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Test for Good Student Grade 7

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Full name: ... <b>TEST REVIEW ENGLISH</b>
90 minutes

Date: ...
Class: ... School: ...

Age: ... Date of birth: ...

<b>I></b> <b>READING: ( 4 marks)</b>

<b>Read this passage carefully:</b>

Like all girls of my age, I too have a pet. It is a white cat. I call my pet Mary. She is clean
and beautiful.

Every evening, Mary and I go out for a walk. Sometimes Mary sits on my shoulders
while I walk. Sometimes she walks behind me.

When we are at home Mary is always near me. If I am busy, Mary doesn’t disturb me.
When I am not busy, however, Mary likes to sit on my lap. Mary is such a good cat that even
the dogs around my house like her.

I am indeed proud of my pet Mary.
<b>Now check True or False: (2 mark)</b>

Senteces True False

1. The writer has a pet and it is a cat
2. The writer is a boy

3. Many girls like having a pet
4. Cat’s writer is Mary

5. The writer is proud of Mary

<b>Now answer the questions: ( 2 mark)</b>

<b>a) What do the writer and her cat do every evening?</b>

 ...
<b>b) Is the cat always near the writer? What does cat’s writer like do when the </b>

<b>writer is not busy?</b>

 ...
<b>c) Which sentences can you see to demonstrate Mary is a good cat?</b>

 ...
<b>d) How is Mary? Describe this cat ?</b>

 ...
<b>II></b> <b>LANGUAGE FORCUS: ( 4 marks)</b>

<b>Choose the best answer: ( 2 marks)</b>
<b>a) She housework everyday.</b>

a) do b) does c) to do d) doing

<b>b) Talking is ways of relaxing at recess.</b>

a) the most common b) the more common

c) commoner d) the commonest

<b>c) Keep silent please! My baby !</b>

a) sleeps b) sleeping

c) is sleeps d) is sleeping

<b>d) * She is keen learning English vocabulary and Grammar. She is </b>
<b>good English</b>

a) on, in b) on, at

b) on, on d) in, at

<b>e) * Mrs. Lien is teaching History. In history we learn about:</b>
a) maps and different countries

b) English vocabulary and Grammar
c) graphs and numbers

d) famous people with their past and present envents.

<b>f) Could you tell me how to to the post office?- Oh, it is the left, </b>
<b> bookstore and movie theater.</b>

a) reach, on, at b) go, on, in

c) reach, on, in d) go, on, between

<b>g) The supermarket is the center of . It is better than market because </b>
<b>there are many shops in it.</b>

a) shopping, selling and buying
b) sleeping, playing and learning
c) singing, acting and drawing
d) eating, drinking and sleeping

<b>h) This test is that test because it have than </b>
<b>that test.</b>

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b) more difficult, more questions
c) difficulter, most questions
d) difficultest, more questions
<b>Use the correct tense: ( 1 mark)</b>

a) A student usually ( have) uniform to wear to school.
b) Mainly girl ( skip) rope in the yard now.

c) Mr. Tan, can your wife ( join) with us tomorrow

d) Hey! Wait for me! Hurry up! We ( miss) that plane!
<b>Change these sentences into Negative or Interrogative: ( 1 mark)</b>

a) Some students are playing soccer on the street.

 ...
 ...

b) My father repaired that computer yesterday

 ...
 ...
c) That gift cost 200000 Vietnamdong.

d) She always sleep later than 10.00 p.m

 ...
 ...
<b>III></b> <b>LISTEN: ( 2 marks)</b>

( student book 7, page 76)

<b>Complete this letter from Tim Jones to Hoa:</b>

My mom works at . She takes care of thre family. Mornings
a week, she works at a . She and other women also cook lunch for
homeless people once a week.

My dad is a . He repairs machines in a . He works day
a week for about hours.



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