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Circle the best option a, b, c or d
a. Would you like some have a cup of coffee?
b. Would you like having a cup of coffee?
c. Would you like for have a cup of coffee?
d. Would you like to have a cup of coffee?
a. I will be 18 in Saturday, July 1
b. I will be 18 at Saturday, July 1
c. I will be on 18 Saturday, July 1
d. I will be 18 on Saturday, July 1
a. Should we playing table tennis?- I’d love to.
b. Should we table tennis play?- I’d love to.
c. Should play we table tennis?- I’d love to.
d. Should we play table tennis?- I’d love to.
a. Miss Brown is a teacher at Lich Hoi Thuong School.
b. Miss Brown’s is a teacher at Lich Hoi Thuong School.
c. Miss Brown is an teacher at Lich Hoi Thuong School.
d. Miss Brown are a teacher at Lich Hoi Thuong School.
a. We’ll meets in front of our school.

b. We’ll meeting in front of our school.
c. We’ll is meeting in front of our school.
d. We’ll meet in front of our school.
a. Would you like to eating candy?
b. Would you like to eat candy?
c. Would you like to eats candy?
d. Would you like eat some candy?
a. Miss Young is teach English at the moment.
b. Miss Young teaching English at the moment.
c. Miss Young is teaching English at the moment.
d. Miss Young’s is teaching English at the moment.
a. How much is it from your home to your school?
b. How far is it from your home to your school?
c. How many is it from your home to your school?
d. How often is it from your home to your school?
a. They are doing our homework at the moment.
b. They are doing your homework at the moment.
c. They are doing her homework at the moment.
d. They are doing their homework at the moment.
a. Lida is unhappy because he misses her old friends and teachers.
b. Lida is unhappy because she miss her old friends and teachers.
c. Lida is unhappy because she’s misses her old friends and teachers.
d. Lida is unhappy because she misses her old friends and teachers.
a. What does you usually do after school?

b. What do you usually do after school?
c. What do usually you do after school?
d. What do usually you do after school?
a. My sister is reading a book at the moment.
b. My sister is reads a book at the moment.
c. My sister reading a book at the moment.
d. My sister are reading a book at the moment.
a. Would you like to see a movie?
b. Would you like see a movie?
c. Would you like seeing a movie?
d. Would you to see a movie?
a. We go to school six days a day, from Monday to Saturday.
b. We go to school six days a week, from Monday to Saturday.
c. We go to school six days a month, from Monday to Saturday.
d. We go to school six days a year, from Monday to Saturday.
a. What a expensive pen!
b. What an expensive pen!
c. What an pen expensive!
d. What’s an expensive pen!
a. He lives on 400 Nguyen Du Street.
b. He lives in 400 Nguyen Du Street.
c. He lives at 400 Nguyen Du Street.
d. He live at 400 Nguyen Du Street.
a. What is a lovely home!

b. What a lovely home!
c. What a home lovely!
d. What lovely home!
a. Let’s go my to house!
b. Let’s going to my house!
c. Let’s go to my house!
d. Let’s go for my house!
a. I’m am a doctor.
b. I is am a doctor.
c. I am doctor.
d. I am a doctor.
a. Classes always start at one o’clock and finish at half past five.
b. Class always start at one o’clock and finish at half past five.
c. Classes always starts at one o’clock and finish at half past five.
d. Classes always start in one o’clock and finish at half past five.
a. This is my friend. Her name’s Lan. She are in grade 9.
b. This is my friend. Her name’s Lan. She’s is in grade 9.
c. This is my friend. Her name’s Lan. She is on grade 9.
d. This is my friend. Her name’s Lan. She is in grade 9.
a. Hang thinks Geography is isn’t easy and fun.
b. Hang thinks Geography are easy and fun.
c. Hang think Geography is easy and fun.
d. Hang thinks Geography is easy and fun.
a. I will be 15 in my next birthday.

b. I will be 15 on my next birthday.
c. I will be 15 at my next birthday.
d. I will be 15 the my next birthday.
a. My sister always goes shopping in the supermarket opposite her office.
b. My sister always does go shopping in the supermarket opposite her office.
c. My sister always going shopping in the supermarket opposite her office.
d. My sister always doesn’t go shopping in the supermarket opposite her office.
a. She skip rope with her friends after school.
b. She skip ropeing with her friends after school.
c. She skipping rope with her friends after school.
d. She skips rope with her friends after school.
a. His name is Peter. He is a doctor. He works in a police station.
b. His name is Peter. He is a doctor. He works in a school.
c. His name is Peter. He is a doctor. He works in a factory.
d. His name is Peter. He is a doctor. He works in a hospital.
a. At School, he learn about lots of different things.
b. At School, he learning about lots of different things.
c. At School, he learns about lots of different things.
d. At School, he is learn about lots of different things.
a. This is my sister. She is a doctor.
b. This is my sister. She’s is a doctor.
c. This is my sister. She is an doctor.
d. This is my sister. She are a doctor.
a. Let’s go the to canteen!

b. Let’s go to canteen the!
c. Let’s go to the canteen!
d. Let’s going to the canteen!
a. He’s doing his homework at the moment.
b. He is doing her homework at the moment.
c. He does his homework at the moment.
d. He’s is doing his homework at the moment.
a. We study History in the language class.
b. We study Geography in the language class.
c. We study English in the language class.
d. We study Physics in the language class.
a. The second day of the week is Monday.
b. The second day of the week is Tuesday.
c. The second day of the week is Wednesday.
d. The second day of the week is Thursday.
a. Who does she teach? – She teaches Biology.
b. Where does she teach? – She teaches Biology.
c. What does she teach? – She teaches Biology.
d. Which does she teach? – She teaches Biology.
34. a. She’s plays catch with her friends at recess.
b. She plays catch with her friends at recess.
c. She playing catch with her friends at recess.
d. She are plays catch with her friends at recess.
a. Every week, I go to market with my mother by car.
b. Every week, I go to market with my mother car by.

c. Every week, I go to market with my mother on car.
d. Every week, I go to market with my mother bike car.
a. Would you to like come to my house for lunch?
b. Would you like come to my house for lunch?
c. Would you like to come to my house for lunch?
d. Would you like to coming to my house for lunch?
a. I always help my mother with the my housework after school.
b. I always help my mother with the house after school.
c. I always help my mother with the homework after school.
d. I always help my mother with the housework after school.
a. Nga gets up at thirty past six every morning.
b. Nga is getting up at thirty past six every morning.
c. Nga getting up at thirty past six every morning.
d. Nga’s gets up at thirty past six every morning.
a. We learn how to use television in our Computer Science class.
b. We learn how to use computer in our Computer Science class.
b. We learn how to use telephone in our Computer Science class.
c. We learn how to use stereo in our Computer Science class.
a. In the afternoon, we easy go to the supermarket.
b. In the afternoon, we lovely go to the supermarket.
c. In the afternoon, we usually go to the supermarket.
d. In the afternoon, we lazy go to the supermarket.
a. We’re learning Physics at the moment.
b. We’re are learning Physics at the moment.

c. We is learning Physics at the moment.
d. We are learn Physics at the moment.
a. What are his father’s name?
b. What does his father’s name?
c. What is his father’s name?
d. What am his father’s name?
a. This is my sister. She is a teacher. She teaches in a factory.
b. This is my sister. She is a teacher. She teaches in a school.
c. This is my sister. She is a teacher. She teaches in a hotel.
d. This is my sister. She is a teacher. She teaches in a clinic.
a. The boy are playing marbles in the yard.
b. The boys are play marbles in the yard.
c. The boys playing marbles in the yard.
d. The boys are playing marbles in the yard.
a. Her new school is bigger her old school.
b. Her new school is big than her old school.
c. Her new school are bigger than her old school.
d. Her new school is bigger than her old school.
a. Let’s play some computer games.
b. Let’s play much computer games.
c. Let’s play any computer games.
d. Let’s play something computer games.
a. Her groups is rehearing a play now.
b. Her group is reheareing a play now.

c. Her group’s is rehearing a play now.
d. Her group are rehearing a play now.
a. Ba is good of drawing.
b. Ba is good at drawing.
c. Ba is good on drawing.
d. Ba is good in drawing.
a. My brother learns playing the guitar in his free time.
b. My brother learns to playing the guitar in his free time.
c. My brother learn to play the guitar in his free time.
d. My brother learns to play the guitar in his free time.
a. Her class favorite is Computer Science.
b. Her favorite class is Computer Science.
c. Her favorite is class Computer Science.
d. Her favorite classes is Computer Science.
a. Where do you have English? – We have it on Monday and Thursday.
b. Which do you have English? – We have it on Monday and Thursday.
c. Why do you have English? – We have it on Monday and Thursday.
d. When do you have English? – We have it on Monday and Thursday.
a. A doctor takes care of sick people.
b. A doctor takes care in sick people.
c. A doctor takes care on sick people.
d. A doctor takes care for sick people.
a. Hoa’s father works on his farm in the city.
b. Hoa’s father works on his farm in the town.

c. Hoa’s father works on his farm in the countryside.
d. Hoa’s father works on his farm in the farm.
a. Thuy Linh is very interested in computers. This is my favorite class.
b. Thuy Linh is very interested in computers. This is your favorite class.
c. Thuy Linh is very interested in computers. This is his favorite class.
d. Thuy Linh is very interested in computers. This is her favorite class.
a. She will has a party for her birthday next week.
b. She will having a party for her birthday next week.
c. She will have a party for her birthday next week.
d. She will be have a party for her birthday next week.

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