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Viet lai cau Tieng AnhSentence Transformation

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<b>Sentence Transformation</b>

Classic Sentences

*Simon hadn’t expected that he would feel so weak after the operation.

The operation left Simon feeling weaker than he had expected.…

*People no longer smoke so many cigarettes as they used to.

The smoking of cigarettes is no longer popular as it used to be.

*We’ve been thinking of the matter over and over and have finally come to an decision.

We’ve given the matter a lot of thoughts.

*I can remember an equally mysterious incident.

I can remember an incident just as mysterious as this.

*Mosquitoes cause malaria and this is well known.

That’s mosquitoes cause malaria is well known.

*We were no more surprised than Jane.

We were all surprised.

*There was no precedent for the King’s resignation.

Never before had a/any/the King resigned.

*A house in that district will cost you at least $100.000.

You won’t be able to buy a house in that district for less than $100.000.

*Alan worked too hard at the office, and this led to his illness.

Alan’s illness was the result of his hard working.

*We must continue our efforts, whether there are problems or not.

Regardless of whatever problems, we must continue our efforts.

*In the event of nuclear weapons being used, we are all doomed.

If it should happen that nuclear weapons are used, we are all doomed.

*The lecture bore me to tears.

I am very bored with this lecture.

*That rumour about the politician and the construction contract is absolutely false.

There is an absolute false / no truth in that rumour about the politician and the contract.

*How could I help, except to offer to lend her some money.

Other than to offer to lend her some money, how could I help.

*The government grants will be cut to postgraduate research students, aren’t they.

Government grants will be cut to postgraduate research students.

Compiled & Corrected by

Mr.NguyÔn TuÊn Anh

*I am terribly sorry I thought you were a friend of Anna’s.

I took you for a friend of Anna’s.

*There weren’t nearly as many people there as I had expected.

There were far fewer people than I had expected.

*They had to wait for 12 hours before their flight left.

Only after a 12 hour wait did their flight leave.

*They were just as good as we had expected.

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*Storm grows over long hair in school.

Parents and pupils are protesting against the headmaster the decision to send pupils with long
hair home.

*She didn’t inherit anything under her uncle’s will.

Her uncle didn’t leave her anything in his will.

* “That’s a lovely new dress, Jean” said his mother.

Jean’s mother complimented her on her lovely new dress.

*We couldn’t find George anywhere.

George was nowhere to be found/impossible to find.

*Customs officials are stopping more travellers than usual this week.

An increased number of travellers are being stopped by customs officials this week.

*My boyfriend is very short tempered.

My boyfriend loses his temper very easily.

*Although he was not guilty they executed him.

In spite of being innocent / his innocence / not being guilty,he was executed.

*We may not be able to give the concert.

The concert may have to be cancelled.

*The chances are a hundred to one against you.

It’s most difficult for you to get the chances.

*My protests were ignored.

Nobody took notice of my protests.

*The instructions say you just add boiling water to the soup powder.

The soup powder just needs boiling water added to it according to the instruction.

*Are they likely to past Proficiency.

Is there any likelihood / possibility of their passing Proficiency.

*Nobody is more anxious to help you than your mother.

Compiled & Corrected by

Mr.NguyÔn TuÊn Anh

Your mother is more anxious to help you than anybody.

*The Presidental visit attracted such an enermous crowd that all traffic came to a standstill.

So many people turned out to see the president so that all traffic came to a standstill.

*It took a long time for them to decide to get married.

They eventually decided to get married / decided to get married after a long time.

*I thought it would be better than that.

It’s not as good as I had thought.

*David is a friend of his.He was getting worried too.

Being a friend of his, David was getting worried too.

*It’s time someone woke up him.

He is at the right time to be woken up.

*As he rose to speak, the crowd began cheering .

The cheering from the crowd began as he rose to speak.

*It’s your duty to obey orders.

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*There is someone at the door.Perhaps it’s Peter.

It might be Peter at the door.

*She has two children.

She is a woman of two children.

*I’m sorry.I didn’t break the vase.

It wasn’t me that broke the vase.

*It’s unusual for Ann to get angry with her husband.

Ann hardly ever loses her temper with her husband.

*There is no milk left.

We have run out of mil k.

*This is his first visit to England.

He is the man visiting England for the first time.

*He came to visit me.He brought his cousin with him.

He came to visit me bringing his cousin.

*The unemployment rate has risen slowly over the last six months.

There has been a slow rise in the unemployment rate over tha last six months.
*His behaviour annoyed me.

I found her his behaviour annoying.

Compiled & Corrected by

Mr.NguyÔn TuÊn Anh

*During the history period, the pupils were listening to the teacher attentively.

While the pupils were learning, they were listening to the teacher attentively.
*I was impressed by the performance of that young singer.

The performance of that young singer made an impression on me.

*Nothing but a full bonus would satisfy the employees.

The employees insisted on being given a full bonus.

*I were never shown how to operate that machine.

At no time was I ever shown how to operate that machine.

*We have no definite plans to go away.

We are not definitely planning to go away.

*I had to finish the accounts and write several letters as well.

I had to finish the accounts in addition to writing several letters as well.

*Everyone was exhausted aparted from Shally.

With the exception of Shally, everyone was exhausted.

*She liked Paris very little, and Rome less.

She thought Rome was even worse than Paris.

*This pudding can be cooked in its tin.

You don’t have to take this pudding out of iss tin to cook.

*Temperature is measured by a thermometer.

A thermometer is something which is used for measuring temperature.

*I’d like to visit India more than any other country in the world.

India is the country I’d like to visit most.

*“When is the first day of your holiday, Peter?” Martha asked.

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*He never has enoug money.

He’s always short of money/hard up/broke.

*I don’t know anything about aeronautics.

I am utterl/totally ignorant of aeronautics.

*The students’ riotous(ån µo, hỗn loạn) behaviour should have been severely punished.

The students deserved(xug dag) severe punishment/to be severely punished for their riotous

*The chances are that the whole thing will have been forgotten by next term.

In all probability/likelihood the whole thing will have been forgotten.

Compiled & Corrected by

Mr.NguyÔn TuÊn Anh

*I’m sure he took your briefcase by mistake.

I’m sure he didn’t take your briefcase deliberately(có tính toán, chủ tâm).

*You pay $20 a month for a period of one year.

You pay in twelve successive(liªn tục, kế tiếp) monthly instalment(phần trả mỗi lần).

*The truth only came out on the publication of the general’s personal diaries.

Only when the general’s personal diaries were published did the truth come out.
*Oil was slowly coating(phñ, bäc) the edbe of the shore.

The edge of the shore was becoming coated with oil.

*My boyfriend is very short-tempered.

My boyfriend loses his temper very easily.

*The house seemed to have been unoccupied for several months.

It looked as though the house had been unoccupied for several months.

*The new machines have put an end to queuing.

Before these machines were invented people had to queue(xÕp hµng).

*He was so tired he felt asleep before the end of the film.

He was too tired to stay awake until the end of the film.
The fate(sè phËn) of the two climbers is unknown.

It is a mystery as to what (has) happended to the two climbers.

*If she hadn’t insisted on kissing everyone goodbye she would have caught the train.

If it hadn’t been for her insistence/insisting on kissing everyone goodbye.

*My parents find fault with everything I do.

No matter what I do, my parents find fault with me.

*I am absolutely sure he took the money on purpose.

He couldn’t possibly have taken the money by mistake.

*Winning the crossword competition made him extremely happy.

He was absolutely thrilled/delighted to have won the crossword competition.
*Thanks to his aunt’s legacy of $10.000 he was able to buy the house he wanted.

Had his aunt no died and left/given him a legacy of $10.000, he would not have been able to buy.

*It’s nobody fault that the meeting was cancelled.

Nobody is to blame / responsible for the fact that the meeting was cancelled.

*I don’t enjoy cooking for 5 hungry children.

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*He was suspended from two matches for swearing at the refree.

Swearing at the refree earned him two match suspensions/a suspension for two matches.

Compiled & Corrected by

Mr.NguyÔn TuÊn Anh

*It was more of an argument than a discussion.

It was no so much discussion as an argument.

*I write to him almost every day.

Hardly a day passes/goes by without my writing to him/when I don’t write to him.

*Mary told the police about the burglary.

Mary reported the burglary to the police.

*It was the goal keeper who saved the math for us.

If it hadn’t been for the goal keeper, we could have lost the match.

*This affair does not concern you.

This affair is no concern of yours(business).

*You must submit articles for the magazine by June 18th<sub> .</sub>
The final date fo the submission of the articles is June 18th<sub>.</sub>

*What a surprise to see you here!.

Facy seeing you here.

*Alice and Charles did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of their second

Only when Alice and Charles had had their second child did they decide to move to a bigger

*You’re under no oligation to accept their offer.

You can please yourself about/as to whether you accept their offer or not.

*Martin may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life.

Martin;s poor health doesn’t stop/prevent him from enjoying life.

*The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect.

But for his command at the local dialect we would have been jailed/thrown/put into prison.

*I am amazed by the mistakes he makes.

What amazes me is his mistakes.

*She listen more sympathetically than anyone I know.

She is a more sympathetic listener/person who listens more sympathetically.

*The hurricane blew the roof off the house.

The house had its roof blown off by/as a result of the hurricane.

*You’ll certainly meet lots of people in your new job.

You are certain/bound/sure to meet lots of people in your new job.

Compiled & Corrected by

Mr.NguyÔn TuÊn Anh

*I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the meeting.

Rather disturb the meeting I left without saying goodbye.

*How have you been getting on with your enquiries?

How much progress have you made with your enquiries?

*The number of accidents occuring at this dangerous junction so far this year is now as high as 7.

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*Alicia really must attend the dress rehearsal.

It is crucial that Alicia should attend the dress rehearsal.

*They estimated the price, including all the costs.

Taking all the costs into account, they estimated the price.

*It seems as if there is a slight deterioration(h hỏng, trở nên xấu hơn) in his physiscal condition.

His physical condition seems to be deteriorating slightly.

*The restoration of communications and essential services is of prime importance for the council.

The first priority(u thÕ) for the council is the restoration of communications.

*Alternative medicine is a complete mystery to some people.

Some people are completely mystified by alternative medicine.

*It is difficult to know what one’s reaction would have been in such a situation.

If I had been in such a situation, it’s difficult to know what I would have done.

*The children are in disgrace(ghÐt bá) for being so badly behaved.

The children are under a cloud because of their bad behaviour.

*Truding through malaria-infested swamps demanded tremendous strength of character.

It took tramendous strength of character to trudge through through malaria-infested swamps.

*You don’t understand Spaniards just because you can find a pension in Spain!

Being able to find a pension in Spain doesn’t mean that you can understand Spaniards.

*The boy wasn’t allowed to have any friends, so he became an introvert(sèng néi t©m).

Deprived(thiÕu thèn) of friends, the boy became an introvert.

*She planned to visit her boss in hospital anyway.

All the same, she planned to visit her boss in hospital.

*Just as she put the phone down, it rang again.

Scarely had she put the phone down when it rang again.

*Public borrowing hasn’t been so high.

Seldom has public borrowing been so high.

Compiled & Corrected by

Mr.NguyÔn TuÊn Anh

*Local volunteers tried to avert(ngăn ngừa) the catastrophe(tai ơng, but failed.

In vain did local volunteers try to avert the catastrophe.

*It was his lack of confidence that surprised me.

What I found surprising was his lack of confidence.

*I didn’t know why people are attracted to spending all day on the beach.

I can’t see the attraction of spending all day on the beach.

*The cost of living has got higher.

How much higher the cost of living has got!

*That dress has only the slightest mark on it.

I can barely see/make out/distinguish a/any mark on that dress.

*The fisherman’s life was one of great poverty.

Throughout his life, the fisherman was very poor.

*Yogurt is supposed to be good for you.

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*Mrs.Scott is proud of her cooking.

Mrs.Scott prides herself on her cooking.

* “Please don’t drive so fast” Ann begged her boyfriend.

Ann pleaded with her boyfriend not to drive so fast.

*People who haven’t been abroad shouldn’t criticise foreign customs.

Nobody who has not/never been abroad should criticise foreign customs.
*He will settle down.Then his perfomance will improve.

Once he settles down/has settled down, his performance will improve.

*Under no circumstances should you phone the police.

The last thing you shoud/ must do is to contact/ phone the police.

*The people who were there didn’t notice anything unusual.

Noone there noticed anything unusual.

*He never has enough money.

He’s always short of money/ hard up/ broke.

*It was more of an argument than a discussion.

It was not so much a discussion as an argument.

*Although the play received good notices, not many people went to see it.

Despite the play’s good notices/ the good notices the play received, not many people went to see

*Gary couldn’t remember where he had put his wallet.(Able)

Compiled & Corrected by

Mr.NguyÔn TuÊn Anh

Gary was not able to remember where he had put his wallet.
*You must have experience in order to get the job.(Be)

You must be experienced in order to get the job.

*He’s travelled a lot by air, but he still gets nervous when the aircraft takes off.(Make)

Although he travelled a lot by air, take offs still make him nervous.

*Everyone agrees that Nick is more talkative than his brother.(Of)

Everyone agrees that Nick is the more talkative of the two borothers.

*I thought that both novels were boring at the beginning.(Neither)

I thought that neither novel was interesting at the beginning.

*Wasn’t she wearing a beautiful dress!(Such)

She was wearing such a beautiful dress!
*The plane takes off in half an hour.(Due to)

The plane is due to take off in half an hour.

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*You can eat as much as you like for $3 at the new lunch bar.

There is no,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.
*She admitted that she took the necklace.


