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De thi lop 9 HK II 0910

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<b> Subject : ENGLISH 9</b>

Duration : 45 minutes TEST 1
School year : 2009- 2010

<i> Marks</i> <i>Teacher’s comment</i>

<i>Học sinh làm bài trực tiếp trên đề thi này</i>
<b>I. Language focus:(3 marks) </b>

<i>Circle the best option to complete the sentences.</i>

1. Mr. Phong speaks English very ... .

a. well b. good c. bad d. slow

2. I’m very tired ... I stayed up late watching TV.

a. so b. or c. because d. and

3. We’re ... that you are working hard.

a. please b. pleased c. pleasing d. to please

4. Turn ... the TV for me, please? I want to watch the weather forecast.

a. off b. at c. in d. on

5. Linh has to look ... her younger sister after school.

a. at b. up c. for d. after

6. I suggest ... to the park on the weekend.

a. go b. goes c. going d. to go

7. It’s raining, ... I can’t go to the beach.

a. so b. however c. because d. or

8. I suggest that you should ... a good dictionary.

a. buy b. bought c. buying d. to buy

9. A disastrous vocalnic eruption happened in the Philipines ...1991.
a. on b. in c. at d. since

10. It was raining hard, ... we couldn’t go on a picnic as planned.
a. however b. but c. because d. so

11. They are talking about the celebration ...is going to be held at the end of
the month.

a. this b. then c. who d. which

12. If a disaster ... in an area, people from other areas will offer help.
a. happens b. will happen c. happening d. would happen
<b>II. Reading: (2,5 marks)</b>

<i>Read the passage and answer the questions.</i>

<b>Tran Van Thoi Secondary School</b>

<i>Student’s name :……… </i>
<i> </i>

<i>Class : ………… </i>
<b> </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

Almost all countries in the world have a day for children to think of their mothers. Viet
Nam is no exception. Vietnamese people choose Lunar July 15th<sub> as a day to appreciate all</sub>
mothers and we have a special name for this occasion, the Vu Lan season.

On this day, people often go to pagodas to pray for the best things for their mothers. It is
a tradition that every child wears a rose on his or her shirt. Those whose mothers are still
alive wear red roses and those whose mothers passed away wear white roses. A Vietnamese
musician wrote a song named Bong Hong Cai Ao to praise all mothers. He compared
mothers to the sun, the smile and the stars. On this occasion. Everyone hopes to wear red
roses since the greatest happiness of all, to Vietnamese people, is to have a mother alive.

Vietnamese people are proud of this traditional celebration because it is a characteristic of
a culture based on sentimental values.

<i> <b>Questions </b></i>

1. When is the Mother’s Day in Viet Nam?

2. What do people do on this occasion?


3. How do Vietnamese people feel about this

celebration? ...

4. Why are they proud of this traditional celebration?

5. Was the song Bong Hong Cai Ao composed to praise all mothers?

<b>III. Writing: (2 marks)</b>

<i>Rewrite the sentences using suggested words.</i>

1. We arrived on time. The traffic was bad. (even though)

2. I like to read this book. The book tells about important celebrations in the world. (which)
3. Duy is explaining the reasons to his teacher. He went to school late. (who)

4. We pollute water. We will have no fresh water to use. (If)

<b>IV. Listen to the text and fill in the missing words. ( 2,5 ms)</b>

Although there are many (1) ... throughout the years, Tet or the Lunar
New Year holiday is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people. Tet is a

(2)... which occurs in (3)...January or February. It is a time for
families to clean and (4)... their homes, and enjoy special
(5)... such as sticky rice cakes. Family members who live a part try to be
together at Tet.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<i>---Good luck to you!</i>


<b>NĂM HỌC 2009-2010</b>

<b>TEST 1</b>
<b>I. Language focus (3 marks).</b>

<i>Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25 điểm.</i>

1. a 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. d 6. c 7. a 8. a 9. b 10.d
11.d 12.a

<b>II. Reading (2,5 marks).</b>

1. The Mother’s Day in Viet Nam is on July 15th<sub>.</sub>

2. On this day/ occasion, people often go to pagodas to pray for the best things for their

3. Vietnamese people are proud of this traditional celebration

4. Because it is a characteristic of a culture based on sentimental values.
5. Yes, it was.

<b>III. Writing (2 marks).</b>

1. We arrived on time even though the traffic was bad.

2. I like to read this book which tells about important celebrations in the world.
3. Duy, who went to school late, is explaining the reasons to his teacher.

4. If we pollute water, there will have no fresh water to use.
<b>IV. Listening (2,5 marks).</b>

Although there are many (1) <i><b>celebrations</b></i> throughout the years, Tet or the
Lunar New Year holiday is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people. Tet is a
(2) <i><b>festiva</b></i>l which occurs in (3) <i><b>late </b></i>January or February. It is a time for families to clean and
(4) <i><b>decorate </b></i>their homes, and enjoy special (5)<i><b> food </b></i>such as sticky rice cakes. Family
members who live a part try to be together at Tet.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<b> Subject : ENGLISH 9</b>

Duration : 45 minutes TEST 2
School year : 2009- 2010

<i> Marks</i> <i>Teacher’s comment</i>

<i>Học sinh làm bài trực tiếp trên đề thi này</i>
<b>I. Language focus:(3 marks) </b>

<i>Circle the best option to complete the sentences.</i>

1. We’re ... that you are working hard.

a. please b. pleased c. pleasing d. to please

2. It’s raining, ... I can’t go to the beach.

a. so b. however c. because d. or

3. Mr. Phong speaks English very ... .

a. well b. good c. bad d. slow

4. Linh has to look ... her younger sister after school.

a. at b. up c. for d. after

5. I’m very tired ... I stayed up late watching TV.

a. so b. or c. because d. and

6. Turn ... the TV for me, please? I want to watch the weather forecast.

a. off b. at c. in d. on

7. A disastrous vocalnic eruption happened in the Philipines ...1991.
a. on b. in c. at d. since

8. I suggest ... to the park on the weekend.

a. go b. goes c. going d. to go

9. If a disaster ... in an area, people from other areas will offer help.
a. happens b. will happen c. happening d. would happen
10. It was raining hard, ... we couldn’t go on a picnic as planned.
a. however b. but c. because d. so

11. They are talking about the celebration ...is going to be held at the end of
the month.

a. this b. then c. who d. which
12. I suggest that you should ... a good dictionary.

a. buy b. bought c. buying d. to buy

<b>II. Reading: (2,5 marks)</b>

<i>Read the passage and answer the questions.</i>
<b>Tran Van Thoi Secondary School</b>

<i>Student’s name :……… </i>
<i> </i>

<i>Class : ………… </i>
<b> </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

Almost all countries in the world have a day for children to think of their mothers. Viet
Nam is no exception. Vietnamese people choose Lunar July 15th<sub> as a day to appreciate all</sub>
mothers and we have a special name for this occasion, the Vu Lan season.

On this day, people often go to pagodas to pray for the best things for their mothers. It is
a tradition that every child wears a rose on his or her shirt. Those whose mothers are still

alive wear red roses and those whose mothers passed away wear white roses. A Vietnamese
musician wrote a song named Bong Hong Cai Ao to praise all mothers. He compared
mothers to the sun, the smile and the stars. On this occasion. Everyone hopes to wear red
roses since the greatest happiness of all, to Vietnamese people, is to have a mother alive.

Vietnamese people are proud of this traditional celebration because it is a characteristic of
a culture based on sentimental values.

<i> <b>Questions </b></i>

1. When is the Mother’s Day in Viet Nam?

2. What do people do on this occasion?

3 Was the song Bong Hong Cai Ao composed to praise all mothers?

4. How do Vietnamese people feel about this

celebration? ...

5. Why are they proud of this traditional celebration?

<b>III. Writing: (2 marks)</b>

<i>Rewrite the sentences using suggested words.</i>

1. We arrived on time. The traffic was bad. (even though)

2. We pollute water. We will have no fresh water to use. (If)

3. I like to read this book. The book tells about important celebrations in the world. (which)
4. Duy is explaining the reasons to his teacher. He went to school late. (who)

<b>IV. Listen: ( 2,5 ms)</b>

<i>Listen to the text and fill in the missing words. </i>

Although there are many (1) ... throughout the years, Tet or the Lunar
New Year holiday is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people. Tet is a
(2)... which occurs in (3)...January or February. It is a time for
families to clean and (4)... their homes, and enjoy special
(5)... such as sticky rice cakes. Family members who live a part try to be
together at Tet.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<i>---Good luck to you!</i>


<b>NĂM HỌC 2009-2010</b>

<b>TEST 2</b>
<b>I. Language focus (3 marks).</b>

<i>Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25 điểm.</i>

1. b 2. a 3. a 4. d 5. c 6. d 7. b 8. c 9. a 10.d
11.d 12.a

<b>II. Reading (2,5 marks).</b>

1. The Mother’s Day in Viet Nam is on July 15th<sub>.</sub>

2. On this day/ occasion, people often go to pagodas to pray for the best things for their

3. Yes, it was.

4. Vietnamese people are proud of this traditional celebration

5. Because it is a characteristic of a culture based on sentimental values.
<b>III. Writing (2 marks).</b>

1. We arrived on time even though the traffic was bad.
2. If we pollute water, there will have no fresh water to use.

3. I like to read this book which tells about important celebrations in the world.
4. Duy, who went to school late, is explaining the reasons to his teacher.

<b>IV. Listening (2,5 marks).</b>

Although there are many (1) <i><b>celebrations</b></i> throughout the years, Tet or the Lunar New
Year holiday is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people. Tet is a (2) <i><b>festiva</b></i>l
which occurs in (3) <i><b>late </b></i>January or February. It is a time for families to clean and (4)

<i><b>decorate </b></i>their homes, and enjoy special (5)<i><b> food </b></i>such as sticky rice cakes. Family members
who live a part try to be together at Tet.

(1),celebrations, (2)festival, (3) late, (4) decorate, (5) food

<i><b>---The matrix:</b></i>

Chủ đề <sub>TN</sub>Nhận biết<sub>TL</sub> <sub>TN</sub>Thông hiểu<sub>TL</sub> <sub>TN</sub>Vận dụng<sub>TL</sub> Tổng

I. Language

focus 12 3.0đ 12 3.0đ

II. Reading 5



III. Writing 4

2.0đ 4 2.0đ






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