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Giáo án TA lớp 4-Tuần 10

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Date of preparing: 07/ 11/ 2019

Week: 10 - Period: 37

Lesson 1: 3-4-5
1. Knowledge
- By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to listen and write for specific
information about the names of the schools and locations.
- Sentence patterns:
- Vocabulary:
2. Skills: Listening-reading-speaking-writing.
3. Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson, work hard.
*S Phuc – Class 4B will be able to repeat some words after T.
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
- Work in pairs , individual, in groups ….
1. Class organization: (1’)
- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon. How are you?
- Checking for the students’ attendence
Class Date of teaching
Absent students

2. Warm up:(5’)
- Asks Ss to say their school name and address
3. New lesson:(30’)
Teacher’s and students’ activities
* Activity 1: Listen and tick.(11’)
1. Listen and tick.
a. Pre-listening
- T asks Ss to read the title
- Ss read
T: What does it mean?
Ss: Listen and tick
T : How many sentences are there?
Ss: There are three
- T: How many parts are there?
- Ss: There are three
- Number 1 part a Where’s your school?
- It’s in Nguyen Du Street
- T lets SS run through
- T asks Ss to tell the task
- Ask Ss to open the books on page 41

b. While-listening
- Ask ss to listen 1st time
- Ss listen

- Ask ss to listen 2nd time
- Ss listen
- Ask ss to tell the answers
- Ask Ss to compare with their partners
- Ask ss to listen the 3rd time ( Listen and check )
Key: 1. c
2. a
3. c
* Who is faster
- T devides Ss in to 2 groups
- T explains how to play this game
- T- Ss play together
- T minitors and gives feedback
* Activity 2: Look and write: (11’)
a. Pre- Writing
- T sets the scene
- T: How many pictures are there?
- Ss: There are three pictures
- T: How many sentences are there?
- There are three sentences
- Ask Ss to run through
- Ask Ss to tell the task
- Tell the class that they are going to write the
sentences with pictures.
b. While-writing.
- Ask ss to look the pictures and complete
individually( 3minus)
- Ask some ss to tell the answer
- T-Ss check together
- T checks Ss’s understanding

1. Nguyen Trai Street
2. in Van Noi Village
3. is in South Street, London
c. Post writing
- Ask Ps to work in pair to ask and answer.
* Activity 3: Let’s sing: (8’)
- T shows the picture on the board
- T asks Ss the content of the picture: What are
they doing? Where are they?
- Ss answer
- T opens the song
- Ss listen to the song
- T reads the lyrics
- Ss repeat after the teacher


1. c

2. a

3. c

2. Look and write.

Key: 1. Nguyen Trai Street
2. in Van Noi Village
3. is in South Street, London

3. Let’s sing.

- T teaches them some new words
- T opens the song again
- Ss repeat line by line
- Ask ss to sing along with the music
- T devides Ss into 2 groups
- Ask Ss to sing and do actions in groups
- Ss sing and do actions together.
- T calls somes groups perform before the class.
- T listens and giveS feedback.
4. Consolidation (3’)
? What’s the content of the lesson?
5. Home-link (2’)
- Do exercises in the workbook. Learn by heart the new words and structures.
Date of preparing:

Week: 10 - Period: 38
Lesson 2: 1-2-3

1. Knowledge:
- By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to ask and answer question about what
someone’s class is in.
- Sentence patterns: What class are you in? – I’m in Class ….

What class is she/ he in? – She’s/ He’s in Class ….
- Vocabulary:
2. Skills: Listening-reading-speaking-writing.
3. Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson.Work hard
*S Phuc – Class 4B will be able to repeat some words after T.
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
- Work in pairs , individual, in groups ….
1. Class organization: (1’)
- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon. How are you?
- Checking for the students’ attendence
Class Date of teaching
Absent students
2. Warm up:(5’)

- Play game Simon say
- Comment

3. New lesson:(30’)
Teacher’s and students’ activities
* Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat. ( 8’)
- T asks Ss to look at the pictures
T: How many people are there?
Ss: There are two
T: What are their names?
- Ss They are Judy and Phong
T: What are they doing?
- Ss: They’re asking about school.
- T asks Ss to open their books to page 42
- Ss open their books to page 42
- T opens the cassette.
- Ss listen and point
- T opens the cassette again.
- Ss listen and read in chorus( 2 times)
- T - Ss role play.
T-Ss, Ss- T, half- half, open pairs
- T checks Ss’s understanding about the dialogue
* Activity 2: Point and say. (12’)
a. Vocabulary
class: lớp
grade: lớp
- T models
- Ss listen and repeat (chorally then individually).
- T writes down on the board.
- Ss copy.
- T: Vocabulary checking: Rub out remember.
b. Model sentences
- T introduce stucture

- Set the sence: T asks to look at their book on
page 42 .
- T: What class are you in?
-Ss: I’m in + class(4a)..
What class is he/ she in ?
She/he is in class +lop
- T models
- Ss repeat chorally then individually.
- T wirtes down on the board
- T checks: form, use, intonation
c. Practice
* Picture cues
- T lets Ss run through the pictures

4. Look, listen and repeat

5.Point and say
a. Vocabulary
class: lớp
grade: lớp

b. Model sentences
What class are you in?
I’m in + class(4a)..
What class is he/ she in ?
She/he is in class +lop

- T: How many pictures are there ?

- Ss answer
- T: What are they doing
- T models
- Ss repeat chorally
- T-Ss, Ss- T, half-half, open pairs, close pairs
d. Production
* Lucky Number ( using the pictures on page 42)
- T explains how to play this game.
- T lets Ss play together.
- T monitors and corrects their mistakes.
* Activity 3: Let’s talk. (8’)
6. Let’s talk
- Ask ss to practice further by asking and ansering
questions about their future activities
using the questions and answers in their books,
- Ask ss to work in pairs
- Give 5 minutes to practice
- Ask some pairs to act out their conversation in
front of the class
- T give feedback.
4. Consolidation (3’)
? What’s the content of the lesson?
5. Home-link (1’)
Do excersice: D
- Making sentences using strutures greeting in each part of the day.
Week: 10 - Period: 39

Lesson 2: 4-5-6
1. Knowledge
- By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to listen and write for specific
- Sentence patterns: Revision
- Vocabulary: Revision
2. Skills: Listening-reading-speaking-writing.
3. Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson. Work hard
*S Phuc – Class 4B will be able to repeat some words after T.
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette, computer, ipad.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

- Work in pairs , individual, in groups ….
1. Class organization: (1’)
- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon. How are you?
- Checking for the students’ attendence
Class Date of teaching
Absent students

2. Warm up:(5’)
- Ask Ss ask and answer about class
- Comment
3. New lesson:(30’)
Teacher’s and students’ activities
* Activity 1: Listen and number.(11’)
1. Listen and number
a. Pre-listening
- T asks Ss to read the title
- Ss: read
- T: What does it mean?
- Ss: Listen and number.
- T : How many pictures are there?
- Ss: There are four.
- T lets SS run through
- T asks Ss to tell the task
- Ask Ss to open the books on page 43
b. While-listening:
- Ask ss to listen 1st time
- Ss listen
- Ask ss to listen 2nd time
- Ss listen
- Ask ss to tell the answers
Key: 1b 2d 3a 4c
- Ask Ss to compare with their partners
- Ask ss to listen the 3rd time (Listen and check )

1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c
c. Post listening
* Who is faster
- T devides Ss in to 2 groups
- T explains how to play this game
- T- Ss play together
- T minitors and gives feedback
* Activity 2: Look and write ( 11’) (UDPHTM) 2. Look and write
a. Pre- writing
- Set the scene: How many pictures are there?
1. Chu Van An street.

There are four
How many sentences are there?
There are four
- T lets Ss run through
- T check Ss’s understanding
b. While- writing
- T give Ss 2 minutes to write
- Ask Ss to swap their writing
- T calls some Ss to read aloud their writing
- T monitors and gives feedback.
Key: 1. Chu Van An street.
2. in South street , London.
3. Class 4B.
4. in class 4C.
c. Post writing

- Ask Ps to read the answers.
* Game: Board Race
- T devides Ss in to 2 teams (Blue – White)
- T explains how to play this game
- T lets 2 teams play together
- T monitor and praise the winner

2. in South street
3. Class 4B.
4. in class 4C.


1. A: Where's his school?
B: It's
in ………………………..
2. A: Where's her School?
It's …………………………..
3. A: What class is she in?
B: She's
in ……………………..
4. A: What class is he in?
He's ………………………….

* Activity 3: Let’s play: (8’)
3. Let’s play

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 43 and tell
Ss to play “Pass the secret”game.
- T explains how to play this game
- T monitors and correct their mistake.
- T asks Ss to write some sentences that can be
use in the Pass the secret game.
4. Consolidation: (3’)
? What’s the content of the lesson?
5. Home-link :(1’)
-Do excersice in work book.
- Making sentences using strutures in this Lesson. Prepare the new lesson.
Week: 10 - Period: 40

Lesson 3: 1-2-3
1. Knowledge
- By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to pronounce the sounds of the letters
sch, sk and str in the words school, skipping and street respectively.
- Sentence patterns: revision
- Vocabulary: revision
2. Skills: Listening-reading-speaking-writing.
3. Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson.
*S Phuc – Class 4B will be able to repeat the sounds of the letters sch, sk and str in
the words school, skipping and after T.

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
- Work in pairs , individual, in groups ….
1. Class organization: (1’)
- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon. How are you?
- Checking for the students’ attendence
Class Date of teaching
Absent students
2. Warm up:(5’)
- T asks Ss to write the name of their school and its address on the board.
- T monitors and correct their mistake.
3. New lesson:(30’)
Teacher’s and students’ activities
3. Listen and repeat
* Activity 1: Listen and repeat. (10’)
* Pre-teach
- T asks Ss to open their book on page 44. Stick
the large- sized sheet of paper with the chant on

the board. Draw Ss’attention to the sound of the
letters sch as in school and str in street.
- T asks Ss to listen and pronounce these sounds
- T asks Ss to look at the dialogues on the board .
Pronunce the focused sounds a few times as a
- T play the recording for Ss to listen and repeat.
- Asks some Ss to say the dialogues , paying
particular attention to the pronuciation of the
sound of the letters schand letter str.
- T correct their mistakes

* Activity: Board Race
- T devides Ss in to 2 teams (Blue – White)
- T explains how to play this game.
- T lets 2 teams play together.
- T monitor and praise the winner.
* Activity 2: Listen and circle. Then write and
say aloud. (10’)
a. Pre-listening
- T asks Ss to read the title
- Ss: read
- T: what does it mean?
- Ss: listen and circle a or b
- T : How many sentences?
- Ss: five
- T lets SS run through
- T asks Ss to tell the task

b. While- listening
- Ask Ss to open the books on page 44
- Ask ss to listen 1st time
- Ss listen
- Ask ss to listen 2nd time
- Ss listen
- Ask ss to tell the answers
- Ask Ss to compare with their partners
- Ask ss to listen the 3rd time ( Listen and check)
Key: 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a
5. a
c. Post-listenning
Chinese whisper
- T devides Ss in to 2 groups
- Ss: \make a line and one of them take one
- T: Read aloud
- Ss: stick it on board and read aloud
- T minitor and give feedback
* Activity 3: Let’s chant (10’)
- T: ask ss to look at the board
- How many people are there ?
- Ss: There are six.
- T: ask: Where are they?
- Ss: They go to school
- T opens the chant - Ss : listen the chant
- T reads the lyrics - Ss repeat after the teacher
- T teaches them some new words
- T opens the chant again - Ss repeat line by line
- Ask ss to sing along with the music

4. Listen and circle. Then
write and say aloud

1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5.a

4. Let’s chant

- T devides Ss into 2 groups
- Ask Ss to sing and do actions in groups
- Ss sing and do actions together.
- T calls somes groups perform before the class.
- T listens and give feedback.
4. Consolidation: (3’) ? What’s the content of the lesson?
5. Home-link: (1’)- Review the content of lesson. Ask Ss to do exercises at home.
- Learn new words and structures, prepare for the next lesson

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