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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

. Listen to the dialogue then fill in each blank the missing word you hear: (2,5

Mrs Vui: I am going to be home (1) I have to go and visit Grandma after work.
Nam : What time will you be home?

Mrs Vui: I will be home after (2You will have to cook dinner yourself.
Nam : All right.

Mrs Vui: There is rice in the (3But you ought to buy some fish and vegetables.
The steamer is (4 ) ………the sink. The rice cooker is beside the stove.

Nam : OK. Give my love to Grandma.

Mrs Vui: I will. Can you (5) Aunt Chi, please?
Nam : No problem. Bye, Mom.

II.Underline the correct answer ( 2,5 marks)

1/ Noone helped Trang to draw a picture. She did it ( yourself / herself / myself ).
2/ A person who can not speak or hear is called a ( deaf / blind / deaf-mute ).
3/ Ba is not old enough (drive / drives / to drive ) a car.

4/ My little brother is ill. I have to stay home to look after ( his / him / himself ).
5/ Please be quiet ! I ( listen / am listening / listened ) the news.

6/ The kitchen is a ( danger / dangerous / dangerously ) place to play.
7/ You must ( do / to do / doing ) your homework right away.

8/ She went to school late this morning ( if / because / so ) she watched TV last

9/ Ba and Bao ( play/ played/ will play ) chess tomorrow.

10/ Minh is usually late for school. He ought to ( go to school late / get up early/
do a lot of homework )

III/ Read the passage. Mark T if the statement is true and F if its false : ( 2,5

Graham Bell was born in Scotland in 1847, but when he was a young man of
twenty-three, he moved with his parents to Canada. At the end of the year, he left
his family and went to Boston. Though Bell was a dreamer, he was also a

practical thinker and a man of action. At Boston University, where he worked as
a teacher of the deaf - mutes, he started experimenting with ways of transmitting
speech over a long distance. This led to the invention of the telephone.

1/ Graham Bell was born in England. ______
2/ He emigrated to Canada in 1865. ______

3/ He went to Boston when he was twenty-three. ______
4/ He worked with the deaf-mutes in Boston. ______
5/ Graham Bell invented telephone. ______

IV/ Do as directed below .( 2,5 marks)

1. She is intelligent She can do this test ( Using “ enoughto

2. The boy isn’t strong . He can’t lift this box. ( Using “ enoughto
3. I want to invite my friends to my birthday. ( Using “ be going to”)

4. Ba will take the final exam next month. ( Make question for the underlined
parts )

5. What does your mother look like ? ( Answer the question )


I.Listen to the dialogue then fill in each blank the missing word you hear: (2,5
điểm) câu trả lời đúng được 0,5 điểm

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>



Đáp án

II.Underline the correct answer ( 2,5 điểm )
Mỗi câu trả lời đúng được 0,5 điểm



<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

am listening

will play
get up early

III/ Read the passage. Mark T if the statement is true and F if its false : ( 2,5
điểm )

câu trả lời đúng được 0,5 điểm


Đáp án


IV/ Do as directed below ( 2,5 điểm )
Mỗi câu trả lời đúng được 0,5 điểm
1.She is intelligent enough to do this test
2.The boy isn’t strong enough to lift this box

3.I am going to invite my friends to my birthday party

Listen and decide if these statements are True(T) or False(F)
1.Many students do not like to read History ………

2.They say that there are too many names and dates to remember ………
3. They understand that if we do not know about the past, we can understand the
present property ………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

II. READING. (2,5 ms)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below.

Lan is excited about the interesting activities she is going to do.The Y & Y is
having a plan to help the community. She will participate in its recycling

programs. In joining this program, she will collect glass, used paper and empty
cans. Then she will send them for recycling.She hopes she can save natural
resources and raise some money for her school Y &Y in these activities. She also
thinks about participating in either planting trees and flowers or helping the
street children. It is really interesting, isn’t it?

Is Lan excited about the interesting activities? =>

What will she do? => _________________________________________
What will she collect ? => _________________________________________
What does she hope in these activities? =>

5. Do you like to take part in The Y & Y ? =>

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentences

Her grandma told her some __________after dinner. A. tales B. lamps C. story
D. shoes

I was born in Vietnam. Vietnamese is my ___________.

A. mother tongue B. second language C. foreign language D. modern language
If you don’t arrive _________3 pm, you’ll miss the bus. A. after B. before C. in
front of D. between

He ___________at night when he was young. A. used to work B. used to
working C. used working D. was used to work

5. I enjoy _____ to music.

A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. for listening

6.He got good grades for English, but his Math result is ________. A. rich B.
poor C. good D. well

7.What’s your ______________? – I like cooking. A. form B. hobby C. job D.

8.People used to do everything without the help of ______equipment. A. old B.
out-of-date C. mobile D. modern

9.Could you do me a ___________? A. favor B. time C. problem D. fitness
10. Try to learn the meaning of new words __________________heart. A. at B.
on C. in D. by

VI. WRITING (2,5 ms)

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first:
1.He always came late for school, but now he doesn’t. => He used


2.He said to me: “ Can you show me the way to the post- office ?”
=> He ______________________________________

3.I lived in Hue, but now I live in HaNoi => I used

4.I like to play soccer on Sundays => I enjoy

5. She said to the children “ stop playing?”

=> She _________________________________

.I.LISTENING: (Đọc ba lần cho học sinh nghe, mức độ vừa phải).
(2.5ms) mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

we wish to know how men did in the past to travel at night or to keep themselves
warm. In fact, only a student of History will make us realize that everything that
we do to day is the result of what our grandfathers and others before them did in
the past, so , History is the long story of men’s struggle through the ages. As we
read this story, we learn many interesting things.

1. Listen and decide if these statement are True(T) or False(F)








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