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Thời gian kiểm tra:……/…../2010

Đề số 1


<b>I. Choose the word that has the underlined (letters) pronounced differently from the others. (3 </b>

1. a. home b. smoke c. photo d. fog

2. a. game b. start c. rain d. play

3. a. feat b. seat c. beat d. great

4. a. tool b. book c. look d. cook

5. a. busy b. bus c. much d. butter

<b>II. Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c or d - to complete the sentences. (3 points)</b>
1. How many pages ………. so far?

a. have you studied b. did you study c. do you study d. had you studied
2. ………the radio when you get up every morning?

a. Did you listen b. Are you listening c. Was you listening d. Do you listen
3. She was born ………….. March, 2nd<sub>, 1987</sub>

a. in b. on c. at d. Ø

4. He is interested ………….making money.

a. of b. for c. in d. by

5. ... did the Second World War end? ~ In 1945.

a. Where b. When c. What time <b> </b> d. How long
<b>III. Put the verbs in the correct forms (4 points)</b>

1. Marry ………. (write) her first story when she ……… (be) 18 years old.
2. By the time I ……… (arrive) at the party, they ……… (eat) everything.
3. While I ………TV, he ……….his homework.

4. I ………. (live) in Bac Giang 3 years before I ……….. (move) to Bac Ninh.

The end

Ban giám hiệu duyệt Tổ trưởng duyệt

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Thời gian kiểm tra:……/…../2010

Đề số 1


<b>I. Choose the word that has the underlined (letters) pronounced differently from the others. (2 </b>

1. a. book b. door c. look d. foot

2. a. busy b. bus c. much d. butter

3. a. church b. choose c. chemist d. cheer

4. a. still b. night c. Friday d. life

5. a. miss b. little c. child d. listen

<b>II. Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c or d - to complete the sentences. (2 points)</b>
1. ……… you ……….to the radio? “Turn it off, please”

a. Did/ listen b. Did/ listened c. Is/ listening d. Do/ listen
2. She ………. dinner before they ………..

a. finishes/ came b. finished/ come c. had finished/ came d. had finished/ come
3. Yesterday John Brown ……… Tom Smith in London.

a. meet b. meets c. met d. is meeting

4. Look out! The car ………….. toward us.

a. is coming b. comes c. come d. came

5. When we came in, they ………. dinner for us.

a. has prepared b. prepared c. are preparing d. had prepared
<b>III. Put the verbs in the correct forms (2 points)</b>

1. While I ……… (try) to get my car started, a passing car ……… (stop).
2. When they met again, they ……… (not see) each other for 10 years.

3. By the time you ………..…. (get) his letter, he had arrived in London.
4. We ……… (live) in Bac Giang since 1991.

<b>IV. Rewrite these sentences with the words given in brackets. (2 points)</b>
<b>Examples: </b> They arrived home late. (He saw)

<i>He saw them arrive home late</i>

1. The boy ran away from the house. (She noticed)

2. He said that he didn’t want to learn Math. (I hear)

3. Maybe the school will ask me to pay some extra money. (Do you think the school will make)

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4. The police told the thief to empty his pockets (The policeman made)

5. He left the house early this morning. (I heard)

<b>V. Read the passage below and choose the most suitable answers (a, b, c or d) to answer the </b>
<b>following questions (2 points)</b>

Charles Dickens was born in a poor clerk family in Portsmouth, on the south coast of England, on
February 17th<sub>, 1812. His family moved to London when he was only 2 years old. His father was constantly</sub>
in debt. Later when he couldn’t pay his debts, he was imprisoned. Dickens had to start work in a factory at
the age of 12 to help his family. Dickens devoted most of his time to writing. He wrote lots of novels and
among them, David Copperfield which Dickens himself liked best of all. This novel is not only a fine one,
but also a disguised autobiography of Dickens. After Shakespeare, Dickens created the most wonderful
characters concerned in one way or another with the evils of his own days. Dickens died in 1870.

<b>1. Dickens was born in ………..</b>

a. London b. Port Luis c. Portsmouth d. Leeds

<b>2. His father was a poor ………. And was always in debt</b>

a. worker b. clerk c. doctor d. engineer

<b>3. Dickens had to work in ………..</b>

a. 1834 b. 1824 c. 1844 d. 1828

<b>4. David Copperfield is about ………</b>

a. Charles Dickens’s hard life b. Charles Dickens’s happy life
c. Charles Dickens’s hard job d. Charles Dickens’s life
<b>5. Charles Dickens died at the age of ……….</b>

a. 60 b. 61 c. 59 d. 58

The end

Ban giám hiệu duyệt Tổ trưởng duyệt



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