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unit 8 english 10

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<b>TEST FOR UNIT 8</b>


<b>A. Choose the word that has the underlined (letters) pronounced differently from the others.</b>
1. a. famous b. nervous c. dangerous <b>d. mountain</b>

2. a. town b. cow <b>c. snow </b> d. brown
3. a. spread <b>b. disease</b> c. health d. pleasure
4. a. flood b. good c. foot d. look
5. a. crop b. export c. shortage d. resort
6. A. cloud B. found <b>C. would</b> D. around
7. A. town <b>B. bowl</b> C. how D. cow
8. A. phone B. collect C. together D. provide
9. A. group B. couch C. mouse D. house
10. A. coat <b>B. knot</b> C. close D. bowl

<b>B. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.</b>
1. a. community <b>b. villagers</b> c. diseases d. important

2. a. electricity b. instead c. decided d. enclose
3. a. shortage b. product <b>c. technology</b> d. manage
4. a. resurface b. knowledge c. technical d. export
5. a. suburb <b>b. entertainment c. medical</b> d. atmosphere
6. A. technical <b>B. introduce</b> C. villager D. family
7. A. technology B. important <b>C. popularity</b> D. impossible
8. A. result B. hardly C. method D. farmer
9. A. medical B. knowledge C. possible <b>D. resurface</b>
10. A. children B. farmer <b>C. affect</b> D. village

<b>Choose the one word or phrase - b, c or d - that best completes the sentence or subtitutes for the </b>

<b>underlined word or phrase.</b>

1. The recent heavy rains have helped to ease the water ...

a. supply b. poverty c. plenty <b>d. shortage</b>
2. I wanted to work somewhere where I could serve the ...

a. village <b>b. community</b> c. town d. country
3. They tried to find a way of bettering their lives.

a. moving b. changing c. achieving <b>d. improving</b>
4. He came in tired and hungry and badly ... need of a bath.

a. for b. to c. on <b>d. in</b>

5. Last year we had a bumper crop of strawberries.

<b>a. large crop</b> b. poor crop c. early crop d. record crop
6. I don't like quizzes because my general ...is so poor.

a. appearance b. memory <b>c. knowledge</b> d. thinking
7. The house had been...three apartments.

a. turned in b. put in c. pulled down d. turned into
8. I'll speak to her as soon as she comes out of the meeting.

a. goes to b. appears <b>c. leaves</b> d. attends
9. Most of the roads in the city have been ...recently.

a. replaced b. resurfaced c. removed d. returned

10. Is all this technology making our... simpler?

a. life b. life’s c. livings <b>d. lives</b>

<b>III. GRAMMAR</b>:

A. <b>Choose the best option:</b>

1. If I... the bus this afternoon, I'll get a taxi instead.

<b>a. miss</b> b. will miss c. missed d. had missed

2. We'll have to go without John if he... soon.

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a. do you cut <b>b. will you cut</b> c. are you cutting d. don't you cut
4. If you want to see clearly, you ...your glass.

a. wear b. will wear c. would wear d. must wear
5. Get me a glass of lemonade if you...to the kitchen.

<b>a. go</b> b. will go c. have gone d. went

6. When I was little, my father gave me some advice. He said ...to the strangers.
<b>a. I shouldn't talk </b> b. that shouldn't talk

c. don't talk d. that I don't talk
7. She ...her holiday in Finland.

a. said me about b. told about c. said about <b>d. told me about</b>
8. 'I'm taking my driving test tomorrow.'

When I saw Rachel, she said...
<b>a. she was taking her driving test the next day.</b>
b. she is taking her driving test the following day.
c. I was taking my driving test tomorrow.

d. she was taking the driving test tomorrow.
9. 'You look beautiful in that dress.

' Last night she told me ……….

a. you look beautiful in that dress. c. I'll look beautiful in this dress
b. you looked beautiful in that dress. <b>d. I looked beautiful in that dress.</b>
<b>10. 'Today is the happiest day of my life.'</b>

<b>At the reception last night, the groom said...</b>
<b>a.today was the happiest day of his life.</b>

<b>b.that day was the happiest day of my life.</b>
<b>c.</b>yesterday was the happiest day of his life.
<b>d.today is the happiest day of his life.</b>

<b>B. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets.</b>

1. What you (do)……….. if you have a lot of money. WHAT WILL YOU DO……
2. If he (eat) ……… all that, he will be ill. EATS

3. She can do better if she (try)………. TRIES

4. If she (leave) ……… the fish there the cat will get it. LEAVES

5. You'll get pneumonia if you (not change) ………….your wet clothes. DON’T CHANGE
6. What (happen)If I press the red button? WHAT WILL HAPPEN…

7. If he (ask) me, I’ll be ready to help him. ASKS

8. He will feel disturbed if you (ask) him when he is busy. ASK
9. If I (lose) my license, I shall lose my job. LOSE

10. If I make a promise, I (keep) it. WILL KEEP
11.If I (have) enough money, I will buy a new skateboard HAVE

<b>C. Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the sentence to be </b>

1. If I have to fly, I would get very nervous, so I usually drive.

A B <b>C</b> D

2. Two days ago, the weather forecaster warned us that a tornado is coming.

A B C <b>D</b>

3. I asked Sean how to pronounce his name ?


4. The teacher said the class that hot air rises and cold air sinks.

<b>A</b> B C D

5. At the interview they asked me when can you start work.

A B <b>C</b> D

6. If I will have to make a difficult decision, I always discuss it with my friends.

A <b>B</b> C D

7. Unless we work harder, we will finish on time.

A B <b>C </b> D

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A B C <b>D</b>
9. She wanted to know whether I have seen Paul recently.

A B <b>C</b> D

10. The house was enough comfortable bill not luxurious.

A <b>B</b> C D

<b>IV. WRITING: Turn each direct speech statement into indirect speech with tense changes.</b>

1. 'I knew nothing about the problem?

She protested _______________________________________________
2. 'Oh, I'm too hot.'

He moaned __________________________________________________________

3. I've never worked so hard before.'

Our decorator remarked _________________________________________________

4. 'I like your coat, I'm looking for one like that myself.'

She told me _____________________________________________________________

5. 'Careful! You'll fall through the ice.'

I warned him ___________________________________________________________

6. 'You must be home by 9 o'clock.'

She said _________________________________________________________________

7. 'John left here an hour ago.'

She told me _____________________________________________________________

8. 'I easily beat everyone else in the race.'

He boasted ______________________________________________________________

9. 'I've been spending a lot more time with my children.'

He mentioned ___________________________________________________________

10. `Jim's arriving at our house tomorrow.'

She told me_______________________________________________________________


1. She protested she had known nothing about the problem.
2. He moaned he was too hot.

3. Our decorator remarked he had never worked so hard before.

4. She told me she liked my coat and she was looking for one like it herself.
5. I warned him he would fall through the ice.

6. She said I must/ had to be home by 9 o’clock.
7. She told me John had left there an hour before.

8. He boasted he had easily beaten everyone else in the race.

9. He mentioned he had been spending a lot more time with hs children.

10. She told me that Jim was ariving at their house the next day/ the following day.
<b>V. SPEAKING:</b>

<b>Choose the best phrase or sentence - a, b, c or d - that best completes the conversation.</b>
A: Excuse me .., excuse me, please?

B: (1)________________________

A: Urn, I'm ... I'm a visitor here. And I want to go to the bank. (2) __________________
B: Yes. The nearest one is in Robson Street, Do you know-Robson Street?

A: I'm afraid I don't. (3)____________________

B: Well, you walk down Howe Street as far as the first traffic lights. Then turn right and the bank is at the end of
the street on the right. In fact it's on the corner of Robson and Burrard.

A: I see. (4)__________________

B: That's it. (5)____________. It's Midland Bank.

1. a. Here I am. <b>b. Yes?</b> c. Am I? d. Me?
2. a. Where is the bank? b. Do you know any bank?

c. There is a bank near here, isn't there? <b>d. Is there a bank near here?</b>
3. a. Where is Robson Street? <b>b. How do I get to Robson Street?</b>

c. But I'm trying to find it. d. Where can I find it?

4. a. Walk down and turn right at the first traffic lights into Howe Street and it's at the end of the street on the

b. . It's on the Robson Street, opposite Burrard Street.

<b>c. Walk down Howe Street, turn rig<sub>ht at the traffic lights into Robson Street and it's at the end of </sub></b>

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d. Walk down as far as the traffic lights and turn right into Howe Street. The bank is on the rig<sub>ht of the street.</sub>

5. <b>a. You can't miss it</b> b. Right here

c. It's very easy d. You can remember it

<b>VI READING</b>: Choose the correct answer - a, b, c, or d.

Last week I made the mistake of visiting the village where I grew up. It was a small, friendly community
with two farms and a number of old cottages round the village green. I realized very quickly that although in
many ways it appears unchanged, in reality hardly anything is the same. All the pretty cottages are there, of
course, and both the picturesque farmhouses. But none of the inhabitants are country people. All of them are
commuters, who leave early every morning for the nearby town. Neither of the farmhouses is attached to a farm
these days; the land has been sold and is managed by somebody in an office somewhere who has little interest in
the village itself There are a few new houses, but they have no local character; you can see the same style
anywhere in the country. The whole of the village, in fact, has been tidied up so much that it has become nothing
more than just another suburb.

1.The writer_______________

a. like living in a farmhouse. b. used to live in a cottage.
<b>c. grew up in a small rural community.</b> d. came back from the village.
2. When he revisited his village, he quickly realized that

a. the village changed a lot in appearance.
<b>b. everything has almost changed </b>

c. all the pretty cottages as well as the farmhouses have been rebuilt.
d. the residents of the village are all commuters.

3. Neither of the farmhouses___________________

<b>a. has a connection with a farm. b. has been sold.</b>

c. is attached to the farmers, d. is managed by the commuters.

4. According to the writer,______________

a. the village now has no local character.
b. all the new houses are the same style.
c. the village is more tidy than it used to.

<b>d. the village has become nothing but a suburb.</b>
5. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

<b>a. The writer has visited the village several times before.</b>
b. The writer revisited his village last week.

c. The village has undergone significant changes.
d. The village nowadays has become another suburb.

destroyed buildings park
peaceful south widened

1. Popffero used to be a small quiet town on the ………1………coast of England.
2. They’ve completely …………2……….its old atmosphere

3. The narrow streets have been ………3………and resurfaced.

4. The large area of the grass land in the suburbs of the town has been turned into an ugly car………4……… .



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