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date august 20th 2009 vinh dinh high school lesson plan 10 date august 24th 2009 period 4th unit 1 a day in the life of a objectives i knowledge by the end of the lesson ss will know more about a

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<i><b>Date: August 24</b><b>th</b><b><sub> , 2009</sub></b></i>
<i><b>Period: 4</b><b>th</b></i>

<b>Unit 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF… </b>

<b> I. Knowledge:</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will know more about a cyclo driver’s daily activities.

<b> II. Skills:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will have further practice in:
- Ordering the pictures in the correct order to the passage.

- Getting the information to decide the statements are true or false.
- Asking and answering to summarixe the main ideas.

<b>B. PROCEDURE:</b>

<b> I. Settlement: </b>Greeting and checking students’ attendance.

<b> II. Checking/ Revision/ Warmer: </b>

<b> </b>Ask Ss to talk about their daily routines and lead-in the lesson with the questions below:
- <i>How often do you go to school?</i>

<i> - Have you ever traveled or gone on holiday in other provinces or countries?</i>
<i> - How often do you go or travel?</i>

<b> III. New lesson: LISTENING</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>


<b>Pre-teaching vocabulary</b>

- district (n): /'distrikt/
- routine (n) :/rv 'ti:n/
- office (n):

- pedal (v):/'pedOl/

- purchase (n): /'p



- drop (v):

- passenger:/'pA sinzOr/

- ride (v):
- park (v):
- food stall (n):


- Have Ss discuss to guess the information for
each picture before listening.

- Write the Ss’ ideas on the board

<b>Activity 1:</b>

- Give instruction

- Ask Ss to listen to Mr.Lam’s tall about his
morning activities twice

- Play the tape and stop when / if necessary
- Ask Ss to answer the questions:

<i>+ How many passengers are there?</i>
<i> + Who are they?</i>

- Ask Ss to number the pictures in correct

<b>Activity 2:</b>

- Listen to give the words and take notes
+ Vùng, miền, khu vực, quận, huyện…
+ Thông thường, thói quen

+ Cơ quan, phịng
+ đạp (xe đạp)

+ sự mua bán, vật mua bán
+ rơi, ném

+ hành khách
+ lái

+ đỗ xe

+ quán ăn nhanh

- Guess before listening

- Listen carefully
- Answer:

<i>There are four passengers: an old man, a </i>
<i> lady, a school boy and a school girls.</i>

- Number:

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- Give instructions and let Ss guess before

- Play the tape

- Have Ss listen again and dicide whether the
statements are true (T) or false (F)

- Stop the tape if necessary
- Give feedback

<b>Pair - work</b>

- Ask Ss to ask and answer about Mr. Lam
basing on the cues below:

<i> + What ‘s name ?</i>

<i> + What ‘s his occupation?</i>
<i> + What time does he get up?</i>
<i> + When does he start work?</i>

<i> + How many passengers are there?</i>
<i> + Where does he have lunch?</i>
<i> + When does he have lunch?</i>
<i> + When does he take a rest?</i>

- Call on Ss to work in pairs in front of the

- Give direct correction

-Take note

- Listen again and answer:
1. F (district 1, Ho Chi Minh)
2. T

3. F (from district 1 to district 5)
4. F (an old man)

5. F (at a food stall)
6. F (take a rest)

- Ask and answer in pairs.
+ His name’s Lam.

+ His occupation’s cyclodriver.
+ At 5:30 a.m

+ At 6:oo a.m
+ four

+ At a food stall
+ At 12 o’clock
+ After lunch

- Practice in front of the class
- Take note

<b> IV. Consolidation:</b>

<b> </b>Ask Ss to retell his story to the class, using the cues below and the information in post-listening

name occupation start work
passengers lunch rest

<b> V. Homework:</b>


