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<b> Preparing date: 17/08/09</b>
<i><b> Teaching date: 19/08/09</b></i>
<b>Period 1 </b>


<b>A.Objectives</b> :

<b>I.Knowledge </b>: Students will be able to remind the main knowledge in grade 7 and
know how to learn well English 8 program.

<b>II.Skills</b> : Speaking and Reading<i>.</i>
<b>III.Preparation </b>:<b> </b>

<b>B.Procedure </b>:

<b>I.Settlement </b>: Greeting and checking attendance
<b>II.Warm-up</b> : Introducing about the teacher (5 ms)
<b>III.New lesson</b> : (32ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1.<b>Revision</b> :
*. The tenses :
- Present simple
- Present progressive
- Simple future
- Near future
- Past simple

=> Ask Ss to retell the uses and forms of

each tense.

* Exercise : Change these sentences into
other tenses ( Present simple , Present
progressive , near future , Simple future
and Past simple ) and add appropriate
adverbs of time .

- Ask Ss to work in pairs.

- Call some pairs to demonstrate in front
of the class .

- Give feedback.

- Listen and remind the uses and forms of

- Do as the teacher directs.
- Copy down

- Work in pairs to practice changing these
sentences into other tenses.

1. She is in Grade 7

2. They are playing soccer
3. She went to Ha Noi last week
4. I will visit my sister next week
5. Mai is going to build a new house .

- Read aloud their answers.

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2.<b>Presenting the English Grade 8</b>
- There are 16 units in this program ,
each unit has 6 parts which mention a
particular skill such as Listening
Speaking, Reading and Writing

+ At the beginning of the unit is “ Getting
started “ to lead in the new lesson or in
order to warm up .

- Each unit has Language Focus which
help Ss to summarize the basic knowledge
they have learnt in each one.

- Teacher introduces some exersice books,
reference books to students.

- Listen to the introduction

- Listen and copy .

<b>IV.Consolidation </b>: (3ms)
- The tenses

<b>V.Preparation</b> : (5ms)

- Ask Ss to prepare Unit 1 “ Getting started + Listen and read “


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<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> Preparing date: 18/08/09</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date: 20/08/09</b></i>

<b>Unit 1 : MY FRIENDS</b>

<b>Period : 2 </b>

<b>Lesson 1: Getting started – Listen and Read</b>

<b>A</b>. <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I.Knowledge </b>: By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to know how to describe their
friends by using “what+do/does+S+look like? and learn structure“enough + to-inf .“
<b>II.Skills</b> : Speaking and Reading.

<b>III.Preparation</b> : 1.Teacher : Lesson plan , Poster.

2.Students : New lesson
<b>B.Procedures</b> :

<b>I.Settlement</b> : Greeting and checking attendance
<b>II.Warm up</b> : (5ms) Matching – Getting started

1.Picture A a .Play chess
2.Picture B b. Play volleyball
3.Picture C c. Read boooks

4.Picture D d. Play soccer
<b>III.New lesson : </b>(35ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<b>1.Presentation</b> :

<i><b>a.Vocabulary</b></i> : Teacher uses some
techniques to elicit new words.
- ( translation )

- ( Explanation ) : a person who lives
next to your house .
- ( translation )

<i><b>b.Presentation-text</b></i> :

- Teacher introduces the dialogue and
read the dialougue as the model.
- Teacher asks ss to read the text and
practice in pairs.

- Teacher calls some pairs to
demonstrate in front of the class.

- Teacher asks ss to read the text again,
get information and answer the


- Asks ss to demonstrate in front of the

- Give feedback.

*Vocabulary :

- to seem : Dường như

- a next door neighbor : Người hàng xóm
- to look like : Giống như …

* <i><b>Checking vocabulary</b></i> : R.O. R
- Listen to the teacher and do as the
teacher directs.

- Practice reading the dialougue in pairs.

- Work in pairs: + open pairs.
+ close pairs.
- Read the text again and answer the
questions in the textbook.

- Work in pairs.
* Answer key :
a. Nien lives in Hue

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<b>2.Presenting target language</b>:

- Teacher asks : “How does Lan ask to
know about appearance of Hoa`friend.”
- T also presents the structure “enough.“

- Teacher does concept check..

<b>3.Further Practice</b>: Gap filling

- Ask Ss to use the present simple and
simple past tense to complete the

- Get Ss to work individually and then
compare their answers with their
partners .

- Give feedback

b. No, she does not.

c.”She wasn`t old enough to be in my

d. She is going to visit Hoa at Christmas.
- Answer the question.

What does she look like?
She is beautiful.

She wasn`t old enough to be in

my class.

* <i><b>Form</b></i> :

+ What + do/does + S + look like ?
S + be + adjs .

=> Asking about appearance.

+ S + be(not) +adj +enough +to-inf.
=> (not) enough to do sth .

-Use some verbs: live – send – be – come
to complete the paragragh.

“ Hoa ... in Hue last year, but now
she ...in Ha Noi Yesterday, Hoa`<sub>s friend </sub>
Nien ... Hoa a letter. Nien ... Hoa,
neighbor when Hoa lived in Hue. She ...
younger than Hoa.She ...to Ha Noi in

-Work individually and then share their
answers with their partners .

<i><b>* Answer key</b></i> : lived lives sent was
-is - comes

<b>IV.Consolidation </b>: (2ms)

- Consolidate how to describe the people’s appearance : adjectives, structure.
<b>V.Home work</b> : (3ms) - Practice the dialogue at home.

- Prepare the next lesson : Speak and Listen


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<i>... </i>

<i><b> Preparing date: 20/08/09</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date: 22/08/09</b></i>

<b>Unit 1 : MY FRIENDS</b>

<b>Period : 3 </b>

<b>Lesson 2 : Speak and Listen</b>

<b>A</b>.<b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I.Knowledge </b>: Bythe end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe someone’s
appearance using the verb “tobe / to have.”

<b>II.Skills : </b>Speaking & Writing.

<b>III.Preparation</b> : Teacher : Lesson plan and Word cues, Tape.

Students : New lesson and describing adjs in English 6.
<b>B</b>.<b>Procedures </b>:

<b>I.Settlement </b>: Greeting and checking attendance
<b>II.Warm up</b> : <i><b>Brainstorming</b></i> (5ms)

-Ask Ss to think of the adjectives used to describe body build and hair .
fat tall short

short black
<b>III. New lesson</b>: (35ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

- (Picture)
- (Picture)
- (Picture)
- (Picture)
- (Picture)

<b>b.Presentation Dialogue:</b>

- Teacher uses Speak 1 to set the scene
and give model sentences.

- Teacher models sentences and does
concept check..

* Vocabulary:

- Curly (adj) : Quăn, Xoăn
- Blond (adj) : Vàng hoe
- Bold (adj) : Hói

- Straight (adj) : Thẳng (tóc)
- Slim (adj) : Mảnh mai

* <i><b>Checking vocab</b></i>: Slap the board.
- Listen to the teacher and do as the
teacher directs.

* <b>Model sentences</b>:

She is short and thin.
She has long black hair.

<b>*Form</b>: <b>S + have/has + adjective + hair</b>

<b>Body build</b>

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2.<b>While-speaking</b>: Word cue drill
- Teacher shows the word cues on the
board and asks Ss to describe the

- Ask Ss to work individually and then
in pairs.

- Ask Ss to read their complete

sentences aloud.

- Correct and give feedback.
<b>3.Post speaking :</b> Listening

- Ask Ss to guess and complete the four
dialogues on page 12 – 13 textbook.
- Get Ss to work individually to

complete the dialogues and then in pairs
to compare their predictions.

- Let Ss listen to the tape twice .
- Correct and give feedback

- Call on some pairs to demonstrate the
dialogues in front of class .

<b> S + be + adjectives (character </b>
<b> and appearance) </b>

- Look at the word cards and practice

1.He / tall / thin /long / black / hair.
2.She / short / fat / straight / brown.
3.She / short / slim / curly / blond.
4.He / tall / fat / curly / black.
5.Tom / tall / strong / short / black.
- Work individually and then share their

their ideas with their partners.

* Example: He is tall and thin.
He has short black hair.
- Practice speaking in front of class.

- Do as the teacher directs.

- Work individually and then in pairs to
share their ideas.

- Listen to the tape carefully to check
their predictions.

* <i><b>Answer key</b></i> :

1. I would like you to meet ....
2. Nice to meet you ,

3. I would like you to meet ...
4. It’<sub>s a pleasure to meet you , </sub>
5. Come and meet

6. How do you do ?
<b>IV.Consolidation : </b>(2ms)

- How to use “to be / to have” to describe.

- Consolidate ajds to describe body build and hair.
<b>V.Homework</b> : (3ms)

- Do the exercises in workbook.
- Prepare the next lesson : Reading


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<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> Preparing date: 24/08/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date: 26/08/09</b></i>

<b>Unit 1 : MY FRIENDS</b>

<b>Period : 4 </b>

<b>Lesson 3 : Read</b>

<b>A.Objectives</b> :

<b>I.Knowledge</b> : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the main ideas
and details about Ba’<sub>s friends</sub>

<b>II.Skills </b><i>: </i>Reading & speaking

<b>III.Preparaion : </b>Teacher: Lesson plan, poster.
Students: New lesson.

<b>B.Procedure </b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b> : Greeting and checking attendance
<b>II.Warm up </b>:<b> </b>(5ms) Getting started.

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 10 and describe the groups of friends and their
favorite activities.

Ex : They are tall and strong.
They are playing soccer.
<b>III.Newlesson : (35ms)</b>

<b>Teacher’activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<b>1.Pre - reading</b> :
<b>a.Pre-teach</b> :
- ( Translation )
- ( Translation )
- ( Example )
- ( Explanation )
- ( Translation )
<b> - </b>( Translation )

<b>b.</b><i><b>T/F statements predictions</b></i><b> :</b>

- Stick the poster on the board,ask ss to
read all the sentences and guess which
statements are true , which are false.

*Vocabulary :

- A character : Tính cách
- Reserved (adj) : Dè dặt, kín đáo
- Sociable (adj) : Hòa đồng

- Generous (adj) : Rộng lượng

- to tell jokes: Kể chuyện tếu lâm
- A sense of humor : Óc hài hước

*<i><b>Checking vocabulary</b></i>: What and where

<i><b>*T/F statements :</b></i>

1.Ba has only three friends: Bao, Song,

2.Ba and his friends have the same

3.Bao is sociable, kind and generous.
4.Khai and Song are quite reserved in

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- Ask them to work individually and then
in pairs

- Give feedback.
2.<b>While - reading</b> :

<b>a.Activity 1</b>: Ask Ss to and read the text
carefully and check their predictions.
- Give feedback.

<b>b.Activity 2</b>: Multiple choice.

- Ask Ss to read the text again and choose
the best answers to complete the


- Teacher explains the meaning of the
difficult words.

- Call some pairs to report their answers.
<b>c.Activity 3</b>: Answer the questions :
- Let Ss read the text again and answer the
questions in the textbook.

- Call on some pairs of students to ask and
answer the questions

- Correct and give feedback

<b>3.Post - reading</b> :

- Ask Ss to work in groups to describe
their friends about appearance and

- Call some Ss to demonstrate in front of


5.They all enjoy school and study hard .

- Work individually and then share their
ideas with their friends.

- Do as the teacher directs.
- Read the text and check their

* <i><b>Answrer key</b></i> :

1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T

- Read the text again and do the task.
- Work individually -> in pairs to do the

- Read their answers aloud
* <i><b>Answrer key</b></i> :

a.A b.C c.B d.D

- Work in pairs to ask and answer the

* <i><b>Answrer key</b></i> :

a. He feels lucky having a lot of friends .
b. Bao is the most sociable

c. Khai likes reading

d. His jokes sometimes annoy his friends .
e. Bao spends his free time doing

volunteer work at local orphanage .

- Work in groups to describe their friends.
Ex : Nga is tall and short.

She is social and generous.
<b>IV.Consolidation: </b> (2ms)

- Consolidate the describing adjs and the content of the text.
<b>V.Homework</b> : (3ms)

- Write a paragraph about your close friend ( about 50 words )
- Do the exercises in workbook .

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<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> Preparing date: 24/08/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date: 27/08/09</b></i>

<b>Unit 1 : MY FRIENDS</b>

<b>Period : 5 </b>

<b>Lesson 4 : Write</b>


<b>I.Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a paragraph about
their close friends and personnal information.

<b>II.Skills</b>: Writing & reading

<b>III.Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.
Students: New lesson.

<b>I.Settlement</b>:<b> </b>Greeting and checking attendance.
<b>II.Warm up</b>: Slap the board (3ms)

- Using the words they have learnt in the previous lesson.
<b>III.New lesson</b>: (37ms)

<b>Teacher’activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1.<b>Pre – writing</b>:
<b>a.Activity 1</b>:

- Ask Ss to read the information and the
paragraph about Tam, then answer some
questions .

-Teacher asks some questions about the
age, name, address, characters, …

<b>b.Activity 2</b>:

- Asks Ss to work in pairs to answer the

- Work individual to read the information
about Tam .

- Work in pairs to answer the questions
and take notes of the answers.

* <i><b>Possible</b></i> <i><b>Questions</b></i> :
a. What is his name ?
b. How old is he ?

c. What does he look like ?
d. What is he like ?

e. Where does he live ?
f. Who does he live with ?
g. Who are his friends ?

- Work in pairs to ask and answer the

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questions about their parterns and take
notes of the answers. ( Task 2 ) page 15 –

2.<b>While - writing</b> :

- Ask Ss to write a paragragh about their
partners using the notes in the activity 2
- Get Ss to work in pairs to share ideas

with their partners.

3.<b>Post - writing</b> :

- Asks Ss to swap their writing and
correct mistakes for each other.

- Choose some paper, stick on the board
and correct their mistakes.


- Take note of the questions.

- Work individually to write a paragragh
about their friends.

- And then work in pairs to share their
ideas with their friends.

* <i>Sample :</i>

<i>His / her name ... . He / she </i>
<i>is ... years old . He / she ...lives</i>
<i>at ... in ... with ... He / she </i>
<i>is ... . He / she has ...hair</i>
<i>. He / she is ...helpful . He / she </i>
<i>has ... friends , but his / her </i>
<i>close friends are ... and ... . </i>

- Do as the teacher directs.

- Correct their mistakes each other.
- Correct together teacher.


<b>Consolidation: </b>(2m)

- How to write a paragraph about their close friend.

- Consolidate some adjectives to describe characters and appearance.
<b>V. Homework</b>: (3ms)

- Write a paragraph about one of their family members.
- Prepare the next lesson: Languague focus.

- Guide Ss to do some exercises in language focus.



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<i> </i>

<i><b>Preparing date:26/09/09</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:29/08/09</b></i>

<b>Unit 1 : MY FRIENDS</b>

<b>Period : 6 </b>

<b>Lesson 5 : Language Focus</b>

<b>A.Objectives</b> :

<b>I.Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to do further practice with
simple tenses and the structure “ be (not) + adjs + enough + to-infinitive .“

<b>II.Skills</b><i>: </i>Writig ,Speaking….
<b>B.Procedure </b>:

<b>I.Settlement</b>: Greeting and checking attendance

<b>II.Warm up</b> : Kim,<sub>s game (5ms) ( Using the picture in language focus 3 )</sub>
- Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 17quickly and then close their books.
- Ask them to remember and answer the question.

a.How many people are there in the picture ? There are four.

b.What is the woman wearing ?The woman is wearing a red shirt and a green skirt .
<b>III.New lesson: (35ms)</b>


- Teacher revises the uses and forms of the
tenses, the structure – enough.

- Ask Ss to remember and give out.

<b>2.Language focus 1</b>:

- Ask Ss to work individually and then

compare their answers with their partners.
- Call some Ss to read their answers aloud.

a.Present simple :

* Present simple to talk about general
truths - It is used to express an action
which is always true .

b.Past simple : S + V (-ed, column 2 )
c.(not) adjective +enough + to-infinitive
* <i><b>Example</b></i> :

- She is old enough to see that film .
- She is not clever enough to do this

- Work individually to complete the

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- Correct and give feedback

<b>3.Language focus 2</b>: Complete the
dialogue. Use the verbs in the box.
- Teacher explains some new words :
+ a planet: the sun, the moon, the earth ...
+ Mars / Mercury ( translation )

+ silly ( adj) ( translation )

- Ask Ss to work individually and then in
pairs to practice the dialogue.

- Call on some pairs to practice the
complete dialogue .

- Correct their pronunciation.
<b>4.Language focus 4 </b>:

- Use “ (not) adjective +enough +to-inf “
to complete the dialogues.

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the
dialogues and then practice them.

- Call on some pairs to read the complete

- Correct and give feedback

- Share their ideas with their partners.
* <i><b>Answrer key</b></i> :

a.1.lives 2.sent 3.was 4.is
b.1.are 2.came 3.showed

- Listen to the teacher and do as the
teacher directs.

- Use the words in the box and fill in the
missing words.

- Work individually.
* <i><b>Answrer key</b></i> :

1.sets 2.goes 3.moves 4.is 5.is 6.is

- Complete the dialogue and then
practice the dialogue.

- Demonstrate in front of the class.
* <i><b>Answrer key</b></i> :

a. not big enough
b. not old enough
c. strong enough
d. good enough

<b>IV.Consolidation : </b>(2ms)

- How to use simple tenses and the structure “ be (not) + adjs + enough + to-inf.

<b>V.Homework</b> : (3ms)

- Ask Ss to write five sentences about themselves, using the structure : (not) + adjs +
enough + to- infinitive.

- Do language focus 3 at home.

- Prepare the next lesson.

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<b>C.Supplement :</b>




<i><b> Preparing date:31/08/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:03/09/09</b></i>


<b>Period : 7 </b>

<b>Lesson 1 : Getting started – Listen and Read</b>

<b>A</b>.<b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I.Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use the telephone to make
and confirm arrangements using “ be going to “

<b>II.Skills</b>: Speaking and reading.
<b>III.Preparation</b> : Teacher : Lesson plan.
Students : New lesson.
<b>B</b>.<b>Procedure</b> :

<b>I.Settlement</b>: Greeting and checking attendance.
<b>II.Warm up</b> : <b>Matching </b>( Getting started ) (5ms)

a. an answering machine 1.Sổ ghi chép địa chỉ và điện thoại
b. a mobile phone 2.Danh bạ điện thoại

c. a fax machine 3.Buồng điện thoại công cộng
d. a telephone directory 4.Máy fax

e. a public telephone 5.Máy ghi và để lại lời nhắn
f. an address book 6.Điện thoại di động

<b>III.New lesson</b> : (35ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>


- Teacher uses the picture on page 19
(textbook) to set the scene to introduce
the context of the dialogue.

“ Nga is phoning Hoa to invite her to go
to see a movie.”

- Ask some questions and let Ss to guess
the answers.

- Teacher reads the text as a model and

- Listen to the teacher and do as the
teacher directs.

- Listen to the teacher and guess the

- Listen the dialogue carefully.

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asks Ss to practice.

<b>a.Activity 1</b>:

- Teacher asks Ss to practice the dialogue
with a partner.

- Get some Ss to read the conversation
aloud and correct their pronunciation.
<b>b.Activity 2: </b>Comprehension questions
- Ask Ss to read the text again and do the
task 2 on page 19 textbook.

- Give feedback.

- Teacher asks some more questions :
“What would you say when you “
+ Want to invite S.O to do S.Th.
+ Want to arrange the place.

+ Want to arrange the time.

<b>3.Further practice</b>: Mapped dialogue.

- Can/speak/Nam?/This/Lan

- I/go/zoo/afternoon.

- Let’s/Bus stop.

- Fine/Bye.

- Work in pairs to practice the dialogue.
=> Open pairs.

=> Close pairs.

- Read the text again and answer the
questions in the textbook.

- Work in pairs to do the task.

<i><b>* Answer key: </b></i>

a. Nga made the call.
b. Nga introduced herself.

c. Nga invited Hoa to the movies.
d. Nga arranged a meeting place.
e. Hoa arranged the time.

f. Nga agreed the time.

* Invitation:

+ Would you like to+to-inf.
*Arranging a meeting place:
+ Let’s meet…

+ Where shall we meet?
* Arranging the time:

+ Is { 2 o’clock } all right?

- Hello/Lan.

- Yes/love to/Where/meet?
- O.K/6.30/ all right.

- Bye / See you.

<b>IV.Consolidation : (2ms)</b>

- How to make and confirm arrangements.
<b>V.Homework</b> : (3ms)

- Write mapple dialogue into your notebooks.

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- Do exercise in workbook .

- Prepare the next lesson: Speak and Listen
<b> C.Supplement:</b>


<i><b>Preparing date:07/09/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:09/09/09</b></i>


<b>Period : 8 </b>

<b>Lesson 3 : Speak – Listen</b>


I<b>.Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk on the phone about
intentions with “be going to” to make arrangements and complete the message.
<b>II</b><i>.</i><b>Skills</b><i>: </i>Speaking, Listening

<b>III.Preparation</b>: Teacher: Poster, Tape, Cassetter player
Students: New lesson, Poster.


<b>I.Settlement</b> : Greeing and checking attendance.

<b>II.Warm up</b> : (3ms) <b>Chatting</b> - Talk to Ss to about using telephone.
1. Do you have a telephone at home ?

2. How often do you make a phone call ?

3. What would you say when you pick up the phone to answer it ?
4. What would you say if you are the caller ?

III / <b>New lesson </b>: (37ms )

<b>1.Pre- speaking:</b>
<b>a.Activity 1</b>:

- Ask Ss to read all the sentences in <i><b>Speak</b></i>
<i><b>1</b></i> and put the sentences into the correct
order to make a complete conversation .
- Call Ss to read their answers and write
them on the board.

<b>b.Activity 2</b>:

- Ask SS to practice the conversation
- Call some pairs to practice the
conversation they have arranged .
- Ask Ss some questions to check their

- Work individually to do the task.
- Share their ideas with their partners.
- Report their answers

<i><b>* Answers key</b></i> :

1.b 2.f 3.j 4.a 5.i 6.c

7.e 8.k 9.g 10.h 11.d

- Work in pairs to practice the dialogue.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

understanding and focus on the structure
“ be going to”

a. Are they talking on the phone?
b. What do they intend to do?

c. What time are they meeting? Where?
d. What form of the verbs do you use to
talk about intentions?

<b>2.While - speaking</b> :

- Teacher sets the scene and introduces
“Ba and Bao are making arrangements to
play chess “

- Ask Ss to work with partners to complete
the dialogue .

- Call on some pairs to play the roles of Ba
and Bao to practice the dialogue .

- Give feedback.

- Ask Ss to make the similar arrangements

and practice talking with a partner

<b>3.Post - speaking</b> :

- Teacher sets the scene “a woman phoned
the Principal of Kingston junior high
school, but he was out.”

- Have Ss guess the message.

- Call some Ss to read their predictions
and write them on the board.

- Turn on the tape twice and ask Ss to fill
in the message, compare with their

predictions .

- Call some Ss to read their answers after
checking .

- Call some Ss to read them aloud .

=> Express an intention
- Listen and copy

- Listen to the teacher and do as the
teacher directs.

- Work in pairs to complete the dialogue.

- Practice the complete dialogue

<i><b>* Answers key</b></i> :

- Bao: May I speak to Ba, please.This is

- Bao: I am fine.Thanks, and you?
- Bao: Can you play chess tonight ?
- Bao: What about tomorrow afternoon?
- Bao: I will meet you at the Center
Chess Club.

- Bao: Is 2,00 o,<sub>clock OK ? </sub>

- Listen to the teacher and do as the
teacher directs.

- Guess and fill in the message.

<i><b>* Answer key: </b></i>

<b>Kingston junior high school</b>
- Date: ... Time: ...
- For: The principal

- Message: Mrs Mary Nguyen wanted to
see you at 9 . 45 in the morning

- Telephone number: 6463720942


<b>: </b>


- “Be going to” to talk about intentions, make arrangements on telephone.
<b>V.Homework: (3ms)</b>

- Practice making arrangements with your friends on telephone.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

- Prepare the next lesson: Reading.


<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> Preparing date:08/09/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:10/09/09</b></i>


<b>Period : 9 </b>

<b>Lesson 3 : Read</b>



I.<b>Knowledge</b> : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the main and
detail ideas of the text about Alexander Graham Bell.

<b>II.Skills</b>: Developing reading.
<b>III.Preparation</b>: Teacher : Poster.

Students : New lesson.
<b>B</b>.<b>Procedures</b> :

<b>I</b>.<b>Settlement:</b> Greeting and checking attendance.
<b>II.Warm up</b> : (5ms)

- Teacher reviews the media and asks the question: “ What is the telephone used for?”
- To chat, to get information, to connect with other people, to have a message, to make

<b> III.New lesson: </b>(35ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1.<b>Pre-reading</b> :

- (Explanation)to go another coutry to live
- ( Translation )

- ( Synonym ) => carry out

<i>- </i>( Translation )
- ( Explanation )

- ( Explanation ) a person who is unable to
hear and speak.

<b>b.T/F statements prediction</b> :

- Teacher uses the statements on page 22
( textbook ).

- Ask Ss to read all the statements and
predict which statements are true, which
are false.


- to emigrate : Di cư

- to transmit : Truyền ( tín hiệu )
- to conduct : Thực hiện

- to demonstrate : Biểu diển

- an experiment : Cuộc thí nghiệm
- a deaf – mute : Người câm điếc

<i><b>*Checking vocab </b></i>: <i><b>What and where</b></i>

<b>* T/F statements :</b>

a.Alexander G.Bell was born in the USA
b.He worked with deaf-mute patients in a
hospital in Boston.

c.Thomas Watson was Bell’<sub>s assistant.</sub>
d.Bell and Watson introduced the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

- Ask Ss to work individually and then in
pairs to share their ideas.

- Teacher does feedback.
2.<b>While-reading</b> :
a.Activity 1:

- Ask Ss to read the text and check their

- Ask Ss to work individually to read the
text and then in pairs.

- Teacher does the feedback.
<b>b.Activity 2</b>: Ordering statements.

- Ask Ss to look at the task 2 and read the
events of Bell’<sub>s life, then put them in the </sub>
correct order.

- Have them compare with their partners.
- Call some Ss to read their answers aloud.
- Correct and give feedback.

3.<b>Post-reading</b> : <b>Writing it up</b>

- Get Ss to write a paragraph about Bell’<sub>s </sub>
life, using the information from the text .
- Call some Ss to demonstrate their
writings in front of class.

- Correct their mistakes if any and give

telephone in 1877.

e.Bell experimented with ways of
transmitting speech between deaf-mute
over a long distance.

f.Bell experimented his invention at a lot
of exhibitions .

- Do as the teacher directs.

- Work individually and then in pairs to
share their ideas with parteners.

- Read the text and check their

- Work individually => in pairs to share
their answers.

* <i><b>Answrer key</b></i> :

a.F b.F c.T d.F e.T f.T

- Work individually to put the events in
the correct oder.

- Work in pairs to share to share their

* <i><b>Answrer key</b></i> :

1.D 2.E 3.A 4.G 5.C 6.B 7.F
- Write individually to write a paragragh
about the inventer Alexander G.Bell. - -
Compare their ideas with their partners.
- Read their writings aloud .

IV.<b>Consolidation : </b>(2ms)

- Some information about inventor Alaxander G. Bell.
- Telephone vocabulary.

V.<b>Homework</b> : (3ms)

- Write summary about Alaxander G. Bell into your exercise notebook.
- Do the exercises in workbook .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

- Prepare the next lesson: Write
<b>C.Supplement :</b>


<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b>Preparing date: 10/09/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date: 12/09/09</b></i>


<b>Period : 10 </b>

<b>Lesson 4 : Write</b>

<b>A.Objectives : </b>

I.<b>Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a telephone message
<b>II.Skills: </b>Writing

<b>III.Preperation: </b> Teacher: New lesson.
Students: Poster.

I.<b>Settlement</b>: Greeting and checking attendance.
II.<b>Warm up</b> : <b>Jumbled words </b>(3ms)

- mcuestor = customer
- essgmea = message
- nifurretu = furniture

- rvseice = service
<b>III.New lesson : </b>(37ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<b>1.Pre - writing</b> :
<b>a.Chatting: </b>

- Talk to Ss about taking a telephone

*Have you ever taken a message?
*When do you take a message?
*What should be mentioned in a

message ? (Date, time, who sent, to
whom, content)

<b>b.Pre-teach vocabulary</b>:

- Listen to the teacher and answer the

<b>* Vocabulary:</b>

- a customer: Khách hàng

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

- a person comes to buy sth at a shop .
- ( Translation )

- ( Example )=>(papers, pens pencils…)
- ( Explanation )

<b>c.Gap fill:</b>

- Ask Ss to read the message and fill in the
gaps in message on page 23 textbook.
- Give feedback.

<b>2</b>.<b>While - writing</b> :

- Ask Ss to read the passage 2 to get
information and write the message.

- Let Ss work individually and then share
their ideas with their partners.

- Ask SS to work in groups, write the
message on the posters

3.<b>Post - writing</b> : Correction

- Ask Ss to stick their posters on the board
and correct.

- Correct and give feedback

- Give the comments and marks for each

- a delivery service : Dịch vụ phân phối
- stationery: Văn phòng phẩm
- (to) pick someone up: Đón ai

<i><b>*Checking vocabulary</b></i> : R.O.R

- Work individually to read and do the
task 1.

- Read their answers aloud.
<i><b>*Answers key</b></i>:

1.phoned 2.May 12 3.speak 4.took
5.name 6.delivery 7.Mr Ha 8.at
-Read the information and write the
telephone message.

- Work individually to write and then
compare with their partners.

- Work in groups to write the massege
on the poster.

<i><b>*Answers key</b></i>:

<b> Thanh Cong Delivery Service </b>
- Date: June 16

- Time: After midday
- For: Mrs Van

- Message: Mr Nam called about his
stationery order. He wanted you to call
him at 8634082

- Taken by: Mr Toan.
- Do as the teacher directs.

- Look at the poster and corect together
the teacher.

<b>IV.Consolidation : </b>(2ms)

- How to write the telephone message.
<b>V.Homework</b> : (3ms)

- Do task 3 in Write : help Lisa to write a message for Nancy.
- Do the exercises in workbook.

- Prepare the next lesson: Langugue focus.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

<b>C.Supplement: </b>


<i><b>Preparing date:14/09/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:16/09/09</b></i>


<b>Period : 11 </b>

<b>Lesson 5 : Language Focus </b>

<b>A.Objectives: </b>

<b>I.Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “<i>be going to</i>” talk about
intentions and Adverbs of place.

<b>II.Skills</b>: Speaking<i>.</i>

<b>III.Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan
Students: New lesson

<b>I.Settlement</b>: Greeting and checking attendance
<b>II.Warm up</b>: Combine in new lesson.

<b>III.New lesson</b> : (40ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<b>1.Language focus 1</b>: <b>*</b><i><b>Talk about </b></i>
<i><b>intentions with ” be going to”</b></i>

- Teacher introduces the form and the
use of “be going to”

- Ask Ss to do exercise 1 with a partner
and say what the people are going to do.
- Teacher does an example and then
asks Ss to work.

- Listen and copy down

<b>* </b><i><b>Form </b></i>: <b>S + be going to + to-infinitive</b>

<i><b>* Use </b></i>: Express an intention

<i><b>* Example</b></i> :

- T : Nga has a movie ticket . What is she
going to do ?

- S : She is going to see a movie
- Work in pairs to do exercise:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

- Call on some pairs to read their
sentences aloud .

- Correct and give feedback.

<b>2.Language focus 2</b>: Complete the list.
a)Ask Ss to copy the table and complete
the “you” column and check ( ) and
crosses ( )

- Call on some pairs to demonstrate in
front of class .

- Listen and give feedback .
b)Get Ss to work in pairs.

- Ask Ss to go around the class and ask
their partners using thequestionaire in
the table.

- Have some pairs demonstrate in front
of class .

- Give feedback .

<b>3.Language focus 3</b>: <i><b>Adverbs of place</b></i>

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures, using
the adverbs of place in the box and
complete the sentences.<b> </b>

- Ask Ss to compare with their partners.
- Does feedback.

S1 : read the sentence 1
S2 : read the sentence 2

<i><b>*Answers key</b></i>:

a.They are going to go fishing.

b.She is going to read the new novel.
c She is going to do her homework.

d.He is going to watch an action movie on
TV tonight.

e.She is going to give him a birthday

- Copy the table and work individually to
write ( ) or ( ) into the table.

- Demonstrate in front of class .

<b>What are you going to do on the weeken?</b>

Are you going to You Your partner
See a movie

Play sports
Meet your friend

<b>Help your parents</b>
<b>Do your homework</b>

- Work individually to complete the
speech bubbles using the verbs in the box.
- Share their ideas with their partners.

<i><b>*Answers key</b></i>:

b.here c.downstairs d.outside
e.there f.inside

<b>IV.Consolidation:</b> (2ms)

- Consolidate the use and form of “be going to”, adverbs of place.
<b>VI.Homework</b>: (3ms)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

- Copy the complete exercises into their notebooks .

- Write six sentences about your house , using adverbs of place .
- Prepare the next lesson .

<b>C. Supplement:</b>


<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> Preparing date:15/09/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:17/09/09</b></i>

<b>UNIT 3 : AT HOME</b>

<b>Period: 12 </b>

<b>Lesson 1 : Getting started – Listen and Read</b>


<b>I.Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the dialogue and
use modal verbs to talk about the housework .

<b>II.Skills</b> : Practice Speaking..
III.Preparation: Teacher: Lesson plan.
Students: New lesson.

<b>I.Settlement</b>: Greeting and checking attedance.
<b>II.Warm up</b>: (5ms) <b>Getting started</b>

- Ask Sss to look at the picturein getting started and write down the things they often
do at home.

a. Washing the dishes / doing the washing up.
b. Making the bed.

c. Sweeping the floor.
d. Cooking.

e. Tidying up.

f. Feeding the chicken.
<b>III.New lesson: </b>(35ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<b>1.Presentation</b> : Introduce the topic of
the passage and some new words

<b>a.Pre-teach</b>: <b>*Vocabulary:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

- ( Picture )
- ( Picture )
- ( Picture )
- ( Picture )
- ( Picture )

<b>b.Presentation Dialogue</b>:

- Teacher sets the scene of the dialogue
between Nam and his mother, Mrs Vui.
- Teacher reads the text as the model and
asks Ss to practice.

- Ask Ss to read the text again and list the
things Nam has to do.

<b>2.Practice: </b>

- Ask Ss to practice again and give target

- Model and does concept check.

<b>3.Further practice</b>:

- Ask Ss to work with their partners
about their chores.

- Call some Ss to do in front of the class.
- Correct their mistakes and


- a steamer: Nồi hấp
- a cup board: Tủ chè, tủ ly
- a sauce pan: Cái chảo

- ( to ) do chores: Làm việc nhà
- a sink: Cái bồn rửa chén
<b>* Checking vocab</b> : <i><b>What and where</b></i>

- Listen to the teacher carefully and do as
the teacher directs.

- Practice the diologue in pairs.
=> Open pairs.

=> Close pairs.

- Work individually and then share their
ideas with their partners.

<i><b>*Answers key</b></i>:
- Cook dinner .

- Go to the market to buy fish and

- Call his Aunt, Ms Chi and ask her to
meet his mother at grandma,<sub>s house </sub>

I have to go and visit grandma after work.
ought to

He has to go and visit grandma after work.
ought to

<i><b>* Form</b></i>:

Have to / ought to + V-inf
- Have to : S.O have to do something.
- Ouhgt to : advice someone to do sth.

- Work in pairs to do the task.

<i><b>* Example</b></i>:

- What do you have to do to help your

- I have to wash the dish, cook and iron.
<b>IV.Consolidation:</b> (2ms)

- Consolidate some vocab about chores.
- How to use “have to / ought to”.

<b>VI.Homework</b>: (3ms)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

- Learn by heart all new words.

- Write the chores you often do on your free time.
- Prepare the next lesson: Speak.





<b> </b>

<b> </b>

<i><b> Preparing date:20/09/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:23/09/09</b></i>

<b>UNIT 3 : AT HOME</b>

<b>Period: 13 </b>

<b>Lesson 2 : Speak</b>


<b>I.Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the prepositions of
places to talk about the position of furtures in the kitchen and living room<i>.</i>

<b>II.Skills: </b> Speaking

<b>III.Preparation: </b>Teacher: Lesson plan, pictures.

Students: New lesson, prepositions of place they have learnt.
<b>B.Procedures: </b>

<b>I.Settlement: </b>Greeting and checking attendance.
<b>II.Warm up</b>: <b>Kim’<sub>s game </sub></b><sub>(3ms)</sub>

- Teacher uses the picture in speak 1 on page 28

- Ask Ss to look at the picture and list the things they remember.
<b>III.New lesson</b>: (35ms )

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

- ( Picture )
- ( Picture )
- ( Picture )
- ( Realia )
- ( Picture )

<b>* Vocabulary:</b>

- a rug: Tấm thảm
- a calender: Tờ lịch
- a counter: Tủ hàng
- a knife => knives: Cái dao

- a disk rack: Giá đựng chén bát

<i><b>* Checking vocabulary</b></i>: Matching

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

<b>b.Task 1 page 28 ( textbook ).</b>

- Ask SS to look at the picture and talk
about the position of each item.

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to do the task.
- Correct their pronunciation and their

2.<b>While - speaking</b>: Task 2 page 29

- Ask SS to look at the picture to help Mrs
Vui to arrange the furniture in her living

- Ask Ss to work in groups to decide
where to put it.

- Call some groups to demonstrate in front
of class.

- Teacher gives some example.
- Give feedback.

<b>3.Post - speaking:</b> <i><b>Listen and draw</b></i>

- Teacher reads the text ( the description of
Hoa’s room page 32- textbook.)

- Ask Ss to work individually to listen and
draw Hoa’s room.

- Ask SS to share with their partners and
then open the textbook to compare their
picture with the picture in the textbook.

- Practice asking and answering about

the position of each item.

- Work in pairs to practice.

<i><b>* Possible answer</b></i>:

- The calendar is on the wall, under the
clock and above the refrigerator.

- The sink is next to the stove.

- The clock is on the wall, above the

- The bowl of fruit is between the rice
cooker and the dish rack.

- The flowers are on the table.

- Do as the teacher directs.

- Work in groups and SS must reach

- Read all the sentences aloud.

<i><b>* Example</b></i>:<i><b> </b></i>

- Let’s put the megagine on the shelf
above the books.

- We shoul …..

- I think we ought to put the TV next to
the coffee table.

- No, we should put the TV on the shelf
- Listen to the teacher and draw the

- Share their picture with their friends
and then the picture in the textbook.

<b>IV.Consolidation</b>: (3ms)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

- Prepositions to talk about the position.
- How to describe the things in the room.
<b>V.Homework :</b> (4ms)

- Describe their living room or bedroom.
- Do exercise 1, 2 in workbook.

- Prepare the next lesson.


<i><b> Preparing date:21/09/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:26/09/09</b></i>

<b>UNIT 3 : AT HOME</b>

<b>Period: 14 </b>

<b>Lesson 3 : Listen</b>


<b>I.Knowledge: </b>By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to the details to order
the recipe to make the “Special Chinese Fried Rice.“

<b>II.Skills</b>:<i> </i>Listening.

<b>III.Preparation:</b> Teacher: Tape, Cassette player.
Students: New lesson.


<b>I.Settlement</b>: Greeting and checking attendance.
<b>II.Warm up</b>:(5ms) Matching

1.Garlic a.Cái chảo
2.Pepper b.Giăm bông
3.Frying pan c.Tỏi

4.Ham d.Đậu
5.Peas e.Tiêu
<b>III.New lesson:</b> (35ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1.<b>Pre - Listening</b>:
<b>* Predictions </b>:

- Teacher introduces the text SS are going
to listen.

- Listen to the teacher and do as the
teacher directs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

- Get Ss to look at page 30 and guess what
items Thu and Mrs Tu use to cook the
“ Special Chinese Fried Rice “

- Call Ss to read their predictions and
write them on the board.

- Give feedback.
2.<b>While - Listening</b>:

- Turn on the tape and ask Ss to listen and
check their predictions.

- Turn on the tape once more to check the
answers again.

- Give feedback

<b>* Ordering:</b>

- Ask Ss to listen again and order the

recipe to make the “Special Chinese Fried

- Ask Ss to work individually and then in
pairs and in groups.

- Give feedback.

<b>3.Post - Listening:</b>

- Ask Ss to work in groups to write the
recipe for the main course they like.

- Look at their books and guess the things,
they use to cook the “ Special Chinese
Fried Rice.“

- Read their predictions

- Listen to the tape carefully to check their

- Work individually => in pairs.

<i><b>*Answers key</b></i>:
a.Fried rice

c.Garlic and green peppers
d.Ham and peas

- Listen carefully and order the recipe.
- Work individually => in pairs
=> in groups.

<i><b>*Answers key</b></i>:

1.Put a little oil in the big pan.
2.Heat the pan.

3.Fry the garlic and the green pepper.
4.Put the ham and peas in.

5.Put the rice and a teaspoon of salt in.

- Work in groups to write the recipe for
the main course.

- Show on the board and correct the

<b>IV.Consolidation: </b>(2ms)

- Food vocabulary and how to make the recipe for the main course.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

<b>V.Homework</b>: (3ms)

- Copy down the dialogue in their notebooks.
- Do exercise 3 in workbook.

- Prepare the next lesson.


<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> Preparing date: 27/09/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date: 03/10/09</b></i>

<b>UNIT 3 : AT HOME</b>

<b>Period: 15 </b>

<b>Lesson 4 : Read</b>


<b>I.Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the safety
precautions in the house and use Why- because

<b>II.Skills: </b>Reading

<b>III.Preparation</b>: Teacher: Poster, Realia.
Students: New lesson.

<b>I.Settlement</b>: Greeting and checking attendance.
<b>II.Warm up</b>: (3ms) <b>Brainstorming </b>
Danger in the home for children.

Possible answers : drug, electricity, boiling water, fire, gas, knife.
<b>III.New lesson : (</b>37ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<b>1.Pre-reading</b> :
- ( Translation )
- ( Translation )
- ( Realia )
- ( Realia )
- ( Example )
- (Translation )

<b>* Vocabulary</b>:

- (to) destroy : Phá hủy
- (to) injure : Bị thương
- a socket : Ổ cắm điện
- a bead : Hạt cườm
- an object : Vật, Đồ vật

- a precaution : Sự đề phòng, Phòng ngừa

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

- ( Realia )

<b>b.True/False statements predictions</b>:
- Ask Ss to read the statements and guess
which Statementsare true, which are false.
- Call on Ss to read their predictions and

write them on the board .

<b>2.While – reading:</b>

- Ask Ss to read the text and check their

- Give feedback.

- Ask Ss to read the text again and correct
the false statements.

<i><b>* Checking comprehension questions:</b></i>

- Ask Ss to read the text again and answer
the questions in the textbook.

<b>3.Post - Reading</b>: Discussion

- Ask Ss to work in groups, discussing

- Scissors : Cái kéo

<i><b>* Checking vocab</b></i>: Slap the board
- Listen to the teacher’s instructions and
do as the teacher directs.

<b>Statements</b> <b>Guess Check</b>

a.It is safe to leave medicine

around the house.

b.Drugs can look like candy.
c.A kitchen is a suitable
place to play.

d.Playing with one match
can not start a fire

e.Putting a knife into an
electrical socket is dangerous
f.Young children don’t
understand that many
household objects are

- Read and check their predictions.
- Work individually and then in pairs to
share their ideas.

<i><b>* Answer key</b></i>:

a.F b.T c.F d.F e.T f.T

- Read the text again and correct the false

a.It is safe to keep medicine in locked
cupboards .

c.A kitchen is dangerous place to play .
d.Playing with one match can cause fire

<i><b>* Answer key</b></i>:

<i>a Because children often try to eat and drink </i>
<i>them. </i>

<i>b.Because the kitchen is a dangerous place to</i>
<i>place. </i>

<i>c.Because playing with one match can cause </i>
<i>fire. </i>

<i>d.Because children often try to put something</i>
<i>into electrical sockets and electricity can kill.</i>
<i>e.Because the dangerous objects can injure </i>
<i>or kill children. </i>

- Work in groups to discuss about the
safety precaution.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

about the safety precautions at school or
in the street.

a.Safety precautions in the street.
b.Safety precautions at school.
- Demonstrate in front of class.

- Vocab and how to do the safety precautions at home.
<b>V.Homework</b>: (5ms)

- Copy down the answers above into your exercise book.
- Do the exercise 5, 6 in workbook.

- Prepare the next lesson.


<i><b>Preparing date: 28/10/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date: 07/10/09</b></i>

<b>UNIT 3 : AT HOME</b>

<b>Period: 16 </b>

<b>Lesson 5 : Write</b>

<b>A.Objectives</b> :

<b>I.Knowledge </b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a description of a
room in their house using prepositionsof place.

II.<b>Skills</b> : Writing and Reading

<b>III.Preparation: </b>Teacher:Lesson Plan, Picture.
Students: New lesson, Poster.
<b>B.Procedures: </b>

<b>I.Settlement: </b>Greeting and checking attendance.
II.<b>Warm up: </b>(3ms)<b> Chatting </b>

( Asking something about the room on page 32 )
1.Which room is this ?

2.What is this ? / Where is it ?
<b>III.New lesson </b>: (37ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>
1.<b>Pre - writing</b> : Introduce the aims and

some new words to Ss :
<b>a.Pre- teach</b> :

- (Picture)
- (Picture)
- (Picture)

- (Synonym) = Under

- Listen to the teacher.
<b>* Vocabulary</b>:

- A folder : Kẹp hồ sơ
- A towel rack : Giá móc khăn
- Lighting fixture : Đèn chùm
- Beneath ( pre ) : Bên dưới

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

<b>b.Reading : </b>

- Ask Ss to read the text the description of
Hoa’<sub>sroom part 1 textbook and get </sub>


- Teacher puts some questions and asks Ss
to answer the questions.

<b>* Questions</b>:

a.What is on the left of the room ?
b.Where is the bookshelf ?

c.What is there on the right side of the

d.Where is the wardrobe ?
- Correct and give feedback.
2.<b>While - writing</b> :

- Ask Ss to look at the picture and cues on
page 33 to write a description of Hoa’<sub>s </sub>

- Ask Ss to share with their partners => in

<b>3.Post- writing</b> : Exhibition

- Ask Ss to hang their posters on the board

and correct.

* <b>Checking</b> : Rub out and remember
- Read the text and get information.
- Work individually.

- Listen and answer the questions of

<i><b>*Answer key</b><b> </b></i>:

<i>a.A desk on the left of the room. </i>
<i>b.The bookshelf is above the desk. </i>
<i>c.There is a window on the right side of </i>
<i>the room. </i>

<i>d.The wardrobe is beside the window </i>
<i>and </i>

<i>opposite the desk. </i>

- Work individually

- Work in pairs to to compare with their
friends and then work in groups to write
on the posters.

<b>* Possible Answer </b>:

<i>This is Hoa,<sub>s kitchen. There is a refrigerator in </sub></i>

<i>the right corner of the room. </i>

<i>Next to the refrigerator are the stove and the </i>
<i>oven. </i>

<i>On the other side of the oven , there is a sink </i>
<i>and next to the sink is a towel rack. </i>

<i>The disk rack stands on the counter, on the right</i>
<i>of the window and beneath the shelves. </i>

<i>On the shelves and on the counter beneath the </i>
<i>window, there are jars of sugar, flour and tea. </i>
<i>In the middle of the kitchen, there are a table </i>
<i>and four chairs . </i>

<i>The lighting fixture is above the table , and </i>
<i>directly beneath the lighting fixture is a vase </i>
<i>with flowers. </i>

- Stick their poster on the board and
correct together with the teacher.
<b>IV.Consolidation: </b>(2ms)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

- Vocabulary and the prepositions to describe the furniture position in the house
and the room.

<b>V</b>.<b>Homework</b> (3ms):

- Write a description of their living room.

- Do exercise 7 in workbook.

- Prepare the next lesson: Language focus.


<b> </b>

<i><b>Preparing date: 30/09/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date: 08/10/09</b></i>

<b>UNIT 3 : AT HOME</b>

<b>Period: 17 </b>

<b>Lesson 6 : Language focus</b>


<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to further practice using
models : must, have to, ought to; reflexive pronouns and “Why - Because.”
<b>II.Skills</b>: Speaking

<b>III.Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.
Students: New lesson.

<b>I. Settlement : </b>Greeting and checking attendance.
<b>II.Warm up</b>: <b>Brainstorming</b> (3ms)

Things you can do Things you can’t do

- Tidy up - Paint the house

- Cook, Water flower - Repair the machine

- Clean the floor - Fix the TV set

III.<b>New lesson :</b>(36ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<b>1</b>.<b>Language focus 1</b> : Look at the pictures.
Complete the dialogue. Use Must or Have
to and the verbs in the box.

- Look at the pictures and do as the
teacher directs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice the

- Call some pairs to demonstrate in front
of class.

- Give feedback

<b>2.Language focus 2</b>: Ask Ss to give
advice to people in the pictures using
“ought to”.

- Teacher does an example and asks Ss to
work in pairs to practice.

- Call some pairs to practice in front of
the class.

- Give feedback.

<b>3.Language focus 3</b>: Reflexive pronouns
- Set the scene “You do your homework
and no one helps you. What do you say? “
- I do my homework myself.

- Explain how to use reflexive Pronouns
and give example.

- Ask Ss to fill in the blanks with suitable
reflexive pronouns and practice the


- Call some pairs to practice the complete

- Give feedback.

<b>4.Language focus 4: </b>

- Using “Why-Because” to ask and answer
about the people in the textbook.

- Teacher does an example and asks Ss to
do the task.

- T asks Ss to do b and c.
- Teacher gives feedback.

<i><b>* Answer key</b></i>:

<i>1. must / have to tidy </i>
<i>2. have to / must dust </i>
<i>3. must / have to sweep </i>
<i>4. must / have to clean </i>
<i>5. have to / must empty </i>
<i>6. must / have to feed</i>

- Work in pairs:

S1: Read the sentence in the textbook.
S2: Give advice.

<i><b>* Example:</b></i>

<i>a.I failed my English test.</i>
<i> You ought to study harder.</i>

* Answer key:

<i>b.You ought to get up earlier.</i>
<i>c.You ought to eat more fruit and </i>
<i>vegetables. </i>

<i>d. You ought to see a dentist</i>.
- Do as the teacher directs.

<b>* Use</b>: to emphasize a person or a thing.
<b>* Eg</b>: - She cut herself .

- John saw himself in the mirror.
- Work in pairs to complete the dialogue
<b>* Answer key</b>:


c.myself - yourself

d.himself - herself - themselves

- Do as teacher directs.
<b>* Example</b>:

- Why did Hoa go to school late this

- Because she watched TV late last night.
- Work in pairs to do the task.

<b>* Answer key</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

b.Why did Nam have to cook dinner.
Because his mother was home late.
c.Why was MrsVui Nam’mom home

Because she had to see his grandma.
<b>IV.Consolidation: </b>(3ms)

- Reweiw the basic knowledge they have learnt.
<b>V.Homework</b> : (3ms)

- Do exercise 4 d, e ( language focus 4 )
- Copy all the exercises above.

- See again from Unit 1 to Unit 3.
<b>C.Supplement :</b>


<b> </b>

<b> </b>

<i><b>Preparing date: 01/10/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date: 10/10/09</b></i>

<b>Period: 18 </b>



I.<b>Knowledge:</b> Students will be able to remind something from Unit 1 to Unit3 and
know how to do well in the next test

<b>II. Skills</b>:<i> </i>Writing and Reading
<b>III.Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan

Students : Review the learnt knowledge.
<b>B.Procedure: </b>

<b>I.Settlement</b>: Greeting and checking attendance
<b>II.Warm-up</b>: (5ms) Ask Ss to back to Unit 1 – Unit 3.
<b>III.New lesson:</b> (35ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<b>* The tenses</b>:
- Present simple
- Present progressive
- Simple future
- Near future
- Past simple

- Listen and retell the uses and forms of

- Copy down

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

<b>* Sentence structures</b>:

- Ask Ss to retell the uses and forms of
each tense, and sentence structures.
<b>2.Exercises</b>:<b> </b>

a.Change these sentences into other tenses
( Present simple , Present progressive ,
near future , Simple future and Past
simple ) and add appropriate adverbs of

b.Combine each of the following

sentences using ”be (not) adj +enough +
to infinitive”

- Ask Ss to write the sentences using
“enough + to-inf”

- Give feedback

<b>3.Presenting the one period test</b>
- The one period test consists 4 parts:


3.Language focus

- (not) adjective + enough + to-infinitive
- Future with <i>be going to</i>

- Why - Because/Reflexive pro../Modals

- Work in pairs to practice changing these
sentences into other tenses .

1.She is in Grade 7

2.They are playing soccer
3.She went to Ha Noi last week
4.I will visit my sister next week
5.Mai is going to build a new house .

- Work individually to write down.
- Share their ideas with their partners.
1.My sister is old. She can’t drive a car.
2.This coat isn’t warm. I don’t wear it in ..
3.The weather was fine.We could go

4.Mr Robinson isn’t rich. He can’t buy a

- Listen to the instruction.

<b>IV.Consolidation</b> : (5ms)

- Tenses, Model verbs, enough, Reflexive pronouns.


- Asks Ss to prepare from Unit 1 to 3 for 45-minute examination.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

+ Simple present, Simple past, Modal verbs, Enough.
+ How to describe a person: Describing adjs.



<b> </b>

<b> </b>

<b> </b>

<i><b>Preparing date: 05/10/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date: 14/10/09</b></i>

<b>Period: 19 </b>

<b>TEST NUMBER 1</b>


<b>I.Knowledge</b>: - Help Ss to examinize and evaluate their learning progress.
- Help T to evaluate the teaching and how well Ss get the aims.

Chủ đề Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Tổng


I.Listening 5 2.5 5 2.5

II.Reading 5 2.5 5 2.5

III.Language focus 8 2.5 8 2.5

IV.Writing 8 2.5 8 2.5

Tổng 8 2.5 10 5.0 8 2.5 26 2.5

<b>I.Settlement</b>: Greeting and checking attendance.
<b>II.Test handing out</b>:


<b>I.Listening</b>: Listen to the passage and fill in the missing words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

This is Hoa’s (1…………). There is a refrigerator in the (2………….) corner of the
room. Next to the refrigerator, there is a (3………..) and oven. In the (……...) of
the kitchen, there is a table and four chairs. The dish rack (5…………) on the counter.
<b>II.Reading</b>: Read the passage and answer the questions.

My aunt Nga is an actress.She must be thirty-five years old. In spire of this she often
appears on the stage as a young girl. Nga will take part in a new play soon.This time,
she will be a girl of seventeen. In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and
long black stocking. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and bright,
orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers
“ My dear, it must be terrible to be grown up.”

<b>* Questions</b>:

1.What does your aunt do?

2.What age is she?

3.Does she often appear on the stage as an old lady?

4.Will Nga act the part of a girl of seventeen in a new play soon?
5.What did she have to wear in another play last year?

<b>III.Language focus</b>:

<i><b>A.Choose the best options</b></i>

1.She is not old enough ………….a car. ( driving / to drive / drives / drived )
2.You…………..to go to the market yourself. ( must / should / ought / have to )
3.Every day, Nga often…………..to school at 6.00 a.m. ( go / goes / to go / going )
4.Last week, I………. my friend a letter. ( send / sending / to send / sent )
5…………... She often play badminton? ( Do / Does / Did / Is )
6.Is she going to …………you this summer? ( visit / visiting /visits / visited )

<i><b>B.Rewrite these sentences, using “ enough + to-inf “</b></i>

1.He is not tall. He can not reach the shelf.

2.I am very strong. I can lift this suitcase.

<b>IV.Write a paragraph about Lan, using the information in the table</b> :

Name : Nguyen Huong Lan
Age : 15

Hoppies : like reading, play guitar
Appearance : thin , tall , short black hair
Characters : friendly , humorous , helpful
Address : 25 Le Loi Street , Dong Ha

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

Family : mother, father, younger sister -Ha
Friends : Mai and Ba

<b>V.Answer key</b>:
I.Listening: ( 2.5ms )

1.kitchen 2.right 3.stove 4.middle 5.stands
II.Reading: ( 2.5ms )

1.She is an actress.

2.She is thirty-five years old.

3.No, she doesn’t.She often appears on the stage as a young girl.
4.Yes, she will.

5.She had to wear short socks and bright orange-coloured dress.
III.Language focus: ( 2.5ms )

A. ( 1.5ms )

1.to drive 2.ought 3.goes 4.sent 5.does 6.visit
B. ( 2ms )

1.She is not tall enough to reach the shelf.
2.I am strong enough to lift this suitcase.
IV.Writing: ( 2.5ms ) ( Ss’answers )

<b> </b>

<i><b>Preparing date: 09/10/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date: 14 /10/09</b></i>

<b>Period: 20 </b>



<b>I.Knowledge: </b>

- To help Ss to revise the knowledge they have learned and evaluate how much they
reach the requirements of the lessons.

- To help teacher to evaluate the requirements of getting the objectives of lessons.
<b>II.Skills</b>: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.

<b>III.Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan, the mistakes


<b>I.Settlement:</b> Greeting and checking attendance.

<b>III.New lesson</b>:

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

<b>1.Test handing out</b>:

- Teacher hands out the test paper for

- Ask Ss to find out the mistakes in the


<i><b>* Listening</b></i>:

- Teacher reads the passage again and
asks Ss to listen again and check their

- T reads slowly and emphasises the
words that Ss are clear.

- Give feedback.

<i><b>* Reading</b></i>:

- Ask Ss to read the test again and work in
pairs to correct.

- Teacher explains the words or phases of
words that Ss easily understand.

- Give feedback.

<i><b>* Language focus</b></i>:

+ Choose the best options:

- Teacher gets Ss to recognize the
mistakes and self-correct.

+ Rewrite the sentences:

- Teacher rewiews the structure

“ enough + to-inf “ and asks Ss to definite
the adjs, the verbs.

- Give feedback.
<b>* Writing</b>:

- Get their paper and find out their


- Do as the teacher directs.

- Listen again and find out the correct

- Share their answers with their partners.
- Correct their mistakes.

- Do as the teacher requires.
- Peer correction.

- Find out the mistakes and self-correct.


- Consolidate the main knowledge in the test.

- Prepare Unit 4: Lesson 1

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

<b> </b>

<i><b>Preparing date: /10/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date: /10/09</b></i>

<b>UNIT 4 : OUR PAST</b>

<b>Period: 21 </b>

<b>Lesson 1 : Getting started – Listen and Read</b>


<b> I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the activities
people used to do in the past.

<b> II.Skills</b>: Speaking, Reading and Writing
<b> III.Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan

Students: New lesson

<b> I.Settlement</b>: Greeting and checking attendance.
<b> II.Warm up</b>: (5ms) <b>Getting started </b>

- Ask Ss to look at the picture and write the names of the things that do not belong to
the past.

<i><b>* Answers</b><b> </b></i><b>:</b> The TV, The radio, The mobile phone, The light fixture, The modern
clothing / school uniforms.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

III.New lesson : (35ms )

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<b>a.Pre- teach:</b>

- ( Synonym )
- ( Explanation )
- ( Translation )
- ( Explanation )
- ( Translation )

- ( Translation )

-> Ask Ss to listen and repeat in chorus

<b>b.Presentation Dialogue</b>:

- Teacher introduces the dialogue and
read the the dialogue as the model.
- Ask Ss to listen and practice the

<b>2.Reading comprehension questions</b>:
- Ask Ss to read the text again and answer
the questions in the textbook.

- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering
the questions

- Give feedback.

- Teacher uses the answer a to elicit the
target language.

<b>* Vocabulary</b>:

- to look after : Chăm sóc
- Equipment (n) : Thiết bị

- a folktale : Chuyện dân gian
- Traditional (adj) : Truyền thống
- (to) light -> lit : Thắp sáng đèn
- used to : Đã từng

<i><b>* Checking vocab</b></i>: R.O.R

- Listen to the teacher and do as the
teacher directs.

- Practice the dialogue in pairs.

- Work individually to read the text
- Work in pairs to ask and answer the

<i><b>* Answer key</b></i>:

a.She used to live on a farm.

b.Because she had to stay at home and
help her Mom to look after her younger
brothers and sisters.

c.She used to cook the meals , clean the
house and wash the clothes.

d.Her great grandma lit the lamp and her
great father used to tell stories.

e.She asked her grandma to tell her the
tale “ The lost shoe “

<i><b>* Model sentences</b></i>:

She used to live on a farm.
* Form:

S + used to + V-inf

* Use: used to do sth and finished in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

<b>3.Further Practice</b>: <b>Survey</b>
- Give feedback by asking Ss some
questions to check “ Who used to get up
late / ride bicycle too fast ...? “

- Write it down.

<i> </i>

<b>IV.Consolidation : </b>(2ms)

- Vocabulary, “ used to “ and the content of the text.
<b>V.Homework</b> : (3ms)

- Write the result of their survey.
- Learn by heart new words.
- Prepare the next lesson.




<b> </b>

<i><b>Preparing date: /10/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date: /10/09</b></i>

<b>UNIT 4 : OUR PAST</b>

<b>Period: 22 </b>

<b>Lesson 2 : Speak and Listen</b>

<b>A.Objectives </b>:

<b>I.Knowledge</b> : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the differences
between life in the past and now, listen to the story and draw the moral lesson.

<b> II.Skills</b>: Speaking and Listening

<b> III.Preparation</b>: Teacher: Tape, Cassette recorder
Students: New lesson


Did you use to ...? Name
- Get up late.

--- - Ride bicycle too fast.
- Go to school.

- Eat too much candy.
- Forget to do your

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>


<b> I.Settlement</b>: Greeting and checking attendance.
<b> II.Warm up</b>: (3ms) <b>Jumbled words</b>

- rieletcicty = Electricity
- menttaenterin = Entertainment
- rkmaet = Market

- permasuekt = Supermarket
<b> III.New lesson (36ms)</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activties</b>

1/ <b>Pre - speaking</b> :

Recall the conversation between Nga
and her grandma , then ask “ Where did
Nga,<sub>s grandma always live ? “ -> She </sub>
always lived on a farm .

- Ask : “ Another word for <i>always lived</i>

“ .

Ask Ss to use Used to to make question
and answer.

Word cue drill

a. Live / Hue / Hanoi

b. Have / long hairs / short hairs
c. Get up / late / early

d. Walk to school / bicycle

e. Study / evening / early morning
- Call on some pairs to practice asking
and answering the cues above .

2/ <b>While - speaking</b> :

- Get Ss to work in closed pairs , then
open pairs .

- Ask them to compare 2 pictures , using “
USED TO “ to talk about the actions in
the past , using these ideas below :
1. Where did they live in the past ? And

Practice reading the conversation and

answer the questions

<b>Model sentences :</b>

“ Where did Nga ,<sub>s grandma use to live ? </sub>

She used to live on a farm .
<b>Form</b> : S + Used to + inf
S + did not use to + inf
Did + S + use to + inf ?

 <b> Use</b>: Expressing a past habit , or
an action usually happened in the past .
Listen and copy

Practice speaking with cues
Work in pairs

Demonstrate in front of class
* <i>Suggested answers</i> :

<i>1. People used to live in small houses . </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

now ?

2. How did they travel ?

3. What is about the electricity ?
4. What is about their life / work ?

5. Did children use to go to school ?
6. What is about their entertainment ?
- Call on some pairs to demonstrate in
front of class

- Give feedback .

. 3 / <b>Post - speaking :</b> <b>Write it up</b>
- Ask Them to write a complete writing
about the difference of the life in the past
and now.

- Call on some Ss to demonstrate in front
of class .

<i>Now they live in big houses and buildings.</i>
<i>2. People used to walk . Now they can go </i>
<i>by cars or motorbikes . </i>

<i>3. Now , there is electricity everywhere . </i>
<i>4. People used to work hard all the time .</i>
<i>Now they have a lot of time for </i>

<i>entertainment . </i>

<i>5. Most children used to stay at home . </i>
<i>Now , they all go to school . </i>

<i>6. Children used to play traditional </i>

<i>games such as hide and seek , skip rope ...</i>
<i>outdoors . Now , they have a lot of </i>

<i>modern games – video games</i>

Work individually

<b>IV.Consolidation:</b> (3ms)
- Things in the past and now

- The title of the story: “ Don’t be foolish and greedy “
<b>V.Homework :</b> (3ms)

- Write about the things you used to do last year.
- Rewrite the story.

- Prepare the next lesson.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

<b>UNIT 4</b>

<b>OUR PAST</b>

<b>Period 23 Lesson 3: Read </b>

A/ <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/ Knowledge:</b> <i>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand and retell the story - </i>

The lost shoe .
<b>II/ Skills</b><i>: reading</i>

B / <b>Procedure </b>:

<b>I/ Settlement: </b>Greet and check attendance 8a 8b
II / <b>Warm up</b> : <b>Brainstorming (4ms)</b>

Name some folks tales that you have read .
 Possible answers :

- Cây tre trăm đốt ( one hundred-section bamboo )
- Tấm cám

- Hoµng tư Cóc ( The frog Prince )
- Đôi hài 7 dặm ( Seven mile shoes )

- Bạch tuyết và b¶y chó lïn ( Snow white and 7 dwarfs
<b>III/ New lesson: </b>(35ms)

1 / <b>Pre - reading</b> : Introduce the topic of the
passage reading and some new words to Ss .
*. Pre – teach vocabulary :

Ask Ss to Listen and copy

Listen and repeat in chorus ,
individually .

Guess its meanings and copy .

* <b>Checking</b> : <b>ROR</b>
* T / F statements predictions

- Ask Ss to work in groups to predict
Statements Guess Key
1. Little Pea,<sub>s father is poor </sub>


2. Her father got married
again after his wife died .
3. Her new mother was
beautiful and nice to her .
4. She worked hard all day .
5. She did not have new


Vocab: <i>- cruel (a) = độc ác , ác </i>
<i>nghiệt </i>

<i>- upset (a) = worried </i>

<i>- fairy (n) = truỵện cổ tích </i>
<i>- magical (a) -> magically (adv) </i>
<i>- rag (n) ( realia )</i>

<i>- to fall in love with = yªu </i>

- <i>immediately (adv ) = ngay lËp </i>


Work in groups

Read their predictions

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

clothes to take part in the
festival .

- Call on some Ss to read their predictions
and write them on the board

III / <b>While - reading</b> :
1. Checking the predictions :

- Turn on the tape 2 times and ask them to
look at their text books to check their
predictions and correct the false ones .
- Call on 2 Ss to read the story – Correct

mistakes if any .

2. Comprehension questions

- Ask Ss to work in pairs answering the

- Call on some pairs to practice asking and
answering .

- Listen and give feedback

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of

3. Gap filling : Complete the sentences with
words from the story .

- Ask Ss to work in pairs , filling the blanks
with suitable words from the story .

- Call on some Ss to read their complete
sentences aloud .

- Give feedback
IV / <b>Post - reading</b> :

Retell the story

- Have Ss work in pairs , telling the story
again in details ( They can look at the
statements in the gap filling exercise and

add more )

- Call on some Ss to retell the story in front
of class .

- Correct mistakes if any
<b>Iv/Consolidation: (3ms)</b>

<b>W</b>rite down Ss’best story on the B.B
V / <b>Homework</b> : (3ms)

1. Rewrite the story .

2. Do exercises in workbook .
3. Prepare the next lesson .

Listen and check their predictions .
Read their results and correct the
false ones .

<b>Correction:</b><i>- Sentence 3 : Her new </i>
<i>mother was cruel to her .</i>

<i>- Sentence 5 : A fairy gave her </i>
<i>beautiful clothes.</i>


<i>a. She was a poor farmer ,<sub>s </sub></i>

<i>daughter . </i>

<i>b. She made her do the chores all </i>
<i>day .</i>

<i>c. Before the festival started , a fairy</i>
<i>appeared and magically changed </i>
<i>her rags into beautiful clothes . </i>
<i>d. He decided to marry Little Pea </i>
<i>because the shoe fitted her . </i>
<i>e. Ss answer themselves .</i>


<i>a. farmer b. died </i>

<i>c. used d. marry / choose </i>
<i>e. clothes f. lost </i>

Work in pairs to practice asking and
answering the questions

Work in pairs to complete the

Read their complete sentences .
Listen and copy .

Work in pairs to retell the story in
details .

Demonstrate in front of class .
Listen and copy .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

<b>UNIT 4</b>

<b>OUR PAST</b>

<b>Period 24 lesson 4: Write </b>
A/ <b>Objectives</b> :

I/ Knowledge: <i>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use Simple Past Tense to write a </i>
<i>folk tale .</i>

<i>II/ Skills: Writing</i>

B / <b>Procedure :</b>

<b>I</b>/ settlement : greet and check attendance 8a 8b
II/<b> Warm up</b> : <b>Chatting (5ms)</b>

- Ask Ss some questions about imaginary stories
1. Do you want to read imaginary stories ?
2. Name some of them

3. Which story do you like best ?

4. Have you ever read the story “ how the tigers got his stripes “ ?
III/ New lesson: (34ms)

1 / <b>Pre - writing</b> : Introduce the aims of
the writing and some new words .

*/Pre- teach vocabulary :

Ask Ss to Listen and copy

Listen and repeat in chorus ,
individually .

Guess its meanings and copy
* <b>Checking</b> : <b>Matching </b>

<b>A</b> <b>B</b>

1. wisdom a. trốn thoát
2. a stripe b. đờng sọc
3. a straw c. ăn cỏ , gặm

4. a servant d. trÝ kh«n
5. graze e. rơm rạ
6. escape f . đầy tí
- Ask Ss to come to the board to match
items on the left with those on the right
by drawing a line connecting the story .
* Reading :

- Ask Ss to read and complete the story .
- Call on Ss to say the meanings of the
verbs in the box .

- Have them work in pairs , using


<i>- wisdom ( n) : trÝ kh«n </i>
<i>- a stripe (n) ( realia )</i>
<i>- a straw ( n) ( realia )</i>

<i>- a servant (n) : ngời phục vụ , đầy tớ </i>
<i>- to graze ( picture )</i>

<i>- to escape : trèn tho¸t </i>

<i>- to light – lit – lighted ( mime </i>)
Work individually .

Read the verbs in the box and say the
meanings of them .

Read the complete story .

Work in pairs to practice asking and
answering the questions .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

suitable verbs to fill in the blanks .
- Call on them to read their answers
aloud .

- Give feedback

+ Comprehension questions :
1. where was the man ?

2. What did the buffalo do when the
tiger appeared ?

3. What did the tiger want to
know ?

4. What did he do before going
home ? Why ?

5. What did he do when he returned

- Call on some pairs to practice asking
and answering the questions above .
2/ <b>While - writing</b> :

- Get Ss to do exercise 2 . ( Ss have to
imagine to be a man in order to write the
story )

- Ask Ss to work individually , then
share with their partners and correct
mistakes .

- Take some writings to correct in front
of the class.

- Give suggested answers :

3/ <b>Post - writing</b> : <b>Telling the story </b>
- Divide the class into 2 teams . Team A
plays the role of the tiger . Team B
plays the role of the buffalo

- Ask them to work in team , telling the

<b>IV/ Consolidation</b>: Correction (3ms)
V / <b>Homework</b> : (3ms)

1. Write the story again , imagine you
are :

* The tiger
* The buffalo

2. Do exercises in workbook .
3. Prepare the next lesson .
<b>C/ experience:</b>

*/Answer :

1. appear 2. as 3. said 4. left
5. went 6. lit 7. burned 8.

Write the story individually .

Demonstrate in front of class.

+ Notice : Change

<i> The man -> I / His -> My </i>

Play the roles of tiger and buffalo ,
telling the story .

+ Notice :

<i> - Team tiger changes : a / </i>
<i>the tiger -> I </i>

<i> - Team buffalo changes : a / the </i>
<i>buffalo - > I </i>

Listen and copy .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

<i><b>Preparing date:20/10/08</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date:24/10/08</b></i>

<b>UNIT 4</b>

<b>OUR PAST</b>

<b>Period 25</b> <b>Lesson 5 : language focus -Listen</b>
A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b> I/ Knowledge:</b> <i>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use prepositions of time and </i>
<i>Used to ( to talk about the action which always happens in the past ) and further practice in </i>

<i>the Past Simple Tense . , </i>

<i>Ss will be able to understand the main idea of a story by listening </i>
<b>II/ Skills</b><i>: writing, listening…</i>

B / <b>Procedure :</b>

<b>I/ Settlement:</b> Greet and check attendance : 8a 8b
II//<b> Warm up</b> 3ms <b>Matching </b>

A B Key

1. In a. January 1.a / d

2. On b. 3 p m 2. c / e

3.At c. Wednesday 3. b / f

4. Between d. November 1997 4. f
5. After / Before e. July 2nd <sub>5. b</sub>

f. 7 a m and 9 am
- Call on some Ss to read aloud each phrase .

- - Explain the uses of some prepositions of time and ask Ss to do Exercises
- III/New lesson: 34ms

1/ <b>Pre - listening</b> : Introduce the topic of
the listening task

*. Pre – teach vocabulary :
Ask Ss to Listen and copy

Listen and repeat in chorus ,

Copy down

* <b>Checking</b> : <b>What and where</b>
*. <b> Prediction : </b>

- Ask Ss to predict the moral lesson of the
story .

- Have them look at four titles and guess
which is the most suitable to the story .
- Call on some Ss to read their predictions
and write them on the board .

2/ <b>While - listening</b> :
*. Checking the prediction

Vocab<i>: - Foolish (a) = ngÊ ngÈn , </i>
<i>ngèc nghiÕch </i>

<i>- greedy ( a) = tham lam </i>
<i>- Gold (n) ( realia ) </i>

<i>- to lay -> laid – laid ( Picture ) </i>

- <i>amazement (n) = ng¹ c nhiªn , vui </i>

<i>nhén </i>

Work in groups to predict .
Read their predictions
aloud .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

- Turn on the tape twice and ask them to
check their predictions .

- Call on some Ss to read their results and
give feed back : “ Don,<sub>t be foolish and </sub>
greedy “

- Turn on the tape once more to check their
results again .

<b>3/ post listening:</b>
*. Ex 3 / page 44

- Ask Ss to work individually , then
compare with their partners .

- Call on some Ss to read their complete
sentences aloud .

- Give feedback

*. Ex 4 : Complete the dialogue :

- Have Ss work in pairs , looking at 4 verbs
, using USED TO with the verbs “ Live –
Stay – Have – be “ to complete the

dialogue between Nga and Hoa .

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of
class .

- Give feedback .
<b>IV/Consolidation: 5ms</b>

Ask Ss to retell the story of listening in
Vietnamese or English (good students)
a. <b>V/Homework</b> : 3ms

1. Do exercises (1,2) in textbook .
2. Do the exercises in workbook .
3. Prepare the next lesson .

<b>C/ Experience</b>:

Listen to the tape and check their

Read their results and write down .

Read the correct phrases aloud
Work individually .Compare with

their partners .

Read the complete sentences aloud .
Copy down .

<b>Key:</b><i> a. on b. in c. between d. at /</i>
<i>after e. before</i>

<b>Key:</b><i> 0. used to stay </i>
<i>1. used to have </i>
<i>2. used to be </i>
<i>3. used to live </i>

Work in groups
Listen and copy .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

<i><b> Teaching date:25/10/08</b></i>

<b>UNIT 5</b>


<b>Period 26 Lesson 1: Getting started </b>
<b> Listen and read </b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b> I/ Knowledge</b> <i>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the dialogue </i>
<i>between Jim and his Mom about his study </i>

<b>.II/Skills</b><i>: listening, reading</i>

B / <b> Procedure</b> :

I/ Settlement: Greet and check attendance 8a 8b
II / <b>Warm up</b> : 4ms <b>Net work </b>

- Ask Ss to write as many subjects as they can on the blackboard

 Possible answers :

Chemistry / Physics / maths / geography / literature / history .
- Lead in the new lesson by Chatting

III/ Newlesson:

1 / <b>Pre - reading : </b>

What subjects are you good at ? / bad
at ?

What subject do you like best ? / Why

How often do you have maths ? /

*. Pre- teach

Ask Ss Listen and repeat in chorus ,

individually .

Copy down
Play game

* <b>Checking</b> : <b>Rub out and </b>

*. T / F statements predictions

Read the answers aloud
Chat the questions .
vocabulary :

<i>- a report card ( realia )</i>
<i>- pronunciation ( mime ) </i>
<i>- to improve ( situation )</i>
<i>- to be proud of = tu hao </i>

<i>- to try one,<sub>s best = co gang het</sub></i><sub> suc</sub>

<b>Subjects at </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

- Ask Ss to read the statements and
predict they are true or false .

Statements Guess Key

1. Tim was out when his

mother called him . F
2. Tim,<sub>s mother met his </sub>

teacher at school .

3. Tim,<sub>s report is poor .</sub> <sub>F</sub>
4. Tim needs to improve

his Spanish grammar

5. Tim promised to try

his best in learning
Spanish .

- Call on some Ss to read their predictions
and write them on the board .

2/ <b>While - reading</b> :

- Turn on the tape and ask Ss to look at
their books , then read the dialogue to
check their predictions .

- Call on some Ss to read their results .

- Give feedback :

- Ask Ss to correct false statements .
1. Tim was in the living room / at home
2. his report is excellent

3. He needs to improve his Spanish
pronunciation .

- Call on some pairs to practice the
dialogue in front of class .

- Listen and correct their pronunciation if
any .

* Comprehension questions :

- Ask Ss to work in pairs , answering the
questions .

- Call on some pairs to practice asking
and answering the questions .

- Give feedback .

- Ask them to practice in open pairs .
3 / <b>Post - reading</b> : <b>Survey </b>

- Ask Ss to work in groups by standing
to ask each other the question “ What

subject do you need to improve ? “ and
they have to write the names and the
subjects that their friends answer :
<b>IV/Consolidation: 3ms</b>

- Ask Ss who need to improve the same
subjects work in group and discuss how

Work individually

Read their predictions aloud .

Listen and read the dialogue to check
their predictions .

Correct false ones . Read them aloud .
Practice the dialogue in pairs .

Work in pairs to practice asking and
answering the questions .

<b>Feedback</b><i><b>:</b></i><b> </b><i> a. She is Tim,<sub>s teacher . </sub></i>

<i>b. She gave Tim,<sub>s mother his report </sub></i>

<i>card . </i>

<i>c. He worked really hard . </i>

<i>d. She said Tim should work harder </i>

<i>on his Spanish pronunciation .</i>
<i>e. She gave him a dictionary</i>

Open pairs

Name What subject



<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

to improve .

V / <b>Homework :</b> 3ms

1. Write the way how to improve the
subject that they are not good at .
2. Prepare the next lesson .

Work in groups

Listen and copy .

<i><b> Preparing date:25/10/08</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:28 /10/08</b></i>

<b>UNIT 5</b>


<b>Period 27 lesson 2 : Listen -speak</b>
A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/Knowledge:</b><i>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to listen for specific information to </i>
<i>fill in a report card . Ss will be able to talk about their study habits</i>

<b>II/skills:</b><i> Listening,speaking</i>

B / <b>Procedure</b> :

<b>I/ Settlement:</b> Greet and check attendance 8a 8b
II / <b>Warm upchatting(3ms)</b>

- Ask Ss to retell “ How to improve your English “*
- Possible answers :

- Speak English to friends in class
- Watch English TV

- Do grammar exercises
- Read English stories

- Read English newspapers / magazines
- Listen to the English radio program
- III/Newlesson:34ms

1 / <b>Pre - listening</b> : Introduce the topic of the
listening and some new words :

*. Pre – teach vocabulary :

Ask Ss to Listen and repeat in chorus and
individually .

Copy down .

* <b>Checking</b> : <b>What and where </b>
*. Prediction :

- Ask Ss to look at Nga,<sub>s report and predict </sub>
the missing information and then compare
with their partners .

a. day present (1)

*/vocab: <i>- behavior (n) = cach cu </i>
<i>sw </i>

<i>- A participant (n) = nguoi tham </i>
<i>gia </i>

<i>- Satisfactory >< unsatisfactory </i>
<i>(a) = thao mai</i>

<i>- cooperation (n) = hop tac </i>
<i>- attendance (n) = </i>

<i>- to appreciate = danh</i> gia cao

Predict and compare with their
partners .

Report their predictions .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

b. Day absent (2)

c. Behavior – participant (3)
d. Listening (4)

e. Speaking (5)
f. Reading (6)
g. Writing (7)

- Call on some Ss to read their predictions
and write them on the board .

2/ <b>While - listening</b> :
*. Listen :

- Get Ss to listen to the tape and check their
prediction .

- Call on Ss to read their results and give
feedback .

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and work
in pairs to answer the questions .

- Give feedback . - Call on some pairs to read

the model

- Ask Ss to work in pairs .

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of

- Correct mistakes if any<b> . </b>
3/ <b>Post - listening:(speak</b>)

Questions You Your

1. When do you do your

homework ?

2. Who helps you with your
homework ?

3. How much time do you
spend on Maths / English /
History / Literature ?

4. Which subject do you need
to improve ?

5. What do you do to improve
your English?

- Ask Ss to work in pairs , asking their
partners questions and taking notes of the
answers .

- Ask Ss to work in groups of 4 0r 5 to report
what they have known about their partners,
study .

- Correct mistakes if any .
IV <b>/ consolidation:</b> 5ms

. Write something about your partners,<sub> study </sub>

Listen to the tape and check their

Read their results .

<i>1. 87 days present </i>
<i>2. 5 days absent </i>

<i>3. participation : Spanish </i>
<i>pronunciation </i>

<i>4. Listening : Comprehension </i>
<i>5. Speaking : A </i>

<i>6 . Reading : A 7 . Writing : B</i>

* Model :

<i><b>Lan said she did her </b></i>
<i><b>homework after dinner</b></i>
<i><b> He / she said ………</b></i>

Copy in their notebooks . Listen
and read the model , then copy

Work in pairs tom practice asking
and answering the questions .

Practice asking and answering the
questions and report their survey .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

Eg : Lan is my best friend . She works very
hard and always get good grades . she usually
does her homework after school

V/<b>Homework</b> :3ms

1. Copy the effective ways of learning
English they have found out .

2. Do exercises in workbook .
3. Prepare the next lesson

Listen and copy .

<i><b> Preparing date:28/10/08</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:29/10/08</b></i>

<b>UNIT 5</b>


<b>Period 28 Lesson 3 : Read </b>

A / <b>Objectives</b>

:<b>I/ Knowledge:</b><i>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the text and get </i>
<i>specific information .</i>

<b>II/ Skills</b><i>: reading</i>

B / <b>Procedure</b> :

<b>I/ Settlement</b>: Greet and check attendance : 8a 8b
<b>II/Revision:</b> : (3ms) <b>Chatting </b>

1. Do you like English ?

2. How many new words do you try to learn a day ?
3. What do you do when you read a new words ?
4. How do you learn / remember new words ?

- Call on Ss to practice asking and answering the questions above .
- Correct and lead in the new lesson .

III/ Newlesson: 36ms

1/ <b>Pre - reading</b> : Introduce the topic of the
reading passage and some new words .
*. Pre- teach

Ask Ss to Listen and copy

Listen and repeat in chorus ,

Copy down .

* <b>Checking</b> : <b>Slap the board</b>
* . Brainstorming

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make a list of
the ways how a language learner can learn
new words .

vocabulary :

- Mother tongue ( example )
- to underline ( example )
- to highlight ( example )
- to come across ( synonym )
- to stick ( mime )

Play games

Work in pairs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

* Possible answers :
- Learn by heart

- Translate it into mother tongue

- Write each word on one piece of paper and
put it into the pocket to learn whenever
- Learn through example sentences

- Write it on small piece of paper and stick
everywhere in the house …….

2/ <b>While - reading</b> :
*. True / False statements

- Ask Ss to read the statements , then read
the text and decide which is true and which
is false .

( Page 50 )

- Call on Ss to read their answers and give

* Reading :

- Call on 2 or 3 Ss to read the passage
aloud .

*. Comprehension questions

- Have Ss work in pairs to answer the

- Call on some Pairs to practice asking and
answering the questions

- Give feedback

3/ <b>Post - reading</b> :

- Ask Ss to work in groups to interview one
another and tick the ways they have used to
learn new words

<b>Ways of learning words </b> <b>Lan </b>

Report and copy the answers .

Work individually
<b>feedback </b>

a. F b. T c . F d . T

Read the text aloud .

Practice asking and answering the

questions in pairs .


<i>a. No . They learn words in different</i>
<i>ways .</i>

<i>b. Because they help them to </i>
<i>remember the use of new words .</i>
<i>c. They write examples , put the </i>
<i>words and their meanings on </i>
<i>stickers , underline or highlight </i>
<i>them . </i>

<i>d. They may think they can not do so</i>
<i>. Instead , they learn only important </i>
<i>words . </i>

<i>e. Revision is necessary in learning </i>
<i>words . </i>

<i>f. Learners should try different </i>
<i>ways of learning words t find out </i>
<i>what is the best .</i>

Work in groups .

<i>Ways language </i>
<i>learners learn </i>

<i>new words</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

1. Make a list of words , their meanings
and learn them by heart .

2. Write sample sentences with new words
3. Stick new words somewhere in the
house .

4. Underline or highlight the words .
5. Read stories in English .

6. Learn words through songs .

<b>IV /Consolidation:-</b> Call on Ss to report
about their groups . (3ms)

Ex : Lan learns words by making a list of
words ….

V / <b>Homework</b> : (3ms)

1. Write the ways of learning words that you
think are the best for you .

2. Prepare the next lesson .
<b>C/ Experience:</b>

Copy down .

<i><b>Preparing date:29/10/08</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date:1/11/08</b></i>

<b>UNIT 5</b>


<b>Period 29 Lesson 4: Write </b>
A / <b>Objectives</b>

<b>:I/Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know the format of a friendly
letter and practice writing a letter to a friend .

<b>II/Skills</b>: Writing
B / <b>Procedure</b> :

<b>I/ Settlement: </b>Greet and check attendance 8a 8b

<b> Warm up :</b> <b>Chatting (3ms)</b>
1. Have you ever written to someone ?
2. To whom do you usually write ?
3. What do you often write about ?
- Lead in new lesson .

III /Newlesson ( 39ms)

1 / <b>Pre - writing</b> : Introduce the topic of
the writing and some new words to Ss .

1. Pre – teach

Ask Ss to Listen and copy down

Listen and repeat in chorus ,
individually .

<b>vocabular</b>y<b> </b> :

- <i>Lunar New Year Festival </i>
<i>( explanation )</i>

<i>- Enjoyable (adj ) = vui thu , thich thu </i>
<i>- to celebrate = ki niem </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

Copy down

* <b>Checking: Rub out and </b>
<b>remember </b>

*. Ordering

- Ask Ss to put the parts of the letter in
the correct order .

a. Opening d. Body of the letter
b. Closing e. Signature

c. The date f . Writer,<sub>s address .</sub>
- Give feedback

- Ask Ss to read the letter to check their
order .

*. Labeling

- Ask Ss to label each section with the
correct letter .

* . Comprehension questions

- Have Ss work in pairs and answer some

- Call on some pairs to practice asking
and answering in front of class .

<b>2/ While - writing</b> :

- Ask Ss to imagine that they are Lan and
write a letter to her pen pal Donna in San
Francisco , using the given information .
- Call on some Ss to demonstrate their

writings in front of class .


. 1-f 2-c 3-a 4-d 5-b 6-e

Do the exercise individually .
Read and check .

Label each section with the correct
letter .

Work in pairs to practice asking and
answering the questions .

<b>Answer</b><i><b>:</b></i><b> </b><i> a. Who wrote the letter ? To </i>
<i>whom ?</i>

<i>b. What are there in the heading ? </i>
<i>c. What is the main part of the letter ? </i>
<i>d. What did Hoa receive a few days </i>
<i>ago ? </i>

<i>e. What subject is Hoa good at ? </i>
<i>f. Where is she going to celebrate the </i>
<i>Lunar New Year Festival ? </i>

Imagine and write the a letter
individually .

* Suggested letter :

<i>15 Quang Trung street </i>
<i>Hanoi , July 12 th , 2005 </i>
<i>Dear Donna </i>

<i>Thanks for your letter . I am glad to </i>
<i>hear you had an interesting Mother,<sub>s </sub></i>

<i>Day .</i>

<i>We have received our second semester </i>
<i>report last month . I got good grades </i>
<i>for Geography , Physics and Math but </i>
<i>my English and History results were </i>
<i>poor . My teacher advises me to </i>
<i>improve English and History . I think </i>
<i>I have to study harder next school year</i>
<i>. </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

3/ <b>Post - writing</b> : <b> Correction</b>

- Call on Ss to read aloud their letters
and correct the mistakes

IV / <b>Homework </b>:(3ms)

1. Write a letter to your friend to tell
him / her about your second semester
report and about Summer holiday .

<i>uncle by bus and I am going to stay </i>
<i>ther with them until the festival comes .</i>
<i>I will send you a postcard from there . </i>
<i>Write soon and tell me all your news . </i>

<i>Best </i>

<i>Lan ,</i>

Read their letters aloud .

Copy down .
<i><b>Preparing date:1/11/08</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching date:4/11/08</b></i>

<b>UNIT 5</b>


<b>Period 30 Lesson 5 : Language focus </b>
A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b> I/ Knowledge</b>;<i>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use adverbs of manner and modal </i>
<i>Should as an advice , reported speech with commands , requests and advice </i>

<i>II/Skills writing, reading…...</i>

B / <b>Procedure </b>:

I/ Settlement: Greet and check attendance 8a 8b
<b>II / Warm up : </b>Pelmanism (3ms)

good warm bad fast badly

rode eat ate sit sat

- Explain the meanings and uses of them

+ Hard (a) and hard ( adv ) have different meanings
<b>III/ Newlesson (39ms)</b>

*/ <b>Presentation </b>

1/ <b>Adverbs of manner</b> .

- Setting the scene “ Use any word from
the game Pelmanism to complete the
following sentences “


<i>Exercise 1 / 52</i> : Complete the dialogues
- Ask Ss to work in pairs .

- Call on some pairs to demonstrate in
front of class

- Give feedback .

- Ask ss to practice the dialogue in open


2/<b>. Modal : Should</b>

Listen and copy down

<b>* Form</b><i> : S + V + a / an + adjective </i>
<i>+ noun </i>

<i> or : S + be + Adjective </i>
<i> S + V + adverb </i>

<b>* Use</b><i> : Adj modifies the noun after </i>
<i>it / the subject </i>

<i> Adv modifies the verb of the </i>

<b>feedback .</b><i> 1. hard 2. fast 3. badly</i>
<i>4. softly</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

- Ask Ss to look at Mr Hao,<sub>s house and </sub>
answer some questions

a. Is his house new ?
b. Is the wall discolored ?
c. How is the door ?

d. Is there grass in his garden ?
e. Should Mr Hao repair the roof ?

<i>Exercise 2 / 52 </i>

Give Ss the question “ What should he do
with his house ?

 mend ? / paint ? / replant ? / cut ? /
repair ?

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to use the verbs
to advise Mr Hao what to do .

- Call on some pairs to practice asking and
answering the question “ What should he
do with his house ? “

- Give feedback .

a. Mr Hao should repair the roof .
b…………...paint the house
c. ………...cut the grass .
d. ………...replant the tree
e. ………….mend the door

3. <b>Commands , requests in reported </b>

- Explain the form of the reported speech :
+ Example :

a. “ Can you give Tim this dictionary ? “
=> Mr Jackson asked me to give you this


b. “ Please give Tim this dictionary . “
=> Miss Jackson told me to give you this

<i>Exercise 3 / 53</i> : Explain the situation to Ss
- Have Ss work in pairs to do exercise .
- Call on some pairs to read their answers
aloud , then go to the board to write them
on .

- Give feedback

- Call on some Ss to practice is pairs and

Work in pairs

Demonstrate in front of class .
practice asking and answering the
questions .

<b>Suggested answers : </b>

<i>a. No , it isn,<sub>t b. Yes , it is c. It is </sub></i>

<i>broken </i>

<i>d. Yes. There is lots of grass in his </i>

<i>e. Yes, he should . </i>

-> Explain the modal “ Should “
<b>+ Form</b> : S + Should + infinitive
<b>+ Use</b> : give advice

+ Meaning : nen ( lam gi )

Listen and give examples .

Practice in pairs

* Form :

<b>To ask / tell + someone + to do </b>

Practice in pairs in front of class .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

correct their pronunciations .
4. <b>Advice in reported speech</b>
- Explain the form of it

Example : Miss Jackson said , “ Tim
should work harder on his Spanish
pronunciation . “

=> Miss Jackson said you should work
harder on your Spanish pronunciation .

<i>Exercise 4 / 53 </i>

- Ask Ss to work with their partners .
- Call on some Ss to practice in pairs and
correct pronunciation .

- Give feedback

a. Miss Jackson said you should spend
more time on Spanish pronunciation .
b. Miss Jackson said you should practice
speaking Spanish every day .

c . Miss Jackson said you should listen to
Spanish conversation on TV .

d. Miss Jackson you should practice
reading aloud passage in Spanish .
e. Miss Jackson said you should use this
dictionary to find out how to pronounce
Spanish words .

III <b>/ Homework</b> : (3ms )

1. Review command , requests and advice
in Reported Speech .

2. Copy all the exercises in their

3. Prepare the next lesson .

<i><b>C/ Experience</b></i>

<i>c. Miss Jackson asked me to help you </i>
<i>with your Spanish pronunciation . </i>
<i>d. Miss Jackson told me to meet her </i>
<i>next week . </i>

* Form : <b>S + said ( that ) + S + </b>
<b>should + V ...</b>

Listen and copy .

Read the examples aloud .
Work in pairs

Practice in front of class .

Some Ss come to the board to write

Copy and read the examples aloud .
Work in pairs

Practice in closed pairs and open
pairs .

Listen and copy .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

<i><b>Preparing date:1/11/08</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date:8/11/08</b></i>

<b>UNIT 6</b>


<b>Period 31 lesson 1 : Getting started </b>
<b> Listen and read </b>
A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>1/ knowledge:</b> <i>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the dialogue about the</i>
<i>young pioneers . </i>

<b>II/Skills</b><i>: listening, reading</i>

B / <b>Procedure : </b>

<b>I/Settlement: </b>greet and check attendance 8a 8b

<b> Warm up</b> : <b>Chatting</b> (3ms)

Ask Ss some questions about their activities and their summer holidays .
1. What do you often do on your summer holiday ?

2. Are you members of the Young Pioneers and Youth Organization ?
3. Are there any activity programs for the summer ?

4. Do you take part in them ?
5. What activity do you like most ?

III/ New lesson (36ms)

1/ <b>Presentation</b> : Introduce the topic of
the lesson and some new words to Ss .
*. Pre – teach

Elicit vocab

Ask Ss to Listen and repeat in chorus and
individually , then copy

) <b> vocabulary </b>:

<i>- to enroll ( translation ) </i>

<i>- Answer application form ( visual ) </i>
<i>- Out door activities : Games that you </i>
<i>play in the open air rather than in a </i>
<i>building or a house such as : football , </i>
<i>tennis ..</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

* <b>Checking </b>: <b>Rub out and </b>
<b>remember </b>

* Listen and read the dialogue :

- Set the scene “ Nga is a student in grade

eight . She wants to enroll in the activities
for the summer . “

- Ask Ss to listen and read the dialogue at
the same time .

- Get Ss to work in pairs and complete
Nga,<sub>s particulars . </sub>

- Call on some pairs to demonstrate in
front of class.

- Give feedback

- Ask Ss some questions :
+ What is her name ?
+ What does she live ?
+ When was she born ?
+ What are her hobbies ?

- Call on some Ss to answer the questions

* . Concept checking

- What is after “ likes “ ? -> drawing
- What is after “ enjoys “ ? -> acting
- What do you call “ drawing “ and “
acting “ -> gerund

- What is the form of “ gerund “ ? -> V-

- When do we use “ gerund “ ? - > after
some verbs : like , love , enjoy , hate ,
mind .<b>2/ Practice:</b>

* Drill : word cue drill

- Prepare 5 cards with these cues on
them :

a. play soccer / volley ball
b. watch TV / listen to music
c. read books / do homework

d. Chat with friends / do the housework
e. Cook meal / decorate the house .
=> What are your hobbies ?

I like / love playing soccer and
volleyball .

- Call on Ss to practice asking and

- Correct mistakes if any .

- Call on some pairs to practice the
dialogue .

3/ <b>Production Survey </b>

<i>- Acting (n)</i>

Listen to the tape
Read the dialogue
Work in pairs

Report their results in front of class.
<b>*feedback </b>* Name : Pham Thi Nga
* Home address : 5 Tran Phu Street
* Phone number : Not available
* Date of birth : April 22 , 1989
* Sex : Female

* Interest : Drawing , outdoor ,
activities , acting

Answer the questions
( whole class )

* Form <b>Like , love , enjoy , hate + </b>

Listen and copy the form . Then

practice reading the dialogue in pairs .

Work in groups

Listen and copy .
Do you

like name / Nam Mai

love like don,<sub>t</sub> <sub>love like</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

- Ask Ss to copy down the chart and
work in groups of three to ask their
friends and tick on the chart .
- <b>IV/Consolidation:(3ms)</b>

- Give feedback by asking Ss to report
their friends,<sub> hobbies .</sub>

IV / <b>Homework</b> : (3ms)

1. Write about their friend,<sub>s hobbies . </sub>
2. Prepare the next lesson .
<b>C/ Experience:</b>

hate like don,<sub>t hate</sub>

- play soccer
- washing up
- cooking

- performing
- gathering
- watching TV
- play

<i><b>Preparing date:1/11/08</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date: 9 /11/08</b></i>

<b>UNIT 6</b>


<b>Period 32 Lesson 2 : Speak </b>
A/ <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/Knowledge</b>:<i>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to ask for favors and respond to </i>
<i>favors . offer and respond to assistance </i>

<i>II/ Skills: Speak</i>

B / <b>Procedure </b>:

<b>I/ Settlement:</b> Greet and check attedance 8a 8b
II/<b> Warm up</b> : <b>Shark,<sub> s attack </sub></b>

- Cut out a shark and a school girl / boy from card

- Draw some steps , then stick the cut out girl / boy on the top of the steps , the sharks in the
sea .

- Draw 5 gaps for the word – favor

<b>III/ New lesson:</b>
<b>1/ Presentation</b>

- Ask Ss the meanings of the word

+ What do you say to ask for a favor ?
Can you help me ?

Could you do me a favor ?
Can / Could you ………..?
+ When do you ask for favor ?
Need some help

+ How do you say to respond to
favor ?

Listen and practice asking and answering
the questions

Listen and copy

<b>Asking for favor</b> <b>Responding for favor</b>

* Can / Could
you help me
please ?
* Could you do
me a favor ?
* I need a favor

* Certainly / of course /

* No problem

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

Certainly / Of course / sure
No problem

+ What does the receptionist say ?
May I help you ?

+ What is for ?

For offering assistance

+ another way to offer assistance ?
Do you need any help ? / Let me help
you .

+ How do you say to respond to
assistance ?

Yes . No , thank you .

- Ask Ss to copy down the following

- Ask Ss to repeat chorally and then
individually all the phrases in the

2/ <b>Practice :</b>

1. Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice
the dialogues

- Call on some pairs to practice in front
of class .

- Correct pronunciation if any .
*. Use appropriate phrases to make
similar dialogues about some of the
following situations with a partner.
- Have Ss work in pairs .

- Call on some pairs to practice in front
of class .

- Give feedback

3/ <b>Production</b> : <b>Situation</b> : A
receptionist wants to help a tourist
who needs to go to the nearest bank

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make the
dialogue and move around the class
and help Ss .

- Call on some Ss to practice the
dialogue in front of the class .
IV / <b>Homework</b> :

1. Learn by heart the expressions to
offer assistance and favor and how to
respond them .

2. Write the dialogue between you and
a tourist who lost money .

* Can / could you

* How can I help you ?
* I am sorry . I am really

<b>Offering </b>
<b>assistance </b>

<b>Responding to assistance</b>

* May I help
you ?

* Do you need
any help ?

* Let me help you

* Yes / No . Thank you
* Yes . That is very kind
of you .

* No . thank you . I am
fine .

I can
manage .

Repeat chorally , individually

Work in pairs

Work in pairs

Closed pairs

Practice the dialogues in front of class

<b>Receptionist</b> :


<b>Tourist</b> : yes . Can you

<b>Receptionist</b> : Sure . Turn right when you
get out of the hotel . Turn left at the
first corner .

………... your right .
<b>Tourist </b> :………
Listen and copy

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

<b>C/ Experience:</b>

<i><b>Preparing date:1/11/08</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date: 11 /11/08</b></i>

<b>UNIT 6</b>


<b>Period 33 lesson 3 : Read</b>
A/ <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/ Knowledge</b>:<i>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know more about a youth </i>
<i>organization – the Boy Scouts of America ( BSA ) </i>

<b>II/Skills</b><i>: Read</i>

B / <b>Procedure</b> :

<b>I/ Settlement</b><i>: Greet and check attendance 8a 8b</i>
<i>II/</i><b>Warm up</b> : <b>Jumbled words (4ms)</b>

- Write six words whose letters are in disorder
1. Racchtaer 4. Pexainl

2. Iojn 5 . Nessmsibuan
3. Mai 6 .

Thauolgh-ask Ss to work in 2 teams and call on 6 Ss from h team write the right words on the board .
1. Character 2. Join 3. Aim

4. Explain 5. Businessman 6. Although

<i>III/New lesson: 38ms</i>

1/ <b>Pre- reading</b> : Introduce the topic of the
reading passage and some new words to Ss

*. Pre – teach

vocabulary :

- to encourage : give the verb which
means to give Sb support

- Citizenship (n) = quyen cong dan

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

Ask Ss to Repeat chorally , individually .

listen and copy

* <b>Checking</b> : <b>Slap the board </b>
*. T /F Statements prediction

- Stick the poster with the statements on
the blackboard and guess which is true ,
which is false .

a. The Boy Scout of America is a youth

b. Scouting began in America

c. William Boyce is a businessman in
LOndon .

d. Boys and girls can join BSA

e. The Scouting Association is the biggest
voluntary youth organization in the world .
- Call on Ss to report their predictions and
write them on the board

2/ <b>While - reading : </b>
*. Reading :

- Turn on the tape and ask Ss to look at
their books at the same time to read the
passage to check their predictions

- Call on some Ss to read their results
aloud and give feedback :

- Have them correct false statements .

- Call on some Ss to read the passage aloud

- Correct mistakes if any .
*. Fill in the missing dates

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to do exercise 1 /

- Call on some pairs to demonstrate in
front of class

- Give feedback 3. Answer :

- Have Ss work in pairs to practice asking
answering the questions .

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of
the class

- Give feedback

3 / <b>Post - reading</b> : Interview a member of
the Boys Scouts of American

- coeducational (a) ( translation )
- Voluntary (a) = tu y , tu nguyen
- to lead – led – led

- to establish = to start / to create an

Play game

Work in groups to predict .

Report their predictions

Listen to the tape and read the
passage to check their predictions
Read their results .

Correct the false statements

*/Answer: a. T b. F c. F

d. F e. T

b. Scout began in England

c. William Boysce is an American
business man .

d. BSA is mainly for boys

:a.1907 b. 1909 c. 1910 d. 1994
Read the passage aloud .

Work in pairs to do the exercise
Work in pairs to practice asking and
answering the questions .


<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

- Call on an excellent student in class to
practice with the teacher .

- Ask Ss to work in closed pairs

<b>Interview</b> <b>Member of BSA</b>
1. When did

scouting begin ?
2. When were the

established ?
3. Can a girl join
the BSA ?

4 . How many
members does
the Scouting
Association have

now ?

5. Is it the largest
voluntary Youth
Organization in
the world ?

- In 1907 in England
- They were

established in 1907 .
They are building the
characters , good
citizenship and
personal fitness .
- No , It is mainly for
boys but girls can
join similar

organization such as
the Girl Guides
Association or the
Coeducational Camp
fire Boys and Girls .
Over 25 million
- Yes, Of course

IV / <b>Homework</b> : (3ms)

1. Learn by heart new words and write the

summary of the BSA

3. Prepare the next lesson
<b>C/ Experience</b>:

b. The meeting between a boy scout and Mr
William Boyce led the Scouts Association
crossing the Atlantic in 1910 .

c. Girls can join in the Girls Guides
Association and Camp Fire Boys and girls .

a. They are building characters , good
citizenship and personal fitness .

Work in open pairs

Listen and copy

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

<i><b>preparing date:13/11/08</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date:15/11/08</b></i>

<b>UNIT 6</b>


<b>Period 34 Lesson 4 : Writing </b>
A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<i><b> I/Knowledge:</b>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a letter about a future plan </i>

<i>using be going to </i>

<i><b>II/ Skills</b>: Write</i>

B / <b>Procedure </b>:

<i><b>I/ Settlement</b></i>: Greet and check attendance 8a 8b
<b>II/</b> <b>Warm up</b> : <b>Revision of the structure Be going to (4ms)</b>

- Ask Ss the usage of “ be going to “ – to express a future plan .
- Get Ss to make the sentence :

“ I am going to + Verb “ ( The verbs have to begin with a letter from A to Z
Ex: T : I am going to accept their invitation .

S1 : I am going to buy a new bicycle
S2 : I am going to clean the floor .
S3 : I am going to dust the furniture ..
<b>III/New lesson</b>: 33ms

1 / <b>Pre - writing</b> : Introduce the topic of the
writing and some new words to Ss .

*. Pre – teach vocabulary :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

Ask Ss to Listen and repeat chorally and

Copy down

*. Reading the notice

- Ask Ss to read the notice “ To : All Y and Y
members of the school “

- Ask some questions to check their

a. What do members of the Y and Y have to
do in the recycling program ?

b. What is the purpose of the recycling
program ?

c. What other programs can members of the
Y and Y participate in ?

- Get Ss to work in pairs to answer the
questions .

- Give feedback and ask them to practice in
open pairs .

*. Complete the letter

- Ask some questions to set the scene :
* Who writes the letter ? ( Nga )

* To whom does Nga write ? ( Linh )
* Is Nga a member of Y and Y ? ( Yes )

* What does Nga write to Linh about ? ( She
writes about the programs of her school Y
and Y that she is going to participate )
- Get Ss to work in pairs to fill in the gaps in
the letter .

- Give

- Call on some Ss to read the complete letter
and correct mistakes if any .

*. Reading the dialogue :

- Set the scene “ Hoa talks to her aunt about
the Y and Y Green Group , about the

activities that she is going to do .”

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue between Hoa
and her aunt .

* Checking : some questions :
a. Why does Hoa look happy ?

b. What is she going to do in the environment
month ?

c. What are they doing to earn money for
their school Y&Y ?

- to raise fund ( translation )
- a bank ( visual )

- natural resources : coal oil ,
iron .. under the ground or the sea .
Listen and copy

Read the notice and answer the

Practice asking and answering the
questions in pairs

Listen and answer
( the whole )

Work in pairs to complete the letter

Read the complete letter .
Listen and copy .

Practice asking and answering the
questions .

<b>feedback </b>:1. community
2.recycling 3.collect

4. send 5. recycling 6. save 7.
raise / earn

8. participating 9. planting
10 . helping

Work in groups to write the letter
Stick their letters on the board and
correct its mistakes

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

- Call on some Ss to demonstrate their
answers in front of the class .

2/ <b>While - writing</b> :

- Ask Ss to help Hoa to write a letter to her
parents .

- Get Ss to work in group of 4 or 5 to write a
letter on poster .

- Move around the class and help then if they
are necessary .

3/ <b>Post - writing :</b>

- Choose four letters from 4 group and stick
them on the board

- Get the whole class to read the 4 letters and
correct them .

- Give feedback

- <b>IV/ Consolidation: 5ms</b>

<b>Suggested letter</b>

Dear Mom and Dad ,

I am very happy to tell you that I am able to
join in the Y & Y Green Group of my
school .

The green Group is holding an environment
month plan . We are going to clean the
lakes,<sub>banks on weekends . We are also going </sub>
to plant trees and flowers in the parks

V / <b>Homework :</b> 3ms

1. Ask each student to help Hoa write a
letter to her parents in their

notebooks .
<b>C/ Experience:</b>

Read their letter aloud
Listen and copy .

: and water them every
afternoon after class . We are

planting young trees and plants to
sell to other schools .

I hope that we can bring more
green to the city and earn some
money for the school Y&Y . The
program is very interesting and
useful , is not it ?

I am still in a very good health . I
will tell you more about the group
activities later .

With love ,

Hoa .

<i><b>Preparing date:15/11/08</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date:17/11/08</b></i>

<b>UNIT 6</b>


<b>Period 35 Lesson 5 : language focus </b>
A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/Knowledge:</b><i>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use Present with future meaning / </i>
<i>Gerunds / modals : may , can , could .</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

<i> Ss will be able to complete a song for details </i>
<b>II/ Skills:</b><i> listening , writing…</i>

B / <b>Procedure :</b>

<b>I/ Settlement:</b> Greet and check attendance 8a 8b
II/ <b>Warm up</b> : <b>Brainstorming (4ms)</b>

*Possible answers :
- <i>Clean up the streets </i>
- <i>Help elderly people </i>
- <i>Take part in sports</i>

- <i>Help handicappied / street children </i>

<i>Collect and empty garbage</i> …..
<b>III/ Newlesson</b>:(38ms)

1/ <b>Presentation</b> :

Present tense with future meaning
. Pre – teach

ask Ss to Listen and repeat chorally ,

Copy down

* <b>Checking</b> : <b>Rub out and remember</b>
*. <b>Gerunds</b> :

* Survey :

- Ask Ss to work in groups of three to ask
their friends and stick on the chart .
- Give feedback by asking Ss to report
their friends,<sub> hobbies .</sub>

Eg : Ba loves playing soccer . He does not
like cooking and especially hate washing
dishes . ..

*<b>. Modals : may , can , could</b>

- Ask Ss to repeat the uses of the offering
assistance , asking for favors and how to
respond .

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice the

- Call on some pairs to practice the
dialogue in front of the class .
- Give feedback

a /A : Can you buy a ticket for me ?
B : Can you take me across the road ?
C : Could you help me with this math
problem ?

D : Can you water the flowers in the


- a ret home : a place where old or
sick people are cared for

- an orphanage : a place where
children without parents live
- a stadium ( picture )

- - to unite = doan ket , hop nhat ,
ket hop

- peace (n) >< war (n)

* Form : <b>Like , love , enjoy , hate </b>
<b>+ Ving</b>

Listen carefully

Work in pairs to practice the dialogue

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

b / A : May I help you ?

A : Do you need any help ?
B : Let me help you .

A : Yes . That is very kind of you .

- Ask them to practice the dialogue in

front of the class .

2// <b>Pre - listening</b> : Introduce the topic of
the listening and some new words to Ss .
*. Guess the missing words

- Ask Ss to guess the words to fill in the
gaps in the song

- Get them to share with their partners and
report their predictions .Then write them
on the board .

3/ <b>While - listening</b> :

- Turn on the tape 3 times and ask Ss to
check their predictions .

- Call on some Ss to read their results
- Give feedback

<i>. </i>

-Turn on the tape once more to check the
results again .

4/ <b>Post - listening</b> :

- Ask Ss to work in groups to learn how to
sing the song

+ Ss listen to the tape and repeat in
chorally .

- Call on some Ss from each groups to sing
a song.

IV / <b>Homework</b> : (3ms)

1. Copy all the exercises in their
2. . Copy down the completed song
3. notebooks. Prepare the next lesson .
<b>C/ Experience:</b>

Practice asking and answering to
draw the form

Work in groups to guess the missing
words in the song .

Report their predictions .

Listen to the tape and check their

Read their answers .

Listen and check the results again .

<b>Answer:</b><i> Children of our land <b>unite </b></i>

<i>Let,<sub>s sing for </sub><b><sub>peace ,</sub></b></i>

<i>Let,<sub>s sing for</sub><b><sub> right</sub></b><sub> .</sub></i>

<i>Let,<sub>s sing for the </sub><b><sub>love</sub></b><sub> between </sub><b><sub>north</sub></b></i>

<i>and <b>south</b> , </i>

<i>Oh, children <b>of </b>our land , unite .</i>
<i>Children of the <b>world</b> hold hands .</i>
<i>Let,<sub>s </sub><b><sub>show</sub></b><sub> our love from </sub><b><sub>place </sub></b><sub>to </sub></i>

<i>place .</i>

<i>Let,<sub>s shout </sub><b><sub>out</sub></b><sub> loud ,</sub></i>

<i>Let,<sub>s make a </sub><b><sub>stand</sub></b><sub> ,</sub></i>

<i>Oh , children of the <b>world </b>, hold </i>

Learn how to sing
Listen and copy .

<b> Preparing date:16/11 /08</b>
<i><b> Teaching date:22 /11/08</b></i>

<b>Period 36 CONSOLIDATION </b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

I.<b>Knowledge</b> <i>Students will be able to remind something from Unit 4 to Unit6 and know how</i>
<i>to do well in the next test </i>

<i>Students will be able to summarize the knowledge they have learnt form unit 4 to unit 6 so </i>
<i>that they can supplement what they are short of</i>

<b>II. Skills</b><i>: writing and reading...</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

B <b>/ Procedure :</b>

<b>I. Settlement</b>: Greet and check attendance :8a 8b 8c
<b>II.warm-up</b> : introduce about The next test (5 ms)

<b>III. New lesson</b> <b> </b>(35ms)
1 / <b>Revision</b> :

*. The language focus:

- Present tense with future meaning
- preposition of time : in, on, at, after,
before, between,

- used to

- Modals: may, can, could,should..
- Past simple

- Commands, requests, and advice in

reported speech.

2/ * Exercise : <b>change the following </b>
<b>sentences into reported speed.</b>
1.My husband said to me: “Go to the

2.I said to him:”Stay at home!”
3.My son said to us:”Don’t laugh!”
4.My daughter said to us:”Watch T.V!”
5.He said to her:”Can you speak up”

*Choose the correct forms of the verbs in ..
1.My father used to smoke/smoking a
packet of cigarettes a day.

2.Please stop to ask/asking me question!
3.I’m used to to work/working with the
T.V on.

4.She hopes to have/having a suitable job.

Listen and repeat the uses and forms
of them

Copy down

*. <b>Sentence structures:</b>
-<b>Form</b>:<b>Used to – Infinitive</b>

<b>- Use</b>: <i>when we want to talk about </i>
<i>things that happened repeatedly in </i>
<i>the past but don’t happen now or </i>
<i>have changed</i>

-<b>Adverb of manner</b>:
-<b>Form: </b>adjective +ly

-<b>Use: </b>We can use some words as adj
or adv without adding LY such as :
better, best, hard, …

- <b>Gerund :Form = Verb –ing</b>

<b>-Present simple these with future </b>
<b>meanings: </b><i>we can use the present </i>
<i>simple for the future when we are </i>
<i>talking about a timetable, usually a </i>
<i>public one</i>

<b>-Reported speed:</b>

<b>.reported in affirmative: Form:</b>

<i><b>tell (ask, advise….)+ O + to </b></i>

<b>-Reported speed in negative: Form:</b>

<i><b>Tell (ask, advise…) + O + not+to </b></i>


Work in pairs to practice changing
these sentences into reported speed.

Work in pair

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

5.He enjoys to get/getting up late on
Sunday mornings.

3/ <b>Presenting the next test</b>- give some
supplementary exercises.

IV/ <b>Preparation</b> : (5ms)

- Ask Ss to review Unit 4,5,6 and guid Ss
to prepare

<b>Experience:</b> listen to the introduction

Listen and copy .

<i><b> Preparing date: 24/11/09</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date: 25/11/09</b></i>

<b>Period 37 </b>

<b>Test number 2</b>

<b>A / Objectives :</b>

<b>I.Knowledge</b>: Students will be able to summarize the knowledge they have learnt
form unit 3 to unit 6 so that they can supplement what they are short of .

<b>II/ Skills:</b> Write, read ,listen..
B / <b>Test : </b>

- Ask Ss to implement the regulations of the test lesson .
- Deliver test papers to Ss .

I / <b>Complete the sentences with the suitable words or phrases in the bracket</b>
1. ……….. problem , sir ! ( any / without / no )

2. ……… I help you , madam ? ( should / may / need )
3. Yes . That is very …………of you . ( help / kind / fine )
4. Could you ………….. me a favor ? ( do / make / take )
5. I am ………….. . I am really busy . ( pity / not good / sorry )
6. Do you…………. any help ? ( have / need / think )

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

7. Are you …………forward to the vacation ? ( look / to look / looking )
8. ………... me help you . ( give / let / ask )

II / <b>Complete these sentences with the suitable words or phrases in the brackets</b>
1. Tom is not here . He ……….. to work . ( went / goes /is going)

2. Ask him . . . in.(come/ to come/ coming/is coming) .Don’t keep him……(to
stand/ stand/standing)

3.Don’t forget …(to lock/ locking/ lock) the door before …..(go /to go/going/)
4.I don’t mind……(walking/ to walk/ walked) home,but I’d rather….(get/ to get/

5. I ………….. learning English three years ago . ( started / starting/ start / was


6. The moon……….. around the Earth . ( goes / went / is going / go )
III/ <b>Rewrite these sentences as directed</b>

1. “ Please lend me my book , Lan , “ said Hoa . = > Hoa asked …………
2. “ I will pay back the money . “ said she . => She promised………..

3. “ You should practice speaking English every day , “ => The teacher said we …..
4. “ Could you help me ? “ Mrs Jackson said to Mary . => Mrs Jackson …………..
IV /<b>Listening- Listen andComplete the dialogue</b>

A : ……….. , please ?
B : Sure . What can I do for you ?

A : ……….carry the suitcase for me ? It is heavy .
B : Certainly . I will help you .

A : Thank you very much .
B : ……… .

V / <b>Read the passage carefully , then answer the questions below .</b>

It was the first lesson after the summer holidays at a small school in England . The
lesson was about the seasons of the year . “ There are four seasons in the year , “ said
the teacher . “ They are Spring , Summer , Autumn and Winter . In Spring it is warm
and everything begins to grow . In summer it is hot and there are many flowers in the
fields and gardens . In Autumn there are many vegetables and much fruit . Everybody
likes to eat fruit . In summer it is cold and it often rains . Sometimes there is snow on
the ground . “

Here the teacher stopped and looked at one of the pupils , “ Stop talking , Tom , “
he said . “ Now listen to me . Can you tell us when is the best time of apples ? “

“ Yes , sir , “ answered Tom . “ It is when the farmer is not at home and there is not
dog in the garden . “

Questions :

1. Where did the lesson take place ?
2. What was the lesson about ?

3. What did the teacher ask Tom to do ?
4. What was Tom,<sub>s answer ? </sub>

<i><b>Answer key:</b></i>

I / 2ps Ss get 0,25 ps for each correct one

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

1. no <b>(responding to favors)</b> 2. may <b>(modal verb)</b> 3. kind <b>(responding to</b>
<b>assistance)</b> 4.do(<b>asking for favor</b>) 5. sorry <b>(responding to favors) )</b> 6.
need<b>(asking for favor</b>)

II / 2 ps . Ss get 0,25 ps for each correct verb : 1. went(simple past) 2. to
come(after <b>Ask + to infinitive</b> ) standing(after <b>keep +Gerund</b>) 3 .to lock(after <b>forget </b>
<b>+to infinitive</b>) 4 walking(after <b>mind +Gerund</b>) ,get(after <b>I’d rather +bare </b>

<b>infinitive</b>) 5.started(<b>simple past</b>) 6. goes(<b>simple present</b>)
III / 2,0 Ss get o0,5 ps for each correct one

1.Hoa asked lan to lend her her book.
2.She promised me to pay back the money.
3.The teacher said we should practice E …..
4.Mrs Jackson asked Mary to help her.

V /2 ps. :1. the lesson took place in a small school in England.
2.The lesson was about the season of the year.

3.The teacher asked Tom not to talk.

4.Tom said :” It’s when the class to listen to him and tell him the best time for apples.
IV / 2,o ps

+ Tape script : <i>. </i>

<i>A.Could you help me, please?</i>
<i>B.Sure.What can I do for you?</i>

<i>A.Can you carry the suitcase for me? It’s heavy.</i>
<i>B.Certainly. I will help you.</i>

<i>A.Thank you very much.</i>
<i>B.No problem.</i>

<i><b> </b><b>Preparing date:24/11/09 </b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:26/11/09</b></i>

<b>Period 38 </b>


<b>A./ objectives</b>:


. Knowledge<b>: </b>

- helps Ss revise the knowledge they have learned and evaluate how much they

have got the requirements of the lessons.

- helps teacher evaluate the requirements of getting the objectives of lessons.

II. Skills: Reading, Writing and grammar practice, listening
<b>B./ procedures</b>:

<b>I. Settlement:</b> Greets and checks attendance.

<b>II. Control:</b>

- gives out the testing paper
- call Ss’ marks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

- controls the class.

<i><b> </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> Preparing date: 26/11/09</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date: 28/11/09</b></i>


<b>Period 39</b>

<b> Lesson 1 : Getting Started- Listen and Read </b>

A/ <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson. Ss will be able to know more about Na’<sub>s new </sub>

<b>II/Skills</b>: Listen, Read.

<b>III/Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson.
B/ <b>Procedure : </b>

<b>I/ Settlement : </b>Greeting and checking attendance.
<b>II/ Warm up</b> : <b>Getting started (4ms)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>

- Ask Ss to match the names of places with the suitable pictures

- Ask for their meanings to make sure Ss know exactly what they mean

<i><b>* Answers</b></i> :

a. Grocery store b. Stadium
c. Wet market d. Drug store
e. Hairdresser,<sub>s f. Swimming pool</sub>
<b>III/ Newlesson (36ms)</b>

<b>Teacher’activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1 / <b>Pre - reading</b> : Introduce the topic of
the passage reading and some new words
<b>a.Pre – teach</b>:

- ( Explanation)
- ( Traslation)
- ( Explanation)

<b>b.Guiding questions</b> :

- Set the scene “ Nam and Na are talking
about the place where they live . But Na is
new there . “

2/ <b>While - reading</b> :

- Ask Ss to read silently the dialogue
between Nam and Na then ask them if
their answers are correct or not .
- Give feedback

Ask Ss to do the exercise 2 / 64
individually, then compare with their

- Call on some Ss to read their answers.
- Give Ss some answers and ask them to
make questions .

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice

asking and answering

=> <i>Questions </i>

a. How long has Nam lived here ?
b. Is Na’<sub>s mother tired ? </sub>

c. What kind of food does the restaurant
serve ?

d. What is the food like ?

- Teacher presents the present perfect

<i><b>Vocabulary: </b></i>

- to serve : Phục vụ
- a pancake : Bánh rán

- tasty (a) = delicious (a) : Ngon

<i><b>* Checking vocab</b></i> : <b>What and where</b>
- Listen to the teacher and work in groups
to predict the answers to the guiding

a. How long has Nam lived in that
neighborhood ?

b. Where does Na want to go ?

- Read the dialogue to check their

- Work individually to complete the

<b>feedback </b>

<i> a. new b. last week c. tired</i>
<i> d. restaurant e. Hue f. pancakes</i>

* Answers given

<i>a. Nam has lived here for 10 years .</i>
<i>b. Yes. my mother is too tired to cook . </i>
<i>c. The restaurant serves Hue food . </i>
<i>d. Hue food is very good</i>.

- Work in pairs to practice asking and
answering the questions

<i>Nam has lived here for 10 years.</i>
<i>Na has been here since last week.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>


3/ <b>Post - reading</b> : <b>Write </b>

- Ask Ss to write a passage about their
neighborhood by answering the following


a. How long have you lived in your
neighborhood ?

b. Do you like it ? Why ?

c . Is there a restaurant / post – office /
market / bank / shop in your

neighborhood ?

d.How do you do to keep your
neighborhood clean ?

 Form: S + have / has + p.p

 Use: The present perfect describes a
thing happened in the past, lasts the
present and the future.

* Since + A point of the time
* For + A period of the time
- Write individually

- Demonstrate their writings in front of

<b>IV/ Consolidation</b>: (2ms)

- The content of the text and the present perfect tense.
V/ <b> Homework : (3ms)</b>

1. Write the complete writing about their neighborhood .
3.Prepare the next lesson .

<b>C/ Supplement :</b>


<i><b> Preparing date: 27/11/09</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date: 29/11/09</b></i>


<b>Period 40 </b>

<b>Lesson 2 : Speak </b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/ Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk how to send parcels or
letters at the post office.

<b>II/ Skills:</b><i> </i>Speak<i>.</i>

<b>III/Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson.
<b>B </b>/<b>Procedures : </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

<b>I/ Settlement: </b>Greeting and checking attendance.

II / <b>Warm up</b> : <b>Chatting (3ms) </b>- Show a letter and ask Ss some questions
+ What is this ?

+ Where can I post it to my friend ?
+ How can I post it ?

+ How much ?

+ Is it more expensive when I send a parcel ?
+ Have you ever sent a letter or a parcel ?
Lead in the new lesson

<b>III/ Newlesson: (37ms)</b>

<b>Teacher’activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1/ <b>Presentation</b> :
- ( Translation)
- ( Translation)
- ( Translation)
- ( Explanation)

b.Reading comprehension

- Set the scene “ Mrs Kim wants to send a

parcel to Qui Nhon , so she has to go to
the post office .”

- Give Ss some questions and ask Ss to
work in pairs to compare their answers .
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue and find out
the answers

a. Does Mrs Kim send the parcel airmail
or surface mail ? Why ?

b. What is the weight of her parcel ?
c. How much does she pay ?

- Call on Ss to ask and answer the

2/ <b>Practice </b>:

- Call on a student to play role of Mrs
Kim and practice the dialogue with
teacher ( clerk )

- Call on some pairs to practice the
dialogue . Correct their pronunciation
- Call on some pairs to practice the
dialogue in front of class .

3/ <b>Further practice</b> :

- Set the scene and ask Ss to make the

<i><b>Vocabulary : </b></i>

- Air – mail : Gởi thư bằng đường hàng k
- Surface mail : Gởi thư bằng đường bộ
- Parcel (n) : Kiện hàng

- Weigh (v) : Cân nặng

<i>* Checking vocab</i> : <b>R. O. R</b>
- Work in pairs

- Read the dialogue to find out the

* Answers :

<i>a. Mrs Kim send the parcel surface mail </i>
<i>because it is much cheaper . </i>

<i>b. Her parcel is five kilograms .</i>
<i>c. She pays 19, 200 dongs</i> .

Practice asking and answering the
questions .

Practice the dialogue with teacher .
Work in open pairs

Work in closed pairs .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>


1. Mrs Lan wants to post a letter air mail
- Ask Ss to make the dialogue between
Lan and the clerk in the post office .
- Elicit and encourage Ss to make the
dialogue themselves.

Expected dialogue
Clerk: Can I help you ?

Mrs Lan: I want to send a letter toKontom
Clerk: Do you want to send it airmail or
surface mail?

Mrs Lan: I send it airmail.How much is

Clerk: Let me see. Mmm, 15 grams, it is
only 1,200 dongs.

Mrs Lan: Here you are.
Clerk: Thank you.

- Get Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs
- Divide class into 3 groups, each prepares
a dialogue.

- Call on 2 pairs from each group to
practice their dialogue.

- Get Ss to work in pairs, practicing three
dialogues and move around class to help

Practice the dialogues , using the
situations .

( whole class )
Work in pairs

<b>*Some situation:</b>

<i>2. Postcard / HCM city / airmail / 15 g </i>
<i>3. Parcel / Ca Mau ? air mail / 2 kg </i>
<i>4. Parcel / Buon Me Thuot / surface /5 </i>

Work in groups
Work in open pairs
Work in closed pairs

- Listen and copy .
<b>IV/ Consolidation:</b> (2ms)

- The way to send things at the post office.
V / <b>Homework</b> : (3ms)

1. Copy the three dialogues in their notebooks .
2. Prepare the next lesson .

<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b> Preparing date: 01/11/09</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date: 02/12/09</b></i>


<b>Period 41 </b>

<b>Lesson 3 : Read </b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/ Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the passage
about a new shopping Mall

<b>II/ Skills</b>: Read

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>

<b>III/Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson.
B / <b>Procedures :</b>

<b>I/ Settlrment</b> : Greet and checking attendance.
II/<b> Warm up</b> : <b>Guessing the words</b> (3ms)

- Give Ss the definitions and get Ss to find out the words as quickly as possible .
1. a place where you can buy everything

2. A place where you can buy vegetables and fruit .
3. A place where you can buy books .

4. A place where you can come to eat .

5. A place where you can come to see the movies .

6. A person who comes to the store and buys something .
 Lead in the new lesson

III/ New lesson: (37ms)

<b>Teacher’activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1/ <b>Pre - reading</b> : Introduce the topic of the
passage reading and some new words to Ss :
<b>a.Pre – teach </b>

- (Picture)
- (Explanation)
- (Translation)
- (Picture)
- (Example)
- (Translation)

<b>b.True / False statements:</b>

- Ask Ss to do the task 1 in the textbook.
2/ <b>While - reading</b>

- Ask Ss to read the text silently and check
their prediction their

- Give feedback.

- Explain the meanings of some phrases

- Give feedback.

<i><b>Vocabulary </b></i>:
- A roof : Mái nhà

- Convenient = Thuận lợi
- Air-conditioned: Có điều hịa
- A mall : Khu thương mại
- Product : Sản phẩm
- a resident = Cư dân

*<b>Checking vocab</b>: What and where
- Do as the teacher directs.

- Read the sentences and guess T/F

1.A mall is open six days a week.
2.There are more than 50 stores in the


3.Everyone in the neighborhood is
pleased about the new mall.

4.It will be more comfortable to shop in
the mall than in the present shopping

5.Some of the stores on Tran Phu Street
may have to close .

- Work individually => Work in pairs

<i><b>* Answer key:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>

<b>* Comprehension questions</b> :

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the
questions in the exercise 2/ 68

- Call on Ss to practice asking and answering
the questions

- Get all Ss to work in pairs
- Give feedback

<b>3/ Post - reading</b> :

- Give a situation and ask Ss to discuss it “

Do you want to have a new mall in your
neighborhood ? If there is one , what will
happen to the residents ? “

- Call on some Ss to demonstrate in front of
class .

a.F b.F c.F d.T e.T
- Work in pairs to ask and answer the
questions in the textbook.


1. The mall is open daily

2. There are 50 stores in the mall .
3. Noone is pleased . The owner of the
small stores on Tran Phu Street are not
happy .

- Work in pairs
- Work in groups

<b>IV/ Consolidation</b>: (2ms)

- The content of the text and vocabulary.
<b>V/ Homework</b> : (3ms)

1. Copy their ideas about there is a mall in their neighborhood .
2. Do exercises in workbook .

3. Prepare the next lesson .
<b>C/ Supplement: </b>


<i><b> </b><b>Preparing date: 01/12/09</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date: 03/12/09</b></i>


<b>Period 42</b>

<b> Lesson 4 : Write </b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>

<b>I/ Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a notice
<b>II/ Skills</b>: Writing

<b>III/Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson
<b>B</b>/ <b>Procedures</b> :

<b>I/ Settlement</b>: Greating and checking attendance.
II/<b>Warm up</b> : <b>Chatting (3ms)</b>

1. Have you ever written a notice ?
2. To whom ?

3. What for ?
4. What type ?

=> Lead in the new lesson
III/ Newlesson:(37ms)

<b>Teacher’activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1 / <b>Pre - writing</b> : Introduce the topic of
the writing and the scene “ The residents
and store owners on Tran Phu Street are
going to hold a meeting to discuss the
effects of the new mall . “

- (Translation)
- (Translation)
- (Translation)
- (Example)

<b>b.Guiding questions </b>

a. Why are the residents and store owners
on Tran Phu street going to hold a

meeting ?

b. When will they hold a meeting ? What
time ?

c. Where will they hold the meeting ?
- Get Ss to read the notice and answer
some questions to check their


- Call on some pairs to practice asking
answering the questions .

- Give feedback

- Let Ss know how to write a notice , not
write full sentences .

* Reading :

- Ask Ss to read the passage and ask some

<i><b>* Vocabulary : </b></i>

- An effects : Sự ảnh hưởng
- ( to ) contact : Liên hệ

- A hardware store : Cửa hàng ngủ kim
- ( to ) hold : Tổ chức

- Work in pairs

a. To discuss the effects of the new mall

b. They will hold the meeting on May 20
at 8 p.m

c. They will hold the meeting at 12 Hang
Dao Street , Binh ,<sub>s hardware store .</sub>

Read individually

Practice asking and answering the
questions .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>

questions to check their understanding ,
get them to use short answers .

- Call on some pairs to practice asking
and answering the questions .

2/ <b>While -writing : </b>

- Get Ss to write the notice individually
- Monitor and help them write

- Ask Ss to share with their partners
- Check some notices and correct them
- Write the model notice on the board

3/ <b>Post - writing</b> :

- Ask Ss to write one notice about their
class meeting

- Get them to work in groups.
- Give feedback

1. What is the English Speaking club
going to hold ?

2. Where and when will it be held ?
3. What time ?

4. Who is the person contact ?
- Work in the whole class .
Work individually

Work in pairs
Whole class

Read the correct notice
Suggested answers :

<b>The school English Speaking club</b>
<b>Holding A Speaking Contest to </b>
<b>celebrate teacher,<sub>s day</sub></b>

<b>Date</b> : November 15

<b>Time</b> : 7.30 pm to 10.oo pm
<b>Place</b> : Hall 204 , Building G

Please contact Ms .Tran Thi Thu Hang of

class 8H at the above address for more
information .

- Work in groups

<b>IV/ Consolidation</b>: (2ms)

- Vocabulary and the content of the text.
<b>V/ Homework</b> : (3ms)

1. Write the completed notice in their notebooks .
2. Do exercises in workbook .

<b>C/ Supplement</b>:


<i><b> </b><b>Preparing </b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:05/12/09</b></i>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>

<b>Period 43 </b>

<b>Lesson 5 : Language focus & Speak</b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b> I/ Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use Present Perfect tense

and some adjectives to make comparisons.

Ss will be able to know what Na is going to do on the weekend by listening .
<b>II/ Skills</b>: Read, Write, Speak.

<b>III/Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson
B / <b>Procedures</b> :

I/ <b>Settlement:</b> Greating and checking attendance.
II / <b>Warm up: Matching (4ms)</b>

- Stick a poster of infinitives and Past Participles on the board.
- Divide the class into 2 teams

- Get Ss form 2 teams to go to the board and write each pair of infinitive – past

be see collected go worked lived do seen
eat attended write been written eaten work
attend done live collect gone

Answers :

 be – been write – written
 go – gone live – lived

 see – seen collect – collected
 do – done attend – attended

 eat – eaten work – worked

- Get Ss to repeat in chorus and remember the past participles of irregular verbs .
<b>III/Newlesson: (37ms)</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1/ <b>Presentation :</b>

- Set the scene “ Na is new in Nam’s
neighborhood. They are talking to each

- Give Ss an open dialogue between Nam
and Na , then ask them to complete it
Na : How long ….. you … in this
neighborhood ?

Nam : I ... here …..10 years .
Na : Really . It is a long time .
<b>Exercises</b> :

1. Ex 2 :

- Ask Ss to look at exercise 2 / 69 and
decide which is the length of time and

<b>* Answers :</b> have – lived / have –
lived – for

- Ask Ss to repeat the dialogue and ask
them to practice in pairs .

* Form : <b>have / has + past participle</b>
* Use : to talk about something which
started in the past and continues up to
the present

- We often uses “For“ and “Since“ with
the Present Perfect Tense

<b> For + length of time</b>
<b>Since + starting point</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>

which is starting point .

- Read out a phrase and Ss to add Since or

2. Ex 3 : - Give the cues written on cards
and ask Ss to make full sentences .

- Correct their pronunciation

Example : I / live / here / last week
 I have lived here since last week

3 .Ex 4: Ask Ss to complete the

- Have them work in pairs

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of
class .

- Give feedback

- Ask Ss to work in closed pairs .
4 . Ex 5

<b>* Game : </b>Pelmanism

<i>long</i> <i>sam</i>
<i>modern</i> <i>short</i> <i>big</i> <i>smal</i>


- Show Ss 3 books , a red book and a yellow
one which have the same size and a bigger
brown dictionary then ask Ss to make

Example :

- The red book is the same as the yellow

- The red book is as big as the yellow one
- The yellow book is different from the
brown dictionary.

- The yellow is not as big as the brown

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to do the exercise
5 / 70

Call on some pairs to practice in front of
class .

2/ <b>While - listening</b> :
*. Listening task1 :

- Let Ss listen to the tape twice and give the

- Give feedback
*. Listening task 2 :

Practice in front of class .

Listen and copy .

1. have been 2. hope
3. have lived 4. is
5. want 6. looks
7. have been 8. have seen

Work on the whole class
Work individually

=> Form : <b>The same as + noun</b>
<b> (not) as + adj + as </b>
<b> different from …</b>

Work in pairs
Work in groups

a. not as big as
b. different from

c. different from d. the same as
e. not as big as f. the same as
g. as long as h. not as modern as i. not
as cheap as


a. The new comer b. Town Ground
c.English speaking contest d .Culture

Listen and copy .

: True ? False or No information

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>

- Ask Ss to read the statements in the
exercises 2/66

- Get Ss to guess which is true , which is
false which has no information

- Ask Ss to share their ideas with their
friends .

- Give feedback

- Let Ss listen to the conversation again n
and tick in the correct boxes

3.Comprehension questions

- Ask Ss some questions to check their
understanding of the conversation .
- Turn on the tape again

3/ <b>Post - Listening</b> :

- Ask Ss to work in groups to talk to their
friends about what Na is going to do this
weekend .

- Call on some volunteers from each group
to tell the whole class about Na .

Statements T F No

a.Na does not know
the b neighborhood
very well

b.Na does not like

c.Na will go to the
photo exhibition this

d.Na will not go to the
English speaking

e. Na will go to the
soccer match with

f.Nam is a soccer fan.




a. Does Na like movies ?

b. Why will not she go to see the film “
The New comer “ ?

c. Why will not Na go to the photo
exhibition ?

d. Who will Na go to the soccer match
with ?

e. What time does the match start ?
Listen and copy

Work in pairs
<b>IV/ Consolidation: </b>(2ms)

- The present perfect and “since/for” with present perfect.
<b>V </b>/ <b>Homework</b> : (3ms)

1. Copy all the exercises in their notebooks .
2. Prepare the next lesson .

<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>

<i><b> Teaching date: 09/12/09</b></i>


<b>Period 44 </b>

<b>Lesson 1 : Getting started - Listen and Read </b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I /Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the city life and
the country life.

<b>II / Skills</b>: Listen, Speak

<b>III/ Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson
<b>B / Procedures : </b>

<b>I/Settlement: </b>Greet and check attendance.
<b>II/ Warm up</b> : <b>Chatting (5ms)</b>

- Talk to Ss about life in the city and life in the country by asking some questions
1.Where do you live ?

2.Do you want to live in the city ? Why ?

=> Lead in the new lesson

<b>III/ New lesson:(35ms)</b>

<b>Teacher’activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<b>1 / Presentation</b> : Introduce the topic of the
passage reading and some new words .
<b>a.Pre – teach </b>

- (Example)
- (Explanation)
- (Translation)
- (Translation)
- (Example)

<b>b.Brainstorming:(Getting started )</b>
- Get Ss to talk about city life and country
life. The words in the box of getting started
may help you .

<b>2 / Practice: </b>

<i><b>Vocabulary : </b></i>

- A relative : Bà con

- Peaceful (a) : Thanh bình
- Permanently (adv) : Mãi mãi
- Accessible : Có thể tiếp cận được

- Medical facilities: Cácphương tiện y tế
* <b>Checking vocabulary</b> : <b>R.O.R</b>

- Work in groups
Possible answers :

- tall buildings - beautiful

- plenty kinds of goods - fresh food
- polluted air - fresh air
- traffic jams - friendly
- entertainment - peaceful
- busy

City life Country


<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>

- Ask Ss to practice the dialogue between
Na and Hoa and get more information
- Call on some pairs to practice the

<i><b>* Comprehension questions</b></i> :

- Get Ss to work in pairs to answer the
questions in ex 2 / 73

- Call on some pairs to practice asking

answering the questions in front of class .
- Give feedback

- Ask Ss to work in closed pairs

<b>3/ Further practice</b>:

- Divide the class into 4 groups . Two
groups include Ss who prefer the city life
and the others include Ss who prefer the
country life.

- Ask Ss to work in groups to answer the

- Call on 4 pioneers from 4 groups to show
their ideas before class.

- Read the dialogue in pairs and get

- Practice asking and answering the

<b>*/ Answer :</b>

a. Na has been to Kin Lien village.
b. She was there for the weekend.

c. to her , the countryside is peaceful and
quiet and there is nothing to do.

d. There is no libraries, no movies, no
supermarket, no zoos …

e. Country life is becoming better. Many
remote area are getting electricity.
People can now have things like

refrigerators and TV, medical facilities
are more accessible .

“ Do you prefer the city or the country
life ?Why ? “

- Work in groups

- Demonstrate their ideas in front of

<b>IV/ Consolidation: </b>(2ms)

- Adjectives to describe the life in the country life and city life.
<b>V /</b> <b>Homework </b>: (3ms)

1.Learn by heart new words and copy two lines for each word
2.Copy the answers in their notebooks .

3.Prepare the next lesson .

<b>C/ Supplement: </b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>

<i><b> Preparing date:08/12/09</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:10/12/09</b></i>


<b>Period 45 </b>

<b>Lesson 2: Speak - Listen </b>

A <b>/ Objectives</b> :

<b>I/ Knowledge</b>:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the changes of the
town and listen to get information abuot an arrangement.

<b>II / Skills</b>: Speaking and Listening
<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson
B / <b>Procedures :</b>

<b>I/ Settlement:</b> Greeting and checking attendance.
II/ <b>Warm up</b> : <b>Matching (5ms)</b>

<b>III/ New lesson: (35ms)</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

A.S<b>peaking</b> :

- Asks Ss to rremind what Hoa said about
the countryside nowadays.

- Teacher reminds how to use the
progressive present tense.


- Ask Ss to look at the two pictures on
page 73 and talk to their partners about
the changes of the town . The words in the
box under the pictures may help you
- Write the word prompts on the board so
that Ss can speak easily

- Get Ss to work in pairs
- Monitor and help Ss speak

<b>3.Post - speaking</b>:

- Ask Ss to work in groups and talk about
changes in their hometown /

neighborhood .

- Call on volunteer from each group to

<i> </i>

- Do as the teacher directs.

Things are changing in the countryside.
Many remote areas are getting electricity.
=> The progressive present tense to talk
about the changes in the future.

<i>- traffic - > busy </i>
<i> - sky -> cloudy</i>
<i> - houses -> high </i>
<i> - city -> beautiful </i>
<i> - trees - > green</i>

<b>* Possible answers : </b>

<i>- The traffic is getting busier.</i>

<i>- There are more tall buildings and </i>

<i>- The houses are getting more modern </i>
<i>- The town is becoming more beautiful.</i>
<i>- The streets are becoming cleaner / </i>
<i>larger / noisier </i>

- Demonstrate in front of the class.

Work in group

- Listen and add some ideas.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>

show their ideas before the class . Other
groups can add in their ideas.

<b>1.Pre-listening </b>

- Set the scene “ Aunt Hang is talking to
Lan on the phone . She is coming to visit
Lan in Hanoi “

- Ask Ss to predict information in the

- Feedback.

<b>2.While-listening</b> :

- Turn on the tape and ask Ss to listen and
check their predictions

- Let them listen twice and find out the
missing words individually.

- Ask Ss to share their answers with their

- Call some Ss to read their results
Give feedback


- Ask Ss to play the roles of Lan and Aunt
Hang to practice the dialogue

- Work individually to predict the missing
words and then share ideas with their

- Listen to the tape to check their

- Listen again and share their answers
with their friends .

Work in pairs to practice the dialogue

<i><b>*Answer key</b></i><b>:</b>

1. that 2. this 3. It’s
4. where 5. from 6. coming
7. next week 8. arriving 9. Thursday
10. late 11. afternoon 12. speak 13.
my 14. get

<b>IV/ Consolidation: (2ms)</b>

- The changes of the town and the village.
- Information about arrangements.

<b>V/ Homework</b> : (3ms)

1. Copy down the completed dialogue in their notebooks .
2. Do exercises in work book

3. Prepare the next lesson .
<b>C/ Supplement</b>:


<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>

<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> Preparing date:10/12/09</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:12/12/09</b></i>


<b>Period 46 </b>

<b>Lesson 3: Read</b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/ Knowledge: </b>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the text about
one of the social problems.

<b>II/ Skills</b>: Reading.

<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson
<b>B / Procedures </b>:

<b>I/ Settlement:</b> Greeting and checking attendance.
II/ <b>Warm up</b> : (4ms) <b>Jumbled words</b>

- Write the words with disordered letters on the board .
+ Fulentipl -> plentiful

+ taneru -> nature
+ loofd -> flood
+ roestdy -> destroy
+ viroped -> provide
+ suertl -> result
+ ciliestial -> facilities

- Ask them to write the correct words on the board and repeat chorally , individually
=> Lead in the new lesson .

<b>Teacher’sactivities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1/ <b>Pre- reading</b> : Introduce the topic of the
passage reading and some new words to Ss

- (Explanation)
- (Translation)

- (Translation)
- (Translation)
- (Translation)
- (Explanation)
- (Translation)
<b>b.Brainstorming</b> :

- Ask Ss to think of the difficulties of
farmers’<sub>life </sub>

- Ask Ss to work in groups to guess how
farmers deal with difficulties

- Call on some Ss to report their predictions

<i><b>*Vocabulary</b></i> :

- Strain (n) : Sự quá tải ( dan so )
- Typhoon (n) = storm (n) : Cơn bảo
- Drought (n) : Hạn hán

- to struggle : đấu tranh
- Flood : Lũ lụt
- to increase : Gây nên
- Tragedy : Bi kịch

* <b>Checking vocab</b>: <b> R.O.R </b>
- Work in group

- Work in groups to guess the difficulties

of farmers .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=97>

and write them on the board
2 / <b>While - reading</b> :


- Ask Ss to read the text silently to check
their predictions.

- Teacher asks Ss to answer the question:
- Ask Ss to read the text again and fill in
the gaps.

* <b>Gap- filling</b> :

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete
summary, using the information from the

- Call on some volunteers to report their

- Give feedback

- Ask Ss to read the text again and do the
task 2 on page 75 textbook.

- Call them to report their results

- Give feedback

3 / <b>Post - reading :</b> <b>Discussion</b>
- Give a situation : If you were a Minister ,
what would you do for farmers ?

- Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss
- Call on 4 volunteers from 4 groups to
show their ideas before the class .

droughts / the weather / hard work / no
vacations / lack of clean water /

electricity / insects destroy harvests.

- Read the text and check their

“What do many farmers do to solve their
problem ? “

=> They have to move to the city so that
they can get well – paid jobs

- Answer the question.

- Read the text again and fill in the
missing words.

<i><b>*Answer key</b></i>:

1.leaving 2.home 3.city 4 rural
5.city 6.problems 7.schools
8. hospitals 9. problem 10.world

- Read the text again and do the exercise
2 / 75

- Read the complete results .

a<i>. </i>rural b. plentiful c. increase<i> </i>

d. strain e. tragedy f. urban
Work in groups to discuss
* Suggested answers :

<i>- build streets , theaters , stadiums in the</i>

<i>- build schools , hospitals </i>

<i>- provide clean water , electricity , </i>
<i>facilities </i>

<i>- build factory .</i>

<b>IV/ Consolidation </b>: (2ms)

- Problems in a big city and comparatives.

<b>V/ Homework</b> : (3ms)

1. Write 5 things that government should do for the rural areas .
2. Prepare the next lesson .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b> </b></i> <i><b> Preparing date:14/12/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:16/12/09</b></i>


<b>Period 47 </b>

<b>Lesson 4: Write</b>

A/ <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/ Knowledge: </b>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write letters to their friends
about their neighborhood .

<b>II/ Skills</b>:Writing

<b>III/ Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson
<b>B</b>/ <b>Procedures : </b>

<b>I/ Settlement: </b>Greeting and checking attendance.
<b>II/ Warm up</b> : <b>Revision (5ms)</b>

- Ask Ss to put the outline for an informal letter in the correct order .
- Prepare 6 cards with 6 outlines on them .

- Call 6 Ss to hold them and stand in a random order

- Ask some other Ss to rearrange them in the correct order .
- Write the answer on the board and ask Ss to copy .

1. Heading : - Writer,<sub>s address </sub>
- Date

- Dear ………... ,
2. Opening

3. Body of the letter

4. Closing : Regards, Love, …..
<b>III/ New lesson: (35ms)</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1/ <b>Pre- writing</b> :

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the

- Call on some pairs to practice asking and

answering the questions

- Give feedback.
2 / <b>While writing</b> :

- Ask Ss to write letters to friends telling
about their neighborhood.

- Let them write individually .

- Have them compare with their partners

- Do as the teacher directs.

- Work in pairs to practice asking and
answering the questions

Work individually

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=99>

and correct if they can .

3 / <b>Post - writing</b> : <b>Correction </b>
- Choose some letters to correct before
class and ask them to read them aloud .

( Date )
Dear ....,

I live in ….. , a small town. My family
has a large house with four rooms and a

small garden. My sister and I share one
bedroom. From the bedroom window, I
can see a beautiful park with green tress,
flowers and a pond. we do not live far
form my school so I usually walk there.
In my neighborhood, there is a swimming
pool and a beautiful park. On the

weekend, I often go swimming with my
friends. Early in the morning, I always
jog with my sister around the park. But
the thing I like best in my neighborhood
is the public library near my school.
There I not only can study and read
books but also watch video and learn
how to use the computer.

Do you have a library like that in your
neighborhood? Is there anything

interesting in the place where you live?
Write to me.

I would like to say goodbye now. I am
looking forwards to hearing from you
soon. Love,

( Signature )

Compare with their partners

Exchange their writings to correct .

<b>IV/ Consolidation: (2ms)</b>

- How to write an informal letter.
- An format of informal letter.
<b>V</b> / <b>Homework </b>: (3ms)

- Write their letters on their notebooks
- Prepare the next lesson .

<b>C</b>/ <b>Supplement:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=100>


<i><b> </b></i> <i><b> Preparing date:15/12/09</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:17/12/09</b></i>


<b>Period 48 </b>

<b>Lesson 5: Language focus</b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/ Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use Present progressive
and comparative and superlative adjectives.

<b>II/ Skills</b><i>: Speak, write…</i>

<b>III/ Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson
B / <b>Procedures </b>:

<b>I/ Settlement</b> : Greet and check attendance.
<b>II/ Warm up : </b>Matching (3ms)

A B Key

1. play
2. do
3. watch
4. go
5. clean
6. have
7. phone
8. speak

a. to Mom
b. table tennis
c. a program
d. a meeting

e. my aunt , Mrs Hang
f. the house

g. my homework

h. to violin lesson

Call 2 volunteers from 2 teams to do the matching

<b> III/ New lesson: (36</b>ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<b>1.Language focus 1:</b>

- Ask Ss to practice the dialouge a and b.
- Ask Ss to read shipping information and
make similar dialouges.

- Ask Ss to demonstrate in front of the

- Work in pairs to practice the dialouge.
- Demonstrate in front of the class.
-> Open pairs -> Close pairs

- Work individually to read shipping


- Work in pairs to make the dialouges.
*/Present Progressive <i>Tense is used to </i>
<i>talk about the future . </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=101>

<b>2.Language focus 2</b>

- Ask Ss to use the suitable verbs in the
Present Progressive Tense to complete the

- Get Ss to work in pairs

- Call on some pairs to practice the
dialogues before class and correct

=> What tense do we use in 6 dialogues ?
What is the form ?

Look at the adverbs of time in the
dialogue . Are they at present or in the
future ?

<b>3.Language focus 3: </b>

- Ask Ss to use the verbs and adjectives in
the boxes to complete the sentences.
*/ . Comparative and superlative

- Remind Ss of the forms of comparative
and superlative adjectives

<b>4.Language focus 4</b> : Have Ss work in
pairs to make comparisons between the
city and the country .

Ex : The air in the country is fresher than
in the city

- Let each Student read aloud one of the
sentences they have made .

- Give feedback
Eg :

- The villa is older than the apartment.
- The house is more expensive than the

<i>S1 : Is the boat to Qui Nhon leaving at </i>
<i>11. 30 ? </i>

<i>S2 : Is that good fortune ? </i>
<i>S1 : That is right </i>

<i>S2 : I am very sorry . It has been </i>
<i>delayed . </i>

<i>S1 : Oh , no ! </i>

<i>S2 : Now , it is leaving at 13 .</i> 45
+ Form : <b>am / is / are + V-ing </b>

+ Use : <b>used to describe changes with </b>
<b>get and become </b>

Work in pairs

Answer the questions
Work in pairs

- Work individually to complete the

<i><b>* Answwer key</b></i>:
b.are getting weaker
c.is getting darker

d.The weather is become colder.
e.The students are becoming better.
f.The school yard is getting cleaner.
Repeat the form of comparative and
superlative adjectives

 Comparative :

<b>Short adj - er + than + object </b>
<b> More long adj + than + object </b>

 Superlative : <b> </b>

<b>The + short adjective - est </b>
<b>The most + long adjective</b>
* Irregular adjectives

good/ well – better – the best
bad – worse – the worst
many – more – the most

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=102>

little – less – the least
<b>IV/ Consolidation: (2ms)</b>

- Comparision and the present progressive tense to talk about the future.
V / <b>Homework </b>:

1/Redo all the exercises and copy down
2/ Prepare the next lesson .

<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b> </b><b> Preparing date:17/12/09</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:19/12/09</b></i>

<b>Period 49 </b>


<b> ( P1)</b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to grasp the knowledge they
have learnt in the first semester and know how to supplement what they are short of .
<b>II/Skills</b><i>: </i>write, read…

<b>III/ Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson
B / <b>Procedures</b>

<b>I/ Settlement:</b> Greeting and checking attendance.
II / <b>Warm up</b> : <b>Chatting about daily routine (3ms)</b>
<b>III/ New lesson: (36ms)</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<b>1. Grammar </b>

- Ask Ss to repeat the tenses they have
learnt in the first semester and write on
the board

<b>1.1 The tenses</b> :

- Present Simple / - Past simple
- Present progressive / - Present perfect
- Simple future

<b>1.2 The form of the verbs </b>

- Modal verbs : can , could , may might

- Gerund ( V- ing ) => used after some
verbs such as like / dislike / hate / love /

Repeat the tenses they have learnt .
Listen and copy , then give some more

Listen and copy
Repeat and copy .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=103>

enjoy and prepositions

- Have Ss to repeat and copy , then give
examples with each one .

<b>2. Exercises</b> :

- Using the posters with some exercises to
show .

2.1 Give the correct form of the verbs in
the brackets + Ex 7/ 43 ( workbook ) :
Infinitive or Gerund

+ Ex 5 / 46 ( workbook ) : Past simple or
Present perfect

- Ask Ss to work in pairs

- Call on some pairs to practice in front

of lass

- Ask some Ss to go to the board to write
them on the board

- Give feedback

Work in pairs to the exercises and

exchange their answers with their friends .

Listen and copy

<b>IV/Consolidation: (5ms)</b>

- Complete these sentences with the suitable words or phrases in the brackets .
- Complete the conversation

- Read the passage carefully , then answer the questions below
- Supply the correct tense form of the verb in the brackets
- Listening comprehension

<b> V/Homework</b>: (3ms)

1. Redo all the exercises and copy
2. Prepare the test.

<b>C/ Supplement:</b>



<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=104>

<i><b> Preparing date:21/12/09</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:23/12/09</b></i>
<b>Period 50 </b>


A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/Knowledge</b>: <i>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to grasp the knowledge they </i>
<i>have learnt in the first semester and know how to supplement what they are short of . </i>

<b>II/Skills</b><i>: write, read…</i>

<b>III/ Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson
B / <b>Procedures</b>

<b>I/Settlement:</b> Greet and check attendance.

II / <b>Warm up</b> : <b>Chatting about daily routine (3ms)</b>
<b>III/ New lesson: (34ms)</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

/ <b>Consolidation </b>:
<b>Period 50</b>

1. Grammar

1.1 Comparison
- Comparative
- Superlative
- Like

- (not) as …….. as
- (not) the same as
- different form

Listen and copy , then give some more

Listen and copy
Repeat and copy .

Work in pairs to the exercises and

exchange their answers with their friends .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=105>

1.2 Direct and indirect speech
- Commands

- Requests
- Advice

=> S + told + O +(not) to + V …..

<b>2. Exercises : </b>

- Ex 7 / 48 ( workbook ) : Comparison

- Ex 3 / 33 ( workbook ) / Ex 6/ 51
( workbook )

+ Have Ss work in pairs to do all the

+ Call on some pairs to practice in front
of class

+ Give feedback

Listen and copy

Repeat and give some more examples

Work in pairs

Demonstrate in front of class .

Copy down

<b>IV/Consolidation: (5ms)</b>

- Complete these sentences with the suitable words or phrases in the brackets .
- Complete the conversation

- Read the passage carefully , then answer the questions below
- Supply the correct word form in the brackets

V/<b>Homework </b>: (3ms)

1. Redo all the exercises and copy
2. Prepare the test :

<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=106>

<i><b> Preparing date:22/12/09</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:24/12/09</b></i>
<b>Period 51 </b>


A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/ Knowledge</b>: Students will be able to summarize the basic knowledge they have
learnt to do the test well

<b>II/ Skills:</b> Read, write,listen,..

<b>III/ Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson

<b>I/ Settlement: </b>Greet and check attendance.
<b>II/ Warmer</b>- Deliver the test paper to students .
<b>III/EXERCISES: 42ms</b>

<b>I / Complete these sentences with the suitable words or phrases in the brackets </b>
1 . We must be there( at /before/ between /after )7. 30 and 8 . 15

2. Vietnamese language is different ( as/like / from /with ) English language .
3. She told me ( giving / to give /gave ) you this present .

4. Jane is( as/ like /the most / more ) beautiful than her sister .)
5 . Mary likes( playing/ plays /played /play )the piano .

6. When my uncle was young , he used ( go/ went /going/ to go ) fishing on Sundays
7. He ( left / has left / leaves ) for London a year ago .

8. I have known her ( since / for / at / in ) three years .

<i><b>II / </b></i><b>Complete the conversation</b><i><b> : </b></i>

A : Can I help you ?

B : I would like ……… this parcel to Hanoi

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=107>

A : Do you want to send it airmail or surface mail ?
B : I am not sure . ……….. is airmail ?

A : I will have ……….. the parcel first . Well , two kilograms . That will be 9,000

B : That is not very cheap . But ………..it airmail .
A : All right .

III / <b>Supply the correct tense form of the verbs in the brackets</b> :
1. They ( live ) …………... in Hanoi for 20 years .

2. My aunt ( not go ) ……….. out of her house since she ( buy )………. a color TV
3. The film ( begin ) ………..at 7. 30 pm tonight .

IV/ <i>Read the passage carefully . Then answer the questions below</i> : ( 2,0 Ps )

Chiang Mai is a city in Thailand that has a wonderful night market . In the evening ,
the main street is lined with small stands and shops that sell almost anything you can
imagine . Some stands sell jewelry or clothing , others sell traditional Thai crafts and
still others sell fresh fruit and species . It is easy to spend an entire evening just

looking at everything . If you decide to buy something , you will not be disappointed
The prices are very reasonable . There are a lot of wonderful attractions in Chiang
Mai, but the night market is a favorite for many people.

1. Where is Chiang Mai ?

2. What is Chiang Mai famous for ?

3. What can you buy in some stands in Chiang Mai ?
4. Are the prices expensive ?

<b>V / </b>Listening comprehension : You are going to listen twice . Check (v) the correct box
for True or False :

Statements True False

1. Ba is younger than Lan

2. Lan is shorter than her brother

3. Both Ba and Lan go to school in the morning
4. They love pop music , reading novels .

5. They do not lke playing chess and going swimming
in summer .

6. Ba likes watching war films on TV

<i><b> </b></i>

<b>IV/ Homework: 3ms</b>
1.redo the exercices
2. prepare the next test

<i><b> </b></i>

<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=108>

<i><b> Preparing date:24/12/09</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:26/12/09</b></i>
<b>Period 52 </b>


A / <b>OBJECTIVES</b> :

<b>I/ Knowledge</b>: <i>Students will be able to summarize the basic knowledge they have </i>
<i>learnt to do the test well </i>

<b>II/ Skills:</b><i> Read, write,listen,..</i>

<b>III/ Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson

<b>I/Settlement: </b>Greet and check attendance.
<b>II/ Warmer</b>- Deliver the test paper to students .
<b>III/EXERCISES: 42ms</b>

<i><b>I/ LISTENING</b></i>

<b>*/ Listen and fill in the missing </b>

1. Nam likes fishing but he doesn't like ______________.

2. Huong likes ______________ but she doesn't like ________________.
3. Students in our school are going to collect _______________ at The Central
Stadium on december ________.


<b>Read the passage. Then answer the following questions:</b>

There are different outdoor activities in my school, but I really enjoy taking part in one

sport club called “ Walking for fun” We organized this club last year to help our
school children have a good health and learn well. The regular activity of the club is a

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=109>

3 km walk along the longest street in our city every Sunday morning . Another activity
is walking to school. All the menbers of the club who live near school have to work
instead of riding bicycles 3 days a week. Walking is really interesting

and wonderful

<b>A. Answer the questions </b>

1. Which club does the writer like taking part in ?

---2. Why does he enjoy this club?

---3. What are the activities of the club?

---4. What about the members of the club?

---5.How far is it from the school to the longest street in the city?

. . . ………...

<i><b>III/ LANGUAGE FOCUS</b></i>

<b>Match the questions in column A to the answers in column B</b>

<b> </b>

<b>A B</b>
1. What are you doing on your vacation? A.I usally travel by train

2. What is your hometown like? B.I' m not sure. I think it's about 85 km

3. Who live there? C.I' m going home

4. How far is it from here to your home? D.I prefer the country
5. How do you usually get to your home? E.Oh, yes. I really love it
6. How often do you go to youe home? F.It' s a small beautiful village

7. Do you love your hometown? G.My grandparents, my parents and my brothers
8. Which one do you prefer: the country or the city?H. Twice a week

9. What are you studying ? I.All of them are
10. Are most of your books in English? J. English

1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9……. 10……

<i><b>IV/ WRITING </b></i>

<b>*/ Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the </b>
0. Mrs. Yen said to Long “Can you carry my bag?”

® Mrs. Yen asked Long <i> to carry her </i> bag.
1. Mai said to Nam “Can you listen to me?”
® Mai asked Nam _____ ______ _____ ______.
2. Mr. Pike said to Hoa “Please answer my question.”

® Mr. Pike told Hoa ______ _______ ______ question.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=110>

3. She is a good English speaker.
® She speaks _________ ________.

<b>*/ Use the cues, add some more words to write complete sentences. </b>(1.0 pt)
1. I / be pleased / hear you / pass / exam./


2. Yesterday my teacher/ tell me/ spend more time/ math<b>.</b>

<b>IV/Home work: </b>

- Redo the exercises
- Prepare the next test
<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b> Preparing date:26/12/09</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:28/12/09</b></i>
<b>Period 53 </b>


A / <b>OBJECTIVES</b> :

<b>I/ Knowledge</b>: <i>Students will be able to summarize the basic knowledge they have </i>
<i>learnt to do the test well </i>

<b>II/ Skills:</b><i> Read, write,listen,..</i>


<b>I/Settlement: </b>Greet and check attendance.
<b>II/ Warmer</b>- Deliver the test paper to students .
<b>III/CORRECTION: 42ms</b>

<b>Test (1)</b>

<b>I / Complete these sentences with the suitable words or phrases in the brackets </b>
1 . at

2. from.
3. / to give /.
4. / more
5 . playing.
6. / to go
7 ( left.
8. / for /.

<i><b>II / </b></i><b>Complete the conversation</b><i><b> : </b></i>

A : Can I help you ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=111>

B : I would like <b>to send</b>……… this parcel to Hanoi
A : Do you want to send it airmail or surface mail ?

B : I am not sure . …<b>how much</b>…….. is airmail ?

A : I will have …<b>to weigh</b>…….. the parcel first . Well , two kilograms . That will be
9,000 dong

B : That is not very cheap . But …<b>It’s quicker than</b>………….. airmail .
A : All right .

III / <b>Supply the correct tense form of the verbs in the brackets</b> :

1. They ( live ) <b>have lived</b>…………... in Hanoi for 20 years . (present perfect)
2. My aunt ( not go ) <b>has not gone</b>……….. out of her house since she ( buy )
<b>bought</b>………. a color TV (present perfect/ simple past)

3. The film ( begin ) will begin………..at 7. 30 pm tonight . (simple future)
IV/ <i>Read the passage carefully . Then answer the questions below</i> : ( 2,0 Ps )

Chiang Mai is a city in Thailand that has a wonderful night market . In the evening ,
the main street is lined with small stands and shops that sell almost anything you can
imagine . Some stands sell jewelry or clothing , others sell traditional Thai crafts and
still others sell fresh fruit and species . It is easy to spend an entire evening just

looking at everything . If you decide to buy something , you will not be disappointed
The prices are very reasonable . There are a lot of wonderful attractions in Chiang Mai
, but the night market is a favorite for many people .

1. Where is Chiang Mai ? _<i><b>Chiang Mai is a city in Thailand</b></i>

2. What is Chiang Mai famous for ? –<i><b>It’s famous for a wonderful night market</b></i>.
3. What can you buy in some stands in Chiang Mai ? <i><b>We can buy almost anything we</b></i>

<i><b>can</b></i> <i><b>amagine : jewery, or clothing, traditional Thai crafts and fresh fruit and species</b></i>

4. Are the prices expensive ? –<i><b>No, they are not.They are very reasonable</b></i>
<i><b> Test (2) </b></i>

<i><b>I/ Listening </b></i>

<i> Tapescript for Listening test 2.3 (Grade 8)</i>

1. Nam likes fishing but he doesn't like <i>swimming</i> .
2. Huong likes <i>gardening</i> but she doesn't like <i>cooking</i> .

3. Students in our school are going to collect <i>garbage</i> at The Central Stadium
on December 21st .

4. They are going to plant trees around the school on <i>January</i> 2nd.

<i>II/ READING.</i>

1.He takes part in ‘walking for fun’

2He enjoyed this club because It helped his school children have a good health and
learn well

3. The activities of the club is a 3 km walk along the longest street in ………
4. All the members of the club who live near school have to work instead of……
5.It’s 3 km from the school to the longest street.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=112>


1. ® Mai asked Nam to listen to her .

2. ® Mr. Pike told Hoa to answer his question .
3. ® She speaks English well .

4. Yesterday my teacher told me // to spend more time on (my) math.
<b>IV/ Home work: 3ms</b>

<i>1.redo the exercices</i>
<i>2. prepare the next test</i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<b>C/ Supplement:</b>



<i><b> Preparing date: 07/01/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date: 09/01/2010</b></i>


<b>Period 55 </b>

<b>Lesson 1 : Getting started – Listen and Read </b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I / Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know what they would do
in the situations which require first - aid.

<b>II / Skills:</b> <i> </i>Listen, read

<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Realia for medical things, Poster.
Students: New lesson

B / <b>Procedures</b> :

<b>I / Settlement</b>: Greet and check attendance.

II / <b>Warm up</b> : <b>Kim,<sub>s game</sub></b><sub> ( </sub><i><b><sub>Getting started ) (5ms)</sub></b></i>

- Ask Ss to open their books and look at the things on page 80 for 20 seconds . Tell
them these things are often used for first - aid

- Ask Ss to close their books and go to the board to write the names of the things they
have just seen from memory .

- Have them open the books again and go through the words in English .

<i><b>Suggested answers :</b></i>

1. emergency room 2. sterile dress 3. medicated oil

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=113>

4. ice 5. water pack 6. alcohol

- Have them discuss and write down what they would do in these situations which

require first – aid

- Call on some groups to give their answers and correct

<i><b>Possible answers</b></i> :

+ A girl has a burn on her arm -> Use cold water / ice to ease the pain

+ A boy has a bad cut on his leg -> Use alcohol / medicated oil / sterile dressing
+ A girl has a nose bleed -> Use a handkerchief to stop the bleeding / tell her to lie
down .

+ A boy has a bee sting -> Use medicated oil …
<b>III/ New lesson: 35(ms)</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1/ <b>Presetation: </b>Introduce the topic of the
passage and some new words .

<b>a.Pre teach: </b>
- (Picture)
- (Translation)
- (Translation)
- (Translation)
- (Traslation)
- (Realia)

* <b>Checking Vocab</b>: <b>Slap the board </b>
<b>b.Presentation text:</b>

- Teacher introduces the text and reads the
text as the model.

- Ask Ss to practice the dialouge.

- Ask Ss to read the text again and do the
task 2 in Listen and Read.

- Ask Ss to work individually and then
share ideas with their partners.

- Give feedback.

<b>* </b><i><b>Comprehension questions</b></i>

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and
select the topic covered in the dialogue .
- Have Ss work in groups to write their
answers on a sheet of paper

- Give feedback.
3 Further Practice:
*/. <i>Role play</i>

- Have Ss in turn play the roles to

<i><b>* Vocabulary : </b></i>

- (an) ambulance : Xe cứu thương
- (an) emergence: cấp cứu

- unconscious (adj) >< conscious (adj)
- (to) stop the bleeding: Cầm máu

- (to) cover the wound: Băng vết thương
- a bandage: Băng (để băng vết thương)
- Listen to the teacher and do as the
teacher directs.

- Work in pairs to practice the dialouge.
- Demonstrate in front of the class.

- Read the text again and select the topics
covered in in the dialouge.

- Work individually and then share ideas
with their partners.

<i><b>* Answer key:</b></i>

a - b - e - e - f

- Work in groups to answer the question.

“ What will you do when your friends
fall off ( his/her) bike? “

- Discuss and give the first aid.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=114>

demonstrate the dialogue .
*/. <i>Write - it -up </i>

- Ask Ss to write a story using the
information from the dialogue .
- Tell Ss to begin their story with :
- Monitor and help Ss with their work

<i>“ Yesterday there was an emergency at </i>
<i>……. “ </i>

<b>IV </b>/ <b>Consolidation</b>: (2ms)

- Medical vocab and the way to give th first aid.
<b>V</b> / <b>Homework </b>: (3ms)

1. Let Ss do the exercises in the workbook (1,2 / 55 )
2. Prepare the next lesson .

<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b> </b></i> <i><b> Preparing date:11/01/2010</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:14/01/2010</b></i>


<b>Period 56 </b>

<b>Lesson 2 : Speak </b>

A/ <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/ Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to make and respond to
requests, offers, and promises.

<b>II/ Skills</b>: Speak

<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Poster.
Students: New lesson
<b>B/Procedures</b> :

<b>I/ Settlement</b>: Greeting and check attendance.
II<b> Warm up</b> : <b>Net work</b> (5ms)
Possible answers :

- have a snake bite
- have a burn
- have a cut
- have a bee sting
- have a nose bleed ...


<i><b>Situations which</b></i>
<i><b>require first </b></i>–

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=115>

<b>III/ New lesson:</b> (35ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

1 / <b>Pre - speaking</b> : Introduce the topic of
the speaking and some models sentences .
*/. Set the scene :

- Ask Ss some questions to elicit the

- Have Ss repeat 2 or 3 times before
writing them on the board ( underline the
key words )

=> Concept checking

- Get Ss to work out the rules for
themselves by asking questions .

- After formulating the model sentences ,
elicit some more phrases with the same
use from students .

- Ask Ss to copy down .

2 / <b>While - speaking</b> : Matching :
- Hang the chart with the statements on
the board .

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures (page 82)
and match the situations with the


1. The girl has a burn on her hand .
2. The girl has a bad fever .

3. The boy has just broken the vase .
4. The boy has a headache .

5. The boy has a snake bite .
- Give feedback.

<i><b>*. Picture Drill</b></i> :

- Identify the situations in the pictures
Picture a) -> request

“ b) -> offer / request
“ c) -> offer / request
“ d) -> offer

“ e) -> promise

a. Will you ( please ) get me a bandage ?
b. Would you like to come to my party ?
c. I promise I will finish my homework
before bedtime .

<i>a. I want you to get me a bandage . How </i>
<i>can I say ? </i>

<i>b. I would like you to come to my party . </i>
<i>How can I say ? </i>

<i>c. I tell my mother that I will surely finish </i>
<i>my work before bedtime . How can I say ?</i>
<i><b>*/To make a request</b></i> :

- Will / Would / Could / Can + you + V ?

<i><b>* Reponses</b></i> :

+ Sure / Ok / All right .

- I am sorry. I can’t / I am afraid not.

<i><b>*/To make an offer </b></i>

- Will/Won,<sub>t you/ Shall I/ Can I + V …?</sub>
- Would you like + to V …?

- What can I do / get for you ?
- Can I get you …?

<i><b>* Responses</b></i> :

+ Yes, please./ That would be nice.
- No, thank you.

<i><b>*/ To make a promise </b></i>

I promise I will / I will not …
I will … I promise .

I promise to ……

<i><b>* Reponses : </b></i>

I hope. / Good. / I am glad. / Do not forget
*/ Answer:

<i>1.a 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. c </i>

<b>* Suggested answers</b> :

<i>b.A: Can I get you some wate / medicine? </i>
<i> B: Yes, please . </i>

<i>c.A: Can I get you some bandage ? </i>
<i> B: That would be nice </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=116>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs
+ Model :

- Could you give me a bandage , please ?
- Sure . Here you are

- Call on some pairs to demonstrate the

exchanges in front of class.

3 / <b>Post - speaking</b> :

- Get Ss in turn to practice all the

- Monitor and correct, encourage Ss to
make sentences for themselves.

- Collect their ideas and write them on the

<i>d.A: You must have a fever. Can I get you </i>
<i>some medicine / water ? </i>

<i> B: No, I am fine. Thank you. </i>

<i>e.A: I promise I will not play soccer in the</i>
<i>house again . </i>

<i> B: I hope so.</i>

Pair work ( closed pairs )
Listen and copy

<b>IV/ Consolidation</b>: (2ms)

- The expressions for requests, offers, promises
<b>V</b> <b>/ Homework</b> : (3ms)

- Do exercise 3, 4/ 56 ( workbook )
- Prepare the next lesson .

<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b> </b></i> <i><b> Preparing date:14/11/2010</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:16/11/2010</b></i>


<b>Period 57 </b>

<b>Lesson 3 : Listen </b>

A/ <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/ Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to listen for
details about the activities taking place in an emergency room.

<b>II/Skills</b><i>: </i>Listen

<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Poster.
Students: New lesson
<b>B/Procedures</b> :

<b>I/ Settlement:</b> Greet and check attendance

II/ <b>Warm up</b> : <b>Guess from context What action ?</b> (5ms)

- Ask Ss to look at the picture and write out all the verbs describing the actions of the
people in it.

- Tell Ss the group having the most right verbs is the winner.

- Give feedback : to drive, wheel / move / push, weight, wait, lie, stand, lean.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=117>

<b>III/ New lesson:</b> ( 37 ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

1 / <b>Pre- listening</b> : Introduce the topic of
the listening and some new words

<b>* Pre-teach: </b>
- (Picture)
- (Explanation)
- (Picture)
- (Picture)
- (Picture)

<i><b>* Matching</b></i> :

- Ask Ss to look at the picture in their
books again and match the letter A, B,C,
D, E, F to the correct words in the box.
- Call on some volunteers from each
group to demonstrate in front of class .

- Give feedback

2 / <b>While – listening</b> :
<b>*/ Order Prediction </b>

- Rub out the letter ( A, B …) but leave
the words.

- Tell Ss they are going to listen to a
paragraph about the activities taking place
in an emergency room which contains the
words on the board

- Put the words in the table.

- Have Ss copy and guess the order of the

- Play the tape and ask Ss to listen

- Ask Ss to give their answers and correct
<b>*/ True / False statements</b>:

- Stick the chart with the statements on
the board.

- Ask Ss to read the statements carefully
and check if they understand the meaning
of the statements

- Have Ss work in pairs to decide which
statements are true and which are false.
- Play the tape and have Ss listen ( 2 or 3


- an eye chart : Bảng đo thị lực

- a parademic : he takes care of patients
but he is not a doctor nor a nurse

- a wheelchair : Xe lăn
- a stretcher : Cái cáng

- a crutch -> crutches : Cái nạng
* <b>Checking vocab: What and where</b>
- Work individually and then share their
ideas with their partners.

<i><b>* Answer key: </b></i>

A -> ambulance D -> eye chart
B -> wheelchair E -> scale
C -> crutches F -> stretcher

Guess key
eye chart


<b>*/ True / False statements:</b>

1.A doctor is wheeling a patient into the
emergency room.

2.The patient,<sub>s head is bandaged.</sub>

3. A nurse is pushing a wheelchair with a
patient sitting on it.

4.The eye chart consists of 28 letters
ranging in the different size.

5.The baby’<sub>s mother is trying to stop the </sub>
nurse from weighing her baby.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=118>

times )

- Call on Ss to read their answers and give

<b>3/ Post – listening</b> : <i>Write it up </i>

- Have Ss write the story about the

activities in the picture, using the Present
Continuous .


1. False ( a parademic not a doctor )
2. True

3. False ( empty wheelchair not with a
patient )

4. True

5. False ( stop her baby from crying)
<i>“ This is the emergency room in a large</i>
<i>hospital ….. “ </i>

<b>IV/</b> <b>Consolidation: (2ms)</b>

- The knowledge they have learnt.
<b>V </b>/ <b>Homework :</b> (3ms)

1.Ask Ss to do the exercises (3,4 / 56 in the workbook)
2.Prepare the next lesson.

<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b> </b></i> <i><b> Preparing date:18/01/2010</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:20/01/2010</b></i>


<b>Period 58 </b>

<b>Lesson 4 : Read</b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I / Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for the instructions
about some more situations requiring first – aid

<b>II / Skills</b>: Reading
<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Poster.
Students: New lesson
<b>B / Procedures</b>

<b>I / settlement: </b>

<b>II / Warm up</b> : <b>Bingo (5ms)</b>

- Ask Ss to give nouns for emergencies which require first – aid and write them on the
board ( burn, cut, bee sting, snake bite, fainting, shock, nose bleed )

- Have Ss choose 4 any 4 words on the board and write them down on a piece of paper

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=119>

- Call out the words until someone has ticked all the four words and shouts “ Bingo “
<b>III/ New lesson: (35ms)</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1/ <b>Pre – reading</b> : Introduce the topic of
reading passage and some new words to

- (Translation)
- (Explanatio)
- (Translation)
- (Explanation)
- (Translation)
- (Translation)
- (Translation)
<b>b.Open prediction:</b>

- Teacher gives the question and asks Ss
to predict the answers.

- Give feedback.
<b>2 / While – reading</b> :
a.Activity 1:

- Have Ss open their books and read the
instructions page 83

- Ask Ss to go to the board and add the
missing information .

- Give feedback.
b.Activity 2:

- Ask Ss to read the statements on page 84
and choose a correct case for each of the

Give feedback
*. Grid

- Draw the grid on the board .

- Ask Ss to read the instructions again and
fill the information .

- Call on some Ss to the board to write
their answers

<i><b>* Vocabulary</b></i> :

- to lie flat : Nằm sõng xoài
- to elevate >< to lower : Nâng lên
- a victim : Nạn nhân

- to overheat : Làm nóng
- tissue damage : Tổn hại mô
- to ease : Làm dịu

- to revise: Làm tỉnh lại

* <b>Checking vocab</b> : <b>R . O. R</b>

“ What will you do if someone has
fainting, a shock, or burns? “

- Work individually -> in pairs.

- Read and check their prediction.

- Work individually and then share their
ideas with their partners.

* Answer key:
a -> A
b -> B
c -> A
d -> C
e -> A

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=120>

- Give feedback

- Have Ss copy the grid in their notebooks
3 / <b>Post – reading</b> :

- Ask Ss to work in groups to continue
discussing how to give first aid .

- Call on some volunteers from each
group to demonstrate in front of class .

<b>IV / Consolidation</b>: (2ms)

- A first aid course of the fainting, Shock and burns.
<b>V /</b> <b>Homework</b> : ( 3ms)

1.Let Ss do the exercises 6,7 in the workbook .
2.Prepare the next lesson .

<b>C / Experience :</b>


<i><b> Preparing date:19/01/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:21/01/2010</b></i>


<b>Period 59 </b>

<b>Lesson 5 : Write & language focus</b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/ Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to write a
thank-you note. how to use “ in order to, so as to “to indicate purpose, Future simple and
Modal “will“ to make requests, offers and promises.

<b>II/ skills</b>: Write and speak..

<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Poster.
Students: New lesson
B /<b>Procedures </b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=121>

<b>I / Settlement</b>: Greet and check attendance.

II / <b>Warm up : (5ms) </b>- Ask Ss to repeat the uses and forms of “ In order to / so as
to + V infinitive “ “ Future simple “ and “ Modal Will “

- Summarize and hang the charts with models and uses of them .
+ Negative purposes : In order not to + V / So as not to + V

Eg : You have to take your warm clothes with you in order not to get bad cold.
- Have Ss copy .

<b>III/ New lesson: (35ms) </b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1 <b>/ Pre – writing</b> : Introduce the topic of
the writing and some new words to Ss
*. Pre- teach

Have Ss copy

* <b>Checking technique</b> : <b>slap the board</b>

*. Set the scene

- Ask Ss to close their books and listen “
Nga was sick and she had to go to the
hospital . After she left the hospital , she
wrote a thank – you note to Hoa . Why
and what did she write ? “

*. True / False Predictions

- Hang the poster with the statements on
the board


- Ask Ss to read the statements and
predict .

- Get S to give their predictions and write
them on the board.

- Ask Ss to look at the letter and complete
it with the right verb forms.

- Monitor and help Ss with the tense

- Call on some Ss to give their answers
and give feedback.

- Ask Ss to read the whole letter and
check if their prediction are right or not.

2 / <b>While – writing :</b> <b>Questions and </b>

Vocabulary :

- to thank Sb for sth

Eg : She thanked me for helping her
- to cheer Sb up = to make Sb feel

- to come over ( translation)
Whole class


<i><b>* True / False Predictions</b></i>

a Nga writes to thank Hoa for some come

b.Hoa’<sub>s gift cheered Nga up.</sub>

c.Nga‘<sub>d like Hoa to see her at the hospital.</sub>
d.Nga is very bored now.

e.Nga writes the letter at the hospital.

Answer key :

1. False -> flower ( not candy ) 2. True
3. False -> at her house ( not at the
hospital )

4. True

5. False -> at her house ( not at the
hospital )

T – Ss

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=122>

- Tell Ss they are going to write a thank –
you note to a friend and invite him / her to
go on a picnic with them.

- Ask Ss to read the questions carefully to
answer orally.

- Have Ss practice speaking to each other.
- Monitor and correct.

- Get Ss to join the sentences into a
paragraph to make it a thank – you note.
- Tell Ss to write their letters in their
exercise notebooks.

3 / <b>Post – writing</b> : <b>Exhibition </b>
- Divide the class into 4 groups and

choose a letter randomly in each group.
- Compare their letters and correct.
- Call on some more Ss to read their
letters for class

- Give feedback and correct.

T – Ss

<b>IV/ Consolidation:</b> (2ms)
- Guide Ss to do Ex1,2,3

V/ <b>Homework </b>: (3ms)

1.Ask Ss to use the same format to write another letter to another friend for another
occasion .

2.Do the exercises in the workbook .
<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b> </b></i> <i><b> Preparing date:21/01/2010</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:23/01/2010</b></i>

<b> UNIT 10 : RECYCLING</b>

<b>Period 60 </b>

<b>Lesson 1 : Getting startesd – Listen and read</b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I / Knowledge</b>:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do something to protect the
environment and save natural resources.

<b>II / Skills</b>: Listen and read.

<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Lesson plan.
Students: New lesson
B /<b> Procedures</b> :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=123>

<b>I / Settlement</b>: Greet and check attendance.

II /<b> Warm up</b> : <b>Brainstorming(Getting started)</b> (5ms) Reuse plastic bags
The ways to reduce the amount ofgarbage

( Use cloth bags , use tree leaves to wrap things , make garbage into fertilizer , make
vegetable matter into animal food … )

<b>III / New lesson</b> (35ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1/ <b>Pre – reading</b> : Introduce the topic of
the passage reading and some new words
to Ss .

*Pre – teach

 Have Ss copy .

- Stick 6 flashcards with jumbled words
on the board

- Ask Ss to rewrite the words in the right

- Tell Ss the first two groups with right
words will get 2 points .

- Correct and give feedback
*. True / false predictions

- Set the scene “ A representative from
Friends of the Earth , Miss Blake , is
talking to the students of Quang Trung
School . Friends of the Earth shows
people how to protect the environment
and save natural resources “

- Put the chart with the statements on the
board .

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to decide if the
statements are true or false .

- Call on some Ss to read their guesses

and write them on the board .

<b>2 / While – reading : </b>
*. Checking predictions

- Ask Ss to open their books , listen to the
tape while reading the dialogue .

- Call on Ss to correct the false statements.
- Give feedback

<i><b>Vocabulary </b></i><b>: </b>

- representative (n) = dai dien
- to protect = Bao ve

- natural resources (n) : Tai nguyen TN
- to recycle : Tai che

- to contact : Lien he

* <b>Checking technique</b> : <b>Jumbled words</b>

* Key: contact – representative – resource
natural – protect – recycle

<i><b>T / F statements:</b></i>

1.Friends of the Earth is an organization to
help people make friends with each other.

2.Miss Blake asks the students to remember
3 things: reduce, reuse, recycle.

3.Reduce means buying the products which
are over packed.

4.We can not reuse things like envelopes,
glass, plastic bottles, old plastic bags.
5.Miss Blake says that we should use cloth
bags and should not use plastic bags at all .
6. Recycling means not just throwing things
away but trying and finding another use for

<b>*/ Answer</b>:

1. False -> an organization to help people
2. True

3. False -> Reduce means not buying …
4. False -> We can reuse things …

tconatc psentreretiv


ralnatu ropttce cyrecel

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=124>

*. Comprehension questions :

- Ask Ss to look at the questions and work
in pairs .

- Monitor and help Ss with their work
- Call on some pairs to practice asking and
answering the questions .

- Give feedback

3/ <b>Post – reading</b> : <b>Discussion </b>

- Ask Ss to express their opinions / ideas
on this topic .

- Write their ideas on the board into a list
- Give feedback, correct and hove them

5. True 6. True

a.Reduce means not buying products which
are over packed.

b.We can reuse things like envelopes, glass,
plastic bottles and old plastic bags.

c.Recycle means not just throwing things
away. Try and find another use for them.
d.We can look for information on recycling

things by having a contact with an

organization like Friends of the Earth, going
to the local library or asking your family
and friends.

e.We should not use plastic bags because
when we throw them away, they could stay
very long and could not be self- destroyed.
- Work in groups to discuss.

<b>“How to protect our environment ?”</b>

<b>IV / Consolidation: </b>

- How to reduce the garbage.
V <b>/ Homework</b> : (3ms)

1. Write the questions and full answers in your exercise notebook.
2. Do the exercises ( 1,2 ) in the Workbook.

<b>C / Supplement:</b>


<i><b> </b></i> <i><b> Preparing date:25/01/2010</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:27/01/2010</b></i>

<b> UNIT 10 : RECYCLING</b>

<b>Period 61 </b>

<b>Lesson 2 : Speak - Listen</b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>II/ Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice giving and
responding to instructions and listening for specific information about making

<b>II/ Skills</b>: Speak and listen

<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Poster.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=125>

Students: New lesson
B / <b>ProcedureS</b> :

<b>I/ Settlement:: </b>Greet and check attendance.
II/<b> Warm up</b> : (5ms) <b>Kim’<sub>s game </sub></b>

* Possible answers : Used paper, old newspapers, books, cardboard boxes, bottles,
glasses, jars, plastic bags, food cans, drinking tins, vegetable matter, clothes, shoes,
school bags …

* <b>Speak</b>

<b>III/ New lesson: (37ms)</b>

<b>Teacher’ activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1 / <b>Pre- speaking</b> : Introduce the topic of
the speaking and some new words to
students .

<b>* Pre-teach </b>

<b>Checking technique</b> : <b>Bingo </b>
<b>* Dictation list : </b>

- Tell Ss they are going to listen to the
words for items and put them into the
right groups .

- Draw the table on the words and put
them in the right columns .

- Model some words .

- Read the words aloud , slowly and
jumble them up

- After listening , ask Ss to work in pairs
and give their answers .

- Read the words again and correct

2 / <b>While – speaking</b> :
Mapped dialogue :

- Put the mapped dialogue chart on the
board .

- Elicit the exchanges from students
- Have some pairs practice each exchange
before going on to another exchange .
- After fishing the dialogue , ask a good
pair to demonstrate the whole dialogue .
a. Open pairs :

<b>Vocabulary :</b>

<i>- Fertilizer (n) : Phan bon</i>
<i>-> to fertilize </i>

<i>- Compost (n) : Phan xanh</i>
<i>-> compost heap </i>

<i>- Fabric (n) = material </i>
<i>- Leather (n) : Da thuoc</i>

<b>Group</b> <b>Items</b>

Paper used paper (old


Glass ( bottles , glasses , jars )
Plastic (Plastic bags , plastic

bottles )

Metal ( food cans , drinking
tins ..)

Fabric Clothes ( cloth bags ,
material )

Leather ( shoes , sandals ,
schoolbags )


Fruit Peels ( vegetable ,
rotten fruits )


Which group ( do Put ( them ) in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=126>

- Ask some pairs to practice in front of
class .

b. Closed pairs :

- Ask Ss to work in pairs , replacing the
information with the words in the

dictation list

- Monitor and correct .

3 / <b>Post speaking</b> : <b>Listening </b>
Multiple choice :

- Tell Ss they are going to listen to an
expert who gives the instructions to make
compost .

- Ask Ss to open their books and read the
multiple choice questions

- Have them guess the answers

- Turn on the tape 2 or 3 times , Ss listen
and do the exercise .

- Get Ss to give their answers and correct
- Have them copy

clothes ) belong
to ?

What can we do

( those clothes ) ?
Is / are ( fruit
matter ) ?

What will we do

(it ) ?


We can ( recycle
them and make
them into paper or
shopping bags .
That is right
We make ( it into
compose and
fertilizer our field .

<b>Answers</b> : <i>a. A b. B c. A d. B</i>

Pair work
IV / <b>Home work</b> : (3ms)

1. Copy down the dialogue , replacing the information .

2. Do the exercises in the work book.

3. Prepare the next lesson .
<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b> </b></i> <i><b> Preparing date:26/01/2010</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:28/01/2010</b></i>

<b> UNIT 10 : RECYCLING</b>

<b>Period 62 </b>

<b>Lesson 3 : Read</b>

<b>A /</b> <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I / Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the main ideas
for the textand the passive form in the Present Simple.

<b>II / Skills</b>: read

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=127>

<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Poster.
Students: New lesson
<b>B /</b> <b>Procedures</b> :

<b>I / Settlement</b>: Greet and check attendance.
II / <b>Warm up</b> : <b>Word square</b> (5ms)

<b>E</b> <b>N</b> <b>V</b> <b>I</b> <b>R</b> <b>O</b> <b>N</b> <b>M</b> <b>E</b> <b>N</b> <b>T</b>
<b>N</b> <b>B</b> <b>C</b> <b>G</b> <b>A</b> <b>R</b> <b>B</b> <b>A</b> <b>G</b> <b>E</b> <b>R</b>
<b>V</b> <b>E</b> <b>D</b> <b>R</b> <b>D</b> <b>O</b> <b>P</b> <b>P</b> <b>U</b> <b>R</b> <b>E</b>
<b>E</b> <b>J</b> <b>U</b> <b>E</b> <b>Y</b> <b>I</b> <b>L</b> <b>A</b> <b>R</b> <b>S</b> <b>C</b>
<b>L</b> <b>U</b> <b>S</b> <b>E</b> <b>D</b> <b>P</b> <b>A</b> <b>P</b> <b>E</b> <b>R</b> <b>Y</b>
<b>O</b> <b>S</b> <b>T</b> <b>N</b> <b>O</b> <b>T</b> <b>S</b> <b>E</b> <b>D</b> <b>E</b> <b>C</b>
<b>P</b> <b>R</b> <b>O</b> <b>T</b> <b>E</b> <b>C</b> <b>T</b> <b>R</b> <b>U</b> <b>U</b> <b>L</b>
<b>E</b> <b>A</b> <b>B</b> <b>R</b> <b>C</b> <b>A</b> <b>I</b> <b>B</b> <b>C</b> <b>S</b> <b>E</b>
<b>R</b> <b>E</b> <b>C</b> <b>E</b> <b>E</b> <b>N</b> <b>C</b> <b>A</b> <b>E</b> <b>E</b> <b>K</b>
<b>D</b> <b>E</b> <b>E</b> <b>E</b> <b>F</b> <b>G</b> <b>H</b> <b>G</b> <b>I</b> <b>J</b> <b>L</b>

- Tell Ss the topic about the environment and there are 12 hidden words.
- Divide the class into 4 groups.

- Ask Ss to write their answers on a piece of paper and hand in when they finish
- Tell Ss the group with the most right words is the winner .

Answer key: environment, garbage, pure, used paper, protect.

envelope, dust, green tree, can, plastic, paper bag, reduce, reuse, recycle
<b>III / New lesson: (34ms)</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1 / <b>Pre – reading</b> :Introduce the topic of
the passage reading and some new words
to students .

<b>a. Pre- teach: </b>

- Get Ss to copy in their notebooks
<b>b. T / F statements:</b>

- Teacher sticks the poster with T/F
statements on the board.

- Asks Ss to read all the statements and
guess T/F statements.

- Give feedback.
<b>2 /While – reading</b> :

- Ask Ss to open their books and read the

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to check their
prediction. .

- Give feedback.

<i><b>Vocabulary </b></i>:

- a flooring cover: Tham trai nha
- (to)melt: Lam tan ra

- deposit (n) :Tien dat coc
- (to) refill : Lam day lai
- Dung(n): Phan thu vat

<b>* Checking vocab</b> : <b>R.O.R</b>
- Do as the teacher directs.
* <b>T / F statements:</b>

a.Car tires can be used to make pipes,
floor covering and shoes.

b.The empty bottles can be used only one

c.People collect glass and send to the
factories to make new glassware.
d.Farmers use household and garden
waste to make compost.

- Read and guess.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=128>

<b>* Comprehension questions:</b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the
questions .

- Get them to compare their answers with
their friends .

- Call on some pairs to practice asking
and answering the questions .

- Give feedback

<b>3 /Post – reading</b> :

- Ask Ss to look at their books and
complete the sentences to make a list of
recycled things.

- Call on some Ss to read their answers
aloud .

 The sentences they have read
are the passive .

- Give Some examples and ask Ss to do
the task.

- Share their ideas with their partners.
*/<b>Answer</b>: a. People cleaned and refilled
empty milk bottles.

b.The glass is broken up, melted and made
into new glassware.

c.The Oregon government made a new law
that there must be a deposit on all drink cans.
d.Compost is made from household and
garden waste.

e.If we have a recycling story to share, we
can call or fax the magazine at 5265456.
Passive Form in the present Simple

<b>S + am/ is / are + Past participle</b>
- It is used when the subject is affected by
the action of the verb .

- How to change an active sentence to a
passive voice :

Active S V O
Passive S + be + PII by + O
eg : I love you

You are loved by me
1. Lan like pop music .

2. They play table tennis every day
<b>IV/ Consolidation:</b>

- The content of the text and how to passive voice.
V / <b>Homework:</b>

1. Copy down all the passive sentences in their note books .
2. Do the exercises in the workbook .

3. Prepare the next lesson .
<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b>Preparing date:28/01/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:30/01/2010</b></i>

<b> UNIT 10 : RECYCLING</b>

<b>Period 63 </b>

<b>Lesson 4 : Write</b>

A /<b> Objectives</b> :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=129>

<b>I / Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a set of instructions,
using the sequencing.

<b>II / Skills</b>: write.

<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Poster.
Students: New lesson
B / <b>Procedures:</b>

<b>I / Settlement: </b>Greet and check attendance.
II / <b>Warm up</b> : <b>Lucky numbers (5ms)</b>
- Write 9 numbers on the board from 1 to 9
1. Lucky number

2. Say this sentence in he passive “people speak English everywhere“
3. Say this sentence in the active “cartoons are liked by most children“
4. Lucky number

5. Lucky number

6. Say this sentence in the passive “We do not use things carefully.“

7. Say this sentence in the active “ Are candies liked by the children? “
8. Say this sentence in the passive “Mr Han teaches Maths.“

9. Say this sentence in the passive “Children do not eat too meat.“
- Divide the class into 2 teams .

<b>III / Newlesson</b>: (35ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1<b>/ Pre- writing</b> : Introduce the topic of
the writing and some new words to Ss
<b>a.Pre-teach: </b>-> Have Ss copy down .
- (Translation)

- (mime)
- (Translation)
- (Translation)
- (Translation)

<b>b. Gap-fill </b>:

- Ask Ss to read a text about how to
recycle used paper and fill in the gaps
with the suitable words in the box..
- Ask Ss to work individually and then
share their their ideas with their partners.
- Feedback

2 / <b>While – writing</b> :

<b>Vocabulary </b>:
- to soak : Ngam
- to mash : Nghien

- wire mesh (n) : luoi dien
- to scatter: Rai

- to wrap: Goi

<i>* Checking vocaby</i> : <b>Slap the board</b>

- Do as the teacher directs.

- Read the the instructions and then


<b> 1.use 2.mix 3.place 4.press </b>
<b> 5.wrap 6.wait 7.dry</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=130>

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and make
the instructionson how to prepare the tea
leaves, using the given words in the box.
- Feedback

3 / <b>Post – writing</b> :

- Ask Ss to swap their writing on the

board and correct together.

- Give feedback.

- work individually to practice writing the
instructions on how to prepare the tea
leaves to keep mosquitoes away.
<b>* Answer:</b>

a.First take the used tealeaves from the tea

b.Next, scatter the tealeaves on a tray.
c.Then, dry the leaves in the sun.

d.Finally, put the dry leaves in a pot for
future use.

<b>IV / Consolidation</b>:

- How to writte the instructions uding sequence markers.
<b>V</b> / <b>Homework</b> : (3ms)

1. Write the instructions on how to make a thing you have ever made using the

2. Prepare the next lesson .
<b>C/ Supplement:</b>



<i><b>Preparing date:31/02/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:03/02/2010</b></i>

<b> UNIT 10 : RECYCLING</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=131>

<b>Period 64 </b>

<b>Lesson 5 : Language focus </b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I / Knowledge</b>: <i>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to form the passive in Present</i>
<i>simple / Future simple and structures with Adjectives</i> .

<b>II / Skills</b>:write, read..,.

<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Poster.
Students: New lesson
<b>B / Procedures</b> :

<b>I / Settlement:</b> Greet and check attendance.
II /<b> Warm up</b> : <b>Questions game (5ms)</b>

- Call on a student to go to the board and give him or her a job name .
- Ask the rest of the class to guess the job by asking yes-no questions
- The chosen student can only answer yes or no

- Tell someone who can guess the right job will get a point and take the place of the
last chosen student .

Example questions :
Do you get a big salary ?

Do you wear uniform ?
<b>III/ New lesson</b>: (37ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1/ <b>Language focus</b>
*. <b>The passive forms</b>
Ex 1 : Work with a partner
- Ordering pictures :

+ Ask Ss to read the instructions and look
at the pictures to put them in the correct
order according to the instructions
+ Call on some groups to give their

+ Give feedback
- Writing :

+ Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences in the
passive form

+ Let them compare their writing and ask
Ss to go to the board and write their

+ Correct and give feedback

- Show Ss the questions ( o) and ask them
to fill in the gaps , using the Passive
- Call on Ss to give their answers and

*/. <b>Adjectives followed by an infinitive / </b>

-<b>Passive Form in the Present Simple</b>
<b>S + am / is / are + past participle </b>

=> It is used when the subject is affected
by the action of the verb .


<b>a.1 b.4 c.3 d.5 e.2 f.6</b>
Teacher – Ss

<b>-Passive Form in the Future Simple</b>
<b>S + will / shall + be + past participle</b>
*/Answer: 1. … will be shown

2. Will … be built …..?
3. … will be finished …. 4.
Will … be made … ?

- <b>It + be + adjective + to infinitive</b>
Example : It is very difficult to speak

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=132>

<b>a noun clause</b>

Ex 3 : Complete the sentences

- Ask Ss to open their books and complete
the dialogues

- Call on some pairs to demonstrate the
dialogues and correct

Example : We are delighted that you
passed the English exam .

- Get Ss to copy .

Ex 4 : Complete the letter

- Ask Ss to read the letter and match the
words .

- Ask Ss to copy the vocabulary

- Ask ss to work in pairs to complete the
letter using the words in the box.

- Get some Ss to give their answers.
- Give feedback and correct.

- Call on some Ss to read the complete
letter aloud

<b>15 minutes TEST</b>
I. Matching: (5ms)

1. Natural a. waste
2.Clothes b. resources
3.Household c. can
4.Drink d. tire
5.Car e bag

II. Fill in each blanks with a letter to
create meaningful words.(2ms)
1. F-B-IC 2. REC-CL-

3. M-TAL 4.

–OM-OS-III.Change into the passive form.(3ms)
1. People cut the bottles into small peaces.
2.She cleans the floor every morning.
3.People will sell new glassware in shops.

English well
Pair work

- <b>S + be + adj + that / noun clause</b>
Teacher – Ss

Whole class
Pair work

Teacher – Ss

Whole class


1. relieved (a)
2. Congratulation
3. Look forward to(
4. confirm (v)

a. xin chuc mung
b. trong cho
c. xac nhan lai
d. nhe nhom
<b>* Answer key</b>:

0. are delighted 1. was happy
2. am relieved 3. is afraid
4. Are … sure … 5. am certain

IV / <b>Homework</b> : (3ms)

1. Rewrite the letter beginning with : “ Nam’<sub>s grandparents are delighted that he </sub>
passed his English exam ……”

2. Do the exercises in the workbook .
<b>C / Supplement</b>:



<i><b>Preparing date:31/02/2010</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=133>

<i><b> Teaching date:03/02/2010</b></i>


<b>Period 65 </b>

<b>Lesson 1 :Getting started – Listen and read </b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I / Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use some expressions to
express their interests.

<b>II / Skills</b>: Listen and read

<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Poster.
Students: New lesson
B <b>/ Procedures</b> :

<b>I / Settlement:</b> Greet and check attendance.
<b>II /</b> <b>Warm up</b> : <b>Jumbled words</b>

- Write the topic “ Places of interest “ on the board.

- Ask each team to connect the words to make the right phrases for places of interest
and write them on the board as fast as possible.

=> Ngo Mon Gate, Ha long Bay, The Temple Literature, Nha rong Harbor.

* <b>Getting Started</b> :

- Ask Ss to open their books and match the names with the pictures
- Call on some Ss to give their answers

a. Ngo Mon Gate b. Na rong Harbor
c. The Temple Literature

d. Ha Long Bay

- Call some Ss to read the proper names aloud.
<b>III/ New lesson</b>: (35ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1 / <b>Pre- reading</b> : Introduce the topic of
the passage reading and some new words
to students .

*. Pre- teach

*. Guiding questions :

- Set the scene and put the chart with
questions on the board

<b>Vocabulary : </b>

- Crop (n) : something such as grain ,
rice , fruit … is grown in one season .

- Sugar cane (n) : cay mia ( It is used to
make sugar )

- Water buffalo (n) : con trau

- forty – minute drive : The drive takes 40

Form : A / an Adj ( number ) – N + N
Ex : a3 – month vacation / a thirteen –
year – old – boy

* <b>Checking vocabulary : Bingo</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=134>

- Ask Ss to think about the questions in a
few minutes

- Have Ss listen to the tape while reading
the dialogue

- Get Ss to work in pairs to answer the

- Call on some pairs to give their answers
- Feedback :

2/ <b>While – reading</b> :

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and say out
True or False.

- Read the sentences aloud and call on
some Ss to answer, then have them

correct the false sentences and get them to
write in their notebooks.

- Call on some groups of five to practice
the dialogue in front of class

- Correct their pronunciation

3/ <b>Post – reading</b> : <b>Discussion </b>
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again ,
discuss with them and ask them to pick
out the sentences containing the situations
mentioned below .

* to express interest :

- I,<sub>d like you to meet my parents ….</sub>
- It is nice to meet you ….

- It is great to be in Viet Nam .
- I would to sit with Tim …..
* to express a request :

- Would you mind sitting in the front seat

- Would you mind if I took a photo ?

*/ Answer:

a. Hoa meets The Jones at the airport
b. Yes , it is .

c. By taxi

d. They see a boy riding a water buffalo ,
rice paddies , corn and sugar cane fields
e. He would like to take a photo .


a. T b. T d. T e . T
c. F -> … in a taxi

f. F -> … Not only rice and corn but also
sugar canes are grown around Ha Noi
Listen and copy

Teacher – Ss

individual and choral
whole class

Pair work
<b>IV / Consolidation:</b>

<b>- </b>

V / <b>Homework</b> : (5ms)

1. Learn by heart new words and some structures to give some examples .
2. Do the exercises in the workbooks .

<b>C / Supplement</b>:


<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=135>

<i><b>Preparing date:04/02/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:06/02/2010</b></i>


<b>Period 66 </b>

<b>Lesson 2 : Speak and Listen </b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/Knowledge</b> : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to make and respond to
formal requests using “ mind “ and make suggestions .

<b>II/ Skills</b>: Speak and listen

<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Poster. Students: New lesson
B / <b>Procedures</b>

<b>I / Settlement</b>: Greet and check attendance.

II / <b>Warm up</b> : <b>Quiz what is this place ?</b> (5ms)

- Tell Ss each place consists of 3 questions ; 3 points for the first question , 2 points
for the second question , 1 point for the third question .

a. What is this place ? 1. it is called the city of Eternal Spring .
2. It has a lot of waterfalls and lakes .

3. You can find the most kinds of flowers here .
b. What is this place ? 1. It is a seaside resort .

2. It has a very big monument of Buddha .
3. It has an Oceanic Institute

c. What is this place ? 1. It is a mountainous resort .
2. It has tribal villages .

3. Sometimes it has snow .

d. What is this place ? 1. It is recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESSCO .
2. It has a lot of caves .

3. It contains of a lot of islands .

Key : a. Da Lat b. Nha Trang c. Sa Pa d. Ha Long Bay
III/ Newlesson:

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1/ <b>Pre- speaking</b> : Introduce the topic of
the speaking and some structures

*/. Pre- teach structures :
- Set the scene :

Remind Ss of the exchanges between Hoa
and Mr. Jones and between Hoa and Tim
in the last dialogue and elicit the

sentences from Ss

- Get Ss to copy and give some more
examples with suggested words
2. Cardboard Drill

1. move your car ? (v )
2. go out with me ? ( x)

<b>Model sentences</b> :

1. A : Would you mind sitting in the front
seat of the taxi ?

B : No problem .

2. A : Would you mind if I took a photo ?
B : Not at all .

=> Used to make and respond to formal

Form :

1.Would you mind/Do you mind+ V-ing ?
2.Would you mind if I + V (in Past) ?
Do you mind if I + V ( in Present ) ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=136>

3. wait for me ? (x)
4. Get / coffee ? (v)
5. Smoke ? (x)

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of
class .

2/ <b>While – speaking :</b>
- Ask Ss to work in pairs

+ Open pairs : Get 3 or 4 pairs to
demonstrate the exchanges

+ Close pairs : get the whole class to
practice all the exchanges

- Give feedback

+ Open pairs : Ask some pairs to
demonstrate the dialogue .

+ Closed pairs : have Ss open their books
and use the information / 101 to practice
other dialogues .

Group 1 : Markets Group 2 : Museums
Group3 : Restaurants Group 4 : Stamps
Group 5 : Zoo and Botanical Garden
3/ <b>Pre- listening</b> : Introduce the topic of
the listening and some new words

*/. Pre – teach

- Have Ss guess their correct positions on
the map

- Call on some Ss to read their predictions
and write them on the board

4/<b> While – listening</b> :

- Ask Ss to list the places on the maps .
- Play the tape 2 or 3 times

- Ask Ss to compare their answers with
their friends .

- Call on some Ss to read their answers
and give the correct answers

<b>5/Post speak- listen</b>

- Have Ss repeat chorally while listening
to the tape .

- Correct their pronunciation

<b>Responses</b> :

<b>Agreement</b>: No, I do not mind./ No, of
course no. / Not at all. / Please do. / Please
go head .

<b>Disagreement</b>: I am sorry, I can not / I am
sorry, it is impossible

I’<sub>d prefer you did not. / I</sub>’<sub>d rather you did </sub>

Mapped dialogue

You Tourist officer

Excuse me !

I would like to visit
a market. Would

mind suggesting

one ?

That sounds

interesting . Thank
you .

Yes ?
Not at all .

How about goping
to Thai Binh
Market ?
It opens from

5 am to pm .
You are welcome .
<b>vocabulary </b>:

<i>- Highway ( n) </i>

<i>- Tourist information center (n)</i>

*/. Set the scene “ The Jones family are
going around Ha Noi and they are talking
about the directions to 5 places in the
maps. Listen to them and match the places
to the correct positions on the maps “
<b>Answer key</b> :

a) restaurant b) hotel c) bus station
d) pagoda e) temple

- Play the tape once more to check the

( pause at some important paragraph
<b>IV. Consolidation</b>:(2ms) – The knowledge in the lesson.

V / <b>Homework</b> : (3ms) 1. Do the exercises in the workbook .
2. Prepare the next lesson .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=137>

<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b>Preparing date:22/02/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:24/02/2010</b></i>


<b>Period 67 </b>

<b>Lesson 3 : Read</b>

A/ <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/ Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to get the information from
simple tourist advertisements .

<b>II/ Skills</b>:Read

<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Poster, Lesson plan. Students: New lesson
B / <b> Procedures</b> :

<b>I / Settlement</b>: Greet and check attendance
II/ <b>Warm up</b> <b>: Word square (5ms)</b>

<b>Tourist sites</b>

<b>A D</b> <b>D</b> <b>Y</b> <b>R</b> <b>E</b> <b>S</b> <b>O</b> <b>R</b> <b>T</b>

<b>D C</b> <b>A</b> <b>T</b> <b>G</b> <b>B</b> <b>E</b> <b>A</b> <b>C</b> <b>H</b>

<b>K N</b> <b>L</b> <b>R</b> <b>Y</b> <b>S</b> <b>A</b> <b>P</b> <b>A</b> <b>E</b>

<b>B U</b> <b>A</b> <b>I</b> <b>M</b> <b>K</b> <b>S</b> <b>A</b> <b>P</b> <b>C</b>

<b>A H</b> <b>T</b> <b>B</b> <b>V</b> <b>B</b> <b>I</b> <b>P</b> <b>J</b> <b>I</b>

<b>C A</b> <b>V</b> <b>E</b> <b>S</b> <b>L</b> <b>D</b> <b>K</b> <b>I</b> <b>T</b>

<b>H L</b> <b>N</b> <b>L</b> <b>A</b> <b>K</b> <b>E</b> <b>C</b> <b>T</b> <b>A</b>

<b>M O</b> <b>U</b> <b>N</b> <b>T</b> <b>A</b> <b>I</b> <b>N</b> <b>R</b> <b>D</b>

<b>A N</b> <b>H</b> <b>A</b> <b>T</b> <b>R</b> <b>A</b> <b>N</b> <b>G</b> <b>E</b>

<b>A G</b> <b>G</b> <b>E</b> <b>F</b> <b>G</b> <b>X</b> <b>C</b> <b>U</b> <b>L</b>

- Ask Ss to find 13 hidden words and write them on a piece of paper .

Answer Key :

resort , beach , Sa Pa , caves , lakes
mountains , Nha Trang

Bach Ma , Ha Long , Da lat , Tribe
Seaside , The citadel

<b>III/ New lesson: (35ms)</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<b>1 / Pre- reading</b> : Introduce the topic of the
passage reading and some new words to
students .

*. <b>Pre – teach </b>
- (explanation)
- (synonym)
- (explanation)

<b>Vocabulary</b> :

<i>- accommodation (n): Chổ ở </i>
<i>- giant (adj ): Khổng lồ </i>
<i>- slope (n) : Sườn núi</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=138>

- (explanation)
- (translation)
- (explanation)

- (explanation)

2/ <b>While – reading</b> :
*. Grid :

- Ask Ss to read the advertisements about
the resorts and check (v) the topics
mentioned in the grid

- Get Ss to work in pairs to compare their

- Call on some Ss to give their answers
- Have Ss copy down

*. Matching :

- put the poster on the board and ask Ss to
match the words or phrases in Column A to
column B


1 Nha Trang
2.Da lat
3.Sa Pa
4.H.long Bay
5.Nha Rong

a.tribal villages , mountain

b. The place where

President Ho Chi Minh left
Viet Nam in 1911.

c.Swimming and
sunbathing .

d. Oceanic Institute
e. Flower gardens .
- Ask Ss to go to the board and draw the
lines to connect the words.

*. Grid

- Get Ss to open their books , read the text
on page 105 and check (v) the boxes .
- Monitor and correct .

3 / <b>Post – reading</b> : <b>Role play</b>

- Tell Ss to ask and answer questions using
the information in the text .

+ Write the model on the board .
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice
speaking .

<i>- jungle (n) : Rừng </i>
<i>- limestone (n): Đá vôi </i>
<i>- florist (n) : Người bán hoa</i>

<i>- to import >< to export : Nhập khẩu</i>

Answer Key :
<b>Nha Trang</b> :

Flights to Ha Noi , railway , hotels ,
local transport , tourist attractions .
<b>Da Lat</b> :

Hotels , local transport , waterfalls ,
tourist attractions

<b>Sa Pa</b> :

Hotels , local transport , mountain slopes
tourist attractions , villages .

<b>Ha Long Bay</b> :

World Heritage , tourist attractions ,
sand beaches , railways , hotels , caves ,
locals transport .

Answer Key :

<b>1. d 2.e 3.a 4.c 5.b</b>


A : Where should ( Andrew ) go ?
B : He should go to ( Sa Pa ) .
A : Why ?

B : Because ( he studies tribes and he
likes mountain – climbing )

<b>IV / Consolidation:</b> (2ms) Consolidate the beautiful sights in VietNam
<b>V / Homework </b>: (3ms) 1. Redo the exercises and copy in their notebooks .

2. Do the exercises in the workbook .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=139>

3. Prepare the next lesson .
<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b>Preparing date:23/02/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:25/02/2010</b></i>


<b>Period 68 </b>

<b>Lesson 4 : Write</b>

A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to write a
narrative , using a guided composition .

<b>II/ Skills</b><i>: </i>Write

<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Poster, Lesson plan.
Students: New lesson

B / <b>Procedures</b> :

I/ Settlement: Greet and check attendance.
II/ <b>Warm up</b> : <b>Which word ?</b> (5ms)

( Get Ss to study the definition of a narrative by a gap fill )
- Put the missing words on the board and have Ss study first :

<b>written – climax – attention – brief – events</b>
- Show the chart and ask Ss to ill in the gaps with the words in the box .
<i>A narrative is a sequence of …(1)… These events are usually …(2)… in </i>

<i>chronological order and often lead to a …(3) … The first sentence of a narrative </i>
<i>should get the reader,<sub>s …(4)… and the ending should be …(5)…</sub></i>

- Ask Ss of each group to go to the board and write the words as fast as possible .
- Explain the definition in Vietnamese

Answer key :

1. events 2. written 3. climax 4. attention 5. brief

III/ New lesson: ( 35ms)

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1 / <b>Pre- writing</b> : Introduce the topic of
the writing and some new words to Ss .
*. Pre – teach

- (picture)
- (picture)
- (picture)
- (picture)
- (picture)

*. Ordering statements : Setting the scene

<i>“ Last week , while on vacation in Da </i>

<b>Vocabulary </b>
- canoe (n) : ca nô

- to paddle (mime ) -> paddle (n): chèo
- to hire : thuê mượn

- to overturn : lật úp / lật do
- to rescue: cứu sống

- to stumble: trượt chân

* <b>Checking vocab</b> : <b>Slap the board</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=140>

<i>lat , The Jones family had quite an </i>
<i>unforgettable adventure on Xuan Huong </i>
<i>Lake . What did they do and what </i>

<i>happened to them ? “</i>

- Ask Ss to read the first part of the story /
105 and rearrange the sentences / 106 to
complete the story .

- Call on some pairs to give their answers
and correct .

- Get some Ss to read the story aloud for
the class and correct pronunciation errors.
- Give feedback

- 2/ <b>While – writing</b> :
*. Explanation :

- Have Ss look at the pictures / 106 – 107
and guess the meaning of the new words .
- Explain the meanings of these words
*. Ordering pictures :

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures again and
rearrange the events in the correct

chronological order to make it a story .

- Call on some Ss to give their answers
and correct .

- Give feedback :
*/. Write – it – up :

- Ask Ss to use the pictures already
rearranged and the given words to write
the story about Uyen .

- Monitor and help Ss with words or
structures while they are writing .

* Notice : The past simple tense is often
used in a narrative .

- Ask them to exchange their writings to
correct for each other .

- Call on some Ss to read their story aloud
for he class

- Give feedback :
3 / <b>Post – writing</b> :

- Call on some Ss to demonstrate the
completed story in front of class .
- Copy the story in their notebooks .

*/ Answer: <b>c -> a -> g ->d -> f -> b -> e</b>

*/ Matching:

+ to stumble : truot chan
+ to go off : văng ra
+ to realize : nhận ra
* Answer:

<b>d -> b -> e -> h -> a -> f -> c -> g</b>

*/Answer :

<i>Uyen had a day to remember last week . </i>
<i>she had a math exam on Friday but she </i>
<i>got up late . She realized her alarm clock </i>
<i>did not go off . As he was leaving home , </i>
<i>it started to rain heavily . Uyen tried to </i>
<i>run as fast as she could . Suddenly she </i>
<i>stumbled against a rock and fell onto the </i>
<i>road . Her school bag went into a pool of </i>
<i>water and everything got wet . Strangely ,</i>
<i>the rain stopped as she got to her </i>

<i>classroom . Luckily , Uyen had enough </i>
<i>time to finish her exam . </i>

Whole – class Individual

<b>IV/ Consolidation</b>: (2ms) How to write the story ; the simple past tense in a story.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=141>

V / <b>Homework</b> : (3ms)

1. Learn by heart all new words and copy in their notebooks .

2. Work in groups of 4 writing a story to tell the class in the next lesson .
<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b>Preparing date:25/02/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:27/02/2010</b></i>


<b>Period 69 </b>

<b>Lesson 5 : Language focus</b>

A/ <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/ Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use Present and Past

participles to describe things and people and the requests with “ Would / Do you mind
if …..? and Would / Do you mind + V-ing …? “

<b>II / Skills</b>: Write, read..

<b>III / Preparation</b>: Teacher: Poster, Lesson plan. Students: New lesson
B / <b>Procedures</b> :

<b>I/ Settlement</b>: Greet and check attendance.

<b>II/ Warm up</b> <b>Memory game (5ms)</b>

- Ss to look at the pictures / 109 carefully for 20 seconds and close their books .
- Tell them the team having the most right words is the winner .

- Have Ss open their books again , go through the words and correct .
Answer Key : box, lamp, truck, flowers, elephant, bear, rabbit

<b>III/ New lesson: (35)</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

1. Language focus 1 :
* Pre-teach :

- Ask Ss to open their books and look at
the picture / 108 and set the scene “ It is
time for recess and the people at Quang
Trung school are in the school yard .
- Ask questions and call on Ss to answer
then correct .

* Practice :

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to say who each
person is , using the information above
<b>Example</b> : The man walking up the stairs
is Mr Quang

- Correct and feedback

2. Language focus 2 :

* Pre –teach : <b>Matching </b>

- Ask Ss to look at the words in the box

- Teacher – Ss

What are she / he doing ? “
- Answer the T’s teacher.
 Model sentences :

The man <b>walking</b> up the stairs is Mr

( present participle phrase )

Form : Verb + ing -> Present participle
Use : A present participle can be used as
an adjective to qualify a noun with active

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=142>

and the picture / 109 to do the matching

<b>A</b> <b>B</b> <b>Key</b>

1. box
2. truck
3. lamp
4. doll

5. flowers
6. toys

a. wrap in
b. dress in

c. recycled from
d. keep in

e. made in
f. paint
1. f
2. c
3. e
4. b
5. a
6. d
- Ask Ss to look at the picture / 109 again
and answer the questions :

- Call on some pairs to practice asking
and answering the questions

=> Ask “ How much is the old lamp made
in China ?

- Have Ss copy
* Practice :

- Ask Ss to look at their books , listen to

the questions and answer

1. T: How much is the box painted green?
St: The box painted green is one dollar
- Ask Ss to work in pairs , asking and
answering the questions ( Using the
information in the matching )

- Call on some pairs to demonstrate for
the class .

3. Language focus 3 :

Model : T : Would you mind moving
your car ?

Ss : No , of course not .

- Call on 2 or 3 Ss to repeat it and correct.
+ Open pairs : Get 3 or 4 pairs to

demonstrate in the class .

+ Closed pairs : Get the whole class to

- Go on until the last cue
4. language focus 4 :

1. Would you mind …… me something

about it ?

2. Do you mind if I …… you a question ?
3.Would you please this new word to me?
4.Would you mind if I ….. the television?

- Where is the old lamp made in ?
- What color is the box painted ?
- What is truck recycled from ?
- What color is the doll dressed in ?
- What are the flowers wrapped in ?
- Where are the toys kept ?

Pair work
Teacher – Ss

<b>Model Sentences : </b>

The old lamp <b>made</b> in China is five
dollars .

( past participle phrase )
Form : Regular verb + ed Past

Irregular verb

Use : a past participle can be used as an
adjective to qualify a noun with passive
meaning .c

Would you mind if + Verb ( in Past
simple tense …) ?

Do you mind if + Verb ( in present simple
tense …) ?

Do you mind / would you mind + verb –
ing …?

+ Agreement :

No , I do not mind . / No , of course not . /
Not at all . / Please do . / Please go ahead .
- Disagreement :

I,<sub>d prefer you did not . / I</sub>,<sub>d rather you did </sub>
not .

=> Meaning : Xin ban cam phien …

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=143>

IV/ <b>Consolidation: (3ms) </b>Request with “mind”; Past and present participle.
V / <b>Homework</b> (2ms) 1. Copy all the exercises in their notebooks .

2. Prepare the next lesson .
<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b>Preparing date:28/03/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date: 03/03/2010</b></i>

<b>Period : 70 </b>


<b>A/ Objectives</b> :

<b>I/Knowledge:</b> <i>Ss can summarize knowledge they have learnt form unit 9 to unit 11 to </i>
<i>do the test well </i>

<b>II/ Skills</b><i>: write, read….. </i>

<b>B / Proceduce:</b>

<b>I/ Settlement</b> : Greet and check attendance 8a 8b
<b>II/ Warmer</b>: repeats grammar poits (5ms)

<b>C / Consolidation: </b>

- Deliver the test paper to students to do.

I / <b>Supply the correct form of the verbs</b> : ( 2,5 ps)
1. Would you mind if I ( take ) ……… a photo ?

2. Would you mind ( help ) ……… her to finish her homework ?
3. Do you mind if we ( get ) ………. a taxi to town ?

4. The cars ( make ) ……… from Japan are the best .
5. The man ( talk ) ……… to your teacher is my uncle .
II / <b>Rewrite these sentences as directed</b> : ( 2,0 ps )

1. Can I use your pen ? => Do you mind ………?

2. Could you turn off the TV ? => Would you mind ……….?
3. They built that bridge five years ago . => That bridge ……….

4. The children eat all the vegetables and meat . => All the vegetable ………
III <b>/ Complete the sentences with the suitable word or phrase</b> : ( 2,0 ps )
1. Run ( fast / fastly ) and you can catch the bus .

2. Hung promised to try ( him / his ) best in learning English .
3. I prefer walking to ( riding / ride ) a bicycle .

4. It is a ( thirty – minute / thirty – minutes ) drive from here to the city center .
IV / <b>Complete the sentences , using the given words or phrases</b> : ( 1,5 ps )
1. Last year class 11 A / have / terrible experience.

2. One weekend / they decide / go / a picnic / Cuc Phuong National Park .
3. They / get out of / bus / lunch / because everybody / very hungry .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=144>

<b>V / Listen </b>.You are going to listen to Lily talking about her self . You are going to
listen twice . Check (v) the correct box for True or False ( 2,0 Ps )

<b>Statements</b> <b>True False</b>

1 Lily comes from China

2 English is important to her as she will need it for her future job
3 She started learning English when she was eighteen .

4 She has a problem with listening .

5 She can understand people when they speak fast .
6 She does not find English difficult to learn .
7 She wants to be an English teacher .

8 She loves English songs , but she does not hope to become a
singer .

Tapescrift :

Hi ! my name is Lily . I come from China . I am a student , a university
student . I am eighteen years old . I am studying English as a foreign language .
English is important to me because I will need ot for my job in the future . I began
learning English when I was very young – at the age of eight . I think that my biggest
problem is listening . People speak very quickly , so I can not understand them .
English is really hard for me to learn , but I like it . I want to be an English teacher ; or
I hope to become a singer one day because I love English songs very much .

The end

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=145>

<i><b>Preparing date:01/03/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date: 04/03/2010</b></i>

<b>Period:71 </b>


<b> </b>
<b>A./OBJECTIVES: </b>

<b>I.Knowledge: </b>By the end of the lesson students will be able to check their knowledge
and review the learned contents from unit 9 to unit 11. To appreciate the result of
teaching and learning.To encourage them to work harder


<b>Chủ Để</b> <b>Nhận biết</b> <b>Thông hiểu</b> <b>Vận dụng</b> <b>Tống</b>



6 4 4 14

<i><b>Listening</b></i> 4 3 1 8

<i><b>Reading</b></i> 4 4

<i><b>Writing</b></i> 2 2 1 5

<b>Tổng</b> 16 9 6 31


<b> I.SETTLEMENT: </b>Calls the role.
<b> II.REVISION : </b>No

<b> III.THE NEW LESSON: </b>T hands out the testing, papers and controls.


Class: ……….. English: 8

<b>Part 1: Listen and rearrange the dialouge in correct order. </b>(2ms)

1. ……
2. ……
3. ……
4. ……
5. ……
6. ……
7. ……
a. What happened to her?

b. Mi Hao hospital.
c. Is she conscious ?

d. This is an emergency.Please send an ambulance to DuongQuang school.
A student is hurt.

e. She fell down on the floor and her head is bleeding quite badly
f. Ok .We'll come right now

g. No, she isn't. But will you hurry ,please ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=146>

8. ……

<b>Part 2</b>: <b>Choose the best anwer:</b> (1.5ms)

1. It is difficult ……….. all the instructions at the same time

a. to remember b. remember c. remembering d. to remembering
2. Do you mind if I ……….. here?

a. sitting b. to sit c. sit d. siting
3. The flowers ……….. to checkme up when I was sad

a. help b. helps c. helped d. helping
4. I studied hard ……….. get god marks

a. in order to b. so as to c. in orders d. a & b
5. This house ………. built by my grandfather in 1990

a. were b. was c. is d. are

6. Look! I can see a boy ………. in a street

a. run b. to run c. running d. runing

<b>Part 2</b>: <b>Phonetics:</b> (1ms)

1. a. app<i><b>ea</b></i>r b. str<i><b>ea</b></i>m c. tr<i><b>ea</b></i>tment d. p<i><b>ea</b></i>ceful
2. a. r<i><b>i</b></i>ght b. plast<i><b>i</b></i>c c. fertil<i><b>i</b></i>zer d. l<i><b>i</b></i>brary
3. a. comp<i><b>o</b></i>st b. dep<i><b>o</b></i>sit c. c<i><b>o</b></i>nscious d. c<i><b>ro</b></i>p

4. a. walk<i><b>ed</b></i> b. dropp<i><b>ed</b></i> c. play<i><b>ed</b></i> d. lik<i><b>ed</b></i>

<b>Part 3</b>: <b>Give the correet tense of the verbs in brackets</b>. (1ms)
1. They ... ……….a new house here next year (buy)

2. They...us about their plans last week (not tell)
3. He... ………..a picture book at the moment (read)
4. she ... ………..this house for six months now (build)
<b>Part 4</b>: <b>Rewrite the following sentences as directed</b>. (2.5ms)

1.Can you explain this word for me? ( Would you mind …? )
2.They speak English very day. (Passive voice)

3.To learn English is not difficult (It’s + adj + to - inf)

4.My elder brother studies hard this year.He wants to get good marks.(in order )
5.Lan will give us some flowers next week. (Passive voice)

<b>Part 6:Read the passage and answer the questions</b>. (2ms)

The ancient town of Hoi An lies on the River Thu Bon, more than 30 kilometres
to the south of Da Nang.

Hoi An is famous for old temples, pagodas, tiled-roof houses and norrow streets.
Tourists can visit the relics of Sa Huynh and Cham civilizations. They can also enjoy
the beautiful sceneri of the River Thu Bon, Cua Dai Beach, etc. In recent years, Hoi
an has become a very popular tourist destination in Viet Nam. Importantly, the
Committee of the World Heritages of UNESCO officially certified Hoi an as a World
Heritage Site in 1999.

 <b>Questions</b>:

1. How far is Hoi an from Da Nang?
2. What is Hoi An famous for?

3. Tell some places to visit in Hoi An.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=147>

4. When was Hoi An recognized as a World Heritage Site?

- T collects the testing papers and Ss hand them in.

- T gives comments on what has happened during the testing time.
<b>V.HOMEWORK: </b>

- T gets Ss to attention to the basic knowledge from unit 9 to unit 11 again for the
coming test correction.



<i><b>Preparing date:04/03/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date: /03/2010</b></i>

<b>Period:72 </b>



<i><b>I. Knowlege: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know and improve what</b></i>
<i>they could and couldn’t do from the test, T will be able to evaluate Ss’knowledge and </i>
<i>skill to adjust the teaching methods and plans.</i>

<b>II. Skills: </b>Listening, speaking, reading and writing.
<b>III. Preparation:</b>

1. Teacher: Lesson plan, test papers, Ss’common mistakes, keys….
2. Students: pens, drafts, revisions of main grammar points….

<i><b>B./ PROCEDURES:</b></i>

<b>I. SETTLEMENT:</b> Greets and checks attendance.
<b>II.REVISION: </b>None


<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>A.Test handing out:</b>

*<b>Leading questions</b>:

1.How many parts are there in the test?
2.Which part belongs to Listening ?
Reading ? Writing ? Language focus ?
- runs through the contents of the test.


- asks Ss to listen to the text carefully
again to check their answers.

- take the test paper.

- answer T’s leading questions to tell
about the contents of the test.

<b>I.Listen to the teacher and match the </b>

<b>name of the people with things they </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=148>

<b>Tape transcript:</b>

Phuong wants some apples.
Ly wants some noodles.
Mai wants some carrots.
Nam wants a bottle of milk.
Hoa wants a box of


*Answer key:

1. d 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. c
<b>II.Choose the best answer:</b>

- asks Ss to work in groups to share and
correct their answers, then tell again the
target languege items of each sentence.
- tells Ss what they did well and what
they need to improve.

- gives feedback and show the key.
*Answer key:

1. b 2.a 3. c 4. c 5. a
6.d 7.a 8.c 9. d 10. b


- asks Ss to read the dialogue carefully
and work in pairs to complete the

- explains the words or phases of words
that Ss easily understand.

- gives feedback.

*Answer key:
1. Can I help you?
2. How many
3. Is there
4. How much
5. you are

- asks some Ss to put the following words
into the correct order on the board.

- checks, corrects and get Ss to take notes
the structures.

- whole class.

- listen to the text carefully again to check
their answers.

- work in groups.

- read each question again and find out
the correct answers, then explain, tell
again the target language items.

<b>II.Choose the best answer:</b>

1. would you like + to inf/ Noun.
2. S + tobe + adj + N.

3. How many + countable …?
4. Would not = Wouldn’t.
5. S + tobe + adj + but + adj.
6. Tobe + there + N(s,es)?
7. favorite(adj).

8. What would +S + like +for +
breakfast/ lunch/ dinner?
9. How much + uncountable ..?
10. Yes-No question.

<b>III.Complete the dialogue:</b>

- read the dialogue carefully find out the
correct answers.

<b>IV. Put the following words into the </b>
<b>correct order:</b>

- work individually.

- rewrite your sentences on the board

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=149>

*Answer key:

1.Her mother likes vegetables very

2.Do you like chicken and beans ?
3.How much is a pencil ?

4.We don’t have any milk.
5.They need some apple juice.

- T evaluates the results of the test, give command to the good students and activate
the weak ones, show out what they need to improve.


- have a look again the test, review all the target language items.



<i><b>Preparing date:08 / 03/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date: / 03/2010</b></i>

<i> </i>


<b>Period: 73 </b>

<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make plans, giving and
responding to the vacations and practice further with the Present continuous tense with

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> speaking, and reading.
<b>III. Preparation:</b>

1. Teacher: Lesson plan, keys, New lesson.
2. Students: Old lesson, New lesson.


<b>I. Settlement: check attendance.</b>
<b>II .Warm - up: Getting started. (5ms)</b>

Ask Ss to match pictures with names of the countries on page 111
Give feedback. Ss work in pairs

*<b>Answer key:</b>

<i>a. The USA b. Australia</i>
<i>c. Thailand d. Britain</i>
<i>e. Canada f. Japan.</i>

<i>S1: Which country do you like to travel ?</i>
<i>S2: Why ?</i>

<b>III.New- lesson: (35ms)</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=150>

<b>1.Pre reading:</b>

<b>*Pre - teach : </b>T elicits words from Ss.

Ss copy down.

Ss repeat in chorus and then individually
<b>*.Set the scene:</b>

T draws the picture of Mrs Quyen and
Mrs Smith to elicit.

<i>.Who’s this ?</i>

<i>.Where is she going to go ?</i>
<i>.What are they talking about ?</i>

<b>2. While reading:</b>

Ask Ss to listen to the tape and read the
dialogue in pairs.

<b>*. Complete the grid:</b>

-Draw the grid on the board and have Ss
copy it.

-Ask Ss to open their books and read the
dialogue again.

-Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete Mrs.
Quyen's schedule with the information in
the grid on the board.

-T gives feedback.

<b>*. Comprehension questions:</b>

Ask Ss to answer the questions on page

<i>a. Will Mrs. Quyen and her husband stay </i>
<i>at Mrs. Smith's house? Why? Why not?</i>
<i>b. Will Mrs. Quyen's husband have dinner</i>

<i>with the Smiths? Why not?</i>

<i>c. How will Mrs. Quyen go to Mrs.Smith's</i>

Give feedback.

<b>*. Grammar awareness:</b>

<i>* </i>Making an invitation:

<i>Would you like to come and stay with </i>

<i>+ Yes, I’d love to.</i>

<i>+ That’s very kind of you, but</i>

<b>3.Post reading:</b>
<b>*Language focus 3:</b>


<i>-to include : bao gồm.</i>
<i>-to come over:ghe qua</i>

<i>-to be/ go/ travel/ live abroad: in a </i>
<i>foreign country.</i>

<b>Checking vocabulary</b>: R.O.R.

Role play to read.

Ss read the dialogue carefully and then fill
in the grid.

<b>*Answer key:</b>

<i>Date Scedule</i>

<i>Mon 25 Coming to SanFrancisco</i>
<i>Tue 26 Going out</i>

<i>Wed 27 Having dinner with the Smiths </i>
<i>Thur 28 Leaving San Francisco</i>

Ss read the dialogue again and then
answer the questions in pairs.

<i>a. No, they won't. Because they are </i>
<i>coming on a tour, and their </i>

<i>accommodation is included in the ticket </i>
<i>price, so they will stay at the hotel.</i>
<i>b. No, he won't. Because he will have a </i>
<i>business meeting in the evening that day.</i>
<i>c. Mrs. Smih will pick her up at her hotel.</i>

Ss practice asking and answering.
Ss pick out the statements making an


<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=151>

T elicits the model sentences from the Ss
by using Vietnamese.

Do concept check.(form/ meaning/ use)
<b>* Picture drill:</b>

T runs through pictures on page 120.
T models and ask Ss to work individually.
Give feedback.

<i>Bao is always forgetting his homework</i>

<b>Form</b>: Present continuous tense.
<b>S + be + always + V-ing</b>
<b>Use: </b><i>to express a complaint.</i>

Ss work individually then write on the bb.
Give the complain about their friends.
<b>IV. Consolidation: (3ms)</b>

- T asks Ss to read newwords and how to use the <b>Present continuous tense</b> to give a

<b>V.Homework:</b> (3ms)
-Learning newwords by heart.

- Reading the dialogue again and again.
- Do exercise 3 - 5 in workbook.

<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b>Preparing date: 10/03/2010</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date: /03/2010</b></i>


<b> Period: 74 </b>


<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make plans using tourist
brochures and flight information and talk about their plans for a trip abroad and
practice further with the Past continuous tense.

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> speaking, writing.
<b>III. Preparation:</b>

1. Teacher: Lesson plan, keys, New lesson.
2. Students: Old lesson, New lesson.


<b>I. Settlement: </b>Individual, Pair works, group works

<b>II .*Warm - up: </b>Chatting with Ss about some places in Vietnam<b>. (4ms)</b>
<b>III.New- lesson: (35ms)</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(152)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=152>

<b>1. Pre – speaking:</b>

<b>*. Complete the itinenary:</b>

- T stick a poster of a itinenary on the bb.
- Ask SS to get the information on page
114 (texbook) to fill in the table.

- Give feedback.
<b>*.Mapped dialouge:</b>

<b>-</b>Put the mapped dialouge chart on the bb.
-Elicit the exchanges from the Ss.

<b> A B</b>

<i>Where/stay? Revere Hotel/ </i>

<i> expensive/but /a gym</i>
<i>Where/visit/? Paul Revere’s Hotel.</i>
<i>What time/leave/</i>

<i>Log Angeless At 10 o’clock</i>

<b>2.While speaking:</b>

Ask Ss to make the same dialouges using

other information from the

Give feedback.
<b>3. Post speaking: </b>
<b>*. Transformation.</b>

Ask Ss to make a plan for their coming
summer holiday by filling the information
in the itinenary.

Give feedback.

Have Ss make a dialouge about their plan.
<b>* Language focus 1.</b>

T elicits the model sentences using the
picture of Ba.

<i>.Who ‘s this ?</i>
<i>.What time is it ?</i>

<i>.How can you say in English the sentence</i>
<i>“Ba đang tắm vào lúc 8 giờ tối hôm </i>

Do concept check (form/ meaning/ use)

Work individually then share with their

<i><b>* Answers:</b></i>

<i>Depart Log Angeles: Flight 835 at 10 </i>

<i>Arrive Boston: At 4.00</i>

<i>Accomdation: Atlantic Hotel.</i>

<i>Sightseeing: Museum and art galleries</i>
<i>Ss choral – groups – pairs.</i>

<b>* Example exchange:</b>

<i>S1: Where shall we stay?</i>

<i>S2: Revere Hotel. It’s expensive, but It has </i>
<i>a gym.</i>

<i>S1: Where should we visit?</i>

<i>S2: I think. We should visit Paul Revere’s </i>

<i>S1:What time should we leave Log </i>


<i>S2: There’s a daily flight at 10 am. Would </i>

<i>that be ok ?</i>

<i>S1: All right.</i>

Ss work in pairs.

<i>Depart : Dong Ha.</i>
<i>Arrive : HCM city.</i>

<i>Accomdation: Phuong Nam Hotel.</i>

<i>Sightseeing: Nha Rong Harbor, Suoi Tien, </i>
<i>Dam Sen.</i>

<b>* Model sentences:</b>

<i>Ba was taking a shower at 8.00 last night.</i>

<b>Form: </b>The past continuous tense.
<b> Sub + was/were + V-ing</b>

<b>Use: </b>to indicate an action that was in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(153)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=153>

<b>* Picture drill.</b>

Ask Ss to do exercise 1 on page 119.
Run through the pictures.


<i> 1.Hoa / have dinner.</i>
<i> 2. Bao / read a book.</i>
<i> 3. Nga / write a letter.</i>
<i> 4. Na / walk with a dog.</i>

<i> 5. Lan / talk to her grandmother.</i>

progress at a point of time in the past.

1.Diễn tả một hành động kéo dài trong quá
khứ và có thời gian xác định.

Ss choral then individually.
Write on the bb.<b> </b>

<b>IV. Consolidation (3ms)</b>

-T asks Ss to resay how to use the Past continuous tense.
<b>V.Homework: (3ms)</b>

-Learn the structure well.

- Do exercise 1 in workbook + Language focus 1.
<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b>Peparing date:12/03/2010</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:13/03/2010</b></i>


<b>Period: 75 LESSON 3: LISTEN + LANGUAGE FOCUS 2</b>
<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice in listening to the
weather forecast for infomation about the weather in big cities in the world, and
further practice in talking about activities using the simple past and past progressive

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> Speaking, Listening.

<b>III.Preparation:</b> Lesson plan, cassette, chart.

<b>I. Settlement: </b>Individual, Pair works, group works
<b>II.Warm - up: (4ms)</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(154)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=154>

Hot cold cool humid wet rainy sunny windy warm fine
T devides the class into two groups.

Each student in a group goes to the board and writes an adjective of weather as fast
as possible.

<b>III. New lesson</b>: <b>(35ms</b>)

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

<b>2.While listening:</b>

-Let pupils listen to the tape twice.
-Get Ss to compare their answer with
their partner.

-Give feedback.

<b>*. Role play:</b>

Have Ss ask and answer about the
weather and temprature, using the
information in the table.

T models first.

T monitors and corrects.

<b>*. Language focus 2:</b>

T elicit the model sentences by asking
the questions.

.What was the Lee family doing when
the mailman came?

.What happened while Nga was eating?

Do concept check.( form/ use/ meaning)
<b>4. Practice:</b>

<b>* Picture drill:</b>

T runs through pictures.

T models.

<i>Nam/win</i> <i>Mrs Thoa/</i>

Ss listen to the tape about the weather
forecast of the cities in the table and check
their prediction.

Ss work in pairs to compare their answers.

<b>City</b> Weather Low High


<b>Dry windy</b>

<i><b>Dry windy</b></i>
<i><b>Humid</b></i> <b>cold</b>

<b>Warm</b> <i><b>dry</b></i>
<i><b>Cool dry</b></i>


Go to the bb and complete the table.
Work in pairs.

<b>*Example Exchanges</b>:

<i>S1: What’s the weather like in Sydney</i>

<i>S2: It will be dry and windy.</i>
<i>S1: How about the temperature?</i>

<i>S2: The low will be 20 and the high 26</i>


Ss work in open pairs, closed pairs.
 <b>Model sentences:</b>

<i>The Le family was sleeping when the </i>
<i> </i>Past continuous

<i>mailman came</i>.
Past simple

<i>The phone rang while Nga was eating</i>.
Past simple<i> </i>Past continuous

Past simple and past continuous tense.
Main clause Conj Adv clause

Past When Past simple

<span class='text_page_counter'>(155)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=155>

<i>the race</i> <i>cook</i>

<i>arrive at</i>

<i>It / rain</i>

<b>* Matching:</b>

Ask Ss to do exercise 2 on page 119 by
matching the half-sentences in column
A to those in column B.

Give feedback.


Past simple While Past


.Một hành động đang xảy ra thì có một hành
động khác cũng xảy ra.

.Hai hành động cùng xảy ra một lúc trong
quá khứ ( While)

Ss work in open pairs, closed pairs.
<b>IV.Consolidation: (3ms)</b>

- Ss ask and answer about the weather in dong Ha town.
<b>V. Homework: (3ms)</b>

<b>* Write-it-up</b>: Ss use the information in the table to write a weather report,
beginning with:

<i>Here is today’s weather forecast for the international travellers.</i>
<i> In Sydney, it will be...</i>

Do exercise 4-6 in workbook.
Prepare the new lesson (Read)
<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(156)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=156>

<i><b>Peparing date:15/03/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:17/03/2010</b></i>


<b>Period: 76 </b>

<b>LESSON 4: READ</b>

<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the main ideas
and details about Mrs Quyen’s tour to the United States.

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> Reading, speaking .

<b>III.Preparation:</b> Teacher : Lesson plan, Poster.
Students: Old lesson, New lesson

<b>I. Settlement:</b> greeting and calling roll .
II.Warm- up: Matching.(5ms)

Ask Ss to match the name of a place with its landscape.

<i>Hawaii</i> <i>The massive portraits of four </i>
<i>American Presidents</i>

<i>New York</i> <i>The windy city</i>
<i>Chicago</i> <i>Famous prison</i>
<i>Mount Rushmore</i> <i>Beautiful beaches</i>
<i>San Fracisco</i> <i>Statue of liberty</i>

<i> </i>
<i> III.New lesson(35ms)</i>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

<b>*-Pre- teach </b>

T elicits the words from Ss by asking Ss
to translating.

T models first, Ss repeat in chorus; then
Ss read individually.

( drawing )
( drawing )
( drawing )
( translation )
( mine )

-Ss copy down.

-T write the words on the board, putting
one word in each circle.

-Practise reading in chorus then rub out
word by word but leave the circles.

-Ask them to go to the board and write the
words again in the correct circles.

<b>*. Open-prediction: </b>(Task 1 – P 117)
<b>*Set the sence</b>: <i>Mrs Quyen and her</i>


-V<i>olcano (n ): Núi lữa</i>

<i>- lava (n ) : Dung nham, nham thạch</i>
<i>- to pour out : Chảy ra, tuôn ra</i>
<i> -to carve: Khắc chạm</i>

<i> -overhead (adv.): above</i>

<b>Checking vocab: </b>“<b>What and Where”</b>
Ss read the word and try to remember the
word in each circle.

Ss go to the board and write the words
again in the correct circles.

Work in pairs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(157)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=157>

<i>husband visited many places of interest</i>
<i>in the USA while they were there.</i>

-T draws the grid on the poster and stick
on the bb.

-Ask Ss to guess and fill in the table.
Give feedback. (Ss’answer)

<b>*. Check prediction.</b>

Ask Ss to read the postcards from Mrs
Quyen to her children and check their

Give feedback.

<b>*Answer the questions:</b>

Ask Ss to read the postcards again and
answer the questions on page 118.

Give feedback.
<b>3. Post-reading:</b>

Ask Ss some questions about the USA.

<i>a-What do you know about these</i>

<i>b- What are they?</i>
<i>c-Where do they go?</i>

<i>d- Name the places they visited.</i>

Gives feedback.

Ask Ss to retell Mrs Quyen’s tour.

<b>Place</b> <b>What she did and saw</b>
a.Hawaii Went swimming, visited

Kilawea Volcano.


Went shopping, bought
lots of souvenirs.

d. Mount

Saw the head of 4
American Presidents
e. San


Visited Fisherman’s
wharf, the Napa Valley
wine-growing area and
the Alcatraz Prison.

Read the postcards on page 118 to check

Ss read the postcards to answer the
questions, then compare their answers
with their partners.

<b>*Answer key:</b>

<i>a.She went there by plane.</i>

<i>b.She saw the famous prison on the island</i>
<i>of Alcatraz.</i>

<i>c.It is the mount where the heads of four</i>
<i>American Presidents are carved into the</i>
<i>rock; and it can be seen from more than</i>
<i>100km away.</i>

<i>d.It is also called “ The Windy City”</i>
<i>e.She went shopping. </i>

Ss practice asking and answering.

Ss look at the pictures and answer the

<b> </b>

<b> IV.Consolidation: (2ms) </b>

- Ask Ss to tell the interest places in the USA
<b>V.Homework:</b> (3ms)

- Write the answers into your notebooks.
- Prepare the new lesson (Write)

<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(158)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=158>

<i><b>Peparing date:16/03/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:18/03/2010</b></i>


<b>Period: 77 </b>

<b>LESSON 5: WRITE</b>

<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write postcards to their
friends about their trip.

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> Writing and reading.

<b>III.Preparation:</b> Teacher : Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson

<b>I. Settlement:</b> greeting and calling roll . Check attendance.

II.Warmer: (3ms)*Matching:

Ask Ss to match the name of a place with its landscape.

<i>Hawaii</i> <i>The heads of four American </i>

<i>New York</i> <i>Alcatraz prison</i>
<i>Chicago</i> <i>Kilauae Volcano</i>
<i>Mount Rushmore</i> <i>Lake Michigan</i>
<i>San Fracisco</i> <i>Statue of liberty</i>

III. New lesson. (36ms)

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

<b>1-Pre writing:</b>

-T sets the sence: <i>From the USA, Mrs.</i>

<i>Quyen sent a postcard to her friend Sally</i>
<i>to tell her about the trip.</i>

-T gets Ss to read the poscard Mrs.Q sent
from the USA and fill in the gaps with the
appropriate words.

-T gives feedback.

Information needed to write a postcard.

<i>The name of place</i>
<i>you visit </i>

<i>We are having a</i>
<i>wonderful time in</i>
<i>the USA</i>

<i>How you feel</i>
<i>about the people.</i>

<i>The people are</i>

<i>The weather</i> <i>The weather has</i>
<i>been warm and</i>

Ss complete the gaps.

Ss work individually then share with their

Some Ss go to the board and write them

<b>* Answer keys:</b>

<i>1-in 2-people 3-weather 4-visited </i>
<i>5-her 6-lovely 7-bought 8-for</i>
<i>9- heaviness 10-soon</i>

Ss copy down.

Ss answer T’s questions using the
information from Mrs Quyen’s postcard.

<i>T: What do you write about the place?</i>
<i>S: (Names of places.)</i>

<i>T: What do you write about the weather?</i>
<i>S: (The weather is warm or cold or...)</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(159)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=159>

<i>Who you meet/</i>

<i>I visited my friend</i>
<i>and her family.</i>
<i>What you bought</i> <i>I bought lots of</i>

<i>souvenirs for the</i>

<i>What you see</i> <i>I saw…</i>

<b>2.While writing:</b>
<b>*.Set the sence:</b>

<i>Imagine you are a tourist on vacation in a</i>
<i>certain place/city in Viet Nam. Write a</i>
<i>postcard to a friend about your trip, using</i>
<i>the information in the grid.</i>


Ask Ss some questions about their

<i>- Where are you now ?</i>

<i>- How do you feel about the people in...?</i>
<i>- What’s the weather like in… ?</i>

<i>- Who did you visit in…?</i>
<i>- What did you see in…?</i>
<i>- What did you buy in…?</i>

<b>*.Write a postcard to your friend.</b>
Divide class into four groups and ask Ss

to write the postcard on a piece of paper.
T monitors and assists Ss with their

Give feed back.
<b>3-Post writing: </b>

T calls on some Ss to the front of the class
and asks them to read their postcards to
the whole class.

T gives feedback and corrects the
mistakes (if any)

Answer T’s questions.

Ss write the postcard in groups of six.

Ss stick their writings on the bb and read
their postcards to the whole class.

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>: (3ms)

-Ss remind what they’ve just written and how to write a postcard.
<b>V. Homework: (3ms)</b>

-Rewrite your postcard in your notebook.
- Do exercise 2 – 7 in Workbook.

-Prepare the new lesson. (Language focus)

<b>C/ Supplement</b>:


<span class='text_page_counter'>(160)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=160>

<i><b>Peparing date:18/03/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:20/03/2010</b></i>

<b>UNIT 13: FESTIVALS </b>

<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about the
famous places of interest in Viet Nam and Vietnamese tranditional festival.
<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> reading, listening and writing.

<b>III.Preparation:</b> Teacher : Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson

<b>I. Settlement:</b> greeting and calling roll.
<b>II. Warm - up: Matching. (3ms)</b>

<i>Tom</i> <i>Go to Sapa </i>
<i>David</i> <i>Go to Bat Trang </i>
<i>Huckleberry</i> <i>Go to the beach.</i>
<i>Oliver</i> <i>Go to HCM city</i>

<i>Robinson</i> <i>Go to Hoi An.</i>

-Ask Ss to answer the questions.

<i>Where should these people go on their visits to Viet Nam?</i>

Ss work in pairs to answer the questions.

<i>S1.Tom likes swimming and sunbathing.Where should he go?</i>
<i>S2. He should go to the beach</i>

III.New- lesson: (36ms)

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

<b>1. Pre-reading</b>

<b>.Pre – teach:</b>T elicits the words from Ss
by using pictures.


<b>*.T / F statements predictions.</b>

-T sticks the poster on the board and has

Ss predict.

1.Two team members take part in the water

2. One person has to collect four water bottles.
3. The fire is made without matches or lighters.
4. Pieces of wood are used to make the fire.


- competition : cuộc tranh tài.
- water - fetching : đi lấy nước
- fire – making: nhóm lửa
- rice – cooking: nấu cơm.

- starting possition: vị trí ban đầu.

- urge: thúcđẩy, nài nỉ cố sức thuyết phục.
- to award: tặng, tặng thưởng.

- to rub: Cọ xát.

<b>* Checking vocabulary</b>: ROR

- Ss predict which statements are true and
which statements are false.

- work individually, then they share with
their partners.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(161)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=161>

5. In the final contest, the team members taste
the rice.

6. The grand prize is given to the team with the
most points.

Give feed back.
<b>2. While - reading:</b>

-T asks Ss to work in pairs to read the

-T gives feedback.

-T has Ss practice the dialogue.

<b>*.Complete the sentences.</b>

Stick the poster with given words and ask
Ss to complete the sentences.

Give feedback.
<b>3. Post - reading:</b>
<b>*.Language focus 1:</b>

<b>* Matching: Passive form.</b>

<b>Tense</b> <b> form</b>

Present simple Were/was + PP
Past simple Have/has+been+PP
Future simple Is/am/are + PP
Present perfect Will/shall+be + PP
<b>*Gap fill:</b>

Ask Ss to complete the sentences, using
the passive forms of the verbs in the box.
Decide whether the time is past, present
or future.

- T gives feedback and corrects the
mistakes (if any).

<b>*Complete the conversation:</b>

Ask Ss to use the verbs in the box to
complete the conversation.

Ss read the dialogue with a partner and
check their prediction.

<b>*Answer key:</b>

<i>1.F->Only one team member takes part in</i>
<i>2. F-> One person has to collect one </i>
<i>water bottle.</i>

<i>3. T</i>

<i>4. F->Pieces of bamboo are used to make</i>
<i>the fire.</i>

<i>5. F->In the final contest, the judges taste</i>
<i>the rice.</i>

<i>6. T </i>

-Ss work in pairs.

<i>1.fire/ make/ without/ matches/ lighters.</i>
<i>2. rice/ separate/ husk.</i>

<i>3. pieces/ wood/ use/ make a fire.</i>
<i>4. water/ take/ river.</i>

<i>5. grand prize/ give/ winners. </i>

Ss work in pairs to talk.

Match the tense with its form.

Ss do the exercises 1-2 on page128

Some Ss go to the board and write them
on the board.

<b>* Answer key:</b>

a. <i><b>were performed</b></i> b. <i><b>was decorated</b></i>

c. <b>was made</b>d. <i><b>will be held</b></i>

e. <i><b>was awarded</b></i> f. <i><b>were written</b></i> …..

Work in pairs.

<i><b>*Answer key:</b></i>

<i>1. jumbled 2. broken 3. broken</i>
<i>4. scattered 5. pulled</i>.

<b>IV. Consolidation: (3ms) - </b>Ask Ss to resay how to form the passive voice.
- Do language focus 2 in pairs.

<b>V. Homework (3ms)</b>- Learning newwords

- Reading the dialogue again and do Language focus 1 on page 128, Exercise 5,6 in
workbook .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(162)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=162>

-Preparing the new lesson (Listen & Speak)
<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<i><b>Peparing date:22/03/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:24/03/2010</b></i>

<b>UNIT 13: FESTIVALS </b>

<b>Period: 79 </b>

<b>Lesson 2: Listen and Speak</b>

<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their preparations
for a special event and listen for details.

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> speaking, listening and writing.
<b>III.Preparation:</b> Teacher : Lesson plan.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson

<b>I. Settlement:</b> greeting and calling roll.
<b>II.Warm-up:</b> Newwords. (3ms)

tidy the house buy new clothes

<b> </b> <b>III.New- lesson (36ms)</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

<b>1. Pre-speaking: </b>

<b>*. Pre - teach </b>Elicit the vocabulary from
Ss by using pictures and realia.

T models first.


<b>*. Odering statements</b> : <b>(Speak 1)</b>
-Asking Ss to read the dialogue on page
123 and put the sentences in the correct

<b>-</b>T gives feedback.


- Pomegranate: (n): quả lựu.
- Peach blossoms: hoa đào
- Marigolds:cúc vạn thọ

- Dried watermelon seeds: hạt dưa.
- Spring roll: chả giò.

- Apricot blossoms: hoa mai
 <b>Checking vocabulary</b>: ROR
- Ss work in pairs to predict T/F

<i><b>*Answer key:</b></i>

A - F, C - H, D – J, B - G, E - I

<b>2. While speaking:</b>
<b>*. Brainstorming:</b>

Ask Ss to write what they prepare for a

buy cakes/ candy/fruits


for Tet

for school

<span class='text_page_counter'>(163)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=163>

school festival.

Give feedback and correct.

<b>2. Mapped dialogue:</b>

-Asking Ss to close their books.

-Putting the chart with the cues on the

-Eliciting the exchanges from Ss.
<b>Miss Huong</b>
You/ tidied/ school yard ?

Market/ I/ buy/ candies/ cakes/ fruits.
Not really/ our school/ look nice/ meeting.
All right/ bye.

-Asking Ss to choose one of the other
festivals and make up their own

- Give feedback.

<b>3.Post – speaking: *Listen:</b>
<b>*. Open-prediction:</b>

-T sets the scene:”<i>The Robinson family is</i>
<i>making preparations for Tet. They want</i>
<i>to buy things to make a traditional</i>
<i>festival as VietNamese people do.”</i>

-T asks Ss to read the statements on page
124 and predict the words in the gaps.
<b>*.Listening: Check prediction:</b>

-Having Ss listen to the tape 3 times and
ckeck their prediction.

-Give feedback

<b>.Complete the notes:</b>

-Asking Ss to copy the grid in their

notebooks and fill in the gaps with the
information taken from statements above.
-Give feedback.

<i><b>* Grid:Things to do.</b></i>

<i>Mr. Robinson: Go to the flower market to buy</i>
<i>peach blossoms and a bunch of marigolds.</i>
<i>Mrs. Robinson: Go to Mrs. Nga 's house to learn</i>
<i>how to make spring rolls.</i>

<i>Liz: Go to the market to buy candies and a</i>
<i>packet of dried watermelon seeds.</i>

Work individually then share with their

Send letter of invitationSs work in open
pairs, then in closed pairs.

Yes/ Where/ you/ going now ?

Is/ anything/ you/ want/ us/ do/ while/out?
Ah! We/ What/ do/ now/ we/ decorate/hall.
Could/ buy/ multi-color lights.

Bye! Miss Huong.

<b>* Example exchange:</b>

<i>Miss Huong: Have you tidied the shool yard?</i>

<i>Nam: yes, we have. Where are you going now, Miss Huong? </i>
<i>Miss Huong: To the market. I’ll buy some cakes, candies and </i>

<i>Nam: Is there anything you want us to do while you are out?</i>
<i>Miss Huong: Not really, but our school must look nice at the </i>

<i>Nam:</i> <i> Ah! We know what to do now.</i>

<i>We’ll decorate the hall. Could you buy some multi-color lights.</i>
<i>Miss Huong: All right. Bye.</i>

<i>Nam: Bye Miss Huong.</i>

Listen to the teacher.

Ss predict the words in the gaps.
Ss listen and check their prediction.

<i><b>*Answers key:</b></i>

<i>a. Mr. Robinson / Flower market.</i>
<i>b. Traditional </i>

<i>c. Dried watermelon seeds.</i>
<i>d. Make .</i>

Ss copy down.
Ss fill in the gaps.

Ss work individually, then share with their

<b>IV. Consolidation: (3ms)</b>-T asks Ss to read newwords and listen to the tape.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(164)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=164>

<b>V. Homework: (3ms)</b>-Learn the newwords by heart and rewrite the mapped dialouge
- Do exercise 1 – 4 in workbook.



<i><b>Peparing date:23/03/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:25/03/2010</b></i>

<b>UNIT 13: FESTIVALS </b>

<b>Period: 80 </b>

<b>Lesson 3 : Read</b>

<b> </b>

<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get some knowledge about

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> reading and speaking.

<b>III.Preparation:</b> Teacher : Lesson plan, pictures and posrers.

Students: Old lesson, New lesson


<b>I. Settlement:</b> greeting and calling roll. Attendance.

<b>II.Warm-up:</b> Newwords. (3m)- Ask Ss to retell what they often do at chistmas.
Go to the church send greetings

<b> </b>

visit friends.

III.New- lesson: (36ms)

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

<b>1. Pre - reading:</b>

<b>*. Pre - teach </b>T elicits words from Ss by
asking Ss some questions.

<b>*. Matching:</b>

- T sticks the pictures on the board

(Christmas tree /card /carol /Santa Claus).
-T puts the statements on the poster and
ask Ss to read them and do the matching.

<i>1.It has been said he was the patron saint of </i>
<i>children, a fat jolly man who wore a red suit and</i>
<i>gave children presents on Christmas Eve.</i>

<i><b>* Vocabulary</b></i><b>:</b>

<i>- to sprea - sprea - spread: lan truyền.</i>
<i>- christmas carol: bài hát mừng lễ giáng sinh.</i>

<i>- patron saint: vị thánh bảo trợ.</i>
<i>- Jolly (adj) = happy = cheerful</i>
<i> -to decorate: Trang trí</i>

 <b>Checking vocabulary: ROR.</b>
- Ss look at the picture, read the
statements and match.

- Ss work individually,then they share
with their partners.

<i><b>Ton That Thuyet Secondary School Nguyen Vo Thien</b></i>164

Activities at


Christmas carol
Christmas card

<span class='text_page_counter'>(165)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=165>

<i>2. The custom of decorating it and putting it in a </i>
<i>common place, spread throughout Europe to </i>

<i>3.They were stories put to music and enjoyed by </i>
<i>most people. First the leaders of the Church did </i>
<i>not like them but later they became popular.</i>
<i>4. An English man had someone design it to send</i>
<i>Christmas greetings to his friends. Now it is a </i>
<i>part of the Christmas tradition.</i>

Give feedback.

<b>2. While - reading: (P125)</b>
<b>*.Check prediction:</b>

-T has Ss read the text and check the

- Give feedback.

<b>*.Complete the table:</b>

- T sticks the poster on the board.

-T asks Ss to read the paragraph again and
complete the grid.

- Give feedback.

<b>*.Comprehension questions:</b>

- Ask Ss to read the text again and answer
the questions in the textbook.

<b>3. Post - reading:</b>
<b>* Mapped dialogue:</b>

Stick the poster with given words and get
Ss to make a dialogue.


What/ you/ like/ best/ Chistmas?
Why/ you/ like/ best ?

How/ about/ Chistmas tree ?

Do/ you/ send/ Chistmas cards/ friends?
<b>* Example exchange:</b>

<i>Lan: What do you like best at Chistmas ?</i>
<i>Mai: I like Santa Claus.</i>

<i>Lan: Why do you like him best ?</i>

<i>Mai: Because he gives the children </i>

- Do as the teacher directs.

- Read the text on P125 to check their

<b>*Answer key: </b>1.c 2. d 3. a 4.b
- Ss read the text silently and fill in the

- Ss go to the board and fill in the grid.

<b>* Answers:</b>

<i>a. More than a century ago.</i>

<i>b. He wanted to send Christmas greetings to his friends.</i>
<i>c. 800 years ago.</i>

<i>d.An American professor Clement Clarke Moore wrote <b>A</b></i>
<i><b>visit from Saint Nicolas</b></i>

<i>e.Santa Claus is based on the description of Saint Nicolas</i>
<i>in this poem.</i>

-Work in pairs – open pairs – close pairs.

<b> </b>Santa claus

Because/ he/ give/ children/ presents.
Oh/ it/ beautiful.

Of couse./ I.

<i>Lan: How about Chistmas tree ?</i>
<i>Mai: Oh, It’s very beautiful.</i>

<i>Lan: Do you often send Chistmas cards to</i>
<i>your friends.</i>

<i>Mai: Of course, I do. </i>

<b>IV. Consolidation: (3ms)</b>

-Ss listen to the tape and sing the song “ Silent night”


<i><b>Christmas Specials</b></i> <i><b>Place of origin</b></i> <i><b>Date</b></i>

<i>(The Christmas tree)</i> <i>Riga</i> <i>(early 1500s)</i>

<i>(The Christmas card)</i> <i>(England)</i> <i>Mid-19th<sub> century</sub></i>

<i>Christmas carol</i> <i>(no information)</i> <i>( 800 years ago)</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(166)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=166>

<b>V. Homework: (3ms)</b>

- Learn newwords by heart and rewrite the answers into Ss’ notebooks.
- Do exercise 7- 8 in workbook.

- Prepare the part "Read"


<span class='text_page_counter'>(167)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=167>

<i><b>Peparing date:25/03/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:27/03/2010</b></i>

<b>UNIT 13: FESTIVALS </b>

<b>Period: 81 </b>

<b>Lesson 4 : W</b>

<b>rite </b>

<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a report on a festival
they have joined..

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> writing.

<b>III.Preparation:</b> Teacher : Lesson plan and posters.
Students: Old lesson, New lesson

<b>I. Settlement:</b> greeting and calling roll.-Attendance.

<b>II. Warm-up:</b> Play the game: “<b>Lucky Numbers”. 3ms)</b>T has Ss play the game.

<i>1.What do you call the festival where people have to cook rice?(The rice-cooking </i>

<i>2.How many competitions are there in the rice-cooking festival? What are they? </i>
<i>( Three. They are water-fetching, firemaking and rice-cooking.)</i>

<i>3. Lucky number.</i>

<i>4. What do people use to fetch water? (Bottles)</i>
<i>5. Lucky number.</i>

<i>6. Do they use pieces of wood to make fire? (No. Pieces of bamboo.)</i>
<i>7. What do people have to do before they cook rice?</i>

<i>( They have to separate the rice from the husk.)</i>
<i>8. Lucky number.</i>

<i>9. How many people are there altogether in a team taking part in the rice-cooking </i>

<i>( Nine. One for water-fetching, two for fire-making and six for rice-cooking.)</i>
<i>10.Lucky number.</i>

<b>III.New- lesson: (36ms)</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

<b>1. Pre - writing:</b>
<b>*. Gap fill:</b>

-T sticks the poster on the board.

-T asks Ss to read the dialogue on page
121 to fill in the gaps in the report on

- T gives feedback.

- Ss read the dialogue silently and then fill
in the gaps.

- Ss work individually then they share
with their partners.

<b>*Answer key:</b>

<i>1. rice – cooking 2. one / a</i>
<i>3. water – fetching 4. run</i>

<i>5.water 6. traditional</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(168)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=168>

<b>2. While - writing:</b>

<b>*. Questions and answers</b>: (P127)

Ask Ss to answer the questions about the
festival they have joined recently.

<i>a. What is the name of the festival?</i>

<i>b. Where was the festival held?</i>
<i>c. How long did the festival last?</i>

<i>d. How many activities were there? Were</i>
<i>there any competitions?</i>

<i>e. How were the activities organized?</i>
<i>f. How many people took part in each</i>

<i>g. What did you think about the festival? </i>

Give feedback.

-Have Ss write a similar report on a
festival by joining the answers above.
- T moves around and helps Ss.

<b>3. Post - writing:</b>

-T asks Ss to stick the posters on the

- T gives feedback and correct the
mistakes (if any)

<i>7. bamboo 8. six</i>
<i>9. separate 10. added.</i>

- Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the

<b>*Possible answers:</b>

<i>a. The name of the festival is the Spring</i>

<i>b. The festival was held in the theatre.</i>
<i>c. The festival lasted a week.</i>

<i>d. There were 5 activities. Yes, there</i>
<i>were. They were rice - cooking, pouring</i>
<i>water into a bottle; bike - racing.</i>

<i>e. Each person in each team rides a bike</i>
<i>but he/ she rides as slowly as he can.</i>
<i>Someone come back the slowliest will</i>
<i>become winner.</i>

<i>f. depend on.</i>

<i>g. I think the festival is very interesting</i>.
- Ss write the report in four groups.
- Ss sticks four posters on the board.

<b>IV. Consolidation: (3ms)</b>

-Ask Ss to read aloud the reports..
<b>V. Homework: (3ms)</b>

-Rewrite the report in notebooks.
- Do exercise 9- workbook.
- Prepare Language focus.
<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(169)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=169>

<i><b>Peparing date:29/03/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:31/03/2010</b></i>

<b>UNIT 13: FESTIVALS </b>

<b>Period: 82 </b>

<b>Lesson 5 : </b>

<b>LANGUAGE FOCUS 3 + 4</b>
<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to use the
<b>Reported Speech </b>and practice in reporting what was said and making combound

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> writing, speaking.

<b>III.Preparation:</b> Teacher : Lesson plan and posters.
Students: Old lesson, New lesson

<b>I. Settlement:</b> greeting and calling roll.
<b>II. Warm-up: Pelmanism (3ms)</b>.

Put Write Hold Make Break Do

Put Written Held Made Broken done

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b> <b>5</b> <b>6</b>

<b>a</b> <b>b</b> <b>c</b> <b>d</b> <b>e</b> <b>f</b>

<b> </b>

Infinitive -> past participle.
<b> </b>III.New- lesson: (36ms)

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

<b>A. Language focus 3 P130.</b>

<b>I.Grammar drill:</b> Compound Adjectives.
-T elicits the examples and write them on
the board.

<i> A ric e- cooking festival.</i>
<i> A water - fetching competition</i>
<i> A fire - matching (noun)</i>

-T does concept check.
<b>*Form:</b> Noun + V-ing.


- Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences in their
exercise book. Use a coumpound word in
their sentences.

- Give an example.

Ex: <i>It is a contest in which participants</i>
<i>have to cook rice.</i>

- Ss listen to the teacher.
- Ss pay attention.

- Ss copy down.

- Work individually then share with their

<b>* Answers:</b>

<i>a. A fire-making contest.</i>
<i>b. A bull-fighting festival.</i>
<i>c. A car-making industry.</i>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(170)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=170>

<i> ->It’s a rice-cooking contest.</i>

- Give feedback.

<b>B. Language focus 4 ( P130).</b>
I.<b>Set the scene</b><i>: Yesterday, Lan’s </i>
<i>grandmother, Mrs. Thu, needed a </i>
<i>plumber. A man came to her door and </i>
<i>said:” I’m a plumber”.</i>

-T elicits the structure from Ss.
.What did the plumber say ?

.Who can report what the plumber told to
Mrs Thu ?

<b>II.Model sentences</b>

<i>He said,” I’m a plumber.”</i>
<i>-> He said he was a plumber.</i>

-T does concept check.

<b>III. Transformation drill:</b>

-T asks Ss to report what the mab told
Mrs Thu.

- Give feedback.

<b>C. Production.</b>

Ask Ss to do exercise 8 in the workbook.

<i>d. A flower-arranging contest.</i>
<i>e. A rice-exporting country.</i>
<i>f. A clothes-washing machine.</i>

Answer T’s questions and draw out the
target language.

<b>*Reported speech.</b>

<b>Direct speech Reported speech</b>

<i>Simple present → Simple past</i>
<i>Present continuous→Past continuous</i>
<i>Present perfect →Past perfect</i>
<i>Will →Would</i>
<i>Must →had to</i>

2.Pronouns: Depending on the subject of
the main clause.

3.Adverb of place and time.

<i>This → That</i>
<i>Now → then</i>
<i>Here → there</i>
<i>Today → that day</i>
<i>Tomorrow → the next day</i>
<i>Yesterday → the day before</i>

<i>Ago → before</i>

work individually then share with their

<b>* Answer key:</b>

<i>a. He said he could fix the faucets.</i>
<i>b. He said the pipes were broken.</i>

<i>c. He said new pipes were very expensive.</i>
<i>d. He said new pipes were very expensive.</i>
<i>e. He said Mrs.Thu had to pay him then.</i>

<b>IV. Consolidation: (3ms)</b>

- Ask Ss how to change a sentence into reported speech.
<b>V. Homework: (3ms)</b>

- Learn structures by heart and do exercise 2-3 in workbook.
- Prepare new lesson ( Unit 14- lesson 1)

<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(171)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=171>


<i><b>Peparing date:30/03/2010</b></i>

<i><b> Teaching date:01/04/2010</b></i>



<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to seek information about
wonders of the world and practice using Question words before to - inf

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> reading, listening and speaking.

<b>III.Preparation:</b> Teacher : Lesson plan and posters.
Students: Old lesson, New lesson

<b>I. Settlement:</b> greeting and calling roll.

<b>II.Warm - up: (3ms) </b>- T shows the pictures and asks Ss to match the name of these
famous world landmarks to the correct pictures.

- T gives feedback. Ss look at the pictures and match.

<i> Picture a: The Pyramid</i>

<i> Picture b: Sydney Opera House.</i>
<i> Picture c: Stonehenge</i>

III.New- lesson: (36ms)

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

<b>1. Pre - reading:</b>

<b>. Set the scene: </b><i>-“Nga, Nhi and Hoa are </i>
<i>playing a language game called guessing </i>
<i>game. How does this game work? </i>

<i>Rearrange the statements in the right </i>
<i>order of the game.”</i>

<b>. Open prediction:</b>

- T puts the statements chart on the board.
- T moves around and helps Ss.

*How to play the guessing game:

<i>1.B asks questions to find out who or what is.</i>

<i>2.A thinks of a famous person or place.</i>
<i>3.B wins if he/she can guess the correct</i>

<i>4.A gives B a clue. </i>

<i>5.B loses if he/she cannot guess the</i>
<i>correct answer.</i>

- Give feedback.
<b>2. While - reading:</b>
<b>*. Reading the dialogue.</b>
<b>*. Check prediction:</b>

- Ss read the statements and put them in
the right order.

- Ss work individually, then share with
their partners.

- Some Ss go to the board and write their
prediction on.

Ss open their book and read the dialogue
on page 131-132 while listening the tape.
<b>Answer key:</b>

2 – 4 – 1 – 6 – 3 – 5
Ss practice the dialogue.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(172)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=172>

<b>-</b>T checks if Ss’guesses are right or not.
<b>-</b>Practice the dialogue with their partners.
<b>*.Gap fill:</b>

T has Ss read the dialogue again and
complete the summary (2) on page 132.
T gives feedback.

3.Grammar Awareness.

- T elicits the target language by asking Ss
a question in Vietnamese.

- T does concept check.
<b>3. Post - reading:</b>

<b>*. Language focus 3 – P137.</b>

Have Ss use the words to write about the
information that Nga gave to Nhi.

Give feedback.

<i>Ex: tell/ how/ go there.</i>

<i> Nga told Nhi how to go there. </i>

<b>*. Play the game “ Guessing Game ”.</b>
Ask Ss to tell some famous world

Get Ss to choose one name and then play
the game.

S1: Is it in Vietnam ?
S2: No, It isn’t.
S3: Is it in China ?
S2: Yes, It is.

S3: Is it the Great Wall.
S2: That’s right.

Ss complete individually, then share with
their partners.

Some Ss give their answers.
<b>*Answer key:</b>

-Hoa, Nga and her cousin Nhi were bored, so
Nga suggested that they play a (1) <b>game</b>
called <i>20 questions</i>. She explained the rules
and then the girls started to play. Nga thought
of a (2<b>) place</b> and she gave the others a (3)
<b>clue</b> by saying that it wasn't in (4<b>) Vietnam.</b>
Nhi found out the place was in (5) <b>America</b> .
Hoa thought it was the (6) <b>Golden</b> Gate
Bridge, but that is in San Francisco . Nhi was
(7) right when she said, It (8) <b>was</b> the Statue
of Liberty.

- Ss answer T’s question.
<b>Model sentences:</b>

I don’t know how to play it.
S V question to-inf

- Ss copy down.

- Ss do the exercise individually then
share with their partners.

<i>b. Nga showed Nhi where to get tickets.</i>
<i>c. Nga pointed out where to buy</i>

<i>d. Nga advised Nhi how to go from My</i>
<i>Son to Hoi An.</i>

<i>e. Nga told Nhi what to do there during</i>
<i>the visit.</i>

- Tell some famous world landmarks.
- Phong Nha cave.

- the Pyramids.

- Sydney Opera House.
- Stonehenge.

- Ha Long Bay.
- The Great Wall.
<b>IV. Consolidation: (3ms)</b>

-Ss read newwords again and remind what they’ve just learnt.
<b>V. Homework: (3ms)</b>

<b>-</b>Learn structures by heart.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(173)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=173>

-Read the dialogue again and do exercise 1-6 workbook.
- Prepare the new lesson (Speak)

<b>C/ Supplement:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(174)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=174>

<i><b>Peparing date:01/04/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:03/04/2010</b></i>


<b> Period: 84 LESSON 2: SPEAK + LANGUAGE FOCUS 2</b> <b> </b>
<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make a report on famous
places using reported speech.

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> Speaking

<b>I. Settlement:</b> greeting and calling roll.
<b>II.Warm-up: Matching.</b> <b>(3ms)</b>

<i>Great Wall.</i>

<i>Empire State Building.</i>
<i>Petronas Twins Towers.</i>
<i>Great Berrier Reef.</i>
<i>Eiffel Tower.</i>

<i>Mount Everest.</i>
<i>Big Ben.</i>

<i>Ha Long Bay</i>

<i>The USA.</i>

<i>South Central Asia.</i>


III.New- lesson: (36ms)

<b>Teacher’sactivities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<b>1. Pre-speaking: Matching</b>:

- T puts the chart with the statements on
the board.

-T asks Ss to read the statements and the
names of the famous places in the box on
page 133 and do the matching.

<i>1. It was designed and built by the French</i>

<i>civil engineer with 300 metres in height.</i>
<i>2. It's in Souh Central Asia, 8.848 metres</i>
<i>high above sea level.</i>

<i>3. It was built from 246 - 209 BC and</i>
<i>some people say it can be seen from the</i>

<i>4. It's a bell striking the hours in the clock</i>
<i>tower of the houses of Parliament in</i>

<i>5. It is a skycraper in Manhattan, New</i>
<i>York city.</i>

<i>6. It is a famous place in Quang Binh</i>
<i>province recognized as a World Heritage</i>
<i>Site by Unessco.</i>

- Give feedback.

- Ss read the statements.

- Ss work individuall then share with their

<b>* Answer keys:</b>

<i>1. Effel tower.</i>
<i>2. Mount Everest.</i>

<i>3. Great wall of China.</i>
<i>4. Big Ben.</i>

<i>5. Empire Statue building USA.</i>
<i>6. Phong Nha cave.</i>

Ss copy down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(175)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=175>

<b>.Grammar awareness:</b>

T sets the scene: using a picture of Hue to
elicit the target language.

. What ‘s this ?
. Where is it ?

. Is Hue citadel in the Central VietNam?
-T asks Ss to listen .

<i>" I asked Lan if Hue Citadel was in the</i>
<i>Central Viet Nam.</i>

<i>- She said (that) it was." </i>(Indirect speech)
-T writes the statement on the board.
<i><b>Model sentences</b></i>

<i>I said to Lan, “ Is Hue Citadel in the </i>
<i>central Vietnam?”</i>
<i>I asked Lan if / whether Hue Citadel was</i>

<i> in the central Vietnam.</i>

-T does the concept check.
-T asks Ss to give the structures.

-Have Ss substitute to do the tast 2 P133
in texbook.

Ex: <i>Is Phong Nha cave in Southern</i>
<i>Vietnam ?</i>

<i> - Yes, It is. </i>

<i>-I asked Hoa if Phong Nha cave was in</i>
<i>Southern VN.She said that it was not</i>.
<b>3. Post - speaking: Language focus 2.</b>
Ask Ss to report what Nhi asked Nga,
using the reported speech.

Give feedback.

Ex: <i>Nhi asked Nga if/ whether she knew</i>
<i>my Son.</i>

Answer T’s questions.

Ss listen to the teacher.
Ss copy down.

Ss give the structure.

Form: Indirect Yes/No-questions.

<b>[ S+ asked +(Obj) + If / whether + S + V</b>
<b>(</b>lùi về một thì<b>) + Obj]</b>

<b>Note</b>: said to + Obj -> asked + Obj/
wanted to know.

<b>Tense: </b>Present simple -> Past simple.
Past simple -> past perfect
Present perfect -> past perfect
- Ss work in pairs -> groups.

<b>Ex:</b> S1:<i>Is Phong Nha cave in Southern </i>
<i>Vietnam ?</i>

<i> S2: I asked Hoa if Phong Nha cave was</i>
<i>in Southern VN. She said that it was not</i>.
- Ss work individually then share with
their friends.

- Write on the bb.

<b>IV. Consolidation: (3ms)</b>

- Asking Ss how to use the reported speech.
<b>V. Homework: (3ms)</b>

<b>- </b>Learn structures by heart.
- Do exercise 3-4 in workbook.

- Prepare the new lesson (Listen & Language focus 4)
<b>C/ Supplement:</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(176)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=176>


<i><b>Peparing date:05/04/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:07/04/2010</b></i>


<b> Period: 85 LESSON 3: LISTEN + LANGUAGE FOCUS 1- 4.</b>
<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to recognize mistakes through
listening to an advertisement and further practice with passive voice and using
‘to-infinitive” .

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> listening and writing.

<b>III.Preparation:</b> Teacher : Lesson plan and posters.
Students: Old lesson, New lesson

<b>I. Settlement:</b> greeting and calling roll.
<b>II.Warm-up: Crossword puzzle (3ms)</b>

<b> </b> <sub>L</sub> <sub>O</sub> <sub>S</sub> <sub>E</sub>




T asks Ss to listen and fill in the Crossword
1.Unable to find st/so

2.Something that help you find out an answer to a question.
3.A very thick forest.

4.To make a suggestion.

T gives Ss good point if they are right.
<b>III.New- lesson: (36ms)</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

<b>1.Pre-listening:</b> presents the newwords.
-T reads first and then ask Ss to repeat.


<b>* Checking vocabulary: </b>ROR
<b>. Open prediction:</b>

* Set the scene:

<i>Now you will listen to an advertisement</i>
<i>on the tape. There are 4 mistakes in the</i>


-<i>advertisement : (n): sự quảng cáo.</i>
<i>-south - southern: thuộc phía nam.</i>

<i>-inn (n): quán trọ ( ở vùng nông thôn, thị</i>
<i>trấn nhỏ dành cho khách lỡ đường ).</i>

<i>-crystal (n) : tinh thể , pha lê trong suốt.</i>
<i>-snorkel (n): ống thông hơi ( cho tàu</i>
<i>ngầm, người lặn.</i>

<b>* Checking vocabulary: </b>ROR

- Ss repeat in chorus, then individually.
Ss copy down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(177)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=177>

<i>advertisement. </i>

Ask Ss to guess what they are.
Give feedback.

<b>2. While - listening:</b>
<b>. Check prediction:</b>

-T asks Ss to listen to the tape about three
times and check prediction.

-T gets some Ss to give their answers.
-T plays the tape the last time, gives
feedback and corrects.

- T corrects.

<b>3. Post - listening:</b>
<b>. Language focus 1.</b>

Ask Ss to resay the form of Passive voice
of the simple past tense.

Have Ss look at the exercise 1 and choose
the right verbs in the box for the gaps and
put them in the right passive form of the

Give feedback.

<b>. Language focus 4:</b>

<i>1.I want to go out at weekends</i>
<i> To-inf</i>

<i>2.She enjoys swimming very much</i>
<i> V-ing</i>

<i>3.He can speak many language</i>
<i> Modal Bare-inf</i>

T does the concept check.

-T asks Ss to open their books and
complete the passage on page 137 with the
right form of the verbs.

-T corrects the mistakes (if any)

- Ss read the advertisement in their books
for a few minutes and guess.

- Work individually then share with their

Ss answer.

Ss listen to the tape and correct the

Ss share their ideas wih their partners.
<b>* Answer keys:</b>

<i>Look no further than beautiful far <b>north</b></i>
<i>Queensland. Stay right on the beach at the</i>
<i>Coconut Palm hotel. Take guided tours</i>
<i>through the rainforest, swim in the crystal</i>
<i>- clear water of the Coral Sea and Snorkel</i>
<i>amongst the coral of the Great Barrier</i>
<i>Reef Marine Park - a world eritae Site.</i>
<i>Call 077 6924 3927 for more information.</i>

Work individually then share with their

*Passive voice of the simple past tense:
<b>[ Sub + was/were + PP + by- Obj ] </b>
<b>* Answer key:</b>

<i>a. was completed b. was constructed</i>
<i>c. was designed. d. was presented.</i>
<i>e. was reached.</i>

Ss work with the teacher.
Ss copy down.

Ss complete the passage.
Some Ss give their answers.

A student reads aloud the passage.

<b>IV. Consolidation: </b>-T asks Ss how to use Passive voice and Verb followed infinitive
or to-infinitive. <b>(3ms</b>)

<b>V. Homework: (3ms) -</b>Learn newwords by heart.
-Do exercise 5 in workbook.

-Prepare the new lesson (Read)
<b>C. Supplement:</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(178)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=178>


<i><b>Peparing date:05/04/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:08/04/2010</b></i>


<b>Period: 86 LESSON 4:</b> <b>READ</b>
<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get some knowledge about
the wonders of the world.

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> reading and speaking

<b>I. Settlement:</b> greeting and calling roll.

<b>II</b>. <b>Warm up</b>: Match the wonders with the city/ country. (3ms)
Statue of Liberty.

Golden Gate Bridge.
Taj Mabal.

Paramid of Cheops.
Great Wall.

Angkok Wat.

San Francisco.

New York.
<b> </b> <b>III.New- lesson: (36ms)</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

<b>1. Pre - reading:</b>

T presents the newwords by asking the

- Models first and then ask Ss to repeat.



-to compile : thu thập ( sự kiện )
-to claim : địi hỏi, u sách.

-to honor : tơn kính, ban vinh dự cho.
-religion (n): tôn giáo.

- royal (adj) : thuộc hàng gia.

Ss repeat in chorus and then individually.
Ss copy down the newwords

<b>*Checking vocabulary</b>: Slap the board
Compile Claim
God Royal

Honor Religion

<i>1. An Egyption man complied a list of what he </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(179)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=179>

<b>. T / F prediction:</b>

- Put the chart on the board.

<i>-</i>Asking Ss to decide if the statements are
true of false.

- Give feedback.
<b>2. While - reading:</b>
<b>. Check prediction:</b>

-Asking Ss to read the text silently and

-Having Ss correck false statements.
- Give feedback.

<b>. Multiple choice: (P134)</b>

- Ask Ss to read again the text and choose
the best answers to complete the sentences.
- Give feedback.

<b>* Answer key:</b>

<i>a. The only surviving wonder on</i>
<i>Antipater’s list is the Pyramid of Cheops.</i>
<i>b. Angkor Wat was originally built for</i>

<i>c. Angkor Wat was part of a royal Khmer</i>
<i>city a long time ago.</i>

<i>d. In the 1400s, the Khmer King chose</i>
<i>Phnom Penh as the new capital.</i>

<b>3. Post - reading:</b>

-Draw the grid on the board and have Ss
copy it .

-Ask Ss to read the text again and fill in the
grid with the information taken from the

-Call on some Ss to give answer.

<i>thought were the seven wonders of the world.</i>
<i>2. The only surviving wonder is The Pyramid of </i>
<i>Cheops in Egypt.</i>

<i>3. Today, we can still see the Hanging Gardens </i>
<i>of Babylon in present-day Iraq.</i>

<i>4. Angkor Wat was originally built to honor a </i>
<i>Hindu God.</i>

<i>5. The Great wall of China first was not in the </i>
<i>list of the 7 wonders of the world.</i>

<i>6. In the early 15th<sub> century, the Khomer King </sub></i>
<i>chose Angkor Wat as the new capital.</i>

Ss work individually then share with
their friends.

Read the text and correct.
<b>* Answers:</b>

1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T 6. F

Read the statements aloud and make
hand gestures to show the missing words.
Choose A. B. C or D.

Write the right answers in their

- Work individually then share with their

Wonders of the



<i>Hanging gardens of </i>


- Go to the bb and write their answers.
<b>IV. Consolidation: (3ms)</b>

-Ask Ss to tell the wonders of the world.
<b>V. Homework: (3ms)</b>

<b>-</b>Learning newwords by heart.
-Reading the text again and again.

-Doing exercise 4 - 6 and 6 in workbook.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(180)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=180>


<i><b>Peparing date:05/04/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:10/04/2010</b></i>


<b>Period: 87 LESSON 5: WRITE</b>
<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the content of
the letter and know how to write a letter to a friend about the place they have visited.
<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> writing and reading.

<b>III.Preparation:</b> Teacher : Lesson plan and posters.
Students: Old lesson, New lesson

<b>I. Settlement:</b> greeting and calling roll.-check attendance.
<b>II.Checking-up: *Warm - up: Guessing game: (5ms)</b>
Ask Ss to tell some famous place in over the world.
-Phong Nha cave.

- Ha Long Bay.

-Great Wall of China ,…

Get Ss to complete the sentence “ I have been to ……….”
Ss play game.

<i>S1: Have you ever been to Ha Long Bay ?</i>
<i>S2: No, I haven’t.</i>

<i>S3: Have you ever been to Phong Nha cave ?</i>
<i>S2: Yes, I have.</i>

<b>III. New lesson: (34ms)</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

<b>1. Pre - writing:</b>
<b>*. Pre - teach </b>

Elicit the words from Ss by asking some

- Explanation.
- Drawing.
- Translation
- Synonym.
- Translation

- Ask Ss to read newwords aloud.
 <b>Checking vocabulary: R.O.R</b>

Ss copy down the newwords.

- a ranger:

- edge: the edge of the table.
- Canyon:

- breathtaking:
- Stone Age:

Ss repaat in chorus and then

Copy down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(181)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=181>

<b>*. Complete the letter.</b>

-Ask Ss to read the letter Tim sent to Hoa
about his trip to the Grand Canyon.

-Have Ss to complete the letter by inserting
the letters of the missing sentences.

- Give feedback.

<b>*. Comprehention questions:</b>

Ask Ss some questions to check their

<i>a. Where have Tim and his class been ?</i>
<i>b. How long were they there ?</i>

<i>c. What was the weather like ?</i>
<i>d. What did they do ? </i>

<b>2. While - writing:</b>
<b>*. Set the scene:</b>

-Image you have visited a place recently.
Write a letter to a friend of yours and tell
him / her about this place.

Elicit some details and draw the outline

-Have Ss talk about something they have
done first by asking questions for them to

-Ask Ss to write the letter in your notebook
<b>3. Post - writing:</b>

- Call on some Ss to read their letters in front
of class.

- give feedback and correct.

Work individually then share with
their friends.

<b>* Answer key:</b>

1.c 2.b 3.d 4.a.

Answer T’s questions.

<i>+ Place: Phong Nha Cave,……….</i>
<i>+ Distance: 100km,……….</i>

<i>+How to get there: by motorbike,…….</i>
<i>+ Sights: beautiful,…….</i>

<i>+ Weather: cool,……..</i>
<i>+ How you feel: happy,…….</i>

Draw the outline from Tim’s letter.
Use the information from the outline
to talk about the place they have just

Ss write the letter.

<b>IV. Consolidation: (3ms)</b>

-T asks Ss to read the letter they have just written.
<b>V. Homework: (3ms)</b>

<b>-</b>Learning newwords by heart.

- Rewrite the letter and do exercise 7 – 8 in workbook.


<i><b> </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(182)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=182>

<i><b>Peparing date:08/04/2010</b></i>
<i><b> Teaching date:11/04/2010</b></i>

<b>Period 88 </b>


A / <b>Objectives</b> :

<b>I/Knowledge</b>: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to grasp the knowledge they

have learnt in the unit 12,13, 14 and know how to supplement what they are short of .
<b>II/Skills</b>: write, read…

<b>III.Preparation:</b> Teacher : Lesson plan and posters.
Students: Old lesson, New lesson
B / <b>Procedures</b>

<b>I/Settlement:</b> Greet and check attendance.

II / <b>Warm up</b> : <b>Chatting about daily routine (3ms)</b>
<b>III/ New lesson: (36ms)</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

/ <b>Consolidation </b>:
<b>Period 88</b>

1. Grammar

- Ask Ss to repeat the tenses in active and
passive they have learnt in the unit 12, 13,
14 and write on the board

1.1 The tenses :

- Present Simple / - Past simple
- Present progressive / - Present perfect
- Simple future

1.2 The form of the verbs

- Modal verbs : can , could , may might
- Gerund ( V- ing ) => used after some
verbs such as like / dislike / hate / love /
enjoy and prepositions

- Have Ss to repeat and copy , then give
examples with each one .

2. Exercises :

- Using the posters with some exercises to
show .

Repeat the tenses they have learnt .
Listen and copy , then give some more

Listen and copy
Repeat and copy .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(183)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=183>

2.1 Give the correct form of the verbs in
the brackets + Ex 7/ 43 ( workbook ) :
Infinitive or Gerund

+ Ex 5 / 46 ( workbook ) : Past simple or
Present perfect

- Ask Ss to work in pairs

- Call on some pairs to practice in front
of lass

- Ask some Ss to go to the board to write
them on the board

- Give feedback
2.Reported speech:

khi đổI một câu trực tiếp sang câu gián
tiếp cần lưu ý các các thay đổI sau:
-Động từ tường thuật :

-Câu phát biểu:Said- said (that); said to-
told (that)

-Câu yêu cầu:said to-told/asked(căn cứ
theo ý nghĩa của câu)

Không đổI những động từ khác requested,
ordered commanded,begged….

-câu phát biểu: thêm that vào giữa hai
mệnh đề

-câu yêu cầu: thêm to hoặc not to vào
trước động từ của lờI nói trực tiếp
-câu hỏI: nếu có từ để hỏI (wh
questions)thì lặp lạI

-nếu khơng có từ để hỏI thì thêm if hoặc
whether vào trước chủ ngữ của lờI
nóígián tiếp

-đổI câu trực tiếp về câu xác định
-đổI đạI từ

-đổI thì

- Complete these sentences with the
suitable words or phrases in the brackets .
- Complete the conversation

- Read the passage carefully , then answer
the questions below

- Supply the correct tense form of the verb
in the brackets

- Listening comprehension

Work in pairs to the exercises and

exchange their answers with their friends .

Listen and copy

<span class='text_page_counter'>(184)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=184>

<b>V/HOMEWORK </b>: (3ms)

- Redo all the exercises and copy
- Prepare the test :

<b>C/ Supplement</b>:


<i><b>Preparing date: 12/04/2010</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching date: 14/04/2010 </b></i>

<b>Period: 89</b>


<b>A./OBJECTIVES: </b>

<b>I.Knowledge: </b>By the end of the lesson students will be able to check their
knowledge and review the learned contents from unit 12 to unit 14.


Nội dung Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Tổng



I.Listening 4C








III.Reading 5C



IV.Writing 2C



Tổng số 10C





<b>I.SETTLEMENT: </b>Calls the role.
<b>II.REVISION : </b>No

<b>III.THE NEW LESSON: </b>T hands out the testing, papers and controls.

<i><b>Part 1: Listen: (2ms) Listen to the weather forecast and fill in the blanks with the </b></i>
<i><b>correct words.</b></i>

London is going to have a…………. day. It will be very cold with a low of………...
and a high of seven. Bangkok will be ……and ………, the ……… will be twenty
and the high will be thirty-two degrees centigrade.

<i><b>Part 2: Phonetics: (1m)</b></i>

1. A.s<b>i</b>ghts B.fl<b>i</b>ghts C.v<b>i</b>llages D.tr<b>i</b>bes

2. A.look<b>ed</b> B.suggest<b>ed</b> C.mind<b>ed</b> D.decid<b>ed</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(185)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=185>

3. A.s<b>ou</b>th B.b<b>ou</b>ght C.f<b>ou</b>nd D.ab<b>ou</b>t
4. A.de<b>s</b>ign B.cu<b>s</b>tom C.<b>s</b>aint D.de<b>s</b>cription

<i><b>Part 3: Choose the best answers: (1.5ms)</b></i>

1.She told me that she ………. English well.

A.speak B.spoke C.speaks D.to speak

2.The letter ………. By Miss Lan yesterday.

A.writes B.wrote C.was written D.writing

3.When I came, she ……… dinner at 5 o’clock yesterday.

A.cooks B.is cooking C.cooked D.was cooking

4.Chrismas is an important ……… in Europe.

A.competion B.festival C. souviner D.contest
5.A ……… is a person who repair water pipes.

A.plumber B.docter C.carpenter D.driver

6.Are you going <i>abroad</i> this summer?

A.away from home B.on holiday C.to another country D.to the USA

<i><b>Part 4: Find the mistakes and correct.(1m)</b></i>

1.When I was dreaming about tigers chasing me, I was falling out of bed.

2.The house was design by Mike’s father and built by Mike.

<i><b>Part 5: Read the passage and choose true (T) or false (F).(2ms)</b></i>

London is Britain’s biggest city. It is a very old city and dates back to the Romans. It
is a city of historic building and churches, and it has many beautiful parks. It also has
some of the best museum in the world. London is very crowded in summer. It is a
popular city with foreign tourists and has more than eight million visiors a year. The
city is famous for its shopping and department stores. London has an excellent
underground railway system, so it is easy for tourists to get around.

1. None of the cities in Britain is bigger than London.

2. Most of the best museum in the world are situated in London.
3. It has eight million visiors a year.

4. London is very busy in summer.

<i><b>Part 6: Rewrite these sentences as directed:(2.5ms)</b></i>

1.He kicked the ball into the goal.

The ball ………..
2.Do you want to visit the Status of Liberty one day?

An asked Long ………..
3.”I somestimes work on Sunday” : Huong said.

Huong said

4.This animal eats man.

This is ……….
5.I started playing the piano two years ago.

I have……….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(186)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=186>


London is going to have a <i><b>humid</b></i> day. It will be very cold with a low of <i><b>minus three</b></i>

and a high of seven. Bangkok will be <i><b>warm and dry</b></i>, the <i><b>low</b></i> will be twenty and the
high will be thirty-two degrees centigrade.

<i><b>Preparing date: 14/04/2010</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date: 15/04/2010</b></i>

<b>Period: 90</b>

<i><b> </b></i>



I. Knowledge<i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know and </i>
<i>improve what they could and couldn’t do from the test, T will be able to </i>
<i>evaluate Ss’knowledge and skill to adjust the teaching methods and plans.</i>

<b>II. Skills: </b>Listening, speaking, reading and writing.
<b>III. Preparation:</b>

1. Teacher: Lesson plan, test papers, Ss’common mistakes, keys….
2. Students: pens, drafts, revisions of main grammar points….

<i><b>B./ PROCEDURES:</b></i>
<b>I. SETTLEMENT:</b> Greets and checks attendance.
<b>II.REVISION: </b>None


<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>A.Test handing out:</b>

*<b>Leading questions</b>:

1.How many parts are there in the test?
2.Which part belongs to Listening ?
Reading ? Writing ? Language focus ?
- runs through the contents of the test.


- asks Ss to listen to the text carefully again
to check their answers.

<b>Tape transcript:</b>

London is going to have a <i><b>humid</b></i> day. It
will be very cold with a low of <i><b>minus three</b></i>

and a high of seven. Bangkok will be <i><b>warm </b></i>
<i><b>and dry</b></i>, the <i><b>low</b></i> will be twenty and the high

- take the test paper.

- answer T’s leading questions to tell about
the contents of the test.

<b>I.Listen to the teacher and match the </b>
<b>name of the people with things they like:</b>
- whole class.

- listen to the text carefully again to check
their answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(187)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=187>

will be thirty-two degrees centigrade.
<b>II. Phonetics:</b>

1.V<b>i</b>llages 2. Look<b>ed</b>
3. B<b>ou</b>ght 4. De<b>s</b>ign

<b>III. Choose the best answer:</b>

- asks Ss to work in groups to share and
correct their answers, then tell again the
target languege items of each sentence.
- tells Ss what they did well and what they
need to improve.

- gives feedback and show the key.
*Answer key:

1. B 2.C 3. D 4. B 5. A 6.C

<b>IV. Find the mistekes and correct.</b>
1.D : was falling -> fell

2.B : design -> designed

- asks Ss to read the dialogue carefully and
work in pairs to choose the T / F

- explains the words or phases of words that
Ss easily understand.

- gives feedback.

*Answer key:

1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T

- asks some Ss to rewrite the following

- checks, corrects and get Ss to take notes
the structures.

<b>II. Phonetics:</b>

- Whole class, read aloud the words then
show out the different one.

1.i : / i / 2. ed : / t / 3.ou : / o / 4 . s : / s /
- work in groups.

- read each question again and find out the
correct answers, then explain, tell again the
target language items.

<b>III.Choose the best answer:</b>
1. Repoted speech

2. Passive form
3. Past progressive

4. Festival

5. Plumber = the person repairs the pipes

6.Abroad = go to the other country

<b>IV. Find the mistekes and correct.</b>
1.Simple past

2.Passive form

<b>VI. Rewrite the following sentences </b>
- work individually.

- rewrite your sentences on the board
*Answer key:

1.The ball was kicked into the goal.
2.An asked Long if he wante to visit the
Status of Liberty one day

3. Huong said she somestimes worked on

4.This is a man eating animal.

5.I have played the piano for two years.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(188)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=188>


- T evaluates the results of the test, give command to the good students and activate
the weak ones, show out what they need to improve.


- have a look again the test, review all the target language items.


<i><b>Preparing date:14/04/2010</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date:15/04/2010</b></i>

<b>Period 91 </b>




<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the content of
dialogue, know use of computer.

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> listening and reading.

<b>III.Teaching- aids:</b> Lesson plan, pictures and poster.

<b>I. Class-organization: check-attendance (1m) </b>

<b>II .Checking-up: Warm - up: </b>

<b>-</b>Asking Ss to work in pairs. Make a lies of how computers can help us.
Work in pairs.

Ss list

- Computer save time

- explore a lot of information.

- etc……….<b> </b>

<b>III.New- lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

<b>+ 1. Pre - reading:</b>

-Asking Ss to listen to the tape.
<b>. Pre - teach </b>

-T reads first and then asks Ss to repeat.
<b>-. Checking vocabulary: R.O.R.</b>


-<i>printer (n): may in.</i>
<i>-wrong (ad): said.</i>

<i>-to turn on # to turn off.</i>
<i>-already (adv): đã xong.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(189)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=189>

<b>2. While - reading:</b>
<b>-. Listen and repeat:</b>

-Asking Ss to repeat after teacher
sentence by sentence.

<b>-. Fact or opinion ? Check ?</b>
1. The printer is not working .

2. There shouldnot be anything wrong
with it.

3. I know how to connect a printer.
4. The manual is not very helpful.
5. I bought it in HCM city.

6. I don't know what they can do.
<b>. Language content:</b>

T gives model sentence:
Have you turned it on yet?
Yes, I have already done it.

-Asking Ss to give the structures.
<b>C. Post - reading:</b>

-Asking Ss to remind the use and adverbs

of the present perfect tense.

<i>-to connect : kết nối.</i>
<i>-properly : thích hợp.</i>
<i>-plug : chấu cắm điện.</i>

<i>-guarantee : sự cam đoan, sự bảo đảm.</i>

Ss copy down.

Ss repeat in chorus and then individual.
work in pairs.

Ss work in pairs to discuss and then give
the correct answers.

Possible answers:
1. F

2. O
3. O
4. O
5. F
6. F.

<b>+Present perfect tense: Yet and </b>

<b>S + have / has + already + V ( p.p )</b>
<b>S + have / has not + V ( p.p ) + Yet</b>

<b>IV. Consolidation: (2ms)</b>
-Reminding the perfect tense.
<b>V. Homework: (2ms)</b>

-Learning newwords by heart.

-Reading the dialogue again and again.
<b>C. Supplement</b>:


<span class='text_page_counter'>(190)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=190>

<i><b>Preparing date:15/04/2010</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date:17/04/2010 </b></i>

<b>Period: 92</b>


<b> </b>

<b>LESSON 2: SPEAK</b>

<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use some common useful
expressions to express agreement and disagreement.

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> speaking.

<b>III.Teaching- aids:</b> Lesson plan, pictures and poster.

<b>I. Class-organization: check-attendance (1m) </b>
<b>II .Checking-up: Newwords.(5ms)</b>

III.New- lesson:

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

<b>1. Presentaion:</b>
<b>. Pre - teach </b>-

-T reads first and then ask Ss to repeat.
<b>. Checking vocabulary: R.O.R.</b>

<b>. Set the scene:</b> T gives the topic and asks
Ss to give opinion.

Ex: Learning English is easy.
<b>+ Opinions:</b>

I like……….
I don't like………….
I think………
I feel………..


<i>- entertaining (ad): vui nhộn , thú vị.</i>
<i>- amusing (ad): làm tức cười, gây tức </i>

<i>- an amusing story:</i>

<i>- unhealthy (ad): khơng khoẽ, có hại cho </i>
<i>sức khoẽ # healthy.</i>

<i>- challenging: (ad): đầy thách thức.</i>
<i>- time - consuming : (ad): tốn thời</i> gian.
Ss copy down

<span class='text_page_counter'>(191)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=191>

I don't believe……….
<b>+ Agreement:</b>

So do I
I agree
You're right
Neither do I
<b>+ Disagreement:</b>
I disagree

I can't agree with you
No, I think…….
<b>2. Practice:</b>
<b>. Matching:</b>

1. Reading comic books.
2. Playing in the rain.
3. Driving a car.
4. Foreign food.
<b>. Picture drill:</b>
<b>+ Oral drill:</b>

-Get a student to demonstrate the model.

T: I think driving a car is easy.
SS: I disagree. I think it is difficult.
<b>3. Production:</b>

Mapped dialogue.

I am having problem with……..
What is wrong?

It doesn't work. I think
No, you didn't…………..
Oh, sorry.

Ss repeat in chorus and then individual.
Ss give opinion

+ I like learning English.
+ So do I

+ I don't like.

Ss take note and copy down
+ Answers:

1.b 2.c 3.a 4. d.

Ss practice using the adjectives in the box.

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>:3ms
-I think….

-I agree with….
-I disagree….

<b>V. Homework::3ms</b>

-Learning newwords by heart.
-Learning structures again.
<b>C. Supplement:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(192)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=192>


<i><b>Preparing date:18/04/2010</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date:19/04/2010</b></i>

<b>Period: 93 </b>


<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the content of
listening and complete flow chart, review peresent perfect..

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> listening

<b>III.Teaching- aids:</b> Lesson plan, pictures and poster.

<b>I. Class-organization: check-attendance (1m) </b>

<b>II .Checking-up: Newwords and structure.(5ms)</b>
III.New- lesson:

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

<b>1. Pre - listening:</b>
<b>. Pre - teach </b>-.

- T reads first and then asks Ss to repeat. <b>Vocabulary:</b>

<i>- flow chart (n): biểu đồ chuyển động, </i>
<i>hành động.</i>

<i>- sequence (n): sự kế tiếp.</i>
<i>- shape (n): hình dáng.</i>
<i>- circle (n): vòng tròn.</i>

<i>- to indicate : chỉ ra, cho biết.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(193)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=193>

<b>. Set the scene: </b>

Put the flow chart on the board and have
Ss copy it into their exercise books.
-Get Ss to understand how events are

sequenced in a flow chart and the
meanings of all the shapes used in the

Circle starting / stopping point.
Triangle questions

Oval answers.
<b>2. While - listening:</b>

-Asking Ss to look at the flow chart and
guess the words in the gap.

-Having Ss listen to the tape 3 times.

<b>3. Post - listening:</b>
<b>Write it up:</b>

Have Ss write a set of instructions or how
to get a drink from a machine, using the
flow chart.

<b>. Language focus 1.</b>

T explains the requirement of the

<i>- triangle (n): hình tam giác.</i>
<i>- oval (n): hình trái xoan.</i>
<i>- to insert: chèn vào.</i>

<i>- coin (n): đồng xu, tiền đồng</i>

Ss copy down.

Ss repeat in chorus and then individual.
Ss guess.

Ss listen 3 times and then complete the
flow chart

Start find a machine a)…..

Lemon soda insert coin and press
button d)………

+ Possible answers:

a). Do you have the correct change?
b) Yes.

c) What do you want to drink?
d). Take it.

Ss do the exercise.

Ba's mother: Have you finished your
homework yet?

Ba: Yes, I have already done my
homework, Mom.

Ba's mother: Good.

What about your room? Is it tidied now?
Ba: I'm soory. Mom I have not tidied the
room yet.

Ba's mother: Bad boy, Ba. And the
washing machine! Have you turn it off

Ba: Don't worry, Mom. I have already
turned off the washing machine.

Ba's mother: Have you called and told

<span class='text_page_counter'>(194)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=194>

Aunt Le to have lunch with us today?
Ba: Yes, I have already called and told
Aun le, and she said she would come.
<b>IV. Consolidation:3ms</b>

- T asks Ss to read newwords.

- Learning newwords by heart.
<b>C. Supplement</b>:



<i><b>Preparing date:18/04/2010</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date:19/04/2010</b></i>

<b>Period: 94</b>


<b> LESSON 4: READ</b>

<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about how
computers work in a university.

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> reading.

<b>III.Teaching- aids:</b> Lesson plan, pictures and poster.

<b>I. Class-organization: check-attendance (1m) </b>

<b>II .Checking-up: Newwords and structure.(5ms)</b>
III.New- lesson:

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

1. Pre - reading:
Pre - teach.

-T reads first then asks Ss to repeat. Vocabulary:

<i>-a freshman: a first - year student.</i>
<i>- bulletion board : notice board.</i>
<i>- tobe skeptical : có tính hồi nghi.</i>
<i>- impact: sự va chạm, sự chạm mạnh.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(195)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=195>

. Checking vocabulary: What and where.
. Set the scene: Suggested questions:
1. Where in the library we get / find

2. How can we store the information?
3. If we want to discuss something how
can we do?

2. While - reading:

- Asking Ss to read the text silently and
then asks Ss to do the requirement.
. T / F statements:

-Get Ss to read the text again then read
the true / false statements and decide if
the statements are true or false.

3. Post - reading:

Comprehension question:

-Asking Ss to read the text again and then

asks Ss to answer the questions.

a. What makes the new university differen
from others?

b. What type of information is a vailable
through the computer?

c. What type of equipment is necessary
for first year students?

d. What is the difference between a

traditional bulletion board and the one on
the internet?

e. Would you like to complete a college

<i>- to store : chứa đựng.</i>

<i>- to have access: có đường dẫn.</i>
<i>- campus : khuôn viên trường.</i>
<i>- to restric: giới hạn, hạn chế.</i>
<i>- to send message : gửi tin nhắn</i>

Ss copy down the newwords.

Ss repeat in chorus and then individual.

Ss discuss in group and guess.

Possible answers:

a. T
b. T
c. T

d. F Ss don't have to go to computers
room because college campus now have
computer jacks in every part of the

e. T
f. T

Ss read the text and answer the questions.
a. Because the university without library.
b. Message and information.

c. Having access and computer.

d. The different is that over 20 million
people may have access to them.

Depend on Ss.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(196)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=196>

degree from home? Why ? / why not?
<b>IV. Consolidation:3ms</b>

- T asks Ss to read newwords.

- Learning newwords by heart.
- Prepare part: Write



<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> Preparing date:19/04/2010</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date:21/04/2010</b></i>

<b>Period: 95</b><i> </i>


<b>LESSON 5: WRITE +LANGUAGE FOCUS 2 - 3 - 4</b>
<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a set of instructions on
how to use the printer and complete a flow chart.

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> reading.

<b>III.Teaching- aids:</b> Lesson plan, pictures and poster.

<b>I. Class-organization: check-attendance (1m) </b>
<b>II .Checking-up: Newwords .(5ms)</b>

III.New- lesson:(33ms)

<b> Teacher's activities</b> <b>Students' activities</b>

1. Pre - writing:
. Pre - teach.

- T reads first and then asks Ss to repeat.
Check vocab:. Matching:

-Asking Ss to match.

- input: # output.

-tray : cái khăn, ngăn vali.

- monitor (n): bộ phận may tính,
giống truyền hình.

- screen (n): màn hình.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(197)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=197>

2. While -writing:

- Look at the picture and the words. Write
the instructions on how to use the printer.
-T asks Ss to write down the answers on
the board.

3. Post - reading:

-Asking to read the writing text.<b> –</b>
<b>*Language focus:</b>

<b>Work with a partner . Ask and answer </b>
<b>questions about the fights</b>

<i>Ex: Has the flight to Vientiane departed </i>

<i>-Yes, it has already departed.</i>

-Has the fligh from Los Angeles arrived

-No, it has not arrived yet.

<b>. Read the sentences . Check the correct</b>

T explains

a. I've been to Sapa highlands.

b. They have lived in CaMau for 10 years.
c. She has finished her homework.

d. He has worked with the computer since
early morning.

e. We have found the problems with the

- icon (n): ký hiệu, hình nhỏ trên màn hình
vi tính.

- out path: lối, đường ra.
- to remove: lấy, cắt đi.

- to load : chất, đưa , nhập vào.
- to flash: chiếu sáng, hiện ra.
- power button: nút mở điện
Ss copy down the newwords.

s repeat in chorus and then individual.
+ Possible answers:

A - 3
B - 1
C - 6
D - 2
E - 4
F - 5

+ Possible answers:

Plug in the printer and turn on the power.
Remove the old paper and load the new
paper in the paper input tray.

Wait for the power button to flash.

Have the papers appear on the computer

Click the printer icon on the screen and
wait for a few reconds

The printer paper will come of the output
path in a munite.

Ss copy down.
Ss work in pairs.
Finished action.
Incomplete action.
Finished action.
Incomplete action
Finished action.
Finished action.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(198)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=198>

f. Someone has unpluged the printer.
g. People have received information
through the internet recently.

<b> Complete the dialogues. Use the </b>

<b>present perfect ot the past simple of the</b>
<b>verbs in brackets</b>

Finished action
+ Possible answers:
1. Have seen

Did / see / saw.
2. have not had.
3. have been.
4. did hear?
5. happened.
6. had

7. fell
8. broke.

9. has / arrived

<b>IV. Consolidation (3ms)</b>
- T asks Ss to read newwords.
<b>V. Recommendation: (3ms)</b>
- Learning newwords by heart.

- Rewrite the writing text I exercise book

<i><b>Preparing date:10/05/2010</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching date:12/05/2010</b></i>

<b>Period: 96</b><i> </i>


<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to learn newwords and
understand the content of the dialogue.

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> reading.

<b>III.Teaching- aids:</b> Lesson plan, pictures and poster.

<b>I. Class-organization: check-attendance (1m) </b>
<b>II .Checking-up: *Warm - up: Matching.</b>

Match the stages in the develpopment of paper with the correct pictures<b> .</b> SS match
A. b B. c C. e D. a F. d

<b> (5ms)</b>

<b> </b>III.New- lesson: (33ms)

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(199)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=199>

<b>1. Pre - reading:</b>

T elicits words from Ss.
<b>. Pre - teach </b>

T reads first and then asks Ss t<b>. Checking </b>
<b>vocabulary: R.O.R</b>

+ Set the scene: Tim Jones, Hoa's

Americac penpal, is visiting a chocolate
factory with his class and his teacher,
Mrs. Allen. Mr Roberts, the factory
foreman, is showing them around.

<b>2. While - reading:</b>

<b>. Practice the dialogue with a partner.</b>
<b>. Match the half - sentences. Then write</b>
<b>the full sentences in your exercise book.</b>
<b>3. Post - reading:</b>

-Asking Ss to read newwords again and
listen to the dialogue again.

-Asking Ss to find the structures of
passive form.


<i>- foreman (n): quản đốc, đốc công.</i>

<i>- manufacture (v): sản xuất, chế biến.</i>
<i>- process (n): qui trình, quá trình.</i>
<i>-to touch :sờ, chạm tay vào.</i>
<i>-to crush :nghiền nát.</i>

<i>- liquify (v): làm cho thành nước, thành </i>
<i>chất lỏng.</i>

<i>- conveyor - belt </i>
<i>Băng tải, băng truyền.</i>

<i>- vanilla / v</i>c<i>'nil</i>c<i>/ (n): vani, cây vani, quả </i>


Ss copy down. Newwords.

Ss repeat in chorus and then in individual.
Ss work in pairs.

+ Possible answers:

a. The beans are cleaned before being

b. Mr. Roberts though Tim and Sam were
going to touch the button.

c. After cooking, the cacao beans smell
like chocolate.

d. Sugar is one of the ingredients in

e. Mrs. Allen warned Sam to leave some
chocolate for other's.

f. A sample of chocolate is given a visitor
have toured factory.

IV.<b>Consolidation: (3ms)</b>

-Calling some Ss to read newwords
V.<b>Homework: (3ms)</b>

-Learning newwords by heart.

- Reading the dialogue again and gain.
<b>C.Supplement:</b> <i> </i>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(200)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=200>

<i><b>Preparing date:10/05/2010</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date:13/05/2010</b></i>

<b>Period: 97</b><i> </i>



<b>A. Objectives:</b>

<b>I.Knowledge:</b> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop speaking skill and
talk about the inventions using the passive.

<b>II.</b> <b>Skills:</b> speaking.

<b>III.Teaching- aids:</b> Lesson plan, pictures and poster.

<b>I. Class-organization: check-attendance (1m) </b>

<b>II .Checking-up: Newwords and read the dialogue. .(5ms)</b>
III.New- lesson:

<b> Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

A. Presentation:

I. Pre - teach vocabulary:


