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test 45 lan 2

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<b>Period : 25 </b>

<b>Classes : 11 A2, A3, A4</b>

<b>Date of teaching : 04 / 11 / 2007</b>
<b>Date of preparation: 05 / 11 / 2007</b>

<b>Teaching item : Test 45 minutes</b>
<b>1- Aims and objectives:</b>

* To help students review all the language and grammatical points that they have learned
from Unit 3,4

1. Verb tenses (the present perfect , the simple past , the past continuous and the past perfect

2. Verb forms (Infinitive, gerund, present participle, perfect gerund , perfect infinitive)
3. Vocabulary related to the topic of Birthday Party and Volunteer Work

4. Pronunciation and Stressed syllables

* To master the students’ understanding and to adjust the way of teaching to help them
improve their knowledge

<b>2- Skills</b>: Reading , Writing, and Listening

<b>3- Method</b>: Communicative approach

<b>4- Techniques</b>: Testing , Multiple choice

<b>5- Teaching aids needed</b>: Sheets of paper

<b>6- Teaching procedures :</b>

1. Stabilization

2. Saying to the students the purpose of this test
3. Delivering the sheets of paper to the students
4. Controlling while the students are doing the test
5. Reminding the students of the time to hand in
6. Collecting the sheets of paper

7. Evaluating the papers and what students have just done.

<b>Name</b> :... <b>THE FIRST 45-MINUTE TEST</b>

<b>Class 11A……</b> <b>GRADE : 11</b>

<b>TEST 45 PHÚT LẦN 2</b>
<b>Đề 1</b>

<b>* Khoanh tròn một phương án A,B,C,D mà em cho là đúng (để hoàn thành các câu sau):</b>

1. Can you please help me ...my unfinished work ?

a). On b). For c). With d). Over
2. I think you should give it up. There is no ...for it.

a). Helpful b). Help c). Helpless d). Helpfully
3. The building is said ...in a fire 10 years ago.

a). To be destroyed b). To destroy

c). To have been destroyed d). To have destroyed
4. They said that they ...cards before the dinner.

a). Were playing b). Have played c). Had played d). Played
5. They ...here for over twenty years.

a). Have been living b). Had lived c). Lived d). Has lived
6. I didn't ask them to help me . They did it ...

a). Volunteer b). Voluntary c). Voluntarily d). Volunteered
7. We should bring ...to the disadvantaged.

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a). To smoke b). Smoke c). Smoking d). Smoked
9. Would you mind ...me for a moment ?

a). To wait b). To have waited c). Waiting d). Having waited
10. During the summer vacation, she did ...work with her friends.

a). Volunteer b). Voluntarily c). Voluntary d). Volunteering
11. It's very important for children to get a good ...

a). Education b). Educational c). Educate d). Educator
12. A: ...!

B: Thank you.

a). What a nice house b). Thanks for coming
c). Please help me with this d). Sorry

13. The children admitted ...the money.

a). To be taken b). Having taken c). To have taken d). To take
14. Chọn một từ có cách phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại

a). L<b>oo</b>k b). G<b>oo</b>d c). F<b>oo</b>t d). Sch<b>oo</b>l
15. Nam: Let's go fishing this afternoon.

Minh : ...

a). Yes, let's b). I don't want c). You may go d). No, let us go
16. He will give a special present ...his close friend on Valentine's Day.

a). From b). For c). To d). With
17. Do you spend a lot of time ...to music ?

a). Listen b). To listen c). To have listened d). Listening
18. Chọn một từ có cách phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại:

a). <b>Wh</b>ale b). <b>W</b>rite c). <b>W</b>alk d). <b>W</b>est
19. Did you see Nam at the party ? No, when I came, he ...home.

a). Had gone b). Went c). Was going d). Would go
20. Tìm một từ có trọng âm đặt sai vị trí so với các từ cịn lại:

a). Informal b). Participate c). Remember d). Baseball

21. Mary wanted ...to a party, but she wasn't.

a). Being invited b). To be invited c). To invite d). Inviting
22. I often take part ...social activities every weekend.

a). In b). For c). Since d). From
23. I think that everyone wants ...

a). To praise b). Having praised c). To have been praised d). To be praised
24. ...off all the lights , she left the house.

a). Turn b). To have turned c). Having turned d). After had turned
25. I ...him since he left Ho Chi Minh City.

a). Haven't met b). Didn't meet c). Won't meet d). Hadn't met
26. When I was passing her house, I saw her ...a book.

a). To read b). Was reading c). Being read d). Reading
27. They like ...to the zoo on Sundays.

a). To take b). Taking c). To be taken d). To be taking
28. Tìm một từ có trọng âm đặt sai vị trí với các từ cịn lại:

a). Donation b). Regularly c). Development d). Require
29. My father gave ...smoking three years ago.

a). For b). In c). Of d). Up
30. The accident seems ...at three yesterday afternoon.

a). Happening b). Having happened c). To have happened d). To be happened

<b>* Đọc hiểu đoạn văn sau và chọn một câu trả lời đúng A,B,C,D</b>

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over-cooked and ruined by then. When you are invited to someone’s home for a meal, it is polite to
bring a small gift. Flowers or candy are always appropriate. If you have an attractive thing made in
your native country, your host or hostess will certainly enjoy receiving that gift. What will you do if
you are served some food that you can’t eat or you do not like ? Do not make a fuss about it. Simply
eat what you can and hope that no one notices it. Be sure to compliment the cook on the food that you
are enjoying. Do not leave immediately after dinner, but do not overstay your welcome , either. The
next day, call or write a thank-you note to say how much you enjoyed the evening.

31. When an American invites you to have dinner at his home ……….
A. you needn’t arrive on time.

B. you should arrive late to show that you are polite
C. you should arrive on time

D. you should arrive early to help the host

32. When you come to someone’s house for a meal ……….
A. don’t bring anything with you

B. take some food or drink
C. don’t care about gifts

D. bring some flowers , candy or something made in your native country
33. If you are served some food that you can’t eat ………

A. immediately tell the host about it
B. do not make a fuss about it

C. ask for another dish

D. apologize for being unable to eat
34. After dinner, ……….

A. do not leave immediately or do not overstay your welcome
B. leave immediately

C. stay there until bed-time

D. do not say anything about the cook.
35. The next day ……….

A. you needn’t say thank you

B. remember to thank to the host for dinner
C. say nothing to the host

D. invite the host to your house

<b>* Writing: (2 marks)</b>

Imagine you are the Chairman of Cat Minh Commune, you have just received a donation of $1,000
from one of the local organizations to build a kindergarten . Write a letter to acknowledge the receipt
of the donation and express your gratitude.

<b>* Listening (1 mark)</b>

Listen carefully and fill in each blank with a suitable word:

<b>Just write numbers (1,3,5,7,9)</b>

The six-month-old photographic …(1)<sub>……, which comprises …</sub>(2)<sub>…… deaf, mute or mentally retarded …</sub>(3)<sub>……,</sub>

is now having its first exhibition in …(4)<sub>……..</sub>

More than …(5)<sub>……. color photos are on display at the exhibition ……</sub>(6)<sub>…. featuring the beauty of daily life</sub>

…(7)<sub>….. through the eyes of the ……</sub>(8)<sub>….. children. The subjects are …</sub>(9)<sub>……. and peaceful : old men ……</sub>(10)<sub>…..</sub>

books on the sides of Hoan Kiem Lake, …(11)<sub>……… hard at work, or …</sub>(12)<sub>….. looking for food.</sub>

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<b>Khởi tạo từ chương trình Trắc nghiệm trên máy vi tính.</b>

<b>Ðáp án </b>đ<b>ề số : 1</b>

= = = = = = = = = =

<b>* Vocabulary and grammar (7 marks)</b>

Caâu : 01. With
Caâu : 02. Help

Caâu : 03. To have been destroyed
Caâu : 04. Had played

Caâu : 05. Have been living
Caâu : 06. Voluntarily
Caâu : 07. Happiness
Caâu : 08. To smoke

Caâu : 09. Waiting
Caâu : 10. Voluntary
Caâu : 11. Education

Caâu : 12. What a nice house
Caâu : 13. Having taken
Caâu : 14. School
Caâu : 15. Yes, let's
Caâu : 16. To
Caâu : 17. Listening
Caâu : 18. Write
Caâu : 19. Had gone
Caâu : 20. Baseball
Caâu : 21. To be invited
Caâu : 22. In

Caâu : 23. To be praised
Caâu : 24. Having turned
Caâu : 25. Haven't met
Caâu : 26. Reading
Caâu : 27. To be taken
Caâu : 28. Regularly
Caâu : 29. Up

Caâu : 30. To have happened

Caâu : 31. C. you should arrive on time

Caâu : 32. D. bring some flowers , candy or something made in your native country
Caâu : 33. B. do not make a fuss about it

Caâu : 34. A. do not leave immediately or do not overstay your welcome
Caâu : 35. B. remember to thank to the host for dinner

<b>* Writing: (2 marks)</b>

+ Học sinh viết được và đúng địa chỉ và ngày tháng viết lá thư đạt 0,2 m
+ Học sinh viết được và đúng phần mở đầu lá thư đạt 0,2

+ Học sinh viết được và đúng nội dung của lá thư đạt 1 m
+ Học sinh viết được và đúng phần kết thúc thư đạt 0,2 m
+ Học sinh viết được và đúng phần chữ ký đạt 0,2 m

+ Học sinh trình bày bài viết sạch sẽ và đúng chuẩn ù của lá thư đạt 0,2 m

<b>* Listening (1 mark)</b>

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