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period 37 giáo án môn anh văn 9 trường thcs lao bảo period 43 preparing date 2 1 2010 unit 7 saving energy lesson 2 speak and lf3 a objectives i knowledge by the end of the lesson ss will be able to m

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<i><b>Giáo án môn Anh văn 9 - Trường THCS Lao Bảo</b></i>
<b>Period: 43</b>

<b>Preparing date: 2 . 1 . 2010 </b>

<b>Unit 7 SAVING ENERGY</b>

<b>Lesson 2: SPEAK AND LF3</b>

<b>A: Objectives:</b>

<b>I. Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- make and respond to suggestions

- ho

<b>II. Skills</b>: speaking, listening. Writing.

<b>B Procedures:: </b>

<b>I. Settlement:</b> +greeting.


<b>II. Checking:</b>

- Write vocabularies.

- Read the dialogue then answer the questions.

<b>III. New-lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’activities.</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>
<b>*Kim game </b>

Ask students to look at the picture on P 59 to
remember the things in 20 seconds.

? Work in 2 groups
Give feed back

<b>2. Pre speaking</b>

Elicit from students to draw the exchange
I suggest taking a shower

Ok. I’ll do that

Ask students to find out other ways of making

<b>3. While speaking </b>
<b>* Pictures drill</b>

Ask students to do Exercise 3 a on P 58-59
Asks students to look at the pictures on P 59
and table on P 58 and make responses to the

<b>* Write it up </b>

? Look at the pictures to make suggestions
about how to save energy at home

? Work in pairs to write down

Look at the picture on P 59 to
remember the things in 20 seconds
Work in 2 groups

Find out other ways of making

Look at the pictures to make
suggestions about how to save
energy at home

Work in pairs to write down

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<i><b>Giáo án môn Anh văn 9 - Trường THCS Lao Bảo</b></i>
<b>4. Post speaking </b>

<b>* Discussion</b>

? Work in 2 groups

? Group A discuss the topic in 3a on P64 “
What you do to help the poor in the
neighborhood” and groups B discuss 3 b on P

64 “giving suggestions that help your friend to
improve English”

? Ask a volunteer from each group to show
ideas before the class

<b>5. Language focus 3 </b>

T introdues how to use “<i><b>To suggest</b></i>”
- Meaning: đề nghị

- Structure:

S + suggest + V.ing

S + suggest + (that) Clause (should)
- Ex: I suggest turning off the lights.

I suggest that you should turn off the

T calls some Ss to write and read in the class.

T and Ss comment and correct.

Group A discuss the topic in 3a on
P64 “ What you do to help the poor
in the neighborhood”

Groups B discuss 3 b on P 64

“giving suggestions that help your
friend to improve English”

Do exercise in to note books

Ss take note and maybe give some

a. I suggest collecting unused

- I suggest organizing a show to
raise money.

- I suggest giving lesson to poor

b. I suggest that you should write
sentences with new words.

- I suggest that you should speak
English in the class.

<b>IV. Consolidation :</b>

- Saying about suggestion

<b>V. Homework :</b>

-At home: +Learn the vocab and numbers and the dialogue by heart

+Do exercises 3,4 (unit 7- Exercisebook)

+Prepare for new lesson.


