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<b> A: Grammar and the use of langguage .</b>
<i><b>I.Choose the best answer (A,B,C, or D )</b></i>

1. “ Robert is going to be famous one day . He ……… in 3 movies already”. “I’m sure he’ll be a star”
A. has been appearing B. had appeared C. has appeared D. appeared
2. “ Where’s Polly ?” - “ She ………”

A. is in her room studying B. in her room is studying
C. studies in her room D. has in her room studied
3. “ Hello ! Alice ? This is Jeff . How are you ?”

- “Jeff ? What a coincidence ! I ……… about you when the phone rang”.

A. was just thinking B. just thought C. have just been thinking D. was just thought
4. “Did you enjoy the picnic ?” – “It was OK , but I’d rather ………… to a movie.”

A. go B. be going C. has gone D. went
5. “What’s wrong with you today ? Did you get out of bed on the wrong ………… ?”
A. end B. side C. foot D. edge
6. “Did you hear John’s vacation was canceled? That’s a problem that any of us might…………..”
A. be faced B. face to C. be face with D. have to face with
7. “It ……….. rain this evening , why don’t you take an umbrella ?”

“That’s a good idea . May I borrow yours ?”

A. had better B. could be C. must D. might
8. “This movie is boring and too violent” – “I agree , ……….. leave ?”

A. will we B. why don’t we C. must we D. would we
9. “A lot of money goes for AIDS research”.

– “Yes , because it’s ……… the government is spending a lot to find a cure”

A. a so serious disease B. so serious a disease C. so a serious disease D. such serious that
10. “This traffic is terrible !” – “ You’re right . People should …………..”

A. less use their cars B. use less their cars C. use their cars less D. their cars use less
11. “Which is more important : luck or effort?” – “Luck is ……….. effort .”

A. of the same importace B. the same importance as
C. of the same importance as D. as the same importance as

12. “Why are you angry at Bob?” – “I don’t like it when he makes jokes ………… my expense .”
A. for B. on C. at D. to

13. “Harry’s new jacket doesn’t seem to fit him very well . He ………… it on before he bought it .”
A. must have tried B. was able to try C. may have tried D. should have tried
14. “Is your new house large ?”

- “ Not really , but ………….. to this apartment , it seems large .”

A. comparing B. in comparing C. compared D. by comparing
15. “Do you like dog’s legs ?’ – “ ………… them , I don’t really know .”

A. Never trying B. Not to have tried C. Never having tried D. Never had tried
<i><b>II.Use the correct form of the word in brackets for each gap .</b></i>

1. The theatre company that they started is still in ……….. today ( exist )
2. …………. 325 to Ho Chi Minh city is now boarding at gate 3 . ( fly )
3. It was a really …………. match. ( excite )

4. She has had to make some very difficult ………… . ( decide )
5. We looked for her but she had …………. into the crowd . ( appear )

6. He called at her house in the ………… that she would lend him the money . ( believe)
7. The little boy looks ………… enough . ( health )

8. As a child I had an ………… friend called Polly . ( imagine )

9. Do they have any ……….... that Hampson took the watch ? ( prove )

10. It took a lot of ………… to convince the committee of the advantages of the new plan . ( persuade )
<i><b>III.Choose the correct form of the verbs .</b></i>

1. My sister has been / was interested in medicine ever since she has been / was child .
2. How long have you studied / did you study before you have qualified / qualified ?
3. Where have you first met / did you first meet your husband ?

4. Is this the first time you have cooked / cooked pasta ?

5. We have wanted / wanted to go to the theater last night , but there haven’t been / weren’t any seats .
<i><b>IV.Supply the correct prepositions .</b></i>

1. The lesson was difficult …….. us , but the teacher was capable …….. making us understand it thoroughly .
2. My brother wasn’t confident ……… passing the exam .

3. After many months of living in Canada he got accustomed …… the cold .
4. He was absent ……... work yesterday because he was ill .

5. We are ashamed …….. his behaviour .

<b> B: Reading </b>

<i><b>I.Read the following passage and answer the question that follow . Circle your answer .</b></i>

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states for high school graduation are achivement tests . Aptitude tests are designed to measure a person’s ability to
acquire new skills or knowledge . For example , vocational aptitude tests can help you decide whether you would
do better as a mechanic or musician . However , all mental tests are in some sense achivement tests because they
assume some sort of past learning or experience with certain objects , words , or situations . The difference between
achivement and aptitude tests is one of degree and intended use .

 Questions .

1. The author’s main purpose in this passage is to

A. show the importance of testing B. relate a story about aptitude and achivement tests
C. compare and contrast achivement and aptitude tests D. criticize the use of testing to measure a person’s ability
2. This passage would most likely appear in

A. an art journal B. a novel C. a psychology book D. a medical journal
3. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from this passage ?

A. Aptitude and achivement tests are interchangeable .

B. An aptitude test might be helpful to a person contemplating a career move .
C. All high school students should take proficiency exams .

D. Tests are means of acquiring skill and knowledge .
4. The paragraph preceding this one most likely deals with

A. other types of psychological testing B. the relation between education and achivement

C. career choices D. the requirements for high school graduation
5. The author’s attitude toward the subject of testing is

A. indifferent B. critical C. objective D. emotioal

<i><b>II.Some words and phrases have been removed from the following passage . Choose from the list of choices (A </b></i>
<i><b>-F) the one which fits each gap . There is one extra choice which you do not need to use .</b></i>

In order to request (1) ……….. in the United States , either call or visit your local telephone store . A (2) ………
will be glad to show you samples of designs and colors available . Simply choose the design and color that
you prefer and leave your name , address , and employer’s name with the sales representative . Students with
scholarships should provide their sponsor’s name instead of an employer’s name . A fifty-dollar security
deposit must be paid prior to (3) ……….. and may be made by check , cash , Mastercard , or Visa . On the
date that your telephone is to be installed , a (4) ………….. such as an apartment manager , must be at
home to unlock the door for the (5) ………… .

 Choices

A. serviceman D. sales representative
B. telephone installation E. telephone calls

C. telephone service F. responsible person
<i><b>III.Read the passage and choose the best answer .</b></i>

Weather comes from the earth’s atmosphere and the sun’s heat . The atmosphere is made (1) ……….. air .
Wind is moving air . Heat from the sun makes the air (2) ………. around . Hot air rises , leaving a space behind .
Cooler air flows into that space . Air (3) ……… always moving around the earth . The moving air carries clouds
along with it .

It is not easy to (4) ………. the weather . Meteorologists - scientists who study weather - use many kinds of

tools . They study the kinds of clouds that form in the sky . They measure how (50 …….. winds are blowing .
They send up weather balloons to (6) ……… temperature and humidity ( moisture in the air ) up high . They use
satellites to (7) ……….. pictures of clouds and storms swirling around the earth . All of this information goes into
computers . Computer programs (8) ……… weather forecasters what might happen . You listen to your radio or
television weather forecast to learn whether you should carry an umbrella or wear a jacket . Sometimes the
weather forecast is (9) ………. and sometimes it is wrong . Meteorologists are always looking for (10) ……..
ways to predict the weather .

1. A. out B. of C. by D.up
2. A. moves B. moved C. moving D. move
3. A. is B. are C. was D. were
4. A. foresee B. foretell C. forecast D. preview
5. A. far B. fast C. much D. many
6. A. heat B. fly C. weigh D. measure
7. A. take B. have C. catch D. bring
8. A. say B. saying C. tell D. telling
9. A. nice B. right C. fine D. good
10. A. worse B. worst C. best D. better
<i><b>IV.Fill each gap in the passage with one suitable word .</b></i>

There are about 20 medium-sized earthquakes each year . Very powerful earthquakes (1)………….. once every
few years . Earthquakes have killed several million people in the past 500 years . One of (2) ………. worst

earthquakes killed more than 240,000 people (3) ………. China in 1976 . Some volcanoes (4) ……… always
erupting . These are called active volcanoes . Mount Etna in Italy is an active volcano .

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erupt anymore . Some volcanoes have not erupted (7) ……….. a long time , but they could erupt again . These
are called dormant volcanoes .

Scientists try to figure out when volcanoes will (8) ……… . Studying volcanoes is hard and dangerous work .

Scientists drill into volcanoes . They make maps of the inside of the volcano . They use satellites to study
volcanoes from space . Scientists have (9) ………. able to predict a few eruptions . But it is not easy to tell
(10) ……….a volcano might do .

<b> C: Writing </b>

<i><b>I.Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence , using the word given . Do </b></i>
<i><b>not change the word given . You must use between two and five words , including the word given .</b></i>

<b> 1. I was never allowed to walk barefoot when I was a child . found</b>
My parents always ………. to walk barefoot when I was a child .

<b> 2. I’m sure that her success made her parents feel wonderful . must</b>
Her success ………feel wonderful .

<b> 3. “ I’m sorry I have to leave so early,” John said . apologised</b>
John ……….. leave so early .

<b> 4. This is the worst production of this play I have ever seen . bad</b>
I have ………. production of this play .

<b> 5. Mary moved here since 1987 . living</b>

Mary ……….. 1987 .

<b> 6. I haven’t decided yet whether to move or not . mind</b>
I haven’t ………. whether to move or not .

<b> 7. It is increasingly difficult for me to read without my glasses . finding </b>
I am ……….... to read without my glasses .

<b> 8. I will continue speaking only if you don’t interrupt me any more . keep</b>
I will continue speaking only if I ………. being interrupted any more .

<b> 9. Can you tell me what she looks like ? describe</b>

Can ……….. me ?

<b> 10. They have been telling him that he should apply for this job . encouragement</b>
He has been ……….. for this job .
<i><b>II.Rewrite each sentence , beginning as shown , so that the meaning stays the same .</b></i>

1. I wonder why you haven’t done this homework .

This homework ………..

2. “ Can you tell me the way to the railway station , please?” Juan asked a passer-by .

Juan asked ………..

3. There are different kinds of newspapers in Britain .

Britain ………
4. I don’t want you to come here till you have finished your work .

If ………
5. You must be able to drive a heavy lorry to get this job .

It is ……….

6. I have no advice to offer you .

I have no advice that ………..

7. As the war ended , soldiers returned home .

The war ………..

8. It is said that he died by his own hand .

He is ………..

9. Do as I tell or you’ll regret about it .

Unless ………..

10. The doctor adviced me to rest .

The doctor suggested ………...

<i><b>III.There are seven mistakes in the passage . Find and correct them .</b></i>

The moon always seem to change shape . Sometimes it looks like a round ball in the sky . Sometimes it is a thin
sliver . But the moon do not really change shape . What happens to it ? The moon reflects light from a sun . How
you see the reflected sunlight depends on where the moon is . The moon orbits the earth . Sometimes it is between
the sun and the earth , and your can’t see any reflected sunlight . This is called a new moon . Sometimes the earth
is between the moon and the sun . You can see all of the reflected sunlight . The moon looks round . This is
calling a full moon . It takes about 27 days to go from a new moon to a full moon and backed to a new moon

again . Scientists continue to study moon rocks . There is still much to learned about the moon .

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