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Class: 9A

Full name:………... <b>The written English 9 n0: 101</b>

<b>Time: 45 minutes</b>
School year:2010-2011
<i><b>I . Choose the word which underlineed part is pronounced differently from the others.</b></i>

1. a. primary b.divide c.comprise


2. a.school b.children c.Chinese


3. a.impressed b.disappointed c.wished

4. a. beach b.peaceful c.recreation d.meet

<i><b>II. Choose the best answer (3pts)</b></i>

<b>1. She got used to……….up early .(get/gets/ getting /got.)</b>

<b>2. Vietnamese and Maths are ………..subjects in high school in Vietnam.(compulsory </b>
<b>/compulsion / favorite/ compulse)</b>

<b>3. We have lived in this town…………10 years. (for/ ago /since / with )</b>

<b>4. It was a boring weekend,I………anything.(did /donot /didn’t do / would do.). </b>
<b>5. It seems difficult for me to have a trip abroad.It’ll depend……….my parents.( at / on / </b>
<b>in / to) </b>

6. He wishes he………longer.(can stay/ could stay / could stayed/ stay.)

<b>7. Mai used to ……… past the mosque on her way to primary school.(walking / to </b>
<b>walk / walked / walk.)</b>

<b>8. Islam is the country’s official……….in Malaysia.(language/ education/ religion/ </b>

<b>9. It’s cold outside.Don’t forget…………your carf.( take / to take/ taking / took) </b>
10. Anyway,we will keep……..touch.(in/ off / to / with )

<i><b>11.Modern patterns ...to the Ao dai to make it more fashionable.(have been added/ </b></i>
<b>has been added / is added / added)</b>

<b>12. Miss Nga designs clothes for ladies. She is a . . . . .(clother/clothing/cloth </b>
<b>maker/fashion designer)</b>

<i><b>III.Read then answer the questions (2pts)</b></i>

Canada is the world's second largest country. The area is 9. 970. 610 sq km .The
capital is Ottawa, and the largest city is Toronto. The population of Canada is31 592
805.About one- third of the people area of British origin .One-fourth are of French origin.
The official languages are English and French .The United States accounts for about
four-fifths of Canada's exports and supplies more than two-thirds of its imports.

1,What is the population of

2, Is Toronto the largest city in

3,What languages do people speak in

4, Is Canada in

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<i><b>IV.Rewrite the sentences,using the cue (2pts)</b></i>
<b>1. It’s a pity Nam isn’t here.=>I </b>

<b>2. We have found the answer to the question. => The </b>

<b>3. When I was a child,I lived in Briston. => I </b>

<b>4. People made jean cloth compleltely from cotton.=> Jean </b>

<i><b>V. Write the complete sentence with the words or phrases given (1pt)</b></i>
1. I /just arrive back / Vietnam.

2. A new school / build / our village / last year.


<i><b> VI. Listen then choose the correct anwer A or B (1pt)</b></i>

1. A She is 3 years old
B. She is 4 years old..


