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name class the third test of english 9 time allotted 45 minutes avocabulary and grammar 4 5ms i choose the correct words to complete the sentences 2ms 1 they always do their work care c

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Time allotted: 45 minutes .
<b>A>VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: ( 4.5ms )</b>

<b> I/ Choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences . ( 2ms )</b>

<i>1.</i> They always do their work _______________ . ( care/ careful/ carefulness/ carefully )

<i>2.</i> There is too much traffic. ______________ , the air is polluted. (However/ Since/ But/ Therefore )

<i>3.</i> Who is going to _______________your children when you’re at work ? ( look up/ look for/ look after/ look
<i>out )</i>

<i>4.</i> _______________ put the garbage bins around the school yard ? ( W hy don’t we/ I suggest/ How about/
<i>Let’s )</i>

<i>5.</i> Mai wants to go home ________________ she feels sick. ( because/ and/ but/ or )

<i>6.</i> If we pollute the water, we _______________ no fresh water to use. ( have/ to have/ had/ will have )
<i>7.</i> I suggest _______________ showers to save water . ( take/ taking/ took/ to take )

<i>8.</i> I’m _______________ that you’ve passed the examination . ( happy/ happily/ happiness/ unhappy )
II/ Fill in each gap with a suitable word. The first letter of each word is given. ( 1.5ms )

1. A dripping faucet can w……… 500 litters of water a month.
2. Vehicles account for air p……… in the cities.

3. S……… energy can be cheap and clean.

<b> III/ Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first. ( 1m )</b>

1. Hoa is tired . She stayed up late watching TV .

Hoa is ……….
2. Nam said : “ Let’s get a plumber to check the cracks in the pipes”

Nam suggested ……….

<b> I/ Read the following passage, then decide the following statements are true(T) or false(F). ( 2ms )</b>
Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world’s energy
resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them
economically and try to find out alternative sources of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnham of the
New English Institute of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it’s too late, and
nuclear power is the only alternative.

However, many people do not approve of using nuclear power because it’s dangerous. What would
happen if there was a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity causes cancer may badly affect the future

The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economically as possible.
1. Natural resources will never run out.

2. The world’s energy resources are limited.
3. We don’t know exactly how much fuel is left.
4. We shouldn’t waste fuel.

5. According to Professor Marvin Burnham, solar energy will be used as a substitute for natural resources
6. All people agree to use nuclear power as an alternative energy.

7. Radioactivity from nuclear power causes cancer and may have bad effect on the future generations.

8. Natural resources should be used as much as possible.

<b> </b>

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1. Are the world’s energy resources limited or not ?

2. What is the only alternative ?

<b>C> WRITING. With the cues given, write a complaint letter. ( 2.5ms )</b>

Dear Mr President ,

1. I/ write/ you/ the noise caused/ Karaoke shop/ near/ house.
2. They/ play/ music/ loudly/ that/ I/ not study/ evening.
3. I/ also/ not sleep/ night.

4. I/ suggest/ they/ lower/ volume/ when/ it/ 9p.m.

5. I/ look forward/ hear/ you and see/ how you/ deal with/ problem.
Yours faithfully,

<i><b>( your signature )</b></i>


