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Phòng Giáo Dục Tiền Giang <b>ĐỀ THI ĐỀ XUẤT TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 THPT</b>

GV: Trần Kim Hòa <b>MƠN: ANH VĂN</b>

<i>Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút (khơng kể thời gian giao đề)</i>
<i><b>Question1:Pick out the word that has underlined part pronuonced differently from the rest(0.5 pt)</b></i>


1. where who when what
2. receive equal develop sentence
<i><b>Question2:Pick out the word that has main stressed syllable different from the others (0,5 pt)</b></i>


1. understand educate appearance volume
2. pollution introduction competition international
<i><b>Question 3: Pick out the word that is of different topic from the others (0,5 pt)</b></i>


1. pretty tasty beauty milky
2. teacher cooker driver worker
<i><b>Question 4: Pick out One best opinion to complete these following sentences: (3 pts)</b></i>

1/ If she --- a good knowledge in English, she wouldn’t be offered the job.
a. hadn’t had b. didn’t have c.doesn’t have d.had

2/ --- of the two boys could answer these question, so their teacher was very angry.

a. most b.neither c.all d.none

3/ These glasses are very expensive, --- please be careful with them.

a. because b.therefore c.so d.although

4/ There is still evidence for people to believe in the --- of UFO.

a. report b.mineral c.spacecraft d.existence

5/ They are looking forward --- the result of the examination.

a. see b.to see c. to seeing d. seen

6/ While you are in orbit, you will

---a. feel totally free b. feel scared c.feel hungry d. feel tired
7/ Would you mind if I --- a photo ?

a. take b. taking c.to take d.took

8/ My students are always interested --- studying English.

a. on b. in c. to d. at

9/ They are talking about the celebration --- is going to held at the end of the month.

a. whom b. which c.who d.where

10/ Ninety percent of --- occur around the Pacific Rim

a. tidal waves b. typhoons c. tornadoes d.earthquake
11/ A huge tidal wave traveled from Alaska to California

---a. in 1991 b.in 1995 c. in 1960s d. in 1981

12/ The explorer --- discovered America is Christopher Columbus

a. whose b. whom c. who d.which

<i><b>Question 5: Read the passage carefully, then say whether these statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE</b></i>
<i><b>(F) (1,5 pts):</b></i>

In 1973, a 75 tonne space station called Skylap was lauched by the USA. Three crews
of three astroasts were sent to Skylap, but at the end of 1974, it was abandoned. Skylap stayed
in space until 1979. Then it fell out of its orbit and headed towards the Earth. A lot of space
station burnt up when it entered the atmosphere. But not all of it was destroyed. Large pieces
were scattered across the Indian Ocean. Autralia was hit by some fragments. Forturnately,
nobody was hurt. A lot of pieces were found by Autralian farmers. Some pieces were sold for
very high prices.

1/ The USA lauched Skylap in 1973

2/ Three astroasts were sent to Skylap in 1974

3/ When the space station entered the atmosphere, it often bur nt up
4/ Many people were hurt by the fragments

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6/ The fragments of the space station were valuable

<i><b>Question 6: Fill in the blank with one suitable word from the list below, completing the meaning of </b></i>

<i><b>the passage (1,5 pts)</b></i>

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the (1) was blue and the weather was
perfect. Lan was (2) playing with her dog, Skippy. All of sudden, the dog began behaving
strangely. She kept running around in circles. Lan ran home to tell her mother what Skippy
was doing. Lan’s mother (3) Lan that she heard on TV that there was a typhoon coming. Mrs
Quyen (4) her family and told them to find shelter in the home. The storm came with strong
(5) and heavy rain. Mrs Quyen and her family were scared, (6) soon the storm finished and
everyone was glad.

 WORDS: earthquake, and, told, with, gathered, wave, wind, sky, but, ouside
<i><b>Question 7: Write a letter: use the following cues: (2,5 pts)</b></i>

Dear Hoa,

Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party………
1/ I/ afraid/ not be able to/ come

2/ I/ have/ many exercises/ do/ this week
3/ I/ wish/ I/ can/ go/ party

4/ If/ I/ be there/ all of us/ have/ good time
5/ I/ hope/ your party/ a success.


