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I<b>. Vocabulary</b>.
<b>Unit 7: Lesson 3: B1/ 76-77</b>
<b>noisy(adj)><quiet(adj):</b> <b>ồn ào>< yên tĩnh</b>
<b>an apartment:</b> <b>căn</b> <b>hộ chung c </b>
<b>a market:</b> <b>chợ</b>
<b>a zoo:</b> <b>v ên thó</b>
<b>a shop:</b> <b>cưa hµng </b>
<b>Put the words you have learnt into 2 columns</b>
<b>Unit 7: Lesson 3: B1/ 76-77</b>
<b>Unit 7: Lesson 3: B1/ 76-77</b>
II. <b>Reading </b><i><b>B1/P.76 -77:</b></i> <i><b>1. Guessing:</b></i>
<b>Unit 7: Lesson 3: B1/ 76-77</b>
<i><b>3. Read the text:</b></i>
II. <b>Reading </b><i><b>B1/P.76 -77:</b></i>
<b>My name is Ba. I live in an apartment </b>
<b>in town. Near the apartment there is </b>
<b>a supermarket, a post office, a bank, </b>
<b>a clinic, a market and a zoo. It is very </b>
<b>noisy here. </b>
<b>My name is Chi. I live in a house </b>
<b>in the country. There are not any </b>
<b>stores. There are trees and flowers, </b>
<b>a river, a lake and paddy fields. </b>
<b>Unit 7: Lesson 3: B1/ 76-77</b>
II. <b>Reading </b><i><b>B1:</b></i> <i><b>4.Choose the correct</b></i> <i><b>answers.</b></i>
A) Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.
<b>b. Does he live in a house?</b> B) Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.
<b>c. Is it noisy?</b> C) Yes, it’s
No, it isn’t.
<b>d. Does Chi live in town?</b> D) Yes, she does.
No, she doesn’t.
<b>e. Are there any stores?</b> E) Yes, there are
No, there aren’t
<b>Unit 7: Lesson 3: B1/ 76-77</b>
<b>- an apartment</b> <b>- a house</b>
- <b><sub>near a supermarket, </sub></b>
<b> a post </b>
<b>office, a bank, </b>
<b>a clinic, a market and</b>
<b> a zoo</b>
<b>- Noisy</b>
<b>-</b> <b>No stores,</b>
-<b><sub> There are trees,</sub></b>
<b>flowers, a river, </b>
<b>a lake, paddy fields</b>
<b>- Quiet</b>
<b>Unit 7: Lesson 3: B1/ 76-77</b>
IV. <b>Talk about your house:</b>
<b>In town</b> <b>In the country</b>
We live in an apartments.
There aren’t any paddy
fields. There’s a zoo,
shops, clinics,
supermarkets, hotels,
schools, banks,museums,
restaurants, stadiums,
movie theaters,... It’s
We lives in a house.
There are paddy fields,
many trees, rivers,
<b>Unit 7: Lesson 3: B1/ 76-77</b>
<b>Repeat the differences between the </b>
<b>town and the country.</b>