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n045 date thursday 4 november 2008 n045 date thursday 6 november 2008 unit 6 population period 4 listening time 45’ i objectives by the end of the lesson ss are able to know how to use a digita

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Date: Thursday, 6, November, 2008

Unit 6: Population
Period 4: Listening
Time :
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss are able to:
- Know how to use a digital camera.
- Improve listening skill through Ordering exercise and related vocabulary.
II. Methods
Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
Textbook, cassette tape..
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities
1. Warm up
- Ask Ss to work in pairs : ask and answer
some questions:
1. How often do you take photos? On which
2. Have you ever used a digital camera? /
Have you ever had your photos taken by a
digital camera?
3. How is a digital camera different from a
- Gather ideas and introduce the listening
2. New lesson
2.1 Pre – listening

- Get Ss to look at the pictures of the digital
camera in the book and make sure Ss
understand different parts that are numbered
from 1 to 6
- Have Ss work in pairs and do the task
- Explain some new words
+ Shutter button : nút mở ống kính chắn
sang để ghi hình
+ Lens: Ống kính
+ Mode dial: nút điều chỉnh, chọn chế độ

Students’ activities
work in pairs : ask and answer some questions
→ I take photo twice a year at Christ and
New year.
→I have never used a digital camera but I
have ever had my photos taken by a digital
→ Oh, I don’t know to use

- Look at the pictures of the digital camera in
the book and make sure Ss understand
different parts that are numbered from 1 to 6
- Work in pairs and do the task
1. Shutter button (a button to start the
recording of images)
2. Lens (where imagines are received)
3. Model dial (a button to select the way a
picture can be taken eg: automatic, manual,

4. Power button (a button to start the camera)
5. Zoom button (a button to enlarge or reduce
the size of the imagine to be taken)

6. LCD (screen where the image is seen)
2.2 while – listening
* Task b
-Tell Ss to study the picture carefully and
predict the order of the steps
- Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and do
the task
- Check the answers

- Work individually and study the picture
- Listen and do the task
3. d

* Task c- Answering question
- Let Ss listen to the tape again and answer
the questions.
- Ask Ss to give correct answers

- Listen to the tape again and answer the

- Answers:
1. her father
2. A dog
3. John advises Lisa to hold the camera firmly
with both hands and position the dog in LCD
4. the sound click is heard

2.3 Post – listening
Get Ss to work in pairs and look at the
pictures again to tell their partner how to
take photos.
3. Consolidation
Summarize the main points
4. Homework
Ask Ss to learn the vocabulary by heart

- Work in pairs and look at the pictures again
to tell their partner how to take photos
Listen to the teacher
Write the homework

Date: Friday, 7, November, 2008

Unit 6: Population
Period 3: Speaking
I. Objectives:
- Help Ss express their opinions in English

- By the end of the lesson, Ss are able to give opinions about different
competitions and programmes
II. Methods
Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
Textbook, teacher’s book

IV. Procedure

Teacher’ activities
1. Warm Up
Playing game
2. New lesson
2.2 Pre - speaking
- Ask Ss to match the picture in the book
with the names of games or competition
- Tell Ss to compare answers in pairs
- Ask Ss to give the name of the
- Explain some new words
• Tug of war: trị chơi kéo co
• Enhance: [in'hɑ:ns] (v)
• làm tăng, nâng cao, đề cao, làm nởi
bật (đức tính, quyền hạn...)
• Prone: [proun] (a) úp, sấp; nằm sấp
• Excessive: [ik'sesiv] (a) quá mức,
2.2 while – speaking

- Ask Ss to give some Useful expressions:

- Instruct Ss to practice in pairs
A: Swimming is relaxing
B: That’s true. And I also think that
it’s good for your health
A: Windsurfing is fun
B: I can’t agree with you more.
A: Playing cards is a waste
of time.
B: I’m with you there. And besides, it is

Students’ activities

- Match the picture in the book with the
names of games or competition given
- Compare answers in pairs
- Answers:
1. tug of war
3. song contest
2. beauty contest
4. game show
- write the new words
• Monotonous: [mə'nɔtnəs] (a)

đều đều, đơn điệu; b̀n te
• Inhibit: [in'hibit] (v) ngăn chặn,

hạn chế, kiềm chế
• Hilarious: [hi'leəriəs] (a) vui ve,
vui nhộn

That’s true. And I also think that
- I couldn’t agree with you more.
- Don’t you also think that…..?
- I can’t help thinking the same
- That’s not the way I see it. You
- You can’t mean that!
- I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. I
- Practice in pairs
A: Dancing is hilarious and good for
body shaping.
B: I can’t help thinking the same.
A: Painting is boring
B: That’s not the way I see it. You see,
it’s a cultural and entertaining activity
A: Music is useful and entertaining.
B: I can’t agree with you more. Don’t

you also think that it brings
- Check their spelling and pronunciation
2.3 Post – Speaking
- Get Ss to give a short presentation in front

of the class about a contest..
- Give comments
3. Consolidation
Summarize the main points
4. Homework
Ask Ss to learn the vocabulary by heart and
practice speaking at home


- Give a short presentation in front of
the class about a contest..
Listen to the teacher
Write the homework

Date: Saturday, 8, November, 2008

Unit 6: Population
Period 5: Writing
Time :
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write simple instructions on how to
use some electrical devices such as a Vacuum cleaner, food blender
II. Methods
Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
Textbook, teacher‘s book
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities
1. Warm up
Ask Ss to work in group and match the words - Work in group and match the words in A
in A with once in B to make good words
with once in B to make good words
about modern equipment.
about modern equipment.
- Answers:
1. c
4. e
1. Microwave
a. Camera
2. d
5. f
2. air
b. machine
3. b
6. a
3. Washing
c. Oven
4. food
d. conditioner
5. vacuum
e. blender
6. digital
f. cleaner
2. New lesson

2.1 pre – writing
- Work in pairs and do the task a&b
- Get Ss work in pairs and do the task a&b
- Write all the new words
- Explain some new words

+ sharp objects: những vật sắc nhọn
+ plug >< unplug: cắm >< rút
+ clockwise >+ cap : nắp đậy
+ unit: ổ điện
+ damage
- Call on some Ss to write the order on the
board and tell Ss to insert the appropriate
connectors in front of the class
2.2 while – Writing
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and write the
instructions on how to use a food blender
- Call on two Ss to write all the answers on
the board

- check the answers

- Answers:
1. My vacuum cleaner is very easy to use
2. First, don’t forget to remove large or
3. Next, plug in the unit and turn the power
button on

4. Then, start cleaning the floor and
5. Finally, make sure to unplug the unit after
- Look at the pictures and write the
instructions on how to use a food blender
- Write all the answers on the board
My blender is very easy to use
First, place the container on the base and
turn it clockwise.
Next, put the food into the container and
cover it with its cap
Make sure to plug in and select the slow
speed button. Then press the higher speed
If you want to add sugar or salt into the
food, remove the cap. After that, don’t
forget to cover the container with the cap
Now press the slow speed button to mix the
Finally, press the stop button, unplug the
machine, and turn the container
counterclockwise to remove it from the

2.3 Post – writing
Collect Ss’ mistakes and write them on the
- Correct their own mistakes

3. Consolidation
Summarize the main points
Listen to the teacher
4. Homework
Ask Ss to write the instructions on how to use Write the homework
an electrical device you have at home


Date: Sunday, 9 , November, 2008

Unit 6: Population
Period 6: Language Focus
Time :
I. Objectives
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able
+ use proper prefixes to make new words
+ better at using Present Perfect passive and Used to + base form of the verb
through sentence building exercises.
II. Methods
Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids
Textbook, teacher‘s book
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities
1. Check up
Call on two Ss to go to the board and
write an instruction on how to use a

2. New lesson
2.1 Word study
- Give definition of prefix is a syllable
added to the beginning of a word to
modify and change its meaning.
- Explain the meaning of the prefixes in
the book.
+ multi
+ counter
+ un
(*) Note Ss the different meaning of
prefixes “Un” before Adj or verb
* Task a
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and match the
prefixes in column A with their
corresponding words in column B.
- Call on some Ss to read their answers

Give correct answers

Students’ activities
- write an instruction on how to use a

- Listen to the teacher and do the task

- Write down on their notebook.
→ Many: nhiều, đa

→ Contrary, opposite: đối, ngược lại
→ Contrary, opposite…..: đối , trái
→ Un- (= not) + adjective
Un- (= do the opposite) + Verb
- Work in pairs and match the prefixes
- Read their answers
+ Multifunctional, multimedia
+ Counterclockwise
+ unbelievable, unplug, unlock.,

*Task b
- Have Ss work in pairs and complete
the sentences with the words they have
found in task a.
- Tell Ss to read the sentences carefully
- Call on some Ss to read their answers
- Give correct answers

2.2 Grammar
a. The Present Perfect passive
* Form: Have / has been PII
Eg : My meals have always been
prepared in this way.
Ask Ss give example to illustrate the
grammar point.
3. Homework
Ask Ss to learn the vocabulary and

grammar at home and prepare next

- Work in pairs and complete the
- Answers:
1. uncomfortable
2. multimedia
3. unplug
- Write the form and give example to
illustrate the grammar point.
Eg: - This bridge has just been built
- I have just been punished by my
- write the homework.
