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So sanh ngang bang

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<b>C R O S S W O R D</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<b>Each team in turn has chance to choose the </b>

<b>cross word in random. Giving one correct answer, </b>

<b>the team will get mark 20; if not, another team with </b>

<b>the correct answer will get mark 10.</b>

<b>The team who guesses the down word </b>

<b>correctly before choosing the 4th cross word will get </b>

<b>mark 60; if it is wrong, the team will have to stop the </b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<b>C I N E M A</b>














<b> C O M P U T E R</b>

<b> N E W Y O R K</b>

<b> I L L I T E R A T E</b>

<b> N E W T O N</b>

<b> B I G B E N</b>

<b> W O R L D C U P</b>

<b>M O N K E Y</b>

<b>H O C H I M I N H </b>












<b> L O Y A L T Y</b>

<b>E N G L A N D</b>

<b>B L I N D</b>














<b>1. This is a place where we can see films</b>

<b>2. A country which is still ruled by a </b>


<b>3. This is a device which is used to get information.</b>

<b>5. He is an….man who doesn’t know how </b>

<b><sub>4. Where is the Statue of Liberty in America?</sub></b>

<b>to read and write.</b>

<b>6. What do you call a person who cannot see?</b>

<b>7. He was an English physicist who invented the theory of gravity.</b>

<b>9. It is an international football tournament </b>

<b><sub>held every four years.</sub></b>

8. This is a clock which gives G.M.T.

<b>10. He is one of the Leaders of Vietnam Revolution. He </b>

<b>is famous for his poems: “The diary in prison”.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<b> Nguyen Ngoc Ky was born in </b>
<b>1947. When he was 4 years old, after a </b>
<b>fever, he paralyzed both hands. During his </b>
<b>childhood, Ngoc Ky simmered just a </b>
<b>dream that was only going to school like </b>
<b>other </b> <b>normal </b> <b>children. Refusing </b> <b>to </b>
<b>surrender fate, he learned to write and did </b>
<b>everything in his feet. Overcoming all </b>
<b>difficulties, Nguyen Ngoc Ky, has become </b>

<b>an excellent teacher.</b>



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