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ñeà cöông oân thi hoïc kyø ii ñeà cöông oân thi hoïc kyø ii naêm hoïc 2006 – 2007 khoái 7 i choose the best option ab or c to complete the sentences 1 don’t eat too much it’s not good for your te

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<b>NĂM HỌC 2006 – 2007</b>

<b>KHOÁI 7</b>

<b>I. Choose the best option ( A,B or C ) to complete the sentences.</b>

1. Don’t eat too much ……….It’s not good for your teeth.
a. fruit b.vegetables c. candy

2. What’s the ………with you, Mary ? You look worried.
a.thing b. matter c. problem
3. My tooth stopped ………afterwards.

a. to hurt b. to pain c. hurting.
4. Why does Minh’s tooth hurt ? _ ………..it has a cavity.

a. so b. but c. because

5. I need to weigh you. Would you get on the ………,please ?
a. table b. chair c. scale
6. Oh, you were sick. How ………..you today ?

a. are b.were c. do

7. When you have a bad cold you ………and sneeze a lot.
a. laugh b. cough c.ache

8. I understand ……….you feel, but don’t worry.

a. how b. why c.what

9. The meat of a cow is ………

a. lamb b. pork c. beef.

10. I hate carrots and I don’t like peas , ………

a. too b. either c. neither
11. I didn’t stay up late last night and my sister ………..

a. didn’t either b. didn’t, too c. didn’t neither
12. Fruit ……….and milk are healthful drinks.

a. water b. juice c. liquid
13. Look ! ………..a nice dress ! Where did you buy it ?

a. what b. how c.Is

14. Oh, she makes beautiful dresses.She’s a good ……….
a. dress cutter b.dress-worker c.dressmaker
15. I think I……….my bag on the bus.

a. had b. left c. forgot

16. Toothache ? Why don’t you go to the ………
a. doctor b. dentist c. scientist
17. ……….do you brush your teeth a day, Minh? - Twice.

a. how b. when c. how often

18. The dentist finishes in less than ten minutes. Minh is very ……….
a. pleased b. nervous c. seriou

19. Where can I get medicines for a cold ? _ At the ………
a. bookstore b. supermarket c. drugstore
20. How ………are you ? _ I’m 40 kilos.

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21. You ………stay inside at recess. It’s not cold outside.
a. ought b. should c.would
22. Let’s buy a papaya then . It ………..so nice.

a. look b. looks c. looked

23. Finally, slice the cucumbers to make cucumber ………….with some onions.
a. food b. mixture c.salad

24.I’m glad ………you’re feeling better.

a. hear b. hearing c. to hear

25. A recent survey of teenagers in the USA had some ………..results.
a.surprising b. surprises c. surprise

26. I only ………part in one club called “ walking for fun “

a. get b. have c. take

27. The weather is ……….today than yesterday.
a. much better b. too better c. more better.
28. Would you like ……….table tennis, John ?

a. to do b. playing c. to play
29. ………I borrow your table tennis paddle ?

a. should b. can c. will
30. John is a fast runner . He runs very ……….

a. quick b. fast c. fastly

31. I don’t understand . Please speak a little more ………
a. slow slowlier c. slowly

32. Tim made a lot of mistakes in his writing . He wrote ………
a. careless b. careful c. carelessly

33. Would you like to have ……….at my house tonight ?
a. breakfast b. dinner c. lunch

34. ………..of programs do you like ? _ Music and Film programs.
a. what b. what kinds c. which

35. Come early so we can watch the cartoon program ………..
a. together b. each other c. one another

36. She went to the movie ………..of doing her homework.
a. instead b. in spite c. because

37. I don’t really like watching sports. I ………..taking part in them .
a. prefer b. need c. want

38. Don’t drink so much coffee . It’s bad ………..your stomach.

a. on b. for c. to

39. We feel asleep because the film was ………..
a. bore b. bored c. boring

40. I don’t want much sugar in my coffee. Just ………., please.
a. few b. a little c. a few

II. Listen and fill in the blanks / Listen and write True / False / choose a,b,c.
III. Read the passage and then answer the questions or choose True/ False.
From Unit 9 to Unit 14.

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<b>ĐÁP ÁN</b>

1.C 11.A 21.B 31.C

2.B 12.B 22.B 32.C

3.C 13.A 23.C 33.B

4.C 14.C 24.C 34.B

5.C 15.C 25.A 35.A

6.A 16.B 26.C 36.A

7.B 17.C 27.A 37.A

8.A 18.A 28.C 38.B

9.C 19.C 29.B 39.C


