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multiple choice 3 multiple choices 3 test 1 1 my brother began last year a works b to work c working d b and c are correct 2 the population of the world very fast a rises b is rising c will be rising

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<i><b>MULTIPLE CHOICES 3</b></i>

<b>TEST 1</b>

1. My brother began …………. last year. A. works B. to work C. working D. B and C are correct
2. The population of the world …..very fast. A. rises B. is rising C. will be rising D. had risen

3. Her father ………there since 1992. A. is working B. worked C. works D. has worked
4. He …….in BinhDinh for 10 years, but now he ……..in HCM city.

A. has lived_ is living B. lived_ is living C. was living_ lives D. has lived_ has been living
5. Please don’t make noise! I….. A. study B. am studying C. studied D. was studying

6. Do you know the woman …..lives next door? A. she B. who C. whom D. whose
7. Is that the girl to …..you spoke ? A. that B. who C. whom D. which

8. Nhatrang is the city in …..I was born . A. where B. which C. that D. there
9. It is the English tenses …..puzzle me most. A. that B. which C. where D. who

10. Darwin, …… theory of evolution is well-known throughout the world, was an English scientist. A. who B. whose C. whom D. that
11. How long does it take to get downtown? It depends …..the time of day. A. of B. at C. about D. on

12. We are thankful ….him ….his help. A. for- for B. to- for C. to- to D. for- to
13. Let’s go home. OK. I’m getting tired ….shopping. A. with B. at C. about D. of

14. She hates asking her parents………..money. A. about B for C. from D. to
15. We are all surprised ….his winning the race. A. in B. at C. about D. with
16. Were you successful ….Mr. Green? A. to see B. in seeing C. of seeing D. at seeing

17. The boy is only five years old, but he is quite used …..the telephone. A. to answer B. to answering C. of answering D. by answering
18. Anything special in the newspaper? There is nothing worth ……..A. reading B. of being read C. to be read D. to read

19. She spent two hours ………..the homework yesterday night. A. did B. doing C. to do D. does

20. I ….rather stay at home than go to the cinema with you. A. should B. might C. would D. had better
21. Will you go to the market with us today? I don’t think so. I‘m…………tired to go. A. enough B. too C. such D. so
22. What would you do if you …a million dollars? A. win B. won C. will win D. have won

23. If everything is all right, we...our work on time. A. complete B. are completing C. have completed D. will complete
24. You’ll be able to speak English well if you ……..hard. A. study B. studied C. would study D. had studied
25. You won’t pass the graduation examination ……you work hard for the time. A. if B. when C. unless D. or
26.If I were you, I …..tell them the truth. A. will B .won’t C. would D. can

27. Behave yourself………..your parents will be very unhappy. A. if B. or C. if not D. unless

28. I am ………in reading stories than scientific books. A. interesting B interested C. more interested D. more interesting
29. We felt asleep because the film was ………..A. surprising B. boring C. amusing D. interesting
30. She is ………..listening to your complaints. A. bored in B. tired of C. uninterested with D. amused for
31. Have you heard the news? It’s ………. A. excited B. exciting C. excites D. excitingly

32. Isaac Newton died in 1727 _____ the age of eighty-five. A. with B. in C. at D. on
33. I haven't had any news of John _____ 2003. A. in B. before C. on D. since

34. Her daughter is _____ of collecting coins. A. fond B. amused C. interested D. bored
35. The house is _____ small for us to live in. A. very B. too C. such D. so

36. Do you mind _____ on your own? A. live B. to live C. living D. lived
37. It’s the English phrasal verbs _____ puzzle me most. A. which B. that C. it D. they
38. This is the factory _____ my father used to work. A. where B. what C. when D. which
39. You must leave now _____ you will be late for school. A. unless B. if C. because D. or

40. Boys and girls may behave _____ in this situation. A. differ B. difference C. different D. differently

41. All of us were _____ at her success. A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surprisingly
42. He was the greatest _____ of the time. A. scientific B. scientifically C. science D. scientist
43. Radium was _____ by Marie Curie. A. discover B. discovered C. discoverer D. discovery
44. We should stop _____ our environment. A. polluting B. polluted C. pollution D. pollutant
45. I don't think that film is _____. A. bore B. bored C. boring D. boringly

46. Thong Nhat bicycles ____________ produced in Vietnam. A. are B. have been C. were D. will be
47. Your father doesn’t work in that bank, ________ he? A. is B. does C. doesn’t D. isn’t

48. If he __________ soon, we might miss the last bus. A. doesn’t come B. isn’t coming C. didn’t come D. won’t come
49. The interviewer asked me why I _____ learning English. A. like B. will like C. liked D. would like

50. He asked me ___________ .

A. what is my phone number B. what my phone number is C. what was my phone number D. what my phone number was
51. He was sick yesterday, ________ he didn’t go to school. A. since B. because C. so D. but

52. Would you like to have lunch now, or would you prefer...A. waiting B. waited C. wait D. to wait

53. I don't know what’s... with me today. I keep breaking things. A. wrongly B. wrong C. problem D. trouble
54. They went to a restaurant... Five Star last night. A. called B. calling C. calls D. caller

55. She ... the car to work tomorrow morning. A. is driving B. shall drive C. will be driving D. drive
56. I usually spend Saturday evening... Premier League on TV. A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. watched
57. They visit China every year and buy a ... of tea. A. lot B. lots C. great D. many
58. It's no good trying to ring Julia. She has gone away ... the weekend. A. at B. on C. for D. this
60. Yesterday, a friend and I went to a restaurant ... lunch. A. for B. with C. eat D. have

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19. I'm sorry but I didn't have ... to post the letter.

A. time enough B. enough time C. much time D. time much
20. He's so shy. He hasn't spoken anything ... he came here.

A. since B. for C. when D. while
21. Please stay here and instruct me ... to use the micro-soft of the computer.
A. what B. which C. how D. when
22. Shall we meet tomorrow ... half past ten ... the morning?

A. on/in B. at/on C. on/at D. at/in
23. We were on the way to the cinema when it began to rain...

A. greatly B. heavily C. severely D. very big.
24. We're going to the cinema tonight. Would you like to ... ?

A, stay B. be C. come D. watch

25. Someone left... umbrella behind yesterday.

A. his B. her C. my D. their

26. There must be a(n) ... window somewhere - I can feel cold air coming in.
A. opened B. open C. closed D. close
27. I don't believe she's at home. But I'll go and...

A. see B. seeing C. look D. looking
28. Tom promised to buy be a computer, and he will do... as soon as possible.

A. one B. it C. so D. this

29. I think you ought to go and... a dentist.

A. see B. talk C. speak D. visit
30. You'd better... on some warm clothes. It's very cold outside.

A. dress B. put C. wear D. make
31. She is ... the bus to work tomorrow morning.

A. taking B. getting C. going D. moving
32. Tom said he would be back soon, but it has been three hours ... he left.

A. since B. for C. ago D. earlier
33. I'm going to the library after school, ... you want to come with me?

A. would B. do C. will D. have

34. Every one of us ____ not want to visit him in the hospital..

A. do B. does C. doing D. done

35. John went to the mountains last weekend, and ______.

A. we do, too. B. so we did C. so are we D. so did we
36. The exam was ______ we expected.

A. more easy that B. easier as C. easier than D. more easy than
37. I won’t go to bed ______ I finish my homework.

A. until B. when C. while D. since
38. You look happier than ______ yesterday.

A. you do B. you are C. you were D. you did
39. They ______ haven’t replied to the letter we sent two months ago.

A. already B. yet C. still D. ever
40. Could you stop ______ so much noise? I’m doing my homework.

A. making B. to make C. make D. made
41. He was very ______ and confident before the match.

A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. relaxation
42. I had ______ sleep last night, so I feel very sleepy now.

A. a few B. a little C. little D. few
43. I was told _____ noise in class.

A. don’t make B. not making C. not to make D. never make
44. I am looking ______ my neighbour’s cat while she’s ______ holiday.

A. after / on B. for / in C. at / on D. into / at
45. “Did you see any foreigner present at the party?”

“He was the only foreigner _______ I saw at the party.”


