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unit 1 a day in the life of lesson plan english 10 unit 1 a day in the life of lesson 1 reading period 2nd i aims reading for specific information about a day in the life of a farmer ii ojectives by

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<b>Lesson 1: Reading </b> <b>Period: 2nd</b>

<i>I/ AIMS: Reading for specific information about a day in the life of a farmer.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to talk about their daily routines </i>
by learning a typical day of a farmer.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures about farmer and field work…</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>







<i><b>A . WARM UP: Chatting</b></i>

T: What time do you often get up?
S: I often get up at six.

_ What time you go to school/ have breakfast/ lunch/
dinner/ go to bed.

_ What you often do in the morning/ afternoon/ evening.
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<b>1. Pre- reading :</b>

_ plough (v): furrow, turn up the soil.
_ harrow (v): break the soil.

_ plot of land (translation).

_ fellow peasants (n): farmers working in the same field
_ local tobacco (translation)

_ take a short rest (v): have a rest for a short time.
_ transplant (v): grow rice.

_ crop (n): (translation)
<i><b>2.While reading:</b></i>
<i><b>TASK1:Multiple choice.</b></i>

1 2 3 4


<i><b>TASK2: Answering questions</b></i>
1. He’s a peasant/ farmer.

2. He gets up at 4:30 and then he goes down to the
kitchen to boil some water for his morning tea.

3. In the morning he ploughs and harrows his plot of land,
drika tea and smokes local tobacco during his break.
4. In the afternoon, they repair the banks of their plot of
land. Mr. Vy pumps water into it while his wife does the

5. Yes, they are. Because they love working and they
love their children.

<i><b>TASK3:Note completion.</b></i>
In the

morning 4:30:alarm goes off, Mr.Vy gets up, goes down to the kitchen, boils water for tea, drinks tea,
has a quick breakfast, leads the buffalo to the

5:15: leaves the house

Tells Ss to ask and
answer about their
daily routines by
using the cues.
Teaches vocabulary

Writes the words on

the board.

Asks Ss to read the
passages individually
and choose the option
A, Bor C that best
suits the meaning of
the italicised word(s).
Goes around & gives
help. Calls on some
Ss to read aloud their

Asks them to explain
their choice.

Have ss work in pairs
, ask and answer
about the passages.
Calls on some pairs
to do the task in front
of the class.

Gives feedback and
suggested answers.

Asks Ss scan the
passage & make a
brief note about
Mr.vy & Mrs.Tuyet’s

daily routines.

Teels Ss to compare

Pair work
Individual work.
Whole class.
Write out.
Work individually

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5:30: arrives in the field, ploughs and harrows
his plot of land

7:45: takes a rest
10:30: goes home

11:30: has lunch with family
In the


2:30p.m.:Mr. Vy and Mrs. Tuyet g oto the field
again, repair the banks of their plot of land. He
pumps water into it. She does the transplanting.

6:00p.m.: finish work

7;00p.m.: have dinner


Watch TV, go to bed

Sometimes visit neighbours, chat with them
<i><b>3. Post reading:</b></i>

1. This activity can be carried out through the game True
or False Repetition drill.

T reads aloud 5 to7 statements abiut Mr.Vy and Mrs.
Tuyet. If they are true, Ss willrepeat them. If they are
false , Ss will stay silent. Ss who don’t follow this rule
will get a kind “punishment” agreed by class.

2. T also lets Ss do the extra exercise in groups if they

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

their notes with a

Give correct answer.

Asks SS to talk about
Mr. Vy and Mrs.
Tuyet’s daily

Calls on some Ss to
give a short talk
about the daily
routines of these
vtwo farmers.
Corrcts Ss’

Group work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<b>Lesson 2: Speaking</b> <b>Period: 3rd</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Speaking about one’s daily routine.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to talk about his or her daily </i>
routine by using given information and pictures.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, small cards of class timetable,…</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A . WARM UP: Revision of school subjects</b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> SUBJECTS</b></i>
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<i><b>1. Pre- speaking : VOCABULARY</b></i>
_ tenth-grade student:

_ weekly timetable:
_ Civic Education:
_ class meeting:

* What time does Quan have + subject + on + day?  ask about
the time of subject.

* What lesson does Quan have at + time + on + day?  ask
about the lesson.

<i><b>TASK 1:Quan is a tenth-grade student. He goes to school </b></i>
<i><b>every morning. Now, look at his weekly timetable on page 15. </b></i>
<i><b>Ask and answer questions with a partner, using the </b></i>

<i><b>information from the timetable.</b></i>

A: What time does Quan have Civic Education lesson on

B: He has Civic Education lesson at 7:15 a.m.

A: What lesson does Quan have at 7:15 a.m. on Monday?
B: Civic Education

<b>2. While speaking: </b>

<i><b>TASK 2: Talk about Quan’ activities, using the pictures.</b></i>
<i><b>Suggested answer:</b></i>

Everyday Quan gets up at 14:00. Then he studies for about
two hours. He watches TV at 16:30. At 17:00 he rides to the
stadium to play footballwith other boys in the neighborhood.
He gets back home at 18:30. After having a shower, he has
dinner with his family at 19:00. He prepares for the folowing
day’s lesson at 20:00.

<i><b>3. After speaking:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 3:Tell yur classmates about your daily routine.</b></i>
<i><b>Suggestion: </b></i>

_ In the morning:

Divide the class
into small groups.
Ask SS to make a
list of the subjects
they learn at

Elicits, teaches

Lets Ss work in
pairs about Quan’

Keep Ss work in
pairs and askthem
to study the
pictures carefully.
Asks Ss to describe
Quan’s activities
during the day.
Goes around &
offer help. Gives

Group work

Pair work

Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>


6:00: I get up and have breakfast.

7:00; I go to school an have five lessons.
12:00: I get back home and have lunch.
_ In the afternoon:

13:00: I have a short nap.

14:00: I get up and do my homework.
17:00: I go swimming with my classmates.
18:00: I get back home and have a bath.
18:30: I have dinner with my family.
_ In the evening.

19:30: I watch TV.
20:00: I study English.
23:00: I go to bed.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

Asks Ss to talk
about their daily


Calls on some Ss to
present in front of

Have other Ss
comment on
regarding content
and pronunciation.

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

<b>Lesson 3: Listening </b> <b>Period: 4th</b>
<b>I/ Aim(s): Listening for specific information.</b>

<b> II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :</b>
_ Talk about a day in the life a cyclo driver.

_ Improve listening skill by doing Pictures Ordering and True or False exercises.
<b>III/ Lexical items:</b>

_ Vocabulary
_ Structures.

<b>IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player.</b>
<b>V/ Procedures:</b>





<i><b>A.WARM UP: Categorising</b></i>
a. He gets up very early.
b. He works in the streets.
c. He vworks with children.
d. He vlives in the country.

e. He gets people from one place to another.
f. He corrects homework.

g. He works in school.
h. He meets a lot of people.
i. He works on the farm.

He is a farmer He is a teacher He’s a cyclo driver

a, d, i c, f, g b, e, h

<i><b>B.NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<b>1.Pre- listening:</b>
<i><b>Answering questions.</b></i>

 Yes, I have./ I have travelled by cyclo already.
 When I was six years old.

 yes, it is./ it is very interesting to travel by cyclo.

 I prefer going by cyclo because I can enjoy the view without
worrying about riding the vehicle.


_ district (n): an administrative division, smaller than a

_ drop (v): leave Sb at a place.

_ passengers (n): people who travel on a train, bus,…

_ pedal (n): a lever operated by foot to control a bicycle or

_ purchases (n): things a person buys

_ food stall (n): small booth, compartment or kiosk in/ near a
market where food is sold

<b>2. While Listening:</b>
<i><b>TASK 1:Pictures Ordering</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5 6

e f a c b d

<i><b>TASK2: True or False</b></i>

Asks Ss to put the
sentences into the
correct column.

Tells Ss to ask and
answer the


Writes all the new
words on the

Explain each word
separately and ask
Ss to guess what
the word is.
Lays the tape two

Asks Ss to listen to
Mr. Lam’s talk
about his daily
routine and
number the
pictures in their

correct order.
Have Ss compare
their answers with
a friend.

Group work

Pairs work

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1 2 3 4 5 6


<b>3. Post listening:</b>

What is the man’s name?
What does he do?

What time does he start work?
Who are his passengers?

Is his first passenger an old man?
Where does he have lunch?
What time does he have lunch?
Does he take a rest?

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>


Summarises the main points of the lesson
_ Learn by heart the new words

Feedback and
gives correct

Lets Ss read the
Play the tape
again, asks Ss to
listen and decide
whether the

statements are T/ F
Tells Ss to ask and
answer about Mr.
Lam’ activities by
using the cues.
Goes around to

Calls on some
pairs ask and
answer in front of


Whole class
Pair work

Whole class

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<b>Lesson 4:Writing</b> <b>Period: 5th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Writing a narrative.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to write a narrative by using given</i>

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:words, expressions.</i>
<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, charts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>




<i><b>A/ WAMR UP: Noughts and crosses</b></i>

Draw a table containing 9 words in each cell.

Divide class into two two groups: Noughts (O) and Crosses (X)

Ss choose word by word in the cells and make sentences with
each word. A correct sentence gets one O or X. The group
with 3 O or X vertically, horizontally or even diagonally first
will be the winner.

at first before until

then after as soon as

in the end while since then

<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<i><b>1.Pre- writing: </b></i>

_ be due to (a): because of, owing to

_ stare death in the face (v): so scared, afraid
_ take off (v): leave the ground

_ air-hostess (n): person who takes care of passengers on a

_ fasten seatbelt (v): fix the seatbelt around the body to keep
safe on the plane.

_ be in danger (v): to be in dangerous situation.

<i><b>TASK 1:Read the following passage and find all the verbs that</b></i>
<i><b>are used in the past simple and the connectors in the story.</b></i>

<b>Verbs: started, was, arrived, got, took off, began, thought, </b>
were, told, seemed, realised, were, screamed, thought, felt,
annonced, was, landed.

<b>Connectors: on that day, at first, then, just, a few minutes </b>
later, one hour later.

<i><b>TASK 2:Identify the events, the climax, and the conclusion of </b></i>
<i><b>the story.</b></i>

<b>The events: Got on plane, plane took off, hostesses were just </b>
beginning to serve lunch when plane began to shake, plane
seemed to dip, people screamed in panic.

<b>The climax: We thought we had only minutes to live.</b>

<b>The conclusion: Pilot announced that everything was all right,</b>
we landed safely.

<b>2. While writing:</b>

Introduces the

Asks Ss to read the
passage and find
the verbs and the
connectors in the

Calls on some Ss to
give them in front
of class.

Tells Ss to identify
the events, the
climax, the
conclusion of the
story. Asks tem to
report the results to

Work in

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<i><b>TASK 3:Build up the narrative about a hotel fire.</b></i>

Last year, I spent my summer holidays at a seaside town. The
hotel was modern and comfortable. I had a wonderful holiday
until the fire.

It was Saturday evening and everybody was siting in the
discotheque (which was) on the ground floor. It was crowded
with people. They are dancing and singing happily. Suddently
we smelt smoke. Then black smoke began to fill the room.

Everybody started to sceam in panic. People ran toward the
fire exits. One door was blocked. Many people began
coughing and choking.

Then, just as we thought we had only minutes to live, the first
brigade arrived. Firemen fought their way into the room and
soon everyone was safely out of the building. Luckily, nobody
was seriously hurt. It was the most frightening experience of
my life.

<b>3. Post- writing: </b>
Peer correction
<i><b>C HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Gives the answers
and explains the
development of the

Instruct the task,
tells them to use
the prompts to
build up a narrative
about a hotel fire
Goes around to
offer help.
Encourage Ss to
finish the writing
under time

Asks Ss to have
peer correction.
Comment and
correct necessary

work &
whole class

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<b>Lesson 5:Language focus</b> <b>Period: 6th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: _ Identifying the sounds /i/ and /i:/</i>

_ Reviewing the present and past simple tenses and adverbs offrequency.
<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to be more confident in </i>
pronouncing the sounds /i/ and /i:/ and better at using the present and past simple tenses and
adverbs of frequency.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Two sounds; structures.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A/ WARM UP: Categorising</b></i>

<b>Adverbs: tomorrow, usually, carefully, beautifully, hardly </b>
ever, yesterday,..

Adv. of manner Adv.of frequency Adv. of time
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON: </b></i>


_ /i /:is a short sound. First practice the sound /i:/. Then
open your mouth a little more.

_ /i: /: is a long sound. Open your mouth very little to make
the sound /i:/


<i><b>a. The present simple tense</b></i>

<b>Use: The present simple tense is ues for:</b>
_ repeated action.

Ex: My friend often draws nice posters.
_ things in general.

Ex: The sun rises in the East.

_ fixed arrangements, scheduled events.
Ex: the plane flies to London every Monday.
_ instructions.

Ex: Open your book at page 15.

<b>Signal words:always, usually, regularly, normally, often, </b>
sometimes, occasionally, rarely, seldom, never

<i><b>b. The past simple tense</b></i>

<b>Use: The past simple is used for</b>

_ actions completed in the past at the definite time.
Ex: I went shopping yesterday.

_ a past habit.

Ex: I often went swimming every Sunday last year.
_ an action whose time is not given but occupied a period
of time now terminated .

Ex: He lived in HN from 1990 to 2000.

<b>Signal words: yesterday, time + ago, last + time, this </b>

Asks Ss to put
words under


Play the tape and
ask Ss to repeat.
Calls on some Ss to
repeat the sounds
clearly to class.
Asks Ss to practice
the sentences.
Asks Ss to discuss
the form and use of
the present simple

Calls on some Ss to

Groups work

Whole class.

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morning, in + time in the past.
<b>2. Practice:</b>

<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i>

1.is 2. fish 3. worry 4. are
5. catch 6. am 7. catch 8. go
9. give up 10. say 11. realise 12. am
<i><b>Exercise 2:</b></i>

He usually/ sometimes/ often goes to bed at 10 p.m.
He is usually/ sometimes/ often/ late for class.
<i><b>Exercise 3:</b></i>

1. was done 7. began 13. was
2.cooked 8. felt 14. leapt
3. were 9. put out 15. hurried
4. smelt 10. crept 16. found
5. told 11. slept 17. wound
6. sang 12. woke 18. flowed
<b>3 Production:</b>

Give some extra examples.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Asks Ss to
complete the
blanks in the

Asks Ss to put each
of the adverbs in
its correct order
into the sentences .
Asks Ss to supply
the correct past
simple form of the
verbs in the

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<b>Lesson 1: Reading </b> <b>Period: 7th</b>

<i>I/ AIMS: Reading passages about school and related problems.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to talk about their school and </i>
better their reading comprehension skill by doing True or False exercise and Answering

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures about farmer and field work…</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A . WARM UP: Chatting</b></i>

T:When you meet your friends, which of the following topics
do you often talk about?

S:When I meet my friends, we often talk about the sports and
games we play at school like football, badminton, chess or
even hide and seek. Study is also our favourite topic. We often
discuss the best way to improve our English..

<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>
<b>1. Pre- reading :</b>



1. Biology a. Poem, novel, Nguyen Du.
2. Math b. Newton, Olm.

3. Physics c. Chemicals, H2O.
4. Chemistry d. Number, minus, Pascal.
5. History e. Geoloy, climate.

6. Geography f. Animals, plants, DNA…
7. Vietnamese


g. Revolution, The First World War…
<i><b>Answer:1. f; 2. d; 3. b; 4. c; 5. g; 6. e; 7. a.</b></i>

<i><b>2.While reading:</b></i>

1. enjoy 4. crowded
2. traffic 5. language
3. worry

<i><b> TASK2: Finding who….</b></i>

A: Who enjoys teaching? B:Miss Phuong.
A: Who has to get up early?  B: Phong
A: Who lives far from school?  B: Phong.
A: Who loves working with children?  B: Miss Phuong.
A: Who loves learning English?  B: Phong

A: Who rides a bike to school every day?  B: Phong.
A: Who studies at a high school?  B: Phong.

Asks Ss to discuss
the question.
Encourage Ss to
talk about the

topics .

Asks Ss to match
the subject in A
with the

information in B.

Asks Ss to fill each
blanks with one
words in the box.
Have Ss compare
the answers with a

Feedback & gives
correct answers.
Asks Ss to read the
small talks again

Pair work

Group work

Individual work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>




A: Who teaches Eng. At a high school?  B: Miss Phuong.
A: Who worries about someone else’s safety?  B: Mr HH
<i><b>TASK3:Answering questions.</b></i>

1. He studies at Chu Van An High School.

2. He studies many subjects such as Maths, Physics,
Chemistry, and so on.

3. B/c it is internartional language.

4. She says that teaching is hard work, but she enjoys it b/c she
loves working with children.

5. Because his son has to ride his bike in narrow and crowded
streets to get to school.

<i><b> 3. Post reading:</b></i>

_ I like learning English best because it is necessary for my
future job.

_ At school, I like taking up some sports and dislike having to
do too many exercises.

_ At school, I am worried about the way to pass difficult tests.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

and find out
Ss to discuss with
their partners to
get the correct

Call on some pairs
to explain their
answers to

class.Give correct

Asks Ss to read the
talks carefully and
answer the

questions. Calls on
some Ss to read
aloud the question
in front of the
class. Feedback &
gives correct

Choose one of the

following topics
and talk about it
for about 5

Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

<b>Lesson 2: Speaking</b> <b>Period: 8th<sub> </sub></b>
<i>I/ AIMS:Making small talks in daily situations.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ Use common expression in making small talks.

_ Start and close a conversation.
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, small cards of class timetable,…</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>







<i><b>A . WARM UP: Rearranging.</b></i>

1. has, nice to, yu, talking, been, it, very.
2. weekend, did, nice, have, a, you?
3. up, late, catch, you, with.

4. school, everything, how, at, is?

1. It has been very nice talking to you.
2. Did you have a nice weekend?
3. Catch up with you later.

4. How’s everything at school?
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<b>1. Pre- speaking : </b>

<i><b>TASK 1:Place the expressions under the appropriate heading.</b></i>
<i><b>Start the conversation</b></i> <i><b>Closing a conversation</b></i>
Good morning Goodbye. See you later.
How’s evrything at school? Well, It has been nice

talking to you.

Hello, How are you? Sorry, I got to go. Talk to
you later.

Hi. How is school? Great. I’’l see you tomorrow.
Hello, What are you doing? Catcg up with you later.
<i><b>2. While speaking: </b></i>

<i><b>TASK 2: Sentences Rearrangement.</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


<i><b>TASK 3: Conversation completion.</b></i>

A: Hello, Hoa. You don’t look very happy. What’s the matter
with you?

B: Hi, Nam. I feel tired. I’ve got a headche.

A: Sorry to heard that. You’d better go home and have a rest.
B: Yes, that’s great ideas. Goodbye , Nam.

A: See you later
<i><b>3. Post speaking:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 4:Make small talks on the following topics.</b></i>
A: Hi. How are you today?

B: I’m fine. Thank you. Did you watch TV last night?

Gives out 5 to 7
sentences whose

words are not in
good order.

Asks Ss rearrage the
words to make
complete sentences

Have Ss to put the
expressions under
heading .

Have Ss practice
these expresions
with his/ her

Feedback and give
correct answer.
Asks Ss to rearrage
the sens.

Calls on some pairs
to practicein front of

Asks Ss to complete

conversation with
suitable words.
Calls on some pairs

Pair work

Pair work

Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>


A: It’s a pity. I had to finish my homework last night. Is there
anything interesting?

B: Yes. It’s the first time a contestant could answer 13 out of
<i><b>15 questons in the game show Who wants to be millionaire. He</b></i>
is very brilliant.

A: Really? I will try to finish homework early tomorrow so
that I will be able to watch the repeated broadcast at 8 p.m
B: That’s a good idea. I got to gonow. See you then.
A: Take care. Bye.

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

to pratice the


conversation in front
of class.Gives

Have Ss make small
talk on the topics.
Calls on some pair
to act out the

conversation in front
of class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

<b>Lesson 3: Listening </b> <b>Period: 9th</b>
<b>I/ Aim(s): Listening to mini conversations for specific information.</b>

<b> II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make mini conversations </b>
<i>about daily topics such as study at school, weather and travelling …</i>

<b>III/ Lexical items:</b>
_ Vocabulary
_ Structures.

<b>IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player.</b>
<b>V/ Procedures:</b>


<i><b>A.WARM UP: Conversation Build.</b></i>

Hi, ………How? ……….. fine …………. Niceweekend? ………
wonderful ………to……….the beach………

<i><b>B.NEW LESSON:</b></i>

<i><b>1.Pre- listening:Matching.</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5

c e a b d

<i><b>Pictures description</b></i>

What do you see in the pictures?
Who are they?

What are they doing?
<b>2. While Listening:</b>
<i><b>TASK 1:Matching.</b></i>

Conver. 1 2 3 4

Picture b c d a

<i><b>TASK2:Answering questions.</b></i>
1. She is taking english.

2. She is in Miss Lan Phuong’s class.
3. He is at a party.

4. He plans to stay there for a week.
5. No, she doesn’t. She travels alone.
<i><b>TASK 3: Conversation completion.</b></i>

1. it here 5. travelling
2. very nice 6. No
3. big 7. alone
4. comfortable 8. for a drink
<b>3. Post listening:</b>

Talk about the problem(s) you have experienced at school.
_ facing with difficulties in learning a subject

_ being late for school
_ having bad marks
_ failing a test

_ failing to catch up with other students

_ having problems in relationship with classmates.
Suggested questios:

What problem(s) have you experienced at school?

Asks Ss to build
conversation basing
on the key words.

Asks Ss to match a
question in A with a
response in B. calls
on some pairs to
read aloud the
question and

response in front of
the class. Feedback.
Asks Ss to listen to
the con. and match
them with the

Play the tape more
than once if


Have Ss listen to the
tape again and
answer the
questions.calls on
some Ss to read
aloud their answers

in front of the class.
Asks Ss to listen to
it and complete the
filling in the missing

Asks Ss to discuss
the problems they
have experienced at

Goes around the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>


What is/are reason(s)?

What have you done to solve it/ them?
Who helps you to solve it/ them?
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>


Summarises the main points of the lesson
_ Learn by heart the new words

class and offer help.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

<b>Lesson 4:Writing</b> <b>Period: 10th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS:Flling in the form.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :</i>

_ Fill some common forms such as enrolment form, simple applicationform, library admission

_ Use useful words and structures in some certain forms.
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Words expressions.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, charts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A/ WAMR UP: Question and answer.</b></i>
<i><b>TASK1: Answering questions.</b></i>

1.ve you ever fill in a form? On what occasions?

 I have to fill in a form in many occasions, for example when I
apply for a job or apply for a scholarship, open a bank accout,
register a fixed phone number, and register a library card.

2. What sort of information do you often have to provide when
you fill in a form?

 When I fill in a form, I often have to provide such information
as my full name, age, occupation, address, sex and marital

<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<i><b>1.Pre- writing: </b></i>

_ country of origin: quê quán
_ present address:chỗ ở hiện tại
_ material status:tình trạng hơn nhân
_ occupation: job

_ block capitals: chữ viết hoa
_ delete: xóa

_ applicable: thích hợp, phù hợp
<i><b>TASK 2: Matching.</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

d f e g b c a

<b>2. While writing:</b>

<i><b>TASK 3:Doing What Form ask</b></i>
1. Viết tên bằng chữ in hoa.

2. Ký tên.

3. Gạch bỏ thông tin không phù hợp.
4. Đánh dấu X nếu bạn là nam.
5 Đánh dấu Vnếu bạn là nữ.
<i><b>TASK 4:Filling in the form.</b></i>


Mr./ Mrs./ Miss
Surname: NGUYEN

Asks Ss to answer
the questions.
Gives examples of
commonly-used forms:
application form,
entry admission

Asks Ss to do task 2.
Match a line in A
with a questions in

Have Ss compare
their answers with a

Expali and give
correct answers.
Have Ss do the task

Goes around &
provide help.

Further explain and
translate into Vnese.

Pair work

Pair work
Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>


First name:THUY NGOC
Date of birth: 22/01/1990
Nationality: VIETNAMESE


Address in your country: 19 LANG STREET, HANOI.
Occupation: STUDENT

Reason for learning English: Busuness/ Pleasure/ Exams? Others
( If others, please specific)

How many hours a day do you want to stay at the school? 3 HOURS
What date do you want to start? 5/9/2006.

<b>3. Post writing.</b>
Peer correction
<i><b>C HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Asks Ss to study the
form carefully and
fill in the form using
their own


Calls on 2 Ss to fill
in the form on the
board while others
doing the task in the

Tells Ss to comment
on their


Corrects the form as

the whole class.
Gives suggested

Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>


<b>Lesson 5:Language focus</b> <b>Period: 11th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: _ Revision of the sounds / / and /a:/</i>

<i> _ Using gerund and to-infinitive</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ pronounce the vowels / / and /a:/

<i>_ distinguish the use of gerund and to-infinitive.</i>
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Two sounds; structures.</i>
<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, cassette.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A/ WARM UP: Jumbled words.</b></i>

1. bsutcej ---> subject
2. skat ---> task
3. lmeeaf ---> female
4. ctarfif ---> traffic
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON: </b></i>


_ / /:is very short sound. First practice the sound / / then
put your tongue back a little.

_ /a:/: is a long sound. First pronounce the sound /a:/ then
put your tongue down and back.

<i><b>a. WH- questions:</b></i>

* WH- questions allow a speakers to find out more
information about topics.


Time(thời gian)
Place (nơi chốn)

Person (con người)
Reason (lí do)
Manner(cách thức)

Object/ idea/ action (vật/ý kiến/hành

* Other words can also be used to inquire about specific

Which (one)?
How much?
How many?
How long?
How often?
How far?
What kind(of)?

Choice of alternatives (chọn lựa)
Possession ( sở hữu)

Person (object formal) (người)
Price, amount (non-count)
Quality (count)

Duration (khỏang thời gian)
Frequency (sự thường xuyên)
Distance (khỏang cách)

Description (sự miêu tả)

<i><b>b. Some common verbs/ expressions followed by a gerund.</b></i>

Asks Ss to
rearrange the
letters to makr
good words.
Play the tape and
ask Ss to repeat.
Calls on some Ss to
repeat the sounds
clearly to class.
Asks Ss to practice
the sentences.

Groups work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>




Admit/ avoid/ can’t help/ consider/ complete/ delay/ deny/
detest/ dislike/ enjoy/ excuse/ explain/ finish/ escape/
imagine/ keep/ mind/ report/ risk/ postpone.

Be used to/ get used to/ be worth/ be busy/ would you
mind/ it’sno used/ it’s no good.

<i><b>c. Some common verbs followed by to + base form of verb.</b></i>
Agree/ arrange/ beg/ desire/ decide/ demand/ determine/
expect/ fail/ hope/ intend/ learn/ need/ offer/ plan/ prepare/
pretend/ promise/ refuse/ seem/ tend/ threaten/ want/ wish.
<i><b>d. Some common verbs followed by Obect + to + base form</b></i>
<i><b>of verb.</b></i>

Advise/ ask/ allow/ beg/ encourage/ expect/ permit/
persuade/ order/ recommend/ request/ tell/ want.
<b>2. Practice:</b>

<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i>

1.When did you come?
2. How long did you stay?
3. Who did you come with?
4. Where do you live?

5. Why do you like learning English?
6. What time is it now?

7. How many children do they have?
<i><b>Exercise 2:</b></i>

1. to hear 6. to pay
2. going 7. to go
3. remembering 8. visiting
4. doing 9. seeing
5. worrying 10. hearing

<i><b>Exercise 3:</b></i>

1. to go 6. making
2. waiting 7. to call
3. having 8. to lend
4. to find 9. talking
5. living 10. to post
<b>3 Production:</b>

Give some extra examples.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Asks Ss to make
questions for the

Calls on some pairs
to read the Q & A
in front of the

Asks Ss to read the
letters carefully
and fill in each
blank with a verb
in bracket.

Gives correct.
Asks Ss to
complete the

sentences using a
verb in the box.
Calls on some Ss to
read their answers
aloud in front of
class. Feedback
and give correct

Pair work

Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

<b>Lesson 1: Reading </b> <b>Period: 12th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Reading for general ideas and specific information. </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ read better through Matching and True or False exercises.

_ improve background knowledge about famous scientists especially about Marie Curie…
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures of some famous scientists….</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>







<i><b>A . WARM UP: Networks</b></i>

<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>
<b>1. Pre- reading :</b>

_ general education(n): comprehensive study of all subjects and
skills (giáo dục phổ thông)

<b>_ brilliant (a) : clever, quick at learning.</b>

_ mature (a) : fully-grown/ developed in character and power
_ harbour the dream of : foster/ keep in mind the dream of
doing something

_ flying colours : (leave university) with excellent grade
_ PhD : doctor of Phylosophy ( Tieán só)

_ to be awarded : to be presented with
_ tragic death : die painfully, tragically

_ atomic weight of radium : trọng lượng nguyên tử
_ humanitarian wish : mong muốn nhân đạo
<i><b>2.While reading:</b></i>


1 2 3 4 5

c e a d b

<i><b>TASK2: True or False.</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5


<i><b>TASK3: Answering questions</b></i>

1. Marie Curie was born in Warsaw on Nov. 7, 1867
2. She was a brilliant and mature student.

3. She worked as a private tutor to save money for a study tour

Asks Ss to make a
list of famous

Teaches vocabulary

Writes the words on
the board.

Asks Ss to read the

individually and
match the words or
phrases in A with
the meanings in B
Goes around &
gives help. Calls on
some Ss to read
aloud their answers
Asks them to

explain their choice.

Have Ss read the
passage and decide
whether the

statements are T/ F.
Have Ss work in

Group work

Individual work.
Whole class.

Write out.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>




4. She was awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for
determining the atomic weight of radium.

5. No, it wasn’t. Her real joy was “easting human suffering”
<i><b>3. Post reading:</b></i>

_ strong-willed(ý chí mạnh mẽ): She harbouyred the dream of
a scientific career, which was impossible for a woman at that
time. / Finally in 1891, Marie, with very little money to live
on, went to Paris to realise her dream at the sorbonne.
_ ambitious (khát vọng lớn): She harboured the dream of a
scientific career, which was impossible for a woman at that
time. / She earned a degree in Physics with flying colours and
went on to take another degree in Mathematics.

_ hard-working (chăm chỉ): In spite of her difficult living
conditions, she worked extremely hard.

_ intelligent (thoâng minh): She earned a degree in Physics
with flying colours. / Soon after, she was awarded a Nobel
Prize in chemistry for determining the atomic weight of


_ humane (nhân đạo): But her real joy was “easting human

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

pairs , ask and
answer about the
passages.Calls on
some pairs to do the
task in front of the

Gives feedback and
suggested answers.
Asks Ss to work in
groups and highlight
or underline the
evidence that they
find in the passage.

Group work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

<b>Lesson 2: Speaking</b> <b>Period: 13th<sub> </sub></b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Speaking about someone’s background.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to talk about their own </i>
background and know how to ask for other people’s background.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, small cards, interview forms, posters,..</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A . WARM UP: Word Square.</b></i>

<i><b>H</b></i> <b>B</b> <b>R</b> <i><b>I</b></i> <b>L</b> <b>L</b> <b>I</b> <i><b>A</b></i> <b>N</b> <b>T</b>

<i><b>U</b></i> A <i><b>H</b></i> <i><b>N</b></i> B W L <i><b>M</b></i> H V

<i><b>M</b></i> <b>M</b> <i><b>A</b></i> <i><b>T</b></i> <b>U</b> <b>R</b> <b>E</b> <i><b>B</b></i> S R

<i><b>A</b></i> <i><b>C</b></i> <i><b>R</b></i> <i><b>E</b></i> C D K <i><b>I</b></i> E C

<i><b>N</b></i> <i><b>H</b></i> <i><b>D</b></i> <i><b>L</b></i> Y W A <i><b>T</b></i> D U

<i><b>E</b></i> <i><b>E</b></i> D <i><b>L</b></i> <b>R</b> <b>A</b> <b>D</b> <i><b>I</b></i> <b>U</b> <b>M</b>

E <i><b>M</b></i> S <i><b>I</b></i> G B T <i><b>O</b></i> W P

O <i><b>I</b></i> Z <i><b>G</b></i> V W C <i><b>U</b></i> O F

R <i><b>S</b></i> M <i><b>E</b></i> U S R <i><b>S</b></i> T R

S <i><b>T</b></i> T <i><b>N</b></i> <b>O</b> <b>B</b> <b>E</b> <b>L</b> V A

W B <b>A</b> <i><b>T</b></i> <b>O</b> <b>M</b> <b>I</b> <b>C</b> B C

<i><b>Answers: brilliant, mature, radium, Nobel, atomic</b></i>
humane, hard, chemist, intelligent, ambitious.
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<b>1. Pre- speaking : </b>

<i><b>TASK 1:Decide which of the the items below can tell you about</b></i>
<i><b>Sb’s background.</b></i>

<b>Family: _ How many people are there in your family?</b>
_ Where do you live?

_ What does your father do?

_ Do you have any brothers or sisters?
<b>Hobby: _ What arte your hobbies?</b>

_ What do you like to do in your free time?
<b>Education: _ Where do you go to school?</b>

_ Where did you go to primary school?
<b>Dislike: _ What don’t you like to do?</b>

<b>Experience: _ Have you ever been to ….?</b>
_ Have you ever done……?

_ Have you ever been a moniter/ monitress?
<b>2. While speaking: </b>

<i><b>TASK 2: Imagine you are a journalist. Use the cues below to </b></i>
<i><b>interview a classmate about his/ her background or that of a </b></i>
<i><b>person he/ she knows well. Change the role when you have </b></i>

<b>Greeting: Good morning!</b>

Ask Ssin groups to
find the words by
circling the words
and write them
down below the
word square.

Asks Ss to decide
which items can tell
sb’s background.
Encourage Ss to
discuss the items
and choose the

appropriate ones.
Asks Ss to discuss
the questions that
can be used to get
information for each

Calls on some Ss to
give questions for
each item.

Gives suggested

Gives Ss the
interview form .

Group work

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>



<b>Date of birth: When were you born?</b>
<b>Place of birth: Where were you born?</b>
<b>Home: Where do you live?</b>

<b>Parents: can you tell me about your parents?</b>

<b>Brothers: How many brothers/ sisters have you got?</b>
<b>Primary school: What’s the name of your primary school/ </b>
secondary school?

<b>Schoolwork: Have you ever been a leader of…/ Were you a </b>
member of any clubs?

<b>Favourite subject: What subjects do you like best?</b>
<b>Experience: How do you work at school?</b>

<b>Thanking: Thank you very much!</b>
<i><b>3. After speaking:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 3:Talk about the person you have learnt about from the </b></i>

<i><b>Suggestion: </b></i>

The person I interview is Lan. She was born in 1991 in Hanoi.
There are five members in her family…

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

Gives questions for
the information

Goes around and
offer help.

Make sure that all
Ss have the form
filled before moving
to the next activity.

Asks Ss to talk
about the person
they have known
through interview.
Calls on some Ss to
give a small talk in
front of the class.
Comment and gives

Group work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

<b>Lesson 3: Listening </b> <b>Period: 14th</b>
<b>I/ Aim(s): Listening for specific information about Olympic Games.</b>

<b> II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about one of the </b>
Olympic champion by using the information regarding her background and career.

<b>III/ Lexical items:</b>
_ Vocabulary

_ Structures.

<b>IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player.</b>
<b>V/ Procedures:</b>






<i><b>A.WARM UP: Chatting.</b></i>

Olympic & Olympic champions.
What do you know about Olympic?
When did the Olympic start?
How often is it held?

Do you know any Olympic champion?

What do you want to know about an Olympic champion? Do
oyu want to know about his/ her family background/ career
success/ medals?

<i><b>B.NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<b>1.Pre- listening:</b>

<i><b>Answering questions.</b></i>

_ Diploma (n): the formal document recognising the successful
completon of a certain programme of academic studies. E.g:
high school diploma.

_ certificate (n): the general testimonial of sth. Such as a birth/
marriage/ death certificate.

_ degree (n) the award given by university for completing an
academic study programme such as bachelor’s degree,
Master’s Degree.

_ sport teacher (n): a teacher who teaches sports.
<b>2. While Listening:</b>

<i><b>TASK1: True or False</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5


<i><b>TASK2: Gap-filling.</b></i>
1. a general education
2. lives; family

3. different; swimming
4. love story

5. teacher’s diploma
<b>3. Post listening:</b>

<i><b>Ask and answer about Sally.</b></i>
_ When was she born?
_ Where does she live?

Asks Ss to talk
about Olympic and


Asks Ss to listen to
the tape and
decide whether the
statements are T or

Play the tape
several times.
Have Ss compare
their answers with
a friend.

Call on some Ss to
explain their
answers in front of
the class.

Feedback and give
correct answers.
Tells Ss to read the
sentences carefully
and try to guess the
missing words in
the blanks.
Asks Ss to listen

Pair work

Whole class


<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>


_ Who does she live with?
_ Where did she go to school?

_ What does she like to do in her free time?
_ What sort of books does she like reading?
_ What does she want to be in the future?
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>


Summarises the main points of the lesson
_ Learn by heart the new words

the coversation
again and fill the
blanks.Play the
tape more than

Asks Ss to ask &
answer about

Calls n some Ss to
give the talk to

Comment on Ss’

pronounciation and
body language.

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

<b>Lesson 4:Writing</b> <b>Period: 15th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Writing a C.V about people’s background.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ Write a simple C.V.

_ Get to know the format, layout and essential information of a C.V.
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:words, expressions.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook,some C.V samples.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A/ WAMR UP: Gap filling: Definition of a C.V.</b></i>
<i><b>Purpose, summary, capable, shows, contains</b></i>

<i><b>A curriculum Vitae or a C.V is a personl summary of a </b></i>

<i><b>person’s background, experience, training and skills. It shows </b></i>
an applicant’s suitability and potential for certain jobs. Its
<i><b>main purpose is to prove that someone are capable of doing </b></i>
<i><b>the job he/ she looking for. A C.v generally contains Personal </b></i>
information/ data, Education, Previous jobs, Interests………..
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON:</b></i>

<i><b>1.Pre- writing: </b></i>

<i><b>A C.V normally consist of following items.</b></i>

Personal information/ data:

Previous jobs:

<b>2. While writing:</b>

<i><b>TASK 1:Read Mr. Brown’s C.V and write a paragraph about </b></i>
<i><b>Mr. Brown.</b></i>

Mr. Brown was born on november 12, 1969 in Boston. He
went to Kensington High School and passed exams in English,
French and Mathematics. He worked in a travel agency from
June 1991 to December 1998. And from 1999 to 2002, he
worked as a hotel telephonist. He like music and dancing.
<i><b>TASK2:Ask yourpartner for the information about his/ her </b></i>
<i><b>parent and complete the form.</b></i>

Name: Tran Thanh Mr./ Ms.
Date of birth: 15/12/63

Place of birth: tien Giang

School attended: Nguyen Dinh Chieu High School

Exams passed: Chemistry, Literature, Mathematics, Physics
Previous jobs

Job Date from Date to
Office worker February 1986 August 1990
Reporter April 1991 April 1996
Interest: Reading & travelling

Asks Ss to fill in
the blank with the
words given.

Implicit the
elementof a C.V
by asking Ss to
read Mr. Brown’s

Introduce the
elements of a C.V

Asks Ss to write a
paragraph about
Mr. Brown.
Have Ss compare
their writing with a

Asks SS to ask the
partners for the
information about
his/ her parent and
complete the form.

Goes around the
class and provide

Work in

Whole class.

work &
whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>



<i><b>TASK3:Write a paragraph about your partner’s parent. Then </b></i>
<i><b>ask him/ her to read the paragraph and check whether the </b></i>
<i><b>information is correct.</b></i>

His name is Tran Thanh. He was born in Tien Giang on
december 15, 1963. He went to Nguyen Dinh Chieu High
School where he passed exams in Chemistry, Literature,
Mathematics and Physics.

He started working as an office worker in February 1986 and
quit four years later, in ugust 1990. Then he became a reporter
in April 1991, after half a year unemployed. But he quit that
job again in April 1996.

He likes reading and travelling a lot.
<b>3. Post- writing: </b>

Peer correction
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Asks Ss to write
about his/her
partner’s parent .

Group work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

<b>Lesson 5:Language focus</b> <b>Period: 16th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: _ distinguishing the sounds /e/ and / /</i>

_ Learning how to use past perfect tense

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ pronounce the sounds /e/ and / / correctly

_ use the past perfect tense appropriately and distinguish it with the past simple tense.
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Two sounds; structures.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A/ WARM UP:table completion</b></i>

<b>Verb infinitive</b> <b>Past form</b> <b>Past participle</b>






<i><b> B/ NEW LESSON: </b></i>

_ /e /:is a short sound. First pronouce the sound I then open
your mouth a little more.

_ / /: first pronounce the sound /e/ then open your mouth a
little more.

<i><b>The past perfect tense.</b></i>

<i><b>Form: (+) S + had + V-ed/ V3 + O</b></i>

(-) S + had not (hadn’t) + V-ed/ V3 + O
(?) Had + S + V-ed/ V3 + O?

<b>Use: The past perfect tense can be ued to describe:</b>
_ an action before a point of time in the past

Ex: I had done all my homework before 7 p.m last night.
_an action that had happened before another past action.
Ex: I had done all my homework before I watched TV.
<i><b>2. Practice:</b></i>

<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i>

1. had broken 6. had been
2. had done 7. had left
3. had met 8. had moved

4. had not (hadn’t) turned off 9. had not (hadn’t) seen

Tells Ss to

complete the table
following the
The group which
completes the table
first and has more
correct verbs will
be the winner.

Play the tape and
ask Ss to repeat.
Calls on some Ss to
repeat the sounds
clearly to class.
Asks Ss to practice
the sentences.
Asks Ss to discuss
the form and use of
the past perfect

Calls on some Ss to

Asks Ss to Ex.1.
Have Ss compare
their answer with a

friend. Make sure
all the verbs have

Groups work

Whole class.

Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>



5. had ever seen 10. had broken in
<i><b>Exercise 2:</b></i>

1.had just finished, came;
2.had seldom travelled, went;
3.went, had already taken;

4.Did…………manage, had………gone, got;
5.had just got, phoned, had been.

<i><b>Exercise 3:</b></i>

1.(sent.1) had climbed  climbed
2. (sent.3) had turned  turned

3. (sent.5) had called out  called out
4. (sent.7) had heard  heard

5. (sent.9) went  had already gone
<b>3 Production:</b>

Give some extra examples.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

been put in the
correct form.
Identify the past
simple tense and
the past perfect
tense. Asks Ss to
do Ex.2.

Tells Ss to read the
story carefully and
ask them some
questions about the
story to make sure
Ss have general

Pair work.

Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

<b>Period: 17th</b>

1. 15th<sub> January 1929</sub> <sub>6. a minister at a</sub>

2. In 1951 7. the black freedom movement

3. for 4 years 8. heard his speech at the

4. he met 9. In 1964

5. they got married 10. 4th<sub> April 1968</sub>


Martin Luther King was born on 15th<sub> january 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1951, he went to Boston </sub>

University, where he studied for four years. In 1952, he met Coretta Scott, and as soon as he saw her,
he fell in love. They got married in 1953, and they had four children. In 1954, the Kings left Boston,
and Martin became a minister at a Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Then he stared working
for the black freedom movement. Thousands of people walked to Washington to hear his famous
speech at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, and he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, he died on 4th

April 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee, from a gunshot wound.
<b>New words:</b>

Fall in love: yêu, phải lòng
Get married: kết hôn

The black freedom movement: phong trào tự do của người da đen

1.F 2. C 3. A 4. D

<b>New words:</b>

_ to be married with (three children): đã lập gia đình (và có 3 con)
_ do research: nghiên cứu

_ principal: hiệu trưởng

_ Technical College: trường Đại học kỹ thuật

_ Public Health Council: hội đồng sức khỏe cộng đồng

1. to apply 2. am 3. attended 4. passed 5. got

6. can 7. reading 8. know 9. am able 10. hearing

29 Hang Bai Street, Hanoi, vietnam
Dear Sally,

I am very delighted to be your pen friend. I’m sixteen years old and I am only 1.50 meters tall.
I’ve got dark, short hair and black eyes. I live in the centre of Hanoi with my parents and younger
sister. She is a student at Thang Long Primary School.

I am a stuent at Chu Van An High School. It’s a big and beautiful school in Hanoi. There are
about one thousand students and sixty teachers in my school. I study many subjects: English,
Chemistry, Physics, Maths, History…… I like English most b/c I want to sing English songs. I go to
school in the morning and have five periods every day from 7:15 to 11:30. In the afternoon I

study at home and help my parents with the housework.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Give my best wishes to your parents and two sisters
Yours ,

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

<b> AN HOUR TEST</b>
<b>Period: 18th</b>

<b>Period: 19th</b>

<b>Lesson 1: Reading </b> <b>Period: 20th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Reading about special education</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to understand the term special </i>
education and talk about it through Matching and Multiple choice exercises.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures about special classes and Braille Alphabet</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>








<i><b>A . WARM UP: Brainstorming</b></i>

Look at thte Braille Alphabet in the book and work out the
message that follows.

<i><b>Answer: We Are The World</b></i>
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<b>1. Pre- reading :</b>

_ disabled (a): be unable/ incapable of doing Sth
_ dumb (a): not being able to speak

_ proper schooling (n): enough and good study

_ opposition (n): opposing ideas, disagreeing viewpoints
_ make effort (v): try, attempt

<b>_ to be proud of (a) : take pride on</b>
<i><b>2.While reading:</b></i>


1 2 3 4 5

c e a b d

<i><b>TASK2: Multiple choice.</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5


<b>3. Post reading</b>
<i><b>After you read</b></i>

1. disabled 6. time- consuming
2. read 7. maths

3. write 8. arms
4. efforts 9. fingers
5. opposition 10. proud
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

Asks Ss to transfer
the raised dots in
Braille Alphabet to
English Alphabet.

Teaches vocabulary

Writes the words on
the board.

Asks Ss to read the

individually and do
task 1. Encourage Ss
to guess the

meaning of the
words in the
context. Calls on
some Ss to read
their answers aloud
in front of class.
Tells Ss to read the
passage again more
carefully and
complete the sens
by circling the
corresponding .
Encourage Ss to
guess the missing
word .

Have Ss complete

Group work

Whole class

Individual work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33></div>
<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

<b>Lesson 2: Speaking</b> <b>Period: 21st<sub> </sub></b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Talking about school life</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ talk about school life a student

_ actively engage in an interview.
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, whiteboard markers,…. </i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>







<i><b>A . WARM UP: Networks</b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> SUBJECTS</b></i>
<i><b>Suggested answers:</b></i>

<i><b>_ Subjects: English, Literature…</b></i>
<i><b>_ Test: oral, final, mid-term,……</b></i>
<i><b>_ Break</b></i>

<i><b>_ Homework</b></i>
<i><b>_ Teacher</b></i>

<i><b>_ Secondary ( lower and upper secondary)</b></i>
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<i><b>1. Pre- speaking : </b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1: Work with a partner and fill in the blanks with the </b></i>
<i><b>right questions.</b></i>


4 1 2 6 3 5 7

<i><b>2. While speaking: </b></i>

<i><b>TASK 2: Interview your partner , using the questions in task 1</b></i>

<b>Note: Ss are suggested to use his/ her own information to </b>
answer the questions. However, they may use the answers in
the books as samples.

<i><b>3. Post speaking:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 3:Tell the whols class what you know about your </b></i>

<i><b>Suggestion: </b></i>

Hanh went to Long Bien Lower- secondary school. She had 10
subjects to learn at school. She went to school in the morning
and often had 5 classes each morning…

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

Asks Ss to make a
list of words relating
to school. The group
with the longest list
will be the winner.

Asks Ss to fill in the
blanks with the right
questions. Call on
some Ss to explain

their answers.
Asks Ss to carry out
the interview, using
the questions in task

Goes around 7
provide help.
Calls on some ss to
use the information
in the interview to
make a
mini-presentation about
his/ her partner.
Tells the whole
class to comment on


Group work


Pair work

work and
whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

<b>Lesson 3: Listening </b> <b>Period: 22nd</b>

<b>I/ Aim(s): Listening for specific information about a special class for disabled children</b>

<b> II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen better through True or </b>
False and Gap-filling exercises.

<b>III/ Lexical items:</b>
_ Vocabulary
_ Structures.

<b>IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player.</b>
<b>V/ Procedures:</b>





<i><b>A.WARM UP: Word form</b></i>
Sorry; second; decide; able.
<i><b>Suggested answers:</b></i>

Sorry – sorrow, sorrily…

Second – secondary, secondly, secondhand……
Decide – decision, decisive, decisively,…
Able – disabled, disability, …

<i><b>B.NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<b>1.Pre- listening:</b>

_ photograph (n): a picture or image taken by photographers.
_ photographer (n): a person who takes pictures

_ photography (n): the study/ the art of forming and fixing
images by the chemical action of light and other elements
_ photogenic (a): having interesting features that are suitable
for photographing

_ photographic (a): belonging to photography.
1. photographic

2. photography
3. photographer
4. photograph
5. photogenic

_ surroundings (n): conditions, objects that make the living

_ sorrow (n): pain or distress caused by loss or disability
_ passion (n): great love for Sth

_ labourer (n): a person who works manually, working class
_ deaf (a): partially or entirely unable to hear

_ mute (a): unable to speak

_ exhibition (n): a display, a public showing
<b>2. While Listening:</b>

<i><b>TASK 1:True or False</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5


<i><b>TASK2: Gap- filling.</b></i>

1. photographic 6. simple

Asks Ss to find the
different words that
derive from the
following roots.
The group with the
longest list of
correct words will
be the winner.
Explain the meaning
of the words in the

Asks Ss to fill each
of the blanks with
one word from the

Calls on some Ss to
read the answers
aloud in front of the

Gives correct

Let Ss read the

Ss listen to the tape
and decide whether

Group work


<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>



2. 19 7. peaceful

3. exhibition 8. chickens
4. 50 9. stimulated
5. beauty 10. escape
<i><b>3.Post listening:</b></i>

<i><b>Retell the story about the Vang Trang Khuyet Photography </b></i>

What is the name of the club?

Who are the members of the club? Where do they come from?
How many are there?

How many photographs are on display?
What are their photographs about?

What does their passion of taking photographs help them?
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>


Summarises the main points of the lesson
_ Learn by heart the new words

the statements are
true or false. Plays
the tape more than

Have Ss listen to the
tape and write in
each blank with a

suitable word. Calls
on some SS to read
the answers aloud in
front of the class.
Tells Ss to ask and
answer about the
Vang Trang Khuyet
Photographic Club.



Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

<b>Lesson 4:Writing</b> <b>Period: 23rd</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Writing aletter of complaint.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to;</i>
_ read and understand a simple letter of complaint

_ write a letter of complaint about the poor quality of the service at an English Centre.
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:words, expressions.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, charts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>




<i><b>A/ WAMR UP: Categorising</b></i>

Put these words under two headings: compliments and

Bad, helpful, expensive, lazy, hard-working, good, careful, poor,
unhappy, beautiful.

<b>Compliments</b> <b>Complaints</b>

Helpful Bad

Hard- working Expensive

Good Lazy

Careful Poor

Beautiful Unhappy

…… ……

<i>Complaint is a kind of formal letter used when you are not </i>
<i>happy with a service, a contract, a course,…</i>

<i>A letter of complaint usually includes three main parts.</i>

<i><b>Explaining the broblem </b></i>
<i><b>Suggesting a resolution</b></i>
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<i><b>1.Pre- writing: </b></i>

_ native teachers (n): teachers who come from English-
speaking countries

_ air- conditioner (a): to be equipped/ furnished with air –

<i><b>TASK 1:After studying for two weeks at English for Today </b></i>
<i><b>Centre, you notice that everything is worse than what the </b></i>
<i><b>advertisement says. A friend of yours wants to know about the </b></i>
<i><b>centre and you tell him/ her tha facts. Now you work in pairs </b></i>
<i><b>and complete the dialogue with your own ideas.</b></i>

1. I am not happy with it at all

2. not all of them are native teachers.

3. that is not true. My class has over 30 students.
4. I had to pay for them.

5. only some of them. Mine is not.

6. in fact classes often start late and finish early.

Gives ten or more
adjectives and ask
Ss to put them
under two heading.

Explain some
difficult words .
Goes around the
class and offer
help. Call on some
Ss to read their
own answers aloud
to class

Work in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>



<i><b>TASK 2:Complete the letter of complaint.</b></i>
<b>2. While writing:</b>

<i><b>TASK 2:Complete the letter of complaint.</b></i>

<b> First of all, you say that there are only native treachers, but </b>

my class has one Vietnamese teacher and two native teachers.
You also say that each class has no more than 20 students but
there are over 30 students in my class. In the advertisement,
you say we can have books and cassette tapes free of charge
but in fact we had to pay for them. To make the matter worse,
the classroom is not air- conditioned. That is quite different
from the advertisement. Finally, what I do not like most about
your centre is the time. The class time is not the same as what
the advertisement says. Classes not only start late but also
finish early.

<b>3. Post- writing: </b>
Peer correction
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Have Ss read the
letter of complaint
in the bookand
complete is base
on the dialoguege
in task 1

Tell Ss to
exchange their
wring with a

Introduce peer
Pick up some

writing to check
their mistakes as
the whole class


<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

<b>Lesson 5:Language focus</b> <b>Period: 24th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: _ Distinguish the sounds / / and / :/</i>

<i> _Using the + adjective, used to + infinitive and which.</i>
<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ distinguish and pronounce the sounds / / and / :/ correctly.

<i>_ use the + adjective as a noun, combine two sentences with which and review used to + </i>

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Two sounds; structures.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, whiteboard markers…</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A/ WARM UP: Find someone who</b></i>

<b>Did you use to …</b> <b>Name</b>

cry at night
go to bed late?
be afraid of ghost?
eat a lot of ice cream?

<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON: </b></i>

_ / /:is a short sound. First pronounce the sound / / then put
your tougue slightly back and bring your lips slightly forward.
_ / :/: is a long sound. First practice the sound then put the back
of your tongue up a little.

<i><b>a. The + adjective</b></i>

<i><b>We use the + adjective to describe a group of people as a </b></i>
whole: e.g. the blind, the rich, the poor,…

The rich means a group of people who are all rich.

These adjectives are followed by a plural verb.
<b>b. Used to + infinitive</b>

we use used to + infinitive to express a past action and state. It
has no present equivalent.

Ex: When I was a child, we used to go on a holiday to the

Notice the negative and the question:
<i><b>Where did you use to go?</b></i>

<i><b>We didn’t use do anything interesting.</b></i>

<i><b>c. Which can be used in relative clauses to refer to the whole of</b></i>
the earlier clause.

Ex: She arrived on time, which amazed everybody.
<b>2. Practice:</b>

<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i>

Let SS g oround the
class and ask other
SS what they used
to do when they
were small. If the
answer is Yes, write
his/ her in the table.
Make sure that Ss

are aware of the
difference between
the two sounds.Asks
Ss to repeat several

Play the tape and
ask Ss to repeat.
Calls on some Ss to
repeat the sounds
clearly to class.
Asks Ss to practice
the sentences.
Asks Ss to discuss
the form and use of
the present simple

Calls on some Ss to

Group work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>



2. the injured
3. the unemployed
4. the sick

5. the rich; the poor
<i><b>Exercise 2:</b></i>

2. used to have/ used to ride
3. used to live

4. used to like/ used to love/ used to eat
5. used to be

6. used to take
7. used to be

8. did you use(d) to go?
<i><b>Exercise 3:</b></i>

2. Jill isn’t on the phone, which makes it difficult to contact her.
3. Neil has passed his exams, which is good new.

4. Our flight was delayed, which meant we had to wait for hours
at the air port.

5. Ann offered to put me up for the night, which was very nice
of her

6. The street I live in is very noisy at night, which makes it
difficult to sleep.

7. Our car has broken down, which means we can’t go away

<b>3 Production:</b>

Give some extra examples.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Asks Ss to complete
the blanks in the

Asks Ss to put each
of the adverbs in its
correct order into
the sentences .
Asks Ss to supply
the correct past
simple form of the
verbs in the


Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

<b>Lesson 1: Reading </b> <b>Period: 25th</b>

<i>I/ AIMS: Reading about computers</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to;</i>

_ use a number of words about computers such as CPU, VDU, CD, ROMS, fpoppy disk……and talk
about their benefits in our modern life.

_ improve reading skill through Matching and Answering questions exercises.
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures about computers or a computer available in class</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>







<i><b>A . WARM UP: Matching</b></i>

Look at the illustrations of different parts of a computer
system. Match each numbered item with one of the words or

phrases in the box.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>
<b>1. Pre- reading :</b>

_ miraculous (a): wonderful, fantastic

_ calculating machine(n): a machine used for adding,

_ lightning speed (n): very fast speed like the lightning
_ storage device (n): a thing used to keep or store information
_ memos = memorandums(n): brief notes of things to be
remembered / informal letters usually sent from one personto
another in an office

_ request for leave (n): askingfor the absence from class or office
<i><b>2.While reading:</b></i>


1 2 3 4 5

c e a b d

<i><b>TASK2: Passage heading</b></i>
C. What can the computer do?
<i><b>TASK3:Answering questions</b></i>

1. Computer can help us visit shop, offices, and places of
interest; pay bills; read newspapers, etc.

2. It is a miraculous device b/c it is capaple of doing anything
you ask; it can speed up the calculations etc.

<i><b> 3. Post reading:</b></i>

<i><b>Discuss other uses of the computer in our daily life.</b></i>
<i>Suggest questions for discussion:</i>

Do you usually use computers?

Asks Ss to match
the number with
the word

Call on some Ss to
read their answers
in front of the
class, gives further

Writes the words
on the board.
Asks Ss to read the
passages and
match the words in
A with the

definition in B.
Calls oc some Ss to
read and explain
their answers in
fornt of the class.
Feedback and give
correct answers.
Tells Ss to read the
passage and
choose the best
title for it.
Have Ss answer
the questions using

Pair work

Whole class.
Write out.

Work individually
Work in pairs

Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>


What do you do when you use computers?
What do you like most about computers?

What uses of computer may bring bad effecrts to its users?
<i><b>Suggest answer:</b></i>

Apart form those uses of the computer mentioned in the
textbook, I think there are some more effective uses of the
computer in every life. First of all, students can surf on the net
to look for learning materials, for example, the biography of
the great scientist Thomas Edison. Those who want to further
their study abroad can also search for information on

scholarships of English speaking countries loke Britain,
Autralia, the USA or Singapore. The computer is also an
effective means in setting an appropriate timetable for each
student. There are a number of software vprograms which
support this work such as excel or forbase. Last but not least,
making frinds with people around the world is no doubt
enabled by having a networked computer.

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

the given cuses.
Goes around and
provide help.Calls
on some pairs to
act out the activity
in front of te class.
Asks Ss to discuss
other uses of
computer in daily

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

<b>Lesson 2: Speaking</b> <b>Period: 26th<sub> </sub></b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Talking about the uses of modern inventions.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to talk about the uses of modern </i>
inventions in daily life such as radio, TV, fax machine, air conditioner…….

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, real objects of modern inventios.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A . WARM UP: What is it?</b></i>

1. TV 2. fax machine 3. air conditonal
4. electric cooker 5. fridge 6. cell phone
7. washing machine 8. car 9. microwave oven
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<b>1. Pre- speaking : </b>

<i><b>TASK 1:Asking and answering.</b></i>

_ Can you tell me what a radio is used for?

Well, it is used to listen to the news or music and to learn
foreign languages.

_ Can you tell me what a TV is used for?

Well, it is used to watch the news, performances or football
matches, and to learn forgeign languages.

_ Can you tell me what a fax machine is used for?

Well, it is used to send or receive letters and pictures quickly.
_ Can you tell me what an electric cooker is used for?

Well, it is used to cook rice, meat, fish, or vegetables, and to
keep food or rice warm.

_ Can you tell me what an air conditioner is used for?

Well, it is used to keep the air cool or warm when it is hot or

<b>2. While speaking: </b>

<i><b>TASK 2: Sentence Completion.</b></i>

1. store 2. transmit 3. process
4. send 5. hold 6. make
7. send 8. receive 9. design
<i><b>TASK 3+ 4:Ordering.</b></i>

The most important uses of IT are vtransmiting information
quickly and processing information as soon as we receive it.
This is precisely because in the industrialised world today,
time is money, these uses can save businessmen millions of
dollars lost as well as bring back profits worth millions of
dollars. The second most important use of IT is that it allows
us to store very large amounts of information. This is very
significant because when the world gets more developed,
there is much more information on different aspects

( economics, politics, culture, ect…) which needs storing. Third

Divide the class into

two groups. Gives
team A a list of
words about modern

Team A has to
explain the words
and team b has to
guess what is it?
Have Ss ask and
answer questions
about the uses of
modern inventions
following the

Calls on some pair
to practise in front
of the class.

Comment and give
suggested answers.

Asks Ss to study the
sentences carfully
before deciding
which word to be

Asks Ss to look at

the ideas in Task 2
and then rank them
in order of


Group work

Pair work

Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>


come the interestinguses of sendingmessages from one
computerto another and holding long distance meetings in
which the participants can see each other on a screen. This can
create and tighten the friendship and fellowship in particular
and better the relationship of people around the world as a
whole. Next is use of sending TV programs to other countries,
which is useful as regards the exchange matters. Ranking at
the bottom of the list is the design of houses, bridges, gardens
and buildings. With the help of IT, the work gets much quicker
and better. However, in the past, architects and designers still
worked well with only papers and pens. That is why I find this
use not as important as others.

<i><b>3. Post speaking:</b></i>

Talk about their most favourite invention of our daily life.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

Encourage Ss to
actively discuss in
groups to give the
reasons to support
their ideas and
persuade the others
that your order is
the right one.

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

<b>Lesson 3: Listening </b> <b>Period: 27th</b>
<b>I/ Aim(s): Listening for gist specific information about using a computer.</b>

<b> II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how a person learns to </b>
use a computer and improve listening skill through True or False ans Gap- filling exercises.
<b>III/ Lexical items:</b>

_ Vocabulary
_ Structures.

<b>IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player.</b>
<b>V/ Procedures:</b>






<i><b>A.WARM UP: Ask and answer.</b></i>

How often do you use each of the items below?

<b>very often</b> <b>sometimes</b> <b>never</b>

Cell phone

Fax machine
<i><b>B.NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<b>1.Pre- listening:</b>

_ worried (a): to be anxious, at ease

_ shy (a): self-conscious, uneasy in fornt of other people
_ memory (n): a compartmentby which things are recalled to
or kept in mind

_ refuse (v): reject, incline to do sth
_ make an excuse(v): say sorry

_ headache(n): continous pain in head
<i><b>2. While Listening:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1:True or False.</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5 6


<i><b>TASK2: Gap-filling.</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5

invited still refused excuse anything
<i><b>3. Post listening:</b></i>

What did the man’s son buy?
Why did the man become worried?
What didn’t the man know?

What happened to the man’s memory?
What did the man suggested?

The story is about an old director who doesn’t know how to
use the computer. He did not pay attention when his son
bought a computer home until one day his secretary asked him
to buy one. He became really worried about his knowing

Asks Ss to answer
the questions by
checking the right

Tells Ss to compare
their answers with a
friend and further
discuss the uses of
thses items.

Asks Ss to read the
statements carefully
before listening to
the tape. Play the
tape more than once
if necessary. Asks
Ss to compare their
answers with a
friend. Calls on
some Ss to read and
explain their

answers in front of
the class.

Play the tape again
and ask Ss to do
Task 2.

Lets Ss discuss the
answers with a

Asks Ss to ask and
answer about the

Pair work

Pair work


Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>


nothing about the computer, so he decided to take lessons in
computering with his son as the teacher. However, he could
not understand a bit of his son’s words. The problem was that
he was too shy to raise his voice. After some time trying in
vain, he quitted and never said anything about the computer to
his son and secretary.

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>


Summarises the main points of the lesson
_ Learn by heart the new words

man’s story.

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

<b>Lesson 4:Writing</b> <b>Period: 28th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Writing instructions.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to write simple instructions on </i>
how to use some household appliances.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:words, expressions.</i>
<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, charts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A/ WAMR UP: Matching.</b></i>

<b>A</b> <b>B</b>

1. insert a. long bip

2. make b. button

3. press c. card

4. hear d. a call

<b>Answers: 1. c; 2. d; 3. b; 4. a</b>
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON:</b></i>

<b>1.Pre- writing: </b>

<i><b>TASK1: Read the following set of instructions.</b></i>

_ lift (v): raise to higher level

_ receiver (n): machine for receiving transmitted signals
_ insert (v): put things into another

_ slot (n): a slit in machine etc for something especially coin to
be inserted

_ press (v): put a steady force to something

_ emergency (n): sudden and unexpected state of danger

calling for immediate action

_ ambulance (n): special vehicle used for carrying sick people
to hospital

_ remote control (n): a device to tune in, switch on and off the
TV from a distance

_ cord (n): thick string used as TV wire
<i><b>TASK 2:Finding Connectors and Imperatives</b></i>
<i><b>Connectors: first, next, then, until</b></i>

<i><b>Imperatives: lift, insert, press, wait</b></i>
<b>2. While writing:</b>

<i><b>TASK 3:Answering questions.</b></i>

1.  If you want to operate the TV with the remote control, you
have to make sure that the cord is plugged in and the main is
turned on.

2.  To turn on the TV, press the POWER button.

To turn off the TV, press the POWER button again
3.  To select a programme, press the PROGRAMME button.
4.  To watch VTV1, press button number 1

To watch VTV2, press button number 2

Asks Ss to match

the words in A with
thr words in B.

Write all the new
words and their
meaning on the

Rub out all the
words in English
and keep their
Vnese meaning.
When all the words
are rubbed , ask Ss
to look at the
Vnese meanings
and recall all the
English words.
Asks Ss to read the
set of instructions
on how to use a
ublic telephone.
Make sure Ss get

understanding of
the instruction
Calls on some Ss to
read their answers
aloud in front of

the class.

Asks Ss to look at
the TV remote
control and answer

Work in

Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>



To watch VTV3, press button number 3
To watch VTV4, press button number 4

5 To adjust the volume, press the VOLUME button up or down
6.  If you don’t want to hear the sound, press the MUTE button
<i><b>TASK 4: Writing instructions</b></i>

If you want to operate a TV with a remote control, you must
make sure that the cord is plugged in and the main is turn on.
First, to turn on the TV, press button POWER.Then to select a
programme, just press the PROGRAMME button. To be
specific, if you want to watch VTV1, all you have to do is to
press button number 1, VTV2 button number 2, VTV3 button
number 3, and VTV4 button number 4. Besides, to adjust the

volume, press the VOLUME button up or down, and if you
don’t want to hear the sound, press the MUTE button. Press
the POWER again when you want to turn off the TV.

<b>3. Post- writing: </b>
Peer correction
<i>C/ HOMEWORK: </i>

the questions on
how to operate the

Tell Ss look at the
remote control
carefully when
doing the task
Callls on some Ss
from the groups to
answer the

questions in front
of the class

Asks Ss to write a
set of instructions
on how to operate
a TV with a remote
control. Use the
picture in the book
and the answers

above as

Tells Ss to
compare their
writing with a

Pick up some
writings and
correct in front of
the class as a


<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

<b>Lesson 5:Language focus</b> <b>Period: 29th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Distinguishing the sounds /u / and /u:/</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ pronounce the sounds /u/ and /u:/

_ use the present perfect and present perfect passive appropriately
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Two sounds; structures.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A/ WARM UP: Categorising</b></i>

<i><b>Words: nurse, teacher, book, park, museum,…</b></i>

Who Which Where

<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON: </b></i>

_ /u /:is a short sound. First pronounce the sound /a/ then
put the back of your tongue forward and up a little.
_ /u: /: is a long sound.First pronounce the sound /u/ then
put ypur tongue up and back.


<i><b>a. The present perfect tense</b></i>

<b>Form: (+) S + have/ has + V-ed/ V3 +O</b>
<b> (-) S + haven’t/ hasn’t + V-ed/ V3 + O</b>
<b> (?) Have/ Has + S + V-ed/ V3 + O?</b>

<b>Use: The present perfect expresses an action which began </b>
in the past and still continues:

Ex: I have worked as a teacher for five years.

<b>Notice: We use for with a period time, and since with a </b>
point in time.

<b>For two years/ a month/ a few minutes/ half an hour</b>
<b>Since 1970/ the end of the lesson/ August/ Christmas</b>
<i><b>b. The present perfect passive.</b></i>

<b>S + have/ has + been + V-ed/ V3 + O.</b>

Ex: A new bridge has been built across the river.
<i><b>c. Who, which, that:</b></i>

<i><b>Who and which (that) can be used in place of noun </b></i>
subjects and noun objects.

When they refer to the subject, they can not normally be

Ex: This is the man who lives next door.

When they refer to the object, they can normally be

Ex: this is the man who(m) I like

<b>* Who refer to people</b>

Asks Ss to put
words under

Play the tape and
ask Ss to repeat.
Calls on some Ss to
repeat the sounds
clearly to class.
Asks Ss to practice
the sentences.
Asks Ss to discuss
the form and use of
the present perfect

Calls on some Ss to
give opinion
before the class.

Groups work

Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>





<b>* Which refer to things.</b>
<b>2. Practice:</b>

<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i>

1. Tan has opened the door.

2. Tan has turned/ switched on the TV.
3. Tan has tidied the house.

4. Tan has cleaned the floor.

5. Tan has turned/ switched on the flights.
6. Tan has laid two bottles of water on the table.
<i><b>Exercise 2:</b></i>

1. A new hospital for children has been built in our c
2. Another man- made satellite has been sent up into

3. More andd more trees have been cut down for wood by

4. Thousands of animals have been killed in the forest fire.
5. About one hundred buildings and houses have been

destroyed in the earthquake.

6. More than 50 films have been shown in Hanoi since

7. Their hands have been washed and dried on a towel.
8. Another book has been ready by the students.

9. some ink has been spilt on the carpet.
10. She has been shown how to do it.
<i><b>Exercise 3:</b></i>

1. A clock is an instrument which tells you the vtime.
2. A fridge is a machine which is used for keeping food

3. April 1st<sub> is the day which is called April Fool’s Day in </sub>

the West.

4. A nurse is a person who looks after patients.

5. A teacher is a person who gives lessons to students.
6. A blind person is the one who cannot see anything.
7. The man who(m) you visisted last month is a famous

8. Please think of a word which/ that comes from a foreign
language into Vietnamese.

9. These are the pictures which my son drew when he was

10. Can you help me find the man who saves the girl?
<b>3 Production:</b>

Give some extra examples.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Study the situation
and put the verbs
in the present
perfect tense.
Calls on some Ss to
read their answers
aloud in front of
the class.

Review the rules
of changing active
into passive voice.
Build the

sentences after the
model. Use the
present perfect

Tell them to
exchange the

exercise and cross
check. Calls on
some Ss to write
their answers on
the board.

Fill in the blanks
with who, which,
that. Calls on some
Ss to read their
sentences aloud in
front of the class.
Comment and
make necessary


Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>


<b>Lesson 1: Reading </b> <b>Period: 30th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Reading a letter about an excursion t a beauty spot near Hanoi.</i>
<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>

_ get information about some famous places in Vietnam throgh activities Before and Afterr you

_ improve reading comprehension skill by doing Multiple choice nad Answering questions

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures about Thien Mu Pagoda, Ha Long Bay, The One Pillar </i>
Pagoda, and Dalat

<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A . WARM UP: Matching</b></i>

Match the photos with the information.

1 2 3 4

d b a c

<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>
<i><b>1. Pre- reading :</b></i>

<i><b>Ask and answer the following questions.</b></i>
Do oyu usually have an excursion?
When did you last have it? Where to?
What impressed you most?

What was the most interesting thing that you did on the

Set the scene:

You are going to read a letter from Lan to her friend, Minh
about his recent fantastic excursion to a cave near Hanoi.
You read the letter and do the tasks followed.

<i><b>2.While reading:</b></i>
<i><b>TASK1:Multiple choice.</b></i>

1 2 3


<i><b>TASK2: Answering questions</b></i>

1. They are going on a trip when they have some days off
after the first term.

2. They are visiting some caves because they want to
understand their geography lesson better and many of them
have never been inside a cave.

3. It’s only over 20 km.

4. They are going to make a two-day trip and have a night
campfire. They are bringing their own food and sharing
buses with some other classes to make the trip cheap.
5. Lan is anxious about her parents’ permission. They may

Asks Ss to match
the photos with the
information, then
tell each other
which of the places
you would like to
visit and give

Asks Ss to read the
letter individually
and choose the
best answer A, B,
C or D to complete
each of the

Tells Ss to
compare their
answers with a

Calls on Ss to read
and explain their
answers in front of
the class.

Asks Ss to answer
the questions. Calls
on some pairs to
act out the activity

Group work

Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>



not want to let her stay the night away from home.
<i><b> 3. Post reading:Summary completion.</b></i>

1. is going to go on 5. their trip
2. some caves 6. only problem
3. want to see 7. to persuade them
4. have learnt 8. her classmates
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

in front of the
class. Check the
answers in front of
the class as a

Have Ss fill in
each blank with a
suitable group of
words from the
text. Asks Ss to
read the summary
carefully before
doing the task.
Have them
compare the
answers with a

Calls on some Ss to
read the completed

Individual work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>


<b>Lesson 2: Speaking</b> <b>Period: 31st<sub> </sub></b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Talking about a boat trip abroad</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to talk about the seat plan on a </i>
boat trip on Lake Michigan in Chicago.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, whiteboard markers,…</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>




<i><b>A . WARM UP: </b></i>
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<i><b>1. Pre- speaking : VOCABULARY</b></i>

_ sundeck (n): platform extending from side to side of a ship
_ get sunburnt (v): the skin hurt or destroyed by the sunlight
_ travel sickness (n): the state of being sick due to travelling
_ air- conditoned > < non air- conditioned

_ refreshments (n): room that servers food and drinks to
refresh in a boat

_ occupied (a): being kept, in use
<i><b>2. While speaking: </b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1&2: Conversation Conduct</b></i>
<i><b>Suggestsome useful structures:</b></i>
_ I think seat XYZ is good for…

_ What do you think if we put X in seat Z?
_ X should sit in section C, don’t you think?
_ What’s your idea?

_ We’d better put X in……

* Agree: _ Yes, that’s a good idea.
_ Yes, let’s do it.

_ Absolutely.
_ You’re right.

* Disagree: _ Well, I think it’s not good enough because……
_ I don’t think so.

<i><b> A: I think seat 1 is most suitable for Mary.</b></i>
B: Why?

C: Because she suffers from travel sickness so she can get
lost of fresh air from that seat.

D: Yes, put her in seat 1. What about John?
B: Put him in seat 45.

A: I don’t think so. John doesn’t like air- conditioning so put

him in seat 37. He can take as many photographs as he

C: OK. I think Susan had better take the seat 10. What do
you think?

B: I think it’s a good idea because she wants to be near

Make certain that
Ss understand the
meaning of the
words and
pronounce them

Asks Ss to read the
seat plan carefully
and decide the best
seat for each
person. Further
explain the seat

Tells Ss to conduct
the conversation.
Go around to help.
Calls on some
groups to conduct
the conversation in

front of the class.
Comment and give
suggested answers.

Group work

Group work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>




<i><b>3. Post speaking:</b></i>
<i><b>TASK 3:Giving reasons.</b></i>

<i>Which seat do you think the most suitable for you? Why?</i>
_ I would take seat 11 because I want to have a good view
and plenty of fresh air. Moreover, I can enjoy the sunshine
as well. I am not afraid of getting sunburnt.

_ I’d like to sit in section B because I often suffer from
travel sickness. Air- conditioning would make me sick. And
I don’t want to sit in the sun. I hate sunburnt. So any seat in
section B would be OK. Seat 16 may be good because I
want to move around easily.

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

Tells Ss to discuss
the question.
Calls on some Ss to
talk about their
seat preference in
front of the class.
Comment and
make necessary

corrections Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

<b>Lesson 3: Listening </b> <b>Period: 32nd</b>
<b>I/ Aim(s): Listeningto a short talk about a picnic.</b>

<b> II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to improve their listening skill </b>
through Odering , Gap-filling and Answering questions exercises.

<b>III/ Lexical items:</b>
_ Vocabulary
_ Structures.

<b>IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player.</b>
<b>V/ Procedures:</b>






<i><b>A.WARM UP: Find someone who</b></i>

<b>Do you…</b> <b>Name</b>

like to go for a picnic?
go with your friend/ family

always go to the beach for a picnic?

bring food with you when you go for a picnic?
always go to the mountain for a picnic?

<b>B.New lesson:</b>

<i><b>1.Pre- listening: Question and answer.</b></i>
Do you often go for a picnic?

When is the most important time for a picnic?
Why do people go for picnics?


_ glorious (a): beautiful, shinning
_ assemble (v): gather

_ destination (n): a place to which a person is going to
_ left- overs (n): the rest

_ delicious (a): tasty
_ Botanic Garden(n):

_ spacious(a): large, have a lot of space
_ sleep soundly (v): to be in deep sleep
<i><b>2. While Listening:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1:Pictures Ordering</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5 6

a e b c f d

<i><b>TASK2: Gap-filling.</b></i>

1. was just a few 4. a short tour

2. to pay a visit 5. playing some more
3. at the school gate

<i><b>TASK3: Answering questions.</b></i>
1. The weather was very nice.
2. Yes, it was.

3. The garden was beautiful

4. Because it was so paeceful and quite in the garden.
5. They took pictures, played games, talked, sang and

Let Ss go around
the class & ask
other Ss what they
used to do when
they were small. If
the answer is YES,
write his/ her name
in the table. The
winner is the first
one who completes
the Name column.

Make sure Ss have
ideas about the
pictures and they
can tell the

differences among
them. Have Ss
listen to the tape
and number the
pictures in the
order they hear.
Let Ss do the task

in pairs.

Play the tape more
than once. Calls on
some Ss to explain
their answers
in front of the

Asks Ss to listen to
the tape again and
fill in the blanks
with exact words

Whole class

Whole class

Pair work


<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>




<b>3. Post listening:</b>


_ Where should we go?

_ Where should we assamble?
_ What time should we start?
_ What should we bring?
_ What can we do there?

_ What do you think if we…
_ What about going to…
_ Let’s go to…

_ That’s good/ great idea.
_ I think we should/ could…
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>


Summarises the main points of the lesson
_ Learn by heart the new words

they hear. Tells Ss
to read the

sentences carefully
and have a guess
of the missing
words first.

Play the tape again

and ask Ss to
answer the
Asks Ss to plan for
the picnic this
Go around the
class and provide

Group work

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

<b>Lesson 4:Writing</b> <b>Period: 33rd</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Writing a confirmation letter.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to write a confirmation letter </i>
responding to a request and an invitation.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:words, expressions.</i>
<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, charts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A/ WAMR UP: Jumbled words.</b></i>
1. ubsutnrn  sunburnt
2. cpinci  picnic
3. snisksecs  sickness
4. pdccouie  occupied
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON:</b></i>

<b>1.Pre- writing: </b>

<b>Request is the letter that asks for information or help.</b>
<b>Confirmation is the letter that responds to the request. It </b>
confirms whether the help is provided or the information is
available or not.

<i><b>TASK 1:Finding Request and Confirmation.</b></i>

<i><b>Request: Can you go shopping with me to buythe things we </b></i>
<i>need for the trip?</i>

<i><b>Confirmation: Certainly, I will help you to prepare </b></i>
<i>evyrything you need for the trip.</i>

<i><b>2. While writing:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 2: Writing confirmation</b></i>
1. Dear Lan,

It’s great to hear about your birthday party.

Sure, I’ll help you with the shopping this Saturday. It
wouldn’t be a problem. And I’ll bring them to your house an
hour before the party. I want to help you prepare for the
party, too.

I’ll see you on Saturday then.

2. Hello Minh,

Sure you can have my book. I’ve just finished reading it.
But 9 a.m. this Saturday is not a good time. I won’t be home
at that time. Can you come later? Is 10 a.m good foryou?
Tell me what you think.


<b>3. Post- writing: </b>
Peer correction
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Asks Ss to
rearrange the
letters to make

good words.
Explain the
definition of
request and

Asks Ss to read
two letters below
and find the
requests in Nga’s
letter and

confirmation in
Hoa’s letter.
Tells SS to
underline the
structure showing
request and
Make sure Ss get
the requests
clearly. Tells Ss to
choose one of
these situations to
write a

confirmation letter
responding to each
of them.

Asks SS to
exchange their
writing with a

Pick up some
writings to check in
front of the class

Work in

Whole class.

work & whole

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

as a whole.



<b>Lesson 5:Language focus</b> <b>Period: 34th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: _ distinguishing the sounds / / and / :/</i>

<i><b> _ Reviewing the present progressive (with a future meaning) and be going to</b></i>
<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to: </i>

_ pronounce the sounds / / and / :/ correctly

<i><b>_ distinguish the present progressive (with a future meaning) and be going to and use them </b></i>

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Two sounds; structures.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A/ WARM UP: Find someone who</b></i>

<b>Are you going to…</b> <b>Name</b>

take an English class in the evening?
spend summer holiday on the beach?
watch the game show Who wants to be
millionaire on VTV3?

go to the cinema?

<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON: </b></i>

_ / /:is a short sound. First pronounce the sound /:/ but
make it short.

_ / : /: is a long sound. First pronounce the sound / / then
put your tongue forward and up a little.

<b>a. Will</b>

<b>Will expresses an intention or decision made at the </b>
moment of speaking.

Ex: I’ll give you my phone number. Ring me tonight.
<b>b. Going to</b>

<b>Going to expresses an intention or decision thought about </b>
before the moment of speaking. It expresses a plan.
Ex: We’re going to have a holiday in Sam Son this

It also expresses a prediction:
Ex: Look! It’s going to rain.
<b>c. The present progressive.</b>

The present progressive can be used to express a future

arrangement between people. It’s common with verbs such
as go, come, see, visit, meet, have (a party), leave.

Let Ss go around
the class & ask
other Ss what they
usedd to do when
they were small. If
the anwer is YES,
write his/ her name
in the table.

Help Ss to
distinguish these
two sounds.Play
the tape & Ask Ss
to repeat. Asks Ss
to practice the
sentences. Go
around and provide

Explains future

Have Ss compare
& discuss the
answers with a

Whole class.

Whole class.
Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>




<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i>

1.are you doing 4. am going to be
2. is getting married 5. is going to
3. Are you going to

<i><b>Exercise 2:</b></i>

1. are going 4. are you putting
2. are having 5. is not going to give
3. is going to catch

<i><b>Exercise 3:</b></i>

1. Are you going to see it? / I’m doing my homework.
2. we are visiting our grandparents.

3. What’ s he going to do with it (the money)? / he’s going
to buy a new motorbike.

4. It’s going to rain soon.
5. I’m going to clean them
<b>3 Production:</b>

Give some extra examples.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

some SS to read &

theirvanswers in
front of the class.
Asks SS to
compare their
answers with a
friend. Check it in
front of the class as
a whople.

Asks Ss to do Ex3.
Calls on some pairs
to act out the
exchanges in front
of the class.

Pair work.

Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

<b>Period: 35th</b>

1. 50 miles to the west of London 6. in central England
2. 120,000 inhabitants/ people 7. 90,000 people

3.market town 8. university

4.biscuit factory 9. car factory

5.computer industry 10. Cowley Road


We start our journey in Reading. This town lies about 50 miles to the west of London in the country
of Berkshire. It is a medium-sized town of about 120,000 inhabitants. In times gone by Reading was
just a vmarket town best known for its Huntley and Palmers biscuit factory. Now it is at the heart of
the computer industry in the UK and is expanding rapidly. Computer companies everywhere. It’s not
a very pretty town, but one which says a lot about England.

Oxford is most definitely prettier. It is located in central England. It has a population of about 90,000
of which a large number work in or for the university. This is obviously what the city is famous for,
but in terms of getting to know the country, what is really of interest is the British Leyland car
factory at Cowley. This is huge, employing about 20,000 people, yet, because of the university, it is
usually forgotten. Spend a day looking round the works, seeing how they make the cars. Fascinating.
Or stroll up Cowley Road and watch the world walk with you.


1.F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T


1. out by scientists 6. organizing the

2. opportunities for other 7. inventions a/ per/ every

3. there is 8. developed by

4. which attempts 9. it is

5. all the 10. it be wanted


132, Thai Binh Street, HoaBinh
20th<sub> december, 2006</sub>

Dear Uncle Thanh,

Our class are planning to have a three-hour visit to a factory in the local area as a part of our
technology lesson. I am writing to ask for your permission to visit your computer factory as it is
near our school so we can go by bicycle. Forty- five members of our class will arrive at your
factory at 7:30 on Monday, 22nd<sub> December, 2006.</sub>

Would you be so kind as to recommend someone who can show us around? We would so much

like to know how computers are made and we would also like to talk with the workers there. We
hope that you will create favourable conditions for us to have an interesting and useful visit to
your factory.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

Phong <b> AN HOUR TEST</b>
<b>Period: 36th</b>

<b>Period: 37th</b>


<b>Lesson 1: Reading </b> <b>Period: 38th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Reading TV programme schedules</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will:</i>

_ be updated with names of some popular TV programmes such as Quiz Show, Portrait of life….
_ be able to talk about their favourite programmes.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, TV schedules extracted from newspapers</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>




<i><b>A . WARM UP: Jumbled words</b></i>
1. enslieisov  television

2. rwepeapns  newspaper
3. idora  radio

4. agenmiza  magazine
5. …

<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>
<b>1. Pre- reading :</b>
<i><b>Answering questions.</b></i>

1.  I often watch TV in the evening, after dinner.

2.  There are three. They are VTV1, VTV2, and VTV3.
3.  I usually spend about 7-10 hours a week watching TV.
_ VTV1: combination of Politics, Economics and


_ VTV2: Science and Education
_ VTV3: Entertainment

_ VTV4: For the overseas Vietnamese
_ VTV5: For the Ethnic minority groups

_ Population and development:

_ TV Series:

_ Folk songs:
_ New headlines:
_ Weather Forecast:
_ Quiz Show:
_ Portrait of life:
_ Documentary:
_ Wildlife World:

Give 10 words
whose letters arew
in wrong oder.Asks
Ss to rearrange
them in good oder to
make the right

Havs Ss ask and
answer the

following questions

Give Vnese
equivalences for
some TV

Asks Ss to read
three TV

schedules and do

Group work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>






_ Around the World:
<b>2.While reading:</b>

1 2 3 4

c a d b

<i><b>TASK2: True or False.</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5


<i><b>TASK3:Answering questions.</b></i>

1. Five films are on.

2. At 9:00 a.m., 12:00, 7:00 p.m., 11:00 p.m. on VTV1 and
7:00 p.m. on VTV3.

3. VTV2.

4. The Quiz Show.

5. ( You should watch) VTV1.
6. Football.

<i><b>3. Post reading:</b></i>
<b>* Likes</b>

_ I like sth./ doing sth. Best/ the most
_ I prefer sth. to sth.

_ Something is (one of) my favourite(s)
<b>* Dislike</b>

_ I don’t like it very much.
_ It’s not my favourite.

A: What programme on TV do you like best?

B: well, I like a lot of programmes, but maybe cartoon is the
one I will never miss.

A: I like cartoon, too. Which one do you like?

<i>B: Tom and Jerry. I usually watch it on VTV3 when I am </i>
backhome from school.

<i>A: Really? I like The Adventure of Donald Duck the most. It’s </i>
now shown on VTV1 at 7:20 every morning.

<i>B: I know. The Adventure of Donald Duck is also one of my </i>
favourites. I think donald Duck is as wonderful as Tom and

A: Yeah. They give a lot of fun.

B: Sure. And I really like the friendship between Tom and

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

Task 1.

Have Ss compare
and discuss their
answers with a

Asks Ss to explain
their answers by

giving evidence in
the reading passage.
Asks Ss to ask and
answer the

questions basing on
the information in
the reading passage.
Calls on some pairs
to ask and answer in
front of the class.
Asks Ss to tell their
partner about one of
the TV programmes
they like watching
best and explain

Calls on some Ss to
give short talks on
the given topic.


Pair work

Work in pairs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

<b>Lesson 2: Speaking</b> <b>Period: 39 thrd</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Speaking aboutdifferent types of the mass media.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to talk about the differences and </i>
similarities of some popular types o the mass media.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, whiteboard.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A . WARM UP: Greeting</b></i>
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<i><b>1. Pre- speaking : VOCABULARY</b></i>
_ orally (adv): spoken by mouth
_ visually (adv): seen by eyes
_ aurally (adv): heard by ears

<i><b>TASK 1:Mass media includes:</b></i>

Television; radio; newspapers; the internet.
<b>2. While speaking: </b>

The mass

media * provide/ deliver information and entertainment.
The radio * provide information and entertainment

orally ( through mouth)

* receive information aurrally (through

Newspapers * present information and entertainment
visually (through eyes)

* receive information visually ( through

Television * present information and entertainment
orrally (through mouth) and visually
(through eyes)

* get information aurally (through ears) and
visually (through eyes)

<i><b>3. After speaking:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 3:Talk about different types of the mass media.</b></i>

The mass media includes TV, the radio, newspapers and the
internet. The feature they have in common is that they
provide information and entertainment to people. The radio
provides information and entertainment orally (through our
mouth) and we receive them aurally (through our ears).
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

Asks Ss to decide
which items are
types of the mass
media. Check the
answers in front of
the class as a

Asks Ss to carry
out the activity
using the cues in
the book. Go aroud
the class & provide
help. Calls on
some pairs to
explain their
answers in front of

the class.

Have Ss talk about
different types of
the mass media.
Gather ideas and
have final thoughts
on the topic.

Pair work

Pair work

Group work

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

<b>Lesson 3: Listening </b> <b>Period: 40th</b>
<b>I/ Aim(s): Listening a short news edition.</b>

<b> II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to better their ability to listen to</b>
news editions through Gap-filling exercise.

<b>III/ Lexical items:</b>
_ Vocabulary
_ Structures.

<b>IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player.</b>
<b>V/ Procedures:</b>





<i><b>A.WARM UP: Guessing game</b></i>
1. It is one of the radio programmes.

2. It broadcasts daily and live from radio station.

3. It updates you with the latest information, current affairs
domestically and internationally.

<i><b>Answer: News/ News broadcast</b></i>
<i><b>B.NEW LESSON:</b></i>

<b>1.Pre- listening:</b>
<i><b>Questions and Answer</b></i>

1. How often do you listen to the radio?

2. How many hours per week do you listen to it?
3. What programme do you like listening to and why?

<b>Set the scene: News broadcast is a popular programme on the</b>
radio. Today you will listen to a short news edition. You listen

to it and do the tasks assigned.

<b>2. While speaking:</b>

<i><b>TASK 1:Ticking the words.</b></i>

<b>News story 1</b> <b>News story 2</b>

healthy <i>v</i>

strong <i>v</i>

young <i>v</i>

cloudy <i>v</i>

highest <i>v</i>

wonderful <i>v</i>

fine <i>v</i>

<i><b> TASK2: Gap- filling.</b></i>
<i>News story 1:</i>

1. has caused floods 5. has stopped
2. have left their home 6. cloudy
3. have risen 7. strong wind
4. two metres

<i>News story 2:</i>

1. twenty- third 4. woderful

2. 4,418 5. young and healthy
3. California

Ss have to guess
the word.

Asks Ss to ask and
answer the


Expltcit the items
of the news. Asks
Ss to do task 1.
Play the tape once
or twice. Check the
answers in front of
the class as a
whole. Gives
correct answers.
Let Ss read the two
news ories

carefully and have
the guess of the
missing words.

Play the tape and
ask Ss to fill in the

words.Calls on

Group work

Pair work


<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>


1. Heavy rain has caused foods all over the country during the

2. Because rivers have risen.

3. The old woman has climbed Mount Whitney twenty- three

4. Because it has kept her young and healthy.
<b>3. After you listen:</b>

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>


Summarises the main points of the lesson

_ Learn by heart the new words

complted stories.
Asks Ss to answer
the questions. Calls
on some Ss to read
their answers aloud
in front of the

Pair work

Pair work
Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

<b>Lesson 4:Writing</b> <b>Period: 41st</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Writing about advantages nad disadvantages.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to write a paragraph about </i>
advantages ans disadvantages of television and other types of mass media.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:words, expressions.</i>
<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, charts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>




<i><b>A/ WAMR UP: </b></i>
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<b>1.Pre- writing: </b>

Implcit the meaning of advantage and disadvantage by
analysing the examples:

<i>Television helps us to learn more about the world.</i>
<i>Television makes us passive.</i>

<i>Which sentence says good about television? Which one is bad?</i>
<i><b>TASK 1:Read about the advantages and disadvantages of </b></i>
<i><b>television in the book.</b></i>

<i><b>2. While writing:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 2:Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the </b></i>
<i><b>mass media, and write them down in the columns.</b></i>


<i><b>Advantages</b></i> <i><b>Disadvantages</b></i>

It provides you
hourly-updated news and

It is convenient b/c you can

listen to it almost


It makes our life easier and
enjoyable. It also releases


It only provides information

It can be boring b/c we can’t
watch films or sports



It provides news & current
affairs updatedly.

It’s very mobile b/c we can
bring them along

everywhere we go.

It’s less updated than other
kinds of media as there is no

more information until the
next edition.

The texts and pictures are
not moving so it is as not
exciting as other kinds of
media which have vivid

Asks Ss t oread
task 1. Make surwe
Ss understand all
the A & D
mentioned in the

Asks Ss to discuss
the A& D of the
mass media and
write them down in
the column.

Let Ss choose of
the three types of
mass media to

Encourage Ss to
find the ideas
related to the
topics. Ask Ss to

share the ideas
with other pairs.

Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>



newspaper cost only
approximately 2000VND.

everywhere due to bad
condition of transportation.
<i><b>The internet:</b></i>

It is a rich source of

information. We can access
to Internet & get all the
information we need. This is
impossible for other types of
media like radio or TV.
It ia great tool of

entertainment. We can plays
games and listen to music
online with great pleasure.
It is a very good way to

study. We can register for
online courses and study
with the help of modern aids
such as speakers, keyboard…

It makes us confused when
there is too much

information. Thus, it is
difficult to find the necessary

It may bring bad effects on
children as it contain
“unhealthy” websites such
as sex or violence.

It damages our health due to
prolonged and inappropriate

<b>3. Post- writing: </b>

<i><b>TASK3: Write a paragraph about the advantages & </b></i>
<i><b>disadvantagesof one of the masss media.</b></i>

The Internet is now the largest source of information and
entertainment for people. With a computer connected to the
Internet, you can get a lot of information about any places in
the world. The Internet provides you with the latest changes in

the markets such as the increase or decrease in price of gold
or oil. You can entertain yourselves by watching films or
football matches, listening to music on-line ao chtting to
friends or relatives living thousands kilometres away.
However, the Internet can be dangerous b/c you can be
exposed to harmful websites, for example, the websites
containing violent scenes. Moreover, chatting or playing
games online can take you a lot of time and you are very
likely to neglect your schooling. In short, the Internet can be
good or bad so you should know how to use it properly.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Let Ss work
independently and
write under time
presure. Introduce
peer correction if
time allowed. Pick
up some writings to
correct in front of
the class as a
whole. Give
suggested writing.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>


<b>Lesson 5:Language focus</b> <b>Period: 42nd</b>

<i>I/ AIMS: _ Distinguishing the sounds /ei/, /ai/ and /oi/</i>

<i> _ Reviewing the present perfect and using because of and in spite of appropriately</i>
<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to </i>

_ pronounce the sounds /ei/, /ai/ and /oi/ clearly ans correctly.

<i>_ master the use of the present perfect tense and use because of and in spite of appropriately.</i>
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Two sounds; structures.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>







<i><b>A/ WARM UP: Categorising</b></i>

<b>Suggested words: 1990, three months, two weeks, …</b>
<i><b>Which words go with since or for</b></i>

<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON: </b></i>

_ /ei /:has two sounds e & i. First make the sound e.Now
make it longer eee.Then add i. This is very short.

_ /ai/: has two sounds a and i. First practice the sound a.
This is a long sound and then add i. This is very short
_ /oi/ has tow sounds o and i. First practice the sound o.
Now make it longer ooo. Then add i. This is very short.


<i><b>a. The present perfect tense: Have/ has + V-ed/ V3.</b></i>
Review the form & the use of the present perfect tense.
<i><b>b. Because of & In spite of:</b></i>

<b>* Because of: is used as a prepositional phrase to express </b>
the reason.

Because of + Noun phrase/ Pronoun
+ Gerund phrase

<i><b>Ex:He goes to class late because of the traffic jam.</b></i>

<b>* In spite of: is used as a prepositional phrase to express </b>
the concession.

In spite of + Noun phrase/ Pronoun

+ Gerund phrase

<i><b>Ex: He comes to class on time in spite of the traffic jam.</b></i>
<b>2. Practice:</b>

<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i>

1.have been 5. have had
2. has lived 6. have taken
3. have met 7. have watched
4. have done

<i><b>Exercise 2:</b></i>

1. since 3. for 5. Since 7. ago 9. since

Asks Ss to decide
which words go
with Since/ For
Play the tape and
ask Ss to repeat.
Calls on some Ss to
repeat the sounds
clearly to class.
Asks Ss to practice
the sentences.
Asks Ss to discuss
the form and use of
the present perfect

Calls on some Ss to
read and explain
their uses in front
of the class.

Complete the
letter. Have SS
compare their
answers with a

Complete the

Group work

Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>


<i><b>Exercise 3:</b></i>

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b> <b>5</b>

<b>c,f</b> <b>b,d</b> <b>a, e</b> <b>h, j</b> <b>i, g</b>

<b>3 Production:</b>

Give some extra examples.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Asks Ss to compare
the answers &
discuss them with a

friend. Whole class. Individually
Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

<b>Lesson 1: Reading </b> <b>Period: 43rd</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Reading the changes in the country life.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>

_ better their reading skill through vocabulary Matching and Table completion exercises.
_ enlarge vocabulary about country life such as bumper crops, cash crops, brick houses, straw,

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures about country life…</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A . WARM UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>
<b>1. Pre- reading :</b>
<i><b>Picture description.</b></i>

1. The farmers are harvesting the crop./ They are collecting
rice from the field

2. they are working very hard.
3. It’s a good/ bumper crop.

4. Good farming methods, good varieties, modern technology
used, people work hard…


_ straw (n): dry cut stalks of various cereals
_ mud (n):wet, soft soil

_ technical high school (n):
_ farming methods (n):

_ brick houses (n): housess made of bricks
_ thanks to (prep): owing to, because of
<i><b>2.While reading:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK1:Vocabulary Matching.</b></i>

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b> <b>5</b>

<b>b</b> <b>d</b> <b>a</b> <b>e</b> <b>c</b>

<i><b>TASK2: Table Completion.</b></i>

<b>Areas of change</b> <b>Before</b> <b>Now</b>

<i><b>houses</b></i> made of staw &

mud made of brick

<i><b>radio and TV</b></i> few families had a

radio or a TV set many families have a radio or a
TV set.

<i><b>farming methods</b></i> old new

<i><b>crops</b></i> poor good/ bumer

<i><b>travle</b></i> by motorbike

Have Ss to discuss
the questions in the
book. Call on some
Ss to read their
answers aloud in
front of the class.

Feedback and give
suggested answers.
Write all the new
words and their
meanings on the

Asks Ss to read the
passage and match
the words which all
appear in the
passage in A with
their definitions in B
Let Ss study the
table carefully
before doing the
task. Tells Ss to
discuss the answers
with a friend. Check
the answers in front
of the class as a

Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>



1. It was poor and simple.

2. Because they hope that with an education of science &
technology, their children could find a way of bettering their

3. They introduced new farming methods which resulted in
bumper crops. They also helped grow cash crops for export.
4. He said their lives had changed a lot thanks to the

knowledge their children had brought home.

5. He told his grandchildren: “ Study harder so that you can do
even more for the village than your parents did”.

<i><b> 3. Post reading:</b></i>

<i><b>Discuss the questions: How can people with an education help </b></i>
<i>make the life of their community better?</i>


_ aplly new and more effective farming methods, use new
farming machine > bumper crops

_ grow cash crops for export > have more money
2. houses

_ houses made of bricks, no longer of mud or straw > better
and safer

3. Lifestyle

_ using motorbikes to do shopping or visit friends
_ watching TV and listening to the radio > get more
information and means of entertainment > life becomes

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

the information that
support the answers.
Have Ss compare
their answers with
another pair. Call on
some Ss to read
their answers aloud
in front of the class.

Asks Ss to discuss
the questions in the
book. Tell Ss to look
back to the passage
to get the ideas for
the questions. Go to
groups and provide
help. Give

suggested answers.


Group work.

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

<b>Lesson 2: Speaking</b> <b>Period: 44th<sub> </sub></b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Talking about plans and results.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to talk about plans to improve life</i>
of a village and their possible results.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, whiteboard markers,…</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A . WARM UP: Brainstorming.</b></i>
Ss close the book.

Ss to work in small groups and make a list of the ideas that can
be carried out to improve the village life.

Ss may share ideas in Vietnamese and ask T later for English

<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>
<b>1. Pre- speaking : </b>
<i><b>TASK 1:Matching.</b></i>

<i>The villagers of Ha Xyuyen are discussing plans to improve life </i>
<i>in the village. Match the plans with the possible results.</i>

<i>NEW WORDS:</i>

<i>_ resurface (v): put new surface on, renew</i>
_ canal (n): man-made waterway for irrigation
_ muddy (a): full of mud

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b> <b>5</b> <b>6</b> <b>7</b>

<b>b</b> <b>g</b> <b>d</b> <b>e</b> <b>f</b> <b>c</b> <b>a</b>

<b>2. While speaking: </b>

<i><b>TASK 2: Read and practise the conversation in groups.</b></i>
* Conditional sentence type 1: ( briefly explain)

If + S + V(inf.)/ V-s/es, S + will/may/can/might/ + V(inf.)

<i><b>If clause(with present tense forms) to describe possible </b></i>

<i><b>Main clause( with modals will, may, might) to discribe </b></i>
possible consequences that are possible in the prwesent or

Ex: If the roads are widened, cars and lorries can get to our

Asks Ss to make a
list of the ideas.
Gather ideas and
lead in the
Tell Ss to give
explaination for
their answers. Call
on some Ss to read
the answers aloud
in front of the
class. Check the
answers in front of
the class as a
whole. Give
correct answers.
Asks Ss to read
and practice the
conversation. Call
on some groups to

practice the
conversation in
front of the class.

Group work

Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>



<i><b>TASK 3:Controlled discussion.</b></i>

<i><b>* Structures</b><b> : Conditional type 1/ S + should + V(inf.)</b><b> </b></i>

<b>Agreement</b> <b>Disagreement</b>

_ I do think so.
_ Absolutely.

_ That’s a good idea.
_ That’s what I think.
_ Yes.

<b>_ I don’t think that’ a good idea.</b>

_ I don’t think so.

_ I’m afraid that’s a good idea.

I’m afraid that does not work.
A:I think we should build a football ground, too.

B: I completely agree with you. If a football ground is built,
young people can play sports to improve their health.

C: A football ground is also a place where people can meet
and exchange ideas.

A: What about a medical centre? I think it’s necessart to build
a medical centre.

B: That’s a good idea. If a medical centre is built, people’s
health will be looked after better.

C: Yes. And if we get sick, we won’t have to go to district and
<b>provincial hospital for treatment. </b>
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

and continue the
conversation, using
the ideas in the
table in Task 1.
Go around the
class and provide
help when

necessary. Call on
some groups to act
out the

conversation in
front of the class.
Comment and have


Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

<b>Lesson 3: Listening </b> <b>Period: 45th</b>

<b>I/ Aim(s): Listening for information about the changes of a small town in England</b>
<b> II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :</b>

_ compare the past and the present of a town.

_ improve listening skill through True or False and Gap- filling exercises.
<b>III/ Lexical items:</b>

_ Vocabulary
_ Structures.

<b>IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player.</b>
<b>V/ Procedures:</b>






<i><b>A.WARM UP: Find somone who</b></i>

<b>Did you use to …?</b> <b>Name</b>

have a favourite toy when you were a child?
have a nickname?

have a pet?

cry at night when you were a child?
hate school?

play hide- and- seek?
<i><b>B.NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<i><b>1.Pre- listening:</b></i>

<i><b>Look at the two pictures of the same town. Discuss the </b></i>
<i><b>differences between them.</b></i>

<i><b>_ In the past, there used to be no cars in the town, but now </b></i>
there is a big car park with a lot of cars inside.

_ In the past, the roads used to be small, but now they are
bigger and wider.

_ In the past, the buffalos used to walk on the roads, but now
there aren’t any buffaloson the roads.

_ In the past, the roads used to be dirty, but now they ar very

<b>2. While listening:</b>
<i><b>TASK 1: True or False</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5


<i><b>TASK2: Gap-filling.</b></i>

1. houses 5. car
2. hotel 6. shop
3. widened 7. department
4. cut 8. expensive
<i><b>3. Post listening:</b></i>

<i><b>Discuss the changes in your own hometown or home village.</b></i>
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>


Summarises the main points of the lesson
_ Learn by heart the new words

Tell Ss to study the
pictures carefully
and find as many
defferences as
possible. Call on
some Ss to share
their findings in
front of the class.

Play the tape
several times for
Ss to listen to and
decide if the
statements are true
or false.

Ask Ss to read a
part of the talk
carefully and have
a guess of the
missing words. Ask
Ss to listen to the
tape again & fill
the gaps with the
words they hear.

Group work

Pair work


Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

<b>Lesson 4:Writing</b> <b>Period: 46th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: Writing and giving directions.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to write a letter giving directions </i>
to a certain place.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:words, expressions.</i>
<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, charts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A/ WAMR UP: Follow directions.</b></i>

This activity can be interesting when Ss are required to follow
directions like turn right, turn left, go ahead, go past the door…
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON:</b></i>

<b>1.Pre- writing: </b>
<i><b>Set the scene.</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1:Jim has decided to come to Ann’s place for his </b></i>
<i><b>holiday. Ann writes him a letter giving directions to her house.</b></i>
<i><b>Now let’s work in pairs, read the letter and study the map </b></i>
<i><b>carefully to find Ann’s house on the map.</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 2:Underline the words & phrases you can use to give </b></i>
<i><b>directions. Then write them down in your notebook.</b></i>

_ come out of
_ turn right
_ keep walking
_ go over
_ Walk past

_ Take the first/ second turning on the left/ right
_ it’s the one with…

<i><b>2. While writing:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 3:Your house is A on the map. Write a letter to Jim, </b></i>
<i><b>telling him the way to your house from Roston Railway </b></i>

Dear Jim,

It’s a nice surprise that we are seeing each other here
soon! I’m writing this letter to tell you how to get to my house
when you are at Roston Railway Station.

First, you have to come out of the station. Turn right at
the entrance and go straight ahead. After about 5 minutes
walking, you will see a bridge. Go over the bridge, and keep
on until you come to the end of it, Bridge Street. Then take the
second turning on the left. Now you are in the Bright Street,
go along it and walk past a souvenir shop on your right. My
house is the one on the right, opposite the crossroads. It is the
one with the white gate, so you can’t miss it.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Ss who do not
follow the

directions correctly
will be the loser.
Have Ss work in
pairs & do the task.
Hang the map on
the board. Explain
& check in front of
the class.

Ask Ss to read the
letter & underline
the words &
phrases Ss can use
to give directions.

Ask Ss to write the

independently and
go around the
class, provide help
when necessary.
Have Ss compare
their writing with a
friend. Pick up
some writings and
correct in front of
the class.

Whole class

Pair work
Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>



Best wishes,


P.S: I have enclosed a map so that you can find it easier to
follow my directions.

<b>3. Post- writing: </b>

Give out the prepared map of a city/ a university…

Have Ss ask & answer the directions to some certain places on
the map.

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Group work

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

<b>Lesson 5:Language focus</b> <b>Period: 47th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: _ Distinguishing the sounds /au/ and / u/</i>

_ Reviewing reported speech andconditional sentence type 1.
<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ pronounce the sounds /au/ and / u/ clearly and correctly.

_ transform direct speech into reported speech following correct rules.

_ say the defference between when and if in conditional sentence type 1 and do related

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Two sounds; structures.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A/ WARM UP: Sentence transformation.</b></i>
S1 says sentence 1.

S2 reports sentence 1 and says sentence 2.
S3 reports sentence 2 and says sentence 3.
S4 reports sentence 3 and says sentence 4.
S1 reports sentence 4.

S1: “ I study at Kim Lien High School.”

S2: She said she studied at Kim Lien High School. “ Ilike
English most.”

S3: He said he liked English most. “I have five classes a

S4: She said she had five classes a week. “I don’t go to
school by bus.”

S1: He said he didn’t go to school by bus.
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON: </b></i>


_ /au /:has two sounds /a/ and /u/. First practice the
sound /a/ and then add /u/.

_ / u/:has two sounds / / and /u/.First pronounce the sound/ /
And now makeit longer. Then add /u/.


<b>a. Reported speech: ( Câu tuờng thuật, lời nói gián tiếp).</b>
Là câu tường thuật lại lời nói của người khác.

<b>* Những điều cần làm khi đổi câu trực tiếp sang câu gián </b>

<b>a/ Câu tường thuật được bắt đầu bằng : S+ said that…… </b>
<b>hoặc S+ told me that……</b>

<b>b/ Phải bỏ dấu ngoặc kép khi tường thuật.</b>

<b>c/ Thay đổi thì của động từ trong câu tường thuật.</b>
_ Present simple Past simple

_ Present perfect  Past perfect

_ Present continuous  Past continuous
_ Past continuous  Past perfect continuous

_ Present perfect continuous  Past perfect continuous

Play the tape and
ask Ss to repeat.
Calls on some Ss to
repeat the sounds
clearly to class.
Asks Ss to practice
the sentences.

Group work

Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>





_ Modals: will, can, may  Past modals: would, could, might

<b>d/ Thay đổi đại từ và tính từ sở hữu trong câu.</b>

<b>e/ Thay đổi trạng từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn.</b>
_ today  that day

_ next (week)  the next (week)/ the following (week)
_ tonight  that night

_ last (week)  the (week) before/ the previous (week)
_ now  then

_ ago  before

_ tomorrow  the next day/ the following day
_ this/ these  that/ those

_ yesterday  the day before/ the previous day
_ here  there

<b>*Những trường hợp khơng thay đổi THÌ của động từ</b>
a/ “must” có thể giữ nguyên hoặc đổi thành ‘ had to”

b/ “ should” và “ought to” thường được giữ nguyên.
c/ Không thay đổi hình thức động từ đối với câu điều kiện
lọai 2 và 3.

<b>b. Conditional sentence type 1.</b>

<b>* Meaning: Điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai</b>
<b>* Form: </b>

If- clause Main clause
_ be: am, is, are

_ V(inf.)/ V- s/es

will + V( inf.)

<b>Notes: Có thể dùng mệnh đề ‘ Unless” với ý nghĩa “ if… </b>

Ex: If it doesn’t rain , we will go swimming tomorrow. =
Unless it rains, we will go swimming tomorrow.

<b>2. Practice:</b>
<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i>

1. An oldd farmer said their lives had changed a lot thanks
to the knowledge their children had brought home.

2. She said she was going to HCM city soon.
3. I thought the film would be interesting.

4. She said she couldn’t help me/ you/him/ her… b/c she
had too much to do.

5. Rick told me that anne had written jim a letter.

6. He told me it had taken him three hours to get there b/c
the roads had been muddy and slippery.

7. She said she thought it was a crazy idea nad that it
wouldn’t work.

8. He announced that breakfast was served between 7:;
and 9:00.

<i><b>Exercise 2:</b></i>

1. told 4. told
2. said 5. talked
3. said

Ask Ss to do
exercise 1. Have
them compare the
answers with a
friend. Check the
answers in front of
the class as a

Make clear the
difference between
say, tell and talk.
Make sure Ss
understand the use


<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

more homework, I’ll pass my exam. If I pass my exam, I’ll
go to medical college. If I go to medical college, I’ll study
medicine. If I study medicine, I’ll become a doctor. If I
become a doctor, I’ll be able to cure diseases and help sick

<i><b>Exercise 4:</b></i>

1. If 2. When 3. if 4. If 5. when
<i><b>3 Production:</b></i>

Give some extra examples.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Call on some pair
to read their
answers aloud in
front of the class.
Tell Ss to do
exercise orally.
Call on some Ss to
explain their
answers in front of
the class.

Pair work.

Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

<b>Period: 48th</b>


<i><b>A. True or False.</b></i>

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b> <b>5</b>

<b>F</b> <b>F</b> <b>T</b> <b>F</b> <b>T</b>

<i><b>B. Gap-filling</b></i>

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b> <b>5</b>

<b>aren’t</b> <b>evening</b> <b>cinemas</b> <b>theatres</b> <b>knows</b>


I live in a small village called Henfield- there are about 500 people here. I love it b/c it’s quiet
and life is slow and easy. You never have to queue in shops or banks. The village is clean – people
look after it and don’t throw their rubbish in the streets. The air is also clean b/c there’s not much
heavy traffic. It’s much more friendly here than in a city. Everyone knows everyone and if someone
has a problem, there are always people who can help.

There aren’t many things I don’t like about Henfield. One thing is that there’s not much to do
in the evening – we haven’t got any cinemas or theatres. Another problem is that people always talk
about each other and evryone knows what everyone else is doing. But I stil prefer village life to life
in a big city.


1.Because people can sit comfortably at home, watching TV. They don’t have to go out and pay
for expensive seats at the theatre or in the cinema.

2. They can see plays and films of very kind, exciting football matches, current events, the latest
developments in science and politics, etc.

3. Because he has everything presented to him while he needs to do nothing.

4. TV will dominate our lives, and we won’t have time to talk to each other and do other things.
5. TV in itself is neither good nor bad. It is as good or as bad as we make it.

<i><b> GRAMMAR.</b></i>

1. have been; haven’t had 4. had taken

2. haven’t given; have paid 5. thought; would come

3. said 6. told; have got


When you come out of the bus station, turn right, and walk along King Street until you reach the
traffic lights. Turn left at the traffic lights into Redham Road. Go straight along the road. The
restaurant is on the left, after Beach Parade. It’s quite easy to find.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>


<b>Lesson 1: Reading </b> <b>Period: 55th</b>

<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>

_ guess the meaning of words based on contexts and components of the words
_ scan for specific information

_ use vocabulary items related to the undersea world to read and talk about the topic.
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, a map of the world</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A . WARM UP:</b><b> Giving the Vietnamese names for the oceans </b></i>
<i><b>on the map.</b></i>

1. Arctic Ocean: Bắc Băng Dương
2. Antarctic Ocean: Nam Băng Dương
3. Pacific Ocean: Thái Bình Dương
4. Atlantic Ocean: Đại Tây Dương

5. Indian Ocean: Ấn Độ Dương
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<b>1. Pre- reading :</b>

<i><b>Finding names of sea animals</b></i>

1. Seal 2. Jellyfish 3. Turtle 4. Shark

_ Bay (n): Vịnh

_ mystery (n): a thing of which the cause or origin is unknown or
impossible to explain

_ beneath (prep): under sb/ sth
_ submarine (n):

_ marine life (n): life in the sea

_ fall into (v): to be able to be divided into sth
_ water current (n):

_ Organism (n): a living being
_ at stake: at risk

<i><b>2.While reading:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK1:Gap filling based on word meaning guessing.</b></i>
<i><b>Instruction: Fill each blank with one of the words in the box. </b></i>

All of the words appear in the reading passage.

1 2 3 4 5

tiny investigate gulf Biodiversity samples

Ask Ss to read the
names of the oceans
on the map & map
with the appropriate
English names.
Ask Ss to give the
Vnese names of the
animals in the
ictures. Then Ask Ss
for the English
names of these

Write the words on
the board. Ss guess
the meaning of the
words. T checks that
Ss understand the
words correctly. Ask
Ss to do the task. Go
around and provide
help. Ask Ss to
exchange their
answers with other

Ss. Ask Ss for their
answers & tell them
to explain their

Group work

Whole class.
Write out.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>



<i><b>TASK2: Answering questions</b></i>
1. 75% of the earth’s surface.
2. By using modern devices.

3. They investigate the seabed and bring samples of the
marine life back to the surface for further study.

4. We can know a wide range of information including water
temperature, depth and the undersea populations.

5. They are those that live on or depend on the bottom like the
starfish, those that move independently of water currents and

those that are carried along by the currents.

6. Marine life would be at stake if the sea biodiversity were
not maintained.

<i><b>3. Post reading:</b></i>
<i><b>Gap filling.</b></i>

1.three- quarters 5. biodiversity
2. mysyerious 6. huge

3. modern 7. plants and animals
4. discoveries 8. closely connected
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

Ask Ss to do the
task individually. Ss
discuss their

answers with their
peers. Call on some
Ss to write their
answers on the
board and ask them
to explain their

Ss read the passage
again for the main
ideas & complete
the summary. T
checks with the
whole class.

Work in pairs

Group work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

<b>Lesson 2: Speaking</b> <b>Period: 56th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS:.</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ offer solutions to sea problems using should/ shouldn’t.

_ talk about causes and consequences of sea problem.
_ report on discussion results

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures of the sea problems,…</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>




<i><b>A . WARM UP: Greeting & chatting</b></i>
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<i><b>1. Pre- speaking : </b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1: Offering solutions</b></i>

<i>You arerequired to work in pairs to put the actions in the oder </i>
<i>of importance and then say what we should or should not do.</i>

_ sparingly (adv): not wasting sth.

_ dispose of (v): to get rid of sth that one dose not want or
cannot keep

_ herbicide (n): a substance that is poisonous to plants, used to
destroy lants growing where they are not wanted

_ pesticide (n): a chemical substance used to kill insects
_ release (v): to allow a person or an animal to come out of a

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

a b c d e f g h

<b>2. While speaking: </b>

<i><b>TASK 2: Discussing consequences and offering solutions.</b></i>
1. A: Beaches are filled with plastic bags, pieces of glass and
cigarette butts. This makes thesea polluted and endangers sea
plants and animals.

B: We should clean beaches and tell other people not to
litter them.

2. A: Whales and sharks are still hunted for food, medicine,
and other products. This put whales and sharks at stake and
they can become extinct.

B: We should stop hunting these animals and make people
aware of the danger of it.

3. A: Explosives are used to catch fish and other sea animals.
This make a lot of sea animals even the young ones die. They
then float on the water surface and make the water dirty.
B: We should ban people from using explosives and suggest
better ways to catch fish and sea animals.

4. A: Oil is spilled from tankers. This make the sea heavily

Ask Ss to read
through the
actions.T elicits
some voc.
Ask Ss to put the

actions in the oder
or importance and
say what they
should or should
not do. T

encourage Ss to
give the reasons
for their choices .
Ask Ss to present
their answers.
Ask Ss to discuss
the threats, their
consequences and
possible solutions.
To save time, T
may ask 2 groups
to discuss one
threat. Go around
and offer help. T
takes notes of Ss’
mistakes for later

Pair work
Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>


polluted and puts all the sea animals and plants in danger.
B: We should prevent spilling and start cleaning the sea

<i><b>3. Post speaking:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 3:Reporting on the discussion results.</b></i>
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

T calls on some Ss
to report that
theirbgroups have
discussed ans asks
other Ss to takes
note and compare
with their groups’

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>

<b>Lesson 3: Listening </b> <b>Period: 57th</b>
<b>I/ Aim(s): </b>

<b>II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :</b>
_ listen to get specific information about whales

<b>III/ Lexical items:</b>
_ Vocabulary
_ Structures.

<b>IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player.</b>
<b>V/ Procedures:</b>

<i><b>A.WARM UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B.NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<b>1.Pre- listening:</b>

<i><b>Discuss the following questions.</b></i>

1. The whale is a mammal because it raises its young on milk.
2. Because they want to catch whales for food, oil, leather and
other products.

_ krill (n):

_ whaling: hunting for whales

_ migrate (v): to move from one habitat to another according
to the seasons.

_ conservation (n): preservation of the natural environment
and wildlife

<b>2. While listening:</b>
<i><b>TASK1: True or False</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5


<i><b>TASK2: Answering questions.</b></i>

1. The blue whale grows to 30 metres in length and over 200
tons in weight.

2. B/c there is a lot of krill- their favorite food in cold waters.
3. Cold waters in the North and South Atlantic Ocean and the
North and South Pacific are their favorite feeding grounds.
4. Heavy hunting is the main reason for the decrease in whale

5. They have asked the International Whaling Commission to
stop most whaling.

6. If we didn’t take any measures to protect whales, they
would disappear forever.

<i><b>3. Post listening:Talk about whale.</b></i>
<i>1. Some basic information</i>

_ length: 30 metres
_ weight: 200 tons

 the largest animal and also the most intelligent one in the

Ask Ss to discuss
the questions. T
calls on some Ss to
present their

T pre- teaching
some new words.
Ss read through the
statements to
understand them.
Listen to the tape
and pay attention
to the key words. T
plays the tape once
for Ss to do the

Asks Ss to guess
the answers to the
questions based on
the previous time
of listening. Asks
Ss to answer the

questions and

answers.. T plays
the tape again ,
pausing at difficult

Asks Ss to talk
about whales. T
goes around for
help. Calls on
some Ss to give a
talk about whales.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>

<i>2. Feeding grounds and food</i>
_ Feeding grounds

+ cold waters in the Noth and South Atlantic Ocean.
+ The North and South Pacific.

_ Favorite food: krill

<i>3. Reasons for protecting whales</i>

_ Whaling makes whale population decrease.

_ Whales could disappear if we did not protect them.
<b>Suggested solutions:</b>

_ Ask the International Whaling Commission to stop most

_ Tell people about the importance/ valua of whales.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK</b></i>



Summarises the main points of the lesson
_ Learn by heart the new words

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>

<b>Lesson 4:Writing</b> <b>Period: 58th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS:</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>

_ write a descriptive paragraph about dolphins by using the facts and figures from a table.
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:words, expressions.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, charts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A/ WAMR UP: Greeting</b></i>
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<i><b>1.Pre- writing: </b></i>
_ sperm whale (n):
_ squid (n):

_ gestation (n): the process of carrying a young person or
animal inside the mother’s body for the period before birth.
_ entrapment (n):

_ habitat (n): the natural environment of an animal or plant
_ offspring (n): a child, the young of an animal

_ life span (n): the length of time that that sth is likely to live.
<i><b>TASK 1:Expoiting the model.</b></i>


HABITAT All oceansPrefer waters with high squid

SIZE Male: 18 metres in length; 54,000
kilograms in weight

Female: 12 metres in length; 17,000
kilograms in weight

FEEDING HABITS Carnivores; Eat mainly squid

Eat up to 1,500 kgs of food daily
OFFSPRING Give birth to one calf every 5-7 years

Gestation period: 14-19 months
LIFE SPAN Up to 60-70 years


Biggest animals that have teeth on

Have the largest brain of all


CONCERNS At risk due to hunting and accidental fishing net entrapment
<b>2. While writing:</b>

<i><b>TASK 2: Write a paragraph that describes the facts and </b></i>
<i><b>figuresprovided in the table.</b></i>

Dolphins are not fish. They are mammals that live in the
water. Dolphins are among the most intelligent animals on

Asks Ss to work in
pairs to complete
the table with the
information in the


Asks Ss to
exchange their
answers with
another pairs.
Checks Ss answers
by asking some Ss
to go to the board
to write their

Gives feedback
and the correct

Asks Ss to write
the paragraphs;
remind them to
refer to the model

Whole class

Pair work
Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>


Earth. Although they can be found in all oceans in the world,

dolphins prefer coastal waters and bays. The size of dolphins
varies greatly. The smallest dolphin is just about 50 kilograms
in weight and 1.2 metres in length while the largest one can
weigh up to 8,200 kilograms and is 10 metres long. Dolphins
are carnivores and they eat mainly fish. A female dolphin
gives birth to one calf every two years after a gestation period
of eleven to twelve months. A dolphin can normally live from
twenty- five to sixty-five years and some species of dolphins
can even live longer. Dolphin populations are at risk due to
the pollution of their habitat and accidental entrapment in
fishing nets.

<b>3. Post- writing: </b>
Peer correction
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

paragraph in task

If Ss find it

difficult, T may ask
them to write
sentence by
sentence and
combine them

While Ss write the
paragraph. T

should go around
to observe nad

provide help. Pair work &
Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>


<b>Lesson 5:Language focus</b> <b>Period: 59th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ distinguish the sounds /i /, /e / and /u /

_ pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly
_ use Should and Conditional type 2 appropriately

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Two sounds; structures.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A/ WARM UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON: </b></i>

_ /i /:here, dear, birlliant, idea, opinion
_ /e /: care, air, parent, wear, their
_ /u /: poor, tour, insurance, cruel, during


<b>a. Should and shouldn’t: are used to offer solutions and </b>
give strong advice.

_ You should do sth = it is a good thing to do or the right
thing to do.

Ex: You look tired. You should go to bed.

_ You shouldn’t do sth = it isn’t a good thing to do.
Ex: You shouldn’t believe everything you read in the

<i><b>_ We usually use should with I think/ I don’t think/ Do you </b></i>

<i><b>b. Conditional sentence type 2:</b></i>

<i>* Form: If + subject + past simple, subject + would/ could</i>
* Meaning: The second conditional is used to talk about
things which are unreal (not true or not possible) in the
present or the future

* Use: It is not used to talk about things that can happen in
the present or future.

Ex: If I were you, I would drive more carefully in the rain.
<b>2. Practice:</b>

<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i>

2. You should look for another job.
3. He shouldn’t go to bed so late.
4. You shouldn’t take a photograph.
5. She shouldn’t use her car so much.
6. He should put some pictures on the wall.
<i><b>Exercise 2:</b></i>

2. I think smoking should be banned, especially in

Play the tape and
ask Ss to repeat.
Calls on some Ss to
repeat the sounds
clearly to class.
Asks Ss to practice
the sentences.
T revises the use

of should and
shouldn’t quicly.
Asks Ss to discuss
the form and use of
the conditional
sentence type 2
Calls on some Ss to

Asks Ss to do
exercise 1 &2.
Goes around and
provide help. Asks
Ss to compare their
answers with
another student.

Pair work

Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>



3. I don’t think you should go out this evening.
4. I think the boss shoul resign.

<i><b>Exercise 3:</b></i>

3. would take 4. refused 5. would not get
6. closed down 7. pressed 8. would be
9. did not come 10. borrowed 11. walked
12. would understand

<b>3 Production:</b>

Give some extra examples.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Ask Ss to do
exercise 3 in pairs.
Ask them to
compare answers
with another pair

Whole class.
Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>


<b>Lesson 1: Reading </b> <b>Period: 60th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>

_ use vocabulary items related to the issue of conservation

_ guess the meaning of words based onn contexts and components of the words.
_ scan for specific information about conservation

_ skim for general ideas about conservation
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures about farmer and field work…</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>







<i><b>A . WARM UP: Answering questions.</b></i>
T: Have you ever visited a zoo or a forest?
S: Yes, I have

T: What animals are you interested in? Why?

S: I like horses b/c they look beautiful and they can run along

distance fast./ I like leopards b/c they look strong and flexible.
3. T: Do you need to protect animals and forests?

S: Yes. We have to protect animals & forests b/c they are
part of our earth.

<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>
<b>1. Pre- reading :</b>

_ destroy (v): end sth, kill sb/ sth.
_ destruction (n): the act of destroying
_ constant (adj): always present or available
_ play an important part in sth:

_ conserve (v): protect sth from harm
_ clean up (v): make sth clean or neat.

_ worsen (v): to become worse, to make sth become worse
_ pass laws:

<i><b>2.While reading:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK1:Matching based on word guessing.</b></i>

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b>

<b>c</b> <b>a</b> <b>d</b> <b>b</b>

<i><b>TASK2: True or False.</b></i>

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b> <b>5</b> <b>6</b>

<b>T</b> <b>T</b> <b>T</b> <b>T</b> <b>F</b> <b>F</b>

<i><b>TASK3: Choosing the main ideas for each paragragh.</b></i>

<b>A</b> <b>B</b> <b>C</b>

<b>3</b> <b>4</b> <b>2</b>

<i><b>3. Post reading:</b></i>

Asks Ss to discuss
the question in the
book. Asks Ss to
present their group’s
answers and others
to add any other

Teaches some
vocabulary items.

Asks Ss to do the
matching. Asks ss
for thei ranswers
and asks other
students if they
agree with their

friends’ answers.
Calls on some Ss to
give their answers
& asks them to
explain their

Asks Ss to do the
task. Gives

Group work

Whole class.
Write out.


in pairs

Group work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>

<i><b>10’ Discussing the questions in the book.</b></i>

1. What is the consequence of losing forest?

 We wouldn’t be able to use many plants to treat various
dangerous diseases. Animals wouldn’t have a place to live in .
And as the plants are destroyed the water would run off, which
causes floods and erosion.

2. How important is water in our life?

 Mankind and most plants and animals can’t survive without
water. Farmers need water for their crops.

3. What should we do for the future of our planet?

 We should stop polluting the environment and destroying
plants and animals in it while scientists search for solutions.
We should pass laws cin nature’s defence.

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

Asks Ss in groups to
discuss the

questions in the
book. Calls on some
groups to report
their ideas to the

class. Gives

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>

<b>Lesson 2: Speaking</b> <b>Period: 61st<sub> </sub></b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>

_ ask for someone’s opinions, and show their agreement or disagreement about the new kind of

_ talk about the advantages & disadvantages of the new kind of zoo
_ report on discussion results

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, small cards of class timetable,…</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A . WARM UP: Greeting</b></i>
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<i><b>1. Pre- speaking : VOCABULARY</b></i>

_ sensitive (adj): quick to respond to, or be affected by slight
changes, signals, or influences

_ imprison (v): put or keep in prison
_ reconstruct (v): build again

_ breed (v): cause (an animal) to produce offspring

_ reintroduce (v): put ( a species of animal or plant) back into
a formmer habitat

<i><b>TASK 1: Discussing the questions about the features of the </b></i>
<i><b>new kind of zoo</b></i>

1. They arte opened to help endangered species develop.
2. The animals are not kept in cages. They cn live in their
natural environment.

<b>2. While speaking: </b>

<i><b>TASK 2: Showing agreement or disagreement about the new </b></i>
<i><b>kind of zoo</b></i>

<i><b>Asking for opinions</b></i> <i><b>Giving opinions</b></i>
What do you think of…?

Do you think…?

Do you agree with…?

I think…

I don’t think…..
In my opinion…

<i><b>Showing agreement</b></i> <i><b>Showing disagreement</b></i>
I agree with…

Yes, I think you are right.

I don’t really think so.
Yes, … but

I would doubt that…

<i><b>TASK 3: Discussing the advantages & disadvantages of zoos </b></i>
<i><b>of the new kind</b></i>

_ The animals can live in a better environment and are safe
than when they are in nature.

_ It is expensive to reconstruct such environment though.
_ People can visit many kinds of animals which they would
only be able tosee in pictures or on TV.

_ But it is risky for zoo keepers because there is no cage and

Asks ss to read
through the two

Teaches some new
words. Asks Ss to
discuss the two
questions. Goes
around to observe
Ss working. Asks
some Ss present
their answers.

Asks Ss to work in
pairs to share their
ideas. Ss can
explain their ideas
as well. Goes
around to observe
and offer help,
taking notes of Ss’
miatakes for later

Asks Ss to discudd
A or D of the new
kind of zoo.

Whole class
Pair work

work & pair

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>


the animals can go around.
<i><b>3. Post speaking:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 4: Reporting on the discussion results.</b></i>
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

T calls some Ss to
report that their
groups have
discussed. T asks
Ss to take notes
and compare with
their groups’ ideas.

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>

<b>Lesson 3: Listening </b> <b>Period: 62nd</b>
<b>I/ Aim(s): </b>

<b>II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :</b>
_ listen to get specific information about forest fires

_ talk about the causes of forest fires and ways to prevent them.
<b>III/ Lexical items:</b>

_ Vocabulary
_ Structures.

<b>IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player.</b>
<b>V/ Procedures:</b>







<i><b>A.WARM UP: Discussing.</b></i>
<i>What may cause a forest fire?</i>
_ When it is too hot and dry.

_ When someone starts a fire (campfire, for example) in the
forest without putting it out completely before leaving.

<i><b>B.NEW LESSON:</b></i>

<b>1.Pre- listening:</b>

_ forester (n): a person in charge of a forest or skilled in

_ awful (adj): very bad or unpleasant
_ put out (v): extinguish a fire

_ a heap of: a large quantity or amount
<i><b>2. While listening:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1:Numbering events.</b></i>
3 2 5 1 4
<i><b> TASK2: </b><b> True or False</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5


<i><b>TASK 3: Choosing the sentences heard.</b></i>
1. a 2. b 3. a
<i><b>3. Post listening:</b></i>

<i><b>Role play</b></i>

_ A forest fire may start when campers leave a campfire
burning near a heap of leaves. It is even easier during late

summer when woods and forests are very dry.

_ Campers must take great care not to start a forest fire.
Thwey have to remember to put out their fire completely by
covering it with earth before leaving. They should remember
that a forest fire makes our life more difficult by destroying
wood, wildlife and good soil.

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>


Summarises the main points of the lesson
_ Learn by heart the new words

Calls on some Ss to
present their
answers. Asks
other Ss to add
more ideas.

Elicits some of the
words given in the

Plays the tape once
for Ss to do the
task. Asks Ss for
their answers and
write them on the

Asks Ss to give the
answers & write
them on the board.
Plays the tape once
for Ss to do the
task. Check Ss’

Group work



Whole class
Pair work

work. Pair

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>

<b>VI/ Self- evaluation:</b>

<b>Lesson 4:Writing</b> <b>Period: 63rd</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to write a letter of invitation using </i>

the cues provided.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:words, expressions.</i>
<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, charts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A/ WAMR UP: Ordering</b></i>
<i>a. Hope to see you then</i>

<i>b. We would like to invite you yo the wedding</i>

<i>c. You are wellcome to stay the night as there is plenty of room,</i>
<i>though it would help if you could let me know advance</i>

<i>d. Mary and I are getting married soon after we return to </i>
<i>Melbourne- on June 20th<sub>.</sub></i>

<i>e. Dear John,</i>
<i>f. Best wishes, Alex</i>

<i>g. It will be at my parents’ house in Parkville, probably at </i>
<i>2:30pm., and there will be a party afterwards, starting at about </i>

<i><b>Suggested Answers: </b></i>

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

e d b g c a f

<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<i><b>1.Pre- writing: </b></i>
<i><b>TASK 1: Matching.</b></i>

You are going to write out the sentences by matching the first
half in A with the suitable half/ halves in B.

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b> <b>5</b> <b>6</b> <b>7</b> <b>8</b>

<b>c</b> <b>f/h</b> <b>a</b> <b>g/d</b> <b>h/f</b> <b>d/g</b> <b>e</b> <b>b</b>

<i><b>2. While writing:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 2: Letter completion</b></i>

<i>You are required to fill each blank in these invitation letters </i>
<i>with a suitable expression provide in Task 1. for each blank you</i>
<i>can have more than one answer.</i>

1. Would you like/ Are you free

2. Would you like/ Are you free
3. Can you; Why don’t we/ Shall we

<i><b>TASK 3: Writing an invitation letter based on cues.</b></i>

<i>You are going to write an invitation in which Nam invites Lam </i>
<i>to spend a weekend with him, using the cues provided.</i>

Dear Lam,

We haven’t met since you moved. And I miss you a lot.

Asks Ss to discuss
to reorder the
sentences to make
a complete letter
of invitation. The
winner will be the
group with the
quickest and
correct order.

Asks Ass to do the
Task, reminding
them that one
expression in A
can go with more
than one

expression in B

and they should
write the


Asks Ss to do the
same with the
other two letters.
Asks Ss to

exchange answers
with other pairs.
Calls on one pair to
give answers.
Asks Ss to write
the letter. T goes
around to observe
and provide help.
T reminds them

Work in

Pair work
Whole class.

Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=97>


spend a weekend together?

Do you feel like visiting the forest near my grandparents’
home again? It looks quite different now because very many
young trees have been planted at the Trees Planting Festivals.
Do come if you find it possible and I’ll make all the

preparation then.

Please give my love to your parents.
Your friend,


<i><b>3. Post- writing: </b></i>
Peer correction
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

use all the
language items
provided together
with other items to

meaningful and
correct sentences.
Also, Ss should use
capitalized letters

and punctuation

marks properly. Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

<b>Lesson 5:Language focus</b> <b>Period: 64th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ distinguish the sounds /b/ and /p/

_ pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly
_ use the passive voice appropriately

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Two sounds; structures.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A/ WARM UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON: </b></i>

_ /b/:Bob, blame, about, brother, beautiful
_ /p/: pen, plane, Paris, airport, passenger

<i><b>The passive voice</b></i>

<i><b>a. Form: be + past participle</b></i>

The passive can be used in various tenses.
<i>b. Meaning: Passive</i>

<i>c. Use: The passive is mainly used in three ways:</i>

* when we don’t want to take responsibility for something.
Ex: The matter will be dealt with soon ( We don’t know or
want to say who’ll deal with it)

* when we want to focus on a happening, not who or what
did it.

Ex: Our roof was damaged in last night’s storm. ( We ‘re
concerned about the roof)

* when we want to avoid “ vague subjects’ like one,
someone, they, etc.

Ex: the form has to be signed. ( not “ SO/ one has to sign
the form)

Howevwe, the passive is not used when we want to focus
on the person or thing that does the action.

Ex: You should finish this letter. ( Not” This lettershould
be finished”) = It is you who should finish this letter.
<b>2. Practice:</b>

<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i>

1.were reported 4. am not invited
2. grow 5. are being built
3. be spoken

<i><b>Exercise 2:</b></i>

T pronouces the
sounds and asks Ss
to repeat.

T elicits the form,
meaning and use
of the passive

Asks Ss to do the
exercises. Goes

around and
help.Asks Ss to
compare their
answers with
another student.

Whole class.
Pair work

Whole class.
Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=99>



3. Have…… been told
4. was being laid; decided
5. will…… be planted
<i><b>Exercise 3:</b></i>

1. was organized 6. (had been) put
2. arrived 7. was

3. were met 8. prepared
4. taken 9. made

5. had been cleaned 10. were served
<b>3 Production:</b>

Give some extra examples.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

the board to write
their answers . T
gives correct

Ss have to fill each
blank with the
correct form of a
verb in the box.
Calls on some Ss to
read out their

Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=100>


<b>Lesson 1: Reading </b> <b>Period: 65th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ use vocabulary items related to national parks

_ guess the meaning of words based on contexts
_ scan for specific information about nation parks
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A . WARM UP: Answering.</b></i>

1. Have you ever been to a national park?

 Yes, I have been to Cuc Phuong National Park in Ninh Binh.
2. Can you name some of the national parks in VN & in the

 They are Ba Vi National Park in Ha Tay, Bach Ma National
Park in Hue, Dartmoor National Park in the United Kingdom,
Nairobi National Park in Kenya.

3. What trees and animals can you see in a national park?
 I can see a lot of trees such as pine trees, ferm-palms, and
animals for example, monkeys, lizards, bears, etc.

<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>
<b>1. Pre- reading :</b>

_ to be located in: to be in a particular place
_ establish (v): set up

_ rainforest (n): forest in the tropical region

_ orphan (n): a child without parents, an animal without mother
_ orphan (v): to make sb an orphan

_ orphanage (n): home for orphans
_ tropical (adj):

_ temperate (adj):

_ toxic (adj): involving sth poisonous
<i><b>2.While reading:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK1: Matching based on word guessing.</b></i>

<i>You are required to find the word in the passage that can match</i>
<i>with the definition given in task 1.</i>

2. contain 5. sub- tropical
3. species 6. contamination
4. survival

<i><b> TASK2: Answering questions</b></i>

1 ( The area of the rainforest in Cuc Phuong National Park)

Asks Ss to discuss
the questions in the
book. Goes around
to provide help. Ss
to present their
group’s answers and
others to add any
other ideas.

Elicits some
vocabulary items.

Asks Ss to read
through the

passages silentlyto
find the suitable
words to fill the
blanks. Calls on Ss
to present & explain

Group work

Whole class.

Write out.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=101>


2. Because the rainy season is over.

3. They can learn about the habits of anomals and how one
specises is dependent upon another for survival.

4. In the Orphanage, orphaned and/ or abandoned animals are
taken care of.

5. Everglades National Park is endangeredb/c of the tox
<i><b>3. Post reading:</b></i>

<i><b>Discussing:Which of the three national parks would you like to </b></i>
<i>visit most? Why?</i>

<i><b>Suggested answer:</b></i>

* Reasons for visiting Cuc Phuong National Park:

_ to look at the 1,000 year-old tree (Why do you like doing so)
_ to study butterflies ( Why can you study butterflies?)

_ to visit caves (What can you see in caves? Would it be
dangeruos to do so?)

_ to hike mountains.

* Reasons for visiting Nairobi National Park:

_ to learn to recognise the different species of animals and
plants (Why can you recognise?)

_ to learn about the habits of animals and their dependence on
one another ( How can you learn?)

_ to visit the Orphannage and see how the orphaned and
abandoned animals are taken care of

* Reasons for visiting Everglades National Park:
_ to see the plants and animals from both tropical and
temperate zones (Why can you do so?)

_ to see the wilderness of the southeastern United States.
_ to know how toxic chemicals in water can affect the park
and animals in it.

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

task. Then discuss
their answers with
their peers. Calls on
some Ss to write

their answers on the
board and ask them
to explain their

choices. Group work.

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=102>

<b>Lesson 2: Speaking</b> <b>Period: 66th<sub> </sub></b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ use conditional sentences type 3 to express regrets

_ talk about an excursion

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>
<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, …</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A . WARM UP: Greeting.</b></i>

<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<i><b>1. Pre- speaking : VOCABULARY</b></i>
_ food poisoning:

_ fine (n): cash paid as punishment
_ get lost: unable to find way

_ carsick (adj): feeling sick because of a car’s movement
<i><b>TASK 1:Matching.</b></i>

Last week Nga’s class went on an excursion to Huong Pagoda.
Unfortunately, the excursion turned out to be a disacter. Most of
the things they did went wrong. You are required to match the
thing in column A with the corresponding consequences in
column B and read out the sentences.

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b> <b>5</b> <b>6</b> <b>7</b> <b>8</b>

<b>f</b> <b>e</b> <b>h</b> <b>g</b> <b>b</b> <b>c</b> <b>a</b> <b>d</b>

<i><b>2. While speaking: </b></i>
<i><b>TASK 2: Showing regrets.</b></i>

<i>Imagine that you are Nga’s classmtes and you are not happy </i>
<i>with the excursion to Huong Pagoda. Now you are talking with </i>
<i>some friends about what you wish you had or hadn’t done.</i>
2. If we had brought enough food and drinks, we wouldn’t
have spent a lot of money eating in expensive restaurants.
3. If some of us hadn’t had food poisoning, we would have

enjoyed our visit.

4. If we had had raincoats, we wouldn’t have got wet and have
got a cold.

5. If some of us hadn’t left our luggage on the coach when we
arrived, we would have had clothes and money with us.

6. If we had been careful when walking in Huong Pagoda, we
wouldn’t have got lost.

7. If we hadn’t thrown waste in the forest, we wouldn’t have
got a fine.

8. If we had stayed there more than one day, we would have
been able to visit all the pagodas.

<i><b>3. Post speaking:</b></i>

Asks Ss to read
through the
sentences in the
two columns. T
may elicit some
words or

expressions. Asks
Ss to do the task,
goes around to
observe Ss

Checks Ss’

answers and gives

Revises the
sentence type 3
quickly. Asks Ss to
compare their
answers with
another group. T
calls on some Ss to
speak out their
sentences and ask
otherss to listen
and feedback.

Whole class

Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=103>

<i>is one of Nga’s friends who studies in another school. Ask and </i>
<i>answer about the excursion.</i>

T: Last Saturday, I phoned you but you weren’t at home. Your
dad said that you were going on an excursion. Where did you

N: I went to Huong Pagoda with my class.
T: Really? Was that fun?

N: Not really.
T: Why so?

N: Most of the things we did went wrong.
T: Tell me, how did you go there?

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

task. Goes around
to observe and
collect errors. Asks
some Ss to

comment. T writes
some typical errors
on the board and
ask for self and
peer correction. T
gives correction
only when other Ss
cannot correct the

errors. Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=104>

<b>Lesson 3: Listening </b> <b>Period: 67th</b>
<b>I/ Aim(s):.</b>

<b> II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :</b>
_ listen to get specific information about Cuc Phuong National Park
<b>III/ Lexical items:</b>

_ Vocabulary
_ Structures.

<b>IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player.</b>
<b>V/ Procedures:</b>





<i><b>A.WARM UP: Answering questions.</b></i>
1. Where is Cuc Phuong National Park?

 Cuc Phuong National Park is in Ninh Binh province/ is
located 160 kilometres south west of Ha Noi.

2. What is the area of the rainforest in Cuc Phuong National

 200 square kilometres.

3. When is the best time to visit Cuc Phuong National Park?
In the dry season.

4. What can be seen in Cuc Phuong National Park?
 You can see a lot of wild animals and odd trees in Cuc
Phuong National Park.

<i><b>B.NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<i><b>1.Pre- listening:</b></i>

_ threatened and endangered specie:

_ ethnic minority: an ethnic group that is a minority within a
nation or society

_ flora (n): all the plants found in a particular country or region
_ fauna (n): the animal life of a particular region or country
_ defeat (v): win a victory over a competitior

_ The Qing invaders:
<i><b>2. While listening:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1:Filling missing information and verifying the guesses</b></i>
<i>You are going to listen to the passage to fill in the missing </i>

<i>information and check your answers to the quiz.</i>

<i>1. 1960 4. about 2,000; 450</i>
2. 160 km south west of 5. surprise attack
3. 100,000 visitors

<i><b> TASK2: Answering questions.</b></i>

<i>You are going to listen to the tape again to answer the </i>

1. It belongs to 3 provinces: Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh, Thanh Hoa.
2. It is about 160 km.

3. They come there to seee the work being done to protect

Elicits the answers
from Ss and writes
them on the board
for checking later.

Teaches some of
the words given in
the book.

Ss read the

sentences carefully
T plays the tape
once for Ss to do

the task. T asks for
SS’ answers &
writes them on the
board. Checks Ss’
answers by calling
on some Ss.

Asks Ss to listen to
the passage again

Group work



Whole class
Pair work


<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=105>


4. Nguyen Hue defeated the Qing invaders in the spring of

5. They live mainly on bee keeping and farming.
<i><b>3. Post listening:</b></i>

<i><b>Talk bout the special features of Cuc Phuong National Park.</b></i>
<i><b>Suggested Answer: </b></i>

_ the first national park to be established in Vietnam.
_ 1,000 year- old tree

_ spanning three provines: NB, HB, and TH
_ great variety of flora and fauna

_ home to the Muong ethnic minority
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>


Summarises the main points of the lesson
_ Learn by heart the new words

the tape once for
Ss to check their

Asks Ss to write
about the special
features of Cuc
Phuong National
Park . T listen and

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=106>


<b>Lesson 4:Writing</b> <b>Period: 68th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to: </i>
_ writeletters of acceptance of refusal.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:words, expressions.</i>
<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, charts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A/ WAMR UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<b>B/ NEW LESSON:</b>
<i><b>1.Pre- writing: </b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1:Filling the blank</b></i>

<i>You are going to complete the letters on page 117 by fill each </i>
<i>blank with one of the ways to accept or refuse an invitation </i>
<i>provided in the table.</i>

<i><b>Suggested Answers:</b></i>
1. That’s good idea

2. I’d love to, but…/ I’m afraid I can’t come because…
3. I’d love to/ I’d be delighted to

<i><b>TASK 2: Ordering.</b></i>

You are required to arrange the sentences in the correct order to
make a letter of accepting an invitation to spend a weekend in
the country.

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b> <b>5</b> <b>6</b>

<b>d</b> <b>e</b> <b>c</b> <b>a</b> <b>f</b> <b>b</b>

<i><b>2. While writing:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 3:Writing a letter of acceptance or refusal</b></i>

<i>One of your friends has invited you to go for a picnic to Cuc </i>
<i>Phuong National Park next weekend. Write a reply letter </i>
<i>accepting or declining his/ herr invitation.</i>

Dear Nam,

Thank you for your letter. It’s lovely to hear that you are going
to spend the next weekend in the country. I would really like
to come. You know how much I love spending a weekend in

the country after a long and hard term.

I will catch the usual train on Friday evening.
Give my best regards to your parents.


<i><b>3. Post- writing: </b></i>
Peer correction
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Asks Ss to do the
task , reminds
them that for each
blank they can
have more than
one answer. Calls
on some Ss to go
and write their
answers on the
board. Give own

Asks Ss to do the
task & exchange
their answer with
another student
when they have

Asks Ss to write
the letter

individually. While
Ss write the letter,
T shouls go around
to observe and
provide help.

Writes SS’ typical
errors on the board
and elicits self and
peer correction.

Pair work

Pair work

work &
whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=107>


<b>Lesson 5:Language focus</b> <b>Period: 69th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ distinguish the sounds /t/ and /d/

_ pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly
_ use the passive voice appropriately

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Two sounds; structures.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>



<i><b>A/ WARM UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON: </b></i>

_ /t/:tore, let, steak, bottle, telephone
_/d/: door, dad, drink, study, damage


<i><b>Conditional sentences type 3</b></i>

<i><b>Form: If + S + had+ V-ed/ V3, S + would have + Ved/ V3</b></i>
<b>2. Practice:</b>

<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i>

1. had known 5. could have enjoyed
2. had had 6. had known

3. would have gone 7. had stopped
4. would have passed 8. had killed
<i><b>Exercise 2:</b></i>

1. If the driver in front hadn’t stopped so suddenly, the
accidents wouldn’t have happened

2. If I had known that Lam had to get up early, I would
have woken him up.

3. If Hoa hadn’t lent me the money, I wouldn’t have been
able to buy the car.

4. If Mary hadn’t been wearing a seat belt, she would have
been injured.

5. If you had had breakfast, you wouldn’t be hungry now.
6. If I had had some money on me, I would have got a taxi.
<i><b>Exercise 3:</b></i>

1. If I had been working at the restaurant last night, I
would have waited on your table.

2. If they had been paying attention, they would have seen
the sign marking their exit from the highway.

3. Carol would have answered the phone if she hadn’t
been studying.

4. If the sun hadn’t been shining, we wouldn’t have gone
to the beach yesterday.

T pronounce the
sounds and asks Ss
to repeat. Ss
practice the

Asks Ss to go to
the board and write
down the vform of
the third

conditional. T calls
on some Ss to tell
the class about the
meaning and use
of the third
Asks Ss to do
exercise 1 &2. T
goes around and

provide help. Asks
Ss to compare their
answers with
another student.
Asks some Ss to go
to the board to
write their
T asks Ss to do
exercise 3 in pairs.
Ss have to use the
information given
to make

sentences type 3.
Asks Ss to compare

Whole class.
Whole class,
work & pair

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=108>


5. If the music hadn’t been playing loudly at the restaurant,
I would have heard everything Mr. Lee said during the

<b>3 Production:</b>

Give some extra examples.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

answers with
another pair. Calls
on some Ss to read
out their answers.
T feedback and
gives suggested

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=109>

<b>Period: 70th</b>

1. They go to a national park to enjoy nature.
2. It became a national park in 1872.

3. No, it isn’t. It’s the world’s largest park.
4. It has about 70 geysers.

5. They musn’t pick the flowers, feed or hunt the animals.

A national park is a large piece of land. In the park, animals are free to come and go. Trees and
plants grow everywhere. People go to a national park to enjoy nature. Many people stay in

campgrounds in national parks. They sleep in tents and cook their food over campfires. They also
walk on trails or paths in the park.

Yellowstone is the world’s oldest national park. It became a national park in 1872. it is also the
world’s largest park.

Yellowstone is famous for its geysers. These holes in the ground shoot hot water into the air.
There are about seventy geysers in the park. The most famous is Old Faithful. About every hour
Old faithful shoots hot water hundreds od feet into the air.

Two-and-a-half million people visit this beautiful park each year. Visitors ar not allowed to pick
the flowes. They must not feed or hunt the animals, either.


1. a. junk and litter b. landscape c. highway d. healthy.

2. a. T b. T c. F d. F e. T f. T


a. (1) has been cleaned (2) have been turned on (3) are waiting

b. (1) knew (2) would help (3) knows

c. (1) decided (2) to stay (3) would have gone out

(4) hadn’t been

Dear Alex,

You will be delighted to know Father is giving a party to celebrate the New year. He has invited
some of our relatives and his friends to make the party a success.

I too have invited a number of my friends in the neighbourhood. Mother has asked me to tell you
to come home for the New Year celebration.

I’m sure you will be here in time to share the fun with us on that day.
Your sister,


<b>Period: 71st</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=110>

<b>UNIT 12: MUSIC</b>

<b>Lesson 1: Reading </b> <b>Period: 73rd</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ use vocabulary items related to music

_ guess meaning of words based on contexts
_ scan for specific information about music
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, handout</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A . WARM UP</b><b> : Discussing.</b></i>
Name some kinds of music:

_ folk music: traditional of music of acountry

_ rock’n’ roll: a style of music with a strong and loud beat
_ pop music: modern music that is popular with young people
_ classical music: serious and traditional Western European

_ jazz: a combination of African and Western music
<i><b>Matching: </b></i>

1 2 3 4 5

b e d a c

<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>
<b>1. Pre- reading :</b>


_ express (v): state thoughts or feeling in words, show meaning
by gesture, behaviour…

_ convey (v): express sth.

_ funeral (n): ceremoney for someone who has died
_ solemn (adj) : humorless, formal

_ sence (n): physical faculty
<i><b>2.While reading:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK1: Gap filling based on word meaning guessing</b></i>
<i>Fill each blank with one of the words in the box. All of the </i>
<i>words appear in the reading passage.</i>

1. communicate 5. solemn
2. lull 6. emotion
3. delights 7. mournful
4. integral part

<i><b> TASK2: Answering questions</b></i>

Pair work

Individual work.
Whole class.

Write out.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=111>




2. music is a powerful means of communication because it can
express ideas, thoughts and feelings.

3. It adds joyfulness to the atmosphere of a festival and makes
a funeral more solemn and mournful.

4. It makes people happy, excited and uplifted. It delights the

5. Music has always been a big business it is a billion- dollar

<i><b>3. Post reading:</b></i>

1. There are five roles of music that are mentioned in the text:
_ Music can express ideas, thoughts and feelings.

_ Music sets the tone for important events and occasions.
_ Music lulls babies to sleep.

_ Music wakes students up in the morning.
_ Music entertains.

2. Discussing the question.

A: B, what do you think is the most important role of music?
B: I think the most important role is that it entertains people.
A: Why do you think so?

B: You know, as students, we are quite busy with our learning.
Sometimes, when I get home after a day of studying hard, I
feel very tired. Listening to music helps me feel more relaxed.
After listening to it, I feel less stressful and can continue with
other work. What about you?

A: I am most impressed by the fact that music can set the tone
for important evnts and occasions.

B: Why so?

A: Well, nowadays, music is played in almost every big event
such as in sport competitions. For example, in a football
match, whenever a footballer scores a goal, a piece of very
exciting music is played. It makes the whole supporters feel so
excited. They all want to stand up and cheer. Music adds a
joyful atmostphere to the whole stadium.

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

Work in pairs

Group work.

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=112>

<b>UNIT 12: MUSIC</b>

<b>Lesson 2: Speaking</b> <b>Period: 74th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ ask and answer questions about music

_ talk about favourite kinds of music
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, picture/ posters,…</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A . WARM UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<i><b>1. Pre- speaking : VOCABULARY</b></i>
_ keep sb happy: make sb happy
_ cheer sb up: make sb feel less sad

_ band (n): a group of musicians who play together
_ easy to listen to

<i><b>TASK 1:Answering questions based on the reading text.</b></i>
<i>You going to read what Ha Anh says about music. Work in </i>
<i>pairs to answer the questions.</i>

1. She likes pop music.

2. Because it keeps her happy.
3. The Backstreet Boys

4. She listens to music all the time.
<i><b>2. While speaking: </b></i>

<i><b>TASK 2: Asking and answering about music taste</b></i>

<i>You are going to two of your classmates to get the information </i>
<i>to complete the table.</i>

<i><b>Suggested answers:</b></i>

_ What kind/ sort of music do you like?
_ What is your favourite kind of music?

_ Can you tell me what your favourite kind of music is?
+ Why do you like it?

+ What makes you like it?
+ Why are you interested in it?
+ Can you give me the reasons?

* Who is your favourite musician/ band/ singer?
* Why do you like him/ her/ them?

_ What is your favourite song/ piece of music/ music

_ Why do you like it?

+ When/ What time do you often listen to music?
+ How often do you listen to music a day/ a week?
+ How long do you listen to it each time?

Asks some Ss read
aloud the passage.
Then answer the
Qs. goes around &
observe Ss

working. Asks
some Sss to
present their
answers. Gives
feedback & gives

correct answers.
Tells Ss o form
groups, one of
them will be a
journalist who
want to interview
high- school
students about
their music taste.
The journalist has
to asl two Ss some
questions and fill
in the table for his/
her later article. Ss
can change their
roles if time
permits. Goes
aroud observing,
offering help,
collecting any
mistakes and errors
for later correction.
Elicits the

Whole class
Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=113>


<i>Now report what you have found out to the whole class.</i>

<b>* Đồng sở thích: </b>

_ Both A and B like jazz.

_ A likes jazz and B likes it, too.
_ A likes jazz and so does B.
<b>* Khác sở thích:</b>

_ A likes jazz but B likes pop music.
_ A likes jazz but B doesn’t.

_ A likes jazz but B prefers pop music
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

Calls on some Ss to
report what they
have found out
about their
partners. Takes
notes of Ss’
mistakes for later

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=114>

<b>UNIT 12: MUSIC</b>

<b>Lesson 3: Listening </b> <b>Period: 75th</b>
<b>I/ Aim(s): </b>

<b>II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :</b>
_ listen to get specific information

<b>III/ Lexical items:</b>
_ Vocabulary
_ Structures.

<b>IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player.</b>
<b>V/ Procedures:</b>



<i><b>A.WARM UP: Greeting</b></i>
<i><b>B.NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<i><b>1.Pre- listening:</b></i>

_ rousing (adj): filling people with passion, emotion and

_ lyrical (adj): widely enthusiastic and emotional about sth.
_ rural ( adj): found in or living in the countryside

<i><b>Talking about Van Cao.</b></i>

* Date of birth/ date of death
_ Van Cao was born in …
_ He died in …

* Hometown

_ Van Cao was born at/ in…
_ His hometown is …
_ His birthplace is …
* Family

_ He was born into a rich/ poor family.

_ There are … (how many) people in his family.
_ Are any members of his family musicians or music

* Career

_ His first song is … (name/ time/ main content)
_ What kind of music does he often compose?
_ What are his famous songs?

_ What can we say about his music?
_ What makes people admire him?
* Personal life

_ Is he single/ married?
_ Has he got any children?

* Van Cao’s songs: Suoi Mo; Tien Quan Ca; Truong Ca Song
Lo; Lang Toi.

<i><b>2. While listening:</b></i>
<i><b>TASK1: True or False</b></i>

Asks Ss to look at
the picture in the
book & tell the
class anything they
know about Van
Cao. Elicits some
new words.
Have Ss read
through the
statements. Plays
the tape once for
Ss to do the task.
Asks for Ss’
answers and writes
them on the board.
Plays the tape
second time for Ss
to check their
answers. Asks Ss
to work in groups
to compare their
answers. Checks
Ss’ answers by
caling on some Ss

to give and explain
their answers.
Gives the correct

Whole class
Group work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=115>




<i>Listen and decide whether the statements are True or False.</i>

1 2 3 4 5


<i><b>TASK 2: Answering questions.</b></i>

<i>You are going to listen to the tape again to answer the </i>

1. It is “ My favourite Musician”.

2. He likes the song “ Tien Quan Ca” most.

3. He likes it b/c it’s hard and solemn; it makes him feel great

and proud of his country.

<i><b>3. Post listening:</b></i>

<i><b>After you listen: Find someone who …</b></i>


<b>who agree</b>

<b>Person who</b>

The best Vnese

musician of all
time is VC.
TQC is hard &

His song is
about rural life
in VN are
sweet, gentle&
very lyrical.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>


Summarises the main points of the lesson
_ Learn by heart the new words

Asks Ss to give the
answers and write
them on the board.
Plays the tape once
for Ss to check
their answers.

Asks Ss to go
aroun interviewing
different Ss to
complete the table.
They should write
the name of the Ss
who agree or
disagree with Q.
Hung’s ideas in the
second or third
column and the
reason in last

Pairs work
Whole class

Whole class

Group work

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=116>

<b>UNIT 12: MUSIC</b>

<b>Lesson 4:Writing</b> <b>Period: 76th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS:</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ Write a profile based on prompts provided

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:words, expressions.</i>
<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, charts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A/ WAMR UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<i><b>1.Pre- writing: </b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1: Sentence completion</b></i>

<i>You are required to make up complete sentences about Scott </i>
<i>Joplin, a famous American musician, using the prompts </i>

1. Scott was born in Texas in 1886, into a poor but musical
black family.

2. He learned to play music when he was very young.
3. Scott learned to play the works of composers like Bach,
Beethoven, and Mozart as well as to compose music.
4. He quickly became famous.

5. His tunes were wonderful mixture of classical European and
African beats which were known as Ragtime.

6. all in all, he wrote 50 piano rags, and was called the King of

7. Scott Joplin died in 1917.
<b>2. While writing:</b>

<i><b>TASK 2: Profile writing.</b></i>

<i>You are going to write a life story of Van Cao using the </i>
<i>prompts provided.</i>

Van Cao was born on the fifteenth of November, 1923 in Nam

Dinh. His parents were poor workers. However, he started
composing music when he was very young. His first song
waswritten in 1939 and it quickly became famous. The song “
Tien Quan Ca”, which is the national anthem of VN, was
written in 1944. Van Cao was also very good at other artistic
works like song writing, poem writing and paintings. He died
on the tenth of July, 1995. He was/ is known as a very talented
musician and highly appreciated by the Vietnamese people.
<i><b>3. Post- writing: </b></i>

Peer correction
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Introduce some
features of a
profile. A profile
usually includes:
date, …

Divides ss into
groups, each group
member will write
a sentence. Goes
around to help.
Calls on Ss to go to
the board and write
down the sentence.
Elicits self and
peer correction
when Ss are not

able to correct the
errors, gives
suggested answers.
Asks ss to read
through prompts, T
reminds Ss to use
the right tense of
vebrs and

pronouns …when
Asks Ss to
exchange their
letter with another
studentfor peer
correction. Collects
some writings for

Whole class
Work in


Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=117></div>
<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=118>

<b>UNIT 12: MUSIC</b>

<b>Lesson 5:Language focus</b> <b>Period: 77th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ distinguish the sounds /s/ and /z/

_ pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly

_ used to + infinitive to express purposes and make Wh- questions appropriately.
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Two sounds; structures.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>




<i><b>A/ WARM UP: Greeting</b></i>
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON: </b></i>

_ /s/: sit, star, six, seaside, expensive
_ /z/: zoo, prize, is, noise, amazing


<i><b>a. To-infinitive to show purpose.</b></i>

* We often use an infinitive to talk about a person’s
purpose why he/ she does something.

<i><b>Ex: _ I sat down to rest.</b></i>

<i><b> _ I’m going to Britain to study English.</b></i>
<i><b> _ To switch on, press the red button.</b></i>
* We can also use in order to or so as to.

We normally use in order/ so as before a negative

<i><b>Ex: _ I moved to a new flat in order to / so as to be near my</b></i>

<i><b> _ I’m going to leave now, so as not to be late.</b></i>
* For is sometimes used to express purpose, but it is a
preposition and is followed by a noun object.

<i><b>Ex: _ I went to the store for some food.</b></i>

<i><b> _ I went to the store to buy some food. ( NOT I went to</b></i>
the store for buying som food)

<i><b>b. Wh- questions:</b></i>

<b> Wh-questions allow a speaker to find out more </b>

information about topics. ( Wh-question giúp người nói
biết thêm thông tin về chủ điểm.)



Object/ Idea/ Action

Ronounces the
sounds & asks Ss
to repeat

( individually & in

Writes some
sentences on the
board. Asks Ss to

comment on the
use of to- inf., tell
Ss in these sent.
to-inf. are used to
express purpose.
Asks Ss to give
some similar

Calls on some Ss to
make up some
Wh-questions and write
them on the board.
Elicits question
words and how to
make wh-question
from Ss.

Whole class.

Whole class,
Pair work,
Group work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=119>





information ( Có những từ khác cũng có thể dùng để tìm
hiểu thêm những thơng tin cụ thể)

Which (one)?
How much?
How many?
How long?
How often?
How far?
What kind (of)?

Choice of alternatives

Person ( objective formal)
Price, amount ( non-count)
Quantity (count)

<i><b>2. Practice:</b></i>

<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i>

1. I phoned her to tell her the good news.
2. I’m saving money to buy a cassette player.

3. She vpractises singing all day to win the singing contest.
4. I’m learning French to sing French songs.

5. The monitor always goes to class on time to ste a good
example for the class.

<i><b>Exercise 2:</b></i>

1. My father didn’t have time to read the newspaper.
2. I wish I had enough money to buy a new bicycle.
3. I went to the post office to post a letter.

4. He telephoned me to invite me to the party.
5. She’s going to Britain to learn English.
<i><b>Exercise 3:</b></i>

1. What will you do if it rains?

2. What sort of music does your father enjoy listening to?
3. When did he leave for Ho Chi Minh city?

4. Who wants to talk to you?

5. How did you spend the evening last night?

6. When does the film start?

7. Who is your favourite musician?
8. Why do you like pop music?
<b>3. Production:</b>

Give some extra examples.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>

Asks Ss to do
Exercise 1 &2
individually then
compare their
answers with
another students.
Calls on some Ss to
read out their
answers. Gives
correct answers.

Asks Ss to do
exercise 3 in pairs.
Asks them to
compare answers
with another pair.
Calls on some Ss to
go to the board to
write their


Pair work.

Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=120>


<b>Lesson 1: Reading </b> <b>Period: 78th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>

_ Develop such reading micro-skills as skimming for main ideas, summarising main ideas,
scannig for specific ideas, and guessing meaning in context.

_ Use the grammatical structure “It was not until … that …” and cinema vocabulary such as silent
films, screen, character and so on in order to read and talk about the topic.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>
<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>




<i><b>A . WARM UP: Answering the questions.</b></i>

<b>1. Do you want to see a film at the cinema or on TV? Why?</b>

At the cinema On TV

_ big screen  easy to see
_ lound sound  feel the
atmostphere of a film

_ up-to-date films (TV
viewers have to wait for long
before those films are shown
on TV)

_ high-quality films (winning
some prizes, famous
film-stars, etc.)

_ good occasion for friend
meetings, romantic date, etc.

_ no need to go out  no fear
of traffic, coming home late,

_ watch TV in any way you

like (lying in bed, sitting on
sofa, etc.)

_ cheap (no tickets)
_ do a lot of private tasks
while watching (doing
housework, eating,
answering phones, etc.)

2. Dựa vào kinh nghiệm cá nhân.

3. I like cartoon films. First of all, the characters are normally
animals such as rabbits, cats, mice. They are very close to us
in life. Secondly, most cartoons are very interesting. The
music is exciting. The characters do everything such as
running, playing hide and seek, at an incredible speed, which
makes you never fall asleep or feel bored. The situations in
cartoons are funny, too. Thus, cartoons help me have fun and
be cheerful all the time.

<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>
<b>1. Pre- reading :</b>

_ motion (n): the act of moving, or changing place or position
_ still (a): silent

Guides Ss to discuss
the following

questions in pairs.
Goes around to offer

Gets Ss to read the
Asks Ss to do the

Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=121>






_ spread (v) : to extend over a place
_ replace (v) : thay theá

<i><b>2.While reading:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1:Find the word in the passage that can match with the </b></i>
<i><b>definition on the right column.</b></i>

1. cinema 4. rapidly
2. sequence 5. scene

3. decate 6. character
<i><b>TASK2: Answering questions</b></i>

1. The history of cinema began in the early 19th<sub> century.</sub>

2. At that time scientists discovered that when a sequence of
still pictures were set in motion, they could give the feeling of

3. No, they didn’t.

4. Audiences were able to see long films in the early 1910s.
5. The sound was introduced at the end of the 1920s.

6. As the old silent films were being replaced by spoken ones,
the musical cinema appred.

<i><b>TASK3: Which of the options below is the best title for the </b></i>

B. A Brief History of Cinema.
<i><b> 3. Post reading:</b></i>

The history of cinema began in the early 19th<sub> century. At that </sub>

time, films were little more than moving photographs and they
were usually short, just about one minute long. However, in
1905, films were longer with the changes of scene and camera
positions,as well as characters. In those days, films were about
five or ten minutes in length. It was not until the early 1910s

that the first long films were produced. Nevertheless, the
cinema only began to become an industry in 1915. Films
became longer and better and special places were built to
show films only. At the end of the 1920s, sound was

introduced. This made the cinema change completely, from
America to thr rest of the world. At this time, a new form of
cinema appeared, that was the musical one.

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

their answers in
pairs. Calls on some
Ss to present and
explain their
answers. Finally, T
provides the correct

Asks Ss to work
individually to
answer the
questions, then
discuss their
answers with their
peers. Calls on
some Ss to present

& explain their
answers. Gives
Gives Ss some
minutes to do the
task and check with
the whole class.
Gets Ss to work in
groups and take
notes of the main
events described in
the passage, based
on the cues given in
the textbook.

Write out.

Work individually

Work in pairs

Group work.

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=122>

<b>Lesson 2: Speaking</b> <b>Period: 79th<sub> </sub></b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>

_ Ask and answer questions about the plot of afilm based on prompts
_ Tell what kinds of film they like or dislike

_ Express their opinions about a film, using attitudinal adjectives
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, handouts, some film posters,…</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A . WARM UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>
<b>1. Pre- speaking : </b>

<i><b>TASK 1: How much do you like each kind of film?</b></i>

<i> How much do you like… (science fiction films/ cartoons)?</i>

I like them very much.
Not much

I don’t like them very much.
I don’t like them at all
I hate it.

<b>2. While speaking: </b>

<i><b>TASK 2: Find out what your friends feel about each kind of </b></i>

<i>Vocabulary: interesting, exciting, fascinating, amusing, boring,</i>
horrifying, …

<i>Structure: somebody find sth/ sb + Adj express one’s opinion </i>
about sth or someone

Agreement Disagreement

I agree
Yes, exactly

I don’t think so
Yes, but …
Do you think so?
You can’t be serious!
You must be kidding!
A: What do you think of horroor film?

B: Oh, I find them really terrifying.

C: I don’t quite agree with you. I find them very interesting.

<i><b>TASK 3:Find out his/ her preferences for films.</b></i>

* Prefer something to something: can be used to talk about
one’s preferences.

<i>Ex: I prefer romantic films to action films.</i>

A: Which do you prefer, detective filmsor science fiction

Asks Ss to move
around the

classroom and find
as many friends
that have the same
preferences as
them as possible.
Ss have to take
notes of who and
how many friends
like or dislike the
same types of films
as them.

Asks Ss to look at
the Adjs. In the

right column and
explains the
meaning of them.
Calls on 3 Ss to
read the model
conversation in the
book. Divides class
in to groups. Calls
on sme groups to
report their
findings, while
they speak, T takes
notes of their
errors and correct
them after that.
Calls on two Ss to
read the model
conversation. Asks
Ss to find out their

Whole class


Group work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=123>


B: Well, it’s difficult to say. But I suppose I prefer science

fiction films to detective ones.

<i><b>3. After speaking:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 4: Talk about a film you have seen.</b></i>

Yesterday, I went to the National Cinema and I watched a
Korean film, it is “Shadowless Sword”. It is a romantic and
historical film. The film tells us about the adventure of a
soldier girl, So Ha, in the search of the prince of her country.
This prince, whose name is Jeonghyeon, used to be exiled to a
faraway place. Since then, he leads the life of a normal person
and does not want to involve in politics any more. However,
after seeing how brave the soldier girl is, the prince changes
his mind. So Ha also makes him believe in his own power and
ability. Finally, he falls in love with her and determines to be a
good king. It is tragic that So Ha is killed on the way, leaving
him alone. Jeonghyeon keeps his promise to be a good king
and helps the country out of trouble. In my opinion, the film is
very interesting. It strengthens my belief that if you have
enthusiasm and determination, you can do a lot of good things.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Summarise the main points.
Assign homework.

preference. Gives
feedback &

Instructs Ss to work
in pairs, ask &
answer questions
about a film that
they have seen,
using the

suggestions given
in the textbook. T
asks Ss to take
notes of their

story.Goes around
& offer help. Calls
on some Ss to
report their
friends’ story.

Group work

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=124>

<b>Lesson 3: Listening </b> <b>Period:80th</b>
<b>I/ Aim(s): </b>

<b>II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :</b>

_ Develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific information, taking notes while

listening, and summarising main ideas.

<b>III/ Lexical items:</b>
_ Vocabulary
_ Structures.

<b>IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player.</b>
<b>V/ Procedures:</b>





<i><b>A.WARM UP: A quiz about Titanic</b></i>

1. What is the name of the main female character in
“Titanic”? _ Rose.

2. Who played the main female character? _ Kate Winslet
3. What is the name of the main male character ? _ Jack.
4. Who played the main male character? _ Leonardo

5.What is the theme song for“Titanic”?_“My heart will go on”
6. Who sang this song in the movie? _ Celine Dion

7. In what year did “ Titanic” come to the theatres? _ 1997
8. How many awards did it have? _ 11 awards.

<i><b>B.NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<b>1.Pre- listening:</b>
<i><b>Answering questions.</b></i>

<b>Set the scene: You are going to listen to two friends, Lan and </b>
Huong, talking about their plans for next week.

_ What can you see in the picture?

_ What do you think they may want to do?
_ What film may they want to see?

<b>2. While Listening:</b>

<i><b>TASK 1:Answering the question.</b></i>

 They’re planing to go to see the “ Titanic”
<i><b> TASK2: Completing the table</b></i>

<b>LAN</b> <b>HUONG</b>

Mon See a play


Wed Work & go to the

singing club
Thu Visit grandparents

Fri Study Chinese

Sat Work (busy)

Sun Go on a picnic

<i><b>TASK 3: Answering the question.</b></i>

Divides class into
groups. Reads out
the questions and
ask each to give
the answer. Gets
Ss to add up the
points and
announces the

Asks Ss to look at
the picture in Task
1 and predict the
content of the
Elicits the

meanings of these

words. T plays the
tape, asking Ss to
listen to how the
words are
pronounced and
repeat after the

Asks Ss to look
through the
calendar. T plays
the tape once. Ss
check their
answers with a
partner. Calls on
some Ss to present
their answers.
Provides correct

Group work


Pairs work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=125>



<b>3. Post listening:</b>

This is what Lan and Huong plan to do for the next week. On
Monday, Lan is going to see a play. On Wednesday, huong is
quite busy and she going to the singing club at night. Lan is
visiting her grandparents on Thursday. The next day, Huong
has to study Chinese. As for the weekend, Saturday is a busy
day of Lan, and Huong is going on a picnic with her friends.
Therefore, the only day they can meet each other is Tuesday.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>


Summarises the main points of the lesson
_ Learn by heart the new words

explain their
Asks Ss to
summarise the
between the two
girls. T goes
around to help.
Role play


Whole class
Pair work

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=126>

<b>Lesson 4:Writing</b> <b>Period: 81st</b>
<i>I/ AIMS:</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>

Write a descriptive paragraph about a film they have seen, based on prompts.
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:words, expressions.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, charts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A/ WAMR UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<i><b>1.Pre- writing: </b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1:Working with the model.</b></i>

Tittle? Titanic

Type? Love story film

Plot? A tragic story of love and the sinking of a
luxury ship in the Atlantic Ocean, causing
mare than 1,000 people to die, including the
main male character



Based on? The true story of the Titanic disaster in 1912


_ Jack: young & generous adventure, who
died in the disaster

_ Rose: was saved by Jack, with whom she
fell in love later

<b>2. While writing:</b>

<i><b>TASK 2: Write about a film you have seen</b></i>

I have never seen a more interesting film than the film

“Underworld 2”, which was on TV yesterday. It is a horror
fiction film. It is about the war between human beings and the
evils in 2050. The film is set in America. It is based on the
fictional assumption that apart from human beings, there is
another world of the evils, which consist of the vampires, wolf
monsters and so on. The vampires, which are thought to have
died a long time ago still survive and they want to kill all
human beings. They are fought against by two brave soldiers,
Michael and Selene, who have undergone genetic changes
and become much stronger than they used to be. Finally, the
vampires lose and the world is saved. The film has a happy
ending, in which the two soldiers fall in love and live happily
with each other.

<b>3. Post- writing: </b>
Peer correction

Asks Ss to read the
text about the film

individually. Then
find a partner to
answer the
questions and
complete the table
of summary
together. T checks
the answers with
the whole class.

Asks Ss to spend
times gathering
and organizing
ideas for their
paragraph. T
instructs Ss to write
their paragraph.
Asks Ss to
exchange their
paragraph with a
partner and in pairs
check for each
other. T goes
around helping and
collecting typical

Write Ss’ errors on
the board and
elicits self and

Whole class

Pair work
Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=127></div>
<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=128>

<b>Lesson 5:Language focus</b> <b>Period: 82nd</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:</i>
_ Distinguish the sounds /f/ and /v/

_ Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly

_ Use attitudinal adjectives to describe films or to express their opinion about particular films
_ Use structure “it was not until… that….” And articles “a/ an/ the” appropriately

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Two sounds; structures.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A/ WARM UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON: </b></i>

_ /f/: feel, few, leaf, sofa, Phillip
_ /v/: veal, view, leave, lovely, Victor


<i><b>a. Adjectives of attitude:</b></i>

_ Adjectives of attitude are used to express one’s feeling
or emotion.

Ex: I’m interested in playing the piano.

_ Present participle and past participle are used as
adjectives of attitude.

+ the –ing form has an active meaning.
Ex: That game is thrilling. (Active meaning)
+ the –ed form has a passive meaning

Ex: I was amused at his joke. (Passive meaning)
<i><b>b. It was not until .. that….</b></i>

<i><b>It was not until + time + that + clause express a </b></i>

commencement of something, emphasizing on the starting
time that something lappens.

Ex: It was not until 1915 that the cinema really became an

c. Using Articles: the, a, an


Definite Indefinite

the A, an

We use “the” when we are talking about one thing in
particular. We use “a, an” when we are talking about one
thing in general.

<b>2. Practice:</b>
<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i>

Plays the tape once
for Ss to hearthe
words containing
these two sounds.
T plays the tape
again and this time
asks Ss to repeat
after the tape.
Explains difficult
cases. When
adding –ing to the
verb roots, ss need
to omit “e”.

Elicits from Ss the
form, meaning, and
use of the

structure’ It was
not until … that…”.
Elicits from Ss the
form, meaning, and
use of the articles
“a, an, the”

T should check that

Whole class
Whole class.

Pair work
Group work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=129>




3. terrifying 8. amusing
4. irritating 9. embarrassing
5. horrifying 10. frustrating
<i><b>Exercise 2:</b></i>

1. a. depressing b. depressed
2. a. interested b. interesting

3. a. boring b. bored
4. a. excited b. exciting
5. a. exhausting b. exhausted
<i><b>Exercise 3:</b></i>

1. It was not until 1990 that she became a teacher.
2. It was not until he was 30 that he knew how to swim.
3. It was not until 1980 that they began to learn English.
4. It was not until his father came home that the boy did his

5. It was not until the lights were on that the football match

<i><b>Exercise 4:</b></i>

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b> <b>5</b> <b>6</b> <b>7</b> <b>8</b> <b>9</b>

a The the an A a The the the

<b>10</b> <b>11</b> <b>12</b> <b>13</b> <b>14</b> <b>15</b> <b>16</b> <b>17</b> <b>18</b>

the the The the an a a the a

<b>3 Production:</b>

Give some extra examples.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

meaning of these

forms orrectly.
Gets Ss to do the

individually and
goes around

checking that they
work. Calls on Ss
to go to the board
and write the
Gets Ss to do
Exercise 3

individually, then
find a partner to
check their
answers with .
Gets Ss to do
Exercise 4

individually, then
find a partner to
check their
answers with .

Pair work.

Group work

work, group

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=130>


<b>Lesson 1: Reading</b> <b>Period: 82nd</b>

<i>I/ AIMS</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :</i>

_Develop such reading micro- skill as scanning for specific information, intensive reading for
details and guessing meaning in context.

_Usesome football voc. To read and talk about the topic..
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>







<i><b>A . WARM UP: Greeting</b></i>
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>
<i><b>1. Pre- reading :</b></i>

_ captain: the player who leads and directs the other players
on the field

_ goalkeeper: the player in front of the goal who tries to stop
the other team scoring.

_ defender: the player who tries to stop the other team scoring.
_ midfielder: the player who plays mainly in the middle part
of the pitch.

_ forward: the player whose duty is to score goals.
1. South Korea and Japan.

2. Brazil
3. Germany
<i><b>2.While reading:</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5

b c a e d

<i>TASK2: <b> Complete the sentences</b><b> . </b></i>

1 2 3 4 5

13 32 Argentina one 26

<i>TASK3: <b> True or false statements</b><b> .</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5


<i><b>3. Post reading:</b></i>

_ 13: the number of teams taking part in the first worl Cup.
_ 1930: the year when the first WC was held.

_ 17: the number if WC tournaments that have been
organized up to now.

_ 32: the number of finalists in the 2002 WC.

_ 2002: the year when the Wc was joinly held by Japan and
South Korea, the year when the WC was played for the first
time in Asia.

Teaches voc..


Writes the words on the

Instructs Ss to read the
passage quickly to
guess their meaning.
Gives Ss sometime to
re-read the passage.
Calls on Ss to answer
Asks Ss how to do this

Calls on some Ss to
write their answer on
the board and ask them
to explain their choices.
Give the correct


Asks Ss to discuss the
question in the book
Goes around to help Ss.
Asks every two pairs to
share ideas

Calls on Ss to report
their ideas to the class

Gives feedback.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=131>


<b>Lesson 2: Speaking</b> <b>Period: 83rd</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :</i>

_ Use some football voc. to ask and answer about the World Cup and to talk about the World Cup

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>






<i><b>A . WARM UP: </b></i>
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<i><b>1. Pre- speaking : </b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1:What do you know about these football teams?</b></i>
Picture 1: Team of England

Picture 2: Team of France
Picture 3: Team of Italy
Picture 4: Team of Germany
<i><b> 2. While speaking: </b></i>

<i><b>TASK 2: Answer the questions.</b></i>
A: Where was the first WC held?
B: It was held in uruguay.

A: Which team played in the final match?
B: Uruguay and Argentina.

A: Which team became the champion?
B: Uruguay.

A: What was the score of the match?
B: 4- 2

<i><b>TASK 3:Talk about the World Cup winner.</b></i>

The first World Cup was held in 1930. The final match was
between Uruguay and Argentina. Uruguay defeated
Argentina by 4 to 2…

<i><b>3. After speaking:</b></i>

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>

Elicits, teaches

Introduces the

Pre- teaches some

Goes around to
check and offer


Work in

Pairs work.
Whole class.

Pairs work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=132>

<b>Lesson 3: Listening </b> <b>Period: 85th</b>
<b>I/ Aim(s): </b>

<b> II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :</b>

_ Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and taking
notes while listening

<b>III/ Lexical items:</b>
_ Vocabulary
_ Structures.

<b>IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player, handout.</b>
<b>V/ Procedures:</b>




<i><b>A.WARM UP: Greeting</b></i>
<i><b>B.NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<i><b>1.Pre- listening:</b></i>

1. Picture 1: Pele (Brazilian)
2. Picture 2: Maradona (Argentina)
3. Picture 3: Zidane ( French)
4. Picture 4: Barthez ( French)
5.Picture 5: Beckham ( English)

_ goal – scorer:

_ kick:

_ ambassador:
_ peace:

<b>2. While listening:</b>

<i>TASK 1:<b> Listen andcomplete the table</b><b> . </b></i>

<b>Year</b> <b>Events</b>

(1) 1940 Born in Brazil

1956 (2) joined a brazilian football club
(3) 1962 First world club championship
(4) 1974 1200th<sub> goal</sub>

1977 (5) retired
<i><b>TASK 2:Answer the questions. </b></i>

1. as a football player, Pele was famous for his powerful
kicking and controlling the ball.

2. He participated in three World Cups.

3. He played for an American football club before he

4. He became an international ambassador for the sport,

Teaches new words.
Reads aloud first
Gets Ss to make
sentenceswith the
words and gives
corrective feedback.
Plays the tape once
for Ss to do the task.
Asks for Ss’answers
and writes them on
the board.

Plays the tape the
second time for the
Ss to check their
answers.Checks and
corrects Ss’ answers
by calling on some Ss
and asks Ss to

explain their answer.
If many Ss cannot
answer the questions,
plays the tape one or
two more times and
pauses at the answer
for them to catch
Plays the tape again
for Ss to do the task.
Checks their answers.

Pairs work

Repeat in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=133>



<i><b>3. After you listen:</b></i>

<i><b>Talk about the milestones in Pele life.</b></i>
Pele was born in 1940.

He joined a Brazilian football club in 1956.

He led the team to the first world club championship in

By 1974, he had scored 1,200 goals and became a
national hero.

He played for an American football club for 2 years
before he retired in 1977.

After his retirement, he became an international

ambassador for the sport, working to promote peace and
understanding through friendly sport activities.

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>


Summarises the main points of the lesson
_ Learn by heart the new words

give the answers and
elicits feedback from
other St.

Calls on some pairs
to present their

Elicits feedback from
the class and gives
final comments.

Work in
Pairs work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=134>

<b>Lesson 4:Writing</b> <b>Period: 86th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :</i>
_Write a short announcement about a sport event.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:words, expressions.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, handouts. charts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>




<i><b>A/ WAMR UP: </b></i>
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<i><b>1.Pre- writing: </b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1:Answer the questions.</b></i>

1. The National Football Championship Organizing

2. It announces that the match between Nam Dinh
and Binh Duong on Sunday, April 18 has been
postponed due to serve weather conditions.
3. At 3pm. On Sunday, April 25.

4. At My Dinh national stadium.
<i><b>2. While writing:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 2: Write an announcement.</b></i>

<i><b> Suggested writing:</b></i>

1. Chau Thanh Hight School wishes to
announce that it is now seeking for players for its
new football season. Volunteers must be good at
football and are studying at the school. They will
need to pass a couple of tests and a shortlist of
successful candidates will be made public within the
next day. The team’s first meeting will be at 2 pm.
On Saturday, 26 june. For further information,
please contact Duong Duc Long, class 11A, or call

2. The HCM Communist Youth Union of
Tran Hung Dao High School wishes to announce that

Gets Ss to read
the task and the
silently and
work out what
they are require
to write about.
Elicits the verb

Move around to
control and give
help with voc.
When the Ss

have finished,
collects Ss’

Delivers each
group pieces of
writings and
tells them to
read and choose
the best piece of

Calls a St to
read their group
best writing and
gives comments.

Work in groups

Work in groups
Write the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=135>


20 in the latter’s football field at 112 Quan Thanh
Street, Hanoi. Tickets will be sold at HCM

Communist Youth Union’s office from March 27 for

5,000 VND each. All the money collected will be
sent to the Organge agent Victims Fund.

<i><b>3. Post- writing: </b></i>
Peer correction
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

<b>_ Learn by heart the descriptive charts</b>
_ Prepare for the next lesson.

exchange it
with their peer
Whole class.

Work in groups.



<b>Lesson 5:Language focus</b> <b>Period:87th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :</i>
_ Distinguish the sounds / g /and //k/.

_ Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly.

_ Use structure with “will” totalk about unplanned future intentions to make predictions or offers.
_ Use structure “going to” to talk about definite future plans.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Two sounds; structures.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>




<i><b>A/ WARM UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON: </b></i>

_ /g /: group, goal, together, Uruguay,…
_ /k /:kick, ticket, club, compete,…


<i><b>a..WILL:Dùng cho một quyết định nhất thời ( ngay lúc </b></i>
nói). Trước đó người nói chưa quyết định hoặc chưa chuẩn

<b>Ex: It’s too cold in here! – OK. I’ll go and shut the </b>

<i><b>b. BE GOING TO: khi đã có quyết định hoặc đã có dự </b></i>

<b>tính trước.</b>

Ex: I’m going to repair my bicycle.

<b>Notes: Những cách dùng khác của “ Will’ </b>

_ “ Will”  diễn tả sự phỏng đoán.( I think, I suppose, I’m

<b>Ex: I think everything will all right.</b>
_ “ Will”  lời yêu cầu, lời mời, lời hứa.

<b>Ex: Will you please stop making noise? The baby’s sleeping.</b>
<b> Will you come to my birthday party next Sunday?</b>
_ Không dùng “Will/ Shall” trong mệnh đề theo sau các liên

Divide the class
into two groups.
Asks Ss in each
group write the
words containing
the sounds.
Reads aloud the
words that contains
the sounds.

Reads the words
again and asks Ss
to repeat.

Gives examples.

Asks some Ss to
comment on the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=136>





<b>từ thời gian như: When, as soon as, after, before, until, …</b>
mà phải dùng thì hiện tại đơn.

<b>Ex: I’ll phone you when I finish work this evening.</b>
<i><b>2. Practice:</b></i>

<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i>

1.I’ll get 5. I’ll show you
2. I am going to wash 6. I’ll have
3. are you going to paint 7. I’ll do
4. I am going to buy

<i><b>Exercise 2:</b></i>
1. he will help

2. won’t lend me any money
3. it will rain today

4. will have to wear glasses
5. will have a headache
6. won’t like it

7. I won’t pass it
<i><b>Exercise 3:</b></i>

1. I’ll make you a cup of tea.
2. I’ll open it.

3. I’ll lend you some.
4. I’ll give you.

5. I’ll carry them for you.
<i><b>3 Production:</b></i>

Give some extra examples.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Asks ss to do Ex1.
individually and
then compare their
answers with other

Calls on some ss to

read out their
Gives correct

Asks Ss to do Ex2
in pairs. Calls on
some ss to write
their answers on
the board.Gives
correct answers.
Asks Ss to do Ex3
in pairs. Calls on
some ss to write
their answers on
the board. Gives
correct answers

Pairs work.
Whole class.

Groups work.
Give the
Whole class.
Compare the
Pairs work.


<i><b>VI/ SELF- EVALUATION:</b></i>

<b>Period: 88th</b>

1. 8:45
2. students
4. are reduced
5. 7:30


This is a recorded announcement for the week beginning Monday October 22.
Studio One: Voyage to Jupiter – doors open at 2 pm., programme begins 2:30, last
complete performance at 8:45. All seats bookable, adults $3, children, students and senior
citizens $1.50.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=137>

Studio Three: starting today the long- awaited epic Master Dragon. One showing daily at
7:30. No advance booking but patrons are advised to queue early. Doors open 7 pm. For further
details and booking office phone 0342 5791 any time between 10am. and 6 pm. that’s 0342 5791

1. He/ She has to do a lot of practice and open spends a Saturday or Sunday away from home.
2. They are often played on Saturdays and Sundays.

3. To play against other school teams.

4. No. Sometimes parents, friends and other students will travel with them.
5. The whole school does.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

zero the zero zero the a the the the a

1. I stayed in to watch a film on television.

2. I wrote them a letter to thank them for the weekend.
3. She went to university to study engineering.

4. You should go to Britain to improve your English.

5. You should book the tickets well in advance to see that football match.

The monitor of class 10G wishes to announce that the musical performance of class 10G to
raise money for the people in the flooded areas will be held at 7:30 pm. On Thursday 23rd<sub> </sub>

November in the school meeting hall. The ticket price is 5,000 VND

<b>Period: 89th<sub> </sub></b>


<b>Period: 90th<sub> </sub></b>

<b> UNIT 15: CITIES</b>
<b>Lesson 1: Reading Period: 91st</b>
<i>I/ AIMS</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :</i>

_Develop such reading micro- skill as scanning fr specific ideas , and guessing meaning in

_Use the information they have read totalk about New York City.
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=138>






<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<i><b>1. Pre- reading :</b></i>
_ to be located in/on/ at:
_ to found:

_ global finance:

_ to be characterised by:

Picture 1- a; P.2 – b; P.3 – d; P.4 - c
<i><b>2.While reading:</b></i>

<i>TASK1:<b> Matching.</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5

d c e a b

<i>TASK2: <b> True or false statements</b><b> .</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5 6


<i><b>TASK3: Answer the questions</b><b> . </b></i>

1. It is in the Southeastern part of New York State.

2. There are 7 million people in the city and 19 million in the
metropolitan region.

3. because it was founded by the Dutch.

4. B/c it is the home of the United Nations, the centre og
golbal finance, communications and business.

5. They are attracted to the Statue of Liberty , the Empire
State Building and the broadway theatre district.

<i><b>3. Post reading:</b></i>

If you could visit New York, which place(s) of interest there
would you like to see? Why?

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Teaches voc..

Writes the words on the

Instructs Ss to read the
passage quickly to
guess their meaning.
Gives Ss sometime to
re-read the passage.
Calls on Ss to answer
Asks Ss how to do this

Calls on some Ss to
write their answer on
the board and ask them
to explain their choices.
Give the correct


Asks Ss to discuss the
question in the book
Goes around to help Ss.
Asks every two pairs to
share ideas

Calls on Ss to report
their ideas to the class
Gives feedback.

whole class.
Ss answer the
Pair work.
Write out.
Exchange their

Answer and
explain their
Individual two
pair work.
Pair work.
Skim the six
questions to
understand them.
Read the part
carefully to find
the answer.
Discuss the
answers with
their peers.
Work in pairs
Report the results
to the class.


<b> UNIT 15: CITIES</b>

<b>Lesson 2: Speaking</b> <b>Period: 92nd</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :</i>

_ Describe a city, using the voc. And structures that they have learned in the lesson.

_ compare different cities, using the comparative structures that they have learned in the lesson.
_ State their preferences and explain the reasons.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=139>

<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>







<i><b>A . WARM UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>
<i><b>1. Pre- speaking : </b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1:Complete questions.</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5 6

d f a/e a/e b/c b/c

<i><b>2. While speaking: </b></i>

<i><b>TASK 2: Ask and answer about NY and LD</b></i>

A: OK. Let’s have a look at NY. The city was founded in
1624.What about LD?

B: It was founded in 43 AD.

A: So, NY has a longer history than LD. What’s LD”s

B: Its population is 7 million. What about Ny? How many
people are there?

A: There are 7 million people, too.

B: OK. And how large is NY? LD has an area of 1610
square km.

A: NY is only 946 square km.
<i><b>TASK 3: Practice the dialoge</b></i>
_ LD has a longer history than NY.
_ The population of LD is as big as NY.

_Ld is much larger than NY/Ld is nearly twice as big as N.
_ Lders have more national holidays than Nyers.

_ NY has more high building than LD.
_ There are more parks in LD than in NY

_ People in NY are friendlier and opener than those in Ld.
_ Transport in LD is as convenient as the one in NY.

<i><b>3. After speaking:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 4: Tell which of the two cities you prefer and give </b></i>

I prefer NY to Ld b/c people are friendlier and opener. I
prefer living in NY to living in LD b/c there are more high
buildings but I prefer working in LD b/c there are more

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Elicits, teaches

Introduces the

Pre- teaches some

Goes around to
check and offer


Work in

Pairs work.
Whole class.

Pairs work.

<i><b> UNIT 15: CITIES</b></i>

<b>Lesson 3: Listening </b> <b>Period: 93rd</b>
<b>I/ Aim(s): </b>

<b> II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :</b>

_ Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and taking
notes while listening

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=140>

_ Structures.

<b>IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player, handout.</b>
<b>V/ Procedures:</b>

<i><b>A.WARM UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B.NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<i><b>1.Pre- listening:</b></i>

1. It’s the Statue of liberty
2. It’s the statue of a woman
3. It’s got a crown on its head.
4. It’s got a tablet on its left hand.

5. It’s holding a burning torch in its right hand
6. It’s wearing a robe.

_ image (n);
_ symbol (n):
_ tablet (n):
_ iron frame (n):
<i><b>2. While speaking:</b></i>

<i>TASK 1:<b> Listen and choose the best answer.</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5


<i><b>TASK 2: Listen again and fill in the missing information </b></i>
in the table:

Formal name Liberty Enlightening the World

Height 46 metres

Weight 205 tons

Material Copper (outside) and iron(frame)
The base Made of stone and concrete
Opening time 9:30a.m.- 5:00p.m. daily expect

christmas Day.
<i><b>3. After you listen:</b></i>

<i><b>Tell about the Statue of Liberty.</b></i>

The statue of Liberty is the symbol of New York City in
America. The formal name is Liberty Enlightening of
the World . it is 46m high and it weighs 205 tons. The
outside is made of copper. Inside, it has an iron frame. It
is placed on a base, which is made of stone and

concrete. The base and the pedestal increase the height
of the statue to 93 m. Nowadays, tourists can visit the
statue from 9:30am. To 5pm. Every day except
christmas Day.

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>


Summarize the main points of the lesson

Teaches new words.
Reads aloud first
Gets Ss to make
sentences with the
words and gives
corrective feedback.

Plays the tape once
for Ss to do the task.
Asks for Ss’ answers
and writes them on
the board.

Plays the tape the
second time for the
Ss to check their
answers. Checks and
corrects Ss’ answers
by calling on some Ss
and asks Ss to

explain their answer.
If many Ss cannot
answer the questions,
plays the tape one or
two more times and
pauses at the answer
for them to catch
Plays the tape again
for Ss to do the task.
Checks their answers.
Calls on some Ss to
give the answers and
elicits feedback from
other St.

Calls on some pairs

to present their

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=141>


<b>UNIT 15: CITIES</b>

<b>Lesson 4:Writing</b> <b>Period: 94th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :</i>

_ Describe a city of their choice, using the structures and vocabulary they have learned in the

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS: words, expressions.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, handouts. charts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>




<i><b>A/ WAMR UP: Greeting</b></i>
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<i><b>1.Pre- writing: </b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1:Answer the questions.</b></i>

1. In Southern England, on the river Thames.
2. It covers an area of 1,610 square kilometres.
3. 7 million.

4. It is a capital city.

5. It was founded by the Romans in 43 AD.

6. It is famous for many things: its historic buildings,
such as St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Houses of
Parliament; its museums and its many shops.
7. The best thing about London is the parks.
<i><b>2. While writing:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 2: Write a description of the city</b></i>
* Paragraph 1: General information
_ Location. _ Area.
_ Weather. _ Population
_ History.

* Paragraph 3: Specific information.
_ Famous places

_ Most outstanding feature.
<i><b>Suggested writing:</b></i>

Hanoi ,which is the capital city of VN, was founded
by the Ly dynasty in 1010. The city has a population

of 3 million. Situated in northern VN, on the Red
River, it covers an area of 921 square kilometres.
Hanoi is famous for many things. Tourists come from
all over the world to see its historic monuments, such
as One Pillar Pagoda, Temple of Literature, or Flag

Gets Ss to read
the task and the
silently and
work out what
they are require
to write about.
Elicits the verb

Move around to
control and give
help with voc.
When the Ss
have finished,
collects Ss’

Delivers each
group pieces of
writings and
tells them to
read and choose
the best piece of


Calls a St to
read their group
best writing and
gives comments.
Gives feedback.

Work in groups

Work in groups
Write the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=142>


Tower of Hanoi. They also come to visit its

museums such as Vnese National History Museum,
the National Museum of Ethnology, the National
Museum of Fine Arts and the Revolution Museum.
The most special thing about Hanoi is its Old Quarter
and its lakes. The Old Quarter has the original street
layout and architecture of the old Hanoi. And the
lakes are ideals places for people to hang out and
enjoy their free time.

<i><b>3. Post- writing: </b></i>
Peer correction

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

<b>_ Learn by heart the descriptive charts</b>
_ Prepare for the next lesson.

Whole class.

Work in groups.


<b>UNIT 15: CITIES</b>

<b>Lesson 5:Language focus</b> <b>Period: 95th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :</i>
_ Distinguish the sounds / /and //ñ/.

_ Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly.
_ Use structure with “ although” to contrast ideas.

_ Distinguish non- defining relative clauses with “ which” and use them correctly to connect
sentences when speaking and writing.

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS: Two sounds; structures.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>




<i><b>A/ WARM UP: Greeting</b></i>
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON: </b></i>

_ / /: think, thought, mouth, birthday,…
_ /ñ /:they, those, clothes, then,…


<b>a. Non- defining and defining relative clauses:</b>
<i><b>* Definig relatives:</b></i>

The man who was killed in the accident had four small

The train which was going to Hanoi was twenty minutes

<i><b>* Non- defining relatives:</b></i>

Divide the class
into two groups.
Asks Ss in each

group write the
words containing
the sounds.
Reads aloud the
words that contains
the sounds.

Reads the words
again and asks Ss
to repeat.

Gives examples.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=143>






Dam Sen Park, which was founded about fifteen years ago,
is a popular place of visitors.

<i><b>b. Although : a contrasting connector.</b></i>

Ex Although/ Though/ Even though it was very cold, Tom

went swimming.

<i><b>2. Practice:</b></i>
<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i>

1. Washington DC, which is located on the East Coast of
the United States, has many interesting and historical
places to visit.

2. Brasilia, which is the capital of Brazil, is less than 50
years old.

3. Mexico city, which has a population of nearly

20,000,000, is the largest metropolitan area in the world.
4. Seoul, which hosted the 1998 Summer Olympics, is
well- known for its shopping centre.

5. Kyoto, which used to be the capital of Japan, has many

<i><b>Exercise 2:</b></i>

1. Although there is not much to do in the countryside, I
prefer living in there.

2. Although there is a lot of population in Los Angeles, it is
an ideal place to live.

3. Although the shops are crowded, people are not buying


4. Although the city is a favourite tourist destination for
many people, it has its problems.

5. Although it is a safe neighbourhood, it is best to be

<i><b>3 Production:</b></i>

Give some extra examples.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

comment on the

Asks ss to do Ex1.
individually and
then compare their
answers with other

Calls on some ss to
read out their
Gives correct

Asks Ss to do Ex2
in pairs. Calls on

some ss to write
their answers on
the board.Gives
correct answers.

Pairs work.
Whole class.

Groups work.
Give the
Whole class.
Compare the
Pairs work.



<b>Lesson 1: Reading</b> <b>Period: 96th</b>

<i>I/ AIMS</i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :</i>

_Develop such reading micro- skill as scanning fr specific ideas , and guessing meaning in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=144>

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>



<i><b>A . WARM UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>
<i><b>1. Pre- reading :</b></i>

_ Some hstorical places in VN: Co Loa Citadel; Hoa Lu
Capital; Den Hung Remains, Hue Imperial City; Cu Chi

_ Van Mieu- Quoc Tu Giam is a historical place.

_ This place is the first university of VN. It was built along
time ago.

_ remains (n) = relic
_ Confucian (adj):
 Confucianism (n):
_ stele – stelae (n):
_ Banyan tree (n):
_ tortoise (n) = turtle:
<i><b>2.While reading:</b></i>

<i>TASK1:<b> Choose the best word</b><b> .</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5


<i>TASK2: <b> True or false statements</b><b> .</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5 6


<i><b>3. Post reading:</b></i>

<i><b>Discuss: Talk about Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam.</b></i>

Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam is a place of interest in VN. It is
also a famous historical and cultural site in HN. Van Mieu
was built in 1070 in the Ly dynasty. Six years later, the first
university of VN was established here under the name Quoc
TU Giam. A lot of talented men in VN were trained during

fuedal time in Quoc Tu Giam. In 1482, Van Mieu became a
place to memorize the most brilliant scholars of the country.
Their names, places of birth and achievements were

engraved on stone stelae, which were carried by giant
tortoises. Nowadays, visitors can still see them and they can
learn much about the education and culture of VN.

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Teaches voc..

Writes the words on the

Instructs Ss to read the
passage quickly to
guess their meaning.
Gives Ss sometime to
re-read the passage.
Calls on Ss to answer
Asks Ss how to do this

Calls on some Ss to
write their answer on
the board and ask them
to explain their choices.
Give the correct


Asks Ss to discuss the
question in the book
Goes around to help Ss.
Asks every two pairs to
share ideas

Calls on Ss to report
their ideas to the class
Gives feedback.

Pair work &
whole class.
Ss answer the
Pair work.
Write out.
Exchange their
Answer and
explain their
Individual two
pair work.

Pair work.
Skim the six
questions to
understand them.
Read the part
carefully to find
the answer.
Discuss the
answers with
their peers.
Work in pairs
Report the results
to the class.

<i><b>VI/ SELF- EVALUATION:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=145>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :</i>

_ Ask and answer questions about a historical place, based on the vocabulary and structures that
they have learned in the leson.

_ Talk about historical place based on the given information.
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary</i>

<i>IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>





<i><b>A . WARM UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B. NEW LESSON :</b></i>

<i><b>1. Pre- speaking : VOCABULARY</b></i>
_ stand (n) = place

_ late = deceased, no longer holding the position.
<b>* Name: What is it name?</b>

<b>* Location: - Where is it?</b>

- Where is it located?
- Where is it situated?

<b>* Construction: - When was it constructed?</b>
- How long was the construction?
<b>* Areas: - How many parts are there? </b>

- How many floors are there?
<b>* Details: - What is there on each floor?</b>
- What are the floors used for?
- What is special about it?

<b>* Visiting hours: - What time is it open each day?</b>
- When is it open?

<b>* Fee:- How much is the admission fee?</b>
<b>* Rules: - Can I take photograph there?</b>

- Are we allowed to take photographs?
- Is it possible to take photographs inside the

<i><b>2. While speaking: </b></i>

<i><b>TASK 1: A foreign visitor has taken some notes about </b></i>
<i><b>President HCM’s Mausolium. Ask and answer questions </b></i>
<i><b>with a partner, using his notes.</b></i>

_ Where is the Mausoleum?

_ When did the construction of the Mausoleum start?
_ When did the construction of the Mausoleum finish?
_ How many floors are there in the Mausoleum?
_ What is the use of each floor?

_ On what days can we visit the Mausoleum?

_ What times can we visit the Mausoleum in summer?
_ Can we visit the Mausoleum in october? Why not?
Can we take photographs inside the Mausoleum?
<i><b>TASK 2: Take turns to act as a tourist guide and give a </b></i>
<i><b>short introduction to either of the historical places .</b></i>

Elicits, teaches


Introduces the

Gtes Ss to read
aloud the model
Elicits the ways to
ask for the


Gets Ss to ask and
answer the above

Goes around and
offer help.

Calls on some
pairs to perform
in front of the

Introduces the

Work in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=146>




Wellcome all of you to Hue Imperial City, which was listed
as a World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 19993. it lies
in Hue city, which is 654 km from Hanoi and 1,071 km
from Ho Chi Minh City. The construction of the Imperial
City started in 1805 and lasted 27 years. It comprises three
sections: the Royal Citadel, the Imperial Enclosure and the
Forbidden City. The city is open daily to all visitors. With
the admission fee of only 55,000 VND, you can discover
one of the most famous historical and cultural relics in VN
yourself. Get on the trip right now!


Your knowledge of Vnese history can never be fulfilled
without paying a visit to Thong Nhat conference Hall,
which is also called the Reunification Hall or the

Independence Palace. It is situated in District No 1, HCM
City, 1,730 km south of HN. The hall was originally built in
1856. In February 1963, it was heavily damaged by an air
bombardment. Therefore, it was rebuilt and the

construction completed in 1966. The building has five
floors with 100 beautifully decorated rooms and chambers.
It is open daily from 7:30 to 11:00 a.m. and from 1:00 to
4:00 p.m. just pay the admission fee of only 10,000 VND
and there you are, in the middle of this historical building.
<i><b>3. After speaking:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 3: Ask other members of the group questios about a </b></i>
<i><b>historical place they have been to or know about, note down</b></i>
<i><b>the main information, and then report to the class what you</b></i>
<i><b>have learnt about that place.</b></i>

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

Write about the friend you have just talked about.

Pre- teaches some

Asks Ss to ask
and answer the
Goes around to
check and offer


<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=147>

<b>Lesson 3: Listening </b> <b>Period: 98th</b>
<b>I/ Aim(s): </b>

<b> II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :</b>

_ Develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific information and listening for
detailed information.

_ Use the information in the listening passage to talk about Hoi An.
<b>III/ Lexical items:</b>

_ Vocabulary
_ Structures.

<b>IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player, handout.</b>
<b>V/ Procedures:</b>

<i><b>A.WARM UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B.NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<b>1.Pre- listening:</b>

1. Notre Dame Cathedral.
2. Ha Long Bay.

3. The Huc Bridge
4. Noon Gate
_ merchant (n):
_ vessel(n) = big ship
_ ornamental (adj):
_ certify (v):
<i><b>2. While listening:</b></i>

<i>TASK 1:<b> Listen and choose the best answer</b><b> .</b></i>

1 2 3 4 5


<i><b>TASK 2: Listen again and answer the questions.</b></i>

1. It lies on the Thu Bon River, 30 km south of Da Nang.
2. It was known as a major trading centre in Southeast
Asia between the 16th<sub> and the 17</sub>th<sub> centuries.</sub>

3. Hoi An is now famous for its old temples, pagodas,
small tile- roofed houses and narrow streets.

4. they were made of wood and their pillars were carved
with ornamental designs.

5. It was built in 1855.

6. It was built nearly two centuries ago.

7. The house now looks almost exactly as it did in the
early 19th<sub> century.</sub>

8. In 1999.

<i><b>3. After you listen:</b></i>

_ Its location: on the Thu Bon River, 30 km south of Da

_ Its role in the past: a major trading centre in Souyheast
Asia and a major port.

Teaches new words.
Reads aloud first
Gets Ss to make
sentenceswith the
words and gives
corrective feedback.
Plays the tape once
for Ss to do the task.
Asks for Ss’answers
and writes them on
the board.

Plays the tape the
second time for the
Ss to check their
answers.Checks and

corrects Ss’ answers
by calling on some Ss
and asks Ss to

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=148>


_ Its attractivecharacteristics at present: old temples,
pagodas, small tile- roofed houses and narrow streets.
The houses were made of wood and their pillars were
carved with ornamental designs.

_ Its main tourist attractions: the Japanese Coveredd
Bridge , the Assembly Hall of Cantonese chinese
Congregation , Tan Ky House.

<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK:</b></i>


Summarises the main points of the lesson
_ Learn by heart the new words

Calls on some pairs
to present their

Elicits feedback from
the class and gives
final comments.


Pairs work

<b>VI/ Self- evaluation:</b>

<b>Lesson 4:Writing</b> <b>Period: 99th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :</i>

_ Describe the information presented in a chart, using comparative structures and based on cues.
<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS: words, expressions.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, handouts. charts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>




<i><b>A/ WAMR UP: Greeting.</b></i>
<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON:</b></i>
<i><b>1.Pre- writing: </b></i>

* Introductory paragraph.

_ Tell what the bar chart is about; that is the time,
the location, and what is being described in the


Ex: The chart shows the estimated population of
Australia in 2003.

*Body paragraph.

_ Begins with a sentence that sums up the general

Ex: Generally, the population distribution was not
the same across the country.

_ Describe the chart in detail.
* Concluding paragraph.

Introduces the

Hangs on a chart
with descriptive
paragraphs on
the board.
Gives feedback
on what Ss have.
Gets Ss to read
the task and the
silently and
work out what

they are require
to write about.
Elicits the verb

Work in groups

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=149>



<i><b>TASK 1:Answer the questions.</b></i>
1. The USA

2. 99,700.
3. Australia.
4. No, it isn’t.
5. France.

6. The number of American visitors to Vn in 2002
increased by 29,497 in comparison with that in 2001.
<i><b>2. While writing:</b></i>

<i><b>TASK 2: Write a description of the chart .</b></i>
<i><b>Suggested writing:</b></i>

The chart shows the number of visitor arrivals to VN
from the USA, France and Australia in 2001 and
2002. The statistics were provided by Vn National

Administration of Tourism. It is clear from the chart
that the number of visitors to Vn from the USA,
France and Autralia in 2002 is higher than that in
2001. According to the chart, the USA had the
biggest number of visitors to VN with 230,470
visitors in 2001 and 259,967 in 2002. France ranked
second with 99,700 visitors in 2001 and 111,546 in
2002. Australia had a little fewer visitors than
France although the number of Australian visitors to
Vn increased from 84,085 in 2001 to 96,924 in 2002.
<i><b>3. Post- writing: </b></i>

Peer correction
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

<b>_ Learn by heart the descriptive charts</b>
_ Prepare for the next lesson.

control and give
help with voc.
When the Ss
have finished,
collects Ss’

Delivers each
group pieces of
writings and
tells them to
read and choose

the best piece of

Calls a St to
read their group
best writing and
gives comments.
Gives feedback.

Whole class.
Prepare an
outline for the
writing and
exchange it
with their peer
Whole class.

Work in groups.


<b>Lesson 5: Language focus</b> <b>Period: 100th</b>
<i>I/ AIMS: </i>

<i>II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :</i>
_ Distinguish two sound.

_ Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly.
_ Use comparatives and superlatives correctly when making comparison..

<i>III/ LEXICAL ITEMS: Two sounds; structures.</i>

<i> IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts.</i>
<i>V/ PROCEDURE:</i>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=150>


<i><b>B/ NEW LESSON: </b></i>

_ /z /: television, pleasure, measure, …
_ /s /: shop, machine, Swedish, washing,…

<b>a. Comparative : </b>

_ Short Adj: Adj + ER + Than.
_ Long Adj: More + Adj + Than
<b>b. Superlative:</b>

_ Short Adj: The +Adj + EST
_ Long Adj: The + Most + Adj

<i><b>2. Practice:</b></i>

<i><b>Exercise 1: </b></i>

3. younger, the youngest
4. happier, the happiest
5. bigger, the biggest
6. busier, the busiest

7. more intelligent, the most intelligent
8. more beautiful, the most beautiful
9. worse, the worst

10. farther/ the farthest
11. newer, the newest

12. more dangerous, the most dangerous.
<i><b>Exercise 2:</b></i>

2. My sister is younger than me.
3. Who is the oldest in the class?

4. Concord used to be the fastest passenger plane in the

5. Your book is more interesting than my book.
6. Peter bought the most expensive watch in the shop.
7. Did you buy the cheapest watch in the shop?

8. German is much more difficult than English.

9. The weather today is much better than yesterday.

2. so; 3. more; 4. the; 5. the; 7. than; 8. of; 10. it; 11. and;
12. the; 15. that.

<i><b>3 Production:</b></i>

Give some extra examples.
<i><b>C/ HOMEWORK: </b></i>

into two groups.
Asks Ss in each
group write the
words containing
the sounds.
Reads aloud the
words that contains
the sounds.

Reads the words
again and asks Ss
to repeat.

Asks Ss to practice
reading the words
in the text book.
Asks Ss to practice
reading the


Calls on some Ss to
read aloud.

Gives examples.

Asks some Ss to
comment on the

Calls on some Ss to
give out some
verbs that are
followed by bare

Asks ss to do Ex1.
individually and
then compare their
answers with other

Calls on some ss to
read out their
Gives correct

<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=151>

<b>Period: 101st<sub> </sub></b>

(1) three (2) friends (3) capital (4) crowds (5) noisy

(6) interesting (7) streets (8) flowers (9) enjoy (10) modern

Well, I think that living in Bangkok is very exciting. I haven’t lived here all my life. My
family came here when I was three. But now it is my home. Nearly all my friends live here.

It’s our capital city, and very big. From morning till night there are crowds of people on
the main streets. Some parts of the city are very noisy. I have a long journey to school every day,
but I don’t mind because it’s so interesting. There’s always something happening in the streets.
There are all kinds of people selling things – fruits, flowers, cooked food, clothes – everything
you could imagine. I really enjoy the excitement of the crowded streets and large modern
buildings. I love walking around the streets at the weekend with some other boys from my class.

1 2 3 4 5



1. Their house, which is quite big and modern, is in the suburb of the city.
2. The new English teacher, who I met yesterday, seems to be very friendly.

3. Sandra has got a new job with Capital Insurers, which is a much better company than the last

one she worked for.

4. Her latest novel, which I read on holiday, is really good.

5. This bag, which I carried all the way from the station, is full of books.

1 2 3 4 5

bigger best better more polluted more stressful


Taipei, which is the capital city of Taiwan, was founded in the 18th<sub> century. It has a </sub>

population of 2.3 million. It is the country’s most exciting city, but the weather there is very
humid and not very pleasant. Taipei is a busy city, and the streets are always full of people/
crowded. It is famous for excellent museums ( that many tourists visit)

<b>Period: 102nd<sub> </sub></b>


