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name 11 test 45’ 2 name subject english 1 class i listening 2ms listen to the paragraph and do the task below task 1 listen to the paragragh and choose true t or false f 1 americans don’t te

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<b> TEST 45’ (2)</b>

<b>Name………. subject : English (1)</b>
<b>Class :……… </b>

<b>I. Listening (2ms)</b>

<i><b> Listen to the paragraph and do the task below:</b></i>

<i><b>Task 1:listen to the paragragh and choose True (T) or false (F)</b></i>
1 .Americans don’t tend to be formal

2. Male friends and business associates who haven’t seen each other in a while shake hands
when they say hello

key: 1 ………. 2…………..
<i><b>Task 2: </b></i>

When people in the U.S have……(1)………. or when they are invited to formal or informal get - …..
(2)…….they usually make a point of ……(3)…. to make others feel ……(4)… and …….(5)…….On the whole,
they tend to be informal. Men shake hands , but usually only when they are…..(6)………

key: 1…………. . 2………….. 3………….. 4……… 5 ………. 6…………
<b>II. Reading (2,5ms) </b>

<i><b> Task 1:Read the paragraph and answer the questions</b></i>

In my country, Japan, we usually invite guests home at the weekend, in the early evening ,
about seven o’clock. Before they come, we must tidy the front garden and clean the sitting
room .Then we must spray it all with water to show that we welcome guests with cleanliness. The
guests usually bring presents and when they give you present they say , “I’m sorry this is such a

small present”, but in fact they have chosen the present very carfully.

1. What time do Japanese invite guests to come home at the weekend?

2. What do they do before guests come?

3. What do they say when they give you the present?

<i><b>Task 2: Match column A with column B suitably</b></i>

1. I usually help the poor

2. I’m going to organize a party
3. The whole class enjoy
4. Volunteers help and bring

A. happiness to others
B. at 8 p.m

C. listening to music instead of texts
D. by giving them money

key: 1……… 2……… 3……… 4………
<b>C. Language focus (2,5ms)</b>

<i><b> Grammar and vocabulary: Choose the best answer:</b></i>

1. Mark was listening to music while his sister……….a book.

A. read B. reads C. is reading D.was reading
2. After John …………his clothes , he began to study .

A. wash B. had washed C. washed D. have washed
3. You must………a lot of people here.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

4. It was late , so we decided……….a taxi home.

A. to take B. taken C. taking D. was taken

5. Don’t forget………the letter I gave you.

A. to post B. posting C. post D. posted
6.Just keep on…………..what you like.

A. do B. did C. doing D. done
7. He wants……….the truth.

A. hearing B. to be heard C. hear D. heard

8 .If you studied harder , you ……….the examination.

A. willn’t fail B. didn’tfail C . wouldn’t fail D. wouldn’t have failed
9. ……….exam , he didn’t want to try again.

A. failed B. having failed C. to fail D. fail
10. She smell something ……….

A. burning B. to burn C. burnt D. having burnt

<b>D. Writing (3ms)</b>

<i><b> Task 1: arrange the sentences in the correct form</b></i>

<b> 1. please / forget / don’t / to /your name / put / on them.</b>

2.He / advised / not / by / next time / me / to go / bus

<i><b> Task 2: Use the provided words to write a passage.</b></i>

1. Last summer / friend / John / invite / me / stay / home / Since / wife / die / 1978 /, John /
live / alone / .He / live / country house / big garden / but /he / not / plant / big tree / there / be /
only /some flowers.


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<b>Name :………. TEST 45’ (2)</b>

<b>Class :……… subject : English (2)</b>
<b>I. Listening (2ms)</b>

<b> Listen to the paragraph and do the task below:</b>

<i><b>Task 1:Listen to the paragragh and choose True (T) or false (F)</b></i>
1.Men shake hands when they met together

2.A woman and a man are introduced , shaking hands is up to the man
key: 1………. 2…………..

<i><b>Task 2: </b></i>

…….(1)….friends and business associates who haven’t …..(2)…. each other in a while ……(3)…. shake
hands when they say hello.Woman usually don’t shake hands ….(4)….being introduced to each
other . When a woman and a man are introduced, shaking hands is up to the woman . Americans
…….(5)…. shake hands to say goodbye, ……(6)……. on business occasions

key: 1………. 2……… 3……… 4………… 5……… 6………

<b>II. Reading (2,5ms) </b>

<i><b> Task 1:Read the paragraph and answer the questions</b></i>

In my country, Japan, we usually invite guests home at the weekend, in the early evening ,
about seven o’clock. Before they come, we must tidy the front garden and clean the sitting
room .Then we must spray it all with water to show that we welcome guests with cleanliness. The
guests usually bring presents and when they give you present ,they say , “I’m sorry this is such a
small present”, but in fact they have chosen the present very carfully.

1 When do Japanese invite guests to come home ?

2 Do they clean the sitting room before guests come?

3 What do they say when they give you the present?

<i><b>Task 2: Match column A with column B suitably</b></i>

1. Volunteers help and bring

2. Orphans

3. The handicapped

4. I’m going to organize a party

A. happiness to others
B. at 8 p.m

C. children whose parents are dead
D. people who have difficulty using a
part of their body or mind

key: 1……… 2……… 3……… 4………

<b>C. Language focus (2,5ms)</b>

<i><b> Grammar and vocabulary: choose the best answer</b></i>

1. Before Nam…………his clothes , he had done his homework .

A. has washed B. had washed C. washed D. wash
2. When I ………..the house , I found some old letters.

A. was cleaning B . cleaned C. had cleaned D .were cleaning
3. It was late , so we decided……….a taxi home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

4. I caught him ……….. over my wall.

A. climb B. climbing C .to climb D . to be climbed

5. Don’t forget………the door before you go to bed .

A.locked B. locking C. lock D. to lock

6. She doesn’t enjoy ………..at by other people.

A. laughing B. laugh C. to laugh D. being laughed

7.It’s no good ………to him; he never answer letters .

A . write B. to write C. writing D. being written
8. ……….exam , he didn’t want to try again.

A. having failed B. failed C. to fail D. fail
9. If he ……….hard , he willn’t pass the exam.

A. didn’t study B . wouldn’t study C . doesn’t study D. hadn’t studied
10.My father wants……….the truth.

A. hearing B. to be hearing C. to hear D. heard

<b>D. Writing (3ms)</b>

<i><b> Task 1: arrange the sentences in the correct form</b></i>
<b> 1. like / cup/ to/ you /of /coffee / would / a / drink /?.</b>

2 my / asked / bus / by / next time / me / to / go / father / school /to .

<i><b> Task 2: Use the provided words to write a passage.</b></i>

1. friend / Mr Black / invite / me / come / house/ last week ./ He / live / alone /since / wife /
die / 1997 .He / live / country house / big garden / but /he / not / plant / big trees / there / be /
only /some flowers.


<i><b> Grammar and vocabulary: Choose the best answer:</b></i>

1. Mark was listening to music while his sister……….a book.

A. read B. reads C. is reading D.was reading
2. After John …………his clothes , he began to study .

A. wash B. had washed C. washed D. have washed
3. You must………a lot of people here.

A.to know B. know C. knowing D. known
4. It was late , so we decided……….a taxi home.

A. to take B. taken C. taking D. was taken

5. Don’t forget………the letter I gave you.

A. to post B. posting C. post D. posted
6.Just keep on…………..what you like.

A. do B. did C. doing D. done
7. He wants……….the truth.

A. hearing B. to be heard C. hear D. heard

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

A. willn’t fail B. didn’tfail C . wouldn’t fail D. wouldn’t have failed
9. ……….exam , he didn’t want to try again.

A. failed B. having failed C. to fail D. fail
10. She smell something ……….

A. burning B. to burn C. burnt D. having burnt

<b>D. Writing (3ms)</b>

<i><b> Task 1: arrange the sentences in the correct form</b></i>

<b> 1. please / forget / don’t / to /your name / put / on them.</b>

2.He / advised / not / by / next time / me / to go / bus

1. Before Nam…………his clothes , he had done his homework .

A. has washed B. had washed C. washed D. wash
2. When I ………..the house , I found some old letters.

A. was cleaning B . cleaned C. had cleaned D .were cleaning
3. It was late , so we decided……….a taxi home.

A. to take B. taken C. was taken D. taking

4. I caught him ……….. over my wall.

A. climb B. climbing C .to climb D . to be climbed

5. Don’t forget………the door before you go to bed .

A.locked B. locking C. lock D. to lock

6. She doesn’t enjoy ………..at by other people.

A. laughing B. laugh C. to laugh D. being laughed

7.It’s no good ………to him; he never answer letters .

A . write B. to write C. writing D. being written
8. ……….exam , he didn’t want to try again.

A. having failed B. failed C. to fail D. fail
9. If he ……….hard , he willn’t pass the exam.

A. didn’t study B . wouldn’t study C . doesn’t study D. hadn’t studied
10.My father wants……….the truth.

A. hearing B. to be hearing C. to hear D. heard

<b>D. Writing (3ms)</b>

<i><b> Task 1: arrange the sentences in the correct form</b></i>
<b> 1. like / cup/ to/ you /of /coffee / would / a / drink /?.</b>

3 my / asked / bus / by / next time / me / to / go / father / school /to .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<i><b> Grammar and vocabulary: Choose the best answer:</b></i>

1. Mark was listening to music while his sister……….a book.

A. read B. reads C. is reading D.was reading
2. After John …………his clothes , he began to study .

A. wash B. had washed C. washed D. have washed

3. You must………a lot of people here.

A.to know B. know C. knowing D. known
4. Don’t forget………the letter I gave you.

A. to post B. posting C. post D. posted
5.Just keep on…………..what you like.

A. do B. did C. doing D. done
6. She smell something ……….

A. burning B. to burn C. burnt D. having burnt

7. ……….exam , he didn’t want to try again.

A. failed B. having failed C. to fail D. fail
8. She doesn’t enjoy ………..at by other people.

A. laughing B. laugh C. to laugh D. being laughed

<b> Writing </b>

<i><b> Arrange the sentences in the correct form</b></i>
<b> 1. forget / don’t / to /your name / put / on them.</b>

2.He / advised / not / by / next time / me / to go / bus

<i><b> Grammar and vocabulary: Choose the best answer:</b></i>

1. Before Nam…………his clothes , he had done his homework .

A. has washed B. had washed C. washed D. wash
2. When I ………..the house , I found some old letters.

A. was cleaning B . cleaned C. had cleaned D .were cleaning
3. It was late , so we decided……….a taxi home.

A. to take B. taken C. was taken D. taking

4. She doesn’t enjoy ………..at by other people.

A. laughing B. laugh C. to laugh D. being laughed

5.It’s no good ………to him; he never answer letters .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

A. having failed B. failed C. to fail D. fail
7. If he ……….hard , he willn’t pass the exam.

A. didn’t study B . wouldn’t study C . doesn’t study D. hadn’t studied
8.My father wants……….the truth.

A. hearing B. to be hearing C. to hear <b>D. heard Writing </b>

<i><b> Arrange the sentences in the correct form</b></i>

<b> 1. like / cup/ to/ you /of /coffee / would / a / drink /?.</b>

2. my / asked / bus / by / next time / me / to / go / father / school /to

………3.She was reading my diary when I saw her. I caught

<b>Name :………. TEST 45’ (2)</b>

<b>Class :……… subject : English </b>

<b>1.A. write</b> <b>B.sandwich</b> <b>C.wrong</b> <b>D.answer</b>

<b>2. A.year</b> <b>B.useful</b> <b>C.university </b> <i><b>D. understand</b></i>

<i><b>3.A.present</b></i> <i><b>B. party</b></i> <i><b>C.partner</b></i> <i><b>D. card</b></i>

<i><b>4.A.happy</b></i> <i><b>B. honest</b></i> <i><b>C. holly</b></i> <i><b>D. hollow</b></i>

<b>II. Choose the best answer (3ms)</b>

1.Tom finally admitted ……… for not doing his homework.

A to be punished B.being punished C. to punish D. punishing
2. ………. the door, he was very surprised at what he saw.

A.Having opened B. When opened C. To open D.Opening

3. He was accused of ……… into the neighbour’s house.

A.broken B. being broken C. having broken D. to have broken

4. When she retired, she did a lot of ……… service for the Red Cross.

A. volunteer B.voluntary C. volunteers D. voluntarily

5. Most Vietnamese people ……… Christmas though they are not Christians.

A. celebrate B. interest C.have D. pursue

6. We saw some boys ………. on the benches.

A. sleeping B. to sleep C.slept D. having slept

7. We looked everywhere but the thief was nowhere ………

A.to see B. to be seen C. have seen D. seen

8. This book was written by a well-known writer. It is worth …………

A.reading B. read C. to read D. have read

9. I hope you don’t ……… me telephoning so late at night.

A. expect B. avoid C.mind D. want

10.The pop star turned and walked in another way to ………. being photographed.

A. try B.avoid C. consider D. admit

11. I think she is accustomed to………. Engligh at a private shool.

A.taugh B. teach C. teaching D. be taught

12.My teacher always expected me ………... well in the exam.

A. doing B. to do C. does D.do

<b>III.Find word or phrase which is not correct: (2ms)</b>
1.Rita enjoyed to be able to meet several Congress members.


2. She wasted a month tried to apply for a job in that company.


3. The old woman was so angry that she demanded to be seen the manager.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

4. We don’t mind to be asked to performed in front of an audience.


5. The children was playing outdoors last night when it began to rain.


6. Arrived late, Joe apologised to the teacher and promised to be on time in future.


7. Have you ever met the man is stanging over there?


8. She is always willing to help, but she doesn’t want to call at home unless there is an emergency.

<b>IV.Reading (1.5ms) </b>

<i><b> Read the paragraph and answer the questions</b></i>

In my country, Japan, we usually invite guests home at the weekend, in the early evening ,
about seven o’clock. Before they come, we must tidy the front garden and clean the sitting
room .Then we must spray it all with water to show that we welcome guests with cleanliness. The
guests usually bring presents and when they give you present ,they say , “I’m sorry this is such a
small present”, but in fact they have chosen the present very carfully.

1. When do Japanese invite guests to come home ?

2. Do they clean the sitting room before guests come?

3. What do they say when they give you the present?

<b>V. Rewrite the following sentences (1m)</b>

1.She closed the car and rushed to the car. (participles)

2.The boys who attend this shool have wear uniform.

The boys ………
<b> VI. Listening (1.5ms)</b>

<i><b> Listen to the paragraph and fill in the gap: </b></i>

When people in the U.S have……(1)………. or when they are invited to formal or informal get - …..
(2)…….they usually make a point of ……(3)…. to make others feel ……(4)… and …….(5)…….On the whole,
they tend to be informal. Men shake hands , but usually only when they are…..(6)………

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<b>Name :………. TEST 45’ (1)</b>
<b>Class :……… subject : English </b>

<b>1.A. write</b> <b>B.sandwich</b> <b>C.wrong</b> <b>D.answer</b>

<i><b>2.A.present</b></i> <i><b>B. party</b></i> <i><b>C.partner</b></i> <i><b>D. card</b></i>

<i><b>3.A.happy</b></i> <i><b>B. honest</b></i> <i><b>C. holly</b></i> <i><b>D. hollow</b></i>

<i><b>4.A.club</b></i> <i><b>B. computer</b></i> <i><b>C. but</b></i> <i><b>D. summer</b></i>

<b>II. Rewrite the following sentences (1m)</b>

1.She closed the car and rushed to the car. (participles)

2.She was reading my diary when I saw her.

-> I caught ………

<b>III.Choose the best answer:( (2ms)</b>

1. Before Nam…………his clothes , he had done his homework .

A. has washed B. had washed C. washed D. wash
2. When I ………..the house , I found some old letters.

A. was cleaning B . cleaned C. had cleaned D .were cleaning
3. It was late , so we decided……….a taxi home.

A. to take B. taken C. was taken D. taking

4. She doesn’t enjoy ………..at by other people.

A. laughing B. laugh C. to laugh D. being laughed

5.It’s no good ………to him; he never answer letters .

A . write B. to write C. writing D. being written
6. ……….exam , he didn’t want to try again.

A. having failed B. failed C. to fail D. fail
7. If he ……….hard , he willn’t pass the exam.

A. didn’t study B . wouldn’t study C . doesn’t study D. hadn’t studied
8.My father wants……….the truth.

A. hearing B. to be hearing C. to hear D. heard

<b>IV.Arrange the sentences in the correct form (1)</b>

<b> 1. forget / don’t / to /your name / put / on them.</b>

2.He / advised / not / by / next time / me / to go / bus
<b>V.Find word or phrase which is not correct: (2ms)</b>

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2. She wasted a month tried to apply for a job in that company.


3. The old woman was so angry that she demanded to be seen the manager.


4. We don’t mind to be asked to performed in front of an audience.


5. The children was playing outdoors last night when it began to rain.


6. Arrived late, Joe apologised to the teacher and promised to be on time in future.


7. Have you ever met the man is stanging over there?


8. She is always willing to help, but she doesn’t want to call at home unless there is an emergency.

<b> VI. Listening (1.5ms)</b>

<i><b> Listen to the paragraph and fill in the gap: </b></i>

When people in the U.S have……(1)………. or when they are invited to formal or informal get - …..
(2)…….they usually make a point of ……(3)…. to make others feel ……(4)… and …….(5)…….On the whole,
they tend to be informal. Men shake hands , but usually only when they are…..(6)………

key: 1…………. . 2………….. 3………….. 4……… 5 ………. 6…………
<b>VII.Reading (1.5ms) </b>

<i><b> Read the paragraph and answer the questions</b></i>

In my country, Japan, we usually invite guests home at the weekend, in the early evening ,
about seven o’clock. Before they come, we must tidy the front garden and clean the sitting

room .Then we must spray it all with water to show that we welcome guests with cleanliness. The
guests usually bring presents and when they give you present ,they say , “I’m sorry this is such a
small present”, but in fact they have chosen the present very carfully.

1. When do Japanese invite guests to come home ?

2. Do they clean the sitting room before guests come?


<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>


. When people in the U.S have company or when they are companyto formal or informal get – togethers
they usually make a point of trying to make others feel comfortable and relaxed. On the whole, they tend to
be informal. Men shake hands , but usually only when they are introduced . Male friends and business
associates who haven’t seen each other in a while may shake hands when they say hello.Women usually
don’t shake hands when being introduced to each other . When a woman and a man are introduced,
shaking hands is up to the woman . Americans rarely shake hands to say goodbye, except on business

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

<b>Task 1: 1. They usually invite guests to come home at the weekend about 7 o’clock</b>

2. They must tidy the font of garden and clean the sitting room. Then they must spray all with


