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Một Số Từ Miêu Tả Mùa Đông

Từ mà bạn hay gặp nhất và hay dùng nhất có lẽ là cold. Cold vừa là danh từ, vừa là tính từ.
Là danh từ, cold chỉ hiện tượng nhiệt độ thấp, ví dụ:

* My teeth chattered with the cold. (Răng tơi va lập cập vào nhau vì lạnh).
* They nearly died of cold. (Họ gần như chết cóng).

Là tính từ, cold nghĩa là lạnh hoặc rét, ví dụ: cold weather (trời rét), cold water (nước lạnh).
· There is a chill in the air in South Pole. (Ở Nam Cực, bạn có thể thấy được cái lạnh tồn tại
trong bầu khí quyển xung quanh).

· Since his leaving, it has been a chilly room. (Kể từ khi anh ấy bỏ đi, căn phịng trở nên lạnh

Một tính từ khác bạn cũng hay gặp là chilly. Sắc độ miêu tả của chilly cụ thể hơn cold, chilly
miêu tả cái lạnh tồn tại trong bầu khơng khí xung quanh. Chilly thường dùng để miêu tả cái lạnh
ở những vùng hoang vu, vắng vẻ hay sự lạnh lẽo. Danh từ của chilly là chill.

Ngồi ra, cịn rất nhiều cách miêu tả cái lạnh, cái rét, chẳng hạn frozen hay benumbed (lạnh
cóng), piercing cold (rét cắt da cắt thịt), dry cold (rét kèm với nắng hanh khô):

* My hands are benumbed with cold. (Tay tơi rét cóng cả lại rồi đây này).

* After swimming across the lake, he was frozen. (Anh ấy lạnh cóng sau khi bơi qua hồ).
* In Hanoi, early winters are dry cold days but just one month after that are piercing cold
<b>days. (Ở Hà Nội, đầu đông là những ngày nắng hanh nhưng chỉ sau đó chừng một tháng lại là </b>
những ngày rét cắt da cắt thịt).


 "warm chocolate chip cookies"

 "loneliness": (N) sự vắng vẻ, sự hiu quạnh, cảnh cô đơn, sự cô độc

Long nights: Những đêm dài

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crisp and still
bright and quiet
dark and foreboding

naked trees and frosted leaves
buntings and rosey cheeks
eggnog and sparkling lights

iceskating with my lover, swinging her around in a crossed handed grasp until we spin into a
snowbank, laughing and smiling until the kiss that warms our toes

driving in the dark with the flakes looking like stars sliding by faster than the speed of light
Dampness, dead looking trees, grey skies, depressing

Winter-silence, purity, crystal glints on snow, icy ponds surrounded by green pines, skaters in
red hats and mittens, crisp air, bright blue skies, fireplaces and the smell of smoke in the night
air, stars twinkling in black skies, a cat on my bed,the rumble of my furnace, frost-coated
windows,frozen water in the birdbath, homemade soup, chili, beef stew, afternoon naps.
Snowflake clouds, Downhill, Crystal Ice...

Christmas Time, Snow, White, Cold, Warm moments, Santa Claus, New Year's, time to leave
the old behind and start with the new, Thankfulness, happy, red, green, blue, white, presents,
boots, coats, sweaters, pants.

Calmness, chilly winds, nights with comforters, the colors of fall and avoiding catching cold and

Tired, closed curtains, dry skin, pale, headaches, S.A.D dissorder. walks in crisp fresh air. (I need
daylight, to charge my batteries !)

um.... a period of time in which the earth tilts at an angle so the refraction of the sunlight is the
greatest through the atmosphere.

the ancient greeks thought winter was when the goddess Persephone would be taken by Hades to
the underworld and her mother, the goddess of spring and the harvest, would grieve and nothing
on earth would grow.

In the winter
things are reduced
to essentials. We see

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of the underlying structure
of life. And we see the frailty
of our own soft flesh, the brittle,
yet lasting structure

of our own bones -
our bid for eternity

In the winter, snow covers the earth, hardening it, while it rests from growing over the spring and
summer. The trees sleep, animals sleep, all awakening in spring for a fresh start and a new
begining. After the snow melts, there is new life again... new animal babies, new leaves, new
flowers, green grass, children playing outside. It's all about wiping the slate clean and preparing
for a new begining in the spring.


Especially lonely and empty for the singles.

frozen hearts, need to snuggle under blanket or with that someone special.
end of another year.


christmas gatherings, seasons of love.
new beginning.

Desolate, bleak, wild, chilly, depressing, restraining, restless, challenging, dormant, inert.
Desolute, icy terrain.

Bleak, formidable region.
Wild, unwelcoming seas.
Depressing, cheerless gloom.
Restraining, restrictive duration.
Restless, agitated mind-frame.
Dormant, inanimate impression.
Challenging, difficult season.
<b>50 words that describe winter</b>



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