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sở giáo dục và đào tạo tây ninh sở giáo dục và đào tạo tây ninh đề ktcl hkii trường thpt tân châu môn thi tiếng anh 10 thời gian làm bài 60 phút họ và tên sbd câu 1 pick out the word whose bold part

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Thời gian làm bài: 60 PHÚT

Họ và Tên: ______________________
SBD: _______________

<b>Câu 1: Pick out the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from those of the rest.</b>

A reached B wished C studied D coughed

<b>Câu 2: If we had the choice, we_______ in the countryside.</b>

A would live B would have lived C would living D will live
<b>Câu 3: Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.</b>

A movement B motion C cinema D disaster

<b>Câu 4: This novel is based______ historical facts</b>

A in B on C off D above

<b>Câu 5: If I ______a type –writer, I ______ his report by myself</b>

A bought / will type B buy / will type C had bought / will type D will buy / type
<b>Câu 6: Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.</b>

A professional B mournful C rousing D lyrical

<b>Câu 7: The 2002 World Cup was jointly _____ by Japan and South Korea.</b>

A hold B organized C organize D holded

<b>Câu 8: Before I went to France, I ________ French for six months</b>

A study B was studying C had studied D have studied

<b>Câu 9: We started early in order _____miss the first part of the concert</b>

A no for B for no C to not D not to

<b>Câu 10: I _______thrillers to action films.</b>

A prefer B enjoy C like D would rather

<b>Câu 11: The Indians hunt whales ______ oil</b>

A off B of C with D for

<b>Câu 12: We ____ by a loud noise during the last night.</b>

A were waking up B were woken up C woke up D are woken up

<b>Câu 13: My little niece is very keen_____ cartoon films.</b>

A at B in C with D on

<b>Câu 14: Why / do / Tam / listening / jazz / you / enjoys / to / know /?</b>

A Why Tam know do you enjoys listening to jazz? B You know why do Tam enjoys listening to jazz?
C Why do Tam know you enjoys listening to jazz? D Do you know why Tam enjoys listening to jazz?
<b>Câu 15: The movie on TV last night made me_____.</b>

A bored B boredom C bore D boring

<b>Câu 16: Often / go / concert / how / your / to / do / the / parents/?</b>

A How do your parents go to the concert often? B How go to the concert often your parents do?
C How often do your parents go to the concert? D How your parents often do go to the concert?
<b>Câu 17: The crops weren’t very good because there was very little rain</b>

A Why weren’t crops very good? B Why were crops very good?
C Why aren’t crops very good? D Why wasn’t crops very good?
<b>Câu 18: Pick out the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from those of the rest.</b>

A boxes B potatoes C watches D houses

<b>Câu 19: A submarine is a type of ship that travel ________ water</b>

A above B on C at D under

<b>Câu 20: She was at a very embarrassed situation.</b>

<b>Câu 21: A best place where we can practise swimming is the swimming pool.</b>

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<b>Câu 22: We are going to Da Lat for our holiday this summer</b>
A Where were you going for your holiday this summer?

B Where was you going for your holiday this summer?
C Where are you going for your holiday this summer?
D Where is you going for your holiday this summer?
<b>Câu 23: I prefer watching detective films to__________.</b>

A more than detective stories B detective stories

C than read detective stories D reading detective stories
<b>Câu 24: Pick out the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from those of the rest.</b>

A Stephen B orphan C photo D phone

<b>Câu 25: The film Titanic is about the sinking of a luxury liner</b>

A car B plane C submarine D ship

<b>Câu 26: I haven’t met him since he _____ school.</b>

A has left B leaved C left D has leaved

<b>Câu 27: I’m sorry. I didn’t know that you were ill. If I _______you were ill, I _____to visit you.</b>
A have known / would have come B knew / would have come

C had known / would have come D has known / would have come
<b>Câu 28: He turned on the radio ______ listen to MTV.</b>

A in for to B for C so for to D to

<b>Câu 29: ____________? – Yes. (I’m very interested in learning about other countries and cultures.)</b>
A Are you interested in learning about other countries and cultures?

B Am you interested in learning about other countries and cultures?
C Do you interested in learning about other countries and cultures?
D Were you interested in learning about other countries and cultures?

<b>Câu 30: France won Brazil _____3 ________0 in the final match of the 1998 World Cup.</b>

A to – to B by – to C by – by D to – by

<b>Câu 31: My sister is terrified of spiders.</b>

A fond B jealous C proud D frightened

<b>Câu 32: I would like _____a cup of tea.</b>

A having B had C to have D have

<b>Câu 33: Germany was the _____nation of the 2006 World Cup final.</b>

A host B house C held D hold

<b>Câu 34: Will / do / it / this / what / you / if / rains / afternoon /?</b>

A What will it do if you rains this afternoon? B If it rains this afternoon, what you will do?
C What will you do if it rains this afternoon? D If you do this afternoon what will it rains?
<b>Câu 35: He’s interested _____ collecting stamps</b>

A about B with C of D in

<b>Câu 36: I haven’t been to the cinema for a decade</b>

A twenty years B five years C seven years D ten years

<b>Câu 37: I’m _______in the ________news.</b>

A interesting / interested B interest / interest C interested / interesting D interest / interested
<b>Câu 38: We sing our nationality anthem every Monday morning.</b>

<b>Câu 39: Parkinson’s disease was named after its _______.</b>

A discoverer B discovery C discover D discoveries

<b>Câu 40: He came second in an international piano________.</b>

A competition B compete C competitor D competitive

Read the text and choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D to complete each gap

Can you imagine what life would be like if there were no telephones? You could not call up your friends on
the phone and talk to them. __ ( 41 ) __ a fire broke out in your house, you could not call the fire department. If
somebody were sick, you could not call a doctor.

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our voices will not travel very far even when we shout. And the man who __ ( 45 ) __this possible was
Alexander Graham Bell, a Scotsman, born in Edinburgh in 1847.

<b>Câu 41: </b>

A As B Whether C If D When

<b>Câu 42: </b>

A lose touch B communicate C address D stay out of

<b>Câu 43: </b>

A listening to B reading C interrupting D hearing

<b>Câu 44: </b>

A Whatever B But C However D Although

<b>Câu 45: </b>

A did B had C made D brought

Read the text and choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D


Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can’t talk with words, but they talk with sounds. They show their feeling with

Dolphins travel in a group .We call a group of fish a “school”. They don’t study, but they travel together.
Dolphins are mammals, not fish, but they swim together in a school.

Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school. They give information. They tell when they are happy or
sad or afraid. They say “welcome” when a dolphin comes back to the school .They talk when they play.

They make a few sounds above water .They make many more sounds under water. People cannot hear these

sounds because they are very, very high. Scientists make tapes of the sounds and study them.

Sometimes people catch a dolphin for a large aquarium. People can watch dolphins in a show. Dolphins don’t
like to be away from their school in an aquarium .They are sad and lonely.

There are many stories about dolphins. They help people. Sometimes they save somebody’s life. Dolphin
meat is good, but people don’t like to kill them. They say that dolphins bring good luck .Many people believe

<b>Câu 46: Dolphins like to be _______________.</b>

A lonely B in their school C at an aquarium D on a tape
<b>Câu 47: Dolphins talk when they _____________.</b>

A show B play C listen D eat

<b>Câu 48: Dolphins make more sounds___________________.</b>

A above water B under water C in school D for tapes

<b>Câu 49: Which sentence is not true?</b>

A A dolphin can talk with sounds. B Dolphins always bring good luck.
C People like to watch dolphins D A dolphin can save a person’s life.
<b>Câu 50: Dolphins talk with __________________.</b>

A their hands B sounds C words D music


