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lesson plan unit 12 the asian games period writing teacher in charge le thi hoa time allotted 45 mins class 113 room 03 date 17032010 objectives by the end of the lesson ss will be able to write a

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<b>Lesson plan</b>

<b>Unit 12: The Asian Games</b>
<b>Period: writing</b>

<b>---Teacher in charge: Le Thi Hoa</b>

<b>Time allotted: 45 mins</b>

<b>Class: 11/3 Room: 03 Date: 17/03/2010</b>

 <b>Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a paragraph to</b>
describe the preparations for the Games.

 <b>Lexical items : upgrade (v), equip (v), facilities (npl.)</b>
 <b>Skills : Writing.</b>

 <b>Teaching Aids : posters, markers, handouts.</b>

<b>I.</b> <b>Warm-up (4mins)</b>

*Game: Matching game

<b>- T divides class into six groups, each group nominate a leader </b>
<i><b>- T gives instruction: “ there are six pictures and six words in the </b></i>

<i>handout. And your duty is matching the words with the pictures which</i>
<i>they describe. After that the leader will go to the board to write the </i>
<i>answers. Which group finishes first and has more right answer will be</i>

<i>the winner.”</i>

<b>- T checks instruction</b>
<b>- T gives handouts</b>
<b>- Ss play game</b>
<b>- T gives feedback</b>

*Answer: 1 B, 2D, 3A, 4 F, 5 C, 6E
<b>II.</b> <b>Pre- writing (10 mins)</b>

<b>1. Brain storming</b>

<b>- T asks Ss “ suppose Viet Nam is going to hold the coming Asian </b>
games. What things do our country need to prepare?”

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<i><b>- T introduces the topic writing "Describe the preparations for the </b></i>

<b>2. Pre-teaching vocabulary</b>

+ to upgrade (v): make sth better (explanation)

+ to equip (v): provide sb/sth with new things which are needed for a
particular purpose (example)

<i> Our school is in the bad condition. So we need to ………some </i>
<i>new morden equipments.</i>

<i> + to recuit (v) = enrol: to find new people to join an organization</i>

+ facilities (n.pl): (explanation)

<i> What do you call the things such as building, school, hospital,</i>
<i>equipment….? </i>

<b>III.</b> <b>While- writing (23mins)</b>
 <b>Activity 1: writing sentences</b>

<b>- T asks Ss to use the information in the box and write a meaningful </b>
sentences by combining the verb in colunm 1 with the phrases in
column 2 (page 143)

<b>- T gives Ss structures to write sentences:</b>
<b>+ need to be + pp or need + v-ing</b>
<b>+ need + to infinitive</b>

<b>+ have to+ infinitive</b>

Example: The national stadium needs to be upgraded.
<b>- T lets Ss work individually in 3 mins</b>

<b>- T moves around to give help</b>

<b>- T calls some Ss to read out their sentences</b>
<b>- T gives feedback</b>

Some suggested sentences:

1. One more national stadium needs to be built.

2. National sport centers and local stadiums need to be upgraded
bacause they are not in a good condition.

3. We have to build more hotels and guest houses with mordern
facilities to welcome foreign athletes and visitors

 <b>Activity 2: writing a paragraph</b>

<b>- T sticks a short model paragraph on the board</b>

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<i>standard. Beside, we need to build more hotels and guest houses for </i>
<i>athletes and visitors. …………Finally, we need to have an offical song</i>
<i>for the event…….”</i>

<b>- T asks Ss to read the paragraph and underline the liking words</b>
<b>- T underlines these words on the poster and instructs Ss to use it to </b>

combine the senccnses in a paragraph

<i><b>- T gives Ss somes other transion words: next, then, after that, </b></i>
<i><b>moreover, in addition….</b></i>

<b>- T asks Ss to work individually to write a paragraph of about 120 </b>
words to describe the preparation for the coming Asian games in Viet

<b>- T gives Ss limited time</b>

<b>- T lets Ss exchange their writings to corecct them</b>

<b>- T calls a student go to the board to write the paragraph</b>
<b>IV.</b> <b>Post-writing (6mins)</b>

<b>- T corrects the paragraph on the board</b>

<b>- T calls some other Ss to read out their paragraphs </b>
<b>- T gives feedback</b>

<b>V.</b> <b>Home work (1mins)</b>

<b>- Asks Ss prepare for next lesson</b>

<b>Extra activity</b>

<b> Discussion: What would you do if you were the president of the host</b>
country of the Asian Games?

- T asks students to work in pairs and discuss at least four things they
would do.

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Matching a words with a picture which it discribe

<i>1. Competition 2. Volunteers 3. National stadium</i>
<i>4. Local stadium 5. Car park 6. Building </i>


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Matching a words with a picture which it discribe

<i>1. Competition 2. Volunteers 3. National stadium</i>
<i>4.Local stadium 5. Car park 6. Building </i>




Matching a words with a picture which it discribe

<i>1. Competition 2. Volunteers 3. National stadium</i>
<i>4.Local stadium 5. Car park 6. Building </i>




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