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period 68 date preparing 1712009 ho thi minh sang trung giang secondary school school year 2008 2009 period 61 date preparing 1712009 date teaching 1912009 unit10 staying healthy lesson 2 a34 a

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Period 61

Date- preparing: 17/1/2009
Date-teaching: 19/1/2009

LESSON 2: A3,4
A. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask questions and answer “What
would he/ she like .…….. ?
I, Knowledge: Reading a dialogue to recognize Polite Offers and Requests with “
Would like”

II, Skills: Reading and speaking
B. Procedures:
I, Settlement
Greeting and check attendance
II, Checking – up:
III, New lesson:

Teacher's activities
Lead in: Chatting
- Ask students some questions about their
- Teacher – whole class.
- How do you feel?
- Are you hot?
- Are you thirsty?
1 .Pre - reading:
Act 1: Vocabulary:
- Noodles (unc) : realia

- to like : sit
- a drink : example
- Elicit the words from Ss
- Model
- Write and does concept check
* Checking vocabulary: R.O.R
Act 2: Predict dialogue
- Set the scene: Lan is talking to Nam about
her classmate.
- Put the dialogue on the board. Some of the
words are missing.
- Ask students to guess what the missing words
2 .While reading:
Act 1: Reading and checking:

Students' activities
- Answer the teacher’s questions about
their class.
- Students – Teacher

- Listen to the teacher.
- Repeat after the teacher.
- Notice the main stress pattern.
- Write the new words in their notebooks

- Read the dialogue.
- Guess what the missing words are.
Nam: How do you feel?
Lan: I’m (1) ______ and (2) _______ .

Nam: What would you like?
Lan: I’d like some (3) _______ . What
about you?
24 Nam: I’m (4) ______ . I’d like some
(5) ______

- Ask students to read the dialogue and check
their predictions.
A3, page 105
1- hot
4- hungry
2- thirsty
5- noodles
3- orange juice
Act 2: Grid
- Ask students to read the dialogue again and
complete the table.
3 Post reading:
Act 1: Reading comprehension: Lucky
- Write the numbers on the board.
- Divide class into teams. The teams take turn
to choose the numbers.
- Tell students that they have to answer the

1 Lucky number.
2 How does Lan feel?
3 What would Lan like?
4 Lucky number.
5 How does Ba feel?
6 What would Nam like?

- Students read the dialogue and check
their predictions.

- Read the dialogue again and complete the

- Look at the board.
- Work in teams.
- Take turn to choose the numbers.
- Listen to the teacher carefully.
- Answer the questions.

IV. Consolidation:
- Ask Ss how to recognize Polite Offers and Requests

V. Homework:
- Ask students to learn by heart vocabulary and “would like”.
- Have them prepare Unit 10 - Lesson 3: (B1-3)

Period 62

Date- preparing: 31/1/2009

Date- teaching: 2/2/2009

LESSON 3: B1-3

A. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to use “some”
and “any”.
I, Knowledge: Some, any with there is / are, positive, negative and Yes / No
questions to talk about Food and drink.
II, Skills: Listening and speaking
B. Procedures:
I, Settlement
Greeting and check attendance
II, Warm up: List the name of food and drink
III, New lesson:

Teacher's activities
Lead in: Use the Warm up part to introduce
the new lesson
1 Presentation
Act 1: Vocabulary:
- an apple : realia
- an orange :
- a banana
- water (unc) :
- vegetables (n) :
- milk (unc) :

- fruit (unc) : def
- orange juice (unc) :
- Some: sit
- Any: sit
- Use pictures to introduce new words .
- Have some students say the names of food
and drink the teacher show
* Checking vocabulary: Matching
Act 2: Rub out & remember dialogue
- Set the scene: Phuong and Thu are talking
about food and drink.
- Put the dialogue on the board .
- Rub out some of the words .
- Get students to isolate the model sentence.
- Point to the model sentence and ask :
+ What’s this ?
+ What comes after……… ?
+ Is it a negative sentence?.....
(+) There is/are + some +noun.

Students' activities

- Listen and look at things shown by the
- Try to say the names of food and drink
- Write the new words in their notebooks.

- Practice saying the dialogue.

- Remember the rubbed out words and
keep practicing it.
- Repeat the rubbed out dialogue from
Phuong: What’s for lunch?.
Thu: There’s some meat and some rice.
Phuong: Are there any noodles?
Thu: No.There aren’t any noodles.
Phuong: Is there any fruit?
Thu: Yes. There is some fruit…………
- Isolate the model sentence.
- Listen to the teacher and answer the

(?) Is/are there + any + noun?
(-) There is/are + not + any + N.

+ There is / are
+ some / any
+ No
- Take notes.

Act 3 : Practice: Word cue drill B3, page
- Look at the cues.
- Listen to the teacher.
- water / (+)
- Repeat it chorally and then individually.
- bananas / (-)

- Make the sentence for themselves.
- rice / (-)
- Practice in pairs.
- oranges / (+)
- Some pairs practice in front.
- milk / (+)
- apples / (-)
- Run through the cues.
- Hold up the first cues and say the model
- Is there any water?.
- Yes. There is some water.
- Are there any bananas?
- No. There aren’t any bananas.
- Correct their mistakes.
IV. Consolidation:
Guessing game.
- a) noodles
- b) meat
- c) oranges
- d) water
- e) vegetables

V. Homework:
- Ask students to learn by heart vocabulary and some / any with there is /
are. - Have them prepare Unit 10 - MY FAVORITE FOOD - Lesson 4:(B3,4):
Do you like …………… ?

Week 22
Period 64

Date- preparing: 29/1/2009
Date- teaching: 31/1/2009

LESSON 1: A1 + A4
A. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about Hoa’s

life and further practice in imperatives, pronounce ending ED
I, Knowledge: past simple
II, Skills: Listening and reading
B. Procedures:
I, Settlement
Greeting and check attendance
II, Warm up:
III, New lesson:

Teacher's activities
Lead in: Chatting:
Give some questions about Hoa’s
 Where is Hoa from?
 Where does she live now?
 How far is it from hue to Hn?
 Who does she live with?
1 Pre - Reading
Act 1: Vocabulary:
- harvest (n) : exam
- helpful (adj) trans

- receive (v) mime
- iron (v) mime
- stay up late (v) def
- work hard (v) trans
- Elicit words from SS .
- Model
- Write down and does concept check
* Checking vocabulary: Matching
Act 2: Ordering
- Set the scene: These statements are in the
letter from Hoa’s room.
- Stick the poster of the six statements on the
- Ask Ss read them and put the statement in
correct order before reading the letter
- Give feedback
a. You Dad and I hope you’re fine
b. I hope you’re taking care of yourself.
c. .I received a letter from your aunt last
d. I miss you a lot
e. Don’t forget to write
f. Your granddad talk about you a lot

Students' activities

- Listen to the teacher.
- Repeat after the teacher.
- Notice the main stress pattern.
- Write the new words in their notebooks

- Try to remember to match
- Work in pairs and arrange the statements
in correct order
- Give the prediction

2. While- reading
Act 1: Reading and checking
- Get Ss to read the letter on page 99
- Ask Ss to check their prediction
- Give feedback and correct
Act 2: Comprehension questions:
- have Ss read the letter again and answer
the questions on page 100
- call on some Ss to answer the question
before the class
- Give feedback and correct.

- Read the letter, then correct the
- 1. a 2. f 3. c 4. b 5. d 6. e

- Work in pair to read again the letter to
answer the question.
- Share the ideas before the class.
- Practice asking answering the
Answers: a. Because it is almost harvest

b. Hoa’s grandfather helps them on the
3. Post reading
c. ……………..
Act 1: Gap filling
- Work in pairs to complete the Hoa
- Ask Ss to read Hoa’s letter and complete it
writes to her mom.
with suitable verbs.
Answers: was……having…..get……..go…
- Give feedback.

IV. Consolidation:
- Give Ss the revision of imperative.
- Ask Ss to read the letter again and write down the imperatives that Hoa’s
mom may talk to Hoa.

V. Homework:
- Ask students to learn by heart vocabulary
- Have them prepare Unit 10 : - Lesson 2: A2,3

Period 62

Date- preparing: 4/2/2009
Date- teaching: 6/2/2009


LESSON 2: A 2, 3
A. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write diary and get further
practice in past simple tense.
I, Knowledge: past simple, write a diary
II, Skills: Listening and writing
B. Procedures:

I, Settlement

Greeting and check attendance

II, Warm up: Words square

III, New lesson:


Teacher's activities
 Lead in:
1 Pre - Listening
Act 1: Vocabulary:
- Polish (v): pic
- Change (v): trans
- Comb (n): realia
- Sandal (v): realia
- Drink – drank (v): mime
- Elicit words from SS .
- Model
- Write down and does concept check
* Checking vocabulary: R.O.R
Act 2: Ordering
- Have Ss to look at the pictures on page 100
- Elicit the activities from Ss
- Set the scene: Hoa does the same things
everyday. These pictures of Hoa’s

activities yesterday. Now look at them and
guess order of the activities Hoa did
- Give feedback

2. While- listening
Act 1: Listening and checking
- Let Ss listen to the tape twice
- Call on some Ss to put the pictures in order
they hear
- Give feedback and correct




Students' activities

- Listen to the teacher.
- Repeat after the teacher.
- Notice the main stress pattern.
- Write the new words in their notebooks

- Try to remember to reread and rewrite
- Give the answers:
a. comb hair
b. go to bed (at 11.00)
c. put on clothes
d. put a sandwich in a box
e. polish shoes
f. eat noodles/have breakfast/lunch
g. eat, drink, talk to friends
h. iron clothes
- Work in pairs to guess the order of Hoa’s

- Listen to the tape carefully
- Compare with the order they guess.
- Give the answer before the class

3. Post - listening
Act 1: Writing
- Have Ss look at Nam’s diary on page 101. - Work in individual to write a dairy about
- Ask Ss to write a diary like Nam’s
They did yesterday using he dairy they’ve
- Monitor and helps Ss
just finished.

IV. Consolidation:
Picture story
- Have Ss use the pictures to tell what Hoa did yesterday.
- Call on some Ss to make sentences by sentence, focus on past simple
- Ask some good Ss to tell the whole story
- Monitor and help Ss

V. Homework:
- Ask students to learn by heart vocabulary
- Revision the verbs in the past
- Have them prepare Unit 10 : - Lesson 3: B1

Period 63

Date- preparing: 4/2/2009
Date- teaching: 7/2/2009

A. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the dialogue
about a visit to the dentist
I, Knowledge: how to understand have a tooth ache
II, Skills: Listening and reading
B. Procedures:
I, Settlement
Greeting and check attendance
II, Checking – up: Ask Ss to rewrite vocab on the previous lesson
III, New lesson:

Teacher's activities
 Lead in: Chatting:
- Ask Ss questions:
1. Have you ever seen a dentist?
2. have you had a toothache?
1 Pre - Listening
Act 1: Vocabulary:
- dentist (n) : sit
- appointment (n) : trans
- fill (v) : visual
- cavity (n) : exam
- drill (n) : tran
- afterwards (v) : trans
- understand (v) : def
- Elicit words from SS .
- Model
- Write down and does concept check
* Checking vocabulary: R.O.R
Act 2: True – False statements predictions
- Stick the poster of the statements on the
a. Minh has a toothache
b. Hoa never has a toothache
c. Minh likes go to the dentist
d. The dentist is very kind
e. Minh is not scared after talking to Hoa
- Set the scene: Minh and Hoa are talking
about Hoa’s visit to the dentist. What

about Minh?
- Give feedback
2. While- reading
Act 1: Reading and checking
- Have Ss read the dialogue and check their
- Give feedback and correct
- Ask Ss to correct the false answers.

3. Post - Reading
Act 1: Comprehension questions

Students' activities

- Listen to the teacher.
- Repeat after the teacher.
- Notice the main stress pattern.
- Write the new words in their notebooks

- Try to remember to reread and rewrite
- Read the statements and guess which is
true , which is false
- Give the predictions

- Read the dialogue
- Work in pair to check the predictions
- Correct the false answers
a. T b. F (hoa went to the dentist last

c. F ( he hates the sound of the drill and
scared the dentist d. T e. T

- Get the Ss to read the dialogue again and
answer the question on page 103.
- Call on some Ss to give their answer
before class.
- Give feedback and correct

- Read the dialogue again and answer the
- Work in pairs to practice asking and
a. He has a toothache
b. No, he doesn’t. he is scared of the
loud sound of the drill
c. Because she has a cavity in her tooth
d. …………
IV. Consolidation:
Find someone Who
- Ask Ss to write down in their notebook and finish the column ”name” by
asking their friend the questions.
Example exchange: Do you have a toothache?
Do you like go to the dentist?
Find someone
has a toothache
Like going to the

Is scared the dentist


V. Homework:
- Ask students to learn by heart vocabulary
- Revision the lesson carefully
- Have them prepare Unit 10 : - Lesson 4: B2,3

Week 23
Period 64

Date- preparing: 7/2/2009
Date- teaching: 9/2/2009

LESSON 4: B2,3
A. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get further practice in simple
present tense and practice reading skill

I, Knowledge: present simple tense
II, Skills: Listening and speaking
B. Procedures:
I, Settlement
Greeting and check attendance

II, Checking – up: Ask Ss to rewrite vocab on the previous lesson
III, New lesson:

Teacher's activities
 Lead in: Chatting:
- Ask Ss questions:
1. How many time do you brush
your teeth a day?
2. Where should we go when we
have a toothache?
3. Should you eat candy before
going to bed?
1 Pre - Listening
Act 1: Vocabulary:
- Explain (v): def
- Notice (v): def
- Remind (v): trans
- Regularly (adv): trans
- Sensibly (adv): trans
- Serious (adj): trans
- Surgery (n): pic
- Elicit words from SS .
- Model
- Write down and does concept check
* Checking vocabulary: What and where
Act 2: Pre- questions:
Set the scene: you are going listen to a
monologue about Dr. Lai.
- Show Ss the questions B2 on page 104

- Give feedback
2. While- listening
Act 1: Listening and checking
- Have Ss read the dialogue and check
their prediction
- Give feedback and correct
- Ask Ss to correct the false answers.

3. Reading
Act 1: Complete the story (B3 , 104)

Students' activities

- Listen to the teacher.
- Repeat after the teacher.
- Notice the main stress pattern.
- Write the new words in their notebooks

- Try to remember to reread and rewrite
- Work in pairs to give predictions

- Listen to the tape carefully, then share the
ideas with patterns
- Give the answers before the class
a. Dr. Lai is a dentist
b. She wear uniform to work
c. Most children feel scared when they come
to see her
d. She explain what will happen . She give
them advice. She remind them brush teeth

regularly and eat sensibly

- Hang the poster on the board
- Set the scene: Minh is at the dentist’s
- Read the text
- Work in individual to complete the story
- Ask Ss to complete the story.
- Give feedback and correct
- Ask Ss to write down the complete
story in their notebooks.
IV. Consolidation:
Retell the story
- Ask Ss to tell the story on page 104, using the past simple, and present
simple tense.

V. Homework:
- Ask students to learn by heart vocabulary
- Write their story in notebooks
- Have them prepare Unit 10 : - Lesson 5: B4, 5

Week 22
Period 63

Date- preparing: 4/2/2009
Date- teaching: 6/2/2009

LESSON 4: C1-2
A. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to use “some”
and “any”.
I, Knowledge: Some, any with there is / are, positive, negative and Yes / No
questions to talk about Food and drink.
II, Skills: Listening and speaking
B. Procedures:
I, Settlement
Greeting and check attendance
II, Warm up: List the name of food and drink
III, New lesson:

Teacher's activities

Students' activities

Lead in: Use the Warm up part to introduce
the new lesson
1 Presentation
Act 1: Vocabulary:
- an apple : realia
- an orange :
- a banana
- water (unc) :
- vegetables (n) :

- milk (unc) :
- fruit (unc) : def
- orange juice (unc) :
- Some: sit
- Any: sit
- Use pictures to introduce new words .
- Have some students say the names of food
and drink the teacher show
* Checking vocabulary: Matching
Act 2: Rub out & remember dialogue
- Set the scene: Phuong and Thu are talking
about food and drink.
- Put the dialogue on the board .
- Rub out some of the words .
- Get students to isolate the model sentence.
- Point to the model sentence and ask :
+ What’s this ?
+ What comes after……… ?
+ Is it a negative sentence?.....
(+) There is/are + some +noun.
(?) Is/are there + any + noun?
(-) There is/are + not + any + N.

Act 3 : Practice: Word cue drill
- water / (+)
- bananas / (-)
- rice / (-)
- oranges / (+)

B3, page

- Listen and look at things shown by the
- Try to say the names of food and drink
- Write the new words in their notebooks.

- Practice saying the dialogue.
- Remember the rubbed out words and
keep practicing it.
- Repeat the rubbed out dialogue from
Phuong: What’s for lunch?.
Thu: There’s some meat and some rice.
Phuong: Are there any noodles?
Thu: No.There aren’t any noodles.
Phuong: Is there any fruit?
Thu: Yes. There is some fruit…………
- Isolate the model sentence.
- Listen to the teacher and answer the
+ There is / are
+ some / any
+ No
- Take notes.
- Look at the cues.
- Listen to the teacher.
- Repeat it chorally and then individually.

- Make the sentence for themselves.
- Practice in pairs.
- Some pairs practice in front.

- milk / (+)
- apples / (-)
- Run through the cues.
- Hold up the first cues and say the model
- Is there any water?.
- Yes. There is some water.
- Are there any bananas?
- No. There aren’t any bananas.
- Correct their mistakes.
