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Lesson 1 : A 1-3 page 134-135

Lesson 2 : A 4 page 136
Lesson 3 : B1-2 page 138-139

<b>Tuần 27</b>


<b>1 –A 1-3 – page 134 - 135</b>

 <i><b>Objectives</b> : By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to use temperature and season</i>

<i>vocabulary with “What’s the weather like ? / what weather do you like ?” questions.</i>

 <i><b>Materials :</b> Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters.</i>
 Procedure.


<i><b>Teacher’s and</b></i>

5’ -Ss match the words with their


-T. gives Feedback.

<i><b>I ) Warmer :</b></i>

1. cold a. noùng
2. hot b. lạnh
3. warm c. mát
4. cool d. ấm áp

13’ -SS guess.

-T. models three times.

-SS repeat chorally first, then

-T. puts the words on the

-T. checks meaning and

-T. sets the scene.
-T. models first .
-SS repeat chorally.
-T. rubs out some words.
-Ss practice in open pairs.

-T. gets SS to give the form,

<i><b>II ) Presentation :</b></i>
.Pre teach.

-season (n) : muøa (<i>Situation)</i>

-weather (n) : thời tiết <i> (Situation)</i>

-spring (n) : mùa xuân <i> (Explanation)</i>

-summer (n) : mùa hè (hạ)<i> (Explanation)</i>

-fall = autumn (n) : muøa thu <i> (Explanation)</i>

-winter (n) : muøa ñoâng<i> (Situation)</i>

* <i>Nam và Hoa đang nói chuyện với nhau về thời tiết</i>
<i>của các mùa trong năm và thời tiết ưa thích của các</i>
<i>bạn ấy.</i>

-Rub out and remember dialogue.
Nam : What’s the weather like in the spring ?
Hoa : It’s warm in the spring.

Nam : What weather do you like ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

meaning and usage of the

target item. -Target item

<i>* Hỏi về thời tiết của các mùa</i> :

 What’s the weather like in the + muøa ?
 It’s + adj (hot, cold, cool, warm )
 What weather do + you / they +like ?
 I / they like + Adj + weather.

 <i>What’s the weather like today ?</i>
 <i>It’s + adj (hot, cold, cool, warm )</i>
15’ <i>-T. runs through vocabulary.</i>

<i>-T. models the first two cues.</i>
<i>-Ss repeat chorally , then</i>

<i>.Open pairs.</i>
<i>.Closed pairs.</i>

<i><b>III ) Practice :</b></i>

-picture drill.

A 1 ( a- d ) / P.134.

A 3 (a-d)/ P.135

<i>* Example exchange</i> :

A 2 / P.135.

S1 : What’s the weather like in the summer ?
S2 : It’s hot.

A : What weather do you like ?
B : I like hot weather.

10’ -T. explains how to do.

-SS choose a sentence and
make a question – answer in

<i><b>IV ) Production :</b></i>
-Noughts and crosses.

1.spring/warm 4.fall / cool 7.afternoon /

2.summer/hot 5.winter /cold 8.evening / cool
3.autumn/cool 6.weather/they

/ like/hot 9.weather/you / like/cold

<i>* Make questions-answers, using the structures</i>.
2’ -T. writes and says

“Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.

<i><b>V ) Homework :</b></i>

-Learn vocabulary+ Questions-answers (weather).

-Do exercise <b>A 1 / P. 108</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<b>Period 80 : UNIT 13 –ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS – LESSON 2 –A4–</b>

<b>page 136</b>

 <i><b>Objectives</b> : By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to use adverbs of frequency,</i>

<i>present simple, sports vocabulary, seasons.</i>

 <i><b>Materials</b> : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters, cassette recorder.</i>
 Procedure.


<i><b>g</b></i> <i><b>students’activities</b><b>Teacher’s and</b></i> <i><b>contents</b></i>

5’ -T. divides the class into two

-T. gives the topic.

-SS go to the board to write( one
student-one word ).

-T. comments.

<i><b>I ) Warmer :</b></i>



-T. Sets the scene.
-T. models first .
-SS repeat chorally.
-Ss read individually.

-T. gets SS to give the form,
meaning and usage of the target

<i><b>II ) Presentation :</b></i>
* <i>Look at the picture</i>.
-Who’s this ? (Ba)

* <i>Khi thời tiết khác nhau, Ba có những hoạt động</i>
<i>khác nhau.</i>

-presentation text. <b>A 4 / P.136.</b>

-Target item.

What + do + you / they + do + when it’s + adj
( <i>hot, cold, cool, warm</i> )
I / they + V + <i>Pastimes and sports.</i>

He / she + Vs/es + …
15’ <i>-T. runs through vocabulary.</i>

<i>-T. models the first two cues.</i>
<i>-Ss repeat chorally , then</i>

<i>.Open pairs.</i>
<i>.Closed pairs.</i>

<i><b>III ) Practice :</b></i>

-picture drill.

<b>A 4</b> - Pictures / P.136.

<i>Example exchange :</i>

S1 : What does Ba do when it’s hot ?
S2 : When it’s hot, he goes swimming.

S1 : What do you do when it’s cold ?
S2 : When it’s cold, I play soccer.


1. SS change the text about Ba
and write about themselves

<i><b>IV ) Production :</b></i>

-Transformation writing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

( using “I” )

2. SS read their partner’s text,
then write about their partner
( using “he/ she” )


<b>A 4 / P. 136.</b>

1.When it’s hot, I …
When it’s cold, I …
When it’s cool, I …
When it’s warm, I …

2. When it’s hot, ( partner’s name ) …
When it’s cold, he / she …

When it’s cool, …
When it’s warm, …
3’ -T. writes and says

“Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.

<i><b>V ) Homework :</b></i>

-Learn sports and pastimes vocabulary.
-Do exercise <b>A 4 / P. 110.</b>

-Prepare Unit 13 – <b>B1-3 / P. 138-139.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

<b>Period 81 : UNIT 13 –ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS – LESSON 3 –B1-2–</b>

<b>page 138-139</b>

 <i><b>Objectives</b> : By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to get (do) further practice in</i>

<i>Adverbs of frequency, present simple, sports vocabulary, seasons and write about activities</i>
<i>they do in different seasons.</i>

 <i><b>Materials</b> : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters, cards.</i>
 Procedure.
<i><b>Teacher’s and</b></i>
5’ -T. gives the topic.

-Ss write one word on a small

-One student is in front of the

-The other Ss ask Yes-no

questions until he answer

<i><b>I ) Warmer :</b></i>

-Guessing games.

<i>Topic</i> : sports and pastimes.
S1 : Do you go jogging ?

S2 : No, I don’t.

S3 : Do you play football ( soccer ) ?


-T. Sets the scene.
-T. models first .
-SS repeat chorally.
-Ss read individually.

-T. gets SS to give the form,
meaning and usage of the
target item

<i><b>II ) Presentation :</b></i>
.Pre teach.

-(to) play basketball : chơi bóng rổ (<i>Visual)</i>

-(to) go sailing : đi thuyền buồm.<i> (Visual)</i>

-(to) sail :

<b>Presentation text B1 / P.138.</b>
<b>Target item.</b>

<b>Adverbs of frequency</b> : <i>always, usually, often,</i>
<i>sometimes, never.</i>

 <i>I / we / you / they / plural N</i> + Adv. of frequency
+ V + sports and pastimes + in the + Seasons

 <i>He /she / singular N</i> + … Vs/es + …

-T. runs through vocabulary.
<i>-T. models the first two cues.</i>
<i>-Ss repeat chorally , then</i>

<i>.Open pairs.</i>
<i>.Closed pairs.</i>

<i><b>III ) Practice :</b></i>

-picture drill.

-or Word cue drill.
-or Substitution drill.

<b>Pictures B1 / P.138-139.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

I / we always play volleyball.
They usually go sailing.
He sometimes go swimming.
She often plays badminton.
12’ <i>-Ss write lists of things they do</i>

<i>in different seasons.</i>

<i>-SS make dialogues with their</i>

<i>-SS write about themselves. </i>

<i><b>IV ) Production :</b></i>

<b>B2 / P.139</b>. <i>Example exchange</i> :
Minh : What do you do in the spring ?

Ba : I always ride my bike. What do you do ?
Begin with : “ In the spring, I … ”

3’ -T. writes and says

“Homework” on the board.

-SS copy.

<i><b>V ) Homework :</b></i>

-Learn vocabulary + Questions-answers.

-Write 4 sentences about what you do in the four

-Do exercise B1 / P. 110-111.

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Lesson 1 : A 1-3

Lesson 2 : A 4-5
Lesson 3 : B1-4
Lesson 4 : B5-6
Lesson 5 : C1-3

Lesson 6 : Grammar practice 5

<b>Tuần 28</b>

<b>Period 82 : UNIT 14 – Making plans – Lesson 1 –A 1-3 – page 140-141</b>

 <i><b>Objectives</b> : By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to use “ going to” future, positive</i>

<i>statements and “wh” questions to talk about vacation plans.</i>

 <i><b>Materials</b> : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters, cassette recorder.</i>
 Procedure.


<i><b>g</b></i> <i><b>students’activities</b><b>Teacher’s and</b></i> <i><b>contents</b></i>

5’ -T. gives the topic.

-SS guess one letter each

-The team find out the word
first ( are winners).

<i><b>I ) Warmer : </b></i>

- Hangman.

<i>Topic </i>: Đây là 1 khoảng thời gian mà các học sinh đều

- - - / - - - = summer vacation.
( 14 letters )

14’ -T. elicits.
-SS guess.

-T. models three times.

-SS repeat chorally first, then

-T. puts the words on the

-T. checks meaning and

-T. give an exchange.
-Target item.

<i><b>II ) Presentation :</b></i>
Pre teach.

-Citadel (n) : Thành Nội(ở cố Đô Huế), Thành Lủy
(<i>Visual</i> )

-(to) stay with (someone): ở lại với ai đó.

-(to) stay for (a week, day, …): ở lại 1 tuần, …
(<i> Explanation</i>)

-uncle (n) : bác trai, chú, cậu, dượng. (<i> Example</i> )
-aunt (n) : cơ, dì, bác gái. ( <i>Explanation</i>)
-(to) visit : tham quan, thăm viếng.(<i>Translation</i>)
A : What are you going to do tonight ?

B : I’m going to watch TV.

<b>Thì tương lai gần :</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

-T. sets the scene.
-T. presses the tape.
-SS listen with book-open.

 I’m + going to + V(inf.)
 They are + …

 He / she is + …

<i>* Ba và Lan đang nói chuyện với nhau về dự định làm</i>
<i>gì vào kì nghỉ hè này.</i>

<b>A 1 / P.140.</b>

15’ -SS practice the dialogue.
-SS read the dialogue and
answer the questions.

-T. asks – SS answer orally.
-T. gives Feedback.

<i><b>III ) Practice :</b></i>


-Comprehension Questions.
.Lucky numbers.
2 / P.141. Answer key :
a.She’s going to visit Hue.

b.She’s going to stay with her aunt and uncle.
c.She’s going to stay for a week.

d.She’s going to visit the Citadel.
9’ -SS prepare a dialogue with

their partners.

-T. checks some pairs.

<i><b>IV ) Further practice :</b></i>

*3 / P.141.

What are you going to do this summer vacation ?
-visit Ha Long Bay.

Where are you going to stay ?
-in a hotel.

How long are you going to stay ?
-for a week.

What are you going to do ?
-visit the beach and swim.
2’ -T. writes and says

“Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.

<i><b>V ) Homework :</b></i>

-Learn vocabulary + this structure (going to).
-Practice the dialogue.

-Do exercise <b>A 1-2 / P. 114</b> .

-Write 4 sentences, using “ going to” future.
-Prepare Unit 14 – <b>A 4-6 / P.142-143</b>.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

<b>Period 83 : UNIT 14 – Making plans – Lesson 2 –A 4-5 – page 142-143</b>

 <i><b>Objectives</b> : By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to read a text about vacation plans</i>

<i>to understand the details and grasp “ going to” future and sequencing words.</i>

 <i><b>Materials</b> : pictures in the textbook, Posters, cassette recorder.</i>
 Procedure.


<i><b>Teacher’s and</b></i>

5’ -T. gives the topic.

-SS guess one letter each time.
-The team find out the word

first (are winners).

<i><b>I ) Warmer : </b></i>

- Hangman.

<i>Topic :</i> Đây là 1 khoảng thời gian mà các học sinh đều

- - - = vacation.
( 8 letters )

-SS match famous places with
suitable provinces.

-T. gives Feedback.

-T. gives an example.

-T. introduces the new

-T. sets the scene.

-T. presses the tape.

<i><b>II ) Presentation:</b></i>
.Pre teach.

-beach (n) : bãi biển<i> (Situation)</i>

-temple (n) : đền thờ, thánh thất. (<i>Explanation)</i>

1. Ben Thanh Market a. Hue
2. The beach b. Nha Trang
3. The Citadel c.HCMc
4. Ngoc Son temple d. HaNoi
5. Ha Long Bay e. Quang Ninh

<i>Answer key :</i>

1.c 2.b 3.a 4.d 5.e
Ex : They are going to visit HaLong Bay.

*Thì tương lai gần :

S + am / is / are + going to + V : sẽ, sắp, định.

<i>*Phuong and Mai are going to visit the five places</i>
<i>you’ve matched in their summer vacation. Where are</i>
<i>they going to go first ? Second ? Third ? Fourth ?</i>
<i>Fifth ? with a partner, discuss the order you think</i>.



HaLong Bay(QN)
Ngoc Son temple (HN)
The Citadel (Hue)
The Beach (NT )

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

-SS listen with book-open.
15’ -SS read the text individually.

-SS read the text and complete
the table.


<i><b>III)Practice</b></i><b> :</b>

<b>A 4 // P.142.</b><i>.</i>

Grids. A 5 / P.143.


<i>to visit</i> <i>to stayWhere</i> <i>LongHow</i> <i>Whatto do</i>

After that

10’ * <i>SS use the same grid headings</i>

<i>but this time fill it with their</i>
<i>own plans for the summer</i>
<i>vacation. In pairs, they share</i>
<i>information asking and</i>
<i>answering in the same way as</i>

<i> A 5 / P.143.</i>

* <i>SS rewrite the text on page</i>
<i>142, changing Phuong and Mai</i>
<i>(they) to “I” and replacing their</i>
<i>vacation plan with the</i>
<i>students’own plans.</i>--Feedback.

<i><b>IV)Production :</b></i>

<b>-Make a dialogue.</b>

* Which places are you going to visit ?
Where are you going to stay ?

How long are you going to stay for ?
What are you going to do there ?

<i><b>Or Transformation writing.</b></i>
2’ -T. writes and says

“Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.

<i><b>V ) Homework :</b></i>
-Learn vocabulary.

-Rewrite the passage completely.
-Do exercise <b>A 3 / P. 11 4.</b>

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<b>Period 84 : UNIT 14 – Making plans – Lesson 3 – B1-4 – page 144-145</b>

 <i><b>Objectives</b> : By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to use “ going to” to talk about</i>

<i>plans for the near future.</i>

 <i><b>Materials</b> : Posters, cassette recorder.</i>
 Procedure.
<i><b>Teacher’s and</b></i>
5’ -T. divides the class into two


-T. gives the topic.

-SS go to the board to write in
three columns (one

student-one word).

-T. comments.

<i><b>I ) Warmer : </b></i>
-or Brainstorm.


-T.sets the scene.
-T. models first .
-SS repeat chorally.
-Ss practice in open pairs.
-T. gets SS to give the form,
meaning and usage of the
target item.

<i><b>II ) Presentation :</b></i>
.Pre teach.

-tonight (adv) : tối nay.<i>(Situation)</i>

-tomorrow (adv) : ngày mai.(<i>Explanation)</i>

-next : keá tieáp, sau.<i> (Translation)</i>

* <i>Tuan và Lan đang nói chuyện với nhau những dự</i>
<i>định làm tối nay và ngày mai.</i>

-Presenatation dialogue.

<b>B1 /P.144</b>
<b>Thì tương lai gần :</b>

<i>Aff</i>. : be going to + V(inf.).

<i>Neg. </i>: theâm “not” sau “ be”.

<i>Inter</i>. : Đảo “ be” ra trước S, cuối câu chấm hỏi.
=> sẽ, sắp, định.

15’ <i>-T. runs through vocabulary.</i>
<i>-T. models the first two cues.</i>
<i>-Ss repeat chorally , then</i>

<i>-T. explains how to substitute.</i>
<i>-Whole class.</i>

<i>.Open pairs.</i>
<i>.Closed pairs.</i>

<i><b>III ) Practice :</b></i>
-Repetition drill.
-Substitution drill.

What are you going to do tonight ?

they tomorrow
is he/ she next sunday
next saturday
I’m going to <i>see a movie.</i>

They are <i>go walking</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

He/ she is <i>help my mom</i>

<i>play volleyball</i>

<i><b>or</b> <b>2 / P144.</b></i>
12’ <i>* Ss practice in pairs, using the</i>

<i>sentences stubs in B4 / P.145.</i>
<i>Then play chain game.</i>


<i><b>IV ) Production :</b></i>

<b>-Chain game.</b>

<b>Ex </b>: S1 : On Saturday morning, I’m going to go

S2 : on … and on Saturday afternoon, I’m going to
watch a soccer match.

S3 : … and on Saturday evening, I’m going to see a

S4 : etc.

<b>B4 / P. 145.</b>

-or Write-it-up.
3’ -T. writes and says

“Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.

<i><b>V ) Homework :</b></i>

-Learn vocabulary + ‘going to’ structure.
-Practice B3 / P. 144 ( dialogue ).

-Do exercise <b>B1 / P. 11 5.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

<b>Tuần 29</b>

<b>Period 85 : UNIT 14 – Making plans – Lesson 4 – B5-6 – page 145-146</b>

 <i><b>Objectives</b> : By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to listen to Vui and her friends</i>

<i>planning a camping vacation and read a text about a picnic to understand details.</i>

 <i><b>Materials</b> : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters, cards, cassette recorder.</i>
 Procedure.


<i><b>g</b></i> <i><b>students’activities</b><b>Teacher’s and</b></i> <i><b>contents</b></i>

5’ -T. gives the topic.

-SS guess one letter each time.
-The team find out the word
first (are winners).

<i><b>I ) Warmer : </b></i>


* <i>Đây là 1 điều mà hầu hết những người dân ở thành</i>
<i>phố thích làm khi họ có thời gain nhàn rỗi</i>.

- - - = picnic.
( 6 letters )

-T. sets the scene.
*Pre questions.

-T. asks – SS answer orally.

<i><b>II ) Pre reading (Stage) :</b></i>

.Pre teach.

-(to) bring : mang (theo ). <i> (Translation)</i>

-a camera : maùy aûnh. <i> (Visual)</i>

-(to) take a photo : chụp ảnh.<i> (Explanation)</i>
<i>* Minh and his friends are going to have a picnic</i>.

1. Where are they going to go ?

2. What three things are they going to bring ?
3. What are they going to do there ?

<b>5 / P.145.</b>

7’ -Ss read the passage


-Comprehension questions.

-SS practice question-answers
in pairs.

-T. presses the tape.

-SS listen and read with

<i><b>III) While reading (Stage) :</b></i>

1. Where are Minh and his friends going to go ?
2. What is Nam going to bring ?

3. Is Tuan going to bring some food ?

4. Is Minh going to bring some food or some drinks ?
5. What are you going to do next weekend ?

<b>Answer keys :</b>

1. They are going to have a picnic near a lake.
2. He is going to bring his camera.

3. Yes, he is.

4. He is going to bring some drinks.
5. I’m going to go to the zoo. …


-T. sets the scene. <i><b>IV)Post reading (Stage) :</b>* Vui and her four friends are planning a camping</i>
<i>vacation. They are going to camp for three days.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

-SS write on the board.
-T. comments.

-SS guess.

or Network.


<i><b>Food, warm clothes, a tent, a kite, drinks</b></i>

1. Vui a. a ball
2. Dung (Ly) b. a camera
3. Mai c. some food
4. Nga d. some drinks
5. Lan e. a tent
8’ <b>.</b> <i>SS listen and check their</i>

<i>predictions.</i> <b>B6 / P. 145-146</b>-Matching.
Vui : <i>a tent, some food.</i>

Ly : <i>a camera</i>

Lan : <i>a ball</i>

Mai and Nga : <i>some drinks</i>

<b>Answer keys :</b>

Vui c,e / Dung b / Lan a / Mai d / Nga d

<b>Page 146 :</b>

<i>Ss write sentences.</i>

<b>* Tapescript :</b>

-Vui and her friends are going to camp for three days in

-Vui is going to bring a tent and some food.
-Lan is going to bring a ball.

-Dung (Ly) is going to bring her camera to take some

-Nga and Mai are going to bring some drinks.

Things to bring
for a camping

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

-T. gives Feedback.

6.What’s Lan going to bring ? <i>- aball</i>

7.Who’s going to bring a tent ? <i>-Vui</i>

8.How many days are the girls going to camp for?

<i>–Three days.</i>
2’ -T. writes and says

“Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.

<i><b>V ) Homework :</b></i>
-Learn vocabulary.
-Do exercise <b>B3/ P. 116.</b>

-Prepare <b>C1-3 / P. 147.</b>

( <i>pagoda, minibus, very, too</i> )

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

 <i><b>Objectives</b> : By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to make suggestions and respond</i>

<i>and read a dialogue about “intention” to understand main ideas and details.</i>

 <i><b>Materials</b> : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters, cassette recorder.</i>
 Procedure.


<i><b>Teacher’s and</b></i>


-Ss match the words with their

-T. gives feedback.

<i><b>I ) Warmer : </b></i>

1. Beach a.sở thú
2. Museum b.bãi biển
3. Cinema c.rạp hát

4. Zoo d.rạp chiếu phim
5. Theater e.viện bảo tàng
Answer key : 1b 2e 3d 4a 5c
14’ -T. elicits.

-SS guess.

-T. models three times.

-SS repeat chorally first, then

-T. puts the words on the

-T. checks meaning and

-T. sets the scene.
(T.asks some questions)

-T. introduces the structures.

-T. presses the tape.

<i><b>II ) Pre reading (Stage) :</b></i>
.Pre teach.

-a pagoda : chuøa.<i> (Explanation)</i>

-a minibus : ô tô ( buýt ) 8-12 chỗ ngồi.<i> </i>

(-too : quá. / -very : rất / too far : quá xa.)

<i>* Look at the picture of people.</i>

Who are they ? (<i>Ba, Lan, Nam and Nga</i> )
Where are they going to go ?

How are they going to travel ?

<b>C1 / P.147.</b>

 What about + V.ing ?
 Why don’t we + V(inf.) ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

c. She wants to travel on foot ( by walks ).
d. Because it’s too far.

e. He wants to travel by bike.
f. Because it’s too hot.

g. He wants to travel by minibus.
9’ -T. explains how to do.

-SS work in closed pairs to

-T. checks some pairs at

<i><b>IV ) Post reading (Stage) :</b></i>


<i>* Make sentences, using “ suggestions:.</i>

<b>C3 / P.148-149. (a-f)</b>

a. Go to the beach.
b. Visit museum.
c. Play volleyball.

d. Go to the zoo.(take some photos)
e. Play badminton.

f. Go camping.

<i>* Example exchange :</i>

S1 : Let’s go to the beach.

Why don’t we go to the beach ?
What about going to the beach ?
S2 : That’s a good idea.

No, I don’t want to.
2’ -T. writes and says

“Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.

<i><b>V ) Homework :</b></i>
-Learn vocabulary.

-Write the answers to the questions / P. 148.

-Prepare Unit 14 – <b>grammar practice / P.150-153.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

 <i><b>Objectives</b> : By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to grasp simple present, adverbs of</i>

<i>frequency, present progressive, “ going to” future, the weather.</i>

 <i><b>Materials</b> : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters, cards.</i>
 Procedure.


<i><b>Teacher’s and</b></i>



-Ss match the words with
their meanings.

-T. gives feedback.

<i><b>I ) Warmer :</b></i>

1. always a.1 lần 1 năm.
2. usually b.không bao giờ.
3. often c.2 lần 1 tuần.
4. sometimes d.luôn luôn
5. never e.thường.

6. twice a week f.thường thường.
7. once a year g.thỉnh thoảng.

-T. reviews the simple
present tense

-T. gets SS to present the
form and the uses of simple

<i><b>II ) Present simple :</b></i>
-Target item.

<i>* Simple present :</i>

(Ordinary verbs )
-<i>Affirmative :</i>

He / she / it / <i>singular</i> N + Vs/es.

I / we / you / they / <i>plural</i> N + V( infinitive ).
-<i>Negative :</i>

He / she / it / <i>singular</i> N + doesn’t + V (inf.)
I / we / you / they / <i>plural</i> N +don’t + V( inf.).
-<i>Interrogative :</i>

Do / does + S + V (inf. ) ?
=>Yes, + S + do / does.
No, + S + do / does + not.

<b>* Uses</b> : <i>Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả 1 thói quen, 1 sự thường</i>
<i>xun, 1 chân lí, 1 sự thật luôn luôn đúng</i>.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>


-T. reviews the form and

-T. gives an example.

-T. sets the scene.
-SS fill in the gaps.
-T. corrects.

<i><b>III) Present progressive:</b></i>
-Aff. :

He/ she / it / <i>singular</i> N + is

I + am <b>+ V.ing.</b>

We/ you / they/ <i>plural</i> N + are

-<i>Neg.</i> : Theâm “ not” sau “ am/ is / are”

<i>-Inter.</i> : Đảo “am/ is/ are” ra trước S, cuối câu chấm hỏi.
-Meaning : “ đang”.

-<i>Usage </i>: an action is happening in the present. (now ).

<i>Ex </i>: she ( watch ) TV now.
She is watching TV now.
She isn’t watching TV now.
Is she watching TV now ?

<b>3 / P. 151.</b> / -Gapfill.


-T. reviews the form and


-T. gives an example.
-T. sets the scene.

-SS do the exercise in
closed pairs.

-SS practice in pairs.

<i><b>IV ) Future “going to” :</b></i>

<b>Future “going to” :</b>

<i>Aff</i>. : S + be going to + V(inf.)

<i>Neg.</i> : Theâm “not” sau “be”.

<i>Inter.</i> : Đảo “be” ra trước S, cuối câu chấm hỏi.
-<i>Meaning </i>: sẽ, sắp, định.

-<i>Usage </i>: 1 hành động sắp xảy ra ở tương lai.

<i>Ex :</i> Lan ( listen ) to music this evening.
Lan is going to listen to music this evening.
Lan isn’t going to listen to music this evening.
Is Lan going to listen to music this evening ?

<b>4 /p. 151. (a-f) / Gapfill.</b>

8’ -T. asks –SS answer orally.

-T. gives feedback. <b>V ) Future plans / the weather :5; 6 / P.153.</b>

-Questions and answers. / <b>.Lucky numbers.</b>

6’ -SS do the exercise

-SS go to the board to write.
-T. corrects.

<b>VI )Production :</b>

<b>Exercise : Put the verbs in the correct tenses :</b>

1.I (visit) my uncle tomorrow.
2.She (watch ) TV now.

3.They often (go) to school by bike.

4.He usually ( listen ) to music every night.
5.We (play) soccer at the time.

Answer key : 1.am going to visit 2.is watching
3.go 4.listens 5.are playing

2’ -T. writes and says

“Homework” on the board.

-SS copy.

<i><b>VII ) Homework :</b></i>
-Learn Unit 12-13-14.

.Vocabulary. /.Grammar and Structures.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

<b>Period 88 : Ôn Tập cụm baøi 12-13-14</b>

 <i><b>Objectives</b> : By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to grasp Grammar and vocabulary</i>

<i>from unit 12 to 14.</i>

 <i><b>Materials</b> : Posters, cards.</i>
 Procedure.


<i><b>Teacher’s and</b></i>

5’ -T. divides the class into two


-T. gives the topic.

-SS go to the board to write in

three columns (one
student-one word).

-T. comments.

<i><b>I ) Warmer :</b></i>

20’ -T. explains how to do.

-SS do the exercise in groups.
-T. corrects.

<i><b>II)Put the verbs in the correct tenses :</b></i>
1. He (play) soccer now.

2. They (not watch) TV at the present.
3. You (listen) to music at the moment ?
4. I (always go) to school by bike.
5. She never (get)up late.

6. We (not have) breakfast at school every day.
7. Hao (not go ) fishing in the evening.

8. You (be) late for school ?

9. They ( often play ) volleyball every afternoon ?
10. She ( usually do) aerobics four times a week ?
11. Nam(visit) her uncle tomorrow.

12. They ( go) out for a walk tonight ?

Answer key : 1.is playing 2.aren’t watching 3.Are
you listening ? 4.always go

5.gets 6.don’t have 7.doesn’t go 8.Are
Simple present / present progressive

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

-T. corrects and explains. 3.What’s the weather
like today ?

4.How do you go to
school ?

5.What do you do ?
6.Which class are you
in ?

7.Which subjects do you
like best ?

8.How many students
are there in your class ?

d.It’s hot today.
e.There are 40.
f.I am a student.
g.I like Math.

Answer key : 1b 2c 3d 4a 5f 6h 7g 8e
4’ -T. writes and says

“Homework” on the board.
-SS copy.

<i><b>V ) Homework :</b></i>
-Learn Unit 12-13-14.

.Grammar and Structures.

(Listening, Reading, Grammar and vocabulary, writing)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

<i><b>I ) Listen and tick (</b></i> ) what each person is doing : (1,5ms)

Jogging Playing badminton Walking Skipping

1.Mr Hoang
4.Mrs. Hanh
5.Mrs. Lan

<i><b>II ) Read the passage. Decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F) : (3ms)</b></i>

“Thi always goes to school on time. She often plays badminton. She usually goes fishing on
Sunday. She sometimes goes to the movies, but she is never out late. She always helps her mom in

the evening. She goes to bed at ten thirty.”

0.___T___ Thi always goes to school on time.
1.______ She never plays badminton.

2.______ On Sunday she usually goes fishing.
3.______ Sometimes she goes to the movies.
4.______ She is never out late.

5.______ In the evening she never helps her mom.
6.______ She goes to bed at 10.20.

<i><b>III ) Choose the right verb forms (2,5ms)</b></i>
1. She ……… badminton now.

a.is playing b.are playing c.play d.plays.

2. They ……… TV at the present.

a.is watching b.are watching c.watch d.watches.
3. I always --- to school on time.

a.am going b.are going c.go d.goes

4. He never ---up early.

a.is going to get b. is getting c. gets d. gets
5. Lan ……… her aunt tomorrow.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

4. When it’s warm, I ………...

<b>Answer key and marking scheme :</b>

<b>Tapescript :</b>

“Everybody is doing morning exercises in the park. Look at Mr. Hoang ! He’s jogging. Next to him,
to the left, Yen and Manh are playing badminton. Their mother, Mrs. Hanh is walking with her
friend, Mrs. Lan. Look at the girl behind them. She’s Binh. She’s skipping.”

I ) 1,5ms ( each item – 0,25m )

Jogging Playing

badminton Walking Skipping

1.Mr Hoang 

2.Manh 

3.Yen 

4.Mrs. Hanh 

5.Mrs. Lan 

6.Binh 

II ) 3ms ( each item – 0,5m )

1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.F

III ) 2,5ms ( each item-0,5m )

1.a 2.b 3.c 4.d 5.a

IV ) 1m ( each item – 0,25m )

1.b 2.c 3.d 4.a

V ) 2ms (each sentence – 0,5m)
 Task : 1m

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24></div>


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