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i exercises preparing for the second exam grade 8 exercises preparing for the second exam part i grammar points a tenses 1 simple present tense thì hiện tại đơn đối với động từ tobe s isam

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<b>A . TENSES</b>

<b>1/ Simple present tense : (Thì hiện tại đơn)</b>
<i><b>@ Đối với động từ Tobe : </b></i>

(+) S + is/am/are + ……
(-) S + is/am/are + not + ……
(?) Is/Am/Are + S + …… ?
<i><b>@ Đối với động từ thường : </b></i>

(+) S + V(s-es) + ……

(-) S + donot/doesnot + V + ……
(?) Do/Does + S + V + …… ?

 Một số từ đi kèm : often, usually, always, sometimes, never, every (day)

<b>2/ Present progressive tense : (Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn) :</b>

(+) S + is/am/are + V-ing + ……

(-) S + is/am/are + not + V-ing + ……
(?) Is/Am/Are + S + V-ing + …… ?

 Một số từ đi kèm : now, at the moment, at present, look !, be careful !

<b>3/ Simple past tense : (Thì quá khứ đơn) :</b>

<i><b>@ Đổi với động từ Tobe : </b></i>

(+) S + was/were + ……
(-) S + was/were + not + ……
(?) Was/Were + S + …… ?
<i><b>@ Đối với động từ thường : </b></i>

(+) S + V2 + ……

(-) S + didnot + V + ……
(?) Did + S + V + …… ?

 Một số từ đi kèm : last, ago, yesterday

<b>4/ Near future tense : (Thì tương lai gần) :</b>

(+) S + is/am/are + going to + V…
(-) S + is/am/are + not + going to + V…
(?) Is/Am/Are + S + going to + V …?

 Một số từ đi kèm : at a moment, tonight.

<b>5/ Simple future tense : (Thì tương lai đơn) </b>

(+) S + will/shall + V …
(-) S + will/shall + not + V…
(?) Will/Shall + S + V …?

 Một số từ đi kèm : tomorrow, next, soon

<b>6/ Present Perfect tense : (Thì hiện tại hồn thành) </b>

(+) S + have/has + V3 + …
(-) S + have/has + not + V3 + …
(?) Has/Have + S + V3 + … ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<b>7/ Past continuous : (Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn) </b>
(+) S + was/were + V-ing + …
(-) S + was/were + not + V-ing + …
(?) Was/Were + S + V-ing + …?

 Một số từ đi kèm : at that time, at this time, at time, between time and time.

<b>8/ Mối quan hệ giữa thì hiện tại hồn thành và thì q khứ đơn thông qua liên từ since : </b>

Nếu hai mệnh đề được nối với nhau bởi liên từ since thì mệnh đề since thường chia ở thì q khứ
đơn, cịn mệnh đề chính thường chia ở thì hiện tại hồn thành.

<i>Ex : Lan (learn) English since she (be) 3 years old. </i>

 Lan has learnt English since she was 3 years old.

<b>9/ Mối quan hệ giữa thì quá khứ tiếp diễn và thì q khứ đơn thơng qua liên từ when : </b>

Nếu hai mệnh đề được nối với nhau bởi liên từ when thì mệnh đề when thường chia ở thì q khứ
đơn, cịn mệnh đề chính thường chia ở thì q khứ tiếp diễn.

<i>Ex : Lan (do) her homework when the phone (ring) </i>

 Lan was doing her homework when the phone rang


<b>ACTIVE</b> <b>PASSIVE</b>

Simple Present Tense S + V(s,es) + O S + is/am/are + V3 + (by O)

Simple Past Tense S + V2 + O S + was/were + V3 + (by O)

Present Continuous Tense S + is/am/are + V-ing + O S + is/am/are + being + V3 + (by O)
Past Continuous Tense S + was/were + V-ing + O S + was/were + being + V3 + (by O)
Present Perfect Tense S + have/has + V3 + O S + have/has + been + V3 + (by O)
Near Future Tense S + is/am/are + going to + V + O S + is/am/are + going to + be + V3 + (by O)

Simple Future Tense S + will/shall + V + O S + will/shall + be + V3 + (by O)

Modal Verbs S + MV + V + O S + MV + be + V3 + (by O)

<b>C . REPORTED SPEECH : Có các dạng sau :</b>

<b>1/ Commands – requests : ( câu mệnh lệnh – yêu cầu)</b>

<b>S + asked/told + O + (not) to-infinitive + …</b>
<b>2/ Advices : (lời khuyên)</b>

<b>S1 + said/told + S2 + should + bare-infinitive + …</b>

<b>3/ Yes – No questions : (câu hỏi có – không)</b>

<b>S + asked + if/whether + S + V + …</b>
<b>4/ Statements : (câu trần thuật) </b>

@ Một số thay đổi :

<b>TRỰC TIẾP</b> <b>GIÁN TIẾP</b>

Simple present Simple past

Present continuous Past continuous

Will/shall Would/should

May Might

Can Could

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

Mustn’t Was not to /were not to

This That

These Those

Here There

Now Then

Today That day

Yesterday The day before (the previous day)
Tomorrow The day after (the next day)

Ago Before

Next week The following week (the week after)


<b>1/ Present participle : (Hiện tại phân từ) : V – ing (chủ động) </b>
<b>2/ Past participle : (Qúa khứ phân từ) : V3 (bị động) </b>

<b>E . Request with WOULD YOU MIND… ? : </b>

@ Yêu cầu người khác làm việc gì : <b>Would you mind + V-ing … ?</b>

@ Xin phép một cách lịch sự : <b>Would you mind + if clause (past tense) … ?</b>
<b>Do you mind + if clause (present tense) … ? </b>
<b>F . CAUSATIVE FORM : (Thể sai khiến) </b>

<b>S + have/has + O + bare-infinitive</b>




1. Cool the burns immediately so as to ………tissue damage.

a. ease b. relieve c. minimize d. maximize
2. The lane is ………Nguyen Trai Street and Tran Hung Dao Street.

a. near b. between c. beside d. on
3. ……… you post this letter for me, please ?

a. Will b. Do c. Are d. Won’t
4. She promises she ………back in about half an hour.

a . is b. be c. has been d. will be
5. ……… I do the washing-up? – No, thanks. I can do it myself.

a . Can b. Would c. Shall d. Won’t
6. People use first-aid ……… ease the victim’s pain and anxiety.

a. so that b. in order to c. so as not to d. in order that
7. ……… is used to check one’s eyesight.

a. eye-shade b. eyeglass c. eyepiece d. eye chart
8. Milk ……… to the houses by the milkman every day.

a. brings b. is bring c. is brought d. has brought
9. We were delighted ………your letter last week.

a. getting b. to get c. get d. got

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11. Milk bottes can be ……… after being cleaned.

a. Recycled b. Thrown away c. Broken d. Reused
12. This project ... next month.

a. is carried out b. will carry out c. carried out d. will be carried out
13. It’s dangerous ……… in this river.

a. Swim b. To swim c. Swimming d. swam
14. We are looking forward to ... you in June.

a. seeing b. see c. saw d. Be seen
15. The pyramid of cheops is one of the seven……… of the world.

a. Pyramids b. Temples c. Landmarks d. Wonders
16. I can see a boy ……… a water buffalo.

a. Ride b. Riding c. To ride d. Rode
17. It’s ……… to travel around Vietnam.

a. Interesting b. Interested c. Interestingly d. Interestedly
18. Would you mind………the windows.

a. To close b. Closing c. Close d. Closed
20. ………you mind if I smoke ?

a. Could b. Don’t c. Do d. Would
21. My sister likes sweets ……… from chocolate

a. Making b. Made c. To make d. Make
22. This is the first time Sharnon ……… rice paddies.

a. Is seeing b. Saw c. See d. Has seen
24. They are good friends. They ……… each other for a long time.

a. Know b. Have known c. Knew d. Were knowing
25. How about ……… to Thai Binh Market?

a. Going b. To go c. Went d. Gone
26. “What ……… in New York?”-“It’s very cold and humid.”

a. The weather like b. Does the weather like c. The weather is like d. d. Is the weather like
27 . “……… to come and have dinner with us?”-“I’d love to but I’m busy.”

a. Do you want b. Would you like c. Would you mind d. Could you please
28. Can you tell me where ……… ?

a. She does b. Does she c. She is d. Is she
29. I was reading ……… my sisters were playing with their dolls.

a. When b. While c. At which d. At time
31. Millions of Christmas cards ……… every year.

a. Were sent b. Are sent c. Sent d. Is sending
32. I take part ……… most youth activities of my school.

a. Of b. On c. To d. In

33. Jane saw her old friend while she ……… the street.

a. Crossed b. Is crossing c. Was crossing d. Crosses
34. He had his father ……… his watch

a. Fixed b. Fixing c. To fix d. Fix
35. I saw him ……… the flowers in the garden.

a. Watering b. Watered c. Be watered d. Be watering
36. A contest in which participants have to fetch water from the river is called ………

a. Water-fetch contest b. Fetching-water contest
c. Water-fetching contest d. Fetch-water contest
37. The poem……… , became popular in the USA.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

a. Burnt b. Was burning c. Has burnt d. Burn
39. She asked me ……… a driving licence.

a. If I had b. Whether I have c. If I has d. Whether I have has
40. They has the potter ……… their luggage.

a. Carry b. Carrying c. To carry d. Carried
41. He had his father...his christmas cards.

a.decorated b. decorating c. to decorate d. decorate
42. They try to make a fire by...pieces of bamboo together .

a. adding b. separating c. rubbing d. taking
43. First prize was awarded...Jackie Stevens, the smallest girl on the team.

a. with b. on c.for d.to
44. Do you mind...me a hand with this bag

a. give b. giving c.to give d.to giving
45. We have to get up early...late for class.

a. so as to be b. so that not to be c. in order not to be d. so as to not be
46. We are all ...that you passed your English exam. Congratulations!

a. delighted b.relieved c.afraid d.certain
47. At 9 o’clock yesterday, we______________ on the beach.

a. are lying b. have lain c. lay d. were lying
48. I must go now. I promised________________late

a. not to be b. not being c. to not be d. not be
49. I take part____________most youth activities of my school

a. of b. on c. to d. in

50. I would like_____to Africa.

a. to go b. go c. going d. to going
51. Jane saw her old friend while she_______________the street.

a. was crossing b. is crossing c. crossed d. crosses
52. She asked me___________________a driving license.

a. if I have b. whether I have c. if I had d. whether I has had
53. I don't know how__________________the game.

a. to play b. playing c. played d. can I play
54. While my father was reading newspapers, my mother__________meal at 5pm. yesterday.

a. cooked b. cooks c. has cooked d. was cooking
55. Could you please tell me how_____________a sticky rice cake?

a. to make b. is making c. make d. to be made
56. I saw him__________________the flowers in the garden.

a. be watering b. watered c. be watered d. watering
57. He used__________a football player. He had to stop__________because of an injury.

a. to be/ playing b. being/ playing c. to be/ to play d. be /playing
58 . When the teacher comes in, the class stops __________and stands up.

a. to talk b. talking c. talk d. talks
59. Paul is said________________the brightest student in the class.

a. he was b. was c. being d. to be
60. These houses ___________ 100 years ago.

a. are built b. built c. were built d. build
61. In order to keep fit, we should do exercises____________

a. regularly b. regular c. regulating d. regulation
62 . Would you like _____ for a drink?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

a. do b. doing c.to do d. done
64. When I was a child, I _______ my ball through the window.

a. was always kicking b. always was kicking
c. was kicking always d. kicked always
65. Ann ________ television when the phone rang.

a. watches b. watched c. has watched d. was watching


1) People use milk for making butter and cheese.

 _________________________________________________________________________

2) The milkman brings bottles of milk to house

 _________________________________________________________________________

3) Careless driving causes many accidents.

 _________________________________________________________________________

4) Weeds cover the river bank

 _________________________________________________________________________

5) People speak English all over the world

 _________________________________________________________________________

6) They don’t use this house very often.

 _________________________________________________________________________

7) Do they teach French in this school?

 _________________________________________________________________________

8) They make a lot of beautiful toys from recycled plastic.

 _________________________________________________________________________

9) The workers clean the streets every day.

 _________________________________________________________________________

10) Do they usually hold the concerts at the university?

 _________________________________________________________________________

11) Somebody will clean the room later.

 _________________________________________________________________________

12) You mustn’t open this parcel until Christmas Day.

 _________________________________________________________________________

13) They can’t make tea with cold water.

 _________________________________________________________________________

14) The students will hold a meeting before the Teachers’ Day.

 _________________________________________________________________________

15) People can recycle tires to make pipes or floor coverings.

 _________________________________________________________________________

16) They should send applications before December 30 th<sub>.</sub>

 _________________________________________________________________________

17) The manager must sigs the contract today

 _________________________________________________________________________

18) They will build the new bridge by the end of the year.

 _________________________________________________________________________

19) We should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags

 _________________________________________________________________________

20) We can use the garbage to make fertilizer.

 _________________________________________________________________________

21) Somebody cleans the room every day

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

22) How do people learn language?

 _________________________________________________________________________

23) John will collect me at the airport.

 _________________________________________________________________________

24) Mr. Robinson teaches us how to speak English properly.

 _________________________________________________________________________

25) Your teacher must sign this form.

 _________________________________________________________________________

26) People play football all over the worlds.

 _________________________________________________________________________

27) Our form teacher will hold a class discussion next Monday.

 _________________________________________________________________________

28) Will you invite her to your birthday party?

 _________________________________________________________________________

29) We can’t wear jeans at work.

 _________________________________________________________________________

30) Do they speak French and English in Canada?

 _________________________________________________________________________

31) Does Egypt export cotton to many countries?

 _________________________________________________________________________

32) Somebody must do something for there poor men.

 _________________________________________________________________________

33) Did Jack London write the novel “Martin Idon”?

 _________________________________________________________________________

34) They have just built a new church near my house.

 _________________________________________________________________________

35) People speak French and English in Canada.

 _________________________________________________________________________

36) Bell invented the telephone in 1876.

 _________________________________________________________________________

37) They will laugh at you if you wear that silly hat.

 _________________________________________________________________________

38) My grandfather built this house over 40 years ago.

 _________________________________________________________________________

39) Clement Clarke Moore wrote the poem “A visit from Saint Nicholas”.

 _________________________________________________________________________

40) They performed Christmas songs for people in town.

 _________________________________________________________________________

41) Santa Claus gave children presents on Christmas Eve.

 _________________________________________________________________________

42) My father decorated the Chistmas tree with colored lights.

 _________________________________________________________________________

43) Miss Thanh taught me to draw the Christmas cards.

 _________________________________________________________________________

44) Ba invited Liz to the rice-cooking festival.

 _________________________________________________________________________

45) They held the festival in the communal house yard.

 _________________________________________________________________________

46) The council leader awarded the first prize to the Mekong team.

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<b>@ PASSIVE </b>

<b> ACTIVE</b>

47) The Christmas trees were decorated and put at the front doors.

 _________________________________________________________________________

48) His painting will be exhibited for the first time by New Arts gallery.

 _________________________________________________________________________

49) French isn’t taught in this school.

 _________________________________________________________________________

50) Was this symphony written by Mozart?

 _________________________________________________________________________

51) A new supermarket is going to be built next year.

 _________________________________________________________________________

52) Most of the questions can be answered by Nam.

 _________________________________________________________________________

53) My camera was stolen from my hotel room a few days ago.

 _________________________________________________________________________

54) Alexandre Eiffel designed the Eiffel Tower for the Paris World’s Fair of 1889.

 _________________________________________________________________________

55) His painting will be exhibited for the first time by New Arts gallery.

 _________________________________________________________________________

56) People said that the Pyramids of Egypt is one of the wonders of the world.

 _________________________________________________________________________

57) They have to change the plan to Florida because of the rough weather.

 _________________________________________________________________________

58) He is being questioned about the stolen goods by the police.

 _________________________________________________________________________

59) Were you taught how to apply this theory by your teacher?

 _________________________________________________________________________

60) They usually hold the concerts at the university.

 _________________________________________________________________________

61) They have already finished their work as requested.

 _________________________________________________________________________

<b>III . COMBINE EACH PAIR OF SENTENSES, USINGS </b><i><b>PRESENT PATICIPLE</b></i><b> (V + ING) OR </b><i><b>PAST </b></i>
<i><b>PARTICIPLE</b></i><b> (V + ED).</b>

1. The baby is crying for her mother. She is sitting in an armchair.

 _________________________________________________________________________

2. The boy was taken to the hospital. He was injured in the accident.

 _________________________________________________________________________

3. The road is very narrow. It joins the two villages .

 _________________________________________________________________________

4. Do you know the woman? The woman is talking to Tom.

 _________________________________________________________________________

5. The window has been repaired. It was broken last night.

 _________________________________________________________________________

6. The taxi broke down. It was talking us to the airport.

 _________________________________________________________________________

7. A bridge has been declared unsafe. It was built only two years ago.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

8. Most of the goods are exported. They are made in this factory.

 _________________________________________________________________________

9. A new factory has just opened in the town. The factory employs 500 people.

 _________________________________________________________________________

10. “Romeo and Juliet” is the best tragedy I have ever seen. It was writen by Shakespeare.

 _________________________________________________________________________


1) The girl fell ……… her bike and hit her head ………
the road.

2) The policeman asked me to phone ……… an ambulance.
3) You’d better put pressure……….the wound.

4) The ambulance will be there about 10 minutes.

5) Don’t overheat the victim ……… blankets or coats.
6) How will we contact ……… you ?

7) Will you come ……… to my house on the week
8) Don’t throw things………Try and find another use

9) We can look ……… information ……… recycling things in
the local library

10) I’m looking forward ……… seeing you in June. (in/ with/ to/ on)
11) Could I help you ……… your luggage? (with/ of/ on/ to)

12) Would you mine sitting ……… the front seat of the taxi? (on/ at/ during/


13) Ha Long Bay is recognized ……… UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
(of/ by/ toward/ for)

14) John is interested ……… the history Vietnam. (in/ with/ to/ on)

15) She is thinking ……… importing flowers from Vietnam. (in/ of/ for/ on)
16) He realized his alarm clock didn’t go ………. (on/ of/ around/off)

17) Everyone fell ……… the deep and dangerous water. (over/ in/ into/ out)
18) You must come ……… for dinner one night.

19) I’ll pick you ……… at the hotel 7 o’clock.
20) This doll is made ………China.

21) My mother is very keen ……… growing roses.
22) John is extremely fond ……… music.

23) Are they interested ……… a harvest festival?

24) How many members participated ……… the rice-cooking contest?
25) Santa Claus is based……… the description of Saint Nicholas
26) That’s very kind...you to help me...this math problem.
27) Minh works hard ...Monday...Friday.

28) You can meet me...7.15 and 8.00.

29) I’ll leave...7 o’clock, so you should call me...7.00.


1. Tom said, “I’m a student”

 ________________________________________________________________________

2. Nga said to her brother, “I can’t answer this question.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

 ________________________________________________________________________

4. He said to us, “You are my friends.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

5. Johnny said to me, “I don’t know what Fred is doing.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

6. She said, “I will answer the phone.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

7. He said to his friends, “I must go home now.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

8. Hoa said, “I can’t go out after 8 p.m.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

9. She said to me, “ I will come and see you as soon as I can.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

10. Judy said, “John wants to come here but he isn’t very well.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

11. Susan said, “My sister is coming to see me next week.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

12. Judy said to me, “I’m going away for afew days. I’ll phone you when I get back.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

13. Mary asked me. “ Do you want to visit london?”

 ________________________________________________________________________

14. She said, “Can you speak spanish, Minh?”

 ________________________________________________________________________

15. Thanh said to her teacher, “Will I finish my exercise at home?

 ________________________________________________________________________

16. Nien asked Hoa, “Do you have many new friends?”

 ________________________________________________________________________

17. My friend said, “Are you going to leave tomorrow?

 ________________________________________________________________________

18. They said to us, “Must you go now?”

 ________________________________________________________________________

19. I asked Nam, “ Are you free tonight?”

 ________________________________________________________________________

20. She asked the tourists, “Do you know the way the station?”

 ________________________________________________________________________

21. John said, “Is phong nha cave in southern vietnam,Nhi?”

 ________________________________________________________________________

22. Daniel said to Jim, “Is there a cafe nearby?

 ________________________________________________________________________

23. He said to me, “Don’t forget to post the letter.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

24. Nhi said, “I am visiting Hoi An now.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

25. Johnny said, “I don’t know how to do this exercise.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

26. She said, “I must stay at home tomorrow.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

27. Hoa asked Tim, “ Do you like this place?”

 ________________________________________________________________________

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

 ________________________________________________________________________

29. “ I have something to show you,” I said to her.

 ________________________________________________________________________

30. “They are building a new hospital in the village,” said the Mayor.

 ________________________________________________________________________

31. “I don’t like cartoon,” Lan says.

 ________________________________________________________________________

32. “I’m not enjoying my job very much,” Ms Black said.

 ________________________________________________________________________

33. “My boss arrived late last night,” he said

 ________________________________________________________________________

34. “You shouldn’t stay up late,” he said.

 ________________________________________________________________________

35. Mary said: “I cannot go to the movie with you, John”

 ________________________________________________________________________

36. “Are you willing to work on Saturdays?”

 ________________________________________________________________________

37. “Why do you want the job?” She asked

 ________________________________________________________________________

38. He said, “What is happening?

 ________________________________________________________________________

39. “You shouldn’t drink too much coffee at night,” said Bob.

 ________________________________________________________________________

40. “Don’t be late for class again, Jim.”,The teacher asked

 ________________________________________________________________________

41. “Would you like to go out for dinner with us tonight?”,Mary invited

 ________________________________________________________________________

42. Mother said, “Don’t forget to water the flowers for me, Tom”.

 ________________________________________________________________________

43. “Don’t worry. I’ll help you with the money.”,He promised

 ________________________________________________________________________

44. He said, “I am writing a test tomorrow.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

45. You said, “I will do this for him.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

46. She said, “I am not hungry now.”

 ________________________________________________________________________

47. “I will apply for my visa tomorrow,” She said.

 ________________________________________________________________________

48. My teacher said “The sun rises in the East”.

 ________________________________________________________________________

49. He asked, “Do I have to do it?”

 ________________________________________________________________________

50. “Are you going to the cinema?” he asked me.

 ________________________________________________________________________


1) Two hundred people are employed by the company.

 _________________________________________________________________________

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

 _________________________________________________________________________

3) The result will be known next week.

 _________________________________________________________________________

4) A milk bottle can be reused thirty times.

 _________________________________________________________________________

5) The park gates are locked at 6.30 p.m.

 _________________________________________________________________________

6) The applications should be sent to the main office.

 _________________________________________________________________________

7) The room is cleaned every day.

 _________________________________________________________________________

8) Silver is used for ornaments, jewellery and coins

 _________________________________________________________________________

9) Christmas songs were first performed eight hundred years ago.

 _________________________________________________________________________

10) Santa Claus is based on the description of Saint Nicholas

 _________________________________________________________________________

11) The Thon Trieu team won the grand prize.

 _________________________________________________________________________

12) The English-speaking contest will be held at Le Loi school.

 _________________________________________________________________________

13) We have been in London for five years.

 _________________________________________________________________________

14) The poem “A visit from Saint Nicholas” was written by Clement Clarke Moore.

 _________________________________________________________________________

15) There were three competitions in the Rice-cooking Festival

 _________________________________________________________________________

16) I was listening to the music when you called me yesterday evening

 _________________________________________________________________________


1) The man (sit) next to me was very nervous.

 _________________________________________________________________________

2) Tom doesn’t enjoy (laugh) at by otther people.

 _________________________________________________________________________

3) I’d like you (meet) my mother.

 _________________________________________________________________________

4) He suggested (travel) around the tows by bike.

 _________________________________________________________________________

5) The flights to London will (delay) because of heavy rain.

 _________________________________________________________________________

6) This is the first time Hoa (meet) Tim’s famaly.

 _________________________________________________________________________

7) She has a lot of novels (write) in English.

 _________________________________________________________________________

8) Your poem should (write) in English.

 _________________________________________________________________________

9) Yesterday afternoon, my father (fix) his motorcycle while my mother (cook) dinner.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

10) It’s a serious problem. I don’t know how it can (solve).

 _________________________________________________________________________

11) The teacher ordered Tom(go) to the blackboard.

 _________________________________________________________________________

12) I learned to swim when I (be) very young. I (teach) by my mother.

 _________________________________________________________________________

13) He said that his mother (not/be) very well, so he (can not) go to the party.

 _________________________________________________________________________

14) When we (meet) George and Linda yesterday, we (walk) through the park.

 _________________________________________________________________________

15) “What you (do) at eight o’clock last night?” - “We (watch) television.”

 _________________________________________________________________________

16) When we (be) young, our family (live) in the countryside.

 _________________________________________________________________________

17) The doll (dress) in red is 5 dollars.

 _________________________________________________________________________

18) Would you mind if I (smoke) ?

 _________________________________________________________________________

19) The girl (stand) over there is Lan.

 _________________________________________________________________________

20) He is happy (help) you.

 _________________________________________________________________________

21) Mrs Nga was cooking when Nam (come)

 _________________________________________________________________________

22) I don’t know how (use) the sewing machine.

 _________________________________________________________________________

23) When I’m tired, I enjoy (watch) TV.

 _________________________________________________________________________

24) A new bike (buy) for me by my mother yesterday

 _________________________________________________________________________

25) While I was cooking the dinner, my sister ( clean) the floor at 5 p.m yesterday.

 _________________________________________________________________________

26) It started (rain) when they left home.

 _________________________________________________________________________

27) He said he (be) a teacher.

 _________________________________________________________________________

28) When she (come) , I was having lunch at 12 yesterday.

 _________________________________________________________________________

29) Would you mind (close) the door ?

 _________________________________________________________________________

30) The exercise (do) by me tonight.

 _________________________________________________________________________

31) The kitchen foor (clean) by her everyday.

 _________________________________________________________________________

32) It was late, so we decided (take) a taxi home.

 _________________________________________________________________________


1) We must pay the bill at once.

 The bill ___________________________________________________________

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

 English ___________________________________________________________

3) This question is difficult to understand

 It’s ___________________________________________________________

4) I will repair your bicycle tomorrow afternoon.

 Your bicycle ___________________________________________________________

5) “Don’t throw things away,” Miss Linda said to the students.

 Miss Linda asked ___________________________________________________________

6) Penicillin can cure many dangerous diseases.

 Many ___________________________________________________________

7) Does your country export rice to Britain?

 Is rice ___________________________________________________________ ?

8) Clement clarke moore wrote the poem in 1823.

 The poem___________________________________________________________

9) Chirstmas cards should be sent a week befor christmas day.

 You___________________________________________________________

10) “We are waiting for the school bus”, said the children.

 The children said___________________________________________________________

11) Nobody has used this machine for years

 This machine___________________________________________________________

12) They use recycled plastic to make toys

 Recycled___________________________________________________________

13) She said to me, “turn off all the lights when you go out

 She said ___________________________________________________________

14) The last time I played tennis was in 1990.

 I haven’t___________________________________________________________

15) “ We are waiting for the school bus” said the children.

 The children said___________________________________________________________

16) I asked Nam “Are you free tonight?”

 I asked Nam___________________________________________________________

17) I would like you to help me move this table.

 Do you mind ___________________________________________________________?

18) Mai keeps leaving her pen at home.

 Mai is ___________________________________________________________

19) Air travel is faster than any other kinds of transport.

 Air travel is the___________________________________________________________

20) It is a contest in which participants have to cook rice.

 It is a rice-___________________________________________________________

21) Does your country export rice to Britain?

 Is ___________________________________________________________?


<b>PARAGRAPH 1 </b>

Every day of the year throughout the world, about twenty million paper bags and newspaper are screwed and

thrown away.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>


1. How many paper bags and newspapers are throw away every day?

2. What material do paper mills need to make paper?

3. What have many countries done to save money and labour in making paper?

4. What percentage of waste paper is recycled with the help of the public?

5. What do the paper mills do to reuse waste paper?

6. How many trees can be saved for every ton of recycled newspringt?


<b>PARAGRAPH 2</b>

<b>NHA TRANG</b>

When people talk about Nha Trang, the biggest city in Khanh Hoa Province, they often think of a tropical
paradise. Nha Trang is a famous seaside resort. It has a long coastline with beautiful white sandy beaches.

In the morning and afternoon, tourists can take part in varius fascinating outdoor activities such as mud bathing,
swinmming, snorkelinng or scuba diving. Snorkeling and scuba diving are both interesting sports, as swimming
may swim underwater and admire the lives at the bottom of the sea. Besides, tourist can also take boat trips to
the islands. One of the most enjoysble trips is the trip to Mieu Island, where Tri Nguyen Aquarium was built in
1999. This aquarium is now home to different kinds of colorful fish and even a few sharks.

In addition, tourist can spend an evening visiting a fishing village, where they could get a taste of the local
seafood. There are crabs, shrimps, lobsters, clams, oysters, and several other kinds of fish – all are fresh and

- tropical paradise: <i>thiên đường nhiệt đới</i>

- mud bathing: <i>tắm bùn</i>

- snorkeling: <i>mơn bơi lặn có ống thở</i>

- oyster: <i>con soø</i>

<b>*Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence</b>
<b>1/ Nha Trang is </b>

A . Famous for its fresh and delicious seafood B . Located in khanh hoa province
C . A paradise D . Not a resort

<b>2/ Tourist can take part in some outdorr activities such as </b>

A . Visiting nha trang pasteur Institute B . Eating the local seafood
C . Visiting tri phuong Aquarium D . Scuba diving

<b>3/ At tri nguyen Aquarium, visitor can enjoy </b>

A . Watching a few sharks only B . A taste of the local seafood
C . Watching sharks and various kind of colorful fish D . Feeding the fish

<b>4/ At a fishing village, tourist can</b>

A . Get a taste of the local seafood B . Catch the fish and cook them
C . Choose crabs, shrimps D . Enjoy fishing


<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

New York City is located in the southeastern part of New York State just east of New Jersey. The city was
found by the Dutch in 1624. at first it was called Fort Amterdamand then New York. In 1664, the English took
over the city and renamed it New York. With the population of more than 7 milion in the city and 19 milion in
the metropolitan region, New York is the largest city in the United States. It is divided into five parts, which are
Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. The total area of these parts is 964 square
kilometers. Visitors to New York are all attracted by places such as the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State
Building, Wall Street, and Broad way theatre district. New York is also where tourists can visit come world
famous art galleries and museums.

<b>QUESTIONS : </b>

1> Where is New York City ?

 _________________________________________________________

2> Why was New York originally called new Amsterdam ?

 _________________________________________________________

3> When was it found ?

 _________________________________________________________

4> What is its population ?

 _________________________________________________________

5> How many parts are there in the city ?

 _________________________________________________________

6> How big is it ?

 _________________________________________________________

7> What are visitors to New York attracted by ?

 _________________________________________________________


<b>PARAGRAPH 4</b>

London is Baitain’s biggest city. It is a very old city and dates back to the Romans. It is a city of historic
buildings anh churches, and is as many beautiful parks . It olso has some of the best museums in the would.
London is very crowded in summes . It is a popular city with foreign tourists ,and has mory than eight million
visitors a year The city is famous for its shopping and department storys . London has excellent underground
railway system,so it is easy for tourysts to get around . In London , there are pienty of good restaurants where
you can get excellent Brisitsh food . The city also has lots of good Indian, Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian ,

and Greek restaurants .

<b>TRUE or FALSE :</b>


None of the cities in Britain is bigger than London .



London was founded by the Romans .



London has historic buildings and churches .



Most of the best museums in the would are situated in London .



London is not busy in summer .



Foreign tourists like visiting London .



It’n not easy for tourists to travel around London .



You can’t get spaghetti or sushi in London .



<b>PARAGRAPH 5</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

cook special food, clean and make offering on the family altars. On the New Year’s Eve, people sit up to
midnight to see the New Year in, then they put on new clothes and give on another the greeting of the season.
Tet lasts days. The first three days are the most important. Vietnamese people believe that how people act
during those days will influence the whole year. As a result, they make every effort to avoid arguments and
smile as much as possible.

<b>QUESTIONS : </b>

1/ What is vietnam’s new year known as?

 ………

2/ When does the lunar new year begin?

 ………

3/ What do Vietnamese people usually do to prepare for Tet?

 ………

4/ What do people do on the New Year’s Eve?

 ………

5/ How long does Tet last?

 ………

6/ Why are the first three days the most important?

 ………

<b>PARAGRAPH 6</b>

Tet is a national and (1) _____ festival in Vietnam. It is occasion for every Vietnamese to be reunited to think
(2)____their past activities and hope for good luck (3)____the, year to come.

Before Tet all houses are white washed and (4) _____with yellow apricot flowers and colorful lanterns.
Everybody is looking (5)_______to a more favorable life. (6)_____ the New Year’s Eve, children are smartly
dressed. They are hoping to (7) _____ money put in small red envelopes as they are wishing longevity to their
grandparents and parents. Wrong doings (8)____be absolutely avoided on these days.

1. a. traditional b. modern c. music d. summer

2. a. for b. to c. after d. about

3. a. in b. at c. on d. when

4. a. decorate b. decorated c. decorating d. decorates

5. a. at b. for c. after d. forward

6. a. In b. At c. On d. When

7. a. buy b. receive c. sell d. make

8. a. should b. need c. ought d. have


<b>PARAGRAPH 7</b>

New York City is located in the southeastern part of New York State just east of New Jersey. The city was
found by the Dutch in 1624. At first is called Fort Amsterdam, and then New Amsterdam. In 1664, the
English took over the city and renamed it New York. With the population of more than 7 millions in the city
and 19 million in the metropolitan region, New York is the largest city in the United States. It is divided into
five parts, which are Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. The total area of these
parts is 946 square kilometers. Visitors to New York are all attracted by places such as the Statue of Liberty,
the Empire State Building, Wall Street, and Broadway theater district. New York is also where tourists can
visit some world famous art galleries and museums.

1. Where is New York City?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

2. When was it found?

 ...

3. How many parts are there in the city?

 ………

4. What are visitors to New York attracted by?

 ……….


<b>PARAGRAPH 8</b>

Vietnam’s New Year is celebrated according to the Lunar calendar. It is officially known as Tet Nguyen
Dan, or Tet. It begins between January twenty-first and February nineteen. The exact date changes from year to
year. Vietnamese people usually make preparations for the holiday several weeks beforehand. They tidy their
houses, cook special food, clean and made offerings on the family altars. On the New Year’s Eve, people sit up
to midnight to see the New Year in, then they put on new clothes and give one another the greetings of the
season. Tet lasts ten days. The first three days are the most important. Vietnamese people believe that how
people act during those days will influence the whole year. As a result, they make every effort to avoid
arguments and smile as much as possible.

<b>Questions </b>

1. What is Vietnam’s New Year known as?

2. What do Vietnamese people usually do to prepare for Tet?

3. Does Tet last three days?

4. Why are the first three days the most important?


<b>PARAGRAPH 9</b>

<b>Let's visit Tokyo</b>

Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan, is one of the three largest cities in the world. In the twelfth century, Japan's
capital was an inland city named Kyoto. Six hundred years later, many people from Kyoto had moved to a city
called Eyed. They had renamed it Tokyo and had made this city the capital of all Japan. Today, Tokyo is a busy
place. It is a center for business and education. It is also a center for religion. In addition, Tokyo University, the
beautiful grounds of the Imperial Place, the famous Imperial Hotel, built in 1920 by an American, Frank Lloyd
Wright, and many fine shops, stores, theaters and eating places can be found in this capital. In downtown
Tokyo, many large, new buildings made of concrete and steel may be seen. Some of these were built after the
earthquake of 1923. Others were built after World War II.

<b>* Answer the questions.</b>

1. Which city used to be the capital of Japan in the 12th century ?

2. What did Tokyo use to be called?

3. Who designed the Imperial Hotel ?

4. What were large, modern buildings in Tokyo made of ?


