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<b> CODE 2</b>

<b>I- Complete sentences with the correct form verb in the brackets ( 3pts):</b>
1.Yesterday, he …………(be) late for school.

2. She ………( wish) she had a computer.
3. Nam ………. ( live) here since 1990.
4. I wish I ……… ( can) fly.

5. They have……….. ( leave) here for two hours.
6. My mother ………… (visit) my grandfather 5 days ago.
<b>II- Change these sentences into passive voice.(2 pts)</b>
Ex: My friend cooks rice.

<i>-> Rice is cooked by my friend.</i>
1. We watch TV every evening

2. They are going to build some new bridges in Bac Lieu province.
<b>III- Read the passage then answer the questions.( 2.5 pts)</b>

Nga’s English penpal, Mary, was staying with her last week. She is from London.
Mary and Nga have been penpals for over five years. They corresponded at least twice
a week, but this was their first meeting.On Mary’s first day in Bac Lieu. Nga and her
brother took her to Tran Huynh Park. Althougth it is unlike London, it is a busy
province. Mary was really impressed by the beauty of Bac Lieu and by its

friendliness. In the afternoom, they also visited Cao Van Lau theater and enjoyed

some vocal songs by Bac Lieu singers. Mary was very happy and hoped to see Bac
Lieu some days.

<b>Answer the questions: </b>

<i>1. What is Nga’s English penpal name ?</i>
<i>2. Where is she from ?</i>

<i>3. Where did they visit ?</i>

<i>4. How did Mary feel when she was in Bac Lieu ?</i>
<i>5. Did they visit Cao Van Lau theater ?</i>

<b>IV- Write a paragraph about 100 words. But this time you support the argument </b>
<b>that modern women should wear Ao dai dress in the parties. ( 2.5 pts )</b>

<b>This outline will help you.</b>

The modern women should wear aodai dress in the parties
-Wearing Aodai dress:

<i>+ Be the traditional dress of Vietnamese women</i>
<i>+ wearing Ao dai will feel soft.</i>

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<b>The answer key</b>

I- 0,5 x 6 =3,0
<i>1. was</i>


<i>3. has lived</i>
<i>4. could </i>
<i>5. left</i>
<i>6. visited</i>

II- 1.0 x 2 =2.0

<i>1. Television is watched ery evening.</i>

2. <i>Some new bridges are going to be built in BL province.</i>
III- 0,5 x 5 = 2,5

<i>1. Her name is Mary.</i>
<i>2. She ‘s from London.</i>
<i>3. They visited BL.</i>

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<i>5. Yes, they did.</i>
IV – 2,5

<i>( Students write by them selves.</i>



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