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1 one well known desert plant is the which grows well in hot dry regions §ò kióm tra b¸n kú ii – líp 12 m«n anh v¨n – thêi gian 45 phót hä vµ lªn líp sè b¸o danh khoanh trßn ®¸p ¸n ®óng nhêt abc

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<b>Đề kiểm tra bán kỳ II </b>

<b> lớp 12</b>

<b>Môn : Anh văn </b><b> Thời gian: 45 phút</b>
<b>Họ và lên: Lớp:.</b>

<b>Số báo danh:</b>

<b>Khoanh trũn ỏp ỏn ỳng nhất (a,b,c hoặc d) để hoàn thành câu</b>

1. One well-known desert plant is the _______ , which grows well in hot dry regions.
<b>a cactus </b> <b>b. banana</b> c. date palm d. eucalyptus
<b> 2. Madigan led a ________ expedition across the sand dunes on a more northerly route.</b>

a. scientific b. scientist c. science d. scientifically
3. Smoking cigarettes should __________ in public places.

a. ban b. be banned c. are banned d. been banned
4: If you want to learn how to knit or work with wood, you should buy a _____ book.

a. science b. fiction c. comic d. craft

5. If it is a book on a subject that you are interested ______ , you will want to chew and digest it.
a. in b. at c. about d. with

<b>6. If there is too much snow, the match ____________.</b>

a. would be cancelled b. will be cancelled c. had been cancelled d. has been cancelled
7. John ate a large dinner. __________, he was still hungry.

a. However b. So c. Therefore d. Although
8. I can manage the shopping alone. You _________ come with me.

a. may b. mustn’t c. needn’t d. ought to
9: Mr Brown retired from his job early ________ his ill health.

a. due to b. because c. although d. in spite of
10. Lan seems to be a bright student. She’s always the first__________________her work..

A. to finish b.finishing c.being fisnished d.to be finish
11.______ her good behaviour, everyone loves her very much

a. Because b. Because of c. Although d.Despite

12. Humans benefit greatly from the many medicines and other products that ________ provides.
a. diversity b. habitat c. biodiversity d. environment
13. In recent years, many areas in the suburb of Hanoi have been _________

a. urban b. urbanization c. urbanized d. urbanizing
14. Is he going to be successful? – I don’t think ________”

a. that b. such c. so d. either.
15. He is very famous ________ designing big bridges.

a. in b. for c. of d. at
16. He worked hard, ____________he got promotion.

a. but b. therefore c. such d. nevertheless

17. Economic reform is __________most important measure to be taken to promote the development of a country.
a. a b. an c. the d. Þ

18. My brother is _________ engineer.

a. a b. an c. the d. Þ
19.- Lan :" Would you like something to eat?"

- Hoa : " ______ I'm not hungry now."

a. No, thanks b. Yes, it is c.Yes, I would d.Good
20. – Peter: “ Where do you come from?”

- Lily: “____________________”

a. I come from London b. Yes, I have just come here
c. In London d. I’m living in London.
21. Tuan: “ I’ve passed my driving test”

Hoa: “___________________”

a. It’s nice of you to say so. b. Congratulations!
c. Do you? d. That’s a good idea!
22. – Mary: “ Would you like to have dinner with me?”

- Daisy: “________________”

a. I’m very happy. b. Yes, so do I
c. Yes, I’d love to d. Yes, it is.
23. – Micheal: “ It’s hot in here!”

- Tom : “ _____ I open the window?”

a. Did b. Would c. Do d. Shall
<b>Chän c©u cã cïng nghÜa víi c©u gèc</b>

<i><b>24. I didn t have an umbrella with me, so I got wet.</b></i>’
a.If I had had an umbrella, I wouldn’t get wet.
b. If I had had an umbrella, I would get wet.

c. If I had had an umbrella, I wouldn’t have got wet.
d. If I had had an umbrella, I would have got wet.
<i><b>25. People have discovered a new source of energy.</b></i>

a. A new source of energy have been discovered by people.
b. A new source of energy has discovered.

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d. A new source of energy have been discovered.

<b>Khoanh tròn chữ cái dới phần gạch chân cần phải sửa lại cho đúng.</b>
26. We haven't seen each other from we left school.

a b c d

27. Mr. Smith is going to buy a new Japanese car, doesn’t he?
a b c d
28. Despite of his age, he works very hard.

a b c d

29. He has made a lot of mistakes in his writing because his carelessness.
a b c d

30. Children are very fond with swimming in summer.
a b c d

<b>Chän tõ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác các từ còn l¹i</b>

<b>31. </b> <b>a. chore</b> <b>b. character</b> <b>c. christian</b> <b>d. synchronized</b>
32. <b>a. wanted</b> <b>b. watched</b> <b>c. stopped</b> <b>d. looked</b>
33. <b>a. heat</b> <b>b. seat</b> <b>c. great</b> <b>d. meat</b>
<b>Chän tõ cã nhÊn träng âm khác các từ còn lại.</b>

34. a. transportation b. economic c. emergency d. competition
35. a. generate b. discussion c. passenger d. fortunate
<b>Đọc đoạn văn sau rồi chọn đáp án đúng nhất.</b>

Gorillas are peaceful, gentle, sociable, and mainly plant-eating creatures. They live in family
groups. A typical group is led by the biggest and strongest grown-up male gorilla. A silverback’s group
usually includes one or two sub-adult males and a few females and their young.Their food includes a
variety of plants along with a few kinds of insects and worms. At night the animals make a nest to sleep in.
Many lightweight gorillas nest in trees. The heavier ones may nest in grasses on the ground. Babies sleep
with their mothers at night.

Life for mountain gorillas is not always peaceful. They are endangered and threatened by civil wars
in the smaller parts of Africa. Hunters kill them for food. Their forests are cut down for farmland, fuel, and
housing. But many scientists, forest rangers and other concerned people are working hard to protect
mountain gorillas and their habitats.

36. We can find gorillas in __________.

a. Africa b. Europe c. Asia d. Australia
37. Which of the following can be a group leader?

a. The heavy gorilla b. The biggest and strongest adult male gorilla
c. The biggest adult female gorilla d. A grown-up gorilla

<b>38. Why do hunters kill mountain gorillas?</b>

a. For food. b. For their skin. c. For their nests. d. For their trees they live in.
39. With whom do the gorilla babies sleep?

a. The leader b. Their father c. Their mother d. Alone.
40. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

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<b>Đáp án đề kiểm tra bán kỳ II </b>–<b> Lớp 12</b>
<b>Môn : Anh văn </b>–<b> Thời gian : 45 phút</b>
1. a

2. a
3. b
4. d
5. a
6. b
7. a
8. c
9. a
10. a

11. b
12. c
13. c
14. c

15. b
16. b
17. c
18. b
19. a
20. a

21. b
22. c
23. d
24. c
25. c
26. c
27. d
28. a
29. c
30. b


