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<b>Name : ………. </b>
<b>Allotted time : 45 minutes</b>

<b>Marks : </b> <b>Teacher’s remark :</b>

I . Listen (2,5ms)

<b>A .Choose the correct answer : (2ms)</b>

1. How old is Nam? ………..

a. 12 b. 13 c. 14

2. His favorite subject is………..

a. Music b. History c. English

3. His English teacher is from ...

a. Lon Don b. Ha Noi c. New York

4. She is thin and ……….

a. tall b. beautiful c. light

B . Answer the questions : ( 0,5m)
1. Is she British ?


2. How many days a week does Nam usually go to school ?


II . Choose the best option to complete each sentence : (2,5ms)
1. Phanxipang is ……… mountain in Viet Nam

a. high b. highest c. the highest

2.Mai is a ……….. She teaches in a high school

a. farmer b. teacher c. nurse

3. Let’s ………. camping

a. go b. going c. to go

4. The weather is often hot ……… the summer .

a. on b. at c. in

5. John is from the USA. He speaks ……….

a. English b. Chinese c. Japanese

6. There aren’t ……… apples on the table .

a. some b. any c. an

7. ……… are you going to stay ? For a week.

a. How b. How long c. What

8. HCM city is ………. than Ha Noi .

a. big b. the biggest c. bigger

9. Lan ……… volleyball now .

a. play b. to play c. is playing

10. How ……… is the Great Wall? It’s over 9 meters thick

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<b>III Read the passage (2,5ms):</b>

Hello ! My name is Minh. I live in a small house . It’s near the sea . My school is
opposite my house . So I always walk to school . I go to school six times a week .
There is also a river near my house . But I usually go swimming and play soccer
on the beach after school .


<b> Choose T(True ) or F (False): (2ms ) </b>
<b>1. Minh lives in a small house . ___</b>
2. His house is opposite the school .___
3 He always goes to school by bike ___
4. He goes to school five times a week___
<b>B. Answer the questions (0,5m)</b>

<b>1. Is there a river near his house?</b>

2. What does he do after school ?


<b>IV . Rewrite a postcard to Nhan from Minh based on this postcard: Using</b>
<b>the words in the box : (2,5ms)</b>

<i>1:Ha Noi , 2:cool and cold , 3: minibus , 4: beautiful ,5: Ngoc Son temple </i>

6 July

<i>Dear Minh</i><b>,</b>

I’m on vacation in Lon Don . The weather is cool and wet .
I’m traveling by bus and visiting a lot of interesting places .
Tomorrow , I’m going to visit the Tower of Lon Don.


13 July

<i>Dear Nhan</i><b>,</b>

I’m on vacation in




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<b>Đáp Án</b>
<b>I . Listening (2,5pts)</b>

1 b , 2 c , 3 a , 4 b <b>(each sentence 0,5m)</b>

B . 1. Yes , she is( 0,25m) 2. There are 5 days a week0,25m)
<b>II Language focus : (2,5pts) (each sentence 0,25m)</b>

1. c, 2b ,3a, 4c , 5a , 6b , 7b , 8c , 9c , 10 a
<b>III . Read (2,5pts)</b>

A .1T , 2T , 3 F , 4F(each sentence 0,5m)

B. 1. Yes , there is ( 0,25m) 2. He usually goes swimming and plays soccer on
the beach after school . ( 0,25m)

<b>IV Write (2,5pts)</b>

Lon Don = Ha Noi ( 0,5m); wet = cold( 0,5m) ; bus = minibus ( 0,5m);

interesting = beautiful ( 0,5m); the Tower of Lon Don = Ngoc Son Temple (


Hi ! My name is Nam . I’m 13 years old . I go to Quang Trung school . I have
many subjects at school but English is my favorite subject . I like Math , too .My
English teacher is from Lon Don . She is British . She is thin and beautiful . I like
her a lot . I usually go to school from Monday to Friday . That’s five days a
week .



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