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Lesson 1 : Reading

<b>Objective</b> : by the end of the lesson,students will be able to <b>read & understand the text about</b>
<b>people’s backgrounds & famous people’s contributions to society.</b>

<b>Teaching aids</b> : poster,picture

<b>Proceture</b> :

<b>T</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>



<b>I. Warm-up: Networks</b>

<b> Louis Pasteur Nelson Mandela </b>
<b> </b>

<b> famous people </b>
<b> </b>

<b> Ton That Tung</b>
<b>Walt Disney Yuri Gagarin</b>

- Dividing the class into 2 groups

- Asking ss to list all famous people in Vietnam and
around the world

II. Pre-reading:

1.Pre-teach Vocabulary:

-eliciting-modelling-checking meaning, pronounciation
+<i><b>to be well-known around the world</b></i>

1. world-famous (adj): nổi tiếng khắp thế giới
+<i><b>How do you say “sự tiệt trùng” in English?</b></i>

2. pasteurization (n): sự tiệt trùng
+<i><b>to be put in prison</b></i>

3. (to) imprison: bỏ tù

+<i><b>a person who fights against apartheid</b></i>.

4. an antiapartheid activist: người tích cực chống phân
biệt chủng tộc ở Nam Phi

+<i><b>infectious virus of dog</b></i>

5. rabies (n): bệnh dại

Checking Vocabulary: <b>R . O . R</b>
<b>2.Set the scene</b>

- Working in groups

- Listening

- Going to the board

- Writing the names of famous

- free answers:


-copying down in notebook
Week :<b>03</b>

Period: <b>09 </b>

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-Setting up the scene to introduce the reading by using
the picture.

- Asking Ss to look at the picture and answer the

<i><b>+ How many people are there in the picture?</b></i>
<i><b>+ Who are they?</b></i>

<i><b>+ What do you know about their contribution?</b></i>

-Sticking the poster on board

<b>Match the names of people in column A with</b>
<b>relevant information in column B</b>


1. Nguyen Huu Canh
2. Louis Pasteur
3. Yuri Gagarin
4. Ernest Hemingway
5. Charles Dickens
6. Walt Disney
7. Nelson Mandela
8. Alexandre Yersin

a. wrote The Old Man
and the Sea

b. was the creator of
Mickey Mouse
c. discovered Da Lat
d. was the founding
father of Sai Gon
e. was the first black
president of South

f. was the first man in

g. developed the
vaccine for preventing

h. wrote David

- Asking Ss to match the names of people in column A
with relevant information in column B

-Giving instructions:

- Asking ss to share your answers with your friends,
with your groups (the same table)

III. While-reading:

- Asking Ss to open the textbook & read the text and
check prediction.

-Correcting & evaluating

- Asking Ss to read the text again to complete the table

<b>a) Complete the table below:</b>

- Listening & answering the

- free answers:

- Looking at the poster &
listening to the instructions.

- Guessing and writing down
their predictions

- Working in individuals and in

<b>Answers: </b>

1. d 2.g 3. f 4. a
5. h 6. b 7. e 8. c

- Opening the textbook

- Reading the text to check the

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People Achievements

Louis Pasteur + Inventing the process of

+ (1) ________________
+ (2)________________
(3)_______ + Being a pioneer in liver

surgery in Viet Nam
+ Creating a new techque
for operating on the liver
Nelson Mandela + Forming The Youth

League of ANC to fight
against apartheid

+ (4)____________
+ (5)____________

+ Becoming the first black
president of South Africa
- Correcting & evaluating

<b>IV. Post-reading: </b>

- Asking Ss to complete the sentences with the word in
the box.

- Asking Ss to report the results of their discussion to
the class.

<b>Complete the sentences with the word in the box:</b>

liver apartheid pasteurization

democracy rabbies operation imprison
1. Louis Pasteur invented the process of _______.
2. He developed vaccines for several diseases
including _______.

3. Ton That Tung was a pioneer in _______ surgery in
Viet Nam.

<b>4. Nelson Mandela struggled to end _______ and </b>
<b>brought a peaceful transition to nonracial ________ </b>
<b>in South Africa.</b>

<b>V. Homework: </b>

<b>- Asking Ss to learn the new words by heart</b>

 pairs

<b>Answers: </b>

1. being a world-famous

2. developing a vaccine for

3. Ton That Tung

4. Addressing the Conference of
the Pan-African Freedom

Movement of East and Central

5. sharing the Nobel Peace

- Listening

- Completing the sentences
- Working in individuals 

- Writing the answers on board

<b>Answers: </b>

1. pasteurization
2. rabbies

3. liver

<b>4. apartheid - democracy</b>

- Listening & taking notes in

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Lesson 2 : Reading

<b>Objective</b> : by the end of the lesson,students will be able to read & understand the text about
people’s backgrounds & famous people’s contributions to society.

<b>Teaching aids</b> : poster,picture

<b>Proceture</b> :

<b>T</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>



<b>I. Warm-up: Kim’s game</b>

world-famous pasteurization liver
vaccine honor surgery pioneer
antiapartheid activist imprison nonracial
- Sticking the poster on board

- Dividing the class into 2 groups

- Asking ss to rewrite the words on board

<b>II. Pre-reading:</b>

<b>1.Set the scene</b>

-Setting up the scene to introduce the reading by asking
some questions.

- Asking Ss to answer the questions.

<i><b>+Do you know Louis Pasteur?</b></i>
<i><b>+Where is he from?</b></i>

<i><b>+What did he do?</b></i>

-Sticking the poster on board

- Asking Ss to look at the poster on board
-Giving instructions:

<i><b>+How many sentences are there?</b></i>

<i><b>+Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false</b></i>
<i><b>(F) . Then correct the false statements.</b></i>

<i><b>+Share your answers with your friends, with your </b></i>
<i><b>groups (the same table)</b></i>

- Correcting & evaluating

<b>Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false</b>

1. Louis Pasteur had become a national hero and had
been honored in many ways.

2. Ton That Tung was a pioneer in skin surgery.

3. In 1993 Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel
Peace Prize with F.W. de Klerk.

- Looking at the words in 1

- Trying to remember them
- Working in groups

- Writing the words on the board

- Listening & answering the

- free answers:

- Looking at the poster &
listening to the instructions.
- Guessing and writing down
their predictions

- Working in individuals and in

<b>Answers: </b>

1. T
2. F
3. T

<b>4. T</b>

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4. Nelson Mandela had been the first black president of
South Africa for 5 years.

<b>III. While-reading</b>

<b> </b>


- Asking Ss to open the textbook & read the text and
check prediction.

-Correcting & evaluating

- Asking Ss to read the text again to answer the

b) Answer the following questions:

1. What did Louis Pasteur do to save people’s lives?
2. Dr. Ton That Tung brought about a great change in
liver operation. What is this change?

3. How long was Nelson Mandela imprisoned?

4. Why was he awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with F.
W. de Klerk?

<b>IV. Post-reading: Discussion</b>

- Asking Ss to discuss the contribution of a hero /
heroine or a famous person in Viet Nam

- Asking Ss to report the results of their discussion to
the class.

<b>V. Homework: </b>

<b>- Asking Ss to write a short passage about famous </b>
<b>people in Vietnam</b>

- Opening the textbook

- Reading the text to check the

- Reading the text again to
answer the questions in
individuals  pairs

-Sticking the posters on board

<b>Answers: </b>

1. he developed vaccines for

several diseases including

2. “Ton That Tung method”
enables a liver operation to be
completed in 4 to 8 minutes
instead of 3 to 6 hours as before.
4. he was imprisoned for 26

5. because he struggled to end
apartheid and brought a

peaceful transition to nonracial
democracy in South Africa
- Listening & discussing
- Working in individuals 

- free answers:

- Reporting the results of their

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Unit 2 :


Lesson 3 : Listening

<b>Objective</b> : by the end of the lesson,students will be able to listen & understand the context of

the passage about life and career of Alexandre Yersin.

<b>Teaching aids</b> : poster,picture

<b>Proceture</b> :

<b>T</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>



<b>I. Warm-up: Match the people with their job: </b>



1. Jackie Chan a. writer
2. Marie Curie b. singer

3. Lam Truong c. bacteriologist
4. Alexandre Yersin d. actor

5. Charles Dickens e. scientist
-Sticking the poster on board

-Giving instructions:

<i><b>+How many columns are there? You match the people</b></i>
<i><b>with their job.</b></i>

-Giving an example:

-Asking Ss to write the answers on board
-Correcting and evaluating

<b>II. Pre-listening: </b>

<b>1Pre-teach Vocabulary:</b>

-eliciting-modelling-checking meaning, pronounciation

<i><b>+desire to travel, wander</b></i>

1. wanderlust (n): niềm say mê, ham thích đi du lịch
+<i><b>cattle-raising farm</b></i>

2. ranch (n): trại chăn nuôi
3. abandoned (adj): bỏ hoang
= empty, deserted

+<i><b>How do you say “chôn cất” in English?</b></i>

4. to bury: chôn caát

Checking Vocabulary: <b>R . O . R</b>
<b>2.Set the scene</b>

- Looking at the poster
- Listening & answering

- Working in individuals and in


-writing the answers on board


1. d 2. e 3. b 4. c 5.


-copying down in notebook
Week : <b>03</b>

Period: <b>11</b>

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-Setting up the scene to introduce the listening by using
the picture.

- Asking Ss to answer some questions.

1. What cities do you think are shown in the pictures?
2. Who discovered the city in picture a?

3. Who founded the Pasteur Institute in Nha Trang?

<i><b>+As you know, Alexandre Yersin was a world-famous</b></i>
<i><b>physician and bacteriologist. In today’s lesson, you will</b></i>

<i><b>listen to a talk about his life and contributions to</b></i>

- Sticking the poster on board
-Giving instructions:

<i><b>+How many sentences are there?</b></i>

<i><b>+ Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F)</b></i>
<i><b>. Then correct the false statements.</b></i>

<i><b>+ Take a piece of paper and write your prediction.</b></i>
<i><b>+ Share your answers with your friends, with your</b></i>
<i><b>groups (the same table)</b></i>

- Having Ss guess about Alexandre Yersin before

Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) .
Then correct the false statements.

1. Alexandre Yersin was born in France.

2. He graduated from a medical school in Paris?
3. His home is in Da Lat.

4. He built the Pasteur Institute in Da Lat.
5. He was buried in Switzerland.

6. He discovered Da Lat in the 18th<sub> century.</sub>

<b>III. While-listening: </b>

- Asking Ss to listen to the tape & check prediction.
- Letting Ss listen for the second time

- Correcting and evaluating

- Asking Ss to listen again to fill in the following years.
What happened to Yersin in the following years?
1888: joined Dr. Louis Pasteur’s team

1891: ____________
1940: ____________
1943: ____________

- Sticking the poster on board

- Asking ss to listen again and circle the correct answers
- Correcting

- Listening & answering the


1. Da Lat and Nha Trang
2/ 3. Alexandre Yersin

- Looking at the poster

- Listening & answering

- Guessing and writing down
their predictions

- Working in individuals and in


1. F (in Switzerland)
2. T

3. F (in Nha Trang)
4. F (in Nha Trang)
5. F (in Viet Nam)
6. F (in the 19th<sub> century)</sub>

- listening the tape to check

- Listening to the tape again to
fill in the following years

- Working in individuals 


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Listen to part B of the talk and circle the correct

1. What animal did he raise to use in his research?
a. Rats b. Rabbits c. Cats d. Horses
2. What tree did he introduce to Viet Nam?
a. The coffee tree b. The rubber tree
c. The mango tree d. The tea tree

3. In what kind of planations can quinine be found?
a. Tea planations b. Coffee planations
c. Quinquina planations d. None are correct
4. What did people in Nha Trang think about him?
a. He was friendly b. He was humane
c. He was polite d. He was selfish
5. How old was he when he died?

a. 68 b. 58

c. 78 d. 80

<b>IV. Post-listening: Discussion</b>

-Asking ss to talk about Yersin’s contributions to

-Asking ss to work in groups


-Correcting & evaluating

-Asking some groups to give answers

<b>V. Homework: </b>

<b>- Asking Ss to learn the new words by heart</b>

1943: died in Nha Trang

- Listening to the tape again to
circle the correct answers
- Looking at the poster
- Working in individuals 


1. d 2. b 3. c 4. b 5.

- Listening & answering
- Working in groups

- Talking about Yersin’s
contributions to Vietnam

<b>Suggested answers</b>:

Discover Da Lat and many
water sources in this region.
Raise horses to do research in

Contribute to the Vietnamese
rubber industry by introducing
the Brazilian rubber tree to

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Unit 2 :


Lesson 4 : Speaking

<b>Objective</b> : by the end of the lesson,students will be able to talk about people’s backgrounds

<b>Teaching aids</b> : poster,picture

<b>Proceture</b> :

<b>T</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>



<b>I. Warm-up: Multiple choice</b>

- Asking Ss to look at the poster

- Asking ss to choose the word that best describes Louis

- Asking ss to work in groups

1. a. chemist b. teacher
c. farmer d. driver
2. a. England b. Japan
c. France d. Laos
3. a. rabies b. measles
c. flu d. headache
4. a. Hanoi b. Vung Tau
c. Can Tho d. Nha Trang
- Correcting and evaluating

<b>II. Pre-speaking:</b>

<b>1.Set the scene</b>

-Setting up the scene to introduce the listening by using
the picture.

- Asking Ss to answer some questions

<i><b>+Who is he?</b></i>
<i><b>+What’s his job?</b></i>

- Asking Ss to make questions about Louis Pasteur
- Giving instructions

- Giving an example

<i><b>+ When and where was he born?</b></i>

Louis Pasteur (1822 - 1895)
- Was born in France

- Became a world-famous chemist and

- Developed vaccines for several

- Looking at the poster
- Listening & answering the

- Choosing the word that best
describes Louis Pasteur
- Working in individuals 


1. a
2. c
3. a
4. d

- Looking at the picture

- Listening & answering the

- Working in individuals 

- Making questions about Louis

<b>Possible answers: </b>

+ What did he do?
+ What did he develop?
+ What qualification / degree
Week :<b>03 </b>

Period:<b>12 </b>

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- Received a doctorate in 1847

- Founded an institution for the treatment
of rabies in 1888

- Was given a state funeral at the
Cathedral of Notre Dame

- Asking Ss to present on board

<b>III. While-speaking: </b>

-Asking the students to interview a classmate about
their favourite person’s background by using the
following suggested questions.

Suggested questions:

+ Where was she / he born?
+ What school did she / he go to?
+ What degree did she / he get?
+ What is her / his job?

+ What could she / he do in her / his job?
+ Do you admire her / him? Why?

<b>IV. Post-speaking:</b>

<b>Talk about the person you have learnt about from</b>
<b>the interview:</b>

The person I interview is ______. She / He was born in
______ in ______. . . .

- Asking Ss to work in individuals
-Giving instructions:

<i><b>+You talk about the person you have learnt about from</b></i>
<i><b>the interview.</b></i>

- Calling on Ss to give a small talk in front of the class
- Correcting & evaluating

<b>V. Homework: </b>

- Asking Ss to rewrite the information they have just

did he get?

+ What did he found in 1888?
+ When did he die?

- Listening & answering the

- Working in pairs

- Reporting in front of the class
free answers:

- Listening & answering the

- Working in individuals

- Reporting in front of the class

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Unit 2 :


Lesson 5 : Writing

<b>Objective</b> : by the end of the lesson,students will be able to write a summary of a biography of
a person basing on a given text.

<b>Teaching aids</b> : poster

<b>Proceture</b> :

<b>T</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>



<b>I. Warm-up:</b>

Guessing word
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

- Providing three clues about the word “Biography”
- Asking ss to guess the word: if ss guess the word in
the first clue, they get 30 points, 20 points in the second
clue and 10 points in the third clue

- Asking Ss to work in groups


+ It provides you with background information of a

+ It has 9 leters.

+ It begins with letter B.

<b>II. Pre-writing: </b>

- Explaining the definition of a summary

<i><b>+A summary is a brief statement of the main points of a</b></i>
<i><b>passage. Writing a summary will help you understand</b></i>
<i><b>the text better.</b></i>

- Asking ss to work in individuals and in pairs

- Asking ss to read paragraph 1 and answer the
following questions

- Asking Ss to write the answers on board.
- Correcting and evaluating

<b>Part a (page 29): Read paragraph 1 and answer the</b>
<b>following questions:</b>

1. Where and when was Elizabeth Blackwell born?
2. At what age did she emigrate to New York City?
3. What did she want to become?

4. Was is it easy or difficult for her to realize her dream

- Listening & answering
- Guessing the word
- Working in groups

<b>Answers</b>: Biography

- Listening & answering
- Writing in notebooks

- Working in individuals and in

- reading paragraph 1 and
answer the following questions


1. She was born in England in

2. She emigrated to New York
City when she was ten.

3. She wanted to become a


4. It was difficult for her to
realize her dream because a
woman couldn’t work as a
Week : <b>04</b>

Period: <b>13</b>

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in the 19th<sub> century?</sub>

<b>III. While-writing: </b>

- Asking ss to write a summary for paragraph 1 basing
on the answers to the above questions

- Asking Ss to work in individuals and in groups .
- Moving around to control and giving help with

<b>IV. Post-writing:</b>


- Choosing the best piece of writing & the worst piece
of writing to correct.

- Asking Ss to exchange their writing with another
student for peer correction.

- Giving general comments.

<b>V. Homework</b>


- Asking Ss to rewrite a summary in notebooks

doctor in the 19th<sub> century.</sub>
- listening

- Working in individuals 

- Writing on poster and sticking
on board

- Looking at the board
- Correcting


Sample Summary of Paragraph

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Unit 2 :


Lesson 6 : Writing

<b>Objective</b> : by the end of the lesson,students will be able to write a summary of a biography of
a person basing on a given text.

<b>Teaching aids</b> : poster,picture

<b>Proceture</b> :

<b>T</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>



<b>I. Warm-up: Matching</b>

- Sticking the poster on board

- Asking Ss to work in individuals and groups

- Asking ss to match the words in A with their
definitions in B


1. emigrate (di cö) a. applying, request
for something

2. application (đơn xin


b. a doctor skilled at

3. tuition (học phí) c. a doctor authorized
to practice medicine
4. surgeon (baùc só

phẩu thuật) d. a person whoestablishes an
organization, a
company, a school,

5. abandon (từ bỏ) e. leave one’s country
in order to live in
another country

6. physician (bác sĩ) f. money paid for
education at school
7. founder (người

sáng lập) g. give up

<b>II. Pre-writing: </b>

<b>Part b</b> (page 29)

- Asking ss to work in individuals and in groups

- Listening & answering

- matching the words in A with
their definitions in B

- Working in individuals and in


1. e
2. a
3. f
4. b
5. g
6. c
7. d

- Listening & answering
Week : 04

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- Asking ss to make questions on the main ideas of
paragraph 2

- Asking Ss to write the questions on board.
- Correcting and evaluating

Make questions on the main ideas of paragraph 2

<b>III. While-writing: </b>

- Asking ss to answer the questions and write a
summary of it

- Asking Ss to work in individuals and in groups .
- Moving around to control and giving help with

<b>IV. Post-writing: Correcting</b>

- Choosing the best piece of writing & the worst piece
of writing to correct.

- Asking Ss to exchange their writing with another
student for peer correction.

- Giving general comments.

- Writing in notebooks

- Making questions on the main
ideas of paragraph 2.

- Working in individuals and in


1. Why couldn’t Elizabeth
Blackwell further her education
in Paris in 1849?

2. Why was it difficult for
Elizabeth Blackwell to start her
own practice upon returning to
the US?

3. What did she do in 1857?
4. What else did she do for
women in the US?

- listening

- Working in individuals 

- Writing on poster and sticking
on board


1. She couldn’t further her
education in Paris in 1849
because of her serious eye

2. It was difficult for her to start

her own practice upon returning
to the US because she was a
woman doctor.

3. In 1857, she opened a new
hospital for women and children
in the US.

4. She established the first
medical school for women.

- Looking at the board
- Correcting

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<b>V. Homework: </b>

- Asking Ss to rewrite a summary in notebooks .

In 1849, Elizabeth

Blackwellcouldn’t further her
education in Paris because of
her serious eye infection. Upon
returning to the United States, it
was difficult for her to start her
own practice because she was a
woman doctor. In 1857, she and
other women opened a new

hospital for women and children
in the US. In addition, she
established the first medical
school for women.

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Unit 2 :


Lesson 7 : Language Focus

<b>Objective</b> : by the end of the lesson,students will be able to <b>use compound adjectives in</b>
<b>suitable context and revise the Wh-questions through various exercises.</b>

<b>Teaching aids</b> : poster,picture

<b>Proceture</b> :

<b>T</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>



<b>I. Warm-up: Matching</b>

- Sticking the poster on board
- Asking ss to work in groups

- Asking Ss to match the nouns in column A with the
adjectives in column B to form compound adjectives

<b>Match the nouns in column A with the adjectives in</b>
<b>column B to form compound adjectives. Write them</b>
<b>in column C. Number 3 has been done for you.</b>


1. man
2. duty
3. world
4. frost

5. environment

a. famous
b. made
c. free
d. friendly
e. free

1. _________
2. _________
3. world-famous
4. _________
5. _________

<b>II. Activity 1: Revision</b>

- Reminding

Compound Adjectives

Noun + Adjective  Compound Adjective
- Sticking the poster on board

- Asking ss to work in individuals

- Asking ss to complete the following sentences with the
compound adjectives above

b) Complete the following sentences with the compound

- Looking at the poster
- Listening & answering
- Working in groups

- Matching the nouns in column
A with the adjectives in column
B to form compound adjectives


1. b
2. c
3. a
4. e
5. d

- Listening & answering

- Looking at the poster
- Listening & answering

- Completing the following
sentences with the compound
adjectives above


<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>


adjectives above

1. _______ structures should respect nature.
2. A(n) _________ fridge uses a lot of energy.
3. Shakespeare is a(n) ___________ playwright.
4. You can find a(n)________ shop at the airport.
5. It’s time for manufacturers to think of ___________

<b>III. Activity 2:</b>

- Reminding the grammar point

Who is your school librarian?
What happened last night?

What did she buy at a store yesterday?
Where did she buy some food yesterday?

When did she buy some food?

Why do you want to learn English?

Question Word To ask about

Who people

What people, animals, facts,

Where places

When time

Which choices

Why reasons

Whose possession

How manner, quality

- Asking Ss to look at the poster.
- Giving instructions

- Asking Ss to do it in individuals  groups

<b>Part a: Write Wh-questions for the underlined words</b>

<b>or phrases:</b>

1. Ha Long Bay is one of the most beautiful sights in
Viet Nam.

2. This street is 10 km long.

3. He hurriedly answered the phone.

4. They canceled their trip because of bad weather.
5. His new car is red.

- Asking Ss to look at the poster.
- Giving instructions

- Asking Ss to do it in individuals  pairs

1. man-made
2. frost-free
3. world-famous
4. duty-free

5. environment-friendly

- Listening & answering

- Looking at the poster

- Looking at the poster
- Listening & answering

- Writing Wh-questions for the
underlined words or phrases


A) 1. What is one of the most
beautiful sights in Viet Nam?
2. How long is this street?
3. How did he answer the
phone? / What did he do

4. Why did they cancel their

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>


Part b) Write Wh-questions for the following answers.
The first one has been done for you.

1. A: Would you give me a toothbrush, please?
B: What color would you like?

A: Yellow

2. A: ____________________? (your sister?
B: Twenty

3. A: ____________________? (your school)

B: Twenty minutes’ walk

4. A: ____________________? (answer the phone)
B: Hurriedly

5. A: ____________________? (your boss)
B: Very friendly

- Correcting & evaluating

<b>IV. Activity 3:</b>

- Asking Ss to look at the poster.
- Giving instructions

- Asking Ss to do it in individuals  groups

<b>Part c) Match the situations in A with the questions</b>
<b>in B</b>:


1. Your friend is
having a party. You’d
like to know who he
has invited.

a. What school do you
go to?

2. Your mother went
shopping. You want to
know the amount of
beef she bought. Ask

b. When should we
hand in our

3. You are talking to a
girl at a party. Ask her
about her study.

c. Who have you
invited to your party?
4. You want to know

when you hand in
your assignment. Ask
your friend.

d. When will our
English course finish?

5. You’ve forgotten
when the English
course finishes. Ask
your friend.

e. How much beef did
you buy, mom?

- Writing Wh-questions for the
underlined words or phrases
- Answers

B) 1. What color would you

2. How old is your sister?
3. How far is your school from
your house?

4. How did he / she answer the

5. What’s your boss like?

- Looking at the poster
- Listening & answering
- Working in individuals 

- Matching the situations in A
with the questions in B:

<b>Answers: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>


- Correcting & evaluating

<b>V. Homework:</b>

- Asking Ss to do the exercises again

Complete the compound adjectives in the sentences.
Use the words in the box

known star part looking
1. We stayed in a five-_______ hotel.

2. He just got a ________-time job. He works three days
a week.

3. When I saw her last night, she was dancing with a
good-_________ young man in a white suit.

4. William Shakespeare is a well-_______ writer all
over the world.

- Listening & taking notes in

- Completing the compound
adjectives in the sentences by
using the words in the box




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