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<b>English for children</b>
<b>II/ Listen and number:</b>
<b>III/ Complete the sentences:</b>
1. N_ce to m_ _t yo_.
2. Th_s is my s_h_ _l libr_r_.
3. Th_re _re tw_ b_thr_ _ms in my ho_se.
4. H_w man_ c_ou_s a_e there?
5. W_ere are _he ba_ls?
<b>IV/ Select and tick the letter A, B or C:</b>
1. __________ the weather in Ha Noi today?
A. How’s
B. What’s
C. Where’s
2. My toy is a _________.
A. bird
B. doll
C. fish
3. How ________ pets do you have?
A. many
B. not
C. no
A. She
B. He
C. I
5. There _______ many clouds in the sky.
A. is
B. are
C. am
<b>V/ Write the answers:</b>
1. How’s the weather in Ho Chi Minh City?
-2. How many toys do you have?
-3. What’s your name?
-How old are you?
-4. Who’s that?
-5. Do you have pets?
<b>-VI/ What names are these sports?</b>