while you’re there.

Many people (2) from doing voluntary work in other countries because they
experience another culture and way of life. They sometimes forget, though, that they are supposed to be
assisting people in need rather than simply going on their own personal journey. They often don’t get
(3)_______ with the locals and listen to their concerns. Thus, the wide gap between privileged volunteers
and poor locals still remains.

Organizations which (4)________arrangements for people to do voluntary work abroad are
beginning to recognize this problem. They are encouraging volunteers to interact with locals and create

meaningful bonds with them. This can also help to break down the stereotypical imagines
(5)_______volunteers from developed nations have about places in the developing world.

<b>Question 1. A. However</b> B. Thus C. Although D. In addition
<b>Question 2. A. expand</b> B. improve C. benefit D. profit

<b>Question 3. A. acquaint</b> B. acquaintance C. acquainted D. acquaintanceship

<b>Question 4. A. do</b> B. take C. make D. put

<b>Question 5. A. which </b> B. who C. whom D. what

<i><b>READING 4. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.</b></i>

Diseases are a natural part of life on Earth. If there were no diseases, the population would grow too
quickly, and there would not be enough food or other resources. So in a way, diseases are nature's way of
keeping the Earth in balance. But sometimes they spread very quickly and kill large numbers of people. For
example, in 1918, an outbreak of the flu spread across the world, killing over 25 million people in only six
months. Such terrible outbreaks of a disease are called pandemics.

Pandemics happen when a disease changes in a way that our bodies are not prepared to fight. In
<b>1918, a new type of flu virus appeared. Our bodies had no way to fight this new flu virus, and so it spread</b>
very quickly and killed large numbers of people. While there have been many different pandemic diseases
throughout history, all of them have a few things in common.

First, all pandemic diseases spread from one person to another very easily. Second, while they may
kill many people, they generally do not kill people very quickly. A good example of this would be the
Marburg virus. The Marburg virus is an extremely infectious disease. In addition, it is deadly. About
70-80% of all the people who get the Marburg virus die from the disease.

However, the Marburg virus has not become a pandemic because most people die within three days
of getting the disease. This means that the virus does not have enough time to spread to a large number of
people. The flu virus of 1918, on the other hand, generally took about a week to ten days to kill its victims,
so it had more time to spread.

While we may never be able to completely stop pandemics, we can make them less common.
Doctors carefully monitor new diseases that they fear could become pandemics. For example, in 2002 and
2003, doctors carefully watched SARS. Their health warnings may have prevented SARS from becoming a

<i><b>Question 1. This passage is mainly about ____.</b></i>

A. how to prevent pandemic diseases. B. pandemic diseases.
C. pandemic diseases throughout history. D. why pandemics happen.

<i><b>Question 2. Based on the information in the passage the term “pandemics” can best be explained as ___.</b></i>
A. diseases with no cure B. diseases that spread quickly and kill large numbers of people
C. a deadly kind of flu D. new diseases like SARS or the Marburg virus

<i><b>Question 3. According to the passage, what causes pandemics?</b></i>
A. Changes in a disease that the body cannot fight

B. Careless doctors who do not watch the spread of diseases
C. Population growth that the world cannot support

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

<i><b>Question 4. The word “it” in the passage refers to ____.</b></i>

A. disease B. flu virus C. pandemics D. bodies
<i><b>Question 5. The author mentions SARS in order to ____.</b></i>

A. give an example of a highly dangerous disease.
B. suggest that SARS will never become a pandemic.

C. give an example of the successful prevention of a pandemic.
D. suggest that there may be a new pandemic soon.

<i><b>READING 5. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.</b></i>

In Viet Nam festivals often take place during the three months in spring and in autumn when
people have a lot of leisure time. In addition, the climate in spring and autumn is especially suitable for
holding festivals and for festivals goers to enjoy. Traditional festivals constitute a form of cultural activities,
<b>a spiritual product which the people have created and developed during the course of history. From</b>
generation to generation, the Vietnamese people preserve the fine tradition of “remembering the source
while drinking water.” Festivals are events which represent this tradition of the community as well as
honour the holy figures named as “gods” -the real persons in national history or legendary persons. The
<b>images of gods converge the noble characteristics of mankind. They are national heroes who fought against</b>
foreign invaders, reclaimed new lands, treated people, fought against natural calamities, or those legendary
characters who affect the earthly life.

Accordingly, first and foremost, festivals are events when people pay tribute to divinities that
rendered merits to the community and the nation. These are occasions when people come back to either their
natural or national roots, which form a sacred part in their mind. Furthermore, festivals represent the
strength of the commune or village, the local region or even the whole nation. Worshipping the same god,
the people unite in solidarity to overcome difficulties, striving for a happy and wealthy life.

Moreover, festivals display the demand for creativity and enjoyment of spiritual and material
cultural values of all social strata. They become a form of education under which fine traditional moral
values can be handed from one generation to the next in a unique way of combining spiritual characters with
competition and entertainment games. Festivals are also the time people can express their sadness and
worries in a wish that gods might bestow favour on them to help them strive for a better life.

<i><b>Question 1. What affects the time to hold festivals in Viet Nam?</b></i>
A. Festival holders’ timetable and festival goers’ preference.
B. The abundance of fruits and flowers and people’s health.
C. People’s preference of leisure time and climate.

D. Weather conditions and people’s working pattern.

<i><b>Question 2. Which of the followings best replace the word “course” in the second paragraph?</b></i>

A. Lesson B. Development C. Road D. Creation

<i><b>Question 3. What does the word “they” in the second paragraph refer to?</b></i>

A. Gods B. Images C. Characteristics D. Invaders

<i><b>Question 4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT found as a common activity in</b></i>


A. Fortune-telling B. Entertaining C. Praying D. Worshipping

<i><b>Question 5. What is the best title of the passage?</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>



<b>1.</b> subject (n) : vấn đề; đề tài

<b>2.</b> at the same time : cùng thời

<b>3.</b> taste (v) : nếm (đọc thử, đọc qua loa)

<b>4.</b> swallow(v) : nuốt chửng (đọc ngốn ngấu)

<b>5.</b> chew (v) : nhai (nghiền ngẫm)

<b>6.</b> digest (v) : tiêu hóa (đọc và suy ngẫm)

 digestion (n) : sự hiểu thấu, sự lĩnh hội; sự tiêu hóa (những điều đã học)

<b>7.</b> <i><b>pick up (phr.v)</b></i> = lift : cầm lên, nhặt lên

<b>8.</b> <i><b>dip into (phr.v)</b></i> : chấm vào (đọc lướt qua)

<b>9.</b> here and there : đó đây, ở nhiều nơi

<b>10.</b> In a word : = In brief, In sum : Nói ngắn gọn, Nói tóm lại

<b>11.</b> Imagine (v) : tưởng tượng

 <i><b>imaginary </b></i> (adj) : tưởng tượng, khơng có thực, ảo
 <i><b>imagination (n) </b></i> : trí tưởng tượng, sự tưởng tượng

<i><b> imaginative (adj) </b></i> : giàu tưởng tượng

<b>12.</b> long train journey : hành trình dài trên xe lửa

<b>13.</b> <i><b>to put …down </b></i> : để xuống

<b>14.</b> <i><b>to belong to </b></i> : thuộc về

<b>15.</b> to review (v) : phê bình (một cuốn sách…)

<i><b> reviewer (n) </b></i> : nhà phê bình (sách…)

<b>16.</b> to describe : miêu tả, mô tả

<b>17.</b> hard-to-put-down : khơng thể đặt xuống

<b>18.</b> hard-to-pick-up-again : khó có thể cầm lên lại

<b>19.</b> source of knowledge (n) : nguồn tri thức

<b>20.</b> pleasure (n) : niềm vui, điều thú vị

 pleasant (adj) : vui vẻ, dễ thương (người)

 to please : làm vui lòng, làm hài lòng

<b>21.</b> to replace : thay thế

<b>22.</b> altogether(adv) = completely : hoàn toàn, đầy đủ

<b>23.</b> advantage (n) : sự thuận lợi

<b>24.</b> crime (n) : tội, tội ác

<b>25.</b> spy (n) : gián điệp

<b>26.</b> thriller (n) : truyện / phim giật gân, ly kỳ

<b>27.</b> love affair (n) : chuyện yêu đương, chuyện tình

<b>28.</b> romance (n) : truyện tình lãng mạn

<b>29.</b> character (n) : nhân vật

<b>30.</b> fiction (n) : tiểu thuyết hư cấu

<b>31.</b> <i><b>to be based on </b></i> : dựa vào, căn cứ vào

<b>32.</b> to knit : đan (len, sợi…)

<b>33.</b> craft (n) : nghề, nghề thủ công

<b>34.</b> author (n) : tác giả

<b>35.</b> comic book : tạp chí dành cho trẻ em đăng những chuyện kể chủ yếu bằng hình vẽ

<b>36.</b> biography (n) : tiểu sử, lí lịch

<b>37.</b> science fiction (n) : truyện khoa học viễn tưởng

<b>38.</b> detail (n) : chi tiết

<b>39.</b> witch (n) : mụ phù thủy

<b>40.</b> wizard (n) : thầy phù thủy, thầy pháp, người có pháp thuật (là nam giới)

<b>41.</b> brave (adj) : gan dạ, can đảm, dũng cảm

<b>42.</b> witty (adj) : hóm hỉnh, dí dỏm

<b>43.</b> incredible (adj) : khơng thể tin được

<b>44.</b> wilderness (n) : vùng hoang dã

<b>45.</b> well-treated (adj) : được đối xử tốt

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

<b>47.</b> to resolve = to decide : quyết định

<b>48.</b> to make it (idm) : đến nơi

<b>49.</b> to be reunited : được đoàn tụ

<b>50.</b> distinct (adj) : riêng, riêng biệt

<b>51.</b> personality (n) : tính cách

<b>52.</b> <i><b>to care for = to look after </b></i> : trơng nom, chăm sóc

<b>53.</b> <i><b>to turn …into </b></i> : biến …thành

<b>54.</b> faithful (adj) : trung thành

<b>55.</b> <i><b>unbelievable (adj) </b></i> : khó tin, lạ lùng, khơng thể tin được

<b>56.</b> to recommend : giới thiệu

<b>57.</b> report (n) : bản báo cáo

<b>58.</b> to be jumbled : lẫn lộn, lung tung

<b>59.</b> heading (n) : tiêu đề

<b>60.</b> to be set : được đặt bối cảnh

<b>61.</b> title (n) : đầu đề, tít (tên cuốn sách, bài thơ…)

<b>62.</b> plot n) : cốt truyện

<b>63.</b> general introduction : lời giới thiệu chung

<b>64.</b> summary (n) : sự tóm tắt

<b>65.</b> content (n) : nội dung

<b>66.</b> conclusion (n) : sự kết luận, phần kết luận

<b>67.</b> traveller’s’ cheque (n) : ngân phiếu du lịch

<b>68.</b> on board : trên tàu

<b>69.</b> in the form of tablet : dưới dạng viên nén

<b>70.</b> gourmet (n) : người sành ăn

<b>71.</b> to pre-package : đóng gói sẵn

<b>72.</b> <i><b>to warm up </b></i> : làm cho nóng, làm cho ấm; hâm

<b>73.</b> to suit : hợp với, thích hợp với

<b>74.</b> food preference form : mẫu sở thích về thức ăn

<b>GRAMMAR: </b>

Active: <b>S + can/will/have to… + V1 + O</b>

→ Passive: <b>S’ + can/will/have to… + be V3,ed (+ by O’)</b>
Active: <b>S + can/will… +have V3,ed + O</b>

→ Passive: <b>S’ + can/will… +have been V3,ed (+ by O’)</b>
Ex. They may build a new bridge.  A new bridge may be built.
<b>NOTE: </b>

<i><b>1. S của câu chủ động là những đại từ nhân xưng ( he, she, you, they, we..) và các từ như: someone, </b></i>

<i>somebody, anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody,... thì lượt bỏ by O trong câu bị động nếu không muốn </i>
<i>nêu rõ tác nhân.</i>

<i><b>2. Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn đứng trước “by + O bị động”.</b></i>
<i><b>3. Trạng từ chỉ thời gian đứng sau “by + O bị động”.</b></i>
<i><b>4. Trạng từ chỉ thể cách đứng giữa “BE + PP”.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>


<b>Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest. </b>

1. A. too B. book C. look D. good

2. A. described B. digested C. swallowed D. informed
3. A. words B. reviewers C. describes D. types

4. A. picture B. action C. question D. future

5. A. swallow B. below C. slowly D. allow

<b>Choose the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the rest.</b>
6. A. describe B. chapter C. wonder D. easy
7. A. imaginary B. advantageous C. information D. incredible
8. A. entertainment B. information C. difficulty D. understanding

9. A. swallow B. subject C. digest D. enough

10. A. imagine B. important C. example D. wonderful

<b>Choose the best option.</b>

11. A ________ is the story of a person's life written by somebody else.

A. romance B. fiction C. biography D. science

12. When a reader reads an interesting book slowly and carefully, he ____ it

A. reviews B. chews and digests C. swallows D. dips into

13. A book may be studied by students as the ____ of a writing and analysis exercise in the form of a book

report. A. limit B. time C. subject D. interest

14. A _____ is a report in a newspaper or magazine in which a writer gives his opinion of a book, a film, or

a play. A. page B. subject C. review D. journey

<i>15. If you ________ a book, you have a brief look at it without reading or studying it seriously.</i>

A. dip into B. put away C. pick up D. put down

16. This book is not really ________. It is a waste of money buying it.

A. inform B. information C. informative D. informatively
17. A book may be evaluated by a reader or professional writer to create a book ________.

A. review B. reviewing C. reviewer D. reviewed

18. To become a novelist, you need to be ________.

A. imagine B. imagination C. imaginative D. imaginarily
19. Mary enjoys reading ________, adventure, and whatever else she can either buy or borrow.

A. romance B. romantic C. romanticize D. romanticism
20. Read the book ________ and you can find the information you need.

A. care B. careful C. carefulness D. carefully

21. We spend more time watching TV than reading books. But ________ fact. TV has not kill reading.

A. for B. upon C. at D. in

22. He picked ________ the book and turned page after page.

A. up B. on C. away D. in

23. Hanna and Jenifer are talking about a book they have just read.

- Hanna: “The book is really interesting and educational.” - Jenifer: “__________”

A. I couldn’t agree more. B. That’s nice of you to say so. C. I’d love it. D. Don’t mention it
24. _ Sue: “I love comic books.” _Alice: “__________.”

A. I do, too B. No, I won’t C. Yes, I like it D. Neither do I

25. _Sam: “____” _Mary: “I often read through the books quickly first, then I start reading it again slowly.”
A. What sort of books do you like to read? B. How do you often read books?

B. When do you often read books? D. Who is the main character?
26. Fruits ________ in a freezer.

A. should not put B. should not be put C. must put D. must be putting
27. The fire ________ by lightning.

A. must cause B. must be causing C. must have caused D. must have been caused
28. The last decision ________.

A. will be made by the manager B. will make by the manager

C. that will be made by the manager D. that must be made by the manager
29. The car ________ by Karen. The keys are still on the table.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

30. The garden ________. It has just started raining.

A. needn't water B. needn't be watered C. needn't be watering D. needn't have watered
31. The package ________ carefully before it ________.

A. must be wrapped / is posted B. needs wrapping / will be posted
C. should wrap / is going to be posted D. will be wrapping / needs posting
32. ________ in simpler words?

A. Has this issue expressed B. Can't this issue express

C. Can this issue express D. Couldn't this issue be expressed
33. All traffic laws ________.

A. is observed B. must be observed C. must have observed D. had better observe
34. Tomatoes ________ before they are completely ripe.

A. can be picked B. can pick C. needn't pick D. should be picking
35. This letter ________, not handwritten.

A. should be typing B. should be typed C. needn't type D. needn't be typed
<i>36. You have to do your homework every day.</i>

A. Your homework has been done every day. B. Your homework has to do by you every day.
C Your homework has to be done every day. D. Your homework have to be done every day.
<i>37. You shouldn’t tell her the news. It might kill her.</i>

A. She shouldn’t be told by the news. She might be killed.
B. The news shouldn’t be told her. She might be killed.
C. She shouldn’t be told the news. She might be killed.
D. She shouldn’t been told the news. It might be killed.
<i>38. It wasn't obligatory to submit my assignment today.</i>

A. My assignment must have been submitted today.
B. I needn't have submitted my assignment today.
C. My assignment was required to submit by today.
D. I mustn't submit my assignment today.

<i>39. You must never take off your helmet while you are riding a motorcycle.</i>
A. If you are riding a motorcycle, you needn’t wear a helmet.

B. When you are riding a motorcycle, wearing a helmet is not a must.
C. You needn’t wear a helmet whenever you are riding a motorcycle

D. Helmets must be worn at all times when you are riding a motorcycle
<i>40. The carpet still needs cleaning.</i>

A. The carpet has been cleaned. B. The carpet hasn’t cleaned yet.
C. The carpet has not been cleaned. D. The carpet has cleaned.
<i>41. Slippery as the roads were, they managed to complete the race.</i>

A. The roads were slippery, but they managed to complete the race.
B. The roads were so slippery that they could hardly complete the race.
C. The roads were slippery so they could hardly complete the race.

D. The roads were so slippery; therefore, they could hardly complete the race.
<i>42. She should have sent her birthday cards a week ago.</i>

A. Her birthday cards should have be sent a week ago.
B. Her birthday cards should have been sent a week ago.
C. Her birthday cards should have been being sent a week ago.
D. Her birthday cards should be have sent a week ago.

<i>43. He had to postpone the meeting because of his grandpa's death. </i>

A. The meeting had to be postponed because of his grandpa's death .
B. The meeting postponed because of his grandpa's death.

C. The meeting had been postponed because of his grandpa's death.
D. The meeting had to postpone because of his grandpa's death.
44. <i>They are going to build a new zoo near my village. </i>

A. A new zoo is going to be built near my village. B. A new zoo is being built near my village.
C. A new zoo will be built near my village. D. A new zoo is going to build near my village.
45. <i>Nobody can solve the mystery. </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

C. The mystery can be solved by everyone. D. The mystery can't solve by everyone.
<i>46. They will have to change the date of the meeting again.</i>

A. The date of the meeting will have to be changed again.
B. The date of the meeting will be had to change again.

C. The date of the meeting will have been to be changed again.
D. The date of the meeting will have to be change again.
<i>47. Will they take our luggage to the airport right now?</i>

A. Will our luggage be taken to the airport right now?

B. Will our luggage have taken to the airport right now?
C. Will our luggage to the airport be taken right now?
D. Will our luggage have been to the airport right now?
<i>48. You should have sent that letter by e-mail.</i>

A. That letter should be have sent by email. B. That letter should have been sent by email.
C. That letter should have be sent by email. D. That letter should have been being sent by email.
<i>49. Why can’t the secretary make the report?</i>

A. Why can’t the report be made by the secretary?

B. Why can’t the report have been made by the secretary?
C. Why can’t the report be making by the secretary?
D. Why can’t the report have made by the secretary?
<i>50. We could have solved this problem at that time.</i>

A. This problem could have been solved at that time.
B. This problem could be have solved at that time.

C. This problem could have been being solved at that time.
D. This problem could be solved at that time.

<b>Choose the best option to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined in </b>
<b>word(s) in the following questions.</b>

51. Please give me some advice to buy suitable books for my ten-year-old girl.
A. recommendation B. information C. fiction D. interest

52. This book written by Sheila Burnford is about an incredible journey of three animal friends.
A. reasonable B. realistic C. unbelievable D. imaginable

53. Each animal has a distinct personality, but they care for one another almost as if they were a family.
A. person’s character B. impression C. central theme D. plot

<b>Choose the best option to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined </b>
<b>word(s) in each of the following questions. </b>

54. This book is so good that I can’t put it down.

A. pick it up B. take down D. settle down D. turn up
55. What are the advantages of books over television?

A. conveniences B. drawbacks C. strengths D. preferences
<b>Choose the underlined words that need correcting.</b>

56. It is really sad how many people have the misconception that reading is bored .

A. really B. how many C. misconception D. bored

57. There are many benefits that we may be gained by actually taking the time to read a book instead of
sitting in front of the TV or doing some other forms of mindless entertainment.

A. may be gained B. actually C. instead of D. or

58. Too much television can has negative effects on young minds because of higher levels of television
viewing correlate with lowered academic performance, especially reading scores.

A. negative effects B. because of C. correlate with D. especially
59. A scientific fiction book is a type of book that is based on imagined scientific discoveries.
A. scientific B. that C. imagined D. a


